13 minute read
How to Read the Activity/Course Information
Tumble Tykes (16-24 Mos/Parent)
Join us in this fun tumbling class that is a great introduction for future gymnastic classes. The class will cover basic tumbling skills, stretching, and balance beam work. This is a great way to learn coordination and balance.
46344 LRC Su 11:30am-Noon 7/10 6 Logan $35
The title of the course is TUMBLE TYKES. The Course Code is 46344, and it meets at LIBERTY RECREATION CENTER on SUNDAYS from 11:30am to Noon, begins JULY 10, meets 6 times, the instructor is LOGANf and the fee for this course is $35. CAR = Carpenter Park Recreation Center LRC = Liberty Recreation Center OPC = Oak Point Recreation Center TMC = Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center Online = Online Class
Crafts and Fine Arts
Glow & Paint Party (3-10 Yrs)
Join us at this fun filled glowing party. Each child will receive a glow bracelet, materials and 9x12 canvas panel that they will paint. Eighty8 Visuals will lead the party and help with the painting.
45779 LRC Sa 11am-Noon 6/25 1 Mays $15
Ballet & Creative Dance (3-4 Yrs)
Moving is one of the first and most important ways children experience and learn about the world. This class encourages creative motivation, interpretation and improvisation. This is a fun and imaginative way for children to learn the basics of dance. Please wear ballet shoes.
44977 CAR Sa 9:30am-10:15am 6/11 5 McGuill $45 44978 CAR Sa 9:30am-10:15am 7/23 5 McGuill $45 Ballet & Creative Dance (4-6 Yrs)
Moving is one of the first and most important ways children experience and learn about the world. This class encourages creative motivation, interpretation and improvisation. This is a fun and imaginative way for children to learn the basics of dance. Please wear ballet shoes.
44980 CAR Sa 10:15am-11am 6/11 5 McGuill $45 44981 CAR Sa 10:15am-11am 7/23 5 McGuill $45 44982 CAR Sa 11am-11:45am 6/11 5 McGuill $45 44983 CAR Sa 11am-11:45am 7/23 5 McGuill $45
Ballet (3-4 Yrs)
Join us for a class that will train students on poses, leaps and jumps. Don’t forget those ballet shoes.
46284 LRC Sa 9:30am-10:15am 7/9 6 Logan $39 Budding Ballerinas (2-3 Yrs/Parent)
This class is a great introduction for future dance classes. Don’t forget those ballet shoes. Parents must participate.
46282 LRC Sa 9am-9:30am 7/9 6 Logan $35 46283 LRC Sa 9am-9:30am 7/9 6 Logan $35 Dance Fusion (4-6 Yrs)
Learn them all: Ballet, Jazz, Creative, Hip hop and Lyrical. This class will incorporate many different styles of dance, introduce the fundamentals, and lay the foundation for young dancers. Come and dance the day away.
46287 LRC Sa 11:15am-Noon 7/9 6 Logan $49 46288 LRC Sa 11:15am-Noon 7/9 6 Logan $49 Hip Hop Hooray (4-6 Yrs)
Join us for a fun, upbeat, moving class. Students will learn the basics of dancing to their favorite music with children their own age. You don’t want to miss the chance for your child to dance like nobody’s watching, increase their self-esteem and make new friends.
46289 LRC Sa Noon-12:45pm 7/9 6 Logan $49 46290 LRC Sa Noon-12:45pm 7/9 6 Logan $49

Educational Corner
A Little Bit of Everything (3-5 Yrs)
Let’s keep those young minds engaged. Students will build on their preliteracy skills, numbers, sequencing, pattern recognition, fine and gross motor skills as well as social skills. Program will include a daily circle time, craft and free play. Child must be potty trained. Please bring a lunch.
45558 CAR M,F 9am-1pm 6/6 10 Hasnat $195 45560 CAR M,F 9am-1pm 7/25 10 Hasnat $195 Early Achiever’s Preschool Academy (3-5 Yrs)
This fun-filled academic preschool program class utilizes a hands-on, theme-based yearly curriculum that focuses on the academic, social, emotional, physical and creative development of each student. This ongoing academic preschool covers areas of reading, writing, science, safety, health, social studies, math, art, music and movement. Must be potty trained. All supplies are included. Please bring a snack.
45678 TMC Tu,Th 9:15am-Noon 5/31 10 RARE Learn $175 45679 TMC Tu,Th 9:15am-Noon 7/7 10 RARE Learn $175 Intro to Math & Reading (3-6 Yrs)
Your preschoolers will learn to take their first steps towards reading and math. Using stories, games, art, and crafts each class will be aimed at preparing your child. Concepts will include an introduction to reading, writing, spelling, rhyming, letter, and sound recognition, adding, subtracting, graphs, time, money calendars, and more. Taught by a certified Montessori teacher. Please bring a nut-free, healthy snack. $10 supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class. Your child must be potty trained.
45842 TMC M,W 10am-Noon 6/1 9 Contractor $169 46141 TMC M,W 10am-Noon 7/11 8 Contractor $155 46142 TMC Sa 10am-1pm 6/4 5 Contractor $145 46143 TMC Sa 10am-1pm 7/16 6 Contractor $169
Kindergarten Readiness (3-5 Yrs)
This class will teach your child the skills he or she will need to be successful entering into kindergarten. Children will be introduced to handwriting, basic math concepts, language, and phonics. Your child will build confidence in their abilities, improve social skills, and develop enthusiasm for learning. Child must be potty trained. Please bring a lunch to class.
45597 OPC Tu,Th 9am-Noon 6/7 8 Laghari $109 45598 OPC Tu,Th 9am-Noon 7/5 8 Laghari $109 Munchkin Academy (3-5 Yrs)
This class will teach your child the basics of reading and writing to prepare children for future school success. Class will incorporate hands on manipulatives that will develop cognitive and motor skills, math by counting, sorting and grouping along with creative play to encourage individuality, creativity and success. Child must be potty trained. Please bring a lunch to class.
45252 OPC W,F 9am-2pm 6/8 8 Lee $165 My Morning Time Playgroup (3-5 Yrs)
Play is the work of the child. Research has shown that the first few years of a child’s life provide the foundation for future learning. Your little one will enjoy this relaxed preschool setting that will expand on social skills through group play and sensory centers. Concepts of ABC’s, colors, shapes and more will be introduced. Child must be potty trained. Please bring a lunch.
45561 CAR Tu,Th 9am-1pm 6/7 10 Hasnat $195 45562 CAR Tu,Th 9am-1pm 7/26 10 Hasnat $195 Play & Learn Academy (2-3 Yrs)
This is a fun learning class involving interactive activities that include letters, numbers, colors and shapes. Children develop a love of learning while playing. Kids need to be potty-trained or parents must stay in the building. Please bring a snack.
45680 TMC F 9:15am-11am 6/3 9 RARE Learn $139 Preschool Spanish (3-5 Yrs)
This is a class full of fun and dynamic preschool Spanish programs that engage children through music, numbers, colors and more.
46343 LRC Su 10:30am-11:15am 7/10 6 Logan $35 Young Scientist (3-6 Yrs)
Experience science the fun way; using experiments, hands-on activities, arts, and crafts. Students will learn about the solar system, the human body, animals, plants magnets and other science concepts. Taught by a certified Montessori teacher. $5 Supply fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class. Child must be potty trained.
46144 TMC Sa 1:30pm-2:30pm 6/4 5 Contractor $69 46145 TMC Sa 1:30pm-2:30pm 7/16 6 Contractor $75

Etc... Physical Activities
Aerobats Kindergym Gymnastics-Boys (3-4 Yrs)
Enroll your son today and let him experience what it is like to be a real gymnast. Students will be taught beginner skills on all the men’s gymnastics Olympic events. All participants must be fully potty trained. For more information on this class and on the Aerobats year-round program, please contact Vickie at 972-941-7691.
46078 CAR Sa 9am-9:45am 6/4 4 Staff $35 46079 CAR Sa 9am-9:45am 7/9 4 Staff $35 46080 CAR Sa 9am-9:45am 8/6 4 Staff $35 Aerobats Kindergym Gymnastics-Girls (3-5 Yrs)
Enroll your daughter today and let her experience what it is like to be a real gymnast. Students will be taught beginning gymnastics skills on the vault, bars, beam and floor in a fun and safe environment. We make no guarantees that students will move on to the Olympics, but we do guarantee we will provide them a lot of fun!
46082 CAR Tu 3:30pm-4:30pm 6/7 4 Staff $50 46084 CAR Th 5:30pm-6:30pm 6/9 4 Staff $50 46085 CAR Tu 3:30pm-4:30pm 7/5 4 Staff $50 46087 CAR Th 5:30pm-6:30pm 7/7 4 Staff $50 46089 CAR Tu 3:30pm-4:30pm 8/2 4 Staff $50 46091 CAR Th 5:30pm-6:30pm 8/4 4 Staff $50
Kindermusik® Busy Days (Newborn-18 Mos/Parent)
Set your baby’s day to classical music. With a little more Tchaikovsky in your “Twinkle, Twinkle” repertoire discover new ways baby benefits from classics as you develop an appreciation for the world’s most respected music. Each lesson features new activities and songs that the parent can sing for all the places baby and mom go together - the store, the playground, the doctor and more. A home kit ($40) must be purchased from the instructor the first day of class.
45565 TMC F 11:30am-12:15pm 5/27 5 Roemer $69 Kindermusik® Zoo Train (18 Mos-3 1/2 Yrs)
Toddlers and trains make a natural match - always on the move. Tag along this summer with a traveling zoo train. Bring your own stuffed animals for the petting zoo. Wear long white socks on your hands for polar bear paws and learn about real animals in the zoo. Sing songs for clapping time, and use music to help toddlers regulate emotions. A home kit ($40) must be purchased from the instructor the first day of class.
45552 TMC F 10:30am-11:15am 5/27 5 Roemer $69 Kindermusik® Zoo Train (3 1/2 Yrs-5 Yrs)
Preschoolers will use their imagination to create musical stories about going to the zoo, riding on a train, and explore animal families. Tag along this summer with a traveling zoo train, “The Allee-Allee-O.” Bring your own stuffed animals for the petting zoo. Wear long white socks on your hands for polar bear paws and learn about real animals in the zoo. Sing songs for clapping time, and use music to explore rhythm patters, while preparing for the next step, notation. A home kit ($40) must be purchased from the instructor the first day of class.
45566 TMC F 9:30am-10:15am 5/27 5 Roemer $69

Gymnastics (3-4 Yrs)
Have fun learning different gymnastics skills such as floor and balance beam work. Gymnasts will also work on motor skills in this beginner class.
46347 LRC Su 12:45pm-1:30pm 7/10 6 Logan $49 46348 LRC Su 1:45pm-2:30pm 7/10 6 Logan $49 Gymnastics (5-6 Yrs)
Gymnasts will have fun working on and developing their motor skills while learning different gymnastic skills like the balance beam, floor work, and much more.
46346 LRC Su 2:30pm-3:15pm 7/10 6 Logan $49 Lil’ Sluggers® Mascots (2 Yrs/Parent)
The Mascots curriculum is designed for children to begin their baseball experience in a fun environment that introduces the basics of the game. Children will learn simple base running and recognition, hitting, holding the bat properly, hitting the ball off of a tee, base running and recognition, overhand throwing motions, two hand fielding, and much more.
45511 TMC Sa 11:45am-12:30pm 6/4 5 Texas Sports $95 45512 TMC Sa 11:45am-12:30pm 7/23 5 Texas Sports $95 Lil’ Sluggers® Minors (3 Yrs)
The Minors curriculum is designed for children to continue their baseball experience in a fun environment that reinforces the fundamentals of the game. Players will learn proper stance and level hitting off the tee, introduction to pitch hitting, base running and recognition, throwing, twohanded fielding, and much more.
45513 TMC Sa 12:35pm-1:20pm 6/4 5 Texas Sports $95 45514 TMC Sa 12:35pm-1:20pm 7/23 5 Texas Sports $95
Lil’ Sluggers® Majors (4 Yrs)
The Majors curriculum expands on slightly more technical instruction and game situation skills. Students will learn base running and sliding techniques, proper hitting stance, follow through and level swinging off the tee, as well as begin hitting from a pitch by the coach. Students will also work on proper throwing and catching motions.
45515 TMC Sa 1:25pm-2:10pm 6/4 5 Texas Sports $95 45516 TMC Sa 1:25pm-2:10pm 7/23 5 Texas Sports $95 Lil’ Sluggers® Hall of Famers (5-6 Yrs)
The Hall of Famers curriculum is designed for children to continue improving their fundamental skills while preparing them for next level tee-ball. Participants will learn the five steps of hitting formation, base running and recognition techniques, accuracy and distance throwing mechanics, fielding and catching techniques.
45517 TMC Sa 2:15pm-3pm 6/4 5 Texas Sports $95 45518 TMC Sa 2:15pm-3pm 7/23 5 Texas Sports $95 Tiny-Hawk® Soccer (3-4 Yrs)
Enjoy running and kicking just like the big kids. Learn the basic techniques of the game while building self-esteem and learning to follow instructions in a nurturing fun environment.
45764 OPC Sa 9am-9:30am 6/4 4 Maglo Sports $59 45765 OPC Sa 9am-9:30am 7/9 4 Maglo Sports $59 45766 OPC Sa 9am-9:30am 8/6 4 Maglo Sports $59

Mini-Hawk® Soccer (5-6 Yrs)
Learn dribbling, passing, defense, and shooting goals! Children will be introduced to the fundamentals of the game. Using progression curriculum, young athletes will gain technical skills and sport knowledge required for that next step into soccer.
45767 OPC Sa 9:35am-10:20am 6/4 4 Maglo Sports $59 45768 OPC Sa 9:35am-10:20am 7/9 4 Maglo Sports $59 45769 OPC Sa 9:35am-10:20am 8/6 4 Maglo Sports $59 Soccer Sparks® Soccer Skills (2-3 Yrs/Parent)
This is a parent and child soccer class. By playing fun games, children improve their blossoming balance, coordination, and general motor skills. Aside from learning how to dribble and strike a soccer ball, children and their parents will also get the opportunity to share those first, unforgettable, goal-scoring adventures together!
45499 TMC M 6pm-6:30pm 7/18 5 Sparks $69 45502 TMC Sa 9am-9:30am 6/4 5 Sparks $69 45503 TMC Sa 9am-9:30am 7/23 5 Sparks $69 Soccer Sparks® Soccer Skills (3-4 Yrs)
Kick the ball. This class is designed to help kids develop their large motor skills by running, dribbling, and kicking the ball while having lots of fun. Children will learn the very basics of soccer through skill demonstrations and games as they transition from parent/child to individual participation.
45504 TMC Sa 9:30am-10am 6/4 5 Sparks $69 45505 TMC Sa 9:30am-10am 7/23 5 Sparks $69
Soccer Sparks® Soccer Skills (4-5 Yrs)
Dribble, kick, and pass! This class is designed to spark an early passion for the game in young players. This class will encourage greater retention of fundamental soccer skills such as dribbling, passing, and shooting in a positive environment. Our curriculum includes fun and energetic games that teach kids about playing within a group.
45506 TMC Sa 10:05am-10:50am 6/4 5 Sparks $69 45500 TMC M 6:30pm-7:15pm 7/18 5 Sparks $69 45507 TMC Sa 10:05am-10:50am 7/23 5 Sparks $69 44652 CAR Sa 10:15am-11am 6/11 5 Sparks $69 44653 CAR Sa 11:05am-11:50am 6/11 5 Sparks $69 44702 CAR Sa 10:15am-11am 7/30 5 Sparks $69 44703 CAR Sa 11:05am-11:50am 7/30 5 Sparks $69 Tumble Tykes (16-24 Mos/Parent)
Join us in this fun tumbling class that is a great introduction for future gymnastic classes. The class will cover basic tumbling skills, stretching, and balance beam work. This is a great way to learn coordination and balance.
46344 LRC Su 11:30am-Noon 7/10 6 Logan $35 Tumble Tykes (2-3 Yrs/Parent)
Join us in this fun tumbling class that is a great introduction for future gymnastic classes. The class will cover basic tumbling skills, stretching, and balance beam work. This is a great way to learn coordination and balance.
46345 LRC Su Noon-12:45pm 7/10 6 Logan $49
Elsa’s Princess Party (2-6 Yrs)
Join us for a pretty princess party! Elsa will be here telling stories, playing games, singing songs, performing magic and more.
45759 LRC Sa 11am-Noon 6/11 1 Miller $29
Summer Camp Programs
Princess Ballet Camp (3-6 Yrs)-NEW
Twirl, Sparkle, and Shine! Students will learn beginner ballet warmups, creative activities, along with ballet technique and choreography. Leotard, tights, and ballet shoes are required. On the final day of camp parents will watch their dancers shine like a diamond during the parent show-off! Free tutu included.
45665 TMC M-Th 10am-10:45am 6/13 4 DDA Staff $85 45667 TMC M-Th 10am-10:45am 6/27 4 DDA Staff $85 45668 TMC M-Th 10am-10:45am 7/18 4 DDA Staff $85 45669 TMC M-Th 10am-10:45am 7/25 4 DDA Staff $85