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American Sign Language-NEW


Come learn the unspoken word and expand your language skills. This fun, engaging class will help you learn beginning signs, phrases and conversational ASL.

45683 OPC F Noon-1pm 6/10 8 Clark $65

The title of the course is AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE. The Course Code is 45683 and it meets at OAK POINT RECREATION CENTER on FRIDAYS from Noon-1pm, begins JUNE 10, meets 8 times, the instructor is CLARK and the fee for this course is $65. CAR = Carpenter Park Recreation Center LRC = Liberty Recreation Center NRC = Nature & Retreat Center OPC = Oak Point Recreation Center SJC = Sam Johnson Recreation Center for Adults 50+ TMC = Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center Online = Online Class

Crafts and Fine Arts

Acrylic Paint Pouring/Pulling

Express yourself creating beautiful, one of a kind art work on stretched canvas. While celebrating uniqueness and creativity, we mix, pour, blow, spread, drag, pull, splatter and torch acrylic paints using an array of unconventional tools. Anyone can create something beautiful. Each piece is unique unto itself, as are we! Students will paint one 8” x 11” practice canvas and will be taking home one 11” x 14” stretched canvas. Supplies included.

45392 CAR Th 6pm-7:30pm 6/9 1 Baker $39 45393 CAR Tu 3pm-4:30pm 6/28 1 Baker $39 Acrylic Paint Pouring/Swipe

Express yourself creating beautiful, one of a kind art work on stretched canvas. While celebrating uniqueness and creativity, we mix, pour, blow, spread, drag, pull, splatter and torch acrylic paints using an array of unconventional tools. Anyone can create something beautiful. Each piece is unique unto itself, as are we! Students will paint one 8” x 11” practice canvas and will be taking home one 11” x 14” stretched canvas. Supplies included.

45395 CAR Tu 3:30pm-5pm 8/9 1 Baker $39

Basics of Hand Building with Clay

Using hand-building and coil techniques, students will get a feel for making beautiful works of functional and sculptural ceramic art. Students will create their own designs as well as copy examples of historic pieces. This class will help develop your sculpting skills and empower you to a higher artistic ability. Tuition does not include clay material. Clay used is Trinity White Stoneware, provided to students for $10 on first day of class.

45572 CAR W 2:30pm-5:30pm 6/8 6 Tompkins $125 45573 CAR W 2:30pm-5:30pm 7/27 5 Tompkins $109 Calligraphy 1

Learn basic Calligraphy writing. Class will start by learning vowels (a e i o u), and the rest of the lower case and upper case letters. Class will learn to write their name first.

45424 CAR Sa 10am-11:30am 6/18 1 Dorosh $25 45427 CAR Sa 10am-11:30am 6/25 1 Dorosh $25 French Flower Beading-Bluebonnets

While Texas Bluebonnets may bloom in the spring, you can create these spectacular blossoms this fall with dazzling blue glass beads. Produced by the country’s leading designer of floral and holiday arrangements, these beaded flowers have been featured in the Plano Profile magazine.

45596 TMC Tu 6pm-8pm 7/26 2 Cassidy $75

iPhone Photography I

The new genre of ‘iPhotography’, the success and ubiquity of the iPhone, as well as a plethora of apps have all turned traditional photography on its head. This class aims to give beginner photographers a fundamental understanding of photography (as applicable to iPhones) as well as an understanding of how to use the iPhone’s camera and related apps to achieve amazing results. While emphasis will be on iPhones and iPhone apps, the techniques and skills can be applied to all smartphones.

45415 CAR Sa 9:30am-Noon 8/13 1 Tacsik $35 iPhone Photography II

The new genre of ‘iPhotography’, the success and ubiquity of the iPhone, as well as a plethora of apps have all turned traditional photography on its head. This class aims to give beginner photographers a fundamental understanding of photography (as applicable to iPhones) as well as an understanding of how to use the iPhone’s camera and related apps to achieve amazing results. While emphasis will be on iPhones and iPhone apps, the techniques and skills can be applied to all smartphones. Must have either attended iPhone Photography I or have a general idea of basic iPhone photography.

45416 CAR Sa 9:30am-Noon 8/20 1 Tacsik $35 Japanese Flower Art-NEW

Ikebana is the art of Japanese flower arrangements. Help increase patience, focus, and concentration with this peaceful and interactive classroom setting while learning the fundamentals from a certified instructor.

45376 OPC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 6/18 2 Matsuda $49 45485 OPC Tu 11am-1:30pm 6/21 2 Matsuda $49 45486 OPC Tu 11am-1:30pm 7/5 2 Matsuda $49 45487 OPC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 7/23 2 Matsuda $49 45488 OPC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 8/20 2 Matsuda $49 Passion in Art

Amaze yourself, family and friends with original, colorful oil paintings of your own creative design. This unique painting class is for beginner and intermediate students with a passion for art. Instructor is a local artist whose oil paintings have been featured in galleries across the nation, with his body of work reflecting his eclectic and highly personal techniques. See confirmation receipt for required supplies. Facemasks are recommended.

45543 CAR M 2:30pm-5pm 6/6 5 Fallas $89 45544 CAR M 2:30pm-5pm 7/25 5 Fallas $89 45545 CAR Th 2:30pm-5pm 6/9 6 Fallas $95 45546 CAR Th 2:30pm-5pm 7/28 5 Fallas $89 45547 CAR Tu 6:30pm-9pm 6/7 6 Fallas $95 45548 CAR Tu 6:30pm-9pm 7/26 5 Fallas $89 45549 CAR W 6pm-8:30pm 6/8 6 Fallas $95 45550 CAR W 6:30pm-9pm 7/27 5 Fallas $89


Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, you can compete to become one of City of Plano’s Parks & Rec video game champs. Just download Mission Control, choose City of Plano Parks & Rec, and start practicing. Go to missioncontrol.gg/play and join today!

Sogetsu Ikebana (Beg)

Learn the art of Sogetsu Ikebana Japanese flower arranging. A certified instructor of the Sogetsu School will teach students how to design intricate flower arrangements out of anything! Creations can be displayed almost anywhere to enhance your peace of mind. $20 supply fee due to the instructor the first day of class. All artistic levels welcome.

46515 TMC Sa 11am-1pm 6/11 2 Shelton $49 46516 TMC Sa 11am-1pm 7/9 2 Shelton $49 46517 TMC Sa 11am-1pm 8/13 2 Shelton $49 Sogetsu Ikebana (Adv)

Enhance your creative talents with Sogetsu Ikebana Japanese flower arranging. Learn from a certified instructor how to design flower arrangements out of anything! Must have a minimum of 3 months of beginner Sogetsu Ikebana.

45588 TMC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 6/11 2 Shelton $49 45589 TMC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 7/9 2 Shelton $49 45590 TMC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 8/13 2 Shelton $49 You Can Paint Workshop (14 Yrs & Up)

Even as a beginner you will discover the thrill of creating your own original oil painting as you learn a simple, timesaving approach to painting, perspective, color mixing and composition. You will be proud to frame and hang your finished masterpiece for all to admire. Art supplies are included. Wear old shirt and bring paper towels.

45399 CAR Sa 9:30am-12:30pm 6/11 1 Garden $39 45400 CAR Sa 9:30am-12:30pm 7/16 1 Garden $39 45401 CAR Sa 9:30am-12:30pm 8/13 1 Garden $39


Ballroom Dancing

Learning to dance is easier than ever. Come join us and experience the fun, excitement and romance of pure social ballroom dancing. During this class we will work on the basics of several dances. So bring your partner and let’s dance, you will love it. Price per person.

45430 OPC M 7pm-8pm 6/6 8 Glenn III $109 45594 TMC Th 7pm-8pm 6/9 8 Glenn III $109 Beyond the Basics (Int)-NEW

Advance your ballroom dancing skills of Waltz, Rumba, Cha Cha, Salsa, Foxtrot, Tango, and Swing. Must have a partner. Price is per person.

46016 OPC Tu 7:15pm-8:15pm 6/7 8 Glenn III $109 Contemporary Line Dancing (Beg)

Looking for an early beginner line dance class? This class will have you moving and learning basic steps to build upon without the pressure to perform. Class is recorded and posted on YouTube for additional athome practice.

45866 LRC Su 1pm-1:55pm 6/12 11 Brown $69 Contemporary Line Dancing (Adv Beg)

Have you always wanted to get out on the dance floor, but don’t know how to translate those early beginner skills into full dance sequences? This advanced beginner line dance class will give you the confidence and skills to fully realize the joy of line dance. Class is recorded and posted on YouTube for additional at-home practice.

45867 LRC Su 2pm-5pm 6/12 11 Brown $69 Contemporary Line Dancing (Int/Adv)

Three to five years previous line dancing experience required to take this class. Tuesday night classes are focused on improving your skills. Saturdays are for putting it all together and having some fun. Class is recorded and posted on YouTube for additional at-home practice.

45868 LRC Tu 6:15pm-9:15pm 6/14 11 Brown $69 45870 LRC Sa 10am-1pm 6/11 11 Brown $69 Contemporary Line Dancing (Int/Improver)

Gain confidence on the dance floor and enjoy great company in this easy intermediate line dancing class. Previous experience is preferred, especially for classes that meet later in the sessions. Class is recorded and posted on YouTube.

45869 LRC Th 6:15pm-9:15pm 6/16 11 Brown $69 Country Two-Step

In Texas, you have to learn how to country dance. Learn to two-step, waltz and more as you improve your balance, memory, and boost your spirits! For couples and singles; no partner necessary.

45410 CAR Th 7pm-8pm 6/9 4 Everett $55 45411 CAR Th 7pm-8pm 7/14 4 Everett $55 45699 TMC M 7pm-8pm 6/6 4 Everett $55 45700 TMC M 7pm-8pm 7/11 4 Everett $55

Line Dancing (Int)

For adults who have at least two+ years’ experience in line dance. Popular line dance is not only fun, but it also promotes health and fitness. Featured dances include country, rumba, cha-cha, tango, swing and hiphop. No partner required.

45604 TMC W 6:45pm-9:45pm 6/1 12 Yeh $79 45605 TMC Su 1:15pm-4:45pm 6/5 12 Yeh $79 Line Dancing Improver

For adults who have at least six months experience in line dance. Popular line dance is not only fun, it promotes health and fitness. Instructor may record some classes in order to provide students a way to watch and practice the dances at home. Video participation is optional. Featured dances include country, rumba, cha-cha, tango, swing and hip-hop. No partner required.

45606 TMC Sa 1pm-3:30pm 6/4 12 Yeh $79 Modern Square Dance (Beg)

Square dancing is just fun with fringe benefits of friendship and fitness. After 16 lessons, you will be able to dance at most area square dance clubs. You don’t need special clothing or equipment. The fee is per student and a partner is suggested, but not required. Class sponsored by the Swinging Stars Square Dance Club of Plano.

46350 LRC M 7:15pm-9:15pm 6/6 16 Willis $75 Tap (Beg)

If you’ve always thought it would be fun to learn to Tap Dance, join us for a class designed especially for beginners. Learn to tap in a fun exciting atmosphere. No experience necessary. Tap shoes required.

45281 CAR W 7pm-8pm 6/8 6 Hornberger $59

45282 CAR W 7pm-8pm 7/27 5 Hornberger $55

Tap (Int I)

This exhilarating program is for students with knowledge of basic beginner tap dancing skills. Tap shoes are required. Prerequisite: Tap Beginner.

45283 CAR M 7pm-8pm 6/6 5 Hornberger $55

45284 CAR M 7pm-8pm 7/25 5 Hornberger $55

Tap (Int II)

This exhilarating program is for students who have already experienced Intermediate tap dancing. Come join us as we perfect our skills and showmanship. Tap shoes required. Prerequisite: Tap Intermediate I or knowledge of basic tap skills.

45285 CAR M 6pm-7pm 6/6 5 Hornberger $55

45286 CAR M 6pm-7pm 7/25 5 Hornberger $55

Plano Parks and Recreation FOLLOW US

Educational Corner

A,B,C,D’s of Medicare

What is Medicare and how do I qualify? In this free educational seminar led by benefit advisor expert specializing in Medicare, you’ll learn about Medicare, eligibility, coverage plans, enrollment and cost. There will be time for questions at the end of class.

45850 OPC Sa 11am-Noon 5/14 1 Delozier Free 45851 OPC Sa 11am-Noon 6/11 1 Delozier Free 45853 OPC Sa 11am-Noon 8/13 1 Delozier Free 46280 OPC Tu 10am-11am 7/12 1 Delozier Free Friendly Climate Science Workshop-NEW

Not everyone has the time to do a deep dive on climate science, but most of us can invest an hour or so to learn the basics so we can better trust those who have committed their careers to scientific processes and discovery. Workshop includes a free book.

45519 CAR W 7pm-8:30pm 6/15 1 Howe Free 45520 CAR W 7pm-8:30pm 7/13 1 Howe Free 45521 CAR W 7pm-8:30pm 8/17 1 Howe Free


”ARF” Dog Sports

Team K9 will introduce you and your dog to agility obstacles, rallying and find-it (tracking and scent) games. Whether it’s for backyard fun or competition, this is a great way to add a variety of training in a positive environment. Dogs must be at least four months old, in good health, rabies vaccinated, on leash and adult supervised. Classes meet at Oak Point Park. Orientation information will be sent via email before the first day of class with instructions on how to provide your dog’s rabies vaccination certificate along with a signed team profile and release waiver.

44805 CAR Sa 7pm-8pm 6/11 3 Bales $75 Adult & Child CPR/AED

Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to save a life! In the event of a cardiac emergency, a person’s chance of survival improves when CPR and an AED are used in combination. This course will teach participants how to recognize and respond to cardiac emergencies appropriately. Upon successful completion of all skills, participants will be certified in American Red Cross Adult and Child CPR/AED valid for two years. All classes will be taught by certified American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructors.

45157 TMC Su 1pm-4pm 6/12 1 Staff $30 45158 TMC Su 1pm-4pm 7/17 1 Staff $30

Plano Parks and Recreation…..providing recreation centers, pools and programs so YOU can fulfill your health & wellness goals. Find out about our affordable membership plans at plano.gov/memberships.

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American Sign Language-NEW

Come learn the unspoken word and expand your language skills. This fun, engaging class will help you learn beginning signs, phrases and conversational ASL.

45683 OPC F Noon-1pm 6/10 8 Clark $65 Belay Training 16 Yrs & Up

Learn the basics of climbing and rope-handling, including tying a figureeight knot, climbing commands, and belaying. All equipment required to climb is provided. Participants must register in groups of two or more. Parent/guardian must complete waiver for those under 18 years of age.

45799 OPC Sa 10:30am-11:30am 6/11 1 Chow $15 45801 OPC Sa 10:30am-11:30am 7/16 1 Chow $15 45804 OPC Sa 10:30am-11:30am 8/20 1 Chow $15 Bridge (Beg/Adv Beg)

Come learn American Standard Bridge Rules. Learn new conventions and review old ones while playing with people of the same skill set. This class will consist of lecture, discussion, and play. Players of all skill levels welcome.

45398 CAR Th 6:30pm-8:30pm 6/16 9 Kramer $65 Chess

You don’t have to be an expert to play chess! We offer a great environment for beginning and intermediate chess players to learn one of the oldest games in the world. Class is taught by a former Texas Amateur Champion and vice president of the Dallas Chess Club.

45051 CAR Tu 8pm-9pm 6/7 5 Allen $49 45601 OPC Sa 11:30am-12:45pm 6/18 9 Allen $59 45052 CAR Tu 8pm-9pm 7/26 5 Allen $49 45053 CAR Tu 8pm-9pm 9/6 5 Allen $49 Crochet Basics-NEW

This class will be a day filled with fun and crochet. Learn the basics of crochet including types of stitches and how to read a crochet pattern.

46341 LRC Th 1:30pm-3pm 6/16 2 Dorosh $25 Intellectual Wellness-NEW

Learning about the way your mind processes information can be a vital tool in life. Explore new ideas to become a better rounded individual and address topics such as how to deal with anger, stress, and disappointment.

46150 OPC M,Th 10am-11am 6/6 8 Hess $69

Lady Bug Greeting Card Making-NEW

Join us as we make ladybug cards using the following techniques: stamping, paper arrangement, die cutting and more. We will make two cards in class and all supplies are included. Don’t miss out!

46335 LRC Tu 1:30pm-2:30pm 7/12 1 Dorosh $15

Mario Kart Tournament

You asked for it, so we are doing an adults only tournament. Join us for a Mario Kart 8 tournament. Staff will run the bracket while you play on the Nintendo Switch. Four players at a time, the top two will go to the next round. Prize for first place winner.

46100 LRC F 5:30pm-9pm 6/10 1 Staff $5 Photo & Video SOS

Are your photos and videos overwhelming you? Do you have digital photos and videos on multiple devices as well as printed photos in boxes and drawers? Do you worry about losing your photos? This two-part class will cover photo organization, cloud storage, and what you need to know when choosing where you will store your photos, how to protect your digital assets, preserving outdated media such as videotapes, slides, etc. and setting up your photo/video goals. This class will discuss several well-known media-saving platforms as well as introduce you to a new media-saving platform. Turn your photo mess into a beautifully organized collection of memories that your family will enjoy for generations.

45896 CAR M 7pm-8:30pm 6/6 1 Sheehy $39 45897 CAR M 7pm-8:30pm 6/13 1 Sheehy $39 Spanish Foundations

Have you ever wanted to learn how to speak Spanish? This fun and exuberant instructor will teach you how to more effectively communicate in an ever-increasing bilingual society. Gain a foundation in Spanish by learning the alphabet, numbers, common verbs, vocabulary and sentence structure. You will also get a taste of the rich Spanish culture. Come enter into an exciting new world.

45537 CAR Sa 2:30pm-4pm 6/11 6 Hudson $55 45538 CAR Sa 2:30pm-4pm 7/30 5 Hudson $49 Super Smash Bros Tourney

Battle it out with other adults, while playing Super Smash Bros on our Nintendo Switch. One on One tournament action. Please bring your own controller.

46103 LRC F 5:30pm-9pm 8/5 1 Staff $5 Walk Around Plano

Walk around Plano for National Parks and Recreation Month! Count the miles you walk or run during the month of July. This year we are encouraging our participants to get out and utilize any of our nationally recognized parks or trails to complete 72 miles in addition to walking at our recreation centers. Please note this year’s participation is selfguided and self-documented and only open to Plano recreation center members. Walk Around Plano maps are available for down load on our website or you may pick one up at Carpenter Park Recreation Center. All completed maps must be submitted no later than August 3 to receive a finishers t-shirt.

46798 CAR Self-paced 7/1 33 Free

Punch Cards for Fitness Classes! $32 for 4 punches

Please see list of classes that allow drop-ins (look for the fitness symbol shown above next to the class title). Subject to availability. Call the center you are interested in to check on class availability.


Being Balanced Functional Strength Training

Address muscle imbalances and improve muscular endurance, core strength, flexibility, posture and joint alignment.

45861 LRC Th 9:30am-10am 6/16 10 Sigler $149 Being Balanced Triathlon Training

Get to Know your way around the triathlon transition area like the back of your hand. Learn from Coach Bev how to master this pre-race walk all the way through the swim exit. We will practice the transition and how to get from the exit to the next event. If you practice it a few times, the route will crystallize in your mind, which will be helpful on race morning when your mind is overstimulated. Practice makes perfect.

46825 LRC F 11:30am-Noon 6/17 20 Sigler $179 Belly Dance Fitness-NEW

Open to all levels! Belly dancing is a low impact total body workout that includes various drills and combinations to work your entire body. Get your heart pumping and get ready to sweat! Suitable for beginners to advanced level dancers wanting to add strength and power to their technique.

45902 CAR W 6pm-6:50pm 6/8 6 Hunt $95

45912 CAR W 6pm-6:50pm 7/27 6 Hunt $95

Body Blast-Cardio Power

A complete body fitness class that includes cardio and weights. Everyone will benefit and see results in their own trouble zones. Enthusiastic attitude required!

44856 CAR Th 6pm-6:55pm 6/9 6 Keltch $55 44857 CAR Th 6pm-6:55pm 7/21 6 Keltch $55 Bolly Fitness-NEW

This Bollywood-inspired dance fitness program combines high-intensity sequences with the hottest music from around the world. Burn calories and kick up your cardio game while learning these energetic, graceful and traditional Indian dance moves.

45559 OPC Tu 6pm-6:45pm 6/7 6 John $55 45684 OPC Tu 6pm-6:45pm 7/19 6 John $55 Booty Barre

Booty barre is a barre workout that blends deep muscle toning with intervals of fat blasting cardio techniques. The fluid dance inspired class is set to an upbeat music selection at a vigorous pace to get your heart pumping. No dance experience is required.

45035 CAR M 11:40am-12:30pm 6/6 6 Kourounis $59 45036 CAR M 11:40am-12:30pm 7/25 6 Kourounis $59

Boxing (17 Yrs & Up)

Learn basic boxing skills and conditioning exercises. Lessons will incorporate a variety of bodyweight and strength conditioning exercises along with cardiovascular and stretching related activities that will improve overall physical conditioning.

45658 OPC M,W 6pm-7pm 6/6 8 Moore $125 45659 OPC M,W 6pm-7pm 7/11 8 Moore $125 45660 OPC M,W 6pm-7pm 8/8 8 Moore $125 Cardio Dance

Cardio Dance helps us to build strength while toning our bodies. This class incorporates Jazz, Hip Hop, Latin, Bollywood and more. We will dance to a variety of music with some light weights as the hour slips away.

44989 CAR F 9am-9:55am 6/3 6 Rowland $55 44990 CAR F 9am-9:55am 7/22 6 Rowland $55 CycleFit

Get a serious workout to boost your muscle endurance with CycleFit without battling the outdoor elements and traffic. Benefits of this lowimpact, high-energy activity include an increased metabolism, stronger heart, athletic endurance and lower body strength. All fitness levels are encouraged to sign up.

45857 LRC Tu,Th 8:30am-9:30am 6/14 20 Sigler $149 46238 LRC Tu,Th 6pm-7pm 6/14 20 Sigler $149 47052 LRC Tu,Th 6am-7am 6/14 20 Sigler $149 45858 LRC Tu 8:30am-9:30am 6/14 10 Sigler $75 45859 LRC Th 8:30am-9:30am 6/16 10 Sigler $75 46239 LRC Tu 6pm-7pm 6/14 10 Sigler $75 46240 LRC Th 6pm-7pm 6/16 10 Sigler $75 47053 LRC Tu 6am-7am 6/14 10 Sigler $75 47054 LRC Th 6am-7am 6/16 10 Sigler $75 Falun Gong

Falun Gong also known as Falun Dafa. It is an ancient Chinese practice of mind and body. By following truthfulness, compassion and tolerance principles of the universe along with 5 sets of daily exercises, practitioners become more healthy, energetic and peaceful.

45031 CAR Sa 11:30am-12:25pm 6/4 6 Hsia Free

45032 CAR Sa 11:30am-12:25pm 7/23 6 Hsia Free

High/Low Fitness

Restless from working out at home? Join this fun, core structured class incorporating moves from high up to low down. This will involve a combination of strength, cardio and recovery.

45651 TMC M,W,F 8:30am-9:30am 6/6 31 Burt $175 Indoor Cycling

Low-impact, high-energy indoor cycling offers tremendous benefits, including a stronger heart, improved oxygen delivery to muscles, and increased metabolism. Participants will build their cardiovascular strength and endurance through resistance, hill and interval sets. All fitness levels welcome. Punch cards and drop-ins are not available.

45701 TMC Tu 8:30am-9:30am 6/7 11 Martin $95

LiveWire Powerhouse Boot Camp

These monthly sessions are high energy, high intensity, and just what you need to reshape your life. Our community provides encouragement, accountability and inspiration to help you meet your fitness goals. We provide daily posts with recipes, motivation, weekend workouts and more! The workouts include functional fitness, strength, HIIT, interval and circuit training, sprints, sports conditioning, plyometrics, cardiovascular conditioning and more. We keep things interesting and upbeat with all types of equipment, so get ready to have fun as you get fit! Build strength, endurance and power while getting fit and toned! Registration includes orientation, group grocery tour and nutritional guidance. All fitness levels welcome, beginners to advanced. Classes are held indoor/ outdoor. Classes are priced on a monthly basis. Variations are due to four meetings per week vs. two meetings per week.

45450 TMC M-Th 5:30am-6:30am 6/1 18 Livewire $119 45451 TMC Tu,Th 5:30am-6:30am 6/2 9 Livewire $89 45452 TMC M-Th 5:30am-6:30am 7/5 15 Livewire $119 45453 TMC Tu,Th 5:30am-6:30am 7/5 8 Livewire $89 45454 TMC M-Th 5:30am-6:30am 8/1 19 Livewire $119 45455 TMC Tu,Th 5:30am-6:30am 8/2 9 Livewire $89 Midday Burn-NEW

Got 30 minutes? This intensive non-impact class will focus on arms, abs, and legs using light weights and resistance. Each class will rotate to focus on entirely different body part at a time. All levels welcome.

45895 CAR M,W,F Noon-12:30pm 6/6 12 Keltch $55 Miles & Muscles

If “I like to run and need to cross train” describes you, then welcome to your new class. Participants start at the outside half mile track for a 20-minute run (weather permitting) followed by an indoor 30-minute strength workout with dumbbells and bodyweight. Each class ends with a stretch-it-out session. While we move fast through all three phases, you don’t need to be a fast runner to take this class.

45652 TMC M,W 5:30am-6:30am 6/6 21 Burt $125

Ninja Strong-NEW

The exercise combination that fuses together strength and obstacle course training! This is a heart-pumping workout with the added bonus of resistance training and grip strength. This class is designed to get your whole body into shape. Suitable for all fitness levels.

45686 OPC Su 11:45am-12:45pm 6/5 7 Jones $59 45941 OPC Su 11:45am-12:45pm 7/24 7 Jones $59 Northern Shaolin Tai Chi

Tai Chi is known as meditation in motion and improves one’s balance, flexibility and strength. This class is based on the 24 form and Tai Chi sword routine. This mind-body exercise is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels.

45624 OPC M,F 11am-Noon 6/6 8 Clark $65 45649 OPC M,F 11am-Noon 7/11 8 Clark $65 45650 OPC M,F 11am-Noon 8/8 8 Clark $65 Power Barre Fitness

Power Barre fitness combines ballet techniques and other strengthening exercises into a cardio workout. It is designed to create lean, elongated muscles working the body as a whole, and concentrating on key isolated muscle groups at the barre. Exercises will enhance core strength, balance, flexibility, and posture while burning calories.

45038 CAR W 11:40am-12:30pm 6/8 6 Kourounis $59 45039 CAR W 11:40am-12:30pm 7/20 6 Kourounis $59 Power Hour Strength

Get up and get moving with exercises for all fitness levels. We focus on building strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. Start your day off right toning your body with various equipment, body weight, and high or low impact exercises taught by a certified instructor. All fitness levels welcome.

45033 CAR Tu,Th 5:30am-6:30am 6/7 8 Day $65 Reduce & Reshape Your Body

This program will educate and guide you in the right direction to lose unwanted body fat and reshape your body. Class covers proper nutrition and correct usage of the exercise equipment, as well as, tailored workouts to improve cardiovascular health, flexibility and strength. Taught by certified personal trainer.

45258 CAR M,W,F 6:05pm-7:05pm 6/6 12 Wilcox $139 45259 CAR M,W,F 6:05pm-7:05pm 8/1 12 Wilcox $139 Semi-Private Personal Training

Work out in a small group setting while getting the individualized attention you need and deserve! Arianna Swanson, NASM has a passion for empowering others to get the most out of their gym experiences. Using a total body strength program to gain muscle while boosting metabolism, this class also incorporates mobility techniques to help increase your range of motion. Warning: Side effects may include a boost of confidence and feeling ready to take on your health and fitness journey!

46601 TMC M 5pm-6pm 6/13 6 Swanson $99 Strength & Core

Improve your strength, endurance and metabolism with a highly focused, efficient workout. Workouts are based on timed high intensity intervals of strength and resistance drills to routinely challenge your mind and body. Class is adjustable for all fitness levels.

45583 LRC M,W 5pm-5:45pm 6/6 21 Burt $125

Strength Training

Reclaim your physical mobility and movement confidence, ensure independent living, prevent disease and falls! This class offers closely supervised workouts, customized to your individual needs, in a social, engaging, small group environment. Designed for individuals 50 plus. Registration consultation with the instructor is required before you are allowed to participate. Friday class option is only available for students enrolled in two-day class options.

45607 LRC M,W 11:30am-12:30pm 6/1 9 Littlefield $89 45608 LRC M,W 12:30pm-1:30pm 6/1 9 Littlefield $89 45609 LRC M,W 1:30pm-2:30pm 6/1 9 Littlefield $89 45610 LRC Tu,Th 10am-11am 6/2 9 Littlefield $89 45613 LRC F 10:30am-11:30am 6/3 4 Littlefield $19 45614 LRC F 11:30am-12:30pm 6/3 4 Littlefield $19 45625 LRC M,W 11:30am-12:30pm 7/6 7 Littlefield $89 45626 LRC M,W 12:30pm-1:30pm 7/6 7 Littlefield $89 45628 LRC M,W 1:30pm-2:30pm 7/6 7 Littlefield $89 45631 LRC Tu,Th 10am-11am 7/5 8 Littlefield $89 45634 LRC F 10:30am-11:30am 7/1 5 Littlefield $19 45635 LRC F 11:30am-12:30pm 7/1 5 Littlefield $19 45641 LRC M,W 11:30am-12:30pm 8/1 10 Littlefield $89 45642 LRC M,W 12:30pm-1:30pm 8/1 10 Littlefield $89 45643 LRC M,W 1:30pm-2:30pm 8/1 10 Littlefield $89 45644 LRC Tu,Th 10am-11am 8/2 9 Littlefield $89 45647 LRC F 10:30am-11:30am 8/5 4 Littlefield $19 45648 LRC F 11:30am-12:30pm 8/5 4 Littlefield $19 Strength Training (Adv)

An advanced strength training class to increase your physical mobility and movement confidence, ensure independent living and prevent disease. This class offers closely supervised workouts, customized to your individual needs, in a social, engaging, small group environment. Designed for individuals 50 plus ready for advanced training and have been cleared by the instructor. Registration consultation with the instructor is required before you are allowed to participate. Friday class option is only available for students enrolled in two-day class options.

45612 LRC Tu,Th 11am-Noon 6/2 9 Littlefield $89 45633 LRC Tu,Th 11am-Noon 7/5 8 Littlefield $89 45645 LRC Tu,Th 11am-Noon 8/2 9 Littlefield $89 Strength, Power & Stretch

This class will keep you on your toes as we use a variety of equipment, intensity levels and recovery times. Each class is designed to be different in order to keep you moving and guessing. Release stress with a combination of cardio moves, strength training and agility work. Come prepared to have fun, burn calories and meet new people! All strength and cardio levels welcome.

45653 TMC Tu,Th 10am-11am 6/7 22 Burt $129

Strong(H)er Training Camp

Group training utilizing the outdoor fitness space (Octagon, TRX, kettlebells, etc.), but will move inside during inclement weather/extreme cold. Each class will cycle through sets of multiple exercises and/ or fitness intervals, targeting different muscle groups for a total body workout that will burn calories, tone the body, build strength, muscular and cardiovascular endurance. This women-only group is led by a female trainer for personalized adjustments and modifiable progressions to meet the needs of various fitness levels among group participants - beginner to experienced exerciser. Classes are held on a monthly basis with 1-day, 2-day and 3-day options allowing you to attend any combination of days to fit your schedule.

45948 LRC M,W,F 6:15am-7am 6/1 13 Compliments $95 45949 LRC M,W 6:15am-7am 6/1 9 Compliments $69 45950 LRC W 6:15am-7am 6/1 5 Compliments $39 46111 LRC M,W,F 6:15am-7am 7/11 9 Compliments $69 46112 LRC M,W 6:15am-7am 7/11 6 Compliments $49 46113 LRC W 6:15am-7am 7/13 3 Compliments $29 46114 LRC M,W,F 6:15am-7am 8/1 13 Compliments $95 46115 LRC M,W 6:15am-7am 8/1 10 Compliments $75 46116 LRC W 6:15am-7am 8/3 5 Compliments $39 Tai Chi for Fun & Health

Tai Chi builds strength, improves balance, promotes healthy joints, and boosts energy. It is recommended for people with arthritis, tendonitis, and osteoporosis. Class is based on the ‘64’ Yang Style Tai Chi form.

45875 LRC Th 6:50pm-7:50pm 6/9 13 Donahue $109 Tai Chi for Well Being II

This is a continuing class for those who have learned some or all of the 24-Step style of Tai Chi. You can work on adding to what you know, refining your movement, or recapturing your enjoyment of practicing with a group. Previous knowledge of Tai Chi preferred.

45025 CAR M 7:05pm-8pm 6/6 6 Christenson $65 45026 CAR M 7:05pm-8pm 7/25 6 Christenson $65 Tai Chi for Wellness

This is a continuing class for those who have learned some or all of the 24-Step style of Tai Chi. You can work on adding to what you know, refining your movement, or recapturing your enjoyment of practicing with a group. Previous knowledge of Tai Chi preferred.

45027 CAR M 8:10pm-9pm 6/6 6 Christenson $65 45028 CAR M 8:10pm-9pm 7/25 6 Christenson $65 Tai Chi Practice

This class provides an opportunity for experienced Tai Chi students familiar with basic forms to participate in a group practice. Class begins with a brief warm-up or Chi Gong exercises. Student will then practice the Tai Chi 24 and 48 forms, as well as, Tai Chi fan and sword routines. Please note this class does not offer Tai Chi instructions or lessons.

45874 LRC W 10am-11am 6/1 14 Staff $25 Tai Chi Practice (Adv)

This Tai Chi advanced practice class is for students familiar with more complex routines. Class routines begin with Ba Duan Jin Chi Kong exercise, then into Tai Chi Chuan forms 24, 42 and 48, and finishes with Tai Chi sword and fan routines. Please note this is not an instructional class and does not offer any lessons.

45873 LRC M 10am-11am 6/6 13 Staff $25

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