lions clubs international, district 324c6, district newsletter, issue IV

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Gynaecological and general on a first come first serve basis. Plastic Surgeries will be undertaken for Cleft Palate, Cleft Lip, Burns, Contractures, Hand Surgeries, etc. General Surgeries will be for Hernias, Hydrocele, Gall Bladder, Thyorid, Breast Tumers, Parotid Tumours, Rectal Fistula, Anal Fissures, Lymph adenopathy, Polynoid cysts etc., and Gynecological Surgeries will be for Hysterectomy, Fibrodis, Urinary incontinence, Uterine prolapses, AP repairs etc., for details and registration please contact Sri Ch. Srinivas Rao on : 9133713406 or in person at Mahavir Hospital.

DG Diary

December 2 - 4, 2010 December 5, 2010 December 12, 2010 December 11, 2010 December 18, 2010 December 19, 2010 December 19, 2010 December 19, 2010 December 19, 2010 December 19, 2010 December 19, 2010 December 26, 2010 December 26, 2010 January 2, 2011 January 2, 2011 January 3, 2011 January 4, 2011 January 4, 2011 January 5, 2011 January 6, 2011 January 8, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 9, 2011 January 10-12, 2011 January 13, 2011 January 22, 2011 January 26, 2011 January 28, 2011 January 28, 2011 January 28, 2011 January 29, 2011

ISAAME Forum, Dubai Joint Zone Social of Sneha and Shanthi Regions Hyderabad Cosmo official visit RC and ZC Meeting Hyderabad Metro official visit Hyderabad Serilingampally official visit Hyderabad Swarnamukhi official visit Hyderabad Krishna official visit Hyderabad Godavari official visit Hyderabad Cyberabad official visit Hyderabad Tungabhadra official visit Zone Social K Samba Siva Rao Region Conference of Sneha Region New Year Milan New Club Medak Royals Inauguration Hyderabad Jubilee Hills official visit Heart and Eye Foundation Meeting Honorary Committee Meeting New Club Papannapet Inauguration Hyderabad East official visit Mahila Utsav preparatory meeting Third Cabinet Meeting at Medak Nizamabad Club official visit Nizamabad Diamond official visit Nizamabad Indur official visit Nizamabad Indur Vanitha official visit Nizamabad Friends official visit Nizamabad Seva official visit Nizamabad Fort City official visit Nizamabad Kalyani official visit Bheemgal official visit All India Lions Meet, Hyderabad Melvin Jones Birthday, Poor feeding at Serilingampally Hyderabad Ellite official visit Hyderabad Greater Anand official visit and six new clubs inauguration Siddipet official visit Siddipet Sri Priya official visit Siddipet Niveditha New Club Inauguration Hyderabad Sanathnagar official visit


School Adoption Reimbursements

The following clubs that have completed the school adoption activity and finished the formalities and submitted RC visit reports are being reimbursed at Rs 12,000/- each. Incentives announced by RCs, ZCs and RSs will be paid by them directly to the clubs. 1. Hyderabad Seva Sadan; 2. Hyderabad Manjeera; 3. Hyderabad Sabari; 4. Hyderabad Jubilee Hills; 5. Medak Manjeera; 6. Bhainsa Diamond; 7. Nizamabad Indur; 8. Nirmal Panchasheel; 9. Nirmal; 10. Nandipet; 11. Patancheru; 12. Siddipet; 13. Hyderabad East; 14. Sangareddy Adarsh; 15, Nizamabad Friends Many other clubs are at various stages of the activity and are likely to finish in the coming weeks.

New Melvin Jones Fellows

The following five lions availed a special incentive of Rs 5,000/- (in addition to the regular Rs 10,000/-) announced by the district governor to commemorate the birthday of our founder Melvin Jones: 1. Lion T Swarnalatha , Hyderabad Serilingampally (pmjf): 2. Lion M Raghavender Rao, Narsapur Snehabandhu; 3. Lion S Madhavi, Hyderabad Jubilee Hills; 4. Lion Narayanlal Baheti, Hyderabad South and 5. Lion Sanjay Chowdary, Hyderabad Cosmo. Lion Prakash Joshi contributed Rs 5,000/- on behalf of Lion Sanjay Chowdary as a special incentive to a member of Hyderabad Cosmo.

Exemplary Philanthropy

Hats off to Lion T Swarnalatha, President, Hyderabad Serilingampally who donated Rs. 2 lakhs to a Home for the Aged run by Lions Club of Chagallu Nellatur near Rajamundry.

Outstanding Dues

Clubs that have not received bills from the International for the second half may please contact me. Early payments will be appreciated. Only clubs that have cleared all outstanding international and district dues are eligible for school adoption reimbursement, for voting at the district convention and for Surya Puraskar awards.

m nagaRAJU

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December 2010 Issue IV

District News Letter

“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good that I do or any kindness that I show to human beings let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again” … Mahatma Gandhi

Dear Lions Friends, Wish you a happy and prosperous new year. We are on half way mark of this lionistic year. Many clubs are doing excellent service activities. In membership growth, our district stood at top of the world. I congratulate each and every one for this achievement and let us keep this record till end of this lionistic year.

Membership and Extension on record: Total members New members Dropped members

- 4263 Total Clubs - 1320 New Clubs - 298 Dropped Clubs Net Growth: 1020

Activities as per district records: Eye Screening Camps Screened IOL Surgeries Spectacles distributed Cornea Collection Health Camps beneficiaries Blood Units Collected Saplings Planted Twinning Programmes Need based programmes School Adoption

: : ; : : : : : : : :

: 124 : 30 : 4

220 98459 2733 11830 44 43866 14040 12487 27 176 12

New Year Milan:

The New Year Milan on January 2, 2011 at Naren Gardens was a massive success with more than 1600 lions, ladies and guest participating. The event had entertainment including orchestra and two rounds of tambola with a special mega prize Refrigerator (sponsored by Ms. Sujatha D/o M Raghavender Rao) The District Governor Lion Dr G Babu Rao addressed the gathering and reviewed the achievements and plans for the current lionistic year. About thirty past and present District Governors, Vice District Governors from different districts attended the Milan.

Third Cabinet Meeting:

The third cabinet meeting of our district was held on 9th January, 2011 at GKR Gardens Medak. Lions Club of Medak Manjeera served a delicious lunch. The minutes of the meeting will be sent later.

Accolades to Varni

Lions club of Varni conducted a mega blood donation camp at Varni on November 12, 2010 and collected 185 units of blood. Really it is a matter of pride to collect 185 units in a rural area, which is a district record for Nizamabad. Previously it was 171 units. Congratulations to

the president, secretary and to all the fine members of the club.

Chairperson will be the Chief Guest.

Three cheers to Hyderabad Jubilee Hills

Samatha Region Conference will be held on January 30, 2011 at Nizamabad. Lion Anand Rao Maiya Region Chairperson will preside over the meeting, Lion KG Rama Krishna Murthy will be the Chief Guest.

Lions club of Hyderabad Jubilee Hills is doing excellent service activities during this lionistic year. Conducted 97 eye screening camps, screened 22748 people, distributed specs to 2547 needy, performed 163 IOL surgeries, conducted 21 blood donation camps and collected 2568 units, conducted two mega health camps, one twinning with swarna region clubs at Neela camp at Nizamabad District and another twinning with Lions Club of Miryalaguda of District 324 C9. Adopted a Government school and donated lab equipment worth Rs. 90,000/-, donated furniture, computer and sewing machine to Shradda Centre for Special Education. Congratulations to the President and all the fine members of Hyderabad Jubilee Hills. We hope you will continue this trend in the future also.

Three Cheers to Hyderabad Greater Anand

Lions Club of Hyderabad Greater Anand is doing wonderfully well this Lionistic year. The Club has added 87 members in the first half year, which now is the biggest membership club with 129 members in the entire district 324C6. The club has extended six new clubs with total 270 members. The club has conducted 226 eye screening camps at various government schools where 58397 children were screened and 5575 free specs were distributed. The club has organized 13 blood donation camps, 11 family welfare camps, 8 Mega Health camps, 7 Diabetic camps, 2 Mega Eye screening camps, 2 Poor feeding camps and other service activities where thousands of people have benefited. We appreciate the wonderful humanitarian service of Greater Anand in serving the needy people of the community.

International President’s Award to our District Governor

International President Sid Scruggs awarded District Governor Lion Dr G Babu Rao with “Bright Star Award” in recognizing his efforts for growth in membership and extension in the first quarter of 2010-2011. The award was handed over by Global Membership Team (Area Incharge) PDG Manohar Raju on 2nd January 2011

Region Conferences

Sneha region Conference ‘SNEHA UTSAV’ was held on December 26, 2010 at JVN Gardens, Serilingampally. Region Chairperson Lion S Yadagiri presided over the meeting, Dr T Hanuman Chowdary, Director Centre for Communication Management Studies was the Chief Guest, District Governor Lion Dr G Babu Rao, Vice District Governors Lion D Pentaiah and Lion K Penta Reddy attended the conference. Twenty Three clubs presented their banners. Lions Club of Hyderabad King Koti hosted the conference, well supported by Lions Club of Hyderabad Serilingampally. Sandesh Region Conference will be held on January 23, 2011 at Nandipet. Lion V Suresh Region Chairperson will preside over the meeting, Lion Sri KV Ramana Chary, Principal Secretary to Government of AP – Endowments is the Chief Guest. Sahakar Region Conference will be held on January 30, 2011 at Chiran Fort, Begumpet, Hyderabad. Lion Sanjay Chowdary Region Chairperson will preside over the meeting, Lion Kosuri Ramesh, Multiple

All India Lions Meet

The All India Lions Meet hosted by District 324C3 and co hosted by our district on January 10-12, 2011 was a big success with good participation from across the country. Various competitions, Seminars and entertainment made the Meet memorable. A panel discussion among six international directors on subjects related to Lionism was a big highlight with interesting and inspiring debate among them. Our district was extremely well represented with seventy five registrations, two patrons and one gold patron – Lion Dr G Babu Rao. As a part of the proceedings, there was a presentation on “Life Ho Tho Aisi,” two seminars on Mentoring and Keeping Fit, Sports and Games competitions and literary programmes. District Cabinet Treasurer Lion m nagaRAJU won the first prize in public speaking contest. On the sidelines of the Meet, there were meetings of the LCIF Coordinators, Past District Governors and several other national committees.

Official Call

The District Governor Lion Dr G Babu Rao has given the official call for the Fifth Annual District Convention on April 9 and 10, 2011. The full text of the call is printed in the latest volume of Lion Update. Various committees for the convention are being appointed and the details will be mailed to the cabinet members soon.

Senior Lions Leadership Institute

Lion A Amarnath Rao, Chief Editor - District Directory has been selected for the Senior Lions Leadership Institute in Colombo Sri Lanka on January 20 – 23, 2011.

Mahila Utsav

A preparatory brain storm session was organized on January 8, 2011 by the programme chairperson Lion Sudha Ramesh to generate ideas relating to the programme scheduled on March 6, 2011. About ten women achievers from different walks of life will be befittingly honored in the presence of a woman chief guest and lion members.

Free Mega Surgical Camp

The Lions Club of Hyderabad Greenlands, Mercy Missions, Michigan, USA and Mahavir Institute of Medical Sciences are jointly organizing a “Mega Free Surgical Camp” for the poor at Mahavir Hospital, Hyderabad from 30th Janauary to 5th February 2011. A team of Plastic, Gynaec, General Surgeons, Anaesthesiologists, Technicians and Nurses from USA headed by Dr Sudershan Reddy, MD will be performing about two hundred surgeries both plastic,

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