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Bad Art Night-NEW


Think you have what it takes to create the worst art imaginable? Put your skills to the test and come out to OPC to create something dreadful. The worst artist wins a prize! Art will be displayed in the center and voted on by patrons. Voting to take place the week of July 11 with the winner announced on Friday, July 15. Materials will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.

46095 OPC F 5pm-6:30pm 7/8 1 Staff $9

The title of the course is BAD ART NIGHT. The Course Code is 46095, and it meets on FRIDAYS from 5pm-6:30pm, begins JULY 8, meets 1 time, the instructor is STAFF and the fee for this course is $9. CAR = Carpenter Park Recreation Center LRC = Liberty Recreation Center OPC = Oak Point Recreation Center NRC = Nature & Retreat Center TMC = Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center Offsite = Various Offsite Locations Online = Online Class

Crafts and Fine Arts

Acrylic Paint Pouring/Pulling (7-12 Yrs)-NEW

You artists will be creating beautiful, one of a kind art work on two, 8x10 stretched canvases. While celebrating uniqueness and creativity, we mix, pour, blow, spread, drag, pull, splatter and torch acrylic paints using a chain. Anyone can create something beautiful. Each piece is unique unto itself, as are we. Supplies included.

45688 CAR Sa 2:30pm-4pm 6/25 1 Baker $39 45690 CAR Th 6pm-7:30pm 7/28 1 Baker $39 Acrylic Paint Pouring/Pulling (13-17 Yrs)-NEW

You artists will be creating beautiful, one of a kind art work on your choice of either two, 8x10 stretched canvases or one 11x14 stretched canvas. While celebrating uniqueness and creativity, we mix, pour, blow, spread, drag, pull, splatter and torch acrylic paints using a chain. Anyone can create something beautiful. Each piece is unique unto itself, as are we. Supplies included.

45689 CAR Tu 3pm-4:30pm 7/19 1 Baker $39 45691 CAR Tu 3:30pm-5pm 8/23 1 Baker $39 Painting with Oil & Acrylic (13-17 Yrs)

Learn to paint with either acrylic or water-based oil paints in this selfpaced class. Students will learn about the properties of painting with their chosen medium, learn techniques, painting skills and color theory while working on their own piece. See confirmation receipt for required supplies.

45254 CAR M 7:30pm-8:30pm 6/6 5 Ruml $69 45255 CAR M 7:30pm-8:30pm 7/25 5 Ruml $69


Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, you can compete to become one of the City of Plano’s Parks & Rec video game champs. Just download Mission Control, choose City of Plano Parks & Rec, and start practicing. Go to missioncontrol.gg/play and join today!

Pottery Ceramic Hand Building (9-14 Yrs)

Know the thrill of creating with clay. Students will learn coil, pinch and slab methods of hand building as they create their very own original art pottery. Scope of projects will be according to age and experience. All pottery is glazed and kiln fired. Class is taught by certified art teacher, $15 supply fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.

45248 CAR M 5:30pm-7pm 6/6 5 Ruml $89 45249 CAR M 5:30pm-7pm 7/25 5 Ruml $89 You Can Paint Workshop (5-13 Yrs)

Even as a beginner you will discover the thrill of creating your own original oil painting as you learn a simple, timesaving approach to painting, perspective, color mixing and composition. You will be proud to frame and hang your finished masterpiece for all to admire. Art supplies are included. Wear old shirt and bring paper towels.

45402 CAR Sa 1pm-2:30pm 6/11 1 Garden $35 45403 CAR Sa 1pm-2:30pm 7/16 1 Garden $35 45404 CAR Sa 1pm-2:30pm 8/13 1 Garden $35


Bharatanatyam Dance (6-11 Yrs)

Bharatanatyam, the most widely practiced form of Indian Classical dances in the world, is considered to be over 2000 years old from South India. A Bharatanatyam dancer narrates, evokes, and creates dramatic images through her eyes, body, and gestures. In this elementary course, children with no dance training will be introduced to the rudimentary movements of Bharatanatyam. Proficiency in the art is attained only after several years of intensive training. Students will need to bring a notebook and writing utensil to each class.

45555 TMC M,W 5:15pm-6:30pm 7/6 12 Mukund $129

Educational Corner

Intro to Mandarin Chinese (6-12 Yrs)

Learn Mandarin Chinese in a fast, easy, and fun way through traditional folktales, songs, games, and more! In this introductory course, students will explore language and culture with a focus on listening, speaking and reading simple Chinese. Students will learn how to start simple conversations and handle daily situations. Classes will cover greetings, family, friends, hobbies, party, restaurant, shopping, hotel, travel, weather, dates and time, and more. Students will preform a showcase on the last day of class.

45569 TMC Tu 4:30pm-5:30pm 6/7 6 9 Lotus $75 Intro to Mandarin Chinese II (6-12 Yrs)-NEW

In this next-level Mandarin Chinese class, students continue to explore language and culture with a more in-depth focus on listening, speaking and reading simple Chinese. A performance showcase is held on the last day of class.

45738 TMC Th 4:30pm-5:30pm 6/9 6 9 Lotus $75


Babysitter’s Training Boot Camp (11-15 Yrs)

Learn all you need to know to supervise children and infants safely and responsibly! After successfully completing this course, participants will be certified in American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training with Pediatric First Aid/CPR and Basic Water Rescue. Each participant will receive an American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Handbook, Emergency Reference Guide, Babysitters Training CD-ROM, and Babysitter First Aid Kit. Bring a swimsuit, towel and dry change of clothes to all class days for Basic Water Rescue skills.

45151 TMC Th-F 10am-3pm 6/2 6 Staff $135 45152 TMC Sa,Su 10am-3pm 7/2 6 Staff $135 Chess (Beg) (6-18 Yrs)

Start now for a lifetime of enjoyment of this classic. Learn the fundamentals of piece movement, notational language of chess, checkmating opponents, and basic principles. Playing complete chess games and understanding fundamentals will be emphasized. This class is designed for those that have never played before, but want to learn. Class is taught by a former Texas Amateur Champion and vice president of the Dallas Chess Club.

45599 OPC Sa 9am-10:15am 6/18 9 Allen $59 Chess (Int) (6-18 Yrs)

Continue learning principles and strategies of chess. This class is open to those who know how to play chess. Chess notations and checkmate patterns along with end game theory will be learned. Class is taught by a former Texas Amateur Champion and vice president of the Dallas Chess Club.

45600 OPC Sa 10:15am-11:30am 6/18 9 Allen $59

Kids Night Out-With A Twist (4-12 Yrs)

Hey parents, do you need some time to relax? Drop your kids off with us! Children will have fun playing games, tumbling on the floor, swinging on the rope, jumping on the trampoline and enjoying free play time in a supervised environment. Coaches will be available to assist children. Preregistration is highly recommended. Walk-in guests are not guaranteed a space due to the safety of the children. Walk-in guest fee is $13.

46092 OPC F 7pm-9pm 6/17 1 Staff $10 46093 OPC F 7pm-9pm 7/15 1 Staff $10 46094 OPC F 7pm-9pm 8/19 1 Staff $10 Mario Kart Tournament

Join us for a Mario Kart 8 tournament. Staff will run the bracket while you play on the Nintendo Switch. Four players at a time, the top two will go to the next round. Prize for first place winner.

46099 LRC Sa Noon-4pm 6/11 1 Staff $5 Super Smash Bros Tourney

Battle it out with us while playing Super Smash Bros on our Nintendo Switch. One on One tournament action. Please bring your own controller.

46102 LRC Sa Noon-4pm 8/6 1 Staff $5 Young Chefs (7-12 Yrs)

This season young chefs will be delving into the basics of baking: kitchen safety, mixing and measuring. Students will learn now to make icing, cookies, cupcakes, breads and holiday treats. A new technique will be introduced and practiced each week. A $15 supply fee is due to the instructor on first day of class.

45072 CAR M 5pm-6:30pm 6/6 5 Olanrewaju $55 45073 CAR M 5pm-6:30pm 7/25 5 Olanrewaju $55 45074 CAR F 5pm-6:30pm 6/10 5 Olanrewaju $55 45075 CAR F 5pm-6:30pm 7/22 5 Olanrewaju $55


Family Rock Climbing

Family rock climbing is designed for families who want to learn to climb together. Family rock climbing teaches parents the skills necessary to safely climb with their children in an indoor climbing gym. Price includes one adult and one child. Additional adult or child may also enroll at a cost of $15. Please have one adult for every three children.

45807 OPC Sa Noon-2pm 6/11 1 Chow $40 45810 OPC Sa Noon-2pm 7/16 1 Chow $40 45812 OPC Sa Noon-2pm 8/20 1 Chow $40 Pop-up Play-NEW

Join Sherry from Oak Point Recreation Center for challenges, scavenger hunts and fun as she pop’s up in different parks around the city to provide heart-pumping activities to help keep play a vital role in the lives of our children. She will be visiting a different park once a month on Thursdays this summer! Call 972-941-7540 for more information.

45457 Shawnee Th 9am-9:40am 6/9 1 Staff Free 47094 JCP Th 9am-9:40am 7/7 1 Staff Free 47095 Schell Th 9am-9:40am 7/21 1 Staff Free 47096 NRC Th 9am-9:40am 8/4 1 Staff Free


Youth Yoga (8-14 Yrs)

In this course, students will learn proper yoga poses to increase strength, flexibility and balance. Participants need to bring their own yoga mat.

46330 TMC F 5:30pm-6:30pm 6/10 5 Thakkar $79 46331 TMC F 5:30pm-6:30pm 7/22 5 Thakkar $79

Plano Parks and Recreation FOLLOW US

The hardest job you will ever love. Requirements: Like to have fun. Like to make friends. Like to improve lives. Like to be a positive role model. Apply today at plano.gov/employment.

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Martial Arts

Karate-Tae Kwon Do/Kung Fu (6-12 Yrs)

This beginner martial arts program is exciting, fun and rewarding for all levels. Self-esteem, confidence, coordination skills, teamwork and physical conditioning are key elements developed through class discipline, techniques, games and structure. Start-up fee of $51 is required for each student’s uniform and Amateur Athletic Union membership.

44803 CAR W 6pm-6:45pm 6/8 21 Bales $235 Sa 9:30am-10:15am

Tae Kwon Do (7-16 Yrs)

Tae Kwon Do is a Korean style of self-defense that was introduced in the United States during the 1950’s. This art places emphasis on courtesy, integrity, discipline, and positive self-image.

45603 OPC Tu,Th 6:45pm-8:15pm 6/7 12 Medlen $89 45611 OPC Tu,Th 6:45pm-8:15pm 7/26 12 Medlen $89 Tae Kwon Do/Self-Defense I (6-16 Yrs)

Learn the art of Tae Kwon Do in a fun atmosphere while being taught the power of discipline, teamwork, and physical fitness. This class is recommended for newcomers and beginning belts. Additional testing fee required for belt tests.

45854 LRC Su 2pm-3pm 6/12 11 Ludwig $75 Tae Kwon Do/Self-Defense II (6-16 Yrs)

This class is recommended for orange and green belts. Additional testing fee required for belt tests.

45856 LRC Su 3pm-4pm 6/12 11 Ludwig $75 Tae Kwon Do (Beg) (7-13 Yrs)-HYBRID

This White through Sr. Yellow Belt co-ed training course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental basics of traditional Tae Kwon Do. Classes will incorporate traditional martial arts style of patterns (katas), blocks/kicks/strikes and introduction to self defense, first aid and water safety awareness. New students will need to purchase a uniform from the instructor on the first day of class for $50. A signed liability agreement is required on the first day of class. An additional fee is required for gear and belt testing. Training classes will be offered in-person and skill awareness offered online via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class starts.

45533 TMC Tu-F 4:30pm-5:15pm 5/3 55 Hendawi $135 Tae Kwon Do (Int) (7-13 Yrs)-HYBRID

This co-ed training course is for continuing students who are Green thru Blue Belt Rank. Students will learn the techniques to increase development of dynamics in power, balance, self defense, board breaking, sparring, weapon tools, basic first aide, and introduction to water safety awareness. A signed liability agreement is required before the first day of class. An additional fee is required for gear and belt testing. Training classes will be offered in-person and skills awareness will be offered online via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class starts.

45542 TMC Tu-F 5:15pm-6pm 5/3 67 Hendawi $249 Sa 9am-11:30am

Tae Kwon Do (Adv) (7-13 Yrs)-HYBRID

This co-ed training course is for continuing students who are Red thru Brown Belt Rank. Students will learn next level techniques for increasing development of physical dynamics. An additional fee is required for gear and belt testing. Training classes will be offered in-person and skills awareness will be offered online via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class starts.

45551 TMC Tu-F 6pm-6:45pm 5/3 67 Hendawi $279 Sa 9am-11:30am Tae Kwon Do Black Belt (7-13 Yrs)-HYBRID

This co-ed training course is for continuing students who are Black Belt Rank. A signed liability agreement is required before the first day of class. An additional fee is required for gear and belt testing towards the end of the course. Training classes will be offered in-person and skills awareness will be offered online via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class starts. (Must have previous training with current TMC Instructor to enroll).

45553 TMC Tu-F 6:45pm-7:30pm 5/3 67 Hendawi $279 Sa 9am-11:30am

Online Activities

Private Violin (7-18 Yrs)

Lessons are for beginner to advanced level of play. Students with knowledge of how to hold a violin and play with bow is required. Students will need to bring the lesson book “Essential Elements Violin Book 1” to each class. This class will be offered via Zoom. Meeting instructions will be emailed a few days before the class start date.

45702 Online Su 11am-11:30am 6/5 5 Cui $125 45712 Online Su 11am-11:30am 7/24 5 Cui $125

*Many more times available. Please call the center or look online for more information.

Performing Arts

Piano (6-16 Yrs)

All levels welcome. Classes are 30 minutes with only one student in each class. Below are a few classes offered this session. Check online at planoparks.org to see a complete list of classes. Supply list provided the first day of class.

45623 OPC M 9:30am-10am 6/6 4 Lozano $99 45636 OPC W 9:30am-10am 6/8 4 Lozano $99 45346 CAR Tu 3:30pm-4pm 6/7 5 Heredia $129 45347 CAR Tu 3:30pm-4pm 7/19 5 Heredia $129 45367 CAR Th 3:30pm-4pm 6/9 5 Heredia $129 45378 CAR Th 3:30pm-4pm 7/21 5 Heredia $129 45386 CAR Th 7:30pm-8pm 7/21 5 Heredia $129 45387 CAR Th 8pm-8:30pm 7/21 5 Heredia $129

*Many more times available. Please call the center or look online for more information.

Piano (6-17 Yrs)

All levels welcome. Classes are 30 minutes with only one student in each class. Below are a few classes offered this session. Check online at planoparks.org to see a complete list of classes. Supply list provided the first day of class.

45876 LRC Tu 5pm-5:30pm 6/7 8 Akopyants $149 45884 LRC W 5pm-5:30pm 6/8 8 Akopyants $149

*Many more times available. Please call the center or look online for more information.

Piano (Adv) (8-18 Yrs)

Students must have taken at least three years of piano lessons and be qualified as advanced in order to register with Instructor Jourdan.

45496 TMC Sa 9:15am-9:45am 6/4 3 Jourdan $75 45497 TMC Sa 10am-10:30am 6/4 3 Jourdan $75 45498 TMC Sa 10:45am-11:15am 6/4 3 Jourdan $75

Private Piano (6 Yrs-Adult)

Whether you’re starting your piano journey, or continuing it, one of our instructors will be here to guide you! Our distinguished piano teachers are here to provide instruction and support tailored to your experience level.

45843 TMC W 5pm-5:25pm 6/1 6 Frock $119 45973 TMC W 5pm-5:25pm 7/13 6 Frock $119

*Many more times available. Please call the center or look online for more information.

Private Piano Your Way (7 Yrs-Adult)

Your lesson will be available in-person or online (restrictions apply), it’s up to you! Whether you’re starting your piano journey, or continuing it, one of our instructors will be here to guide you! Our distinguished piano teachers are here to provide instruction and support tailored to your experience level. Each class is 25 minutes and conducted one-on-one.

45981 TMC Tu 3pm-3:25pm 5/24 6 Austin $119 45997 TMC Th 3pm-3:25pm 5/26 6 Austin $119 45989 TMC Tu 3pm-3:25pm 7/12 6 Austin $119 46005 TMC Th 3pm-3:25pm 7/14 6 Austin $119 46013 TMC M 3pm-3:25pm 5/23 6 Chausovsky $119 46124 TMC Th 3pm-3:25pm 5/26 6 Chausovsky $119 46110 TMC M 3pm-3:25pm 7/11 6 Chausovsky $119 46132 TMC Th 3pm-3:25pm 7/14 6 Chausovsky $119

*Many more times available. Please call the center or look online for more information.

Private Violin (7-18 Yrs)

Students will need to bring their own violin. Lessons are for beginner to advanced level of play. Due to social distancing, students with knowledge of how to hold a violin is preferred but not required. Students will need to bring the lesson book “Essential Elements Violin Book 1” to each class.

45718 TMC M 4pm-4:30pm 6/6 5 Cui $125 45722 TMC M 4pm-4:30pm 7/25 5 Cui $125 45726 TMC W 4pm-4:30pm 6/8 5 Cui $125 45732 TMC W 4pm-4:30pm 7/27 5 Cui $125

*Many more times available. Please call the center or look online for more information.

Physical Activities

Aerobats Co-ed Tumbling (6-12 Yrs)

Have you always wanted to learn a cartwheel, a round-off, a handstand, or even a back handspring? Well, this class is for you! In a safe and encouraging atmosphere students will work on skills and drills on the floor exercise that are appropriate for their skill level. Flexibility and strength drills will be included in order to enhance learning.

46018 CAR Tu 6:30pm-7:30pm 6/7 4 Staff $50 46019 CAR Tu 6:30pm-7:30pm 7/5 4 Staff $50 46020 CAR Tu 6:30pm-7:30pm 8/2 4 Staff $50 Aerobats Gymnastics-Boys (4-10 Yrs)

In this class, boys are taught skills that enhance their strength, agility, and coordination and give them a strong foundation for not only gymnastics, but many other sports as well. They will be taught beginner skills on all of the men’s gymnastics Olympic events. For more information on content of class or a more advanced class, please contact Vickie at 972-941-7691.

46023 CAR Th 3:30pm-4:30pm 6/9 4 Staff $50 46025 CAR Th 3:30pm-4:30pm 7/7 4 Staff $50 46028 CAR Th 3:30pm-4:30pm 8/4 4 Staff $50

Aerobats Gymnastics-Girls (K-1st)

Enroll your daughter today and let her experience what it is like to be a real gymnast. Students will be taught beginning gymnastics skills on the vault, bars, beam and floor in a fun and safe environment. We make no guarantees that students will move on to the Olympics, but we do guarantee we will provide them a lot of fun!

46067 CAR M 3:30pm-4:30pm 6/6 1 Staff $50 46069 CAR W 3:30pm-4:30pm 6/8 4 Staff $50 446072 CAR W 3:30pm-4:30pm 7/6 4 Staff $50 446074 CAR M 3:30pm-4:30pm 8/1 4 Staff $50 46076 CAR W 3:30pm-4:30pm 8/3 4 Staff $50 Aerobats Gymnastics-Girls (5-12 Yrs)

Is your daughter always upside down, spinning around, and flipping on the couch and bed? This class offers her an opportunity to do all of that in a safe and supportive environment. Students are grouped by age and ability and are taught skills on the vault, bars, beam and floor. Gymnasts are continuously evaluated and moved into more advanced groups as their skills progress. For additional information, contact Vickie at 972-941-7691.

46030 CAR M 4:30pm-5:30pm 6/6 4 Staff $50 46032 CAR Tu 4:30pm-5:30pm 6/7 4 Staff $50 46033 CAR Tu 5:30pm-6:30pm 6/7 4 Staff $50 46034 CAR W 4:30pm-5:30pm 6/8 4 Staff $50 46037 CAR Th 4:30pm-5:30pm 6/9 4 Staff $50 46038 CAR Th 6:30pm-7:30pm 6/9 4 Staff $50 46040 CAR Sa 10am-11am 6/4 4 Staff $50 46042 CAR Tu 4:30pm-5:30pm 7/5 4 Staff $50 46043 CAR Tu 5:30pm-6:30pm 7/5 4 Staff $50 46045 CAR W 4:30pm-5:30pm 7/6 4 Staff $50 46047 CAR Th 4:30pm-5:30pm 7/7 4 Staff $50 46048 CAR Th 6:30pm-7:30pm 7/7 4 Staff $50 46050 CAR Sa 10am-11am 7/9 4 Staff $50 46052 CAR M 4:30pm-5:30pm 8/1 4 Staff $50 46054 CAR Tu 4:30pm-5:30pm 8/2 4 Staff $50 46055 CAR Tu 5:30pm-6:30pm 8/2 4 Staff $50 46057 CAR W 4:30pm-5:30pm 8/3 4 Staff $50 46059 CAR Th 4:30pm-5:30pm 8/4 4 Staff $50 46060 CAR Th 6:30pm-7:30pm 8/4 4 Staff $50 46063 CAR Sa 10am-11am 8/6 4 Staff $50


Want to make a difference? Want to make money doing what you love? Need a flexible schedule?

Plano Parks and Recreation is looking for instructors for its preschool, youth and adult classes. If you have a unique talent, a skill, or an idea for an interesting class, please contact any of our staff at the recreation centers.

Basketball Basics (6-8 Yrs)

Do you want to join a basketball team but don’t think you have the knowledge or skill? Let us teach you how to dribble, pass and shoot with the best of them; improving your skills and boosting your self-confidence.

45329 CAR Su 1pm-1:45pm 6/12 5 Daniels $69 45330 CAR Su 1pm-1:45pm 7/31 5 Daniels $69 Basketball Basics (9-12 Yrs)

Do you want to join a basketball team but don’t think you have the knowledge or skill? Let us teach you how to dribble, pass and shoot with the best of them; improving your skills and boosting your self-confidence.

45331 CAR Su 2:30pm-3:15pm 6/12 5 Daniels $69 45332 CAR Su 2:30pm-3:15pm 7/31 5 Daniels $69 45333 CAR Su 1:45pm-2:30pm 6/12 5 Daniels $69 45334 CAR Su 1:45pm-2:30pm 7/31 5 Daniels $69 Excellence Rising Basketball (6-10 Yrs)

Take steps towards progress. Sharpen your basketball techniques with coaching expertise and skills determined to assist overall improvement for all levels. Excellence Rising skill sessions are fundamentally focused to increase progress of overall game abilities. Video analysis and development statistics are shared through the program. A drawing for a free t-shirt will be done at the final class.

46273 LRC Sa 9am-9:50am 6/11 5 Williams $69 46274 LRC Sa 9am-9:50am 7/23 5 Williams $69 Excellence Rising Basketball (11-14 Yrs)

46275 LRC Sa 10am-10:50am 6/11 5 Williams $69 46276 LRC Sa 10am-10:50am 7/23 5 Williams $69 Excellence Rising Fitness (11-18 Yrs)

Build overall fitness and conditioning that will prepare you for success as an athlete in any arena! Through the class build stamina, endurance, speed and agility, flexibility, core and balance training by incorporating creative exercises to expand fitness abilities. This workout routine will have you sweating, learning, smiling and having fun while experiencing various styles of cardio for all fitness levels. Our goal is to offer encouragement to build athletic ability.

46277 LRC W 6:30pm-7:30pm 6/8 5 Williams $69 46278 LRC W 6:30pm-7:30pm 7/20 5 Williams $69 46279 LRC Sa 11am-Noon 6/11 5 Williams $69 46281 LRC Sa 11am-Noon 7/23 5 Williams $69 Next Level Basketball (Int)(12-14 Yrs)

Take your performance up a notch. This specially designed program will give players the tools to enhance their ball handling skills, position play, strength and conditioning while teaching an overall knowledge of the game.

45335 CAR Su 3:30pm-4:15pm 6/12 5 Daniels $69 45336 CAR Su 3:30pm-4:15pm 7/31 5 Daniels $69 Skyhawks® Baseball (7-12 Yrs)

Learn the fundamentals of fielding, catching, throwing, hitting, and base running in a fun, positive environment. Specifically designed for beginning and intermediate players, this program teaches athletes new baseball skills along with vital life lessons such as respect, teamwork, and responsibility.

45753 OPC Sa 10am-10:45am 6/4 4 Maglo Sports $59 45754 OPC Sa 10am-10:45am 7/9 4 Maglo Sports $59 45755 OPC Sa 10am-10:45am 8/6 4 Maglo Sports $59

Skyhawks® Basketball (7-12 Yrs)

Using progressional curriculum and focusing on the whole player, we teach your child the skills they need both on and off the court to be a better athlete. Class will focus on respect, teamwork and responsibility as participants will start each class with a ‘skill of the day’, and progress into drills and games making for an unforgettable experience for young athletes. This fun, skill intensive program is designed for beginners to intermediate athletes. Class focuses on passing, shooting, dribbling, and rebounding.

45591 OPC Tu,Th 5:30pm-6:30pm 6/7 8 Maglo Sports $89 45592 OPC Tu,Th 5:30pm-6:30pm 7/5 8 Maglo Sports $89 45593 OPC Tu,Th 5:30pm-6:30pm 8/2 8 Maglo Sports $89 Skyhawks® Track & Field (6-12 Yrs)

Skyhawks track and field combines technical development and fundamental techniques to prepare athletes for track and field and cross country events.

45756 OPC Sa 11am-Noon 6/4 4 Maglo Sports $59 45757 OPC Sa 11am-Noon 7/9 4 Maglo Sports $59 45758 OPC Sa 11am-Noon 8/6 4 Maglo Sports $59 Skyhawks® Volleyball (7-12 Yrs)

All aspects of volleyball are taught through drills and exercises that focus on passing, setting, hitting, and serving. Fundamental skills are taught through game-speed drills aimed at developing the whole player.

45595 OPC M 5:30pm-6:30pm 6/6 6 Maglo Sports $79 45752 OPC M 5:30pm-6:30pm 7/25 6 Maglo Sports $79 Skyhawk® Soccer (7-10 Yrs)

Have a great time while developing core soccer skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting in a team format. Each class will include individual skill building and scrimmages to develop teamwork and positional play. All levels are welcome to come enjoy the world’s most popular game.

45770 OPC Sa 10:20am-11:05am 6/4 4 Maglo Sports $59 45771 OPC Sa 10:20am-11:05am 7/9 4 Maglo Sports $59 45772 OPC Sa 10:20am-11:05am 8/6 4 Maglo Sports $59 Soccer Sparks® Soccer Skills (6-9 Yrs)

Dazzle with your footwork. The Soccer Sparks 6-9 year old class utilizes the “all ball” approach to foster skill improvement and build player confidence. Players will learn to solidify such skills as dribbling, passing, trapping, receiving, juggling and accurate shooting in a supportive team environment. This class emphasizes both personal player development and team play.

44654 CAR Sa 11:55am-12:40pm 6/11 5 Sparks $69 44655 CAR Sa 12:45pm-1:30pm 6/11 5 Sparks $69 44704 CAR Sa 11:55am-12:40pm 7/30 5 Sparks $69 44705 CAR Sa 12:45pm-1:30pm 7/30 5 Sparks $69 45501 TMC M 7:15pm-8pm 7/18 5 Sparks $69 45508 TMC Sa 10:50am-11:35am 6/4 5 Sparks $69 45509 TMC Sa 10:50am-11:35am 7/23 5 Sparks $69

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