Ai Weiwei Bernd Behr Natalia Sui-hung Chan Oscar Chan Yik Long Yin-Ju Chen George Chinnery Megan Cope Dung Kai-cheung Larry Feign James T. Hong Irene Kopelman Firenze Lai Lam Qua Lee Kit Len Lye Ma Liuming Fionnuala McHugh Moe Satt Pak Sheung Chuen Para/Site Art Criticism Class 2003 Lygia Pape Apichatpong Weerasethakul Adrian Wong Ming Wong Ricky Yeung Sau-churk Samson Young Mathias Woo & Edward Lam / Zuni Icosahedron
Para Site proudly presents A Journal of the Plague Year. Fear, ghosts, rebels. SARS, Leslie and the Hong Kong story. Starting from the events that affected Hong Kong in the spring of 2003, the exhibition traces the different narratives, historical backgrounds as well as the implications of these events in relation to the contemporary culture and politics of Hong Kong and the world.
The city has a subjectively internalised history of epidemics and of representations in the colonial era as an infected land that needed to be conquered from nature, disease and oriental hab