What's On JunJuly10

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June/July 2010


What’s On in Fenland · Arts · Crafts · Music · Leisure · Events Fenland

arts Association


Welcome! Welcome to the second issue of ‘What’s On in Fenland’! Our first issue was so well received and we have been delighted at the response. This issue is a real ‘festival special’. There is loads going on all over Fenland in the run up to the summer months. As well as perusing the listings, check out the features on the Wisbech Rock Festival (page 4), the Wisbech Rose Fair and the Cultural Olympiad on page 8 and the Chatteris Historical Festival and March Summer Festival on page 9. We really are spoilt for choice! Don’t forget to have a look at what’s going on over the border on page 14 and browse through the ‘Clubs and Groups’ featured on page 15 - you never know, there may be just the one for you. Fingers crossed for the weather!

Jane Levicki Editor

Congratulations to B. Lovegrove from Manea who won the tickets to the Spitfire Ball in last issue’s competition. The answer to the question ‘What is the name of a famous dance from the 1940’s?’ was ‘A. Jitterbug.’ Thank-you to www.moremuzic.com

‘What’s On’ is produced by Paradigm Publishing in association with Fenland Arts and Fenland District Council. Each issue has a print run of 6,000 and is distributed throughout Fenland in public places such as libraries, museums, Tourist Information Centres, arts places, galleries, community centres, village halls, pubs, leisure centres, hotels, B&Bs and cafes. It is also available to read online at www.paradigmpublishing.co.uk/whatson and at www.fenlandarts.org.uk. To have your event included in the listings pages please contact info@fenlandarts.co.uk. To advertise in ‘What’s On’, please go to www.paradigmpublishing.co.uk/whatson or contact advertising@paradigmpublishing.co.uk or 07590 116383. NEXT ISSUE: AUGUST/SEPTEMBER, DEADLINE JUNE 25TH


Fenland Arts So Where Do the Arts Fit Into the Community? Liz Wright, Chair of Fenland Arts, gives a personal overview. The word “arts” is often misused or misunderstood. Arts cannot be taken in isolation. No longer can we worship solely at the shrine of “High Art”, at expensive performances viewed in hushed awe or exclusive galleries with images only understood by “those in the know”. Art in its widest sense is an essential tool for our everyday life. Art is everywhere, on our screen and our radios when we wake up, in advertising, visual images, in music and the crafting of language. As we take our first meal of the day art lurks on the cereal packets as design, in the crockery we use, in the cutlery. Art eases our everyday life, the music we put on our car radio or ipods lift our spirits as we approach our work day, raises the mundane to the remarkable, the daunting to the possible, helping us to rise to the challenge of daily life. And so it goes on, art is with us all day, in our work, in our leisure, in our household and work places. We seek it out – in the form of moving images, music, books and crafting on a daily basis. Art can also improve lives, the lives of sick people who cannot access every day life but can still enjoy arts, older people where it can help to make sense of old memories and give something to look forward to tomorrow, disadvantaged groups who use art to explore their feelings and come to terms with them and young people to whom it is vital and allows them to explore beyond their usual horizons. Engaging in creative activity can help to improve health, mental health by taking participants to a new place where they can safely work through their emotions and use the activity to express their feelings. Art reduces isolation, it gets people to meet, to work together and to have the satisfaction of creating something tangible, it encourages creative expression, confidence, public speaking and the ability to communicate effectively – essential tools for the work place. That’s why I give up lots of time to work with Fenland Arts. I think it is vital that Fenland residents have the best access to the arts we can give. Can we quantify the effect of arts on a community? I think we can by seeing the reduction in anti-social behaviour, improvement in health and increase in the skill base. But for me, it’s seeing the smiles on people’s faces as they engage with a creative activity that is my reason to continue.

Liz CALLING ALL ‘ARTS’ SESSIONAL WORKERS FENLAND ARTS NEEDS YOU Whether you are an artist, crafter, musician, film maker, dance teacher, musical or theatre director, make up artist or anything else creative please contact Katherine Nightingale at Fenland Arts. We are looking for sessional workers in all areas. Fenland

Contact: info@fenlandarts.org.uk


01354 652769



Wisbech Rock Festival ...... is ready to Rock around the park in Wisbech on Sunday 6 June, with a phenomenal line-up presented to the people of the fens by Wisbech Youth Council in partnership with Wisbech Town Council. The line-up includes The Brink, Hundreds Rode, Awake, Verax, Fuel for the Fire, The Whisky Jax and more. Wisbech Rock Festival is set to stat at 12 noon and there will be live music until 9pm. The front-line sound support is to be provided by Cherry Tree recording studios. KLFM radio will be on site as well and in the run up to the festival Awake have interviews lined up with some of the bands. Fenland District Council have given free use of the park and a further £1,000 grant to supplement to £2,500 contributed by Wisbech Town Council. Wisbech Youth Council would also like to pay tribute to Gray’s amusements who are bringing fairground rides, and most importantly providing a generator to power the music. ‘It’s going to be excellent’, said Stuart Murat, Chairman of Wisbech Youth Council. ‘Last year we had nine bands. They were all really good. This year promises to be even better. We have the park. We have the support. We have the bands. All we need is you!’ The web-site (www.wisbechrockfestival.co.uk) is being constructed by Art & Soul magazine who have also promoted the festival and have booked the bands. For further information please contact Wisbech Town Council on 01945 461333, email wisbechtcerbie@aol.com, www.wisbechtowncouncil.org.uk.

Headway Cambridgeshire Supporting those affected by brain injury Contact: info@headway-cambs.org.uk www.headway-cambs.org.uk We provide specialist day services across Cambridgeshire, Fenland and Peterborough where people with an acquired brain injury can meet others who have experienced similar problems. Our newly extended service at the City Care Centre, Peterborough, now aims to reach those living in the north of the county. Held every Wednesday, clients have the opportunity to take part in cognitive and social activities, as well as have an exercise session under the guidance of our qualified fitness instructor. In addition to our Peterborough day service, our Community Brain Injury Advisor supports individuals and families in the community and runs our Lunch Socials both in Fenland and Peterborough. Why not join us at our Lunch Social at the Stars Pub, 75 The Avenue, March PE15 9PS on the first Wednesday of every month between 12 – 2 pm or at the Halcyon Pub in Atherstone Avenue, Peterborough PE3 9TT, on the first Thursday of every month between 12 – 2 pm. You can get together to enjoy a meal or a drink, meet new people and share experiences and support. For more information on all of our services please contact: Headway Cambridgeshire, Brookfields, Mill Road Cambridge CB1 3DF Tel: 01223 576550


June June Exhibition at Octagon Gallery Paintings by Bruno Palmeri. Octagon Gallery, 5 Market Street, Wisbech, PE13 1EX. 01945 429122. Free Entry. Details available on website www.theoctagongallery.co.uk

Wisbech & Fenland Museum, 1970s Children’s Activities


50p per child. From 10.30am-2.30pm. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult

A Summer’s Evening at Elgood’s Brewery & Gardens


Brewery Tour 6.30pm (optional); garden open from 6.30pm; buffet from 7.15pm. Garden & buffet: Adults £7, children under 16 £3. Brewery tour (incl garden & buffet): £10. Tickets from Sue Beel (01945 584319). Proceeds to Wisbech Tennis Club

Bats & Barn Owls at Welney Wetland Centre. 2nd & 9.30pm – 12midnight. Explore the reserve by night with a Welney warden. Listen to bats hunting around the reserve, explore the night-time visitors to the moth traps. Look for roosting wildlife and nocturnal hunters. £12. Booking essential. Tel. 01353 860711. www.wwt.org.uk/welney


Life Drawing Day with Atelier East


Octavia Hill's Birthplace House. 7-9pm. £6 per session. Places are limited - booking is essential, email info@atelier-esat.co.uk or call 01945 773915

Oasis Challenge Quiz, Oasis Community Centre, Wisbech


Sponsored by the Wisbech Standard. Teams of up to five players. £1 per person, doors open 7pm for 7.30pm Tel: 01945 461524.

Angles Theatre ‘Quiz in the Bar’


Come and join us at his friendly, fun event. Maximum of six people in a team. No age limit, so bring Granny and the kids along as well! Winner’s Prize, Loser’s Spoon, raffle. 7.00 for 7.30pm, £2 per person. www.anglestheatre.co.uk, 01945 474447

Skylark Studios Exhibition, ‘In Triplicate’


5th June to 3rd July. Paintings & Prints by Joy Layton, Skylark Studios, Hannath Road, Tydd Gote, Wisbech, Cambs. PE13 5ND. Gallery Open Weds–Sat 10am–5pm. Tel: 01945 420403, www.skylarkstudios.co.uk

Wisbech Library Exhibition, ‘Wisbech in World War 2’


Open from 11.00am to 3.30pm The manuscript of Great Expectations will also be on view .

Wimblington Cinema showing of ‘UP’


Wimblington Village Hall, 10.30am, tickets £2.50 pay on the door.

Elgood’s Brewery & Garden Special Sunday Opening


Garden and Visitor Centre 10am-4pm. Tel. 01945 583160 www.elgoods-brewery.co.uk

‘Murder, Murder’, Angles Theatre Wisbech Presented by Angles Drama Club. All things gruesome, grizzly and scary come to life when it gets dark. But are they the monsters they are rumoured to be? Our youngest members dislay their wicked sense of humour! 7.30pm. Tickets £6.50 (£5.00). www.anglestheatre.co.uk, 01945 474447

Digital Photography Workshop at Peckover House ‘Going Digital’ workshop for anyone who would like to take better photographs. 10am-4pm, £60 Contact www.goingdigital.co.uk or 07751 745245 for further information


9th 11th


June 11th - March Summer Festival 13th Friday night: Young Bands and new music. Saturday: Festival Parade (starts 12.30pm in City Road Car Park), Gala, Popular Music and dance on Saturday. Sunday: children's activities, Brass Bands, Jazz and Folk, ending with a Big Band or Orchestral concert. 01354 657341. www.marchsummerfestival.co.uk


Gorefield Horse and Pony Show On the playing fields from 11am. Heavy Horses, Grand Parade, sideshows & stalls, bar and refreshments. Tel. 01945 870988

12th - Doddington Country Show 13th Washbrooke Farm, Benwick Road, Doddington. 13th

‘King Kool’ and ‘Sick Phelix’ at Elme Hall Rock & Blues Club King Kool, a local Fenland band with a Heavy Garage Grunge style and Sick Phelix, Indie Punk Pop. Doors open 3.30pm. Adults £3.00, accompanied under 14s free. Hotel residents and Sunday lunch diners free. www.elmehall.co.uk


Manea’s ‘Walk for Charity’ 2010 11am, Playing Field, Park Road. Adults £5, Children £2, Over 60’s £3. Free refreshments. Registration fees and any other donations received will all be donated to Macmillan Cancer Support. For further details or to register and receive your race number please contact Beverley on 01354 680988 or email badgers4@tiscali.co.uk


Life Drawing Day with Atelier East Wisbech and Fenland Museum. 10am - 4pm. £22 including lunch. A full day of life drawing with a professional model in an amazing and inspiring setting. Places are limited - booking is essential, email info@atelier-east.co.uk or call 01945 773915

18th - ‘The Wedding Singer’, Angles Theatre Wisbech 25th Nine Lives Theatre Company present the 1998 hit movie live on stage! 7.30pm. Tickets £8.00 (£6.50). www.anglestheatre.co.uk, 01945 474447


Wimblington Cinema showing of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ Wimblington Village Hall, 10.30am, tickets £2.50 pay on the door.

19th - Behind the Scenes, Peckover House and Garden, Wisbech 20th Tour of rooms not normally open to the public. £2.50 plus normal admission 1pm and 2.30pm. Booking advisable. Note: the tour will involve several flights of stairs. Tel. 01945 583463 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/peckover

19th - Canoe Safari at Welney Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust 20th Explore the hidden reaches of the reserve by canoe! Led by a professional & experienced canoeist together with a Welney warden; see the habitats and hide-aways of some of our elusive wildlife on their level. Three 3-hour safaris per day, starting at 6am, 10am & 2pm. £20 per person. Booking essential via Tel. 0845 409 1303. www.wwt.org.uk/welney


‘Saturday Night Special’ at Elme Hall Rock & Blues Club Five piece Rock 'n' Roll and Blues band from the Spalding area. Always listenable and always danceable this promises to be a very lively Sunday afternoon. Doors open 3.30pm. Adults £3.00, accompanied under 14s free. Hotel residents and Sunday lunch diners free. www.elmehall.co.uk


Fathers Day Special, Woodhouse Farm Park, Friday Bridge For the whole family. Tel. 01945 860309 www.woodhousefarmpark.co.uk


June Acoustic Music Concert, Elme Hall Hotel


Elme Hall Acoustic Roots proudly presents Jenna Witts with Peter Appleyard as support. 8.00pm start, doors open 7.30pm. Tickets £8 on the door or in advance from Derek on 01553 827331 or email derekmoreytickets@hotmail.co.uk. www.myspace.com/jennadwitts

Chatteris Historical Festival 25th -

Jenna Witts

Living History Encampment, mock battles, entertainment, exhibitions, full catering. For more details see Page 8, go to www.chatterishistoricfestival.co.uk or phone 01354 695166.


Wisbech Art Club Summer Exhibition


The Pump Room, Wisbech Castle, 10-4pm daily to 3rd July. Pictures for Sale - all media. Tel. 01945 587487.

Watercolour Workshop, Welney Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust


Explore watercolour painting with the Fenland artist John Abbott, 26th June, 10th & 17th July. John will introduce the basics of watercolour and help you paint your first masterpiece. Each session stands as a one off and all three work as a series. £30 per day or £85 for all three. Contact Emma Brand 01353 860711

“What’s in There?” at Peckover House & Garden, Wisbech 26th Special cabinet day, when doors, drawers, cupboards and rooms not normally open to the public will be on show. 12–4.30pm. Normal admission. 01945 583463 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/peckover


‘Egypt’ at Elme Hall Rock & Blues Club


Blues on the Edge. Raw rocking Delta blues at its best from this internationally acclaimed band. Doors open 3.30pm. Adults £3.00, accompanied under 14s free. Hotel residents and Sunday lunch diners free. www.elmehall.co.uk

‘Help the Heroes’ Fund Raising Day, Woodhouse Farm Park


10.30am–5pm. Free for adults (children 2 and over still pay). Full access to the farm park and all its facilities, Fenland Fire Brigade, demonstrations, BBQ. We will be donating £1 to Help the Heroes for every adult that attends. info@woodhousefarmpark.co.uk

Wisbech St.Mary Country Fayre


On the Sports Field from 10.00am. Free transport from Wisbech. Craft stalls, Vintage/Classic vehicles, attractions, live music, children’s activities, food and drink.Tel. 01945 410473.

Wisbech & Fenland Museum Exhibition, ‘Wisbech Castle’ 29th Starts Tuesday 29th June and runs until the end of August. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm (last admission 3.45pm)

Wisbech Rose Fair Festival


East Anglia’s premier flower festival. Stalls, entertainment, local attractions. A park & ride service June operates from Elm Road car park and Elgoods. Rose Fair Parade on Saturday 3rd July. For more 4th information and a Rose Fair programme contact Wisbech Tourist Information Centre on 01945 July 583263, www.wisbech-rosefair.co.uk.

Peckover House & Garden open for Wisbech Rose Fair The gardeners will give specialist Rose Talks throughout the afternoon. 11am– 5pm. Normal admission. Tel. 01945 583463 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/peckover



Wisbech Rose Fair Festival Wednesday 30 June – Saturday 4 July Wisbech Rose Fair is East Anglia’s premier flower festival with four churches filled with flower arrangements on varying themes. The jewel in the crown is the magnificent church of St Peter & St Paul where breathtaking floral displays feature ‘Saturday Night at the Movies’. Stalls in the award winning St Peter’s gardens offer local produce, cakes, plants, flowers, crafts, bric-a-brac, books and much more, raising funds for a variety of charities. Entertainment in Museum Square is provided by local schools, artists and musicians and on Friday the theme will be World War 2. The Castle and Museum host various exhibitions and activities. Local attractions – Peckover House, Elgoods Brewery & Gardens and the Octavia Hill Birthplace House – are all open during Rose Fair (Elgoods Wed-Fri only) and are within easy reach of the town centre or by shuttle bus. A park & ride service operates from Elm Road car park and Elgoods. There are numerous places to eat which offer a choice of meals and light refreshments including strawberry teas. The event culminates in the exuberant and colourful Rose Fair Parade on the Saturday when the whole community joins in the revelry. For more information and a Rose Fair programme contact Wisbech Tourist Information Centre on 01945 583263.

Open Weekend - ‘Cultural Olympiad’ Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th July The Cultural Olympiad is a four-year celebration of arts and culture. Open Weekend 2010 will take place on 23 - 25 July, as we start the countdown to two years to go to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. It will feature hundreds of sporting, arts and culture events right across the UK. The national focus, across Culture, Sport and Learning is to set a challenge that the public can participate in, that encourages people to try something new or take an interest to the next level. Launched in 2008 with the start of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad, more than a million people from around the UK have taken part in Open Weekend activities in the past two years. Here in Fenland, our Cultural Olympiad events feature Open Days at Dunham’s Wood on 23rd, Woodhouse Farm Park on 24th, Skylark Garden Centre on 25th and the Fenland Games in March on 25th. See the listings pages for more details! http://www.london2012.com/video-transcripts/cultural-olympiad.php


Chatteris Historical Festival Friday 25th - Sunday 27th June They’re back for 2010 - celebrating more than Medieval times! Hot on the heels of last year’s Medieval Festival, the renamed Chatteris Historical Festival promises to be bigger and better than before. Held at the event site on Furrowfields, the programme starts on Friday 25th June with the Medieval Banquet at 7.00pm. Saturday 26th sees the Historic Parade starting from the Church Lane car park at 12.00 noon and reaching Furrowfields at 1.00pm where the Fancy Dress Competition will be judged. On Sunday 27th there is a Fun Dog Show. Throughout the weekend there will be a Craft Fayre in the Marquee, Static Falconry, Have-A-Go Archery, Medieval Cookery Demonstrations, Life & Fashion Talks, Arms & Armour Talks, Candle Making, Roman Mosaic Making and Fun Fair Rides. There The Knights of will also be a range of stalls selling wares and food, and a beer tent. Skirbeck The programme of events on Saturday and Sunday includes the Swords of Chivalry, Serpentyne Musicians, the 13th Alabama ReEnactors and the Knights of Skirbeck. For more information go to www.chatterishistoricfestival.co.uk or contact 01354 695166 or email chatteriscouncil@btconnect.com

March Summer Festival Friday 11th - Sunday 13th June March Summer Festival is a major FREE community event which has been running alongside the March Gala since 1997. In its first four years the Festival formed part of the Fenland Colourscape Music Festival. Now, an open-air stage is set up in West End Park for a weekend and the programme encompasses music and activities to appeal to all ages and tastes including the March Lions Gala and Carnival Parade on Saturday and Picnic in the Park on Sunday. We enjoy Young Bands and new music on Friday night. The Gala starts at 8am on Saturday June 12th with a Car Boot Sale in the Park followed by the Festival Parade at 12:30pm. Stalls and displays will fill the park throughout the day with popular music and dance on stage in the afternoon and evening. Sunday’s line up features brass bands, jazz and folk. The weekend ends with a Big Band or Orchestral concert. For further information or to sign up for the parade contact Clive Lemmon on 01354 653 709 / email: clive.mtc@btconnect.com or Reg Kemp on 01354 657 341 / email: regkemp@talktalk.net. www.marchsummerfestival.co.uk


July 1st

Life Drawing Day with Atelier East Octavia Hill's Birthplace House. Thursday 1st July, 7-9pm. £6 per session. Places are limited - booking is essential, email info@atelier-east.co.uk or call 01945 773915

2nd & ‘Squaddies’, Angles Theatre Wisbech They are bright, young and eager to serve their country. A lively and poignant approach to a 3rd

relevant issue. Our most experienced group explore what happens when we go to war. Fri 2nd 7.30pm, Sat 3rd 2:30pm & 7:30pm. Tickets £6.50 (£5). www.anglestheatre.co.uk, 01945 474447


Wisbech Library Exhibition, ‘Wisbech in World War 2’ Open from 11.00am to 3.30pm The manuscript of Great Expectations will also be on view.


The Gables Strawberry Fayre Saturday July 3rd starting at 2.30pm. Entertainment by "Replay". Admission is free, there will be a charge for Cream Teas. To enquire about a Craft stall please email activitiesatthegables@gmail.com or ring 01354 693858.


Strawberry Craft Fair at Woodhouse Farm 10.30am-5pm. We will be feasting on Friday Bridge strawberries as well as a BBQ! Fun, demonstrations and activities for all the family, plant sale and bric a brac).info@woodhousefarmpark.co.uk tel. 01945 860309


‘HotWired’ at Elme Hall Rock & Blues Club The lighter side of Rock and Blues with the occasional surprise too from a local band. Doors open 3.30pm. Adults £3.00, accompanied under 14s free. Hotel residents and Sunday lunch diners free. www.elmehall.co.uk


Model Railway Open Day, The Farmland Museum 10.30am-5pm, Denny Abbey, Waterbeach. Normal Admission Prices apply. Please contact Elly Wright for more details 01223 860988


March Athletic Club Mixed Terrain Race and Fun Run 5 mile Mixed Terrain Race and 1.5 mile Fun Run. Course starts at Elm Road Sports Field and runs through the nature reserve around the prison. Fun Run starts at 10.15am and 5 mile race at 11am. Medals, trophies and prizes. Entry forms available from Peter Jackman on 01354 654828 or via email at genajackman@sky.com, or online entry at www.marchathleticclub.co.uk


Watercolour Workshop, Welney Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Explore watercolour painting with the Fenland artist John Abbott, 26th June, 10th & 17th July. John will introduce the basics of watercolour and help you paint your first masterpiece. Each session stands as a one off and all three work as a series. £30 per day or £85 for all three. Contact Emma Brand 01353 860711.

10th & ‘Bugsy Malone’, Fenland Youth Theatre at Dunhams Wood 11th At Dunhams Wood. Wood open 1.00pm, performance 2.30pm. Tickets £5.00 (£3.50) available from Greetings Card Shop, High Street, March


Wimblington Cinema showing of ‘Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang’ Wimblington Village Hall, 10.30am, tickets £2.50 pay on the door.


‘Dave Jackson Band’ at Elme Hall Rock & Blues Club A very different and exciting blues trio from London with Dave 'The Bluesman' Jackson Vocals/Guitars, Janet Clare Jackson on Bass, Drew on Drums and Nick the Road Crew. Doors open 3.30pm. Adults £3.00, accompanied under 14s free. Hotel residents and Sunday lunch diners free. www.elmehall.co.uk


July ‘DanceXtreme’, Angles Theatre Wisbech 12th An end of school year extravaganza showcasing the talents of pupils at the renowned Cynthia Maxey School of Dance. Stunning costumes, imaginative choreography and superb footwork combine to make this a treat that no one will want to miss! Mon 12th, Tue 13th, Wed 14th, Fri 16th and Sat 17th July 7:30pm. Also 2:30pm on Sat 17th. Tickets £11 (£9). www.anglestheatre.co.uk, 01945 474447


Live Band & Disco on Parson Drove Playing Field


Bar and Food available. Entry only £3.00 per person. Field open from 6.30pm. Free overnight camping/caravan in conjunction with the Custom Car, Bike and Trike Show to be held Sunday 18 July 2010 on the field. Pitches must be pre-booked. Gates open from 2pm for campers/caravanners. Call 07711 985846 or Wisbech (01945) 700501.

Medieval Combat at Wisbech Castle


The knights of Honour present combat, crafts and cooking at Wisbech Castle. 10am–4pm Adults £3.00 and Children £2.00.

Watercolour Workshop, Welney Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust


Explore watercolour painting with the Fenland artist John Abbott, 26th June, 10th & 17th July. John will introduce the basics of watercolour and help you paint your first masterpiece. Each session stands as a one off and all three work as a series. £30 per day or £85 for all three. Contact Emma Brand 01353 860711.

Parson Drove Custom Car, Bike & Trike Show


In aid of East Anglian Air Ambulance and Local Charities. 14 Trophy Show & Shine. Extreme Wheelies, COWA Race Car Simulator, Quad Bike Track, Clay Shoot, Rifle Range, Archery, Craft Fair, Stalls and Side Shows, Bouncy Castle, World Pillow Fight Championships, Live Music, Bar and Refreshments. £3.00 entry per person. Gates open 10.00am. For more information visit www.customcarbikeandtrikeshow.co.uk or call 07711 985846 or 01945 700501.

‘Hair of the Dog’ at Elme Hall Rock & Blues Club


The 'Fenboys' are back in town and that can only mean one thing. Phenomenal Classic rock and bit of Classical!! Doors open 3.30pm. Adults £3.00, accompanied under 14s free. Hotel residents and Sunday lunch diners free. www.elmehall.co.uk

Myths and Legends, Stories and Music from the Fens, The Farmland Museum


10.30am-5pm, Denny Abbey, Waterbeach. To celebrate the opening of the Fenland Stories Exhibition explore the mysterious world of Fenland boggarts and old wives lore. Featuring traditional story telling for all ages, music and dancing. Event Admission Prices: Adults £5, Concessions £4, Children over 5 £3. Please contact Elly Wright for more details 01223 860988

Dunhams Wood; a Cultural Olympiad Event


Join us at Dunhams Wood to search the wood for the fen folk.. during the day there will be dancing, craft, live music, theatre, train rides and a whole lot of fun. 11am-3pm, FREE ENTRY. 01354 652134 or e-mail dunhamswood@tesco.net

Woodhouse Farm Park, Theme - Natural Origins; a Cultural Olympiad Event


Friday Bridge, Wisbech, Cambs 10.30am–4pm. Visit a farm full of not only farm animals but on this special day a host of exotic creatures. Walk the nature trail, help create a large mural, join in with the crafts, dancing, music, drama, and much more. The farm also has an outdoor and indoor play area. FREE ENTRY (not including indoor play area)

Wimblington Cinema showing of ‘Ice Age 3’ 24th Wimblington Village Hall, 10.30am, tickets £2.50 pay on the door.


July 24th & Open Art Exhibition, All Saints Primary School, March 25th Organised by John Abbott in aid of St Mary’s Church Restoration. Artists to donate 50% of sales to the fund. Call 01354 652653 for more information.


Skylark Garden Centre, Theme - The Romans; a Cultural Olympiad Event Manea, near March, Cambs. 11am – 4pm. Join us for a day full of fun, visit Stonea Roman Camp, enjoy live performances of theatre and music, dancing, get involved with some Roman craft, get lost in the Maize Maze in the shape of a Roman Shield and a whole lot more. FREE ENTRY


Fenland Games; a Cultural Olympiad Event West End Park, March, 10am-2pm. Gym Challenges with medals, Basketball Challenge, Target Goal Challenge, Athletics Challenges. Make the most amazing, colorful and elaborate hat you can come up with, and accessories that with an equally amazing flag! Free family creative activity from Ormiston March & District Children's Centre & Fenland Play Ranger. Everyone Welcome, activities to suit all ages. Tourist Information Centre, Wisbech, 01945 583263 tourism@fenland.gov.uk


‘Betty Swallox’ at Elme Hall Rock & Blues Club The Legendary Betty Swallox Band are making their first and long anticipated appearance at Elme Hall Sunday Rock and Blues Club with their unique line-up of Phil Lovell on vocals and harmonica, Dave Janes on Guitar "session legend", Andy Stockdale on bass and Dave Jackson on drums. Doors open 3.30pm. Adults £3.00, accompanied under 14s free. Hotel residents and Sunday lunch diners free. www.elmehall.co.uk


Dunhams Wood Open Day Dunhams Wood and Railway at March (signposted off the B1099) is a delightful place to spend an afternoon. Wander around the wood, take part in the competition, take the miniature train and make sure you don’t get lost in the Maze. Plenty of free parking, light refreshments are available, wheel chairs can be accommodated. £2 for adults, 50p for children, train rides are extra. 01354 652134 or e-mail dunhamswood@tesco.net

26th - Angles Junior Summer Drama Workshop, 5-10 years 28th Zoom, directed by Linda Ekins. Time travel, failed spells and a birthday party which goes horribly wrong leaves Twizzletwit, the wizard, confused and searching for the people who have gone missing. Three energetic days of fun for budding actors, dancers and rock musicians. Workshop: 26th-28th July, 10:00am-3:00pm. Performance: 28th July 3:00pm. Workshop £50, Performance £5. www.anglestheatre.co.uk, 01945 474447.


Make a Fenland Monster, The Farmland Museum Visit the spooky story tree and make bogles and boggarts, puppets and slithery silvery eels. Drop-in Children’s Holiday Activity Day at the Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey. These informal days run by the education department during the holiday are aimed at children who are 4+ and accompanied by an adult. 12-4pm. Adults £4, Concessions £3, Children over 5 £3. No need to book. Please contact Elly Wright for more details 01223 860988.

29th Angles Senior Summer Drama Workshop, 10-16 years July - Vampires’ Dreams and Nightmares, directed by Linda Ekins. If you loved (or hated) Twilight, if you are into vampires and all things Gothic and if you like some fun mixing things up, then this 7th workshop is for you. A tale of love, jealously and rivalry, songs to scream and exciting Aug choreography will keep you busy over seven fun-packed days. Workshop 29th July - 6th Aug, 10:00am-4:00pm. Performances 6th and 7th Aug. Workshop £95, Performances £6.50 (£5.00) www.anglestheatre.co.uk, 01945 474447.


Joe Loss Orchestra, Wisbech St.Mary Appearing at the Wisbech St Mary Community Centre. Tickets from 01945 410473.


Help turn breech babies or start labour


Further Afield Isleham Art Group Tuesday evenings, Isleham Village Hall. Any medium welcome. We are a small and very friendly group who meet together to work,chat,and offer mutual support and encouragement. Not suitable for complete beginners, as we don`t offer tuition. Contact Sally 01638 780023 for details.

2nd - ‘Our House’, Hinchingbrooke Performing Arts Centre Presented by the The Musical Theatre Company. The show that won the 2003 Olivier Award for 5th Best New Musical. Features the music of Madness, wonderfully used in this pacey, hilarious and June often touchingly romantic musical. 7.30pm. Tickets £12.50 , Box Office 01480 812010. www.hhpac.co.uk/whatson3.html

18th - The Fenland Folk Festival 20th The Events Field, The Plough, Milk & Water Drove, Farcet Fen, Peterborough, PE7 3DR. Music, dance, instrument and singing workshops, competitions. The Grand Friday Night Ceilidh featuring June Swindlers & Gentry. Tickets: Festival Ticket only £20 (conc & U16 £15), Day Ticket £10 (conc & U16 £7.50), Camping/Motorcaravan £15 W/E per tent/van. Tel: 07836 277197, Box Office: 01733 844307, Myspace: www.myspace.com/ploughonline.

27th June

Working Stationary Engines Day, The Farmland Museum

3rd July

Littleport Leisure Centre, Alan Norris Big Band

10.30am-5pm, Denny Abbey, Waterbeach. Normal Admission Prices apply. Please contact Elly Wright for more details 01223 860988.

Memorial concert for Nick Laycock.

J M Ironing and Cleaning Services One less thing for you to think about Reliable, quality service Chatteris, March and surrounding areas covered For a free quote contact Jane 07999 870939 jmironingandcleaningservices@yahoo.co.uk 14

Clubs and Groups Everybodysalsa, March Classes and Freestyle Club, The GER members club, Robin Goodfellows Way, March, PE15 8HS. www.everybodysalsa.com, or call Alan on 01733 344934

March Concert Singers Meet every Tuesday 7.30pm at St Peter's Church, March. All singers welcome, but especially tenors and basses. Contact Heather Hewitt 01354 654783.


Warhammer and Dungeons & Dragons Club, Benwick Meets in Benwick Village Hall every other Saturday 12-3pm. April 3rd & 17th, May 1st, 15th & 29th. For ages 10+, price £3.50. Contact Philip or Robert Taylor, 01354 677763, www.warhammer-dungeondragons.zoomshare.com

Model Railway Club, March Held at The British Legion, Rookwood Road, March, every Wednesday evening from about 7.30pm. All interested welcome. Contact Brian Wakeling 01354 680032. Whittlesey Youth Club A programme of clubs to suit a variety of ages and interests, held at Youth and Community Centre, 15 Scaldgate, Whittlesey and some other venues. For more information call 01733 203624.

Savage Studios Art Sessions, Chatteris Open art sessions Mondays 10am–12pm and Thursdays 7–9pm. Artists of all abilities welcome. One to one and small group tuition is also available. Life class session on Mondays 7–9pm. Savage Studios is above the Honest John public house, South Park Street, Chatteris, PE16 6AR. For more information contact Richard on 01354 696421. Youth Clubs - March and Chatteris Area Guyhirn Youth Club; Guyhirn Village Hall,every other Monday, 6.30-8.30pm. Dodgers YPM March; young people with disabilities, every other Monday, YPM March 7-8.30pm. Manea Youth Club; Manea Village Hall, Tuesdays, 7-8.30pm. Chatteris Youth Club; King Edward Centre, Chatteris, Wednesdays 7-8.30pm. Contact Debbie Hamilton, Lead Youth Worker, March/Chatteris Locality, 01354 651703

Whittlesey Children's Centre A variety of sessions for children and parents at the Children’s Centre, New Road, Whittlesey. Contact Danielle Lenton, Senior Family Involvement Worker, 07717 658811

Wisbech Tennis Club c/o 5 Third Avenue, Wisbech, Cambs. PE13 2BJ; 01945 584319; wisbechtennisclub@btinternet.com; wisbechtennisclub.org.uk

Fifty Plus Club, Wimblington Third Tuesday of the month, Parish Hall, 2-4pm. A new club for the 50+ age group to socialise, with plans for speakers and outings. Contact Pat Hart, 01354 740654 or via email at patandterry.hart@tiscali.co.uk

DoUDigIt Jammin Sessions, March Town Hall. Come and jam with our experienced musicians. Every other Thursday starting June 17th, 6.30pm–8pm. Ages 9+, all levels of experience welcome. Bring your own instrument or borrow one of ours. £2.00 per session.

DoUDigIt Newbie Sessions. Would you like to play guitar, keyboards or drums and don’t have access to the instruments. Come along and learn to play with our experienced musicians the second Thursday of every month, starting June 10th. £2.00 a session.

FenJazz Local group playing standard and classical jazz at the Oliver Cromwell 1st Sunday of every month. 7.30–10pm, FREE. Guest players and singers welcome. For more information contact Brian Chadwick 01354 740129.

Alan Norris Big Band rehearsal every Tuesday at St Peters Hall, for more information contact Brian Chadwick 01354 740129.

Indian Dance Classes Stanley Grange Dance Studio, Redmoor Lane, Wisbech. Tuesdays 67.30pm, starting 1st June. Thursdays 4-5 pm, starting 3rd of June. Contact number for more details 07712886423. Teacher Alpana Sengupta.

Yoga Classes St Peter's Church Hall,Wednesdays. Vinyasa Flow, a dynamic, flowing, powerful and playful style of Yoga 6-7:30pm. Hatha Yoga promoting positive health and well being 7:30-9pm. Beginners always welcome £4 per class, mats provided. Check the website for more info www.yoganandy.webs.com or call Andy on 07517 489096





arts Association


TICKETS £5.00 (£3.50 concessions)

Tickets available from Greetings Card Shop, High Street March

www.fenlandarts.org.uk 16

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