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Eco-Fashion Get dressed the green way!

DJ Ezy D Cooking up a storm on Paradise FM Your “Digital Afterlife” How should your Facebook profile be treated after your death?

The Station Café; Sans Soucis One of the Healthiest Menus on the Island

Lyn Lavigne The Woman Behind Drift

Ageing Gracefully Skin Care for your 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s

Hybrid Cars

The Future of Locomotion

From the


Dear Folks,

Photo credit: Suzanne Verlaque

When I found out I was expecting another child, one concern kept popping up in my head. How is it possible to love another being the way I loved my son? I know people do it all the time, and surely they love both, or all their children with the same intensity – but for me, it seemed rather impossible. So much so, that I got even closer to my son. I spent more time with him, I became more tolerant of his typical four year old ways, I allowed him to move into my bed – all of which I knew were partly due to this guilt I felt at the idea of someone else coming in, to ‘disrupt’ our lives as we knew it. And then, something happened. As the connection with my son developed into something stronger and even more special, I started falling in love with the ‘other’ one growing inside of me. I cannot pin-point the exact day or moment it happened, but suddenly, I was longing to see him, to know him, and to hold him. It would seem to me that what I went through was the universe preparing me for his arrival. At the time that I write this editorial, I am only a few weeks away from welcoming my second son into this world. My joy at the prospect of being a mother-of-two simply cannot be explained in words. I recently had the chance to re-visit the place where my childhood ended, and the journey into adulthood started. I am referring to the International School of Seychelles, where I spoke to the graduates of 2013. It’s always a surreal experience to face yourself as you were many years ago, and to realise that 17 years have flown by already! Seeing the faces of very young people (at 32, I refer to them as babies!) about to embark on their next journey is fascinating. It made me feel envious of them when I think of the excitement of the unknown, and at the same time, there was a sense of relief that that part of my journey is done, and I made it through OK. July is a very special month for this magazine and its team. It’s our 24th issue, making it our 2nd birthday. Birthdays are special for different kinds of reasons. Some use it as the perfect reason to celebrate (and who would disagree?), others find it as the perfect time to reflect back to the beginning and to assess the journey they have had up until now, while some may see it as the perfect opportunity to plan for the next year ahead. We are going to do a little bit of all three! On behalf of the ‘office’ team, we extend our sincere gratitude to our wonderful contributors and columnists, our advertisers and most importantly, you, our readers. A magazine is a collective effort from all corners – and each corner is just as important as the next one. Thank You All. For those of you visiting our islands this month, may you be blown away by the beauty of our islands and the hospitality of our people. Until next time, stay healthy and happy.

Marie-France Chief Editor



Cover Model Model: Lyn Lavigne | Age: 38 | Profession: Owner of Drift - For more on Lyn, turn to our Behind the Business Feature Hair & Make-Up: Gemma Sedgwick Mondon | Photographer: De Waal Rautenbach Dress & Jewellery: Drift | Venue: Intendance Beach, Takamaka




Nathalie Hoareau



Jenny Gilbert


Tina Houareau

The Team


Bernard Georges


Brigitte Monchouguy Alexandria Faure

Georges Grave

Marie-France Watson Gemma Mondon & Ineke Camille

Kelly Dinah

Elaine Lafortune

46 Annalisa Labiche

Virginie Quatre

Olivia Michaud De Waal Rautenbarch Suzanne Verlaque Potpourri Magazine Seychelles



Nathalie Hodgson

Ahmed Afif

Jennifer Baldwin

42 CĂŠlia Ponzo


Mawess Wirtz

Contact Us Chief Editor: Marie-France Watson | M: + (248) 2512477 | E: paradisepromotion@gmail.com Sales & Marketing: Ineke Camille | M: + (248) 2520937 | E: ineke.paradisepromotion@gmail.com Freelance Writer: Elaine Lafortune | Hair Stylist: Martin Hoarau’s Hairdressing | Make Up Artist: Virginie Quatre (Make-Over) Photography: Steve Nibourette | E: snibourette@gmail.com | Graphics & Layout: Olivia Michaud | E: info@angelcreativedesign.com Potpourri Seychelles is published by Paradise Promotions Ltd, Box 1539, Room 18, Docklands Building, Victoria, Seychelles E-mail: paradisepromotion@gmail.com | Tel: + (248) 4325215 | Fax: + (248) 4325216 | Printed by: Emirates Printing Press



Musings of an Island Girl by Tina Houareau A First Grade Parade

Photo Credit - Joel Zamzow

Sebastien has graduated from kindergarten and is starting first grade this autumn – the official stage for what we call “primary” education. The “what next?” question worries me. It runs through my head as we play on the beach. He is his usual uncontainable self - tip-toeing in a seaweed-filled lake and delighting in the litter box sand on the Hudson beach. Occasionally, a bee buzzes by. I stare up at the blue clouds suffused with afternoon

sun. I want him to be small again, I think to myself. The slightest warmth from the sun comforts me. Winter overstayed its welcome and spring never sprung this year. Although the calendar tells me there are still about a month left of the summer holiday, the start of the orientation classes coming up always means the unofficial end of the season is fast approaching. Soon, I will be more acutely aware of the temperatures dropping, a lot less daylight, and the leaves turning colors in prelude to yet another winter. The end of summer seems to augur a series of endings, a time of prolonged sleep, where nature takes a well-deserved rest. Yet, every ending is also a beginning. At this time of endings, one of the most important beginnings, for him and I, is the beginning of first grade. We are bound to experience a wide range of emotions. If not handled correctly, I realize that this new beginning can prove profoundly stressful for us. But stress is not necessarily a bad thing, particularly if it is well managed. Preparation is key but preparation in moderation is even more crucial. There is nothing more embarrassing than having a mother or father tag along to class - a phenomenon now known as “helicopter parenting.”



If not handled correctly, I realize that this new beginning can prove profoundly stressful for us. But stress is not necessarily a bad thing, particularly if it is well managed Instead of planning to hover over him on his first day, I have been speaking about his new routine and have tried to offer some words of wisdom from my own familiarities on how he can adjust to “big boy” school. Stress will still exist, of course, as it does with all new beginnings. However, I am keeping things in perspective. After all, I, too, have experienced starting “big girl” school, and it was not the end of the world. On the contrary, it was - and is - the beginning of a new world in which the sky is still proving to be the limit. Tina Houareau is a Seychelloise living in the USA with her young son. She is an Instructional Designer for Capella University, where she is completing her PHD in the same field.




Your “Digital Afterlife”

How should your Facebook profile be treated after your death? For about five years now, I’ve kept an account on Facebook. It’s been good for me especially as I live overseas so connecting with my family and friends back home has been very easy. As a Media and Communication lecturer it will be a crime not be involved in social media. Over the years, I’ve reconnected with old friends from around the world, I’ve seen the engagement announcements of my friends, read about their marriages and break-ups, I’ve seen their new born babies and photos of their most memorable days. I’ve also witnessed another strange natural occurrence: the death of people I know. Nonetheless, when you die on Facebook, mourning is nothing like it is in real life. Right before my eyes, I saw people I know on Facebook go from living, breathing creators of daily status updates to unreachable wall owners who will never post again. A few months ago, a student at the college where I work died, and in those weeks surrounding her death Facebook continuously suggested that other students become friends with her. Her friends say she was there on Facebook, smiling away at them. Her page is now left to a mournful public, filled with both dear friends and casual acquaintances, who for months and probably years after, will drop by to post prayers and recalled memories on the wall.

What should happen to her Facebook page? Her friends find it easier to deal with their loss because when her absence becomes unbearable, they go back to her Facebook page to reminisce about their good times. Her family chose to keep her Facebook page alive. So, what should happen to your Facebook page when die? This is perhaps a simple question without a simple answer, unless you’re willing to accept “it depends” as a simple answer. Your “digital afterlife” will depend upon what your friends and family decide to request, and perhaps even what instructions you leave behind. That’s right - you can actually leave instruction about your “digital afterlife” in either your will or with your digital service provider.

Memorialising the profile Facebook recognises importance that a profile can play in remembering departed



friends and family. Via its help section, Facebook accepts requests to place accounts in a memorialised state. Once the request is approved by Facebook, the account’s privacy is restricted to friends only, and certain sensitive information is removed. The profile and wall remain active for friends to post memories and condolences. “Immediate family members may request the removal of a loved one’s account. This will completely remove the account from Facebook so that no one can view it. We will not restore the account or provide information on its content unless required by law. If you are requesting a removal, and are not an immediate family member of the deceased, your request will not be processed, but the account will be memorialized. It is our policy to memorialize all deceased users’ accounts on the site. When an account is memorialized, only confirmed friends can see the profile (timeline) or locate it in Search. The profile (timeline) will also no longer appear in the Suggestions section of the Home page. Friends and family can leave posts in remembrance.” From Facebook’s FAQ As concern grows over what happens to users’ “digital life” when they die, Google

has just opened a new service to let people control what happens to their email, online photos and blogposts saved in its accounts. Google’s new service ‘Inactive Account Manager’ let people decide what messages and access to information they want surviving relatives or friends to see after their death. Personally, I think it’s too much hassle to


plan my “digital afterlife” but memorialising my Facebook profile seems like a good idea if my family chose to remember me this way. They will be the one grieving and people deal with grief in so many ways. My only wish is that heaven (assuming I am not going to hell) has wireless network where I can have a peek at how badly I am being missed! It will be entirely up to my family and friends I leave behind to decide what they want to do with my “digital afterlife” once I head, hopefully to a heavenly afterlife. Whether we like saying it or not, but when you die on Facebook, you get a Facebook funeral and everyone attends. That’s how it’s different than in real life. And interestingly enough, everyone who comments is kind. Tearful goodbyes fill the pages, along with beautiful recollections of time spent together. All this become memories that will live forever as written words on the page of a friend who left us. Even the distant friends come out, if only for the chance to say a blessing or how much they admired the person from afar and often times relatives of the departed find these words comforting. Last year I lost my father unexpectedly,

10 out of 10 for the BlackBerry 10! Continued... obviously he was not on Facebook (His generation do not use Facebook!) but I did announce his death on my Facebook page because our family and friends are scattered all over the world, it was the fastest way to let them know. I also made a video of some happy memories of him and put it on my Facebook page. Was I being disrespectful to the memory of my loving father? I do not think so as I only gave access to the video to selected friends and family. When I am really missing him, I watch the video and because it is on my Facebook page I can access it anywhere in the world and any time I want and my family can do the same. This is my way of dealing with my loss and technology has given me this option. Let’s face it, we live in a modern technological society and everyone should have the choice of how they want to embrace it without being judge. And so, while many of us still discount the relevance of our own use of social media, the truth is, we are using it furiously and some of the most important moments of our lives are captured forever in things like status updates and photo uploads. We are literally living and dying on Facebook so if people decide to keep the Facebook page of their family live after their death, we should not judge or even contemplate that they are being disrespectful to the memory of their departed. People share their lives on Facebook, and their friends actively (and often times, joyfully) participate in this share. So when you die on Facebook, your remaining pages lives on. It will become a remembrance page of who you were and those who will care to visit it will be like mourners who will light a candle for you in the form of kind words. © Jeannine Finnigan

BlackBerry, a global leader in wireless innovation, revolutionized the mobile industry with the introduction of their BlackBerry solution in 1999. Since then, BlackBerry products and services have continued to change the way millions of people around the world stay connected. With the launch of BlackBerry 10, BlackBerry have re-designed, re-engineered and re-invented the device to a whole new level. The new BlackBerry Q10 stays true to it’s predecessors by having a full QWERTY keyboard equipped smartphone, a 3.1 inch 720x720 pixel screen, 16GB storage, 8 MP camera and weighs a mere 139 grams! Perfect for those who still favour the original BlackBerry devices. For fans of touch screen phones, the BlackBerry Z10 is a perfect choice! Nicely designed, minimalist handset with a high-resolution 4.2 inch LCD display, up to 32 GB storage and 8 MP camera, customers will not be disappointed. The BlackBerry Q10 and Z10 run on the all new BlackBerry 10 computing platform, which retains the best features of the traditional BlackBerry experience whilst more than matching the modern features and interface of other popular smart phone devices. Cable & Wireless Seychelles are offering outrageous package deals on BlackBerry 10 with huge reductions on the retail price of these amazing devices! Visit any CWS Customer Services Centre or www.cwseychelles.com

SACOS We’ll stand by you! SACOS Life...Be Wise A Mother’s Final Gift Maria Constance was a well-known and equally well-loved member of the community. She was known as a humble person, and had been married for 35 years which was blessed with their only child, Sandra. Sadly, on November 2012, Maria suffered from a severe stroke that led to her untimely death at the young age of 56. At the time of her passing, she had an ‘Endowment with Profit’ policy in force with SACOS Life Assurance Ltd. As her beneficiary, she had chosen her daughter who could now claim the full amount of SR 100,000 due to her death. Sandra currently lives with her father in their family home. She hopes to use her mother’s final gift to build her own home one day, or purchase treasury bills as an investment. A mother’s teachings influence their children’s entire lives. Following her mother’s example, Sandra has decided to also get a life assurance to protect herself and her own young daughter in their future. Disabled but Able Alexia Cupidon has spent the last 37 years enjoying a successful career in medicine. The 55 year old was vibrant and enjoyed life with her two children and her partner. That was until the fateful day she found a lump in her left breast. The rest occurred as a blur. A biopsy confirmed that the lump was malignant and eventually, cancerous. Alexia endured severe medication, including chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Her health rapidly deteriorated. The cancer continued to spread and she lost the use of her left arm. Unable to continue working, she was officially released on early retirement on medical grounds. With no income, Alexia’s already distressing situation worsened. Fortunately, she had purchased an ‘Endowment with Profit’ plan with SACOS Life Assurance. She arranged to receive her sum insured to be given to her in monthly installments over the next 24 months, as opposed to receiving the full lump sum at one go. Alexia continues to live with her cancer, and is trying to make the most of her situation. We at SACOS hope that the insurance she has purchased from us serves to be a ray of light for her. You can select from SACOS’ wide range of Insurance covers for: Yourself Your Business Your investments Your loved ones Rest Assured, Be Insured with SACOS Visit us today at the SACOS Tower for General Insurance and on the 3rd floor of Block A, Unity House, if it is Life Assurance you seek. Otherwise, you can always give us a call on 4295 000 to speak to a friendly SACOS representative. It will be our pleasure to assist and guide you.


Staying in touch with exes. Is it ever OK? Follow our page on Facebook (Potpourri Magazine Seychelles) to share your views on the questions we ask. “Not at all! In my opinion an EX should remain an EX. There’s a reason that you have broken up with them, and staying in touch is NOT one of them. To me, personally, it does not make sense to keep in touch with my ex. Because, if you do keep in touch, what does it prove? You still have feelings for that other person right? Or you still want something with them right? So NO, it is NOT right to keep in touch with an ex. BUT, there is a scenario whereby you are “forced” to keep in touch, for the simple reason of having children with the other person. When kids are involved, you are bound to have some sort of communication with the other person, ONLY for the wellbeing of the children. Nothing more.”

Nydia Khan “Whether to stay in touch with an ex-anybody depends on the strength and trust of the current relationship, as well as your own ability to remain true to your feelings. Staying in touch also depends on the circumstances of the previous relationship. Old beau from school: probably safe if the relationship does not interfere with his new girl or wife, and you remain truthfully open with the ‘current’ about the former relationship. Ex-husband: best be certain to draw firm lines on how the relationship will proceed. After all, that person probably knows more about you and your life that you might not want anyone else to know. If there are children involved, continued contact with the ex may be a necessity for harmony. In that case, make it a point to share only that which is necessary for the children’s care and keep your personal life out of the picture. Certainly, if the ex is an abuser in any way - physically, emotionally, financially - best to completely sever ties, and not fall for reconciliatory overtures. A relationship which gets in the way of your goals is no relationship in which to be. Be smart - examine your overall feelings and make wise choices.”

Carrie A. Delaney RN BSN - Dallas, Texas USA

the status of the relationship, and it does not in any way compromise or affects the current relationship you are in. Above all, the ex is the ex for a reason; never lose sight of that”.

Jessica D’Unienville “Keeping in touch with your ex will not let you let go of the emotional baggage that the relationship left behind. You’ll keep asking yourself ‘what if?’ You have to move on, finding new purpose in life”.

Sheryn Mondon I guess it is logical to stay in contact especially if there are kids involved between the two...

Basile Samy “There is no definite yes or no. The question really should be about what kind of relationship you should have with your ex – and the answer to that can range from nothing to a fabulous friendship. The key is to ask yourself several questions – how did that relationship define me/ why didn’t it work (there’s nothing wrong or shameful about two people who simply lack compatible qualities to be involved romantically – it’s nobody’s fault)/ how do I feel about that person currently, etc. It’s the same questions you need to ask about your current partner or lover, your friends, your colleagues. Anyone whose involvement in your life prevents you from growing, or being happy should not be in it – or in cases such as colleagues whereby you can’t exactly be rid of them – keep their involvement as minimal as possible. But, generally speaking, few relationships end well and with mutual respect and understanding. And so generally, it is best to close the chapters that end, learn from them and write better and happier chapters!”

Nicole G. “An ex is someone whom you once cared deeply about and shared your life with. As long as the relationship was healthy and ended well, I think there is no harm staying in touch with that person. But the most important factor is to keep an honest relationship with the ex - and both parties know



What Now?

get better or we get worse. We become weaker or stronger. We either get fitter, or become more and more unfit. The direction of our transformation is dictated by our actions, and infinitely, our actions are determined by our thoughts. Our reality is created by our thoughts, and that manifests our limitations, our boundaries, our fears and conventions. All of which should, and are waiting to be transcended. But only the individual can transcend the negatives, and embrace the positives of their realities. Overcome the fear of trying something new, and you transform in the direction that you can progress with a new skill. Failure to overcome that fear results in a transformation in the direction that you stay fearful, and create more fear, and more negative energies towards yourself. We are evolving beings, therefore we should make sure that our development is towards being the best we can be, but at the same time knowing that we aren’t, and never will be perfect.

by Alexandria Faure “Our reality is created by our thoughts, and that manifests our limitations, our boundaries, our fears and conventions. All of which should, and are waiting to be transcended” There is significance in the certitude that we are beings that can transform not only our physical bodies and capabilities, but also the capacities of our mind and inner being. It is said that we are in a constant state of impermanence, that nothing stays the same, and everything changes. Therefore, there can be no constant self; we are constantly transforming and evolving, as we experience every moment that we are alive. This brings new meaning to the ways in which we approach obstacles, challenges and situations in life. Whether it’s fitness goals we are striving to achieve, or new ways of applying principles to life; we don’t react the same in each circumstance because we are constantly transforming. The only distinction here is the direction of the transformations. We either

Whether its fitness, university, relationships, work or just life in general, it is important to remember that boundaries are not constant, they are transcended every day. Conventions are not set; they are broken down and reconstructed over time. Pain and suffering isn’t permanent, neither is happiness and the same goes for fear. In nature there are clear examples: a stone doesn’t remain the same; it is worn and weathered away over time. And rivers change their course and their shape. The trick is to develop a clear understanding of perception and perspective, and to remember who thinks about, creates and controls reality – YOU. Never forget that each action, each choice, and each thought, advocates for new probable directions. Which direction do you want to go in? We are beings in that ‘beingness’ of impermanence and we should embrace it.

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it. Move with it and join the dance”. Alan Wilson Watts Alexandria Faure is a Seychellois studying Drama And Theatre Arts in London, England.

A Fresh Start - London to Mahé by Daniel Balkwill

“As you can imagine I was quite taken aback. I can honestly say that it’s the first time I’ve ever been offered the opportunity to buy a crustacean whilst in the workplace.” I’ve been fortunate enough to be living here for about five months now. Geographically, climatically and culturally, the U.K and the Seychelles are poles apart, but I’m certainly not complaining. Life is very different here from what I was previously used to, and I’m enjoying it. In a relatively short time I’ve already had some memorable experiences, so I’ve taken the liberty of compiling some of my favourite moments spent here to date. While I was sitting in my shop one afternoon, minding my own business, a local guy came in and asked me if I wanted to buy a lobster. He’d brought it with him, and it was indeed truly a magnificent specimen. As you can imagine I was quite taken aback. I can honestly say that it’s the first time I’ve ever been offered the opportunity to buy a crustacean whilst in the workplace. I received an unusual message on my mobile phone a few months ago. The sender referred to me as ‘Emma’, and was requesting if I could colour their hair for them in return for a small fee. I was initially too traumatised to respond, but fortunately they saw the funny side when they put in a follow up call a few days later wondering why ‘Emma’ hadn’t been in touch. I hope they managed to locate a qualified, competent stylist in the end. I would have done a rotten job.



I had my birthday towards the beginning of March. The day got off to an inauspicious start. Aussie the dog always has to be briefly tied up when we drive to work so that he doesn’t stray too close to the main road, which could be potentially very dangerous. However, on this occasion he managed to escape, and it took a subsequent twenty minutes of running around after him in a rainstorm of biblical proportions before he was eventually recaptured. Obviously he thought this incident was tremendous fun, but I didn’t – especially at 7.30 in the morning! After the day’s work was successfully negotiated, I came home and we had a barbecue. The local butcher’s sausages with cinnamon were amazing. It was a real privilege as if I’d attempted to have a barbecue in the U.K at the same time of year I would probably have contracted acute hypothermia. Another noteworthy incident occurred when two unusually attractive young ladies came into my shop. It turned out that they were finalists of the 2013 Miss Seychelles competition, and were helping to raise corporate sponsorship ahead of the big event. I must say that Seychellois women are generally astonishingly attractive (I did marry one after all!), and these two ladies were certainly no exception. I would have liked to have wished them all the best, but had temporarily lost the power of speech. It’s not every day that a shop owner welcomes several prospective beauty queens into his establishment, or an opportunistic lobster vendor for that matter. Dan works for Kreol Wines - a new wine shop located at Eden Plaza on Eden Island, specialising in Argentinian, Australian, French and South African products. Opening hours are 9-6.30 Mon-Fri, 10-6 Sat & 10-4 Sun.

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Hybrid cars – The Future of Locomotion by Mawess Wirtz

And so the price of fuel keeps going up, and we keep complaining but now thanks to Abhaye Valabhji we really shouldn’t have to take it anymore. Let us bid welcome to the Toyota Prius, Seychelles’ first hybrid car. For those of us who don’t know what that means, a hybrid vehicle is one that is powered by two energy sources. Like the moped! It is powered both by its electric battery and the rider’s legs! A hybrid car is basically a vehicle that has two types of power from two different engines. There is a gasoline engine and an electric engine. The gasoline engine is the engine found in most other cars, in a hybrid it is the one that is used to power the car when it starts and when it accelerates. When this happens the energy generated by locomotion is stored in the battery. The electric engine is used as the car starts running at a constant rate. It acts as both a generator and an engine meaning that it can both use energy to power the car and it can store power in the batteries. The car is not plugged into a socket to be charged like some of us believe. Save your money…… Why did you need to know about the engine?? LESS FUEL! Because the hybrid is not using its gasoline engine the whole time it is running. A hybrid runs for TWICE as many kilometres on the same amount of fuel as a non-hybrid car. Therefore the amount of money you spend on fuel is halved. ENERGY EFFICIENT! As if you wouldn’t already be saving a lot of money from buying less fuel, the manufacturers have also on top of it designed the engines to be energy efficient, they ensure that the electric engine is used more than the gasoline engine. The engine is immediately switched off when not in use as well. ……While saving the environment…… THE CAR MAKES SAVING MONEY LOOK GOOD. It significantly reduces pollution. The fact that it burns less fuel results in reducing the amount of chemicals that you put into the environment from gasoline. Damaging chemicals that are produced from fuel include carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide, carbon monoxide, lead and hydrocarbons. These chemicals are very dangerous and can lead to global warming and acid rain. Not only are the gases from the burning fossil fuels pollutants, they are also health hazards. Continuous inhalation of these gases can lead to oxygen utilization problems in humans, respiratory illness, lung issues and other organs damage amongst others. It is not because we cannot see it happen that it does not. Global warming cause climate change such as more frequent occurrence of extreme-weather events including heat waves, droughts and heavy rainfall which we are already experiencing. These lead to ocean acidification and species extinctions due to the temperatures now rising.

Do we want to be the one who destroys the Seychelles? NO NOISE! And if the sound of engines revving is your pet peeve or if you live close to the road the prius is here to save you. There is no noise pollution with the Prius, gone are the irritating VROOM VROOM! The engine purrs so softly there is little to no noise. ……Therefore saving the future. If we do not do something about the exhaust fumes research has shown that the impact of global warming is bleak. In the years to come the world has many issues to look forward to such as rising sea level, Seychelles will of course be under water but before that happens we should have a population of cancer patients, so many of us will be dead anyway and will not need to relocate. …there are perks too!

LESS FUEL! BECAUSE THE HYBRID IS NOT USING ITS GASOLINE ENGINE THE WHOLE TIME IT IS RUNNING. A HYBRID RUNS FOR TWICE AS MANY KILOMETRES ON THE SAME AMOUNT OF FUEL AS A NON-HYBRID CAR. THEREFORE THE AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU SPEND ON FUEL IS HALVED. The Prius also ensures that you are comfortable and chic as you save the world. The model Abhaye Valabhji sells has full options, with alloy wheels and leather seats. You don’t really need to be drab and uncool to be green. Such a car has to be slow right? Wrong! It also has a 1.8L engine that accelerates like a 2.4L engine. The car is built to reduce weight and energy use. Can’t see from the back? No problem. The car has a reverse monitor that allows you to see the back view from your car so you won’t be reversing into anything by accident.

Continued on Page 14






“NO NOISE! AND IF THE SOUND OF ENGINES REVVING IS YOUR PET PEEVE OR IF YOU LIVE CLOSE TO THE ROAD THE PRIUS IS HERE TO SAVE YOU. THERE IS NO NOISE POLLUTION WITH THE PRIUS, GONE ARE THE IRRITATING VROOM VROOM! THE ENGINE PURRS SO SOFTLY THERE IS LITTLE TO NO NOISE.” Continued from Page 12 Are you a hoarder? There is room in places you wouldn’t expect. There’s storage space under the center console, under the front passenger’s seat and cup holders at the rear as well. The technology used in the Prius is all cutting edge. It contains a display panel that is built to minimise eye movement. The switches that operate the car are all on the steering wheel to facilitate manipulation. It has a head-up display option which projects various driving information on the lower windscreen glass, thus directly in front in front of the driver. Its shift lever is electronic and has a light touch operation that enables it to return back into home position after use. It also has a parking range switch that allows the driver to change to parking range with one touch. Finally, for those of us who loses their car keys in their bags, give praise for the smart entry and start system. If the key is the bag, doors can be opened by just gripping the handle and thee car starts when you press the brake pedal and push the power switch. If you do crash a Prius, not that we want you to, just know that you’ll survive as it has a rating of above 85% for safety. The Prius has airbags, active headrests and a crash safety body. There are airbags in front, on the sides and at the knees of the occupants. The active headrests are designed to prevent the occupant from snapping their necks on impact. The crash safety body contains crumple areas that works to protect both the occupants and the pedestrian should they impact. …and very satisfied customers.

Brigitte Monchouguy is a Seychelloise legal professional living and working in London. She is happiest when travelling, with

Mr Radley Webber is a man who is very much aware of the impact of pollutants on our environment and he has already invested in his future. Mr Webber has acquired a Prius for both himself and his wife and they are both very happy with the car. Mr Webber knows the technology behind the car inside out and in his opinion the car pays itself back and then some. When I interviewed him, he quickly pulled out a piece of paper and showed me in monetary terms how this was done. Apparently, not only is the car comfortable and easy on the eye, it is also a great investment.

The indulgence continued at a family get together that weekend. My aunt and uncle prepared a full buffet, including garlic prawns, smoked fish salad, Jobfish mayonnaise and octopus curry. Is there anything more Seychellois than bonding over good Kreol food, local music, and animated conversation? Alas, all good things must come to an end, so I hopped on the plane to Hong Kong for another adventure. Until next time - if you can’t be good, be good at it!

interests in music, art, theatre and architecture. She also dabbles in mixology and will be sharing cocktail recipes along with her monthly escapades. renée martin designs


last minute opportunity to spend some time with relatives in the Seychelles was an unexpected blessing, although the 32 hour, 3 leg journey was not! After a refreshing shower, I wasted no time in getting in touch with my good friend, Lisa, who informed me that I had arrived just in time for Amy and Gina’s housewarming party that night. It was heartening to catch up with this strong group of independent women with whom I never fail to have fun, not to mention the delicious fondue and pastries created by Gina, a talented professional chef. Reunions continued when my pal, Max, surprised me with an awesome meal of lobster and champagne at his place on Eden Island. The following day we took his boat out, and went snorkelling off the coast of Mahé near Anse Major. On a whim, we trailed some fishing rods in the water sailing back, and were lucky enough to catch an enormous Kingfish, which we barbecued straight away - the freshest supper possible! A few days later I joined my cohorts, Ineke and Marie France, at Beau Vallon Beach for some long overdue girly gossip over a bottle of wine. We reminisced about younger days, laughed a lot, and watched their gorgeous boys play on the shoreline well into the sunset. Back at Marie France’s house, her husband, Nick, had cooked a delicious Mexican feast, with authentic trimmings. We washed down our beef and black bean tacos, and chicken salsa fajitas, with more than a few of his potent homemade Frozen Passion Fruit Whiskey Sours. The Miss Seychelles 2012 1st runner-up, Shanice Hoareau, even stopped by for a fitting in preparation for her Potpourri cover shoot the next day!



A few days later I joined my cohorts, Ineke and Marie France, at Beau Vallon Beach for some long overdue girly gossip over a bottle of wine. We reminisced about younger days, laughed a lot, and watched their gorgeous boys play on the shoreline well into the sunset.

Nick’s Frozen Passion Fruit Whiskey Sours You will need... Drinking Ice Fresh passion fruit pulp (strained) or frozen passion fruit puree Chilled Simple syrup (equal proportions of sugar dissolved in water) Whiskey - preferably a bourbon like Bulleit, or Jack Daniels can work in a pinch (put in the freezer an hour before) Fresh Lemon Juice For 4 servings, measure out 4 shots of the whiskey, 4 shots of the passion fruit pulp, 3 shots of the simple syrup, and 4 tumblers of ice, and place in blender. Squeeze in the juice of a lemon and blitz until slushed. Serve in tumblers or margarita glasses. The drink should be sour and tart from the lemon/passion fruit and quite strong, so feel free to adjust to taste as necessary, and you can add in another shot of whiskey for an extra punch. It’s also important to get all the ingredients as chilled as possible before blending with the ice, in order to get the right frozen consistency (otherwise it will warm up and separate very quickly).





ne of the most relaxing restaurants, The Station is the place to be! The owners, Jenny Gilbert and her husband, Peter, have created a very homely atmosphere with so much love put into everything. The menu is the healthiest one we have yet come across in Seychelles. The difference between The Station and most other restaurants of Seychelles is that they care! They show appreciation towards their ingredients by trying not to drown out their unique flavors. This is done by eliminating the use of garlic and onions which can be very overpowering. For health purposes they do not use sunflower oil either, instead they only cook with coldpressed coconut oil and olive oil. Their dishes are mostly vegetarian, with the exception of one or two meals on the menu which are prepared and cooked in an entirely different kitchen. The setting is very artsy, full of furniture made from recycled material and other artworks and paintings. One particularly interesting piece of art is the painting


they have along their wall. It is a painting of Sans Soucis, it includes a lot of the districts history and it looks like they used the Sans Souci road as their guideline. As you gradually go up the road you will see the main attractions in the form of pictures. There are a few more sculptures and paintings scattered around the inside of the building. The Station has a great sea view, surrounded with vegetation, the air felt easy, with no need for air conditioning, just some naturally cool and fresh mountain breeze.

FROM THE COMFORTING STAFF TO THE SAVORY FOOD, IT WAS A WONDERFUL PLACE, NOT JUST A RESTAURANT, BUT AN AMAZING SPOT HANG OUT. We were off to a good start, the receptionist at the front desk was polite as well as the first waitress we met before our seating. Smiles are something that most service industries lack here in Seychelles so the big smiles at The Station were rare and comforting. We ordered a fresh passion fruit juice and a ‘Station’ Ice tea which were both very tasty. For starters we had the most amazing, succulent breadfruit soup we have ever tasted. With every spoon of it on your tongue you could taste the fresh breadfruit, which by the way they collect from their very own garden. This was also served with freshly made bread and an exquisite coconut chili paste. For our main course we had one vegetarian meal and one smoked fish salad. The vegetarian meal included vegetable cutlets, rice, salad and dhal. The dhal is an Indian sauce made from lentils and spices which tasted absolutely amazing. The smoked fish salad was also lovely and laid out with so much love. This was



Contined on Page 18



Contined from Page 16

FOR STARTERS WE HAD THE MOST AMAZING, SUCCULENT BREADFRUIT SOUP WE HAVE EVER TASTED. WITH EVERY SPOON OF IT ON YOUR TONGUE YOU COULD TASTE THE FRESH BREADFRUIT, WHICH BY THE WAY THEY COLLECT FROM THEIR VERY OWN GARDEN. probably the first time we have ordered a smoked fish salad in a restaurant in Seychelles and not received massive unpleasant chunks of fish in our salad. You could tell they cared about making their customer happy. As a side dish we had some green mango pickle which was so scrumptious even by itself! Not only was our food served within 5 minutes of ordering it, it was also the perfect temperature to be eaten. The staff were so friendly, adjusting to our every need with pleasure, although not the kind that would be a little over-persisting to help, they gave us the space we needed as well. One of the waitresses is a designer and when the place isn’t busy you may sometimes find her sewing in the corner. We even happened to be lucky enough to dine at ‘The Station’ the same day that the Nip Rogers was painting the Sans Soucis history on the wall. Overall the Gilberts managed to create a delightful ambiance for their customers; they treat you like family and are very proud of the little getaway they have created. Jenny’s husband told us he once worked for someone whose restaurants motto was ‘ The Owner Cooks Here’ and said that at their restaurant he prefers to think of it as, ‘The Owner Eats Here’. They also have a Jazz night on every first Saturday of each month. Sounds lovely doesn’t it? If you happen to have some time to spare, or simply want to get away from your busy everyday lives, this is a place we would definitely recommend. The view is magnificent and after dining you may relax in the lounge and have some coffee and biscuits whilst listening to some house music in the background, just as we did. Before you walk into the restaurant you may



visit their interesting little health shop, Lily Moon that you can find at the entrance. Conclusion was that the Station is not just a place we found nothing wrong with, which it was, but it also had some super appeal to it. It’s a place for people who want to experience something different. For people who have a busy lifestyle and want to relax and slow down for a while, a place for people who are easy going and want to be around that same atmosphere. From the comforting staff to the savory food, it was a wonderful place, not just a restaurant, but an amazing spot hang out. We would definitely be there again and for sure recommend it to our friends and the public. Article and Photos by ‘The Station’ Fans - Emilie Chetty and Lorenzo Marzocchi

Leo Le Serviteur! (par Georges Gravé)


L’exemple vient toujours d’en haut, nous le savons tous, mais nous avons une fâcheuse habitude à ne pas le mettre en pratique. Tout le monde râle et se lamente sur les mauvaises attitudes des autres…. Dernièrement, une charmante patronne de boutique me déversait sa légitime colère de ne pas trouver de bonnes vendeuses. La même soirée, un GM d’hôtel partageait son désarroi de ne pas avoir un « bon » staff. Récemment l’Ecole Hôtelière nous faisait part de la déception de certains stagiaires concernant leurs stages en entreprises. Quant a moi, client, je l’avoue, je râle souvent de ne pas être considéré a ma juste valeur et de devoir mendier un bonjour, un merci ou un sourire. Bref, le monde de l’entreprise ne

tourne pas très rond. Bien sur, c’est de la faute du staff disent les patrons. Mais les employées disent souvent qu’ils ont de mauvais patrons. (Take care of your staff, they will take care of your guest…. A méditer) Mais au fait, existe-t-il ce bon Patron, ce patron model, ce leader charismatique que l’on voudrait suivre et écouter avec confiance ? Celui qui nous donnerait l’envie de venir travailler en souriant ? Certes la plupart d’entres eux ont fait de belles études dans de grandes écoles et ils ont de beaux diplômes qui officialisent leur rang de Patron, mais est ce suffisant pour vivre ensemble ? Laisser moi vous raconter la belle histoire de Léo. Léo, le serviteur mystérieux du Voyage en Orient de Herman Hesse. (Merci Meryem de me l’avoir racontée il y a plus de 15 ans maintenant). Leo accompagne un groupe d’hommes partis en expédition spirituelle vers l’Orient, à la recherche de la vérité. Il remplit son rôle de « domestique » avec simplicité et gentillesse. Personne ne le remarque. Attentif aux besoins de chacun, il porte les bagages, prépare le thé, remonte le moral des voyageurs fatigués, sourit, raconte une histoire et sourit encore. On ne sait rien de lui, si ce n’est qu’il est toujours présent quand il le faut, discret et serviable à la fois. Un jour, Leo disparait. Tous les efforts déployés pour le retrouver restent vain. Désespérée, la caravane continue son voyage ; mais a daté de ce jour tout se détraque. Lire une carte géographique ? Allumer un feu ? Réchauffer le cœur et maintenir l’espoir de la communauté ? Leo n’est plus là. Leo manque à tous. Il était indispensable, mais personne ne s’en rendait compte car c’était un second rôle, un voyageur de troisième classe. L’expédition se termine en fiasco. Beaucoup plus tard, l’un des voyageurs retrouve la trace de Léo. Il découvre alors -avec stupeur- que sous les traits de ce serviteur, discret, efficace et attentionné se cachait en fait le Grand Maitre de la congrégation spirituelle dans laquelle chacun essayait de s’élever. Belle leçon de Leadership, dont nous pouvons tous nous inspirer. Non pas pour disparaitre dans l’ombre, mais pour devenir plus simple, plus authentiques, davantage a l’écoute de nos collaborateurs ou de nos voisins ou encore de nos clients. Merci Léo, Je pense que tu as encore bien des choses à nous transmettre.




KEITH PAYET My Last Holiday...

The last time I visited the Seychelles was about 12 years ago. I remember visiting Praslin, and the manager of the hotel said that only the rich from the US visit the Seychelles. That being said, it is very expensive to visit with a family.

...and the Memories I had an amazing time in the Seychelles. Not only revisiting my childhood memories and seeing how some things had changed, but enjoyed how some remained the same. We had a family picnic at the beach, Seychelles style. I even got to ride in the back of a truck like I did as a child. The beaches were just amazing. I can recall visiting La Digue, and going to Anse Source d’Argent and Grand Anse, and just thinking how it was so unspoiled and beautiful. It reminded me of Jurassic Park without the Dinosaurs. I had a fun time convincing my fellow Seychellois at

Keith Payet

I was born at Serret Road in 1974. My family lived on Mahé, the main Island of the Seychelles. When I was about six, my family moved to Belvedere, and I started my 1st year of grade school at Plaisance. For a short time before leaving Seychelles we stayed at Anse La Mouche. My father Jack, was a Civil Engineer and Architect, and my mother Erica, was an Accounting Officer.

From Seychelles to New York City

In 1981, my mother, sister and I left the Seychelles, and moved to the United States. We landed in New York to join my aunt and cousins in Salisbury Mills, a small town north of New York City, who had previously left the Seychelles. Having been so young when I arrived in the United States, my first adjustment was learning American English. Luckily, I had learned some English at home in the Seychelles. One of my regrets is that in order to assimilate into the culture, I abandoned my native language so I could fit in with the other kids. Adjusting to the culture was not too difficult. When I started school, I learned a few things very quickly. One is that you cannot go to the bathroom in the woods during recess. Two, there is no fighting. Finally, as per the teachers, I did not know how to say my own name correctly as I did not pronounce the English “th” correctly. After a few months in New York, I began to fit right into the culture.

Compliance Officer

After finishing High School (Secondary School), I continued my studies and entered College, and obtained my Degree in Criminal Justice. After working a few years as a Fraud Investigator, I went back to graduate school and studied Not-for-Profit Management. Today, I am a Compliance Officer that specializes in Healthcare regulations. In addition to my full-time position, in 2012 I started my own consulting business helping small start-up companies that provide healthcare.

Health Care

I am not up to date nor do I have much knowledge about the healthcare system in the Seychelles. I have heard stories from relatives and how some have travelled overseas to seek treatment. I am sure that with my experience, I could provide some expertise to make it better. Healthcare is a major issue wherever you go in this world. Here in the US it is much regulated, but there are many options for all of its citizens. Of course that also comes with a lot of controversy as to how, and who should manage the healthcare system. A good healthcare system contributes to a healthier population.

Missing Seychelles’ Freedom

Even though I left at such a young age, I will never forget the freedom I felt as an adventurous, and mischievous little boy. I can remember spending hours and hours with my friends exploring Seychelles by foot. We would pick fruits off the trees, go swimming, play marbles, and not return home until it was time for dinner. Of course, I miss the beaches, climbing up the mountains, and the food. Although, when I need some creole food I just go and visit my mom.



“EVEN THOUGH I LEFT AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE, I WILL NEVER FORGET THE FREEDOM I FELT AS AN ADVENTUROUS, AND MISCHIEVOUS LITTLE BOY. I CAN REMEMBER SPENDING HOURS AND HOURS WITH MY FRIENDS EXPLORING SEYCHELLES BY FOOT.” restaurants and during excursions that I was born in the Seychelles. Some didn’t believe me. I even showed one group from a restaurant my Seychelles ID and they passed it around to each other laughing in disbelief. I will forever cherish my visit to the Seychelles. Hopefully in the near future, I will return with my family to share with them my beginnings and culture.

A Few Words that Best Describe the Seychelles’ Islands

Beauty, sun, beaches, food, peaceful, and of course amazing people!

A Possible Return?

In the foreseeable future, I could not come back. I have my children and immediate family here in the US. Also, my work and business is here as well.

How many women do you know who can cope with a husband and THREE young boys? Even better, how many women could cope if one of those boys was autistic in the first place? Lyn Lavigne, aside from being a mother of three boys and a wife is also the chairperson of the Autism Support Group of Seychelles. Women everywhere would be jealous of her for being able to cope with just that, but on top of it all, she is also an astute businesswoman who had her concept picked out before she even started her venture. The shop she has devised reflects this extraordinary lady’s thoughtfulness and drive. Acknowledge the past

Drift Seychelles is not only a shop that sells luxury goods but also a lifestyle. The name Drift came from Lyn’s past; she explained how as a young girl living at Glacis she would always feel an attraction for the sea and how even now, whenever she feels burdened from life she finds herself heading off to the beach and finding solace with the sea. She remembers how she would pick up the objects that would drift up the shoreline and sort them into those she would keep and those she threw back. Her moments spent on the beach developed into an attraction to the objects that she felt reflected the island life. Lyn has always worked in tourism; she wanted to work with people and show them the beauty of her home and what it had to offer. Her success in everything she attempts, she believes comes from her ability to take on anything. She explains how, “Even as a young girl, I would always give myself 100% to whatever I did. I never complained, even when I found myself having to rise very early in the morning and go to bed very late at night, I would always set my sights on what I was achieving.”

Drift Seychelles

The flagship store is located at Kempinski Seychelles Resort and two other stores are located at Allamanda Hotel and Hilton Seychelles Labriz Resort and Spa. The décor of the shop is startling in its contrast to the products on offer. The shop offers luxury brands that not only are of very high quality but will also last. It is very striking to see these well-known brand goods hanging in a shelf made out of old wood that looks like it belongs in a decrepit old house. Drift Seychelles offers its clients all the necessities to live an island life with an emphasis on high quality. Lyn makes her choices from her own personal taste and she has tried out her products before she decided to import the brand. She knows about how to show off her products in the best way; as I interviewed her, she picked out foundation and lip gloss that were identical to my skin colour. I was amazed!

A Touch of Class

Going to the beach? How about a SEAFOLLY swimsuit? The shop offers a variety of the brand’s pieces in different colours. This is a brand from Australia that it well known for its durability; a bikini can easily last years


Photo Credit: Steve Nibourette JULY 2013 | POTPOURRI



Lyn Lavigne… The Lady of Drift


Get caught up in the hype with DJ Ezy D by Elaine LaFortune Give it up for DJ Ezy D in the mix with POTPOURRI

The name’s Daniel Vadivello! Born here, grew up here, but from when I was 8, I remember travelling a lot since my mom was a crew with Air Seychelles. I’m an only child, so everywhere she would go, I would just tag along. I reckon that’s where my fascination with music came; you know travelling all over the world, and having my eyes opened real early, and being captivated with the sounds of the music of the world. Coming from a small island, and being exposed to the bright lights, it was a ‘WOW’ experience for me, and I knew I wanted more of it.

When did you hit it off in Music?

Since S5, music had become part of my life on a much grander scale. Music’s always been in my blood as I’m related to the Savy’s, and Ion kid, who’s my cousin. When I used to stay at Bel Air with my grandma, Mrs Rita Savy, (she’s a huge part of my life) whose home has been the foundation of many popular artists, and popular bands like Waves, I used to meet countless artists rehearsing when I would come home from school. I listen to them play, and would occasionally bang away on the drums, and would often get chased out. After that, I started learning chords and how to play an instrument, and by the time I was 16, I started writing songs. I released my first track not long after, and it became huge on Paradise FM for a good while. It was under the stage name ‘Mysterious’, but the funny thing is that I didn’t give myself that name. I just gave my CD to Paradise FM with a little note, but somehow the note got lost, but they still played my song… and it blew up! I was away in Dubai around that time, while the song became big. Everyone was wondering, who was the guy behind the song. Paradise FM was playing it, the clubs were playing it. It was just crazy! I think someone on Paradise FM kept saying that the song was from a mysterious singer, and from there on, people just picked up on it, and started calling me ‘Mysterious’, and that’s how I got the stage name. All credit due to Paradise FM! Funnily enough, now I work for them. I was surprised to find that this one single had become so huge, and I even had producers trying to sign me down for a deal. I also remember doing 3 gigs in one night. With all the fame, at just 16, I was a kind of at a crossroads between school and the music industry. Being one of Daniel’s former classmates at the National Institute of Education (NIE), I just had to ask EzyD to tell his audience about his little escapade into the teaching world. Ah! NIE! That is actually a really funny story! I initially wanted to join Business Studies and Accounting at the Seychelles Polytechnic, but for some reason I also put NIE down as one of my choices, and as fate would have



it, I was not given Business Studies. But back then I was like this local superstar, earning good money for a kid my age…I didn’t really care much about NIE because I knew I was gonna leave. I recall how you would always get into trouble because you never wore the proper attire. Haha! Yeah! In my mind I had this whole mysterious thing going and I had a sort of street rep to uphold. I kept telling one of the lecturers there “I’m Mysterious! I need to dress up in a way my fans can relate to”, hence my hip look; but that never went down well, Ezy D says laughingly. But after 7 months there, I left Seychelles for London to further my studies, where I redid all my GCE’s and my AS and A levels.

What became of your studies?

I was gonna go to University to do my business degree, but it was quite costly, and I felt I had enough qualifications to make it through, so I decided I would go to work instead, and did some pushy jobs. Business was always in my mind, and I worked in a few business firms, but bear in mind that I was always flying, with my mom being in Dubai. I kept going to and fro from London to Dubai. That’s when I thought it would be best to have my own company, and from a year into the corporate world, at just 21, I started my very own business called ‘Paradise Entertainment’. I used to do raves in the clubs and promote creole music for a while in Leicester square. I started Deejaying, making the transition

Continued on Page 26





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Spoil Your Home with Lamps

(An Island Living Special) Some Rules to Follow

Stick to and/or reinforce a theme Since the lamp completes the look in a room – it cannot look completely out of place. You need to consider the style in your room. Is it traditional? modern? or eclectic?

Sleek Shades for the modern look

For a modern or contemporary look, you have to keep things simple. Think clean lines and shapes that add height or drama to a space without overpowering the rest of the room – bearing in mind that modern rooms, be it living or bed-rooms are usually of minimalistic nature.

Add Femininity to a room...


ooking for way to change something in your everyday home scenery? Why not try a different lighting? You might not think it, but something as basic as changing a lamp could alter the look and feel of an entire room. A room that is considered to be well-lit will have a good balance between general lighting, task lighting and ambience lighting. Lamp lovers will tell you to use lamps generously, but of course several factors need to be considered in the process.

Where to Begin

To get it right, when you start planning the lighting in a room, focus on the most central ‘lamp’ and factor in the size and colour scheme of the room. Then move on to other areas of the room such as dark corners and shelves/tables. You need to have a clear idea of what kind of light the room needs. Is it a light for work? Or for ambience? Are you looking for a lamp with concentrated light downwards that creates a center in the room or do you want a lamp that spreads a general light? You will find that your needs would usually lead you to three options: a table lamp, a floor lamp or a ceiling lamp.

The materials you use can make a room feel more feminine, perfect if it’s a room for a woman or if it’s a shared room that needs to appeal to both a man and a woman. You could add a touch of femininity to a plain bedroom with a pair of crystal lamps on the end tables.

... or Add Masculinity to a room

If it’s a man’s touch that needs to be added to a room, look for solid, sturdy bases and angular shapes. Masculine materials, like dark woods, will also get the feeling you’re looking for.

Colour is Alive

If you need to add some colour to your beige sitting room, a lamp can

Continued on Page 26 Photo: Credit: Steve Nibourette.





Continued from Page 25 do the trick without giving anyone unnecessary headaches. Look for a shade with a bold pattern, an interesting texture or decorative touches like beads or tassels.

Size it Right

Going back to the important rule about size; you need to be very mindful of scale. You do not want a ceiling lamp that has bits hitting your head as you walk under it nor do you want a large lamp on a small table. Aside from not looking right, bumping and knocking into lamps can be messy and dangerous. All items on this page can be purchased at Island Living, Petit Paris – Tel: 2511896. Facebook Page: IslandLivingSeychelles

Continued from Page 22 to playing in clubs. The first time I played, I felt this sudden rush which reminded me a bit about the ‘Mysterious’ thing in Seychelles, but it was a whole different crowd…and after that, I said to myself “that’s what I wanna do!” I started doing more radio and more clubs and picked up along with the business.


When I was in 6th form, I was really laid back…actually you know me from NIE and I was always laid back! So back in school, they would always call me ‘easy’ because I was so laid back. When I started Deejaying I thought it’d be a cool name so I just added the ‘D’ and spelt it differently, obviously to give it more street cred, hence the name ‘Ezy D’.

Clubbin’ in London

In Seychelles, party days are Wednesdays and Fridays, but in London every day is as big as the next day. In college I would play in Uni raves in Birmingham, Croydon…just going back from college to college every weekend. It was just insane! Come Sunday, I’d be totally burned out! When you’re Deejaying at that level, it just opens your eyes to a whole new world. I would deejay during the evenings, and had to go to my day job the next day. I would live off coffee and the Monster drink for a long time!

The face behind Creole FM

I would come to Seychelles every 3-4 years, and would just be mesmerized with the radical change in the music here. But being in London, I could not get access to the music, and I wanted to find a way to get Seychelles music to London. Then a radio station came to mind in 2011, and ‘Creole FM’ was born which was basically Internet based. I started broadcasting online 24/7, and used to run that from my bedroom. Non-stop creole music! I thought I’d get a few 100 likes but it grew so much that I couldn’t handle it on my own, so I opened it up, and a friend Marlon Didon, who goes by kozkreol on Facebook, agreed to help. In 8 months we hit 20,000 people. We were invited to the Carnival International de Victoria, and I came down and introduced who we were, and when I saw the growth in



music here, I wanted to come back and give Deejaying a shot. I wanted to do Creole FM here as a radio station, but the logistics and capital behind it was too excessive. So I sent my CV to Pure FM and Paradise FM to introduce who I was, and what I wanted to do, and got a good deal with Paradise FM. I’m signed with XL records. In fact I think I’m the only DJ to be signed with a major label. Through XL, I’ve met the likes of Beyonce, JayZ, Neyo …I’m not saying we’re friends, but it’s been an honour!

Cruising with Paradise FM

It’s been a little over a month with FM, and it’s been crazy! I’m hyped by nature, and I was primarily supposed to come and revive the Friday/ Saturday nights on radio, but then they put me on air, and everything went wild. Everyone just kept asking… Who’s that guy on radio? Is he Seychellois? Now I’ve really made it big…better than I imagined. One of my friends told me, “You know you’ve made it big here when you hit Gossip Corner on Facebook!”

What has been the overall feedback from the Seychellois audience?

To be honest, I’ve had some negative comments with regards to me speaking English on air, but I know, ‘like me or hate me’ at least they’ve stopped and taken notice. You can’t please everyone. But this is me! I’ve said it from day one! Paradise FM has given me a chance to be ME, and I’m using that to bring up the hype on air. I’m fast based, I’m hyper, I’m loud, I yell…not everybody will like me, but most will! I’m here to push the change, and I’m happy to be working alongside DJ’s like DJ Owen and DJ DMC Taj! I get anything from like 300 messages a day while on air, and people telling me “I’ve got a sexy voice”, Daniel says with a smile. Deejaying is more than just playing a CD, it’s all about entertaining, and this is what I like to do! I like to do that something extra so that people will remember my name. When I go live, I jump around and sing….my personality is in my show! I’ve been playing morning shows to afternoon shows, and people are just excited for me to get on air.

Other than Deejaying what else do you enjoy?

Basically jamming with my friends, having some shisha and oh, following up on my team Manchester United. I’m a huge fan, and I make it a must to buy all their T-Shirts! Other than that, I’m always on Facebook, and always tweeting and pushing my Facebook out, so pretty much anyone can follow me on there on www.djezyd.com I live for the day, and I wanna keep on climbing until I’m physically unable to. I’m quite morally grounded thanks to my grandma, and quite charitable. Whenever I can, wherever I can, I like to help out. If you get to know me, you’ll see that I’m not a flashy guy, because I get that a lot. I wanna make my mark everywhere I go. As long as I can touch people’s heart with my charisma, and with the way I can entertain and make a difference, it’s enough!

What would you like to say to your audience?

I want people to know that what they hear is the real me. It’s not me putting on an act or trying to be English. I’ve lived and worked, and grew up in a country where I had to speak English for over 11 years… how do you not pick that up? It’s become part of me! I want my fans to know that this is a 100% me! I’m on this thing! Keep tuning in to 93.6 Paradise FM




Versatility of the Caftan

Photo Credit: Steve Nibourette

At her daughter’s wedding dinner rehearsal, Hilary Clinton made headlines in a way that was very different from what we are used to. She wore a kaftan and she wore it superbly well, following in the footsteps of Liz Taylor, Jennifer Lopez (plunging neck line style of course!) and the famous Barbie. Modern day kaftans are designed to fit the style and preferences of the modern-day girl/ woman. With such a high vote for versatility, the middle-eastern inspired kaftan is no longer only a floor-length type tunic, which was trendy in the 1970s and 1980s. Now, kaftans are worn, mostly by ladies, in a variety of lengths and figure-hugging or slim-look styles. While some of us might still choose a kaftan on a day when we are not feeling too great about our bodies, the new kaftans we see nowadays have lower neck lines and v-necks – all designed to make the wearer feel attractive and beautiful. In Seychelles, kaftans are a must in every woman’s wardrobe. Either in your beachwear shelf, cocktail dresses closet, running-errandsin-Victoria drawer, there is kaftan that would suit the purpose and make you look like a million bucks – effortlessly!

Long Red Caftan – Kiosk 17, Victoria

White Sleeve – Drift, Kempinski

Pink Caftan - Les Folies de Mahé, Eden Plaza

White Sleeve 2 – Drift, Kempinski

Red Orange – Drift, Kempinski

Brown Half Dress – Les Folies de Mahé, Eden Plaza Long Black Caftan – Quatre Epices, Eden Plaza

Caftan Brown Pattern – Quatre Epices, Eden Plaza


Location of the shops: Exotic Scents – Eden Plaza | Petites Folies – Eden Plaza | Red Coral Seychelles – Kiosk 19, Lesplanade/ Quatre Epices, Eden Island/ STC Duty Free, Airport Departure Lounge/ Red Coral Shop, Praslin/ Kokosye Boutique, La Passe, La Digue



BEST BUYS.........

J`Adore Voile de Parfum A new variant of the original Dior perfume J `Adore from 1999, J`Adore Voile de Parfum, is presented in the spring of 2013. The new fragrance is musky, powdery and floral. Like a gentle veil it envelops the skin of a woman leaving a sensual trail. The characteristics of this scent stretch from the contrast between refined elegance and irresistible sensuality. The Gift Shop, Latanier Road |Price SR1350 100ml/ SR1050 50ml You can now stay clear by using Lady Speed Stick Invisible Dry Antiperspirant & Deodorant that gives 24-hour protection and is specially designed for a woman’s underarm. It has a scent renewal formula and leaves no white residue. Great fragrance . Gives all day protection. Dira’s Cosmetics, Docklands Building | SR77 Garnier Fructis fortifying shampoos, conditioners and treatment products with Fortified Fruit Science are proven to perform with ingredients customized to your specific hair need. A wide selection is available at RAMAJAYAN Docklands Supermarket starting at SR95.16 This dress can be so versatile depending on what you wear it with. Perfect for day wear or evening wear when your aim is to look effortlessly elegant. HighStyle, Docklands Building | only SR350 when you turn up with your copy of July Potpourri





Dianne Dalida


Martin Hoarau’s Hairdressing Mum-of-two Dianne had not set foot in a salon for a while before this make-over. Most working mums can relate to this (not forgetting that the youngest of the two is an 8-month old baby). Dianne, who is a Sales Executive at SACOS, explained that she hardly has any time to look after herself and welcomed this opportunity to step out of her comfort zone and add a bit of colour in her life!

Hair (with Kelly - AKA Paris) Despite not being a regular to a hair salon (clearly proven by dry split ends and faded colour), Kelly (aka Paris) thought Dianne’s natural hair was gorgeous! Dianne was already sporting Hollywoods’ ombré hair look of the moment (half brown half blonde look!). Since chopping off the half blonde bit was not really an option, Paris opted to dye it with a maroon/ mahagony colour which served more as a reflection as opposed to simply colour. Long layers were bringing Dianne’s face ‘down’ and doing no justice to her beautiful asian features – which Paris fixed with some shorter razor cut layers. The main goal was to add volume and waves to Dianne’s hair giving her a softer and more feminine look.

For booking, call Martin Hoarau Hairdressing on 4325186

Make up (with Virginie) There was no ‘keep it natural’ request from Dianne. She specifically requested funky and funky she got! Mixing two foundations to get Dianne’s exact skin tone right, Virginie went on to add 3 colours to her eyes – from pale gold to pinkish-orange. To add an additional dramatic effect to the eyes, eyeliner was used on both the top and bottom lids. Layers of mascara sent the look off into screen star territory and a bright red lipstick secured its arrival!

For booking, call Virginie Quatre on 2733020





Continued from Page 21


and Jouel. She picks out the collections that she sells herself and admits that they sell well. This is not surprising when she herself also designs jewellery. She is the perfect person to gauge which collection would best suit her clientele; especially as she made one-off unique pieces. The collections she picks all have a sea theme and even if they are from two different companies and are at different sections of the shop; they somehow suit each other. Vision Care is represented by a range of their higher end sunglasses, such as ray-bans. What is an island shop without authentic artefacts from said island? She also has agreements with local artisans and she sells sculptures, bags, paintings and other objects with a real Creole feel. Small gifts in the form of wooden tortoise structures, key-rings in the shape of our different islands and other artisanal sculptures give the shop a certain Seychelles character. Unique pieces reflect this lady’s one-of-a-kind perception. I saw a set of stones that were also dominoes. Aromatheraphy was represented by Yinkin. According to a person’s date of birth, one can find out which areas one is more likely to be deficient in and which smell could be used to alleviate that. (Allow me to digress and state that, the card said that I was, The truthful, therefore you must believe everything I write).

It’s the Thought that Counts

Mrs Lavigne has a strong stance on health issues which is reflected in the brand of cosmetics she imports. The Cancer Council products she sells generate funds that are used for cancer research. The cosmetics are not just lip gloss or foundation etc.…they all also contain sunscreen of SPF 30+ protection to help her clients protect themselves from the harmful rays of the sun. She also has other sunscreen lotions and other toiletries to help a lady keep herself fresh and beautiful.

Goodbye……..with a touch of Lyn Lavigne

Once a purchase has been completed, be it for a woman, man or child, Mrs Lavigne wraps up the item and decorates it with a shell or artefact from her own personal collection, leaving one with a piece of her concept.

Dianne says: “I feel like the funkiest

mummy going home on a Thursday night! I love the hair and make-up and the fact that I got some great tips in the process. This could well be the most exciting thing that has happened to me since my daughter was born.”

without losing its colour or shape. There are also SEAFOLLY kaftans and raffia beach bags. Take note that these are NOT the bags that fall apart in contact with sea water nor are the kaftans those that fade on exposure to the sun. She has beautifully printed sundresses made out of 100% silk from the Camilla fashion brand. They are handmade with Swarovski crystals. These dresses seem to flow over the body and are so soft that a person does not even feel them on. They will easily make one feel special. She has Helen Kaminski straw hats and Nat Sui shoes and sandals. To state that these are beautiful is a given but they really are. (I was particularly taken with a pair of Nat Sui sandals but that would have been shopping on the job!). She has not forgotten about the men; she also has Vilebrequin swimwear for men. The prints for the men’s wear were masculine and “tres chic” for swimwear. I thought they wear regular day pants until I felt the fabric.

A Touch of Culture

The shop does not only offer international brands, Mrs Lavigne also uses it to promote the local businesses. Her jewellery comes from Kreol’Or




Kempinski Seychelles Resort, Mahe Island Hilton Seychelles Labriz Resort & Spa, Silhouette Island Allamanda Beach Resort & Spa | Opening July 2013


The Unpretentious Beauty Queen! By Mawess Wirtz

Who rules the world…. girls!

Agnes Suzy Gerry is the only daughter of Mr Basil and Mrs Joyce Gerry of St Louis. She is the third child of the couple with two older and one younger brother and this year she made them all proud by winning the Miss Seychelles another world pageant. “As genuine as it gets” should be the logo for our current Miss Seychelles. When I met her, she wasn’t wearing any makeup and she had her hair tied back simply and in her natural state she looked beautiful. Just looking at her she gave a great representation of what a fresh faced Creole beauty looks like. She is a graduate of the Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA) with a diploma in Tourism and Tour guiding and she credits her courses at school for a lot of the skills she has today. She remembers her time spent there with fondness as she recounted the various lessons she’d learnt. She reflects that it is the tour guiding course that is responsible for her new found confidence. Laughingly she told me how she had to ride a bus and pray she wasn’t the student called on to describe a particular place en route on the spot. Apparently she is not a very lucky girl!


Woman of Steel!

Agnes is made from a tough cloth; she has already survived Scoliosis. Scoliosis is a condition where the spine becomes shaped like an S or a C. At first the curve of her spine could be treated using medical braces that would hold her torso to a particular position and prevent more curvature. She remembers having to wear a Scoliosis Corset to school and it itching her. She admits that it was so itchy that she told her mum who got her a Lumber belt instead. After a while it became obvious that this was not working so she had to go for surgery which was done in India. This procedure is done by applying a combination of screws, hooks, and rods that were attached to the bones of her spine to hold them in place. The surgeon would then have to place a bone graft around the bones to be fused to get them to grow together and become solid. Her surgery was a success and all she has to show for it now is a six inch scar along her back. Far from being mild and submissive, Agnes showed signs of being an opinionated young lady, could it be because she literally has a spine of iron? But do not worry about our Miss Seychelles setting off metal detectors as fortunately for her,



her surgical steel does not trigger them. The only thing left over from her trials is a healthy fear of doctors and after listening to what she went through I do not blame her one bit….so would I.

Je crois en Dieu.

She is a catholic with a strong faith and as a projection of her faith she is an active member in her church. While most of us attend the service we all enjoy the moving music from the choir but not all of us think of what has to happen before we get to hear these stirring sounds. As a former member of the Immaculate Conception choir, Agnes explains that to deliver the inspiring lyrics of the church gospel to the congregation the choir meets in the afternoon to practice. Unfortunately this coincided with practice for the Miss Seychelles pageant so she made the decision to take a break so that she could focus on the pageant. Rather than do a poor job at both she decided focus on one and excel, which she obviously did. She hopes that once her duties as the Miss Seychelles 2013 is

completed she can be welcomed back into the choir. She already has a good relationship with certain members, one of which is her mother.

Flying the Creole spirit.

After her studies were completed, even before she graduated, Agnes was employed by Air Seychelles. When she expressed her desire to participate in the pageant, she was happy to find that the organisation gave her all the support she needed. It began with her being allowed to leave early for pageant training and ended with members of staff attending the pageant to support her. Even now, so that she they can support her better as the new Miss Seychelles, she has been moved from the ticketing office to the Sales and Marketing Section.

It’s not just about the pretty crown!

The pageant has been one of the highlights of Agnes’ life. She explains that outside of the crown she has been blessed with friendships that matter a lot to her and even if the pageant is over, she stills meets up with the other contestants. The day I met



Scars from the operation

Will the real Agnes please stand up?

The best friend thinks……Who would better know the young beauty queen better than a friend that she has grown up with? I talked to Corrine her friend who told me that she was literally flabbergasted when she learnt that Agnes applied for the pageant in the first place. She had always considered her to be a shy and quiet girl who would not be brave enough to participate. She disclosed that even Agnes herself did not tell anyone at first until she was selected for the final 14 that she was competing. Corrine was supportive but wary and then spellbound by Agnes as she followed the pageant via Facebook, she admits that she barely recognised her friend, the girl in the pictures seemed so confident and was always beaming. In the face of what Corrine considered to be tough competition, this version of Agnes won. The Gerry Family

her some of them had actually just met over the weekend. She also explained that she had seen herself as a contender for the title. After our June cover girl and Miss Seychelles first princess 2012 Shanice Houareau needled her into participating, she figured she would participate for the experience. As training progressed however she realised that she had what it took to win. There should have been a Miss Patriotic title! I was pleasantly surprised when Agnes told me that her evening dress was made by local designer Miriam Houareau. She had the option of buying a dress from overseas but she decided that she would showcase the artistry of a local seamstress. So this year our Miss Seychelles was a Creole girl and she was crowned in a Creole dress.

Future Minister of Culture?

Her education at the hands of her STA lecturers have left Agnes with a strong sense of culture. She explained how much she loved her cooking classes where she learnt how to make traditional food, her stories had me suffocating on my own laughter. Do you all know how to make baked breadfruit…..in the oven? How about pumpkin daube? No? Your Miss Seychelles 2013 does. When I asked her if she had a choice what her platform would be, she explained how she felt that we were losing our cultural identity and how she wanted to do something about that. She had some good ideas too! She wanted to set up programs to teach traditional dance and traditional instrument playing to primary students. These students would then compete at school level then at national level in what would be the equivalent of the national sports day. She expressed herself so eloquently on the subject that I knew it meant a lot to her. She went on to explain that with the majority of the youth capable of dancing the traditional dances and playing the traditional musical instruments then they could portray that in vast numbers at the Carnivale des Seychelles and during the Creole festival. She even cheekily said that they could also earn good money as hotel entertainment.


At Home with Mum

The dad thinks…….Mr Gerry did everything he could to get his child sponsors and he did all the pickups from practice, all the while supporting his child. He confesses that when Agnes won he was the proudest Dad and he has all the best hopes. When he compares Agnes before and Agnes after the pageant, he says his child has not changed, she has just experienced new things and has become happier which is reflecting the personality she always had. He is very worried about people that may now try to take advantage of her and he is on the lookout. The best advice he has given his daughter is a warning against these factors that may harm her. He always knew that he had a pretty child but now he can brag about it without fear of being a doting dad, he is obviously not the only one who thinks so.

A girl to be proud of.

There are many adjectives that can be used to describe Agnes and all of them good, but the one that remains dominant after meeting her is nice. In a world where young girls have matured quickly and been swayed by certain vices, Agnes shows no signs of being affected. In a time where the youth have been acting in a manner that adults deplore, here stands Agnes and she is beautiful. Article Credit: Mawess Wirtz

With Dad and Brother




How to Age Gracefully …By Jennifer Baldwin

We all wish to age gracefully, and look our natural best as long as possible. However, some of the lifestyle choices we make are well known causes of prematurely aging skin. Addressing some of these habits we have adopted is an important part of any anti-aging skin care program.

Too Much Sun

The sun is damaging, and can cause wrinkles, sun spots, dry skin, sagging skin with a leathery appearance and cancer. According to dermatologists, 80 per cent of all aging can be directly related to exposure to sunlight. Always use a sunscreen that fights against UVA and UVB rays.


Smoking inhibits oxygen getting to the outer layer of your skin which has a dehydrating effect causing premature skin aging. Smokers are often identified by lines of wrinkles above their upper lip.

Not Drinking Enough Water

Water is involved with nearly every bodily process -- especially flushing out waste materials. Water benefits our skin by acting as an internal moisturizer, keeping the skin moist, supple, and clear as well as preventing pre-mature aging.

Not Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep causes puffy, dark circles which do not look youthful. At night, skin goes into a renewal state, not only does it repair itself, but there’s also a difference in its pH and circulation, so those expensive antiaging products may work better.

Alcohol Use

Alcohol is dehydrating, and should only be consumed in moderation as it deprives our skin of vital nutrients, and may cause our facial blood vessels to become dilated leading to permanent, aging red ‘spider veins’ on cheeks, and often across the nose.

Unhealthy Diet

What we consume on a daily basis has a major impact on how well our skin regenerates itself. Choose fresh, healthy fruits, vegetables & fish rich in vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy, glowing skin. Avoid yo-yo dieting which causes premature ageing as the repeated weight gain and loss stretches your skin, and makes it loose, with loss of facial fat causing sagging and a gaunt, aged appearance.

Anti-aging skin care

Once we have taken the necessary steps to address our bad habits which contribute hugely to our skin’s aging process, we can start thinking about age relevant anti-aging skin care methods to help us age gracefully. [However, with external influences and genetics, we must remember that the age and appearance of the skin sometimes has little relevance to the age of its bearer.]

Skin care in your 20s

Your 20s are an extremely important decade when it comes to determining what your skin will look like years down the line. Prevention and protection are key – a simple regime of cleansing, moisturising and

Continued on Page 38


Continued on Page 38 36





Beauty Tips with

Lynette Botha

FACEBOOK Beauties The faces that turned our heads on FACEBOOK in May 2013...


Lynette Botha, Beauty Editor,

ELLE Magazine (South Africa)

Q: A:

I sometimes shave my eyebrows, but was recently advised against it, what do you suggest? I say absolutely ‘no’ – never shave your eyebrows! As with shaving your legs, hair tends to grow back thicker each time! Also, eyebrow hair sometimes does not grow back at all! Do not take the risk – rather get a professional to wax or pluck your eyebrows into shape, and then maintain the shape by plucking out any stray hairs at home, as they grow back. When plucking eyebrows, always remember that less is more. Start slowly, and always pluck in natural light. If you do go overboard, fill in brows lightly with a brow pencil or non-shimmering eye shadow in the same shade as your brow until the hairs grow back.

Name: Betty Laurence

Name: Elaine Montalban

Residence: Anse-Royale

Profession: Executive Support

Profession: Shipping Agent

Manager, VCS Group of Companies Residence: Mare Anglaise, Beau Vallon

Continued from Page 36 applying sun protection should help combat present skin issues, and help push back the first signs of aging. It is not too early to introduce a lightweight eye-cream into your routine to help combat fine lines developing around the eye area. Whilst you may still suffer from the occasional pimple, try not to use products that strip the skin of its natural oils – they’ll only send your oil glands into overdrive, causing even more pimples.

Skin care in your 30s

By the time you hit 30, fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth will be more visible, your skin may appear thinner and finer and less radiant. Effects of long term sun exposure may begin to show with pigmentation and discoloration problems. Prevention and protection should still be your priority but add damage control into your skin care plan. Exfoliate regularly, and start using a night cream as well as an eye cream.

Skin care in your 40s

Key concerns in your forties will be an increase in the depth and amount of wrinkles, as well as loose thinning skin and darker pigmentation. Hormonal changes before menopause can cause a decrease in collagen and elastin which would normally give the skin firmness and strength, resulting in looseness and sagging of the skin. As the skin gets drier, skin care tactics should include more regular exfoliating to help skin absorb moisture better, and specialised antiaging night care products to help boost the skin’s vitality and resilience, as well as to help reduce wrinkles.

Skin care in your 50s and beyond…

With the onset of menopause, cell turnover is slow at this age, and dryness is high. Use creamy products to help combat dryness along with serums, or facial oils containing Vitamin C to help brighten up the complexion. Use rich luxurious creams at night, and take fish oil capsules to help nourish the skin.








Part 7 of 12 – A lighter, more conscious you in 2013

A LIFE WORTH LIVING exactly as you like it!

Imagine being given a ticket to an unknown destination – with allowance for only one standard sized luggage. What could you expect? Really think about this, step by step. Would you be flying, sailing, driving? What clothes would you take (warm or cold, sandals or sturdy boots)? Who would you be travelling with? How much money and which currency would you need? Would you need a visa? By now you most likely have concluded that it would be a fairly crazy journey, more like a roller-coaster ride into the wide unknown with haphazard connections and a fair amount of chaos. Such is a life’s journey without a road map. By even considering embarking on a journey with no direction or destination, you automatically give up any control of what you want to see along the way and what you hope to experience, let alone where you end up. A great truth I have come to love and honour is that I am the creator of my reality and the architect of my happiness. I have fully accepted that I possess the power to change my world and live the life I truly want to live. I acknowledge that my consciousness is a divine device that gives me the freedom to constantly shape and re-shape my reality.



I happily take responsibility for everything that happens in my life and know that I am the maker of how my reality unfolds, so this moment is a true manifestation of what I am constantly thinking, the result of how much consideration I give to the path I am on and the destination I want to reach. I am a creator and the cause of my experiences, not a victim at the receiving end of the will of others or circumstances out of my control. What freedom this gives me! This is also true for you. Yes, at first glance this very public declaration of how I believe my life is shaped might appear outrageous - even illogical. You may think that I’m slightly mad or that I have no idea of what I’m talking about. For many more reasons than one, you may simply refute everything about it and may even struggle to understand it. If you are doing any of that, patiently read on. The simple fact is that you are reading this article which I have written and have manifested through a conscious decision to live my dream. I work towards my dream with passion, constantly giving my purpose structure which I declare to myself with conviction. And on my journey to live a life of worth, I want to share my experiences, to perhaps encourage others to live their joy in a reality filled with freedom,

abundance and grace. This is manifesting right now. I respect this moment to be the full expression of my constant thoughts. And, I am fully aware that whatever is happening in a way that displeases me right now is so because I have not given those aspects of my life sufficient consideration. I haven’t cared to define their place, purpose and function in my story of my perfect life. By this I mean that I have created situations which may not be ideal in my life by neglect and unconsciousness. Now if you are starting to think ‘maybe I am not a victim of my current, unacceptable situation’ and are willing to look at ways to embrace the concept that things could change for you, then I have reached a point in my journey which is a place I have plotted on my road map. How does one even get to the starting line of creating their own reality, to recognizing that the ‘unacceptable’ situation is really, easily in your control to change because you created it? A good start would be to take a long, honest look at your present reality and use some time every day to actively dream up a new reality. Give up wasting negative effort and energy thinking or speaking of why your life


Jenny Gilbert is the founder and owner of Everglow Ltd, the island’s premier natural health manufactures and service providers. She is also Director of Wellness at Resonate Wellness at The Station. Homoeopathy is a well recognised system of ‘natural’ medical treatments for most diseases and conditions. Please visit resonatewell.wordpress.com or email reson8.well@gmail.com.

Jenny Gilbert runs a practical workshop on “Road Mapping” once a month at The Station. Visit www. facebook.com/ thestationsanssouci for more information.




is not working perfectly. In my experience, one of the most trustworthy ways to achieve my dreams has been through the method of consciously and physically working on a road map at all times in my life. It has never failed me and has become my constant companion as a potent tool in achieving my aspirations. But what does ‘working on a road map’ mean? Simply put, it means that by actually sitting down and plotting a route, a destination - the stops along the way in line with what you hope to achieve and experience in your life - you become the captain on your life’s journey, not merely a passenger. I have learned that unless and until we are willing to actually take a moment in our busy day to look at the road we are on, we will blindly be travelling on a collision course with unanticipated ends that could even involve living someone else’s dreams and aspirations. If we do not have a firm destination set in stone, committed to in writing and reviewed often and with sincerity and an awareness that this journey is the one we decide to travel, we leave our lives to chance and then wonder why we aren’t living our joy! Right now, consider where you would be living and what you would be doing and achieving were there no limitations to thwart your dream. Write a step by step plot, in present tense, of how you think you would get there. Take your visions seriously and be exact. Absolutely avoid using negatives (not, won’t, can’t, never etc). Write a story of your perfect life and read it as often as you can, paying attention to your heart for any adjustments. If there are any please make them any time you think of them. Sooner than later you’ll be exactly where you want to be, standing in your joy and celebrating the moment! “It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” William Ernest Henley


“You don’t have to believe in this stuff. Just DO IT! “ John Kehoe

Better Living


With Célia Ponzo

“Your bodies are naturally equipped with self–repair mechanisms, but these get de-activated when you become a stressful, anxious body. What you need to do is re-balance your body to its natural state.”

I am sure all of you have heard about the power of the mind in the healing process. We are now beginning to understand, in medical science, the degree in which the nature of thoughts and emotions, partly determines the physical substance, structure and function of our bodies. You are all aware about the ‘’placebo effect’’, something that supposedly has no impact and no effect on the body, like a sugar pill. The way it works is that, because people believe they are taking the new wonder drug, their bodies start to get better. However, fewer people know about the evil twin, “the nocebo effect” where harmful beliefs about our health may harm our bodies. This effect triggers negative thoughts, fears and anxiety, and activates the body “fight or flight” stress response. You can think yourself sick, and this will predispose your body to illness. It is very common that health care practitioners experience physicals symptoms, simply because they have excessive knowledge about what can harm the body, and the more they focus on the infinite ways in which the body can break down, the more likely they are going to think about how it can affect them personally. Take me as an example, working in nutrition my days are filled working towards the prevention of diabetes, and other nutritionally linked diseases. At some point I was feeling symptoms of dizziness. There was a moment where I felt anxious, asking myself what if this dizziness is linked to diabetes? To the point that one day I measured my blood sugar, and it was lower than the norm, this set my body in stress mode. I am more than convinced that my negative thoughts played a game on my blood sugar level as I can confirm that I am perfectly healthy with no sign of diabetes. However, this needed a strong shift in my mind set, and I had to replace my fearful thoughts with a positive thought. So, how can you tell if you have been affected by stress? Here are 6 signs that cortisol has invaded your body: You are not sleeping well: If your cortisol levels are too high despite you being tired all day long, you still toss and turn all night feeling tired again the next day. You sleep well but you are still tired: This happens when you have concentrated levels of cortisol in your system, which results in depleting your adrenal glands which in turn predispose you to chronic fatigue. You are gaining weight: No matter how healthy you are eating, and how much you are exercising, if you are stressed you will be gaining weight around the abdomen. You crave unhealthy foods: Cortisol raises your blood sugar, and high glucose levels bump your insulin levels which then drop your blood sugar level, and leave you craving for snacks packed with fats and sugars. Your sex drive is low: Cortisol can be so called the anti-viagra, libido inducing hormones are dramatically decreased when stress hormones are high. You feel anxious: Your stomach feels strange, your experiencing panic attacks, feelings of paranoia? This is your anxiety kicking in result of too many stress hormones. There is always good news! Your bodies are naturally equipped with self–repair mechanisms, but these get de-activated when you become a stressful, anxious body. What you need to do is re-balance your body to its natural state. Through relaxing techniques, your



cortisol levels will drop, and your self-repair mechanisms will be back to optimal operation. What you can do to scare away cortisol: Meditate: All forms of meditation activate the relaxation response, and improve infinite number of health conditions. Meditation can simply mean sitting in silence and stillness for a couple of minutes. Laugh, laugh and laugh: How good does laughing feel? Do more of it, and cortisol will live very shortly. Sing, dance, paint, draw, and write: Creative expression releases feel good neurotransmitters which in turn lowers your cortisol levels. Have a spa day: This is the ultimate relaxation response activator. This will make you feel nurtured and relax your nervous system. Alleviate loneliness: Being alone gives you more time to think and dwell on the negative thoughts and feelings of stress. Get distracted and you will feel instantly better. I am convinced, you wouldn’t take a pill from a bottle with a skull and cross bones on it, but every time you are stressed and think negatively you are potentially poisoning your body with stress hormones such as cortisol that de-activate your body’s natural selfrepair mechanisms, and predispose you to illness. Of course accidents happen, genetic factors and risky behaviours influence our health, and bad things happen to people no matter how positive they are. Do not get me wrong, if someone has an acute health situation, then obviously medicine is the right thing to do. I am not negating medicine, every form of healing has a place, but what I am proposing is that healing through the mind can harmoniously work with medicine. Célia is passionate to inspire happier and healthier lives by sharing holistic tips to her public. Her background is in medical anthropology and public health. She is currently working in the nutrition unit at the ministry of health.





Natural Cold & Flu Relief for Kids by Nathalie Hodgson

Everyone knows that the cold and flu medicines and products don’t “cure” anything, they only provide relief. And what’s worse than being helpless when your kids are suffering and knowing that you pumping them with drugs that have other side effects? I know that, for myself, that when they are suffering really badly I use the multi-symptom ones, and only at night when they need to be able to sleep. But what about combating it before going straight to the medicine cabinet? Here are simple homemade remedies to show you how.


It is easy to make and doesn’t contain petroleum based products such as many of the commercial alternatives. Mix eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils with your favorite oil (coconut, olive, apricot, etc.) and rub the mixture on feet and chest.


This natural cough medicine is a wonderful homemade alternative without alcohol and other additives. Make sure to use good honey; local, organic, raw honey is the best as it will help to prevent allergies as well. Honey and onion both have anti-bacterial properties and onions contain a compound that reduces bronchial constriction. Simply chop onions (any color will do) and place in a jar and cover onion bits with honey. Let it sit overnight and strain the next day, saving the liquid and discarding the onion pieces. My kids love this.

DovicaTurns Name: Dovica LaFortune Birthday: 17 July Name: New text, “New From: Aunty Elaine LaFortune quote. New colours.” *New text”! th

Elaine says: “Dovica is a very talkative and funny little girl. She loves the outdoors; helping her dad in the garage, and her mom at the boutique. When at home, she enjoys watching TV with her big sister. She also loves riding her bike, and playing tag with her cousins. Her jovial and candid attributes are what makes me love her so much.”

(In collaboration with Chanterelle Bookshop)




This has been used to promote health for centuries. This mixture can be taken at the first sign of cold and has shown to boost the immune system both separately as well as together. Simply mix one teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon. Give a spoonful every couple of hours and it can knock out a cold in a couple of days.


This remedy is great, especially for respiratory illnesses. In a large (2 gallon) pot, bring a few cups of water to a boil. When water boils, turn off heat and add a couple tablespoons each of rosemary, thyme and oregano. Stir well, cover for up to five minutes, and remove lid in the bathroom where the kids are. Ensure which one parent needs a shower, and get the bathroom air nice and steamy. (for the parents you can drape a towel over your head and lean over the pot, breathing in the steam). This will help loosen congestion and kill any bacteria that have accumulated in the lungs or respiratory track. I tend to bring a load of toys in the bathroom floor to play while my husband has a long hot shower (so as to not waste water; it’s much easier with a small bathroom if you have one).


At the first sign of illness or ear infection, a few drops of this remedy can do wonders! Place into a small bowl 2 drops of Eucalyptol, Nutmeg Oil, Terpineol, Arachis Oil and 2 drops of olive oil. For loosening and removal of ear wax and relief of any pain associated with the wax or congestion. To keep the illness from getting worse, lay on one side of your body and put a drop of it into one ear. Insert a little cotton wool (if the child will let you). Let it stay in there until it stops bubbling and then repeat on the other side. Repeat morning and night.


Great at more than just increasing insulin sensitivity! To help with congestion and achy muscles, stir 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder into hot herbal tea and drink. It is slightly spicy but can really take the edge off of congestion. Let’s have a tea party is how I get my children to drink herbal teas. It can also be served at room temperature or slight chilled. Chamomile, rooibos vanilla and lemongrass are my daughters’ favorite; I also add a little honey to make it taste good. (*Make sure to never give honey to children under one year old*).


What does it not do? A few extra tablespoons of coconut oil can help shorten the duration of an illness. The lauric acid in coconut oil is thought to dissolve the lipid coating around some viruses and make them more susceptible to attack by the immune system. Cook ONLY with coconut oil!


I know, it smells and tastes horrible! A teaspoon in warm water gargled and then drank, can help sore throat symptoms and some sources also suggest that it can help kill viruses and bacteria. If your children cannot gargle, then it’s the dropper (from a pandol packet) with a nice treat afterwards. 5ml twice a day is plenty for children older than one year.


Ok, so this one you might not have around, but Vitamin C is well known


My favorite is chicken and sweet corn soup for the kids on those fluey days. It’s no magic potion in this day and age, but it may as well be. Chicken soup has several properties that make it useful in the treatment of certain illnesses. Cleansing. “Plenty of fluids” is often advised when you’re ill. A body full of attacking allergens (like a virus) and battling antibodies needs to be flushed in order to get healthy. To that effect, the abundant broth in chicken soup performs aptly. Disinfecting. Chicken soup is generally fairly salty (with lower-sodium versions), so that when it goes down your throat it acts in much the same way as gargling warm salt water. In other words, it removes bacteria in the throat, mouth, and tonsils. Clears sinuses. Much like other warm liquids (for example, tea), it can help to clear the sinuses with steam. Strengthening. The lean protein in chicken and nutrients from added vegetables work to bolster your strength when your body is feeling drained of energy.


I place pure Eucalyptus oil drops onto the back or side of their pillow when they are really struggling to breathe just before they go to bed. Or you can event place it on a handkerchief and place it underneath. I also elevate the head and neck for that extra boost so the additional mucus does not sit at the back of the throat or in between the ears.


This is a must and is the gift I give most newbie parents. Just like the steam air bathroom tip boosting the moisture in your child’s bedroom can help their nasal passages. A warm mist humidifier, a type of steam vaporizer, it uses electricity to create steam that cools before leaving the machine. Because the water is boiled before it enters the air. Look for ‘germ-free’ warm mist humidifier technology or make sure to use a eucalyptus base oil so that the air is germ free before leaving the unit.

Clean it regularly (as you don’t want to add to the problem) and ensure you choose the right one for the size of the room (they come with different size water tanks these days).


This can be in the form of hugs, kisses, cuddles or even light placement of the hands on areas where there is pain and discomfort. Studies have shown healing touch to reduce pain, boost the immune system, lower stress levels and promote relaxation and healing.


Garlic naturally has a lot of antibiotic and antiviral properties and it can really help lessen the severity and time of an illness, in my experience. For maximum potency, finely mince a couple of cloves and drink it water. (Nasty, I know, but it works). This can be repeated every few hours until symptoms are gone. [Note: Pregnant women should not take more than 1 clove a day, and children often will not take this remedy.] Natural cold and flu remedies not only have a much higher success rate, but they are also much more cost effective and easy to prepare. Homeopathic medicines work to heal the imbalances that lead to sickness and can be used to prevent the illness altogether. They provide much better alternatives than the commercial, over the counter medicines that simply mask the symptoms, or antibiotics that are shown to lower the immune system and decrease resistance. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” but if you forgot that ounce, sometimes the pound of cure is well worth it too! If you or your child catches a cold or flu this year, try using these natural remedies (that you probably already have at home) that can help shorten the duration and lessen the symptoms. Also don’t forget simple things like getting enough rest, staying hydrated and drinking herbal teas can often make the biggest difference, but some other simple remedies can help if you want to take a more aggressive approach. [Note: These treatments are not meant to replace medical care, especially in severe illnesses. Consult with your doctor before using natural remedies, especially if you have a medical condition or are pregnant. If symptoms of any illness don’t improve after a few days, consult your doctor.] Happy Parenting!

Nathalie Hodgson, is a writer, mother, PR & Marketing consultant and yoga instructor, juggling this whilst raising two kids and enjoying the most of life.




for its illness-fighting capabilities. We get powdered Vitamin C, since it can be added to applesauce, other foods or even smoothies to get kids to take it. I just mix into water and drink. At the first sign of illness, they should take 1/4 tsp every few hours until we reach bowel tolerance and then back down to half of the dose until symptoms disappear. There are wonderful chewable Vitamin C for kids nowadays, but check the ingredients for maximum Vitamin C levels.


Dear Annalisa ...... Annalisa Labiche is a practicing Clinical Psychologist with over 5 years experience. She completed her Bachelor of Art (Psychology) degree and Master in Psychology in Australia. She is exposed to a multitude of complaints such as relationship, parenting, family issues, psychological disorders, substance misuse amongst many others.

Mum-To-Be at 45 Q: I have been late with everything in life – puberty, first kiss – you

name it. I took it all in my stride, and have been living a wonderful life as a single independent woman who never got older than 25. Last year I met *Ken, fell in love and suddenly I felt consumed by the need for a family – especially a child. He is keen to have a family with me, but I am concerned that being pregnant at 44 will cause people to think I am crazy. Should I care? Lucille, Victoria

A: Dear Lucille,

You seem to be making the little old mistake of weighing your decision, and planning this phase of your life based on what other people will think. Did you care what anyone thought of you as a late starter? It doesn’t come across as such, you took it all in your stride, while living a wonderful life as a single independent forever 25 years old lady. That’s absolutely great! What’s happened now? Why the sudden concern that people will think you are crazy on this decision? I get the medical concern about a pregnancy in the 40s, and that is something that you need to discuss with your family planning nurse,

NOTHING, WILL HAPPEN IF PEOPLE WERE TO THINK THAT YOU ARE CRAZY FOR BEING PREGNANT AT 44. IT MAY WELL BE AN OPINION THAT THEY WILL HAVE, AND ONE THAT YOU REALLY HAVE NO CONTROL OVER, BUT ULTIMATELY IT HAS NO IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE, YOUR DECISION OR HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE. your doctor or midwife. So where do others come into this picture? Well let’s say for argument sake, that people were to think or comment even, that you are crazy for having a child, or starting a family at 44. What’s the worst thing that could happen if they did that? Now, think about this sincerely “what is the worst thing that could happen if people thought I was crazy for getting pregnant at 44?” I’m sure you will generate a few answers here. But in all honestly, nothing will happen. Nothing, will happen if people were to think that you are crazy for being pregnant at 44. It may well be an opinion that they will have, and one that you really have no control over, but ultimately it has no impact on your life, your decision or how you live your life.



Therefore, if that is your only concern about starting your family, then you really have no problem at all and nothing to worry about. Take very good care of yourself, discuss the pregnancy plan with your partner, get the right medical person on board, let your support network in on it, as and when you feel ready, and lastly enjoy the baby making process. Best wishes.

Number What?!

Q: When I said yes to a date with my now fiancé, I thought he was this quiet, shy, adorable guy. I was right, and I also accepted his proposal for marriage two years later. 6 months into our engagement, we finally had a conversation about past relationships (yes, believe it or not, we never had THAT talk) and I found out he has actually been with more partners than me! I know it’s petty, but I was a wild girl, and never imagined he would have topped my number. Now, I can’t get these other women out of my head. Who is this man I am supposed to marry? Jenny, 26

A: Dear Jenny,

What’s the real issue here? That your fiancé topped your number, did you want to be in the lead with the highest number of past partners? Or has this piece of information changed your impression of your fiancé as a quiet, shy, adorable guy. The first issue seems related to pride. You describe yourself as a “wild girl”, so I believe you had automatically assumed that your wild past would have ranked up a higher partner count than a quiet, shy guy. It seems your pride is a bit bruised by the recent information. Alongside pride here, I sense competition. Unwise application of both in any circumstance could be destructive to any relationship. The other issue which seems more related to your question has to do with this change of perception that you now have of your fiancé. It appears that you had again, automatically assumed that as a quiet, shy, adorable guy, he would not have had many encounters with women over the years. Note, that this is one example of the many assumptions that we make about life in general, e.g. a “wild” person will have more past partners than a quiet and shy person. And more often than not, assumptions are estimates of the fact that still requires thorough investigation/ examination. They are not always the actual truth. So, in the case of your fiancé, you made a wrong assumption. Yet, I believe the description of your fiancé as a quiet, shy, and adorable guy, is an actual fact, with evidence lasting over 2 years. So, “Who is this man you are supposed to marry?” You are marrying a shy, quiet, adorable guy, who has had more partners than you in the past.




What legal rights do I have to get a business (like a noisy workshop) to refrain from doing their activities on the weekend or in evenings? A few years ago a friend of mine bought a piece of land. The land overlooked the parish church and had a fine view of the west facade and of its magnificent tower. My friend built a lovely house on the land and proudly occupied it with his family. Then, he discovered a problem: he was unable to have a lie-in on Sundays because the church bells disturbed him! So he wrote to the priest to complain. Quite rightly, the priest ignored the letter and my friend had to get used to church bells on Sunday mornings. We deal here with the delict of nuisance. The law is clear on the subject – every person has the right to enjoy his or her property to the full. This means both being able to make some noise, dust and smoke while so enjoying it, and not to be subject to noise, dust and smoke from adjoining properties. It is obvious therefore that this issue is all about balancing complementary and opposing rights. The story of my friend is a good one to use in the exploration of this interesting branch of the law. To what extent can one disturb one’s neighbours? Is there a fixed rule? The point of departure is that there are no absolutes. This is for a very good reason. My obligations to my neighbour are exactly those of his to me. Put simply, if he annoys me I have the same right to annoy him. This is the same as the Cold War doctrine of mutual destruction by nuclear power. The best guarantee of a country’s safety is the knowledge that it can destroy any other aggressive country which can destroy it. So too with nuisance: I do not do something which will annoy my neighbour because I do not want my neighbour to do the same thing to annoy me. But what is nuisance? It is an activity which interferes with the use or enjoyment of your property. There is no absolute standard by which this activity can be measured. In other words, there is no ‘one size fits all’ definition. All the law says is that the activity must not exceed the ordinary obligations of neighbourhood. What is acceptable depends on several factors, such as the nature of the area in which the houses are situated, the extent of the nuisance, the time it is practiced and so on. It is a little like describing an elephant – not easy to do, but you know one when you see one. Your neighbour who mows his lawn one afternoon a week – even if that coincides with the period of your nap – is not a legal nuisance. But if his teenage children have a party all night every Saturday night, that is. The workshop next door can constitute a nuisance even during the day if you live in a purely residential neighbourhood – say Reef Estate or Fairview. But it will not be if the neighbourhood is a mixed one – say La Louise or Cascade. In the latter case, noise after hours or on Sundays will, however, be a nuisance because this goes beyond the ordinary obligations of neighbourliness. When that balance between neighbours is upset, the law has to step in. It may be that a person wilfully creates nuisance for his neighbours and could not care less about what his neighbours feel (here think loud music) or it may be that the person really cannot help it (here think your carpenter

or car repairer neighbour who hasn’t got the ability to relocate). Must you put up with either, or do you have a remedy? The answer is, of course you have a remedy. But what are the rules? Here goes. You do not have to own the property for you to be able to complain. If you occupy it (as a tenant, say,) that’s good enough. The fact that you were there first, or that the nuisance-maker was there first, makes absolutely no difference. It is not an excuse for your noisy neighbour to say that he was making the noise long before you moved in next door. It is no good for the nuisance maker to say that he has done everything he can to reduce or abate the nuisance if the nuisance continues. Almost is not good enough. If you succeed in getting your neighbour to stop the nuisance, that

YOUR NEIGHBOUR WHO MOWS HIS LAWN ONE AFTERNOON A WEEK – EVEN IF THAT COINCIDES WITH THE PERIOD OF YOUR NAP – IS NOT A LEGAL NUISANCE. BUT IF HIS TEENAGE CHILDREN HAVE A PARTY ALL NIGHT EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT, THAT IS. success is for all time. He cannot start again the next day and force you to take him back to court each time. And the remedy? First, approach the neighbour nicely and try and get his cooperation. If that does not work – or the prospect is too daunting, because you know the kind of person your neighbour is – get your lawyer to write to him and ask him to desist. If that doesn’t work, you have two choices: If the matter is not too serious, but is annoying, lodge a complaint for a breach of the peace before the magistrates’ court. This is cheap and quick, and is the remedy in the case of your neighbour’s noisy children’s parties. If the matter is more serious, like the noisy workshop in the question at the top of the page, file a case before the Supreme Court asking for an injunction restraining the neighbour from continuing with the nuisance and claiming some damages for the interference with your enjoyment of your home. Nuisance is a nuisance and many people put up with it for fear of making an enemy of a neighbour, but there is an effective solution when the matter goes beyond the acceptable. Learn to live with church bells and the neighbour’s weekly weed-whacker, but stand up against repeated and bothersome activities. It is your right... Educated at Seychelles College and Cambridge University, Bernard has two Masters Degrees – in law of divorce and in canon law, the law of the church. He is best known as a lawyer, having been in private practice for over 30 years.




Losing a Pet with Nathalie Hoareau


t is a very sad fact that we are most likely to outlive our pets, unless we have a giant tortoise. Therefore as Pet owners we are grateful for the short time we can share our lives with them.

Handling the death of a beloved pet is never easy, but grieving for that pet is an important part of your recovery. If you have lost a special companion, the emotions can become overwhelming. Take some time out to grieve for your pet and celebrate the bond you had. Because your pet was an everyday part of your life, you might catch yourself getting ready to feed your pet or let him out, only to remember he is gone. However, getting rid of all the things that remind you of your pet is not the answer. If you wish to remove your pet’s belongings from sight, simply store them away somewhere. You might want to go back and look at them in the future. There are five stages of grief according to Dr. Kübler-Ross:

Denial: The initial shock of loss leads to disbelief. Emotional numbness acts as a

form of self-defense from reality. Anger: As it all sinks in, anger will begin to develop. This comes from a combination of your emotions and almost acts as a way to exhaust the stress. This stage often causes the mourner to lay blame on persons or things for the death. Bargaining: This is the “what if” stage. The grieving person envisions a way to have prevented the death. Guilt often accompanies bargaining. Depression: This can be a difficult stage to endure, but it is necessary. A sad situation calls for sadness, and the reality of the death can cause a person to get very low. It is normal, but not without end. However, serious

Pet of

the Month

Name: Sushi Age: 8 months old Breed: Half Chihuahua and half Pomeranian Gender: Female Owners’ name: Emilie Chetty

Emilie says:

Sushi loves to eat fruits more than anything! Especially bananas.... Her most favourite toy in the world is an empty toilet paper roll tied to something. So we have them around the house tied to doors, tables, and chairs. When Sushi was born, her mother had a calcium deficiency problem, and her life would be at risk if we let Sushi suckle milk off her, so they were separated at birth, and Sushi had to be raised by us. We had to feed her every 3 hours, sometimes having to wake up in the middle of the night and take shifts on feeding her. Everyone took a little time out of their busy lives to look after her. She had to sleep with a warm water bottle, for little puppies cannot regulate their own temperature during their firsts few weeks alive. Today she is a healthy pup, happily running around with her and siblings.” 48mum, dad JULY 2013 | POTPOURRI

long term depression is a sign to seek professional help. Acceptance: Though the sadness and grief may remain forever, the acceptance stage means coming to terms with the reality of the death. Accepting it does not mean you are “over” it. Acceptance simply means you understand that life goes on. Memorializing Your Pet Doing something special to preserve the memory of your beloved companion can be very therapeutic. The important thing is to do something from your heart that will help you remember your pet and process your grief. You may have had the chance to prepare for your pet’s death and might have gotten the chance to create a paw print out of clay or ink that you may wish to display in a window-box frame with a photo of your pet. A small inscription with your pet’s name will complete the memorial. A decorative stepping stone can be placed there with a message and the name of your pet if you desire. Talk to people about your feelings. You might find that discussing your grief with friends and family members is helpful. You can even set up a webpage at http://pets.gonetoosoon.org/. The most important thing to remember is that grief takes time. You will always miss your companion, but things will get better. Your pet’s memory may always be bittersweet for you. Future pets cannot replace your lost companion, but they might help fill a void. Just be sure to wait until the the time is right. Reference: http://dogs.about.com/ od/copingwithloss/a/Grief-AfterThe-Death-Of-A-Beloved-Pet.htm

MUST BUYS! From the Shelf

This month is all about follow-up series… For the serious reader… THE PRISONER OF HEAVEN Published: 21 June 2012 THE PRISONER OF HEAVEN returns to the world of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books and the Sempere & Sons bookshop. It begins just before Christmas in Barcelona in 1957, one year after Daniel and Bea from THE SHADOW OF THE WIND have married. They now have a son, Julian, and are living with Daniel’s father at Sempere & Sons. Fermin still works with them and is busy preparing for his wedding to Bernarda in the New Year. However something appears to be bothering him. Daniel is alone in the shop one morning when a mysterious figure with a pronounced limp enters. He spots one of their most precious volumes that is kept locked in a glass cabinet, a beautiful and unique illustrated edition of The Count of Monte Cristo. Despite the fact that the stranger seems to care little for books, he wants to buy this expensive edition. Then, to Daniel’s surprise, the man inscribes the book with the words ‘To Fermin Romero de Torres, who came back from the dead and who holds the key to the future’. This visit leads back to a story of imprisonment, betrayal and the return of a deadly rival. THE PRISONER OF HEAVEN is the third in the cycle of novels that began with THE SHADOW OF THE WIND and THE ANGEL’S GAME.

For an easy read… The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris Published: 14 March 2013 All books are available from Chanterelle Bookshop, Quincy St. Email: chanterelle@seychelles.net

Mouth-watering recipes inside! As dawn breaks over the Pont Neuf, and the cobbled alleyways of Paris come to life, Anna Trent is already


awake and at work; mixing and stirring the finest, smoothest, richest chocolate; made entirely by hand, it is sold to the grandes dames of Paris. It’s a huge shift from the chocolate factory she worked in at home in the north of England. But when an accident changed everything, Anna was thrown back in touch with her French teacher, Claire, who offered her the chance of a lifetime - to work in Paris with her former sweetheart, Thierry, a master chocolatier. With old wounds about to be uncovered and healed, Anna is set to discover more about real chocolate - and herself - than she ever dreamed.

Other must read Jenny Colgan Books: For romance with urban fantasy …

Rapture (The Fallen Angels, #4) Published: 25 September 2012 Mels Carmichael, reporter for the Caldwell Courier Journal, gets the shock of her life when a man stumbles in front of her car outside the local cemetery. After the accident, his amnesia is just the kind of mystery she likes to solve, but she soon discovers they’re over their heads with his past. Over their heads with passion, too ...As shadows walk the line between reality and another realm, and her lover’s memory begins to come back, the two of them learn that nothing is truly dead and buried. Especially when you’re trapped in a no-holds-barred war between angels and demons. With a soul on the line, and Mels’s heart at risk, what in heaven - or in hell - will it take to save them both?





Those who read these pages of eco-tips will realize that caring for the environment goes well beyond just putting our litter into bins. Everything we do has an impact on the environment, including the simple act of getting dressed! Since the 1980s, an interest in eco-fashion has been growing in the fashion industry. The main issues that the ‘eco-fashion’ movement is concerned with are: Toxic chemicals - Natural fibers like cotton are grown using huge amounts of pesticides, which contaminate the soil and water, and kill non-target insects, as well as insect pests that attack the textile crops. The process of manufacturing non-natural textiles also involves toxic chemicals and pollution. The life cycle of a garment – the environmental impact of the energy, water and natural resources used to create it, market it, ship it to shops, and dispose of it, can be very high. To make matters worse, many garments have a very short life span, going out of fashion, or falling apart in short period of time. The people who make garments - Many clothing items on the market are sewn by women and children in unsafe and unfair conditions, in return for very low pay – these clothing factories are often referred to as “sweat shops.”

Photo Credit: Marsha Dine

The eco-fashion movement seeks to reverse these fashion trends by offering alternatives. Some of the alternatives consist of more ecofriendly garments you can buy; others are solutions that you and your friends can try out for yourselves.

THINK ABOUT WHERE THE GARMENT MIGHT BE MADE – CHEAP AND CHEERFUL CLOTHING IS VERY OFTEN MANUFACTURED IN SWEAT SHOPS. IT MAY BE CHEAP BUT AT WHOSE EXPENSE? Here are a few tips to consider: Buy clothing made from organic and sustainable fibers: organic cotton, hemp, bamboo. Think about where the garment might be made – cheap and cheerful clothing is very often manufactured in sweat shops. It may be cheap but at whose expense? Only buy what you need. Try to avoid compulsive shopping. Buy garments that you know you will wear a lot. Go for second hand. Although we don’t have any second hand shops in Seychelles, there are great shops overseas. Try having a clothing recycling party with friends – everyone brings garments they no longer wear, put them in a big pile, and trade! When you are ready to discard clothing – make sure it gets re-used: pass it along to someone else, donate a bag of clothes to a local school or the

Here in Seychelles we can expect great things from the fashion and design students at the School of Visual Arts, who are studying the environmental impact of fashion, and how to create garments from discarded items.

Red Cross, or turn it into rags. If you are creative and like to sew, join the growing trend of fashion designers who create new garments from old, and make your own clothing, bags from recycled garments. The good news is that, greening our wardrobe can actually be fun, and save us money, especially if we start to embrace recycling and repurposing clothing, which is the most sustainable option.

For further reading about eco-fashion check out these websites: http://www.ecofashionworld.com http://www.ecouterre.com/tag/green-fashion/ http://www.vogue.com/voguepedia/Eco_Fashion http://cgreenfashion.com

Contributed by: Sustainability for Seychelles (S4S), a local NGO whose mission is to promote sustainable living in Seychelles. S4S is currently implementing a project on sustainable waste management funded by the GEF small grants programme. For more info about our work contact us: Email: info@s4seychelles.com Tel. 422-4072 / 251-9135. Address: Suite A9, Arpent Vert, Mont Fleuri. Website: www.s4seychelles.com or find us on Facebook.






The Great Escape

Boat & Crew The Yacht

From the moment you step on board, you will discover why Sunseeker sets the standard for luxury Moto Yachts. Designed to be comfortable and stunning, making it a pleasure to be on board. “Great Escape” is a magnificent yacht, which speeds of up to 32 knots. It was built in 2007, and has recently been brought to the Seychelles. This 25.15meter yacht has an excellent layout that offers 4 cabins. All the bedrooms are fitted to a high luxurious standard, and offers ample storage space. She is complete with all the equipped ; snorkeling gear, iPod docks, hydraulic platforms, and all the necessary equipment’s to ensure an enjoyable charter. Its large galley ensures ease at meal times. The large saloon offers seating for 8 in great comfort. Her astonishingly spacious accommodation areas, is one of remarkable comfort and luxury on every level. The flybridge area is also a great place to dine, relax and chill, and enjoy a cruise in style in a great Jacuzzi. With a limit of 10 guest on a day charter, and eight guests for overnight stays, the Great Escape is perfect for taking friends and family island hoping in style, ideal for leisure cruise, snorkeling, diving or enjoying a sunset cruise with some fine dining in extraordinary luxury and style.

The Crew The “Great Escape” is skippered by Mr. Aubrey Rose of 26 years. The talented young Seychellois skipper has 9 years of experience of sea-going experience. The interest in the sea has been there since a small boy. He then purse his studies at the Maritimes Training Center. Aubrey began his career on The Enterprise and progressed on to small Charter Boats with Water World, and has now made it on board to the biggest Sunseeker available in the Seychelles, the 82 yacht, Great Escape. Aubrey is passionate about his job, and is now looking forward for new challenges on board the Great Escape. With his extensive knowledge of the coastline of Seychelles, he can make a charter exceptional. He loves the outdoors and sports, and often participates in the fishing completion. Aubrey is very proud to have made it to the Sunseeker level, and has strong ambition to purse his career in yachting. In the meantime he is excited to experience and discover the pleasure and power of the Great Escape as he sets out for Charter.






Every Tag Tells a Story Hooked On Conservation by Henry Riggs-Miller

In last month’s article we suggested fishermen go out and tag a sail in June, which is traditionally the beginning of sailfish season. This month we want to tell you a little more about tagging billfish and how tagging helps organizations like The Billfish Foundation (TBF) and conservation. Nearly everything we know about the movements of billfish and tuna comes from a small piece of nylon commonly referred to as a spaghetti tag. Before anglers started placing tags in released billfish, scientists couldn’t determine where exactly these migratory animals swam, where they spawned or how quickly they grew. We now know much more about marlin and tuna thanks to conventional tagging, but there is still plenty to learn. Figure 1 Traditional Billfish Foundation spaghetti tag All tagging programs rely on anglers. However, because so few tags are returned, many anglers harbor the misconception that they don’t work. The truth is that conventional tags do work, and they’re probably the most cost-efficient way to study migratory fish. The main problem is that migratory fish swim in very big oceans. Additionally, longliners and purse seiners recapture the vast majority of tagged billfish. And more often than not, these tags go unreported. Many longliners and purse seiners fear that if they cooperate conservation measures will push them out of business.

The best way to get more tag returns is to spend time with the folks most likely to tag fish and recover tags. TBF really excels when it comes to outreach in this arena. And its efforts appear to be working. TBF started shipping tags to Kenya, Asia, the Maldives, Thailand, Oman and the Seychelles in the past couple of years, areas where it hopes to get more information. “With a small amount of money, we can reach out to those locations where we get minimal info,” says Peter Chaibongsai, Director of Science & Policy for TBF. Another argument often heard is that we no longer need conventional (spaghetti) tags because satellite tags gather better information. Even though pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) have truly revolutionized the study of oceanic fishes; they did not replace conventional tags. PSATs record various data over a relatively short period of time. The tag then jettisons off the fish and floats to the surface before it transmits the data off to a satellite. The tags have unlocked many secrets on feeding habits and work great for certain applications such as post-release studies. However, PSATs are not engineered to stay on fish for long periods of time. The data you get from a conventional tag is quite different than an electronic tag. The problem is that the duration of monitoring is relatively short for an electronic tag. There’s also the cost factor. For the price of one satellite tag, you can purchase more than 1,300 conventional tags from TBF. Satellite tags are expensive and short term, while conventional tags are cheap and long term.” No matter how you slice it, tagging fish with conventional spaghetti tags helps us learn more about billfish. Give back to billfish and tag one for the future. Bio: Henry is one of a handful of anglers that has caught IGFA’s coveted ‘Billfish Royal Slam’ (all 9 billfish species) twice. A passionate angler and conservationist, he is also The Billfish Foundation (TBF)’s ambassador in the Seychelles. Together with his wife, Allison, Henry coowns FINS Tackle, a big-game fishing and pro-tackle store opening in the third trimester of 2013.

Did you know? The Whale Song by Helena Sims




• Humpback whales are marine mammals well known for their majestic whale sounds; • Only the males use sound to communicate, and to attract a female; • They produce the longest, most complex sound sequence of any animal; • Each song can last up to 30 minutes, can be repeated continuously for hours at a time, and can be heard up to 20 miles away; • Each regional population has its own song, and they sing only in the breeding season; • To sing, it is thought, that the whales vibrate air through their respiratory chambers, but exactly how, is not known, because whales have no vocal cords and no air escapes their body during the singing; • Humpbacks are often seen in the Seychelles waters, particularly in the Southern Islands.

5PM - 9PM

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This month, La Plaine St. André is mixing it up with a quirky dessert to impress! Our Coco Germe Mousse goes perfectly with Takamaka Bay’s classy Sidecar of the Seychelles. To share between 2 or 3, depending on your appetite!


1 germinated coconut 150g sugar 500g cream 4 egg whites 4 gelatine sheets 50ml water


Find yourself a germinated coconut& carefully break the shell so that you can use it later to serve your mousse in. Blend your germinated coconut and 100ml cream in a blender until creamy. Place in fridge. Whip the remaining cream in a separate bowl and also leave to chill in the fridge. The Meringue Mixture Bring your sugar and water gently to the boil to produce a runny, transparent syrup. Be careful not to allow your mixture to caramelize. Set aside to cool at room temperature. Whip your egg whites until fluffy. Add in the sugar syrup and whisk until peaks form. Set aside.


Soak the gelatin in water & heat until the gelatin has dissolved. When it all comes together: Remove your coconut mixture and cream from the fridge and pour the coconut mixture into the cream. Add in the meringue mixture and finally the gelatin – mix it altogether with a wooden or plastic spoon. Top tip: Using a metal spoon will cause your meringue mixture to lose its fluffy consistency! Allow to set in the fridge for about an hour or 2.


Using a sheet of baking paper rolled into a cone shape, pipe the coco germe mousse into the coconut shell. Garnish with the coconut shoot and a sprinkle of ground coffee.



And if a glass of wine is in order, Archipelago Wine & Spirits suggests Casillerodel Diablo’s Sparkling Chardonnay, all the way from Chile.

The Wine

Sidecar of the Seychelles A Creole influenced Parisian classic for the early evenings on the plantation

What you need....

A coupette, martini or large old fashioned or tumbler glass A cocktail shaker and a fine strainer 1 & ¼ shots of Takamaka Bay St Andre Eight Year Old ¾ shot of Cointreau One shot of fresh lemon juice Quarter of a shot of sugar syrup* (two parts sugar to one part boiling water)

Casillero del Diablo Sparkling Chardonnay Brut, LimariValley ,Chile

Casillerodel Diablo captures all the freshness and minerality of this exclusive terroir in an elegant sparkling. The influence of the South Pacific Ocean, alluvial terraces and chalky soils provide the wine with an austere, fresh and elegant character. Unique features that make this wine one of the best expressions of Chardonnay wines in Chile.in Chile of Chardonnay wines.

What to do......

Pre-chill your drinking glass with ice and water. Add all ingredients to a shaker; fill the shaker with cubed ice and shake it REALLY hard for around ten seconds. Empty the ice and water from the drinking glass and give it a quick flick to remove the last few drops of water. Pour the cocktail into your drinking glass - double strain through a fine strainer to remove any pieces of lemon or shards of broken ice. * Traditionally, the sidecar was sweetened with the orange liqueur – if your lemons are the large yellow variety you can remove the sugar and increase the Cointreau (and rum) for a more traditional mix. Sugar helps to balance the drink when small tropical green lemons are used that can sometimes be a little bitter.

Takamaka Bay T: +248 437 2050 E: info@takamaka.sc W: www.takamakabay.com Archipelago Wines & Spirits T : +248 4 37 48 76 / 77 E : cheers@archipelago.sc




Dilusha & Ramanan

m, m and her groo ha Thiyagaratna bo, lom Co m 27-year old Dilus fro th bo Sundaralingam, an ds an en m fri Ra is old llo 28-year with their Seyche o rated their union tw leb on ce ies a, on nk La rem i Sr of two ce over the course time radio and colleagues doctor (and parte im ll-t fu a is ha lus Di nality, . ys rso da pe e io rat sepa full time rad ile Ramanan is a remony ce il Civ e personality) wh Th ). MC -over artist and ychelles (along with voice ril 2013 at the Se Ap th 24 on ce took pla took rty pa the Reception Hindu Kovil while at ril Ap th 27 on place 3 days later, rie-Louise Adam’s, Anse Ma feast with a Sri Lankan e! urs co of

Photo Credit: Steve Nibourette and Derrick Young-Khon.



The couple credit: Hair and Makeup: Mrs Kanumale and Mrs Beena. DJs: Leo and Kasper. Special thanks to: Mr Vipul Kanumale and Mrs Unisy Bonlamme.


Their story: Ram and Dilusha met when they were teenagers, working at a Radio Station in Colombo. They kept in touch after Dilusha left to India to pursue her Medical Degree. They fell in love on her return to Sri Lanka and moved to Seychelles 2 years later to continue the adventure.




Olga & Anderey Anse Source d’Argent on La Digue island was the venue Olga and Anderey chose for their tropical island nuptials. Mr and Mrs Butuzova are from Russia and the ceremony took place on June 7th 2013.

All photos by De Waal Rautenbach from Memento Media info@mementomedia.co.za | www.mementomedia.co.za Tel: 248 2841418






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