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Inner Cover Advt (Colour) II

Lions Clubs International District 324C 2, Region VI

Memories Souvenir

Region Conference and Editorial Team Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju & Lion Lady Madhavi Kacharaju Region Chairperson

ORGANISING COMMITTEE Lion K. Venugopal Rao Conference Chairperson

Lion B. Ram Phanidhar Rao Conference Secretary

Lion G. Balaswamy Conference Treasurer

EDITORIAL TEAM Souvenir Committee Chairman

Lion B. Mohan Rao Souvenir Chief Editor

Lion B. Ram Phanidhar Rao Souvenir Editor


Lion B. Venkateshwar Rao

Flag Salutation We salute our national flag and pledge our allegiance to the same. Its honour and its glory depend upon the zeal and assiduity with which each one of us will shoulder the responsibilities of a good citizen. Its history written in letters of gold inspires us to put in good work for the fair name of our country. We declare our unflinching loyalty to our national flag and maintain that its course shall be our course and that each individual amongst us shall make genuine efforts to add to its lustre and glory and make it fly proudly aloft in the comity of nations.

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EDITORIAL Dear Lion Friends, Greetings and Good wishes, It is great privilege to be a part of publishing MEMORIES of our Region VI under the able leadership of RC Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju through this souvenir. Each situation is unique. We can learn from experiences, but replication is not always feasible. We should learn to customize, and more importantly develop own working style. Compiling Souvenir is not an easy task. The Souvenir committee previously worked together many times. But every publication is a challenge. We worked for new thinking, new concepts and new readership. We promise you that this publication will be unique and you can keep as a record of memories. Senior Lions and upcoming leaders helped us to bring these MEMORIES in a better manner. Philanthropists are always with us to help in a better way to publish this Souvenir. Together we will flow onward - a benevolent flood of service to the needy. Friendship greetings Editorial Team

If you don’t believe what you are doing is right, how can you INSPIRE others? Wing-Kun Tam

OFFICIAL CALL Dear Lion, I, Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju, Region Chairperson, have immense pleasure to call for the Region Conference of Region VI of our District 324C 2 for the Lionistic Year 20112012 to be held on 22nd January 2012, from 4 pm onwards at Maharana Prathap Hall, 6 No. X Road, Amberpet, Hyderabad. the conference is named as “Aarush� first ray of the sun. I am highly delighted to invite you to the Region Conference. I am equally happy that my home club, Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium has come forward to host this event. Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium with its distinguished members now under the able leadership of Lion K. Harishchandra Prasad, Lion B. Venkateshwar Rao as President and Secretary with their team have geared themselves to offer the delegates the best of our known hospitality, ambience and experience. Lion K. Venugopal Rao, Conference Chairman, B. Ram Phanidhar Rao, Conference Secretary and Lion G. Balaswamy, Conference Treasurer will be the and for the Region Conference. You are well aware that the Region Conference provides each one of us an opportunity to meet, exchange and renew our relationship. Apart from this, it provides an opportunity to review and reward the performance of the clubs. You will be receiving soon more information from the host club, the conference chairperson and their team. It will be my endeavour, with the assistance of my Zone Chairpersons, Lion K Kavya Vittal, Lion A Chandramouli, Lion P Padma Mohan Reddy., to guide this conference. I am sure that your participation will help to foster to unite the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship, mutual understanding and to make this event a memorable one. Yours in Lionism,

Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju Region Chairperson


Lion B. Venkateshwar Rao Chairman Cell : +91 9848075752

Lion B. Mohan Rao Chief Editor Cell : +91 98480 14049

Lion B. Ram Phanidhar Rao Editor Cell : +91 9849101679

Conference Steering Committee

Lion K. Venugopal Rao Conference Chairperson

Lion K. Harishchandra Prasad Host Club President

Lion B. Ram Phanidhar Rao Conference Secretary

Lion B. Venkateshwar Rao Host Club Secretary

Lion G. Balaswamy Conference Treasurer

Region Conference Organizing Committee Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer:

CONFERENCE STEERING COMMITTEE Lion K Venugopal Rao, Hyd.Millennium Lion B Ram Phanidhar Rao, Hyd.Millennium Lion G Balaswamy, Hyd.Millennium

HOST CLUB : LIONS CLUB OF HYDERABAD MILLENNIUM President: Lion K Harischandra Prasad Secretary: Lion B Venkateshwar Rao Lion Lion Lion Lion

ADVISORY TEAM PDG Prof G Manohar Rao mjf PDG H S Rathi mjf PDG R Sunil Kumar pmjf (ID Endorsee 324 C) N N Murthy mjf (First Vice District Governor)

REGION CONFERENCE COORDINATORS Lion Koutike Kavya Vittal Zone Chairperson I Lion Adapa Chandramouli Zone Chairperson II Lion P Padma Mohan Reddy mjf Zone Chairperson III Chairman: Members:

Lion Lion Lion Lion

REGISTRATION COMMITTEE A Sudhakar Reddy President, Hyd.Universal B Chiranjeevi Reddy, Secretary,Hyd. Kukatpally K Jagadieshwar, Secretary,Hyd.Prashanth Kantilal Shah, Secretary, Hyd.North

Chairman: Members:

Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion

RECEPTION COMMITTEE Dr Jalagarm Sridhar, President,Hyd. North A Venkatesh,Hyd.Prashanth Peri Reddy,Hyd.Kukatpally Srinvas (Yoga),Hyd.City Circle Kavitha Rumalla,Hyd.North

Chairman: Members:

Lion Lion Lion Lion

BANNER PARADE COMMITTEE Mukka Suresh, President, Hyd.City Circle Vamaraju Chakrapani, Golconda B Chakrapani, Secretary, Hyd. City Circle Shailendranath Guptha, Hyd. North

Chairman: Members:

Chairman: Members:

SOUVENIR ADVERTISEMENTS COMMITTEE Lion K Subbi Reddy, President, Hyd.Kukatpally Lion G R Venugopal, Hyd.City Circle Lion Gardas Srinivas, Secretary, Hyd.Universal Lion Venugopal, Hyd.Millennium Lion T Chakrapani, Hyd.North Lion K Hariprasad, Hyd.Amberpet ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Lion K Harischandra Prasad, President, Hyd. Millennium Lion Sweety Shulamite, Secretary, Golconda

Lion Venugopal Rao, Secretary, Hyd.Akarshan Lion P L Narasimham, Secretary, Banjarahills Lion K. Saibaba, Hyd.Prashanth Chairman: Members:

Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion

AWARDS COMMITTEE P V Sai, President, Hyd.Prashanth Ch Rama Murthy, Hyd.City Circle Subbaraya Shetty, Hyd.Universal P C Subbanna, ZMA, Hyd.Prashanth T.V. Subba Rao, Hyd.Banjarahills

Chairman: Member:

Lion Lion Lion Lion

KITS AND MEMENTOS COMMITTEE Venkateshwar Reddy, President, Hyd.Akarshan G Balaswamy Hyd.Millennium B Nagi Reddy, Treasurer, Hyd.Akarshan Satyalakshmi, Hyd.Millennium

Chairman: Members:

Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion

PRESS AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Asar Ahmed, President, Hyd.Ramkote Ram Prasad Rao Bandaru, Hyd.Millennium Sunil Kumar Srivastav, Golconda S Rehman, Hyd.Ramkote Abdul Shareef, Hyd.Kukatpally


Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion

VENUE & STAGE COMMITTEE Lakshmi Kameshwari, President, Hyd.Amberpet Swarnalatha Goud, Hyd.Millennium K Sucharitha, Hyd.Millennium Lakshmi, Hyd.Millennium Anuradha, Hyd.Millennium G. Shasikala, Hyd.North

Chairman: Chief Editor: Editor:

SOUVENIR EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Lion B Venkateshwar Rao, Secretary, Hyd.Millennium Lion B Mohan Rao, Hyd.Millennium Lion B Ram Phanidhar Rao, Hyd.Millennium

Chairman: Members:

Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion

FOOD COMMITTEE Susheel Kumar Srivatsav, Golconda G Anand, Hyd.Prashanth M Girish Reddy, Hyd.Millennium P Jagan Mohan Rao, Hyd.Millennium B Rameshwar, Hyd.Amberpet

Chairman: Members:

Lion Lion Lion Lion

FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE Prabhakar Reddy, Hyd.Millennium Sreenivas Goud, Hyd.Millennium Sreenivas, Hyd.Millennium Kondapally Sreekanth, Hyd.Millennium

MASTERS OF CEREMONY Lion Palagiri Prasad, President, Banjara Hills Lion G Vijaya Lakshmi, Banjara Hills

District Governor Team District 324C2


Lion Ramesh Juluri pmjf District Governor

Lion N.N. Murthy mjf First Vice District Governor

Lion Dr. P. Narasimha Reddy Second Vice District Governor

Region Chairpersons of District 324C2

Lion Dr. G. Mahendra Kumar Reddy mjf

Lion G. Pandaiah

Lion K.S. Gurulingaiah Swamy

Lion G.K. Ramana mjf

Lion Y.V. Ramchandra Rao

Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju

Past District Governors from Region VI

Lion Prof. G. Manohar Rao mjf Cell : 9391023961

Lion H.S. Rathi mjf Cell : 93910 29780

Lion R. Sunil Kumar pmjf Cell : 9848024445

Region VI Zone Chairpersons - Zone Membership Advisors

Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju Region Chairperson

Lion Koutike Kavya Vittal Zone Chairperson, Zone I

Lion P.C. Subanna Zone Membership Advisor, Zone I

Lion A. Chandramouli Zone Chairperson, Zone II

Lion S. Rehman Zone Membership Advisor, Zone II

Lion P. Padma MOhan Reddy Zone Chairperson, Zone III

Lion Sheik Abdul Sharif Zone Membership Advisor, Zone III

Message 1

Message Dear Lions, Heartiest Greetings on the occasion of Region Conference AARUSH and wishing you all the success on this occasion. Like the name of this conference I wish that Lions will always bring light of Joy and Happiness into the life of all downtrodden and needy people of this country. At this juncture I will once again like to renew our commitment for service to Humanity as we have been doing for the last so many years. I am sure that our Global Service Action Program for feeding the Hungry must have been very successful. We should not rest here but make this a regular feature. I would also like to state at this point that we should strive to expand our family by inducting more and more new members, specially spouse and family members, as time and again I have said "more members mean more hands and more resources for service". With Best Wishes

Dr. Jagdish Gulati International Director Lions Clubs International

Message It gives me great pleasure to note that Region Meet "AARUSH" of Region VI, District 324C2 is going to be held on 22nd January 2012 at Hyderabad under the chairmanship of Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju. Zone and Region level conferences are great occasions to showcase the activities of the clubs in your Zones and Regions. Though our clubs are doing excellent service activities we are lagging behind in publicizing our efforts. An effective Public Relations campaign is not only necessary for attracting and motivating the public to our service and towards the purpose of our organization but also to build a better image in the public. I am happy that you are bringing out a Souvenir on the occasion of the Region Meet highlighting the achievements of the clubs in your Region. The responsibility of spreading a good image of our organization lies with every individual Lion Member, club, Zone, Region and District. As the individual Lions Club member, you are the most important element in assuring that Lionism enjoys a favorable image. Your personal action and integrity; your devotion to the principles and ideals of our Association demonstrates to all, the type of person who is a Lion and why Lions Clubs International is the largest and most active service club organization in the world. Equally important are actions often taken for granted, such as wearing a Lions Lapel Pin. I send my compliments to the Region Chairperson Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju, Souvenir Editor Lion Ram Phanidhar Rao Bandaru and all the lions of Region VI, District 324C2 and pray for the success of Lions movement as we continue to redefine our world with Vision and Passion. Yours in the cause of Service

V V Krishna Reddy, pmjf International Director, 2010-12 Lions Clubs International

Message Dear Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju It is really a pleasure to hear that you are organizing your Region Conference on 22nd January 2012 at Amberpet. The enthusiastic support of your entire team has helped your region to grow from strength to strength and is really commendable and praiseworthy. The best thing about being a Lion is serving. In giving to others, we feel good about ourselves. We change ourselves for the better. That's why Lions need to do handson service and not just write cheques. Yes, sometimes circumstances dictate that we make donations and our act of generosity is certainly praiseworthy. But in the long run, our identity as Lions is tied to our active service and involvement, our close association with those we need. Lions are part of their communities and should, to the extent possible, be out in the community helping others. Our service is a gift of ourselves, a gift of our time and talents. Lions, never forget that in being a Lion we are able to impact the world far beyond the borders of our town or even our nation. This is never more evident than in the success rate so far in the various services to our community We are really extremely proud to have Lions like you all amongst us who at all times have made that little extra effort to reflect the association in the highest esteem in the eyes of others. Let us believe in ourselves and in our association as we work to make the world slightly better than what it has been before. I wish the event all the best and a grand success. Yours truly,

A P Singh Past International Director Lions Clubs International

Message Dear RC Lion Ravinder Rao Garu, I am extremely happy about the systematic manner in which you have planned the Region Conference AARUSH for the benefit of Lions in your Region. Any Region Conference, to serve its purpose, must be aimed to motivate involvement and greater commitment from the membership. You as the Leader of your Region must endeavour to create an impact that supports lasting contribution by our membership. My compliments to you for your leadership and my appreciation to all the Clubs for having supported Lionism grow bigger and better. Wishing the Conference all success. Congratulations once again for your support to Lionism With warm regards

PDG Sunil Kumar R

Message Dear Lion Ravinder Rao Greetings and best wishes! I note that you will be holding the Region Conference - AARUSH - under the able leadership of Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju, Region Chairperson (Region VI, 324 C2). The Lion represents everything; not only a noble animal, but also a tradition of great achievement. Always with the same appearance, he looks to the future with confidence - and to the past with pride in the service performed. Lions clubs have great ideals that can reach groups of men and women who have a new vision of the world. It also attracts groups of young people-agile, enthusiastic and energetic - with the will to serve. A Region Conference is a perfect opportunity to make our ties of fellowship stronger and to get together to share success stories as well as to learn from one's mistakes. Coming together of lions on any platform can only lead to greater vibrancy in the district and our association. I wish you all the best in each of your endeavors and I take this opportunity to wish you and the members of your Region a Very Happy 2012 & I am sure you will continue to work with excellence. With warm wishes, Yours sincerely,

SANGEETA JATIA Lion Barun Kumar New Karmik Nagar Dhanbad 826 004

Message Dear Lion Ravinder Rao, Region Chairperson, I am extremely happy to note that you are bringing out a Souvenir during your Region conference "AARUSH" and I wish you all success in all your endeavour Your contribution to the organization and to the society is highly commendable more particularly when I was the Region chairperson, your commitment and involvement in Lionism, which speaks your belongings towards this movement and I compliment for the same. Your continued participation and support to various Governors in your district was well appreciated by one and all that speaks your credibility. Region Conference is the place where the Lions from various clubs meet to gather and exchange their views and the projects they have carried out through their year and carry home the experiences and the sweet memories of meeting various people of the Region. I wish that your Region conference will turn to be a successful one and create a new mark in your life as a lion and that will be your stepping stone and give courage to march forward in lionism. With all my kind regards. Yours in Loinism

Lion Dr. G Babu Rao pmjf Council Chairperson, Multiple 324C

Message I am glad to know that you are organizing Region Conference on 22/1/12 . I am sure that this Conference with the participation of all Lions and other Non-Lions (Guest) will be held good success .on this occasion you are bringing out a souvenir and highlighting the service activities being done by the Clubs in your Region. Members also will get motivated and publicity of your achievements are known to the public through souvenir .Region Conference will provide a good platform for all the Lions to interact with senior / experienced lions to exchange their memorable experiences. Simultaneously it is a good opportunity to recognize the clubs for the activities done by the clubs. I on behalf of my clubs and our District extend good wishes to the organizers and participants and wish the conference all success . Thanking you , Yours in Lionism

J.Ramesh Babu District Governor District 324 C2

Message Dear Lion Leader, I am very confident on you and you proved the same in this one eighty days that Leader always a Leader. You motivated and doing well with your assigned clubs. International President Wing-Kun Tam has set his vision - driven by his beliefs - on three special goals this year: " " "

Strengthening and retaining our membership by taking care of fellow members as if they were family. Expanding our service to new heights, propelled by a special campaign to plant one million trees And nurturing our future by involving more your people and Leos in all that we do.

I think your clubs fulfilling these goals and continuing to do the same. Your Region Conference, I am confident, the celebrations will be full of pleasurable and endow with good entertainment to the delegates.

Lion N N Murthy First Vice District Governor

Message Dear Lion Ravinder Rao, Wish You a Happy New Year 2012 and Happy Sankranthi I am pleased to note that your Region Conference Region VI AARUSH will be held on 22nd January 2012. The wonderful performance of the clubs in your region under your able leadership certainly needs publicity and I am glad to learn that a Souvenir is bringing on this occasion of Region Conference publishing the activities. Certainly AARUSH publicity enhances the reputation of Lionism in Particular and Lions in General. On the occasion of Region Conference I congratulate you, members of your home club and Region. Wishing the event a memorable one. We are all working together to “Serve the needy together� With Best Wishes,

Lion Dr P Narasimha Reddy Second Vice District Governor

Our Region Chairman Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju is hailed from a traditional Brahmin agricultural family from a small village Singarajupally, Warangal District. His father was a landlord. Since the childhood Lion Kacharaju attracted to Socialistic Ideology and worked for the betterment of the society. He is a rationalist. He formed a Youth Club in his village, with in a short period it spread to the district level. He elected as Surpunch of village unanimously at the age of 23 and elevated as Mandal Vice President. He formed a Shasthriya Praja Chaithanya Vedika and educated the youth on various social and economical issues. He motivated so many youngsters for Inter caste marriages. And also he promoted modern marriages with out any traditional ceremonies. He performed this type of stage marriage for his brother Lion Harischandra Prasad also. He loves reading books. He read almost ten thousand books on various topics till today. He participated in Anti Arrack movement. He studied Master of Arts in Telugu Literature and he is doing his M Phil on Novel. His interesting subject is Psychology. He wrote books for Neo Literates on Village Problems and Working of Local Governance. As a practical man, he has done a lot of service in his four decades of political and social carrier. As a Lion, he is a Charter President of Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium and he developed leadership in his club. He also served a President again in the decennial year of his club. He served the district as Zone Chairperson and District Chairperson many times. Lion Ravinder Rao Kacharaju married to Lion Madhavi and blessed with one son and one daughter. Son Dr Kranthi Raja married Dr Padmini, bothare medical doctor and daughter Radha Spandana married Ravindra both are Software Engineers working for IBM. Lion Ravinder Rao in now in a capacity of Grand Father with two Grand Children Khyathi and Sahasra.

Radha Spandana Ravindra

With best compliments from

AWARDS INDIVIDUAL: 1. 1. Zone Chairperson I: Lion Koutike Kavya Vittal, Lions Club of Hyd City Circle 2. 2. Zone Chairperson II: Lion Adapa Chandra Mouli, Lions Club of Hyd Universal 3. 3. Zone Chairperson III: Lion P Padma Mohan Reddy, Lions Club of Banjarahills 4. 4. Zone Membership Adviser I: Lion P C Subbanna, Lions Club of Hyd Prashanth 5. 1. Zone Membership Adviser II: Lion S Rehman, Lions Club of Hyd Ramkote 7. 5. Region I Believe Award: Lion Chiranjeevi Reddy, Lions Club of Hyd Kukatpally 8. 6. Region Leadership Award: Lion A Sudhakar Reddy, Lions Club of Hyd Universal 9. 7. Excellent President: Lion A Sudhakar Reddy, Lions Club of Hyd Universal 10. 2. Outstanding President: Lion Dr Jalagam Sridhar, Lions Club of Hyd North 11. 2. Best President: Lion B Venkateshwar Reddy Lions Club of Hyd Akarshan 12. 3. Best President: Lion Subbi Reddy, Lions Club of Hyderabad Kukatpally Committed President: Lion Suresh Mukka, Lions Club of Hyderabad City Circle 13. 8. Excellent Secretary: Lion Kantilal Shah, Lions Club of Hyd North 14. 3. Outstanding Secretary: Lion B Chakrapani, Lions Club of Hyd City Circle 15. 4. Best Secretary: Lion Chiranjeevi Reddy, Lions Club of Hyderabad Kukatpally 16. 9.Excellent Treasurer:Lion K Venu Gopal Rao, Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium 17. 4. Outstanding Treasurer: Lion G Shashikala, Lions Club of Hyd North 18. 5. Best Treasurer: Lion Sunil Kumar, Lions Club of Golconda 19. 10.Excellent District Chairperson:Lion PV Sai,DC Master of Ceremony,LCHPrashanth 20. 5.Outstanding District Chairperson:Lion B Mohan Rao,DCEnvironment,LCH Millennium 21. 6. Best District Chairperson: Lion Srinivas, DC Yoga, LCH City Circle 22. 6.Best Dist Inner Cabinet Member of the Region:Lion Palagiri Prasad, LC Banjarahills

Club Awards: 23. 11. Excellent Club (Administration): Lions Club of Hyderabad North 24. 7. Outstanding Club: (Administration): Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium 25. 7. Best Club: (Administration): Lions Club of Hyderabad Prashanth 26. 8. Best Club (Administration): Lions Club of Banjarahills 27. 12. Excellent Club: (Activities): Lions Club of Hyderabad Universal 28. 8. Outstanding Club: (Activities): Lions Club of Hyderabad Kukatpally 29. 9. Best Club: (Activities): Lions Club of Hyderabad Akarshan

30. 13. Excellent Blood Donation Camp: Lions Club of Hyderabad Prashanth 31. 9. Outstanding Blood Donation Camp: Lions Club of Hyderabad Kukatpally 32. 10. Best Blood Donation Camp: Lions Club of Banjarahills 33. 14. Excellent Tree Plantation Programme: Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium 34. 10. Outstanding Tree Plantation Programme: Lions Club of Hyderabad City Circle 35. 11.Out standing Tree Plantation Programme: Lions Club of Banjarahills 36. 12. Out standing Tree Plantation Programme: Lions Club of Hyderabad Prashanth 37. 11 Best Tree Plantation Programme: Lions Club of Hyderabad Universal 38. 12. Best Tree Plantation Programme : Lions Club of Golconda 39. 15. Excellent Dental Camp: Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium 40. 13. Outstanding Dental Camp: Lions Club of Hyderabad Kukatpally 41. 13. Best Dental Camp: Lions Club of Hyderabad Universal 42. 16. Excellent Mega Health Checkup Camp: Lions Club of Hyderabad North 43. 14. Outstanding Mega Health Checkup Camp: Lions Club of Hyderabad Universal 44. 15. Outstanding Health Checkup Camp: Lions Club of Golconda 45. 14. Best Mega Health Checkup Camp :Lions Club Hyderabad Amberpet 46. 17. Excellent Membership Growth: Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium 47. 16. Outstanding Membership Growth: Lions Club of Hyderabad Prashanth 48. 15. Best Membership Growth: Lions Club of Hyderabad Universal 49. 18. Excellent Eye Camps: Lions Club of Hyderabad Kukatpally 50. 17. Outstanding Eye Camps: Lions Club of Hyderabad Akarshan 51. 16. Best Eye Camps: Lions Club of Hyderabad Universal 52. 19. Excellent Serve the Needy Award: Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium 53. 18. Outstanding Serve the Needy Award: Lions Club of Hyderabad Amberpet 54. 17. Best Serve the Needy Award: Lions Club of Hyderabad Akarshan 55. 20. Extension of Club Award: Hyderabad Universal

Lions Club of

56. 21. Best New Club: Lions Club of Hyderabad Amberpet 57. 19. Best Permanent Project: Lions Club of Hyderabad North 58. 20. Best Permanent Activity: Lions Club of Hyderabad Akarshan

Zone Chairperson Zone I

Lion Koutike Kavya Vittal Zone Chairperson

Lions Club of Hyderabad City Circle Lions Club of Hyderabad Millennium Lions Club of Hyderabad Prashanth Lions Club of Hyderabad Aakarshan

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