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Smriti Shesh

Shubhamastu... Editorial A learned man is one who wants to know, not one who wants to show...Said .Lal Bahadur Shastri, the ex Prime minister of India.

to add new members. Do so and win GMT Awards listed elsewhere in this Publication.

August and September have been quite hectic months. We have seen several outstanding programs and Service Activities. Lions seem to have woken up after a long rest and are bubbling with enthusiasm. Every one seems to be enthusiastic to contribute his share in this Knowledge makes a Lions update pays homage to Lion P. man humble. They say when a tree is laden year’s wonderful journey. with fruits, it bows in humility. Pomp and Roopkaran Reddy, Past District show is definitely eye catching, but some Massive Tree plantation program taken up Governor who expired after a brief illness persons like to do things without them. by all the Clubs on a single day speaks on 17th August 2011. The present Governor Lion Ramesh Babu volumes about the organizational skills our is humble, speaks less and believes in true District has and the commitment our Clubs Lion Roopkaran Reddy will always be delegation. His confidence in his cabinet have for the Governor’s and International remembered for his work of Sight Members is well placed. This firm belief in President’s call. Conservation. He played a vital role in his fellow Lions had yielded results and he has won First Believers Award from the How many presidents in the past got an establishment of Lion Ram Reddy Lions International President. I always keep saying opportunity to meet the International Hospital at Yenugonda, Mahabubnagar. He that God helps the person whose heart is President in their tenure in the past? The spent many years at the Hospital itself to pure. Good intentions, purity of thoughts Club presidents shall feel lucky that this year establish the Hospital and make it and sincerity in what one does always pays. the International President did have a direct financially viable. He was appointed by the DG had emerged to be role model for the meeting with them at Bangalore. Our Government of Andhra Pradesh as District Club leaders in such a short time. Presidents should definitely have a pumped Blindness Control Authority. up feeling this year and definitely should Extension and Membership Growth under yield results that would make us proud. A homage programme was attended by the stupendous efforts of GMT have propelled our District to the TOP position Update would like to have more articles in Past Governors from all the Hyderabad not just in the entire Multiple, but also in Telugu, Hindi and Kanada. We would based Districts and Lions at Lions Bhavan. welcome quality write-ups in these His family also attended the programme. South India. languages regularly. We pray to the Lord Alimity to bestowe We are in GLOBAL TOP FIVE and this is a peace upon the noble sole of Lion stupendous achievement, We are Lion CA Manoj Kumar Purohit, mjf Roopkaran Reddy and pray God to give committed to keep up the momentum. As Chief Editor sufficient strength to Lion Bharathi and the Club officers are by now firmly settled rest of the family. in their seats, they should take up steps to increase the memberships in their own On Cover Clubs. We aim at a stage where the District 1) Hon’ble Mayor Smt. Bandla Karthika Reddy at Mass Tree Plantation Programme. should have no Club with under 20 2) PIP Lion Ashok Mehta inaugurated Satellite Eye Hospital of LC Amangal at Membership, With the Family Membership Shamshabad 3) ID Lion Krishna Reddy released District Directory 4) PIP Lion Ashok scenario, it is by any means not an unachievable task. October is the right time Mehta released Lions Update. 5) Sri Chukka Ramaiah, Lion Prof. G. Manohar Rao

and other eminent Teachers were honoured.

District Governor Lion J. Ramesh Babu pmjf

Lions Update

First Vice District Governor Lion N.N. Murthy mjf

Official Newsletter of LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL District 324C2

Second Vice District Governor Lion Dr. P. Narasimha Reddy mjf

Editorial Team

Volume XXII Issue II October 2011

Chief Editor Lion CA Manoj Kumar Purohit mjf Editor-Telugu Lion Palagiri Prasad

All Correspondence to Chief Editor - Lions Update Lion CA Manoj Kumar Purohit mjf 31A, Ist Floor, MCH Complex Putlibowli, Kothi, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh- 500 095 INDIA Tel 040 (O) 24610495 (R) 24032899 Cell: 9392431591 Email : taxplans@gmail.com Purohitmkr@yahoo.com

Rameshsya Rasmadhuryam Dear Lions, Warm Greetings of the festive Season I would like to first pay a h e a r t f e l t homage to my guide and Well wisher late Lion P Roop Karan Reddy. In his demise I have lost an Elder brother, whose guide I would have definitely needed all through the year. However destiny snatched him from all of us. His dedicated services in establishing and making Ram Reddy Lions Hospital a monument of service is engraved in the History of Lions and shall remain so forever. The first major task of the year was to get District Directory in time. Lions have been telling us about past couple of years when we could not deliver it on time. However this year the Chief Editor Lion Ramesh Chandra Babu had worked hard on the District Directory and we could finally come out with the District Directory not just in time but also distribute it on the spot. It is a well organized and printed Directory and my compliments to Lion Ramesh Chandra Babu and his editorial team. Over 100 sewing machines donated at the hands of our International Directory Lion VV Krishna Reddy was the highlight of the evening that saw our District Cabinet Installed. I should thank all the Clubs that participated

in this joint Service Activity held under program. Multiple Council Chairman the ages of the District. Ln Babu Rao installed the First team of the Club in a methodical way. I Earlier in the day Lion Ashok Mehta, must congratulate Lion Ramana for our International past President his efforts in Club formation and am inaugurated the Lions Satellite confident that the President Lion hospital, an extension of Lions Ram Shatrughnudu will deliver good Reddy hospital of my home Club meaningful service activities along Amangal. I congratulate Amangal with his team of office bearers. club for this new feature in its cap. Hope that this hospital proves to be Senior Citizens day is celebrated of immense help to the areas around jointly with Dist 324C-6 and Senior the periphery of Hyderabad. Citizens Forum each year. This year too under the able leadership of Lion Teacher’s day was well observed Prof. G Manohar Rao, we were able under the able leadership of Lion to organize a successful event. Srinivas Netha. Over hundered Several health check ups were done teachers were honored. The program free for Senior Citizens besides sports was grand success. All the credit goes and talent recognitions for them. I to Lion Netha, His Club Members and thank all the lions who made this his able team. program successful. I also thank the Clubs that sponsored food items, Tree plantation was taken up on a Medical facilities etc; for the program. single day by all the Clubs and the This has become our regular and drive saw one Lakh Eight Thousand widely known Activity in Hyderabad. trees planted by 68 Clubs, including the New Clubs. I compliment all the First Issue of LIONS UPDATE was Region Chairpersons for co released on time, thanks to the coordinating this mass activity. All the Efforts of the Chief Editor Lion Manoj Club presidents deserve a pat on Kumar Purohit. The UPDATE BLOG their back for this achievement. The is also well appreciated all over. trees planted should be taken good care of, so that they can help us Let us work united to keep the District fight the Global Warming and help Flag flown higher. us conserve Mother Nature. We consider Earth as our Mother and Yours in Service, trees are its ornaments. Planting a tree is like presenting an ornament to our mother. Lion Ramesh Babu, pmjf District Governor Charter of Hyderabad Film City was presented by me in a well organized

Murthy Rahasyam Dear Lions, Lions Update is the only one medium which carries my thoughts to all the Lions of the District every alternate month. I wish that all the Lions must go through the entire Publication religiously. This will help them in updating their knowledge of Lionism. We need Lions who are well educated in our policies, Ideology, Rules and Procedures. A well informed Lion is always an Asset for any organization. As the Information kranti has taken over the entire world and we do depend more and more upon Information Technology, these days, it is pertinent that each Lions Club officer is well versed with the basic knowledge of computer and WMMR. Knowledge of uploading WMMR has become the basic required knowledge for Club President and Secretary. By logging into the net and the International website, you can get all the information about your Club Membership, Club

Billings and Club Reports including Activities Reports. Activities Reports has the opportunity to upload your Club Activities Pictures online for the entire world to see. The same reports can be downloaded and sent to the district, Zone and Region Chairpersons. Your activities can be shared globally and vice versa you can also navigate through the web to see what other Clubs in other parts of the world are doing. I wish that Each Club President and Secretary of the Club shall take to WMMR as a fish takes to water. Your’s in Service

Lion N N Murthy, mjf First Vice District Governor

Narasimha Garjana Dear Fellow Lions, Warm Lionsitic and Festival Greetings.

organizing Musical event and Dandia Utsav. Each of the Club should have a Fund raising program that suits to its culture and environment. Few Clubs could join in a common event to share the Burden of organizing a major event. This could minimize the overheads and maximize the revenues.

As the year progresses, I hope the team of office bearers of each of the Club had settled firm in their saddles. Dear Club Leaders, please remember that this opportunity is with you only for few more months. If you want to make your own dreams come true this is the right time to initiate and implement your plans. I am sure the Club yearly plans must be in place by now. Being the Chairman of Global Leadership Team, I must advice all the Clubs to take active part in all the Leadership No Plans succeed on their own, unless backed by a development programs orgaised by our GMT Team determined effort to succeed. Also it is necessary that lead by Ln Mohan Doss well supported by GMT team the entire strength of the Club ( it’s Members) be invoked led by Lion MKR Purohit. We are committed to develop and involved. That is the real essence of leadership. future leadership in the District. Should any Club need any kind assistance from me, I am ready to help them I would appeal the Club Leadership to take up fundraising out in any respect. for implementation of their projects. Without enough funds, your dreams may remain dreams only. Clubs Lion Dr. Narasimha Reddy, mjf like Hyderabad and Petals have done fund raising through Second Vice District Governor

Narendra Nadaswaram My Dear Fellow Lions

Vishnu Vaibhavayam Namaskaramu,

I hope the Clubs must have collected the fees from all the members by now. It is the primary Permit me to address to the Club duty of each member to pay his Leadership, especially the President dues to the Club without asking, and the Secretaries. each year in July only. Some Clubs have very good practices of timely MMR: Though some Clubs are quite regular in sending the MMRs, it is sorry to note that collections of Dues. The practice must be followed by all the Clubs. some others lag way behind the schedule. Warmest Lionistic Greetings,

The final line of cutoff for the renewal of Insurance is drawing near, we would be in no position to renew the Last date for submission of Manual MMR is 20th of insurance of such clubs that do not pay their District dues by then. I only hope that none of the Clubs would each month. like to miss the chance. The Region and Zone Chairmen Last date for submission of WMMR is Last day of each are following with the Clubs and I urge the Club Leadership to head to their wise counseling. month. Let me point out the basics;

But then why do u have to wait till the last date to upload your MMR? It can be done on any day of the month. We at the District with the support of Lion Ramesh Chandra Babu, Lion Purohit and Lion Bhikshapaty have helped several Clubs in creating their Online IDs and Passwords. I hope all the Clubs secretaties would make it a point to send the MMrs well in advance each month.

Clubs are advised to please submit the evidences of Bank accounts for both Administration and Service Activities Separately, so that the promised sum of Rs.6,000/- to each of them may be released by us at all such clubs. International Policy on Club Dues:

A Lions Club will be Automatically Suspended if it has an outstanding balance of more than US $1,000 or US Pleas don’t forget to take printout of the WMMR and $20 per member; whichever is less, over 150 days old. send it to 1) District Governor’s office @ Hyderabad This should amply clear the necessity that all Club Dues 2) Region Chairperson should be paid, the moment the Bill arrives. So dear 3) Zone Chairperson Presidents and Treasurers get geared up and pay the dues immediately, if not paid by now. Activity Report of Each Month should be send to all the above referred Officers before the 7th of the succeeding Though we have received the Amounts by some of month along with Activity Photographs, Press Clippings the Lions who will be becoming Melvin jones Fellows this and certificates. year, some others are yet to make the payment. I request them to send the amounts immediately so that Though the basic duty of MMR and Activities Report is the same may be forwarded in time and they can that of Secretary, yet it is the duty of the Club President receive their MJF Plaques in time. to see that all the above referred Requirements are completed by their deadlines each month. Lion S Vishnuwas Reddy I only hope that all the Clubs do follow this routine in District Cabinet Treasurer right earnest. Lion S Narender Reddy mjf District Cabinet Secretary

Keep visiting Update blog at www.lionsupdate.blogspot.com.

THALASSEMIA & SICKLE CELL SOCIETY BLOOD BANK Thalassemia & Sickle Cell Society Hyderabad is an NGO, established in 1998, provides quality treatment to over 1400 patients by way of free blood, transfusion services, subsidised iron chelation drugs, counselling patients and parents and conduct awareness programmes on prevention of thalassemia. The Society’s work is focussed on serving persons affected by thalassemia & sickle cell disorder with a mission to improve the life style and extend life span of people affected by the blood disorder The Society has established Blood Bank Thanks to a Magnanimous Donation by Lion Gubba Nagender from Hyderabad Mazestic Club, which is situated adjacent to the transfusion centre which started its operation from 20th March, 2010 onwards. The Blodd bank is named after his Father. It operates primarily to fulfill the need for blood to thalassemia patients. Every month 500 to 700 patients undergo transfusion at their day care centre which has facility of 20 beds. The centre needs at least 50 units of blood every day to meet the transfusion needs of patients.

DO YOU WANT TO GET GMT SMS? According to TRAI new SMS regulations, Messages sent via group SMS cannot be delivered to DND (Do not Disturb Registry) registered mobile numbers. If you were getting GMT SMS earlier and are not getting them for past one month, you have to get your Mobile no. our of DND (Do Not Disturb) Mode. To receive your group SMSes from , ask you have to de register by texting STOP DND to 1909. Simple step brings you the latest news Updates from International, District and GMT Team.


TSCS blood bank is licensed by the Drug Controller and all blood samples are screened for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Malarial Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence (SFA) Teachers parasites and VDRL. With its modern, sophisticated equipment, it Training Workshop was conducted on 16, 17 and 18th

Lions Update Congratulates Lion Gubba Nagender for his Magnanimous Donation for a good cause. follows quality measures in blood donor selection, collection of blood, processing of blood etc. They have a dedicated team of doctors and qualified medical technicians. The technical procedures are adopted keeping in mind the patient’s safety. They organise blood donation camps in different parts of city from time to time. They have installed a cold-room to store 2000 to 3000 units of whole blood at 4 – 6 degree Celsius and equipments for component separation and component storage. They prepare packed cell, Fresh frozen plasma, platelet rich plasma and random donor platelets (PRP) and random donor platelet (RDP). They also have the facility to prepare Single Donor Platelet (SDP) used during dengu fever. Our services are “round the clock”. Perhaps only some of us are aware that thalassemia children require blood transfusion every month for survival. There is no substitute for blood. Only blood donors can help to provide blood to save the lives of thalassemia children. The Society request lions clubs to extend help to organise blood donation camp at your place and support the cause of children with thalassemia. Contact person, Dr. Suman Jain, Secretary Mobile: 09989706399 Thalassemia & Sickle Cell Society Door No 22-8-496 to 501, Chatta Bazaar ‘X’ Road Near City Civil Court, Purani Haveli, Hyderabad 500002. Ph: 040- 24560011

"While whole of America does not add 7 New Clubs in a year, You have started 7 Clubs in only One Month."Lion Ashok Mehta PIP @ Cab.Installation

of September at Lions Bhavan under the Leadership of Lion Ram Phanidhar Rao, Lions Quest District Coordinator. 28 Teachers were participated in this programme. Dr Ravathi Balu (Senior Trainer) conducted the workshop. Lion Governor Juluri Ramesh Babu inaugurated the workshop on 16th September 2011at 9 am and Lion N N Murthy, First Vice District Governor was the Chief Guest for Valedictory Ceremony on 18th September at 4 pm. Lion Rama Krishna, Lions Quest District Chairperson (Urban) was assisted for conducting the programme successfully. Lion PDG Govindraj (GLT Multiple Coordinator) and Lion N Mohan Doss (GLT District Coordinator) were present in the programme.

95TH INTL. CONVENTION June 22nd to 26th 2012, Busan, Korea Early Bird Registration US$ 100 upto 31st December 2011 January 1st to March 31st 2012 US$130 April 1st onwards US$150

EYE DONATION Past RC Lion G Narsimha Rao, of Lions Club of Achampet motivated on 07/09/2011 Sri V Prakash who lost his young son who was in his twenties, to donate the eyes, which gave sight to two blind Persons. Update salutes to the Father, who thought of giving sight to blind persons amidst such a personal tragedy.

A TO Z ABOUT GMT & GLT PROGRAMME Lion Gangadhara Rao Multiple 324C GMT Coordinator

team with three to four members has to be formed by the D G teams.

Lions Clubs International has evolved the new concept of GMT & GLT program after careful consideration of newer concepts for achieving Significant, continuous and sustainable membership growth with a great emphasis on District Governors Teams and Global membership teams


The new concept was conceived and was started in the year 2008 when our International association has formed a pilot team for Global Membership growth with constitutional area leaders and international directors as members. The team work of this committee showed positive results regarding Membership growth with significant gains. This prompted the Lions Clubs International to appoint a special committee of International Board of directors in the year 2009-10 to recommend the detailed plan of implementing the Global membership strategies. The recommendations of this special committee were accepted by the Lions Clubs International and the decision to replace the MERL program by GMT program and parallelly creating the GLT Program on a similar basis and implement this from the Lionistic year 201112.Hence from this lionistic year 2011-12 MERL program has been deleted and replaced by GMT & GLT program. The aim of this initiative is to achieve * Continued membership growth * develop club excellence program * achieve better leadership development. TEAM STRUCTURE: International: The international president is the team leader for both GMT&GLT. First Vice president of the association will be the liason for co coordinating the GMT work and the second vice president looks after the GLT program. The team at the head quarters consists of International leaders appointed one each to guide the team one for GMT & one for GLT.The managers of the departments of membership,extention and leadership are the members of this high level committee. The international directors on these committees are also members of this team.

Working Modules for GMT & GLT program: In spite of the best efforts put in by Lions clubs International to reach the target of 1.5 million members we could not reach the goal. Rather day by day we are getting more ex-lions than the members in the organisation.The Global membership and leadership schedules are aimed in promoting cent percent retention and effective membership growth as it is a fact ---more members - more services. Steps for the working schedules: 1. Effective GMT & GLT teams have to be formed at the Lions District level by the DG teams with an undertaking that these lions extend their services for a period of three years (2011-2014).If their contribution is not up to the expectations, the Lions Clubs International can relieve them of their responsibilities after review of their work at the end of each Lionistic year. 2. The district GMT teams have to work in close co ordination with the Zone chairmen and club officers, workout quarterly targets for membership growth for each Lions Club and try to achieve them in specific time schedule. 3. Develop plans for achieving cent percent results in retaining members. 4. Identify the clubs where training is required for achieving club excellence. 5. Identify the areas for club extention in a time bound quarterly schedule. 6. Train sufficient number of certified guiding lions in each Lions District who have to be nominated as guiding lions for the new lions clubs and also week clubs by the District Governors. 7. Identify potential leaders and give them training for grooming them as effective lion leaders at various levels i,e. starting from the membership level, ZCs, RCs ,Cabinet members, and effective faculty work force in each district. 8. Initiate the process for converting ineffective clubs into excellent clubs.

Constitutional area and area leaders: Lion A.P.Singh past international director is our constitutional area leader for GMT and Lion Naresh Agarwal another past international director works as team leader for GLT for ISAAME constitutional area. LionM.Nagarajan PID and Lion Premnath PDG are the area leaders THE FIRST VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR WILL BE THE CO for India and Srilanka for co coordinating the GMT & GLT work ORDINATING OFFICER FOR MEMBERSHIP AND THE SECOND VICE respectively. DISTRICT GOVERNOR FORLEADERSHIP PROMOTION ACTIVITIES IN THEIR SUB DISTRICT ON BEHALF OF DG TEAMS.. Multiple District Co coordinators for MD 324C: Lion Dr.P.Gangadhara Rao Past Multiple Counil Chairman MD324 is the Multiple District THE MULTIPLE GMT AND GLT TEAMS WILL CO ORDINATE AND Co Ordinator for MD 324C supported by three member supporting PROMOTE THE GMT & GLT SCHEDULES ALLOVER THE MULTIPLE team Lion Manohara Rao PDG,Lion Basaveswara Rao PDG and Lion AND WILL ACT AS THE LINK BETWEEN LIONS DISTRICTS AND Babuji Rao PDG to take care of the GMT programme in our multiple THE LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL THROUGH THE AREA GMT district 324C. Lion K.Govindaraj Past Multiple Council Treasurer is LEADERS.AND MULTIPLE COUNCIL 324C. LETUS GROW IN the GLT coordinator for MD324C with a three member supporting MEMBERS AND CLUBS,PRODUCE EFFICIENT &PRAGMATIC LION team of Lion Jagan Mohan Reddy PMCC MD324.Lion T.K.Sarma LEADERS TO MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN. PDG & Lion Dr.P.S.Sarma PDG. TAIL PIECE: GMT & GLT in sub districts: GMT & GLT coordinators for each sub LION GANGA(Dr.Gangadhara Rao) AND GOVIND (Govindaraj) are district have been nominated by the D G teams. Under the GMT willing to assist the lions sub Districts where ever and when ever team two supporting teams, the first membership and extention their help is required throughout the multiple district 324C with team & club excellence process team with three members in the help of the MULTIPLE COUNCIL.. each have to be formed to take care of membership growth and efficiency of lions clubs. For GLT at the sub District supporting LET US MARCH AHEAD. SKY IS THE LIMIT

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HOW TO FILL WMMR Log on to www.lionsclubs.org Click on SUBMIT REPORTS on top right of the screen Click on Lion Officer log in Fill in User Name and Pass Word (By default your own Membership Number is Your User ID, how ever while registering you can have your own User Id) Click on tab “Membership” Select the Reporting month by scrolling in the box It will take you to a page where you will have multiple options of Adding, Dropping and Reinstating members. Click on whatever you want to do. If you click on “ Add a Member” it will take you to a page where you can either reinstate a member or in case you want to add a fresh member, Click on NO for Inactive Member Search and then click Submit. You will find a page wher you can fill details of New Members, Select the nest tab to select the Sponsor of the new member ( from the list available on the right hand side), If the New member is a Family Member, click on the tab Family unit and select the Family unit. ( Please take care that you create a Family unit a couple of days in advance to report an additional Family Member) SAVE THE MEMBER Add more members or drop or reinstate by the same procedure. Once over you can click the button “DONE” to complete the process. To take the print of the Report- go to “ CLUB”, Click “ Reports”, Click “ Monthly Membership Report” select the month, save or open the file and take the print. If you have no Addition or deletion of Membership for any month just Click on the button: To report NO MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITY for this month, click here It would be done.

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Dear Lion brother GMT Co Ordinator Lion Purohit, Hearty congratulations for a job excellently done and methodically reported. Lions like you make the real difference in Lionism . If I follow the quotation of Swami Vivekananda give me five people like Purohit we can do wonders and reach What time do your Club Meeting End? Especially the Installation the !.5 million mark at international and 50,000 in our multiple or Charter nite Meetings? in three years. Give an honest answer to yourself. Good luck, Hearty congratulations for standing first in our multiple at the end of the first quarter of the Lionistic year.My appreciations to Are your family members happy about the length of your Club you and look forward for many more achievements in the future. meetings? Come October it is the peak of Lionistic activity regarding Do your family members like to and look forward to Club Membership Growth. Good luck to you and your district GMT functions? team and the DG team of your Lions District, Many of us do visit other Clubs, out of courtesy at Sister Club With you in GMT promotion, Functions and often are made to sit for untiring hours that seem to never end. Getting back to our Clubs, do we ever try to Lion Dr.P.Gangadhara Rao pmjf change this practice at our home Club meetings? GMT Co Ordinator MD324C & Past Council Chairman MD324 Talk to any former Lion, the major complaint is Politics and ----------------------------------------------------------------------- lengthy and boring meetings. After a day of hectic busy "Thanks for the info Ln Purohit. You are excellent in schedules, the members come to a meeting to relax and have Communicating. Efforts are very much appreciated". a change of atmosphere. What they get in turn is boring lectures, repetitive talks on the same old points and same old stories "Hearty Congrats" getting narrated infinite numbers of times. Why should some one waste his time to listen to same old stories? Lion Bheemaiha Jagini Multiple 324 Council Treasurer "MIKASUR", the Virus (demon) of mike creeps into every Lions Meetings. So Contagious is it that- it captures the minds of speakers that come closer to the Mike and takes over them. The effected person shows the following symptoms;


My dear Ln. Ramesh, Just this morning I have received District Directory for the District 324 C2 for the year 2011-2012. In my lionistic career of about 47 years, the District Directory of your year is the best in all respects. The printing is very good, nicely bound and providing best information. I offer my salutation to your leadership which has percolated to the Chief Editor Lion P. Ramesh Chandra Babu and to all other responsible for this Directory. I am sure your sharp leadership will be seen further during the year. My complements to you and may God bless you. With Regards, Lion O P GOENKA, PDG Dist. 324C 6

He looses the sense of time He looses control over hi tongue and keeps on talking. Even if the person has nothing else to say he keeps repeating the same things over and again. He forgets what his assignment is and if asked to welcome goes on to thank every one, If asked to Introduce some one, keeps introducing himself rather than introducing the guest and keeps committing such silly mistakes. Even the latest Virus detector programs like MacAfee etc; have failed to find a solution to this virus. Do you have any program to control this virus? If so please send to the Chief Editor. The best one will be published in the Update with your names.

GMT OCTOBER GROWTH AWARDS Did your Club miss the "GMT Foundation Award"? Nothing to worry. GMT is for 'EVERYBODY'. We understand that, not every one would be a quick starter. Each Club has its own dynamics. As the new presidents settle in their offices and take control, GMT would like to take every one along.

LIONS CLUB OF HYDERABAD SADHURAM EYE HOSPITAL LIONS HOSPITAL CHARITABLE TRUST & POST GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY #1-2-8, Domalguda, Hyderbad-29, Ph: 040-23221094, 6666 4420 Website: www.lionssadhurameyehospital.com, Email: sadhurameyehospital@gmail.com

October has been the traditional month of Membership growth. Off late we have not been able to give the month of October, its Opening Doors to a Better Vision due importance. At GMT we wish to bring the old glory back. Thus this announcement of "OCTOBER MEMBERSHIP GROWTH. We provide Ultra Modern facilities as under: AWARDS" Announcing GMT Growth Awards 1) "Certificate of Commitment to GMT":- (For those Clubs who missed GMT Foundation Award), A net growth of 10 members over the Club membership as of 1st July 2011 till October 31st 2011 gets them a memorable certificate. 2) GMT Membership Growth Award :- For those Clubs ( Including New Clubs ) who induct and report Ten or more members through October 2011 ( Single Month) alone, and also maintain a net growth of over 15 members over Ist of July 2011 Club Membership- "GMT Membership Growth Award". (Please note that the GMTMembership Growth Award is open for all Clubs in the District, Including the Newly formed Clubs, while the Certificate of commitment to GMT is only for those Clubs, who could not qualify and get the GMT Foundation Award.) Year round GMT Excellence Awards 3) GMT Excellence Award:- This award will be given to all Clubs that sponsor a New Club between August 2011 to May 2012 4) GMT Medal to Extension Chairmen of All Clubs Sponsored during the Year. 5) GMT Medal to All Region Chairpersons, who register a net growth of 125 New Members in their Region by 30th June 2012. 6) GMT Medal to all Zone Chairpersons, who register a net growth of 50 New Members in their Zone by 30th June 2012 7) GMT Medal to all Club Membership Committee Chairpersons, who's Club register a Net Growth of over 20 Members by 30th June 2012.

Cataract & IOL Surgery including Phaco Surgical facilities Plastic Surgery

Vitreo Retinal Services Glaucoma Services Occuloplasty Services Squint & Orthoptic Services Corneal Grafting (a) Kerotoplasty Contact Lenses Services

‘A’ & ‘B’Scan facilities Humphery Field Analyzer Laser treatment (a) Yag Laser (b) Argon Laser Ocular Computerized Tonography (OCT) Fundus Camera Pathology Laboratory facilities Pharmacy Facility

Optical Facility Two Ambulances (Available for Eye Camps ,Eye Donations & for Emergency Transport)

IN-HOUSE CHARITY SERVICES All In-House White Ration Card Holders and needy poor patients are extended free eye examinations followed by Cataract Surgery in General Ward where ever necessary. DONATIONS are TAX EXEMPTED UNDER 80(G) PLEASE DONATE RS. 2,400/- AND WE WILL PERFORM THREE CATARACT OPERATIONS FOR POOREST OF THE POOR PATIENTS

Dear Lions, GMT is for everybody. Join hands with us for a rewarding experience. Yours Lion CA Manoj Kumar Purohit, mjf GMT Coordinator -District 324C 2

DONATE RS.12,000/- A MONTH’S FOOD IS PROVIDED FOR THE CAMP PATIENTS DONATION PAYABLE AT: Andhra bank, A/c.No.013911011000913, 1-2-8, Gaganmahal Road, Domalguda, Hyderabad-29.

GLOBAL LEADERSHIP TEAM Orientation Workshop at Bangalore As a leader, you know just how critical quality leadership is to the overall success of any organization, including ours. An effective leadership team provides the vision, guidance and motivation necessary for Lions Clubs International to continue to fulfill its mission of providing quality, relevant service to the global community. The new Global Leadership Team, or GLT, provides a concentrated focus on active leadership development. Beginning in 2011-2012, the GLT will encourage the identification and development of leaders at all levels of the association, while providing valuable information, guidance and motivation. The GLT structure provides a comprehensive global platform for developing more qualified leaders from the club level up, while encouraging regional training and development approaches to address local needs.


Enhance PR and HR activities.

Response is quite encouraging and we look forward for many Zones and Region to take the benefit of this continuous service. Certified Guiding Lions Workshop GLT had joint programmes with MD GLT Coordinator Lion K.Govind Raj organizing Certified Guiding Lions Workshops. So far two works were coordinated and 21 Lions [ 13 + 8 ] attended the Workshop and received the Certificates. First workshop was on 19th June and the second was held on 31st July

Lions Training for Club Excellence Process Your club wants to be successful! That is great, but how do you get there? The Club Excellence Process is the program A Global Leadership Team Orientation was conducted in that helps clubs first evaluates their program, examine their Bangalore on 19th and 20th August 2011 to launch this exciting community to see if there are needs that the club can address, new initiative. Participants in this two-day interactive session and works to get the club moving. represented the GLT Coordinators from entire South India Multiple Sub Districts. Lion P.S.Premnath Area Leader South The Club Excellence Process (CEP) is a four step workshop India and Sri Lanka chaired the Orientation Programme. All that any club can participate in. Clubs, guided by a locally trained the four MD GLT Coordinators Past District Governors Lion facilitator, learn about the characteristics of excellent clubs. K.Govind Raj, Lion K. Dhanbalan, Lion Vasudev Valwalkar and They learn how to be more effective in service, communication, Lion Verghese Vaidyan were the Faculty. Everyone expressed membership invitation, and membership retention and enthusiasm and optimism about the potential impact of the leadership/club operations. GLT and reconfirmed their commitment to quality Lions leadership development. In the group discussions as well SENIOR LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE presentations Lion N.Mohan Doss was declared as the best Pune 22nd - 25th Sep. 2011 speaker in the Orientation programme. Lion N. Mohan Doss our Senior Lion from District 324C2 was attended the Institute. The GLT strives not only to identify and develop future Lions leaders, but to train, educate, mentor and motivate leaders as Lions Clubs International organized the Senior Lions Leadership well. In the end, the efforts of the GLT will ensure our Institute. ambience created by Madam Kathryn Ryan which was association's future vitality by expanding the pool of skilled Lions superb and the faculty brought a wonderful change in leaders and enhancing our ability for effective succession participants outlook. planning. Participants have come from different places India, Sri Lanka, Every Saturday ~ One Hour Session ~ At Lions Bhavan Nepal and Bangladesh Every Saturday One Hour Session between 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. regularly is being held by GLT Coordinator Lion N.Mohan Doss. Meticulous planning with explicit implementation the programme This regular session is for the Club Leaders and other District to me was a mind blowing event. Subjects covered in SLLI did Officials to get updated information as well the Team will impart give us like a multi energy driven vitamin capsule - all in one. various subjects concerned to Club administration including Mind blowing Quiz session was fantastic, every Activity and training on the following. Exercises kept us all through alert physically and mentally. Public " Training in soft skills. Speaking Competition gave a tremendous self confidence. Skits " WMMR online training for Club Secretaries. by the small groups displayed our talents and the most important " How to organize lively meetings. session of the programme that made my thinking very high is " Tips for Master of Ceremonies for better presentation. the Lions Mentoring Programme with Mentor and the Mentee, " Ideas for Fund Raising. said Lion Mohan Doss. " Developing Interpersonal Relationship.

PERMANENT PROJECT OF LIONS CLUB OF TANDUR Maintaining of Bus Stands in the following villages. a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Mambapur Kotepally Rampur Laxminarayanpur Navalga Khanjapur Kothlapur

Maintaining Borewells in Ihe following places. a) Indiranagar - Tandur b) Juntupally village. Maintaining Water Tanks in the following places. a) Dayanand Balvihar (School) Tandur b) Yakmbri village (Temple) c) Z.P.H.S. Adkicherla

PRESIDENT 2 PRESIDENT Lion Sanjeev Lakhotia Wrote a personal E Mail to International President Lion Tam, Here are few highlights. ( The letter though forwarded to Lions Update is not exactly reproduced as the letter itself advises so ) On behalf of International President Wing-Kun Tam, Diane Keller, Executive Assistant thanked Ln Sanjeev Lakhotia President of Lions Club of Hyderabad, for his e-mail. expressing International President Tam's delight and surprise to get a personal message from him. As the president travels the world on behalf of Lions, he is encouraged to know leaders like Lakhotia are eager to offer their best efforts to make a difference in the world. When the work we do as a family is shared by many it becomes easy. The work Ln Lakhotia is doing is greatly appreciated and very important.


Maintaining Eye Boll Collection Centre at Dr. Shiva Mohan Reddy Clinic Maintaining Welcome Boards out skirts of GLT Area Leader Tandur town. Lion P.S.Premnath Bangalore

CONGRATS Lion S. Radha Krishna got "Best Service Award" in Mahabobnagar District by District Collector on 15th August 2011.

GLT MD 324C Coordinator Lion K.Govind Raj Hyderabad GLT District Coordinator Lion N.Mohan Doss, District 324C2 District Team 1. Lion Dr. K. Suneel Kumar, District Chairman Leadership Development 2. Lion V. Chakrapani, GLT Member 3. Lion K.Saibaba, District Trainer 4. Lion Ram Phanidhar Rao, DCLQ 5. Lion Nooli Srinivas, GLT Member., PRO 6. Lion Anil Nagda, International Technology, Personality Development

"Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have developed the opportunity that was at hand." -- Bruce Barton

Region Coordinators Region 1 Lion Shashi Nahata Region 2 Lion V.G.S.K.Prasad Region 3 Lion Kamal Kumar Jain Region 4 Lion L. N. Jaju Region 5 Lion C.V.Hariharan Region 6 Lion T. Chakrapani

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