Wisbech Town Matters Issue 12 Autumn 2012

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Issue 12 Autumn 2012

Contains details about local events, news about Wisbech Market Place and the annual free Multi-Cultural Festival in Wisbech Park

All Ablaze in Wisbech Market Place for the Jubilee

An extremely good time was had by thousands of people to celebrate Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee


FOR MULTI-CULTURAL MUSIC DANCE - FUNFAIR - AND FUN WISBECH’S 4TH ANNUAL BRING & SHARE ON STAGE 12 noon - 13.00 13.15 - 14.00 14.10 – 14.30 14.40 – 15.00 15.10 – 16.10 16.30 – 17.30 17.45 – 18.15 18.30 – 19.30

Chatteris Town Band Pants Folk Music Alison’s Street Dancers Philippine Dancers Isilo – Zulu Dancers The Brink Rock Band The Deuce Coupe Rock Band Dave Rock Band

IN THE GRASSED ARENA 13.00 – 13.30 13.30 – 14.00 14.30 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.30 16.00 – 16.30

Taekwon-do martial arts Exhibition Taekwon-do martial arts Workshops Alison’s Street Dance Workshops Philippine Dance Workshops Zulu Dance Workshops


Free Entry and Free Parking For more information - www.wisbechtowncouncil.org.uk or telephone us on 01945 461333 or write to The Town Clerk, Wisbech Town Council 1 North Brink, Wisbech. PE13 1JR 2

Wisbech Bring & Share Multi-Cultural Festival Sunday 5th August LEFT: Fantastic free food festival at the Wisbech Bring & Share Multicultural Festival in Wisbech Park – funded by Wisbech Town Council and beautifully cooked and presented by the volunteers at the Rosmini Centre in Queens Road. This is an experience not to miss the Rosmini food is free and delicious

RIGHT: The duelling guitars of Gaz and Alex as part of the fantastic line up for local Rock Band ‘The Brink’ at the Bring & Share in Wisbech Park on Sunday 5 August

BELOW: Taekwon-do exhibitions and workshops always prove very popular at the Bring & Share in Wisbech Park. Come along and have a go on Sunday 5 August


Wisbech Bring & Share Multi-Cultural Festival Sunday 5th August BELOW: A real favourite at the Wisbech Bring & Share are the exceptional players in the Chatteris Town Band, who will again be filling the 40 foot by 10 foot stage (trailer) being supplied free of charge by John Thomas on Sunday 5 August in Wisbech Park

ABOVE: All the fun of the Fairground at the Bring & Share Multi-cultural Festival in Wisbech park on Sunday 5 August

Mayor Making Mayor Making happens but once a year – and Wisbech do their utmost to ensure that the traditions around Mayor Making are not lost. Mayor Making took place in Wisbech Council Chamber at 1 North Brink on Friday 18 May 2012, when Cllr Mrs Vivien MacRae was elected Chairman of Wisbech Town Council, to be known as the Mayor of Wisbech.

In the Traditional style – Town Clerk, Erbie Murat, as the Proper Officer of the Council, administering the Oath of Allegiance to the new Mayor Cllr Vivien MacRae at Mayor Making in Wisbech Council Chamber on Friday 18 May 2012


WISBECH ROOTS This is a new project for North Wisbech starting in the week commencing 17 September 2012, organised by the Fire Service in partnership with Wisbech Town Council. Roots gives young people 12 to 18 year olds to learn Karate, Dance and Scouting. If you are interested just contact the instructor for the activity of your choice.

Scouts For information on becoming a Scout or Scouting Official contact: Jono Harwood 07706201322 Email: dc@fenlandscouts.org

Street Dance Alison 07887925949 Email: alisonmclatchie1@hotmail.com

Karate Contact Sensei, Darren Dennis 07881 777694 or (01945) 580265


Get Cambridgeshire connected - join the broadband campaign You can help to bring fast, reliable broadband access to Fenland which is vital for our businesses and communities to thrive. Better access to broadband will bring opportunities to provide health, education and public services in new ways, such as supporting older people to live independently and helping learners to develop new skills. Fenland District Council is working with other councils and partners across the county to bring better broadband coverage to our area through the Connecting Cambridgeshire project. The plan is to provide access to superfast broadband to at least 90% of homes and businesses across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and better broadband connections for all other premises by 2015. A countywide broadband campaign to Get Cambridgeshire Connected has been launched through the Connecting Cambridgeshire website at www.connectingcambridgeshire.co.uk

Learning Disability Parliament Becomes The Speak Out Council! The VoiceAbility mission is to strengthen voice, champion rights and change lives. Together we can make this happen! Look out for updates on our website www.voiceability.org and follow us on Twitter.


Presentation of the Re-accreditation Certificate for Quality Status

The Mayor, Jonathan Farmer TD, was formally presented with the Town Council’s Quality Status Re-accreditation certificate.

Young People’s Art Project at the Rosmini From 12 June 2012 there will be an Artist-in-Residence at the Rosmini Centre, Dan Donovan, who will deliver a media and photography based youth project which may be of interest to the young people of Wisbech aged 11+. Daina Zagurskiene is the Youth Development Worker based at the Rosmini Centre who is leading on partnership, youth recruitment and assisting the project. Momentum Arts is a delivery partner of the Wisbech IYSS Transformation Project, funded by Cambridgeshire County Council, which aims to enhance young people’s access to support and positive activities through capacity building and the fostering of new partnerships. The project will build on the existing partnership with Thomas Clarkson Community College and Wisbech Rosmini Centre and help to provide sustainable arts provision as part of the longer term vision to revitalise Wisbech. http://momentumarts.org.uk/Publisher/Article.aspx?ID=311577


Master Class Pictured here are nine extremely fortunate students from the Carter School of Taekwon-do. They had the opportunity of a lifetime to train with Pioneer First Grand master Rhee Ki Ha, at the Leisure Centre in Newmarket on Sunday 27 May 2012. The photo below shows Stuart Murat, from the Wisbech School, receiving his certificate from Grand Master Rhee.

Above: Students from the Carter School of Taekwon-do who trained with Grand Master Rhee (sitting front and centre). From left to right the students were: Michael Rolfe; Stuart Murat; Elizabeth Davies; Lou Buckhurst; Michaela Dartford; Kerry Sandall; Richard Wood; Anthony Carter; and Ian Travis Amongst the lucky students was fifth Dan International Instructor and examiner Anthony Carter, who has been teaching Taekwon-do in Wisbech, for the last 18 years. ‘With all my years of experience,’ he said, ’this was up there with the best of them. I felt incredibly honoured that Grand master Rhee could spare us the time, and give us an opportunity to hone our skills even further.’ Stuart Murat, former Chairman of Wisbech Youth Council, was flushed with pride at this opportunity. ‘I am very grateful,’ he said, ‘that Mr Carter gave me this opportunity. It is a rare experience for even the most seasoned Taekwondo martial artists to have a chance like this, and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I will be doing my third Dan pre-grading soon, and I picked up many hints and tips on how to improve my technique which will stand me in good stead.’


Join Anthony Carter for a free Taekwon-do lesson at the Hudson Self-esteem Self-discipline Self-control Self- defence Self-confidence. Make the most of your SELF & learn a healthy, enjoyable new skills at the Hudson Leisure Centre, Wisbech on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays between 6pm and 7pm

The first lesson is always free Just turn up in comfy clothes Everyone is welcome to join in the youngest student is five and the oldest is well over 50.

You can relax with a coffee, a newspaper or magazine in the refreshment area; surf the internet for FREE – we have Wi-Fi; join in our many activities for children and adults; access Learning Centre courses, National Careers service and Fenland Family History Society drop-in sessions; hire our Community Rooms for meetings (toilets and baby changing available); browse the Fenland Collection.‌and, of course, borrow books, CDs or DVDs. So why not come and join the 3000 people already visiting us! Or are you worried about fines? If we have your email address we can remind you when your books need to be returned or you can renew your items online or by telephone. You can also use the Library from home via our Library website - join the library, renew the items, order books in from other Cambridgeshire Libraries, access our online resources and much more. Check our website for more details: www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/library


Wisbech Town Council Street Scene Update April 2012 Performance Total time out and about on patrol in the local community: Number of cleansing inspections carried out:

68 hours

Percentage cleansing inspections found to be of a suitable standard: Total number of Wisbech enquiries received:





Project/Work Undertaken

Tidy Fenland

The campaign is moving into its next phase and will focus on local businesses and the ways that we can work more closely together to improve our local environment. Officers will be visiting businesses to encourage them to sign up to the Voluntary Code of Practice and ensure that relationships are maintained.

Dog issues

This month we have seen a reduction in the amount of customer enquires relating to Dog fouling. We are continuing our efforts to increase high profile patrols in all our open spaces talking to dog walkers, handing out dog bags and increasing education.


The driver of a vehicle seen littering in Cromwell Road has received a formal written warning. 6 members of the public have been given verbal warnings for littering in Market Place, Armada Close, St Peters Church Yard, Waterlees Road, Wisbech Park and Augustus Road.

Fly Tipping

Household waste has been found and removed from Admirals Drive, Half Penny Lane, Ramnoth Road and Cherry Road. Garden waste was found tipped in School Lane.

Fly Posting

Posters have been removed in Market place and Cromwell Road.

Street Lighting

Broken and faulty street lights in the following areas have been reported to Cambs County Council: Churchill road, Cromwell Road and Bowthorpe Road.

An abandoned vehicle has been investigated in Harry’s Way. The owner has been Nuisance and abandoned Vehicles notified. Cars for sale along the Lynn Road Lay-By are continuing to be monitored to identify traders who have 2 or more vehicles for sale on the highway. Details are being collated to gather evidence required for any necessary enforcement. A multi agency approach with the Police, DVLA and Cambs County Council is being sought. Street Scene & Cleansing enquiries

Regular community patrols have seen matters relating to refuse problems and litter being resolved in Eastfield Way, Cherry Road, Armarda Close and St Peters Church Yard. An abandoned shopping trolley has been returned after being discovered in Dehavelland Road. Litter and dog fouling monitoring has been carried out in Conference Way to look into the possibility of installing a bin. Bollards have been knocked down and replaced in the Market Place.

Final note: Please contact your local Street Scene Officer, Ged Wilde, if you have any local environmental concerns or queries relating to the above report. Ged is based at the Boat House and welcomes any queries face to face, by email or over the telephone. Tel: 07979 707826 mobile


Email: gwilde@fenland.gov.uk

Wisbech Heritage Weekend 2012 with Heritage Weekend takes place from Thursday 6 September to Sunday 9 September 2012 and incorporates Heritage Open Days, a national event that celebrates England’s fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to properties that are usually closed to the public or normally charge for admission. Look around in Wisbech for a variety of properties that will be throwing open their doors or holding events to celebrate the history and heritage of the Capital of the Fens.

Council Chamber 1 North Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1JQ The place where your council meets: the Council Chamber houses many works of art, artefacts and official documents which reflect the civic history and accomplishments of Wisbech.

Open Thursday 6th and Friday 7th: 9am to 3pm Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th 10am to 2pm Vivien Fire Engine Trust will be parked outside Wisbech Town Council Chamber on North Brink and an exhibition will be on display in the Chamber on Saturday and Sunday 10am to 2pm.

Friends Meeting House 21 North Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1JX As well as visiting the property, visitors are invited to attend and experience a Quaker worship meeting 10am.

Open Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th : 12noon to 5pm

Wisbech Grammar School North Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1JX

Wisbech Grammar School was founded in 1379 by the Guild of the Holy Trinity and is thus one of the oldest schools in the country. Open Sunday 9th September: 12noon to 4pm


Wisbech Masonic Lodges The Crescent, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1EH Members of the Lodge will be available to show visitors around the premises and answer questions. Open Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th 10am – 4pm

Wisbech Castle Museum Square, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1ES Wisbech Castle has a long and colourful history, with Royal visits, notable prisoners and a host of colourful characters who played an important part in its fascinating story. Open Saturday 8th September: 10am – 4pm Craft fair and Farmers’ Market in the grounds and the re-enactment group 4 and 20 Blackbirds will be recreating life in a Victorian household.

Wisbech & Fenland Museum Museum Square, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1DT Come and discover a treasure house of rare and unusual artefacts, illuminating history, both local and worldwide, recent and ancient. Open Thursday 6th Friday 7th and Saturday 8th September: 10am – 4pm Heritage Weekend Drop-In Workshop Saturday 8th September 10.30am - 2.30pm 50p per child. The Victorian Activities include dressing up in Victorian costumes, handling artefacts, crafts, trails and word searches. Children under the age of 10 to be accompanied by a responsible adult

Fenland Family History Society Wisbech Library, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1EU Open Thursday 6th September: 1.30pm – 4.30pm Local and Family History Explored: Speaker Bill Smith Friday 7th September: 10am – 4.30pm Friday morning: experienced researchers offering help and advice on researching your family history Friday afternoon: speaker Brian Jones Researching family and local history through Newspapers Saturday 8th September: 10am – 4.30pm Saturday morning: Research for Children Saturday afternoon: Experienced Researchers offering help and advice on researching family history.

Wisbech Social Club and Institute Hill Street, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1AP This building has numerous rooms and passageways and a landmark Clock Tower. An exhibition of photographs from the Lilian Ream archive will be on display. Any tours of the building will be in controlled groups. Charge of £2 per person for tours. Open Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th : 11am – 4pm


Octavia Hill Birthplace House 7 South Brink, PE13 1JB The life and work of Octavia Hill is documented in Octavia Hill’s Birthplace House. Open Saturday 8th : 11.30am-4.30pm, Last admission 4pm - free entry for HODs. Sunday 9th : normal entrance fees apply

Octavia View 10a - 14 South Brink, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1JQ Art exhibition by a local artist Helen Breach, Artist in Residence at the College of West Anglia. Octavia View is run by Luminus Ferry Project, a charity which works to help the homeless with love and support towards independence. Open Thursday 6th, Friday 7th, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th : 9am – 5pm

Wisbech General Cemetery North End, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1PE Friends of Wisbech General Cemetery will be on hand with maps and lists of names if anyone is interested in family research. Open Sunday 9th : 10am – 4pm, Guided Walk at 2pm

Guyhirn Chapel of Ease High Road, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 4EF Also known as Guyhirn Old Church or Guyhirn Puritan Chapel. Since 2008 a number of occasional services are held in the Chapel each year. Open Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September: 10am – 3pm Heritage Service at 2.30pm on Sunday 9 September - all welcome.

The Rose and Crown Hotel 23-24 Market Place, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 1DG, 01945 589800, www.theroseandcrownhotel.com The Rose and Crown Hotel, the oldest surviving hotel in Wisbech stands proudly overlooking the Market Place in the heart of the town centre. Originally a principal coaching Inn it started life back in the 15th Century, a historic reminder of Wisbech’s importance as a commercial centre and the Capital of the Fens. The newly refurbished hotel exudes a refined, relaxed charm that will put you at ease with its warmth and welcome. The hotel offers 26 individually styled bedrooms, along with exceptional dining facilities to suit all occasions and with 3 elegant function rooms is the perfect venue for conferencing, weddings and private functions. Do come and enjoy the charm and hospitality in this character hotel. Open on 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th September 2012. The public areas will be open over the Heritage Weekend and a conducted tour will take place at 11am each morning. Please congregate in the hotel reception. (Cellars will not been open for viewing). Due to the unique characteristics of this listed building caution should be taken when walking through the hotel. Please note – pre booking of tours is advisable, telephone 01945 589800.


All Saints' Church Church Road, Walsoken, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 3RA Situated exactly 1 mile from the centre of Wisbech, the church has been described as 'The grandest Norman parish church in Norfolk'. Open Friday 7th 10am – 12pm Coffee morning - bring & buy, raffle, refreshments Saturday 8th 10am – 4pm including 3pm talk by Church Warden, Peter Wadlow 'Treasures of All Saints' Sunday 9th including 3pm walk and talk in the churchyard by Church Warden, Peter Wadlow. All welcome to attend Sunday service 10.30am.

Fenland & West Norfolk Aviation Museum Old Lynn Road, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE14 7DA The museum holds many interesting collections of aviation archaeology. Open Thursday 6th Friday 7th 10am – 4pm, Saturday 8th Sunday 9th 9.30am – 5pm Free entry for HODs.

Peckover House 15 North Brink, Wisbech PE13 1JR National Trust property with 2 acre garden. Open Saturday 8th : 12noon – 5.00pm, with last admission 4.30pm - free entry for HODs. Sunday 9th : normal entrance fees apply Wisbech has many more interesting examples of architectural, cultural and social interest. Walk around and take in the beauty of the Brinks, the wealth of Georgian properties and other sites of interest. Throughout Wisbech you may see numbered plaques set into the pavement. These identify the Wisbech Merchants Trail. For full details see http://www.strideguides.com/Wisbech/index.html Map of Wisbech Merchants Trail


Everything is Possible For some time there has been speculation about a number of actions that Wisbech Town Council has taken. Two key priorities have been identified: Ÿ the closure of the town's rail link, and Ÿ the transfer of powers and finance from Wisbech Borough Council to Fenland District Council Wisbech Town Council has been actively trying to do something about these two factors for some years now as part of a planned programme, embodied, to a large extent, in the Wisbech Town Plan 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2014. To some extent the Council’s objectives have been achieved. Wisbech Town Council has: Ÿ Purchased the Freehold of the Council Chamber and offices here from FDC for £1.00; Ÿ Bought back the freehold of 44.4 acres from FDC for £1.00 and we were given a grant of £18,000 towards their maintenance; and Ÿ Purchased the freehold of the Market Place for £1.00 from FDC, and they provided a grant of £25,000 towards improving the Market Place. To add to the Town Council’s asset portfolio, the Council has now been offered the freehold of two of the toilet blocks in the town which the Council is in the process of buying – this time not for £1.00 – sadly – but a purchase that this Town Council believes is a good investment in the social well-being of Wisbech. The Town Council believes that anything other than a freehold purchase was inadequate for the people of Wisbech. The investment in the future of the Rail Link between Wisbech and March also forms part of the Town Council’s objectives. The Mayor of Wisbech, Cllr Mrs Viv MacRae, at the Wisbech Town Assembly also said that it is part of her vision for the future that Wisbech takes back the freehold of Wisbech Park, and this too may become an achievable aspiration. The Town Assembly also considered the Wisbech Town Plan and has decided that it does need significantly refreshing as we have achieved many of the objectives originally set in place four years ago. Having been in the public arena for two months and published in the town’s newsletter, Wisbech Town Matters, and on the Wisbech Town Council website, I have been asked as the Town Clerk for Wisbech to rewrite this important document for the Town Council to consider new objectives. Anyone who has any suggestions are asked to write to Wisbech Town Council at 1 North Brink, Wisbech PE13 1JR, or email wisbechtc@aol.com


Wisbech Town Council Scoping the viability of a Wisbech to March Rail Link Comments on the scope document prepared by Cambridgeshire County Council regarding the Wisbech Railway Reopening Study Wisbech Town Council believes that there is a strong case for Wisbech to be re-connected to the rest of the County, enabling the people of Wisbech and the surrounding District to greater access to (and to play a greater part in) the economic, social, and cultural opportunities throughout East Anglia and across the Country. Wisbech: Ÿ Is a large town with thirteen villages and a vast rural area feeding into and making use of its services – over 50,000 people. Within its environmental context it is as important as Cambridge; Ÿ Is the main market town in Cambridgeshire, and is successful despite having rivals such as Kings Lynn in neighbouring Counties; Ÿ Straddles the river Nene and has some of the best examples of Georgian architecture along its town centre river banks, with a tremendous heritage, attracting extensive tourism; Ÿ Is the banking centre for a large (and wealthy) rural area; Ÿ Has a significant industrial and commercial base; Ÿ Is a cultural and leisure centre for the district; Ÿ Is an important distribution centre. Located, in the very north of Cambridgeshire, it is, perhaps, more significantly, the centre of the southern fens, 12 miles from the Wash (by ship to reach Wisbech’s quays), with two main roads crossing the town – the A47 and the A1101 – both heavily used, and it has a thriving port.

Wisbech needs to be re-connected to the railways Wisbech Town Council welcomes the publication of the Rail Patronage Study being proposed by Cambridgeshire County Council and generally supports what it has to say. Wisbech has suffered significantly since it became disconnected from the rest of the County, Region and Country, by the removal of the rail link, which finally ceased to be used at all in the year 2000 – after having first come to Wisbech in 1847 and having played such an important role in maintaining its position as the Capital of the Fens. It was freight traffic that continued on the line until the year 2000. The town continues to play a very important role in the social, cultural, and economic well-being of the district, being its hub for many services, industry and leisure facilities. And there is still a station site less than five minutes from the town centre (on land adjacent to land owned by Cambridgeshire County Council?), on Coalwharf Road. 16

Previous Studies 1.

The provision of a service to Cambridge was not considered in the original report by the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) in 2009. The authors looked towards Peterborough. We feel that it is more widely recognised now that a Cambridge service would have produced a more positive outcome. 2. We understand that during that study the track was considered to be in a reasonable condition obviating the need for total track replacement. 3. It would be worth CCC or the consultants contacting ATOC for any additional information from their study. 4. The number of passengers on the railways has grown significantly, and new figures need to be incorporated, particularly when accounting for the total population of Wisbech and its surrounding district (thirteen villages).

Core assumptions 1. 2. 3.

An option for an additional station with parking adjacent to the A47 should be considered. The location of the station close to the town centre needs to consider pedestrian and cycle access to the town centre and potential for bus interchange. It should be assumed that Cambridge Science Park station has opened before any train service to Wisbech starts.


Most car parking is free and unconditional. There is no need to obtain a ticket or display one. Just park up and enjoy Wisbech Town Centre. Only Horsefair Car Park is time limited, and you will have to obtain a parking ticket and display it. In the Horsefair you must return to your car within two hours. There is some paid parking in Horsefair too so please read the signs carefully. All the other car parks are completely free and not time limited - you may park in the other car parks all day if you wish – free of charge and hassle free. The Horsefair Car Park is completely free and not time limited on Sundays and Bank Holidays - and many of the shops in the Wisbech Town Centre are open.


NEW PARKING CONTROLS FROM SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 Following the gas works being carried out in High Street, Wisbech during July and August, the County Council will be putting in traffic management regulations, signage and bollards around the Market Place, as part of the Experimental Order to make the north side of Wisbech Market Place pedestrian only. The parking controls outlined here will be for the south side, which the Town Council is having marked out for parking and which will be managed in the same way as the Horsefair car park.

1 HOUR FREE PARKING IN MARKED BAYS ONLY Welcome to The Market Place customer and public parking


Please obtain ticket by pressing the green button on the machine and display ticket in windscreen Maximum stay time 1 hour with no return allowed within 1 hour A ÂŁ60.00 parking charge notice will be issued to vehicles which: - fail to display a valid ticket or permit - are parked in a non-parking restricted area or access way - are parked in a disabled bay without displaying a blue badge - are in excess of 40 cwt (2,000kg) UNLADEN WEIGHT - park on Thursdays or Saturdays in The Market Place This car park is private property. Should a Parking Charge Notice be issued to your vehicle and payment is not received we may contact the DVLA to request registered keeper details Operated on behalf of Wisbech Town Council by Britannia Parking Limited, Britannia House, 16 Poole Hill, Bournemouth, BH2 5PS

ENQUIRIES 0845 5 555 888 www.britpark.com

Wisbech Information Centre 4 Post Office Lane, Wisbech. PE13 1HG Tel: 01945 464058 Email info@wisbechinfo.org.uk Website: www. wisbechinfo.org.uk Twitter: @wisbechinfo Wisbech Town Council was pleased to sponsor the new Wisbech Information Centre with a grant of ÂŁ5,000 to help set it up. If you need to know anything about Wisbech or the surrounding district, the Wisbech Information Centre is the place to contact. Also available are lots of leaflets and Free copies of the Wisbech Town Guide (with map) produced by Wisbech Town Council.

Open Mon to Fri 10 am to 4 pm & Sat from 10 am to 1 pm 19

Wisbech Town Council News Forthcoming Wisbech Town Council Committee Meetings Dates of meetings


9 July 2012 16 July 2012 30 July 2012 20 August 2012 10 Sept 2012 17 Sept 2012 1 October 2012 15 October 2012 22 October 2012 29 October 2012


Full Council


Civic Amenities


6.30pm 6.30pm 6.30pm 6.30pm

7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm

6.30pm 6.30pm


6.30pm 7.30pm

Members of the Press and Public are invited to attend all meetings. There is a 15 minute period set aside for public participation at the beginning of each meeting. If there are no members of the public wishing to participate the main meeting may commence at the time stated above. Members of the public are reminded that the business of public participation must be appropriate to Wisbech Town Council - if in doubt please contact the Town Clerk at 1 North Brink, Wisbech PE13 1JR. Tel: 01945 461333 – our aim is to keep the public informed - Agendas and Minutes for Council meetings can be found on the website www.wisbechtowncouncil.org.uk Also the website is full of information about the festivals and events organised by Wisbech Town council, and back issues of Wisbech Town Matters and Wisbech Town Guides – as well as a copy of the Wisbech Town Plan.

IT MATTERS TO ADVERTISE HERE 2,500 copies of this newsletter are produced and distributed quarterly in Wisbech plus a copy in full colour appears on www.wisbechtowncouncil.org.uk Advertising costs: Quarter page = £30.00 : Half page = £50.00 : Full page = £90.00 Community events: We can give you a quarter page advert for just £10.00 Editorial: We are able to publicise your events/meetings/functions free of charge Please let us have text and pictures (in electronic format if possible) to wisbechtc@aol.com The copy deadline for the next issue is 1st September 2012 - Ring us now on 01945 461333 Published by: Wisbech Town Council, 1 North Brink, Wisbech PE13 1JR 20

Coming soon! Statute Fair - 19th - 22nd September Open nightly 6-10pm, Saturday 2-10pm In Bloom/Allotments presentations – date to be announced

Get married in style with us Wisbech T own Council is registered for marriages, civil partnerships, renewal of vows, and baby naming ceremonies

Wisbech Town Council Chamber and Mayor’s Parlour are beautiful, functional and available for hire.

Wisbech Town Council has decided not to charge for the use of Wisbech Council Chamber and the Mayor’s Parlour for the first wedding booked. Plus free photographs for that first wedding from Fotogenic of Wisbech. Call the Clerk’s Office 01945 461333 to make an appointment to discuss your needs and arrange a viewing, or email wisbechtc@aol.com


Wisbech Town Council CONTACT DETAILS Mr E (Erbie) Murat

Council Chamber 1 North Brink Wisbech, PE13 1JR

Town Clerk

01945 461333 Name Cllr Mrs CR (Carol) Cox Cllr Mrs Cox is also a Fenland District Councillor for Clarkson Ward

Cllr Mrs VM (Viv) MacRae Cllr Mrs MacRae is Town Mayor for civic year 2012-2013

Contact Details 33 Bowthorpe Road Wisbech PE13 2DX



01945 465588 Haverholme 12 Bowthorpe Road Wisbech PE13 2DX


01945 489602 Cllr Miss S (Samantha) Hoy Cllr Hoy is also a Cambridgeshire County Councillor for Wisbech North Ward Cllr Hoy is Deputy Mayor of Wisbech for civic year 2012-2013

Cllr SJ (Stephen) Brunton

7 Sybil Road Wisbech PE13 3NG


01945 466387

7 Railway Road Wisbech PE13 2QA


01945 476269

Cllr HB(Bruce) Wegg Cllr Wegg is also a Fenland District Councillor for Hill Ward

Cllr D (David) Hodgson Cllr Hodgson is also a Fenland District Councillor for Staithe Ward

34 Colvile Road Wisbech PE13 2ET


01945 585568 Whitehaven 141 Elm Low Road Wisbech PE14 0DF


01945 465126

Cllr R (Robert) McLaren

66 Kirkgate Street Walsoken Wisbech PE13 3QZ


01945 474270 Cllr DR (David) Patrick Cllr Patrick is also a Fenland District Councillor for Kirkgate Ward

12 Limes Avenue Elm Wisbech PE14 0BS 01945 861334



Name Cllr JR (Jonathan) Farmer Cllr Farmer is also a Fenland District Councillor for Medworth Ward

Cllr M (Michael) Hill

Contact Details 18 South Brink Wisbech PE13 1JQ



01945 580239 Melrose Villa 23 Alexandra Road Wisbech PE13 1HS


01945 584971

Cllr S (Steve) Tierney

6 Alexandra Road Wisbech PE13 1HQ


07831 616127 Cllr DC (David) Oliver Cllr Oliver is also a Fenland District Councillor for Peckover Ward Cllr Oliver is Leader of Wisbech Town Council for civic year 2012-2013

Cllr GP (Garry) Tibbs

39 West Parade Wisbech PE13 1QB


01945 587437

258 Norwich Road Wisbech PE13 3UT


07500 558031

Cllr R (Reginald) Mee

46 Clarkson Avenue Wisbech PE13 2EH


01945 465132 Cllr MG (Michael) Bucknor Cllr Bucknor is also a Fenland District Councillor for Waterlees Ward

Cllr Mrs VM (Virginia) Bucknor Cllr Mrs Bucknor is also a Fenland District Councillor for Waterlees Ward

Cllr R (Ray) Griffin

11 St Martin’s Road Wisbech PE13 3EX


01945 584207 11 St Martin’s Road Wisbech PE13 3EX


01945 584207 196 Lynn Road Wisbech PE13 3EB


01945 463164

Cllr DA (David) Wheeler

86 Mount Pleasant Road Wisbech PE13 3LH


01945 464386


Big Names on the Brink A top-class list of big name speakers and performers has been lined up for the first ever arts festival to be staged at Wisbech Grammar School. The three-day BrinkFest 2012, which runs from Thursday, September 13 to Saturday, September 15, has attracted nationally known figures from the fields of poetry, art, archaeology and music. The festival kicks off with the award-winning poet, Wendy Cope. Later that day Ian Collins, the arts correspondent for the Eastern Daily Press, will speak on ‘John Craxton and the Fens’. The second day is centred on Antony Penrose, the great grandson of Alexander Peckover. In a joint event with the National Trust he will present A portrait of space, a play about his father, the distinguished artist, Roland Penrose. On day three the school is staging the first ever meeting between Francis Pryor, the archaeologist, and Elly Griffiths, the author of a crime series about a forensic archaeologist who lives in the Saltmarsh somewhere on the north Norfolk coast. The BrinkFest finishes with ‘Trills and frills’, featuring the dynamic duo, harpsichordist David Wright and mezzo-soprano Zarah Hible, in a concert of Georgian music in period costume. Admission to A portrait of space and ‘Trills and frills’ is priced at £5. Tickets for all the other events are free. Information on times and how to book tickets is available on www.brinkfest.co.uk .

Left: Antony Penrose at Wisbech Grammar School 24

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