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Miles & Muscles-NEW


If “I like to run and need to cross train” describes you, then welcome to your new class! Participants start at the outside half mile track for a 20-minute run (weather permitting) followed by an indoor 30-minute strength workout with dumbbells and bodyweight. Each class ends with a stretch-it-out session. While we move fast through all three phases, you don’t need to be a fast runner to take this class.

36592 TMC M,W 5:45am-6:45am 6/7 22 Burt $119

The title of the course is MILES & MUSCLES. The Course Code is 36592 and it meets at TOM MUEHLENBECK RECREATION CENTER on MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS from 5:45am-6:4am, begins JUNE 7, meets 22 times, the instructor is BURT and the fee for this course is $119. CAR = Carpenter Park Recreation Center LRC = Liberty Recreation Center NRC = Oak Point Park Nature & Retreat Center OPC = Oak Point Recreation Center TMC = Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center Online = Online Class

Crafts and Fine Arts

DSLR/Mirrorless Photography I

Get your DSLR/Mirrorless camera off “auto” and begin making great photos. Improve your knowledge and competence of cameras. Learn camera modes, controls, settings, exposure, metering, focus, depth of field, file formats, white balance, and more. Camera not required, brand not specific. Facemasks are recommended.

37432 CAR Sa 9:30am-Noon 7/24 1 Tacsik $35 DSLR/Mirrorless Photography II

Get your DSLR/Mirrorless camera off “auto” and begin making great photos. Improve your knowledge and competence of cameras. Learn camera modes, controls, settings, exposure, metering, focus, depth of field, file formats, white balance, and more. Camera not required, brand not specific. Must have attended DSLR/Mirrorless Photography I or have a knowledge of basic DSLR photography. Facemasks are recommended.

37433 CAR Sa 9:30am-Noon 7/31 1 Tacsik $35

iPhone Photography I

The new genre of ‘iPhotography’, the success and ubiquity of the iPhone, as well as a plethora of apps have all turned traditional photography on its head. This class aims to give beginner photographers a fundamental understanding of photography (as applicable to iPhones) as well as an understanding of how to use the iPhone’s camera and related apps to achieve amazing results. While emphasis will be on iPhones (including the new iPhone 11) and iPhone apps, the techniques and skills can be applied to all smartphones. Facemasks are recommended.

37430 CAR Sa 9:30am-Noon 6/19 1 Tacsik $35 iPhonePhotography II

The new genre of ‘iPhotography’, the success and ubiquity of the iPhone, as well as a plethora of apps have all turned traditional photography on its head. This class aims to give beginner photographers a fundamental understanding of photography (as applicable to iPhones) as well as an understanding of how to use the iPhone’s camera and related apps to achieve amazing results. While emphasis will be on iPhones (including the new iPhone 11) and iPhone apps, the techniques and skills can be applied to all smartphones. Must have either attended iPhone Photography I or have a general idea of basic iPhone photography. Facemasks are recommended.

37431 CAR Sa 9:30am-Noon 6/26 1 Tacsik $35 Lou Ann’s Watercolor (Int)

Learn to express your creativity in watercolor! The instructor demonstrates a painting each class. Much individual attention is given. Lessons include the basics of color, composition, value, drawing and techniques used to finish a satisfying painting. Classes are informal and fun! For continuing students. Supply list will print on receipt. Facemasks are recommended.

36188 TMC W 1pm-4pm 6/9 4 Bower $95 36189 TMC W 1pm-4pm 7/7 4 Bower $95 36190 TMC W 1pm-4pm 8/4 4 Bower $95

Passion & Art

Amaze yourself, family and friends with original, colorful oil paintings of your own creative design. This unique painting class is for beginner and intermediate students with a passion for art. Instructor is a local artist whose oil paintings have been featured in galleries across the nation, with his body of work reflecting his eclectic and highly personal techniques. See confirmation receipt for required supplies. Facemasks are recommended.

36055 CAR M 2:30pm-5pm 6/7 6 Fallas $89 36056 CAR M 2:30pm-5pm 7/26 5 Fallas $89 36057 CAR Th 2:30pm-5pm 6/10 6 Fallas $89 36058 CAR Th 2:30pm-5pm 7/29 5 Fallas $89 36059 CAR Tu 5:15pm-7:45pm 6/8 6 Fallas $89 36060 CAR Tu 5:15pm-7:45pm 7/27 5 Fallas $89 36061 CAR W 5:15pm-7:45pm 6/9 6 Fallas $89 36062 CAR W 5:15pm-7:45pm 7/28 5 Fallas $89 Sogetsu Ikebana (Adv)

Enhance your creative talents with Sogetsu Ikebana Japanese flower arranging. Learn from a certified instructor how to design flower arrangements out of anything! Must have a minimum of three months of beginner Sogetsu Ikebana. Facemasks are recommended.

36191 TMC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 6/12 2 Shelton $49 36192 TMC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 7/10 2 Shelton $49 36193 TMC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 8/14 2 Shelton $49 You Can Paint Workshop (14 Yrs & Up)

Even as a beginner you will discover the thrill of creating your own original oil painting as you learn a simple, timesaving approach to painting, perspective, color mixing and composition. You will be proud to frame and hang your finished masterpiece for all to admire. Art supplies are included. Wear old shirt and bring paper towels. Facemasks are recommended.

35695 CAR Sa 9:30am-12:30pm 6/12 1 Garden $39 35696 CAR Sa 9:30am-12:30pm 7/17 1 Garden $39 35697 CAR Sa 9:30am-12:30pm 8/14 1 Garden $39


Ballroom Dancing

Learning to dance is easier than ever. Come join us and experience the fun, excitement and romance of pure social ballroom dancing. During this class we will work on the basics of several dances. So bring your partner and let’s dance, you will love it. Price per person.

37386 OPC M 7pm-8pm 6/7 8 Glenn III $109 37918 TMC Th 7pm-8pm 6/10 8 Glenn III $109 Contemporary Line Dancing (Beg)

Looking for an early beginner line dance class? This class will have you moving and learning basic steps to build upon without the pressure to perform. Class is recorded and posted on YouTube for additional athome practice. Facemasks are recommended.

36171 LRC Su 1pm-1:55pm 7/11 5 Brown $35 37813 LRC Su 1pm-1:55pm 8/22 5 Brown $35 Contemporary Line Dancing (Adv Beg)

Have you always wanted to get out on the dance floor, but don’t know how to translate those early beginner skills into full dance sequences? This advanced beginner line dance class will give you the confidence and skills to fully realize the joy of line dance. Class is recorded and posted on YouTube for additional at-home practice. Facemasks are recommended.

36172 LRC Su 2pm-5pm 7/11 5 Brown $35 37814 LRC Su 2pm-5pm 8/22 5 Brown $35 Contemporary Line Dancing (Int/Improver)

Gain confidence on the dance floor and enjoy great company in this easy intermediate line dancing class. Previous experience is preferred, especially for classes that meet later in the sessions. Class is recorded and posted on YouTube for additional at-home practice. Facemasks are recommended.

36169 LRC Th 6:15pm-9:15pm 6/17 7 Brown $45 37817 LRC Th 6:15pm-9:15pm 8/5 7 Brown $45 Contemporary Line Dancing (Int/Adv)

Three to five years previous line dancing experience required to take this class. Tuesday night classes are focused on improving your skills. Saturdays are for putting it all together and having some fun. Class is recorded and posted on YouTube for additional at-home practice. Facemasks are recommended.

38198 LRC Tu 6:15pm-9:15pm 6/15 7 Brown $45 36170 LRC Sa 10am-1pm 6/19 6 Brown $39 38199 LRC Tu 6:15pm-9:15pm 8/3 7 Brown $45 37816 LRC Sa 10am-1pm 8/7 6 Brown $39 Country Two-Step

In Texas, you have to learn how to country dance. Learn to two-step, waltz and more as you improve your balance, memory, and boost your spirits! For couples and singles; no partner necessary. Facemasks are recommended.

37821 CAR Th 6:30pm-7:30pm 6/17 4 Everett $49

Line Dancing (Int)

For adults who have at least two+ years’ experience in Line Dance. Popular Line Dance is not only fun, but it also promotes health and fitness. Featured dances include Country, Rumba, Cha-Cha, Tango, Swing and Hip-Hop. No partner required.

36185 TMC Su 1:15pm-4:45pm 6/6 11 Yeh $69 36186 TMC Tu 7pm-9:45pm 6/1 13 Yeh $79 Line Dancing Improver

For adults who have at least six months experience in Line Dance. Popular Line dance is not only fun, it promotes health and fitness. Instructor may record some classes in order to provide students a way to watch and practice the dances at home. Video participation is optional. Featured dances include Country, Rumba, Cha-Cha, Tango, Swing and Hip-Hop. No partner required.

36187 TMC Sa 1pm-4pm 6/5 12 Yeh $75 Tap (Beg)

If you’ve always thought it would be fun to learn to Tap Dance, join us for a class designed especially for beginners. Learn to tap in a fun exciting atmosphere. No experience necessary. Tap shoes required. Facemasks are recommended.

35727 CAR W 7pm-8pm 6/9 5 Hornberger $55 35766 CAR W 7pm-8pm 7/21 6 Hornberger $59 Tap (Int I)

This exhilarating program is for students with knowledge of basic beginner tap dancing skills. Tap shoes are required. Prerequisite: Tap Beginner. Facemasks are recommended.

35726 CAR M 7:15pm-8:15pm 6/7 5 Hornberger $55 35778 CAR M 7:15pm-8:15pm 7/19 6 Hornberger $59 Tap (Int II)

This exhilarating program is for students who have already experienced Intermediate tap dancing. Come join us as we perfect our skills and showmanship. Tap shoes required. Prerequisite: Tap Intermediate I or knowledge of basic tap skills. Facemasks are recommended.

35725 CAR M 6pm-7pm 6/7 5 Hornberger $55 35779 CAR M 6pm-7pm 7/19 6 Hornberger $59 Totally 90’s Dance

Join us for a dance party while we listen to popular music from the 90’s and get some exercise while dancing to the beat. If you like the Backstreet Boys, Paula Abdul, Britney Spears, and MC Hammer, this is the class for you. Put on your dancing shoes and dance the day away to 90’s hits. Facemasks are recommended.

37338 LRC Sa Noon-12:45pm 6/12 6 Logan $39


Plano Parks and Recreation is looking for qualified and innovative instructors for its preschool, youth and adult classes. If you have a unique talent, skill or idea for a class, please contact any of our staff at the recreation centers.


”ARF” Dog Sports

This Team K9 class will introduce you and your dog to Agility Obstacles, Rally, and Find-It (Tracking/Scent) games. Whether it’s for backyard fun or competition, this is a great way to add variety to training in a positive environment. Dogs must be at least four months old, in good health, rabies vaccinated, on leash and adult supervised.Classes meet at Oak Point Park. Orientation information will be sent via email before first class with instructions on how to provide rabies certificate and signed team profile/ release waiver. Facemasks are recommended.

36260 CAR Sa 7pm-8pm 6/12 3 Bales $65 Bridge (Beg/Adv Beg)

Come learn American Standard Bridge Rules by Goren. Learn new conventions and review old ones. The class will consist of lecture, discussion, and play! Facemasks are recommended.

37389 CAR Th 6:30pm-8:30pm 6/17 9 Kramer $69 Chess

You don’t have to be an expert to play chess! We offer a great environment for beginning and intermediate chess players to learn one of the oldest games in the world. Class is taught by a former Texas Amateur Champion and vice president of the Dallas Chess Club. Facemasks are recommended.

36323 OPC Sa 11:30am-12:45pm 6/12 5 Allen $45 36324 OPC Sa 11:30am-12:45pm 7/31 5 Allen $45 Spanish Foundations

Have you ever wanted to learn how to speak Spanish? This fun and exuberant instructor will teach you how to more effectively communicate in an ever-increasing bilingual society. Gain a foundation in Spanish by learning the alphabet, numbers, common verbs, vocabulary and sentence structure. You will also get a taste of the rich Spanish culture. Come enter into an exciting new world. Facemasks are recommended.

6019 CAR Sa 2:30pm-4pm 6/12 8 Hudson $59


Body Blast-Cardio Power

A complete body fitness class that includes cardio and weights. Everyone will benefit and see results in their own trouble zones. Enthusiastic attitude required!

36621 CAR Th 6pm-6:55pm 6/10 12 Keltch $79 Booty Barre

Booty barre is a barre workout that blends deep muscle toning with intervals of fat blasting cardio techniques. The fluid dance inspired class is set to an upbeat music selection at a vigorous pace to get your heart pumping. No dance experience is required.

36619 CAR M 11:40am-12:30pm 6/7 11 Kourounis $79 Cardio Dance

Cardio Dance helps us to build strength while toning our bodies. This class incorporates Jazz, Hip Hop, Latin, Bollywood and more. We will dance to a variety of music with some light weights as the hour slips away.

36624 CAR F 9am-9:55am 6/11 12 Rowland $85 CycleFit

Get a serious workout to boost your muscle endurance with CycleFit without battling the outdoor elements and traffic. Benefits of this lowimpact, high-energy activity include an increased metabolism, stronger heart, athletic endurance and lower body strength. All fitness levels are encouraged to sign up. Classes are priced on a monthly basis. Facemasks are recommended.

36144 LRC Tu,Th 8:30am-9:30am 7/27 20 Sigler $149


During this class, you’ll focus on cardio, core and more while using a wide array of equipment, including weights, resistance bands and BOSU® balls. Get ready to tone up and burn fat while simultaneously strengthening your muscles and tightening your entire body. Classes are priced monthly.

36210 TMC MWF 8:30am-9:30am 6/2 13 Livewire $99 36211 TMC MWF 8:30am-9:30am 7/5 12 Livewire $99 36213 TMC MWF 8:30am-9:30am 8/2 13 Livewire $99 HIIT

Improve your strength, endurance and metabolism with a highly focused, efficient workout. Workouts are based on timed high intensity intervals of strength and resistance drills to routinely challenge your mind and body. Class is adjustable for all fitness levels. Facemasks are recommended.

37647 LRC M,W 5:15pm-5:55pm 6/7 22 Burt $99 Indoor Cycling

Low-impact, high-energy indoor cycling offers tremendous benefits, including a stronger heart, improved oxygen delivery to muscles, and increased metabolism. Participants will build their cardiovascular strength and endurance through resistance, hill and interval sets. All fitness levels welcome. Punch cards and drop-ins are not available.

36571 TMC Tu 8:30am-9:30am 6/8 12 Martin $95 Let’s Be Fit

Join instructor Lady Marli as she discusses a unique fitness lifestyle that addresses three required components for a healthier you: Nutrition, Exercise and Sleep. Learn general information along with the most recent developments in these three key components of health. Learn basic exercises that can be done at home as well. Questions and comments are welcome as there will be time for an open discussion. Facemasks are recommended.

35739 CAR W 9:30am-10:30am 6/16 1 Davis $19 35740 CAR W 9:30am-10:30am 7/14 1 Davis $19 35741 CAR W 9:30am-10:30am 8/18 1 Davis $19 35742 CAR W 6:30pm-7:30pm 6/16 1 Davis $19 35743 CAR W 6:30pm-7:30pm 7/14 1 Davis $19 35744 CAR W 6:30pm-7:30pm 8/18 1 Davis $19 LiveWire Generator

Don’t just redefine your body, redefine your life. This class is designed to put you on the path to fitness with low-impact exercises that target balance, flexibility, muscle strength, range of motion and cardiovascular endurance. Classes are taught by certified personal trainers and are designed for all fitness levels. Every class is different and is designed to keep your body guessing. So get ready to see results. Work hard, have fun and get fit! Classes are priced on a monthly basis. Variations are due to four meetings per week vs. two meetings per week.

36195 TMC M-Th 8:30am-9:30am 6/1 18 Livewire $119 36196 TMC Tu,Th 8:30am-9:30am 6/1 9 Livewire $89 36197 TMC M-Th 8:30am-9:30am 7/5 16 Livewire $119 36198 TMC Tu,Th 8:30am-9:30am 7/6 8 Livewire $89 36199 TMC M-Th 8:30am-9:30am 8/2 18 Livewire $119 36200 TMC Tu,Th 8:30am-9:30am 8/3 9 Livewire $89

LiveWire Powerhouse Boot Camp

These monthly sessions are high energy, high intensity, and just what you need to reshape your life. Our community provides encouragement, accountability and inspiration to help you meet your fitness goals. We provide daily posts with recipes, motivation, weekend workouts and more! The workouts include functional fitness, strength, HIIT, interval and circuit training, sprints, sports conditioning, plyometrics, cardiovascular conditioning and more. We keep things interesting and upbeat with all types of equipment, so get ready to have fun as you get fit! Build strength, endurance and power while getting fit and toned! Registration includes orientation, group grocery tour and nutritional guidance. All fitness levels welcome, beginners to advanced. Classes are held indoor/ outdoor. Classes are priced on a monthly basis. Variations are due to four meetings per week vs. two meetings per week.

36204 TMC M-Th 5:30am-6:30am 6/1 18 Livewire $119 36205 TMC Tu,Th 5:30am-6:30am 6/1 9 Livewire $89 36206 TMC M-Th 5:30am-6:30am 7/1 17 Livewire $119 36207 TMC Tu,Th 5:30am-6:30am 7/1 9 Livewire $89 36208 TMC M-Th 5:30am-6:30am 8/2 18 Livewire $119 36209 TMC Tu,Th 5:30am-6:30am 8/3 9 Livewire $89 LiveWire Pure Strength

This one-hour, all-inclusive class is designed to push you to your limit. We focus on building strength, toning muscles and increasing bone density. We will help decrease body fat while increasing lean muscle using a variety of equipment, from dumbbells and resistance bands to weighted bars. Classes are priced monthly.

36201 TMC Tu,Th 9:30am-10:30am 6/1 9 Livewire $89 36202 TMC Tu,Th 9:30am-10:30am 7/6 8 Livewire $89 36203 TMC Tu,Th 9:30am-10:30am 8/3 9 Livewire $89 Metabolic Conditioning

Challenge your idea of fitness and be prepared to burn calories, have fun, meet new people and relieve stress in an outdoor environment. Each new session combines fast-paced cardio exercises, strength training and agility work to increase strength; sending your metabolism into overdrive. All strength and cardio levels are welcome in this encouraging, outdoor class. Sessions will move indoors during inclement weather. Facemasks are recommended.

36138 LRC M,W 10:30am-11:30am 6/2 9 Burt $89 36139 LRC M,W 10:30am-11:30am 7/5 8 Burt $85 36140 LRC M,W 10:30am-11:30am 8/2 9 Burt $89 Miles & Muscles-NEW

If “I like to run and need to cross train” describes you, then welcome to your new class! Participants start at the outside half mile track for a 20-minute run (weather permitting) followed by an indoor 30-minute strength workout with dumbbells and bodyweight. Each class ends with a stretch-it-out session. While we move fast through all three phases, you don’t need to be a fast runner to take this class.

36592 TMC M,W 5:45am-6:45am 6/7 22 Burt $119

Northern Shaolin Tai Chi

Tai Chi is known as meditation in motion and improves one’s balance, flexibility and strength. This class is based on the 24 form and Tai Chi sword routine. This mind-body exercise experience is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels.

36951 OPC M,F 11am-Noon 6/7 7 Clark 36952 OPC M,F 11am-Noon 7/12 8 Clark

Pickleball Tournament

Join us for Liberty’s pickleball tournament. We will have three courts set up to enjoy an afternoon of friendly play. All games will be doubles play, socially distanced, single elimination and a prize will be awarded to the first place finisher. Only one person on the team will register. Facemasks are recommended.

36253 LRC Su 1pm-3pm 6/20 1 Logan $10 Power Barre Fitness

Power Barre fitness combines ballet techniques and other strengthening exercises into a cardio workout. It is designed to create lean, elongated muscles working the body as a whole, and concentrating on key isolated muscle groups at the barre. Exercises will enhance core strength, balance, flexibility, and posture while burning calories.

36634 CAR W 11:40am-12:30pm 6/9 12 Kourounis $85 Strength Training

Reclaim your physical mobility and movement confidence, ensure independent living, prevent disease and falls! This class offers closely supervised workouts, customized to your individual needs, in a social, engaging, small group environment. Designed for individuals 50 plus. Registration consultation with the instructor is required before you are allowed to participate. Friday class option is only available for students enrolled in two-day class options. Facemasks are recommended.

34511 LRC M,W 11:30am-12:30pm 6/7 8 Littlefield $89 34512 LRC M,W 12:30pm-1:30pm 6/7 8 Littlefield $89 34513 LRC M,W 1:30pm-2:30pm 6/7 8 Littlefield $89 34514 LRC Tu,Th 9am-10am 6/1 9 Littlefield $89 34515 LRC Tu,Th 10:30am-11:30am 6/1 9 Littlefield $89 34516 LRC F 10:30am-11:30am 6/4 4 Littlefield $19 34517 LRC F 11:30am-12:30pm 6/4 4 Littlefield $19 36124 LRC M,W 11:30am-12:30pm 7/5 8 Littlefield $89 36125 LRC M,W 12:30pm-1:30pm 7/5 8 Littlefield $89 36126 LRC M,W 1:30pm-2:30pm 7/5 8 Littlefield $89 36127 LRC Tu,Th 9am-10am 7/1 9 Littlefield $89 36128 LRC Tu,Th 10:30am-11:30am 7/1 9 Littlefield $89 36129 LRC F 10:30am-11:30am 7/2 5 Littlefield $19 36130 LRC F 11:30am-12:30pm 7/2 5 Littlefield $19 36131 LRC M,W 11:30am-12:30pm 8/2 9 Littlefield $89 36132 LRC M,W 12:30pm-1:30pm 8/2 9 Littlefield $89 36133 LRC M,W 1:30pm-2:30pm 8/2 9 Littlefield $89 36134 LRC Tu,Th 9am-10am 8/3 9 Littlefield $89 36135 LRC Tu,Th 10:30am-11:30am 8/3 9 Littlefield $89 36136 LRC F 10:30am-11:30am 8/6 4 Littlefield $19 36137 LRC F 11:30am-12:30pm 8/6 4 Littlefield $19

Strength, Power & Stretch-NEW

This class will keep you on your toes as we use a variety of equipment, intensity levels and recovery times. Each class is designed to be different in order to keep you moving and guessing. Release stress with a combination of cardio moves, strength training and agility work. Come prepared to have fun, burn calories and meet new people! All strength and cardio levels welcome.

36214 TMC Tu,Th 10:45am-11:45am 6/8 22 Burt $119 Tai Chi Chih Joy through Movement

Tai Chi Chih is an evidence-based mindfulness practice consisting of 19 gentle movements and one pose. This practice circulates and balances the vital energy within us, which improves balance and strength, promotes concentration, stimulates the immune system and reduces stress. Class will be led by a certified Tai Chi Chih instructor.

36637 CAR Th 4pm-4:55pm 6/3 10 Kistler-Robinson $75 37388 OPC Su 1:30pm-2:30pm 7/11 8 Kistler-Robinson $65 Tai Chi for Fun & Health

Tai Chi builds strength, improves balance, promotes healthy joints, and boosts energy. It is recommended for people with arthritis, tendonitis, and osteoporosis. Class is based on the ‘64’ Yang Style Tai Chi form. Facemasks are recommended.

36141 LRC Th 6:50pm-7:50pm 6/24 10 Donahue $65 Tai Chi for Well Being

This is a continuing class for those who have learned some or all of the 24-Step style of Tai Chi. You can work on adding to what you know, refining your movement, or recapturing your enjoyment of practicing with a group. Previous knowledge of Tai Chi preferred.

36638 CAR M 7:05pm-8pm 6/7 10 Christenson $75 36704 CAR M 7:05pm-8pm 7/5 11 Christenson $75

Tai Chi Practice

This class provides an opportunity for experienced Tai Chi students familiar with basic forms to participate in a group practice. Class begins with a brief warm-up or Chi Gong exercises. Student will then practice the Tai Chi 24 and 48 forms, as well as, Tai Chi fan and sword routines. Please note this class does not offer Tai Chi instructions or lessons. Facemasks are recommended.

36143 LRC W 10am-11am 6/2 13 Staff $25 Tai Chi Practice (Adv)

This Tai Chi advanced practice class is for students familiar with more complex routines. Class routines begin with Ba Duan Jin Chi Kong exercise, then into Tai Chi Chuan forms 24, 42 and 48, and finishes with Tai Chi sword and fan routines. Please note this is not an instructional class and does not offer any lessons. Facemasks are recommended.

36142 LRC M 10am-11am 6/7 13 Staff $25 Total Body Strength & Stretch

Fat blasting total body strength class designed to give you a total body workout, targeting each of the major muscle groups and boost your flexibility and improve joint range of motion with full body stretching.

36642 CAR M 10:40am-11:30am 6/7 11 Kourounis $79 36929 CAR W 10:40am-11:30am 6/9 12 Kourounis $85 Zumba®

This feel good workout fuses Latin and international dance music themes creating a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system with aerobic/ fitness interval training in a combination of fast and slow rhythms for fat burning and total body toning. Fitness elements and dance variations are incorporated from Cumbia, Merengue, Belly Dancing, Salsa, Reggaeton, Samba, and Calypso-just to name a few. No dance experience necessary.

36565 TMC Tu,Th 6pm-6:50pm 6/1 26 Riley $135 36566 TMC Tu 6pm-6:50pm 6/1 12 Riley $85 36567 TMC Th 6pm-6:50pm 6/3 12 Riley $85 36625 CAR Th 9am-9:55am 6/10 12 Rowland $85 36651 CAR W 10:40am-11:30am 6/9 12 Rowland $85 36652 CAR Sa 9:10am-10am 6/12 12 Riley $85 36955 OPC M 6pm-6:50pm 6/14 8 Alvarez $65 36956 OPC Sa 8:15am-9:05am 6/12 8 Alvarez $65 Zumba® Gold

Work out to international rhythms in a ‘feel happy’ exercise that is fun, effective and energizing. This low-impact cardio class strives to improve your balance, strength and flexibility.

36653 CAR Th 11:40am-12:30pm 6/10 11 Kourounis $79 Zumba® Toning

Get lost with choreography or intricate moves? Want to enjoy or try Zumba a different way? This class blends body-sculpting techniques with Zumba moves (primarily Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, and Reggae-ton rhythms) for a calorie burning workout that’s both fun and effective. Classes consist of easy-to-follow, cardio-dance intervals as well as appropriately paced dance themes/footwork using hand weights or weighted toning sticks to enhance rhythm and tone the body while building muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Great for Zumba newbies and the experienced! All fitness levels welcome.

36568 TMC M 6pm-6:50pm 6/7 11 Riley $79 36654 CAR Sa 10:10am-11:05am 6/12 12 Riley $85

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