Greater Boston New England Private School Guide 2024

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Middle School (Grades 5-8) 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Upper School (Grades 9-12) 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Why Consider Private School?

Many parents feel that their children will thrive better in what they believe is a smaller, safer environment with more room for personal attention. And while public schools must follow a curriculum heavily influenced by state standards, private schools have more freedom to customize lessons to students’ individual ways of learning.

Private schools can also point to low studentteacher ratios, freedom from state standards and testing, and lots of extras like music, foreign languages, and art that are underfunded or nonexistent in public schools. Rest assured, promise school experts, there is a school out there to suit every child.

There are two primary sorts of private schools—independent schools and parochial schools.

Independent schools are defined as nonprofit private schools with their own governing board of trustees. While most people commonly refer to independent schools as private, lumping them in with parochial and for profit schools, they are distinct because they are nonprofit and self-governing.

Private schools can point to low studentteacher ratios, freedom from state standards and testing, and lots of extras like music, foreign languages, and art that are underfunded or nonexistent in public schools.

Parochial schools, where tuition is typically one-third that of independent schools, offer traditional instruction and have solid reputations. Families who are “in-parish,” that is, who live within the schools’ official parish boundaries or volunteer and participate regularly in the parish, get first priority. Otherwise, the application procedures are similar to independent schools.

When considering private school education, think about these benefits:

High academic standards

Independent schools nurture intellectual curiosity, stimulate personal growth, and encourage critical thinking. A larger percentage

Why Consider Private School? cont’d.

of students at independent schools are enrolled in advanced courses than in public schools.

Small classes and individual attention

Independent schools have low studentteacher ratios that encourage close connections with students. The median ratio in schools that are members of the National Association of Independent Schools in 2021–2022 was 8.4 students to 1 teacher.

Excellent teachers

Educators usually teach in their areas of expertise and are passionate about what they do. With more autonomy within the classroom, teachers are able to develop a full understanding of how each student learns and what motivates and inspires each individually.

Greater likelihood of a student completing a bachelor’s or graduate degree education.

Independent schools nurture not just students’

Opportunities extend well beyond the classroom to athletic competitions, artistic pursuits, and school leadership experiences.


Schools maintain diverse and vibrant student communities and welcome and respect each family. In 2021–22, students of color were 32 percent of total independent school enrollment nationally.

A community of parents who actively participate in their children’s education

Independent schools promote regular communication among students, parents, and teachers to ensure everyone is working toward the same goals for the student.

The opportunity to choose a school with a mission

You can select a school whose philosophy, values, and teaching approach is right for your child. •

A bilingual independent school serving students in preschool to grade 12

New to German? Explore Fast Track, our accelerated language program for students entering preK - grade 5 without prior German experience. Learn all about our international community at

Define Your Ideal School

Every school provides a unique educational experience, so how do you decide which schools will be a good fit for your child? Think about:

• SCHOOL TYPE - Do you want a day school or boarding school? Coeducational or singlesex? If you’re not sure, search for articles and opinions or talk to an educational consultant about which environment might be best for your student.

• GRADE RANGE - Do you want a school that focuses on your child’s age range, or one that can serve your child through elementary, middle, and high school?

• LOCATION - Convenience matters, especially if you want your child to take part in school activities. Time the commute before and after school just to be sure.

• STUDENT BODY - Consider both average class size and total enrollment. A smaller population may mean fewer social opportunities, but more chances for your student to shine. Also consider the diversity of the student body.

• EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY - Most independent schools fall along a continuum between traditional and progressive, but what does that mean? How are classes taught? How are expectations conveyed? How are students tested? Ask to sit in on a few classes to see how the philosophy plays out.

• CURRICULUM - What courses are offered? Which are required and which are elective? In what order are math, science, and humanities courses taught? Is there an interdisciplinary emphasis, so that what students study in English meshes with what they’re learning in history? Does the curriculum fit your student’s learning needs?

• FACULTY - Examine the faculty list (online or in recruitment materials). Where did teachers go to college? How long have they been teaching? Do their degrees match with what they teach? Is there much turnover? In primary grades, how many teachers are in the classroom? Watch a class to see how teachers interact with students and engage them in the learning process.

• FACILITIES - In addition to the overall condition of the school, look at the facilities your child may use. Is the art department well-stocked? Are sports facilities wellequipped? Are computers up to date? How extensive is the library/language lab?

• SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND EXTRACURRICULARS - Does the school provide programs that fit your student’s needs and interests? Consider academic support, language programs, arts, athletics, leadership opportunities, travel oppportunties and service programs. Is the school a place where your child can blossom? •

OCTOBER 10 | OCTOBER 27 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

The Admissions Process: Plan Ahead

You and your family have decided to apply to one or more private schools for the next school year. Hopefully, you have given yourself and your child plenty of time to prepare for the steps and items required for the process. The steps and requirements in this process can vary depending on the grade your child will enter and the selectiveness of the schools you’re targeting. As parents, understanding your role in this endeavor is crucial. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to navigate the admissions process smoothly and effectively.

To ensure a successful admissions process, it’s essential to take proactive steps and be wellorganized from the outset. Here are some key considerations for parents:

Highly Selective Preschools and Elementary Schools Admissions Process

1. Identify a shortlist of preschools or elementary schools that align with your preferences. Research their acceptance rates, and if they are highly competitive, consider expanding your options.

2. Maintain a detailed calendar of admission-

related events and deadlines. Typically, admissions portals open in late August or September, so register early to engage with the schools early.

3. Network with parents of children already enrolled in your top choices. Inquire about the teachers, parent involvement, flexibility and disciplinary procedures.

4. Attend “get to know you” events organized by prospective schools to familiarize yourself with their culture and values.

5. Understand your financial limitations for tuition and fundraising and what the school will ask of its families.

6. Inquire on required parent participation during the school year. Explore opportunities to contribute through connections or ongoing projects.

7. Prepare a photo collage of your child for the application to provide a more comprehensive perspective of your family.

8. Understand what the preschool will be


looking for during the interview from your child and you. Work with your child to ensure they have the needed skills.

Private Middle and High Schools Admissions Process

Private school admissions season typically opens in August or September the preceding year. In addition to basic demographic information, the educational history of the student and standardized test scores, the application may consist of supplemental components such as:

• Responses to student essay prompts.

• Parent essays.

• Graded writing samples.

• Letters of recommendation, typically from English and math teachers.

• Extracurricular profile of the student on what they do outside of class.

I n addition to the prior items listed for preschools and elementary schools, organize and prepare for the following:

1. Maintain a calendar to track registration openings, admission events, application deadlines, and financial assistance deadlines.

2. Compile records of your child’s achievements in academics, sports, and community service to illustrate their positive impact.

3. Assess the impression your family will make on the school’s administration and determine how you will demonstrate your long-term commitment and support.

4. Begin working on your parent statement early, aligning it with the school’s philosophies to showcase your family’s suitability.

5. Collaborate with your child on their

admissions essay, researching prompts as soon as possible.

6. Identify required tests, register and prepare your child accordingly.

7. Assist your child in selecting teachers, coaches, or mentors for compelling letters of recommendation.

8. Assemble graded writing samples and any other requested materials.

9. Attend non-admission events at the school, such as fundraisers and competitions, to display your family’s interest and involvement and learn more.

10. Help your child craft a first-choice letter for their top school preference.

The most challenging years to get into a preschool or private school are Pre-K 3, kindergarten, grade 6 and grade 9. So much of this process relies upon the parent. Stay on top of deadlines, ensure your child remains engaged, and maintains strong grades throughout this process.

Applying to highly selective schools can be as demanding as the college application process. Some families choose to hire an educational consultant to assist with the process and keep them on track. Do you need to hire a consultant? This depends upon how selective the school your child is applying to, if you are able to handle the extra burden during the admissions time or if you want to give your child a leg up in the application process. Schools come in all shapes and sizes with different requirements. You know your child better than anyone out there. You will be there to assist your child choose the school that is the best fit. •

Project-based learning giving 5th through 12th graders the skills to ask and answer their questions about the world

Interdisciplinary courses that inspire creative connection-making and original research

A joyful, diverse, economically accessible community where student ideas and interests matter

Located in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston with easy access to the Orange Line and field trips throughout the city and beyond

Why Consider a Boarding School?

Boarding schools are a perfect option for many families, providing a home away from home that allows children to focus on their education as well as extra-curricular activities such as sports or arts. Education may not be the main reason parents choose to send their kids to boarding school. Some want their children to have a religious base to their education. Others find sports academies which allow their child the ability to train and develop athletic skills while providing a strong college prep education. Some parents favor a specific educational philosophy that can only be found in a boarding school setting. Plus, as was experienced with how education has been affected by situations such as Covid-19, boarding schools can create a stability for students and parents.

High-quality and Unique Education Possibilities

• With class sizes at most boarding schools averaging around 10-12 students, there is an opportunity to explore more subjects and attend classes not normally offered in conventional schools. Boarding schools may offer exciting travel opportunities to study ecology, history, political science, or art to give students the advantage of seeing and living their studies. Boarding schools have high standards when it comes to selecting teachers. Teachers are expected to create a classroom environment to stimulate discussion and promote student interest.

Strong Connections

• Boarding Schools create a strong community of students, staff and teachers. With children socializing with a limited number of children their own age, around the clock, a strong sense of community is developed as well as lifelong

friends. Peers encourage each other to try new sports, art, music and awaken interests not available at home. Students build strong connections to their roommates and teachers which builds learning behavior and students’ motivation. These connections often lead to a strong network of motivated people for the rest of their lives.

Build Independence, Discipline and Maturity

• Boarding schools teach children to take care of themselves which turns them into an independent individual for life. Students at boarding schools learn to be self-reliant and responsible at an earlier age than conventional students. These students learn to follow and maintain a schedule, how to follow school rules and take responsibility for their actions, as well as, learn to make decisions and be better prepared for making difficult choices as they grow into adults.

Innovative Teaching Techniques

• Boarding schools are also known to be quite innovative and to provide students with the latest technologies in order to improve the learning experience. This may translate into boarders’ higher acceptance by leading universities and better job opportunities later on.

Weekends at Home

• If not seeing your child for weeks at a time sounds a bit daunting, look for boarding schools which offer a five day a week program to allow for students to spend weekends with their families. •

8 Tips for Navigating an Open House

Open House events are one of the best opportunities to experience many aspects of a school. At the event you will get the feel of the staff, students and administrators. You will have the opportunity to walk the halls, experience the classrooms and unique features. While the format of these events may differ across institutions, most will introduce you to the faculty, offer tours of the premises, and spotlight clubs and other extracurricular activities. With the rise of technology, many schools now opt for virtual Open House events. While these can be informative, it’s essential to visit the campus at some point during the admissions process. Whether you’re attending virtually or in person, here are eight tips to make the most of your Open House experience:

1. Register in Advance

Let schools know you are coming as soon as you can. You will be rewarded by a better prepared school. It is not unusual for these events to fill up so don’t wait to reserve your space. Plus, schools will most likely send you an agenda of the event and important admissions information. And, if you can’t make it for some reason let the school know ahead of time.

2. Do Your Homework

By this stage, you should have reviewed the school’s websites, look books, social media and YouTube channels. Conduct a thorough online search for any relevant news on the school. Talk to your child about the school and what is of particular interest.

3. Pay Attention to Arrival Time

While some schools have flexible drop-in events, others have specific check in times. Consider arriving early to mix with staff and current students. If time doesn’t allow you to go early, be on time so you are not rushed.

4. Familiarize Yourself and Child with the Agenda

Hopefully, since you registered the school has provided an agenda ahead of time. Otherwise, check the school’s website or email the admissions team ahead of time. An Open House can be an overwhelming experience for your child due to unfamiliar surroundings and faces. Familiarizing them with the event’s flow can alleviate anxiety. Some events might have separate schedules for parents and prospective

students, so discuss logistics and potential rendezvous points.

5. Take Notes

Most likely you will be visiting more than one schools events. After a few events, keeping track of information can be tough. Take good notes of teacher and student engagement, important dates and opportunities to further engage with the school. Write down a teacher or student that has similar interests as your child or of programs and new projects of interest. Also, after the event, write down your overall impression of the school and how your child reacts, new questions and next steps.

6. Ask Questions

Talk to as many students and teachers as possible. Ask why they chose this school and what they like most about it. Find out what life is like day-to-day, what are the important school wide events, favorite teachers or classes. Evaluate the level of excitement of the students.

7. Evaluate if this School a Good Fit

Do you see your child flourishing academically, socially and physically here? Is school staff welcoming and approachable? Are students engaging with other students. What does the school do to help integrate new students?

8. Evaluate Communication Efficacy

Effective school communication is a reflection of its administrative efficiency. Assess if the provided information facilitated a smooth open house experience. Were there areas where more clarity would have been beneficial? Ensure you comprehend the school’s expectations of students and their families.

Use Open House events to help understand the school and determine its compatibility. The school should educate you on what they are looking for in a student and what they promise to provide. If you made a good connection with a staff member, or they took extra time with you, drop them a quick note of appreciation. Also, consider sending the admissions a thank-you note, accompanied by a positive observation. •

Basic Timeline

Not every school follows the same schedule, but many follow similar timetables for admission. The below timeline is designed to help you in the admissions process. Many schools will not need all of the materials presented here. It depends on how competitive and selective the school’s admission team is.


❑ Create an Admissions Journal

❑ Define your ideal school

❑ Find schools that match your child’s needs

❑ Talk to your network of friends to gather insights on schools

❑ Research and ask questions of schools on your preliminary list


❑ Browse schools’ websites & look books to learn more about their programs and philosophies

❑ Register at each school of interest and request admissions and financial aid material

❑ Create a calendar of pertinent admission and financial assistance deadlines for the schools of interest

❑ Ask schools about their test requirements and register for needed tests

❑ Review the test websites to learn about procedures and test dates, see sample questions, and purchase test-preparation books

❑ Contact schools to schedule individual tours, class visits, interviews, and shadow days

❑ Begin crafting parent statements and brainstorming essay ideas

❑ Round up graded writing samples and other items, i.e., art, prospective schools will need to evaluate your child

❑ Assemble an extracurricular profile

❑ Work with your child to practice answering interview questions

❑ Arrange to get needed letters of recommendations


❑ Continue to watch for admission events you may want to attend. A month-by-month guide to the application process.

❑ Continue scheduling tours, interviews, class visits, and standardized or school-based tests.

❑ Visit schools during open houses, information sessions, and tours.

❑ Finalize the list of schools to which you will apply.

❑ Take required standardized admission tests.

❑ Keep working on parent statements, essays and practice interviewing


❑ Continue scheduling tours, interviews, class visits, and standardized or school-based tests.

for Applying to a Private School

❑ Follow up on teacher recommendations from your child’s current school.

❑ Start working on applications, financial assistance forms, continue working on essays, interviews & statements


❑ Continue to watch for any admission or school events of interest.

❑ Request transcripts at the end of your child’s first semester.

❑ Complete any remaining applications, questionnaires, etc. Some application materials are due as early as December.


❑ Deadlines time: Most applications are due in January or February, along with the accompanying required materials.

❑ Financial assistance applications are normally due soon after applications


❑ For schools with February admissions deadline, turn in applications

❑ Re-visit schools applied to again if unsure of top choice


❑ Watch for school decisions starting in mid-March

❑ Watch for financial assistance decisions about this same time

❑ If your student is accepted by multiple schools, decide which school your child will attend & let other schools know of your choice

❑ If wait listed, contact school to find out details and options


❑ Sign and return enrollment contracts and deposits


❑ Attend events and activities for new parents and students during spring and summer

❑ Get to know other families in the school

❑ Sign up for fall sports and clubs

Make the Most of Your Campus Visit

You have looked at websites, glanced through the glossy brochures, and even heard friends talk glowingly—or not—about the private schools on your short list. Now it’s time to actually set foot on campus. More than anything else, visiting the school—seeing the classrooms, walking around the grounds, and talking to faculty and students—will give you and your child the best sense of whether this is the best environment for your child to learn and thrive. Because the visit is so crucial to deciding on your child’s school, you should make the most of the opportunity. Private school experts offer these suggestions for what to ask about, look for, and consider before, during, and after the visit.

• Do some pre-visit research. Read up on the school’s history, educational philosophy, and accomplishments. Ask for information about student-teacher ratios, teacher experience, arts classes, sports, and other extracurricular activities, special programs for students needing academic support, and expectations for parental involvement. Decide ahead of time if there are specific classrooms, facilities, or departments that you or your child want to visit.

• If possible, visit on a regular school day, arrange to observe a classroom, and stay to sample a school lunch.

• General impressions count, but so do the

details. Take note of what the grounds and classrooms are like, but also pay attention to specifics: are the bathrooms clean; do staff seem organized and ready for your visit; what library, science, and technology resources does the school offer?

• In the classrooms or on the playground, notice if the students look engaged and well-behaved, including when they transition from one activity or classroom to another. How do students interact with their teachers? Do the teachers seem cheerful and knowledgeable? How do the teachers manage the classrooms or handle discipline?

• Talk to as many teachers and students as possible. Find out about homework policies and workloads, the social environment, and opportunities to do arts, sports, and other nonacademic activities.

• If the school offers shadow-a-student day for interested students, your child has the opportunity to ask questions of potential schoolmates more freely than if you’re around.

• After you and your child finish the visit, jot down your general impressions before leaving. Try to imagine your child in one of the classrooms, or walking the halls. How does that idea look and feel? Remember gut feelings can be important, too. •

Applying After the Deadline

Don’t give up on a school if you’ve missed the admissions deadline.

“Finding a school that will accept your child after the normal admissions deadline has passed is not easy. But it can be done,” says Private School Review, an online site, www., that profiles private schools. “ You suddenly decide in late winter or early spring that you want to get your child into a private school for fall. Or a job transfer makes finding a private school in a hurry an absolute necessity. So, are you indeed too late? It depends.”

First, contact the school’s admissions office, state your case, and see how school officials respond. Some schools have flexible or rolling admissions and accept students as long as the school enrollment roster has room, and some schools create waitlists when full. There is a chance that an accepted student may withdraw or cancel, creating an available spot at the last minute.

The bottom line? “Ask anyway. You never know, and it never hurts to ask,” Private School Review advises. •

Shadow Days

After all the open house events, information nights, school tours, and interviews, the best way for kids to evaluate a school is to spend a day on campus. This year schools are being creative to allow for safe shadow experiences. Prospective students are matched up with a current student for an individual tour. If school is in session, they go to classes, share time during breaks and lunch, and get an insider’s tour of the campus, experiencing firsthand what it feels like to be a student at that school.

Things to know:

• Typically, shadow days can be scheduled anytime from October to May.

• Visitors are often required to respect the school dress code.

• Visiting students are usually allowed to shadow a current student they already know, as long as the request is made in advance.

• If prospective students do not know any current students, the school will assign one based on interests in academics, extracurricular activities, etc.

• Shadow days are just for students; no parents allowed. •

Entrance Exam 101

Most private schools require students entering middle and high school to take an entrance exam to gain admission to their institutions.

The most commonly accepted standardized tests are the Independent School Entrance Examination, or the ISEE, and the High School Placement Test, or HSPT, for Catholic schools. Another often recognized and accepted test is the Secondary School Aptitude Test, or the SSAT.

The ISEE and SSAT tests are to middle and high school what the SAT or ACT is to college. They are administered independently at a set time at a specific location with results sent to designated schools. Often schools schedule these tests on their own campuses, and individual entrance requirements usually specify which test to take. The HSPT, however, does not coordinate national testing days, and test administration is the responsibility of individual schools or dioceses, which determine when to offer the HSPT. Now, all three tests offer at home options. These organizations provide students a secure computer-based testing option to be taken at home when group testing isn’t available.

On these exams, students can expect multiple-choice questions that test verbal, math, and reading comprehension skills and a portion that assesses writing ability (though not part of the HSPT). Policies vary according by test on taking practice tests and repeated test attempts. The test results often determine course placement, so more schools have begun to offer preparation test programs to better equip entering students for the real thing. Schools may have additional or different requirements for international students.

Source: families/isee-by-erb/ LOWER LEVEL

FOR Candidates for grades five and six. MIDDLE AND UPPER LEVEL FOR Candidates for grades seven and eight (Middle); candidates for grades nine through 12 (Upper).



FOR Students in grade eight for placement in ninth grade.



The SSAT is a multiple-choice test designed for students in grades three through 11 and is administered on three levels: elementary, middle, and upper.


FOR Students in grades three and four.


Standard Test (group administered on eight Saturdays), Flex Test (group or individual administered on a different date), Regional Flex Test or Open Flex Test (regional consortia administered).

FOR Students in grades 5–7 (Middle) and grades 8–11 (Upper). •


Tips for a Great Essay

Application essays provide ways for private school admissions officers to get to know students beyond their grades, test scores, and basic biographical information. Essays provide insight into a student’s personality and intereststo help determine if the school is the right fit for your child and vice versa.

Aside from the interview, writing the essay can be one of the most stress-producing steps in the application process. These suggestions from private school organizations can break the task of writing the essay into manageable steps that guide your child to crafting a work that makes him stand out to admissions officers.


Schools often provide an essay prompt, so you need to respond to it. That said, the prompts usually allow the applicant lots of leeway to write about a range of topics.


Brainstorm and work out ideas ahead of time with teachers, parents, or others early and give

yourself time for revisions.


While the essay should have correct spelling and grammar and be legible, it doesn’t have to follow the academic essay formula. A good strategy is to tell a story to get your point across.


Write about what you know and what excites you.


If you are an aspiring writer, for example, ask the school if you can write in verse, instead of the usual narrative.


Provide details or an example of how a challenging situation and how you overcame it.


Parents, you can provide feedback and help with editing, but let your child do all the writing. •

Interview Preparation

The idea of your child having to interview to gain admission to a private school sounds downright terrifying. But private school experts say you shouldn’t think of the interview as a high-stakes interrogation. Rather, think of the interview as a two-way conversation that helps everyone involved—school staff, parents, and child—determine if the school is the right fit for your child.

The structure of the interview also depends on the school and your child’s age. Typically, the applicant and her family come to the school to look around and talk with an admissions officer or other school staff. The staff might focus on talking with the parents, but with older children and high school students, an admissions officer might speak privately with the child in a formal or more casual situation.

Given that the interview is an important part of the application process, and in determining if this school is the best place to educate your child, here are some things you and your child should prepare for so the interview will go well, according to the National Association of Independent Schools and other private school organizations.

With younger kids, the school staff will mostly talk to the parents, asking them to describe their child and what they hope their child will gain by attending this school.

When students are old enough to be the key

subject of interviews, they should be prepared to answer typical questions, such as:

• Tell me about yourself: Help your child come up with an answer that doesn’t recite biographical facts but describes his interests and strengths in certain academic areas or extracurricular activities and allows him to talk up his accomplishments.

• Why do you want to come to this school? The school wants to find out if the child understands what makes the school unique and whether he sees it as a match for his own personality, academic strengths, interests, and aspirations. So, hopefully, during visits, or in talking to students and faculty, your child has encountered programs or a learning environment that excites him.

• Talk about subjects or teachers that you like: Help your child figure out certain coursework that has recently engaged him, such as a certain book in English class or a social studies field trip to see Egyptian mummies at a museum.

Given that the interview is also a chance for you and your child to learn more about the school, help your child prepare to ask questions. Look at the school’s website or think back to visits and help him come up with a list of questions that reflects how the school might nurture his interests. “Will I be able to do dissections in sixth-grade biology?” “Can I audition for school plays in ninth grade?”

“What about your study trips overseas?” “What are different ways I can fulfill my community service requirements?” The admissions officers will likely see your child’s curiosity as evidence of his interest in coming to the school.

Parents and students should always be honest, experts say. But that doesn’t mean you should accentuate your child’s weaknesses, provide too much information about family challenges, or bad-mouth your child’s current school, even if this current school environment is mostly negative and the reason he’s trying to change schools.

Instead, accentuate the positive: A child’s weakness or a family’s challenges are things he is working to overcome; or his current school simply isn’t the right fit for his unique needs and interests. •

Get Noticed in a Virtual Admissions Interview

There may come a time when an in-person interview isn’t feasible. Perhaps your family is relocating to the area of the school or you’re considering a distant boarding school. How can you, or more importantly, your child, ensure a successful virtual interview? The following tips offer guidance.

In recent years, virtual calls, classes, interviews, and presentations have become commonplace. If you haven’t established a virtual office at home, start by setting up a tidy space with ample lighting and a non-distracting background. To prevent shadowy visuals, consider using a ring light and avoiding direct backlighting from windows. Position the camera at your child’s eye level — placing your laptop on boxes can help achieve this. If your child wants to showcase a hobby, consider a custom background with relevant imagery, be it their artwork, a beloved sports figure, a memorable travel destination, or a pet. This personal touch can be a great conversation starter. Choose a location that minimizes interruptions from pets, deliveries, landscaping noise, or siblings.

If you’re unfamiliar with virtual meetings, determine the platform the school will use and practice with a friend. Adjust camera angles, teach your child to maintain their on-screen

presence, and practice projecting a clear voice. If possible, record these practice sessions for feedback. It’s crucial to advise your child against nervous habits like fidgeting or excessive gesturing, which can be distracting in a virtual setting.

Just as with a face-to-face interview, attire matters. Ensure your child dresses in a manner that’s both comfortable and in line with the school’s dress code. The goal is to convey respect and leave a lasting impression.

Arrange a mock interview with an adult unfamiliar to your child. This allows them to acclimatize to the digital format and refine their virtual etiquette, such as logging in early to account for technical issues, avoiding phone distractions, and keeping snacks out of sight. It’s acceptable to have a glass of water nearby, but leave it at that. Ensure your child attends to any personal needs before the call starts.

Establish whether parents should remain present during the interview. While it’s advisable for a parent to be available for initial tech troubleshooting, it’s best to give your child space once the interview commences.

Encourage your child to jot down notes, especially if they encounter challenging questions. Ahead of time, prepare a list of 5-6 questions they can refer to if asked. During the conversation, prompt them to note down intriguing points or further questions, ensuring they’re engaged and proactive throughout.

As the session concludes, remind your child to express gratitude. If something piqued their interest, they should ask the interviewer for more resources or insights on that topic.

Lastly, always follow up. A handwritten thankyou note, referencing a personal tidbit from the interview, leaves a lasting impression. If the admissions officer works remotely, a thoughtful video message or email is a suitable alternative. •

Financial Assistance Basics

Every private school has its own policies about who receives financial assistance, what types of assistance are awarded, and how much assistance a particular family will receive. In most cases, the financial aid office cannot tell you if your family will qualify for financial aid until you submit an application that allows the school to evaluate your unique situation.


To determine your eligibility for financial aid, you must submit an application form and financial statements. There is no income limit that automatically makes your family ineligible for financial aid. Financial aid officers take into account your income, assets, and expenses, including educational costs for other children.

Bottom line: If you feel your family cannot afford to pay the full cost, regardless of your income, it’s worth the effort to submit a financial aid application.


Every school has its own financial aid schedule, and the deadlines are different for schools with rolling admissions. In general, most financial aid applications are due in January or February. Check with your school of choice for the deadline. You will receive a financial aid decision shortly after your child is admitted to a particular school.


• Grants are the most common type of financial aid offered by private schools. They are awarded annually to students who demonstrate financial need, and students must re-apply each year. Grant money comes from the school’s budget and does not have to be paid back.

• Merit scholarships awarded by the school are rare and are usually reserved for students who have a special talent that the school is seeking, such as art, music, or academics. Generally, scholarships are based on financial need. They may be awarded once, annually, or as long as the student meets the scholarship criteria.

• Scholarships from outside organizations are also rare, and often awarded by local chapters of national groups like the Rotary Club. Ask the school for a list of organizations that have provided scholarships to their students in the past, and check the list on Each scholarship program will have its own eligibility rules, application, and deadlines.

• Tuition loans are personal loans provided by a private lender. You must apply directly to the lender, and your loan amount and interest rate will depend on the lender’s credit requirements. Some use loans to pay for expenses not covered by a grant.

• Tuition Payment Plans allow you to make monthly payments rather than writing one or two large checks each year. Schools offer payment plans through a third-party financial services company, which charges a relatively small fee.

• Sibling discounts are designed to help families with more than one child enrolled in the same school. Many schools are shrinking these discounts, or phasing them out altogether. Even so, it’s worth asking if this situation applies to you.

Most families pay for tuition through a combination of these options. The school’s financial aid officer can help you create a financing plan that fits your family’s needs. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and explore all the options available to you. •

Reprinted with permission from the National Association of Independent Schools,

The Imago School

The Acceptance and Decision

T he application is completed, interviews and shadow days all done—all that’s left is waiting for the acceptance letter (or email) and then the big decision. Usually, acceptance (or rejection or waitlist) notifications go out on a Friday in mid-March, and families then have seven days to decide where their child will attend. So how to make the decision?

When you learn about your child’s acceptance, you will also learn about financial assistance awards. If the grant you receive does not meet your needs, or if you are not awarded any financial assistance, contact the school’s financial assistance officer to learn about other options.

The following are tips on choosing a school from the National Association of Independent Schools.


• If you’re certain about the school, say yes but feel free to take the full seven days to sit with the decision to make sure it feels right.


• Discuss the options as a family.

• Make a pro and con list for each possible school.

• Revisit your notes from tours and open houses. Follow your heart. Revisit your wish list to make sure you’ve fulfilled your priorities. Be sure that your child will thrive in the school community you choose.


• Consider a second visit to the school; have your child do a shadow day if she hasn’t already.

• Ask to talk to some teachers.

• Talk to graduates or current families of the school, especially any who have come from your child’s current school.

• Encourage your child to talk to other students.


• Be sure to contact the school you choose by the reply deadline.

• Let all schools where you were admitted know of your final decision so they can contact other families on their wait list.

• Return your signed enrollment contract and tuition deposit.


• Call the school right away and let admissions officials know that you are very interested. Stay in touch with them throughout the summer. Sometimes children can be accepted off the waitlist just days before school begins.


• Consider other schools.

• Ask the school for feedback about what factors made the difference. Try to approach the issue in a nonjudgmental way; tell the admissions staff you want to get information that can help your child do better in the future. •

Thayer Academy

Thayer Academy is a coed independent day school in Braintree where students are known, connected, and prepared for the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead.

Founded in 1877, the Academy offers instruction across two divisions: a Middle School for grades 5-8 and an Upper School for grades 9-12. Challenging coursework, including 19 AP course offerings at the Upper School level, is combined with a faculty fully invested in student success. Signature cross-disciplinary offerings such as the Global Speaker Series and the Scholar in Residence Program bring the world to campus and engage the community in issues that matter to the world. A schoolwide average of 13 students per class ensures that education at Thayer is truly collaborative.

Outside of the classroom, students explore and grow via the arts, athletics, clubs, and affinity groups. The Upper School and Middle School boast nine and four main stage productions per

year, respectively, and students from both divisions are encouraged to join the allschool orchestra. When it comes to athletics, Thayer is a proud member of both the ISL and NEPSAC, and 79 percent of all Upper School boys and 72 percent of all Upper School girls compete in at least one varsity sport.

Thayer Academy's mission is to inspire a diverse community of students to moral, intellectual, aesthetic, and physical excellence so that each may rise to honorable achievement and contribute to the common good. Thayer students are lifelong learners unafraid of stepping out of their comfort zones. Easily accessible from public transportation, the Academy also offers bus routes from Boston, MetroWest, and the South Shore.

An Admissions Open House takes place Saturday, Oct. 19. For more information, visit

St. John School

Nestled in the heart of Boston’s historic North End, St. John School has educated children since 1895. Welcoming PreK-Grade 8 students, we provide a Catholic education committed to educating children in an atmosphere that fosters a spirit of community, faith, and academic excellence. Our dedicated teachers and small class sizes ensure that each student’s unique progress is celebrated.

Students enjoy a rigorous academic curriculum enriched by integrated STEM programming, Italian language instruction, and our own in-house hydroponic garden, Tower Garden Program. The Program teaches students about mindfulness, nutrition, food production, and community service as well as traditional academic subjects. St. John’s partners with the Franciscan Food Center at St. Anthony’s Shrine to donate the produce from the garden to the hungry.

We are proud of our partnership with the Lynch Foundation Early Childhood Initiative, an extraordinary project founded by Carolyn and Peter Lynch, for our 3 and 4 year olds. The project supports an environment that nurtures the social and emotional well-being of students in order for robust learning to take place before the start of kindergarten.

St. John School offers student drop off starting at 7:30 a.m., after school care until 6 p.m., and an extensive summer adventure camp. (School hours are 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) Boston residents may be eligible for free bus transportation.

Please join us on Welcome Wednesdays between 9 and 10 a.m. to see all that St. John’s has to offer or kindly reach out to Lesley McCormick at or call 617-227-3143 to schedule a tour.

Tender Loving Care Childcare Centers

TLC Childcare Center strives to provide a quality Early Childhood Education Program filled with carefully chosen staff members, filled with love and compassion for children. We believe that children are our most important resource and that their early childhood experiences are crucial in the development of their future.

Each staff member strives to offer an environment that is high in quality and stimulates the child’s senses and where warmth and friendship are abundant, to meet the needs of the total development of the child.

The program we pursue is geared toward helping the child develop habits of observation, questioning and listening while building a positive self-esteem. Our staff members are partners with our parents working together to meet both the needs of the children and their families.

TLC Childcare Center succeeds by delivering outstanding performance and customer service.

Just like Family!!

Tender Loving Care Childcare Centers are more than a Day Care. The loving Staff is like Family. I feel secure in knowing when I drop my daughter off that she will be cared for as if she were at home with a family member!! I know that my child is being cared for in a nurturing

environment and by a well educated staff. The teachers are a group of AMAZING people who have dedicated their lives to caring for children and it shows. They are not just teachers, THEY ARE FAMILY!!

– Elizabeth, Waltham, MA

Just love them!

– Grace, MA

Highly Recommended

Tender Loving Care Childcare Center is a wonderful facility that provides excellent child care. Attentive, caring, patient, affordable and professional - all the qualities parents look for when in need for the perfect childcare. I highly recommend Tender Loving Care Childcare Centers located in Weston and Woburn Massachusetts!!!

– Delina, Waltham, MA

Bancroft School

Founded in 1900, Bancroft School is Worcester’s premier PreK-12 independent day school. Through active, inquiry-based learning and challenging experiences, we empower students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to make a difference.

At Bancroft, learning is embedded in everything we do. The hands-on nature of the Learning Laboratory Method allows students to learn by doing, stumbling, trying again, and succeeding. Guided by outstanding teachers, curious learners engage with one another and celebrate the strengths and lived experiences of each individual.

Bancroft School works to be the first choice for students and families seeking to own their journey to mastery and independence in the greater Worcester region. We continue to strengthen our diverse and supportive community and invest in people to provide a robust education for all students in PreK through grade 12. Guided by outstanding teachers, curious learners engage with one another and celebrate our strengths and lived experiences.

More than 30 student-run organizations at Bancroft offer the chance to discover new interests and passions. From our Vex Robotics Champion Robodogs to our cultural student groups, we have an incredible variety and breadth of opportunities. Many students participate in several clubs during the year as the schedule has built-in time for meetings.

Bancroft’s athletics program exemplifies the principles of collective learning and healthy competition. Our students participate in a wide variety of sports, building character, resilience, and leadership skills through competition.

At Bancroft School, we encourage flexing our creative minds in all forms through our Arts programs. We offer extensive courses at all levels in both visual and performing art. We love to let our students shine, from art exhibits on campus to our Harrington Theatre stage, you can't go far without seeing student expression. We also offer off-campus art activities, including speech tournaments and musical concerts. Connect with us to learn more about our Arts programs.

Come check out what Bancroft School has to offer.

Join us at one of our Fall Open House events:

• October 10 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

• October 27 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Acera School:

The Massachusetts School of Science, Creativity, and Leadership

Joyful Learning for Gifted Kids

We believe in a multiple-intelligences approach to defining giftedness. We’ve created Acera as an alternative for students who love to solve problems, make things, ask deep questions, and thrive with an opportunity to create. Acera students experience regular school as a place with a ceiling that is too low, where they are not able to learn at a rapid enough rate or with enough depth and engagement to honor their voracious appetite for ideas, knowledge, and expression. Creative thinkers, robust readers, and deep thinkers experience a sense of belonging at Acera, a place with a runway that aligns with each students’ interests and potential. Acera is accepting rolling admissions applications for the 2024-25 school year, based on classroom availability.

To learn more or register for an info session, contact Admissions Director Tami Cronin at admissions@aceraschool. org.

Visit Acera at our Open House & Math Festival: November 2, 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Early decision applications for the 202526 school year are due by November 15, 2024. Regular decision applications for the 2025-26 school year are due by January 15, 2025.

Bard Academy and Bard College at Simon's Rock

At Bard Academy and Bard College at Simon’s Rock, every moment is an opportunity where students are ready to pursue their passions the moment they step onto campus. Both schools offer curriculums in the liberal arts and sciences, taught by supportive, highly trained faculty, who are leading scholars in their field.

Students will study, collaborate, and innovate with leading scholars, artists, and scientists in every department. Most importantly, students create lasting friendships and connections with peers from every discipline and field of study.

Bard Academy is the nation’s first two-year boarding and day program designed to prepare 9th and 10th graders to start college early and is taught by college professors. Within six years of entering Bard Academy as a high school freshman, a student who matriculates into the College will earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Bard College at Simon’s Rock is the only college in the country specifically designed for students ready to enter college after the 10th or 11th grade and grants degrees in more than 35 majors. Of recent Simon’s Rock graduates, 78% have gone on to graduate study and Simon’s Rock is ranked in the top 20 among all U.S. colleges for the percentage of alumni who complete their PhD.

Simon’s Rock is ranked No. 4 for Most Innovative

School and No. 5 for Best Undergraduate Teaching by U.S. News and World Report. The Princeton Review ranked Simon’s Rock among the Best Regional Colleges in the Northeast.

Located in Great Barrington, MA, both schools are less than three hours away from New York City and Boston. The 275 acres wooded campus is in the heart of the Berkshires, an area known for its natural beauty and rich cultural life.

Simon’s Rock is ranked No. 4 for Most Innovative School and No. 5 for Best Undergraduate Teaching by U.S. News and World Report. The Princeton Review ranked Simon’s Rock among the Best Regional Colleges in the Northeast.

Join us for our Open House Events:

Bard College at Simon's Rock - October 19 Bard Academy - November 2

Please register prior to the event.

Meridian Academy

At Meridian Academy, students are immersed in an authentic and collaborative learning environment. Students grow as problem-posers and problem-solvers as they carry out in-depth projects across a wide range of subjects. Our project-based courses mean that your child will learn in an engaged and memorable way. Meridian knows that young people are capable of truly original and sophisticated pursuits and our classes are structured to provide the opportunities and mentoring needed to reach those heights.

Located in the heart of the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston with easy access to the T, Meridian provides an innovative college preparatory curriculum for students in grade 5 through grade 12.

Meridian students benefit from interdisciplinary courses that support them in making valuable connections between the subjects that they study. Each year, all students take Humanities (combining History and English), an integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology class, and Spanish or French. Courses focused on linking ideas enable students to better appreciate and understand themselves and the world they live in. Students take studio art, music, and theater classes, and the arts are integrated throughout their subjects both as a means for understanding and communicating ideas.

Meridian’s community is vibrant, joyful, informal, and welcoming. Students take leadership roles in many aspects of school life including peer mentoring and guiding student committees. Students share their work three times a year with the public at our Exhibition Evenings (picture a science fair, but for all subjects!). Meridian students know that they will have an interested audience in their work, so they strive for excellence in content and presentation.

All of the habits of successful grown-up life – curiosity, persistence, teamwork, initiative, communication, problem-solving, patience, creativity, and empathy – are developed in our academic, extracurricular, and social programs.

The Gardner School

At The Gardner School we pride ourselves on a balanced educational approach that intentionally blends teacher and childdirected experiences, incorporating a variety of learning models. Our curriculum is designed to spark curiosity and foster intellectual growth through music, art, language learning, and outdoor play. We are committed to nurturing the social, emotional, and relational skills of our students, ensuring a well-rounded education that supports growth in all aspects of life.

Our state-of-the-art facilities are crafted with your child’s development in mind from our combined playscape and enrichment studio to classrooms filled with natural light from large windows. These safe, secure, and interactive spaces encourage children to joyfully engage in their learning journey. At The Gardner School, we are excited to offer a rich educational experience that prepares your child for a bright future.

The Gardner School will be a rich learning environment that will stimulate your child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth. Our preschool will offer educational preschool and early childhood programs for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years.

At The Gardner School, we believe each child should have learning experiences that build confidence and enrich their early childhood development. Our approach ensures that our students are nurtured at the proper pace and level, providing them with the educational foundation for a bright future.

Wellan Montessori School

Discover the power of hands-on learning at Wellan, where students are inspired, challenged, and empowered to reach their highest potential. Located in Newton Centre, Wellan Montessori School is an independent, all-gender school for students ages 15 months – Grade 8. This community-oriented school draws families from diverse backgrounds and currently includes students from 41 surrounding towns. Wellan's Montessori-Progressive curriculum grants students the agency to forge their own personalized path, guided by thoughtful, highly-trained educators. Engaging Specials, like athletics, performing and visual arts, woodworking, and technology, are incorporated into the daily schedule. Wellan emphasizes innovation, community service, social justice, and empathy throughout the student experience. Graduates emerge as capable leaders who demonstrate strong academic skills that enable them to succeed at toptier independent and public high schools. Interested in learning more? Visit or contact Admissions directly at Need-based financial assistance is available.

Austin Preparatory School

An Austin Prep education is preparation for the journey of life. The school’s mission is “to inspire hearts to unite, minds to inquire, and hands to serve.” It’s not the formal curriculum, however, that prepares students to go the distance. It’s the unwritten curriculum of veritas, unitas, and caritas (truth, unity, love) that Austin Prep imprints on the hearts of graduates that guides them on their inner journey.

The school’s academic program for young men and women covers seven years, from grade 6 through grade 12, and because of this extended time shared with students, the school has the ability to offer wide-ranging opportunities for academic, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth at critical stages of a student’s adolescent development.

“At Austin Prep, we are on a journey that is life-changing and important,” says head of school James Hickey, Ph.D. “Our patron, St. Augustine, embarked on a journey for the truth. At our core is an institution on the same journey, committed to exemplary teaching and learning.”


SELA: The International Private School

At SELA, we provide each child with a unique and personal learning experience. Every student will receive a full immersion education of the highest academic quality, through an engaging immersion curriculum which inspires and motivates them to strive for knowledge and understanding and prepares them for challenging, higher level work. SELA students will grow to be bilingual, globally competent citizens.

SELA is proud to offer the School of Early Global Education for children ages 3 months to 5 years. The Elementary School is for children in Kindergarten through grade 6. Both schools are located in our bright, friendly and safe 20,000 square foot facility, situated in the beautiful Shipyard area of Hingham.

At SELA, we are Creative; Confident; Bilingual.

Lesley Ellis School

Lesley Ellis School serves preschoolers through eighth graders in a community that celebrates diversity and is defined by respect for all. From the moment students enter the iconic orange Lesley Ellis doors they know what it means to belong; to be accepted; and to be challenged. Every student’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional growth is nurtured and expertly guided at Lesley Ellis.

The robust and flexible academic program allows faculty to meet individual needs of students, while simultaneously developing foundational social and emotional skills. The Lesley Ellis School program includes:

• an arts program that exposes children to the vast canvas of creative expression available to them;

• a schoolwide Spanish program, beginning in the earliest years;

• an award-winning anti-bias curriculum that informs all aspects of the Lesley Ellis experience and reminds students that they are part of a larger global community which requires an ever-growing need for understanding and mindfulness.

The faculty at Lesley Ellis are committed and enthusiastic and infuse each student’s experience with meaning and joy.

League School of Autism

League School of Greater Boston is a mission driven organization that has maintained a vision of providing students on the Autism Spectrum with the respect, support, and opportunities needed to grow, learn, and prepare for the adult world. League School is dedicated to excellence in autism education and individual development. With both Day and Residential programs, League School takes a whole child approach to developing and implementing an individualized multidisciplinary educational, behavioral, and residential program for each student.

British International School of Boston

At the British International School of Boston, we provide your child with a unique and rigorous education through our carefully selected international curricula and personalized approach to learning.

Our dedicated teachers tailor the educational experience to meet the individual needs of each student, helping them achieve more than they ever thought possible. In our diverse and welcoming international community, children from toddlers through high school are inspired to reach their highest potential and grow into confident global citizens, ready to create their future in an interconnected world.

As part of the Nord Anglia Education family of schools, our students benefit from collaborations with worldrenowned institutions such as MIT, The Juilliard School, UNICEF, and IMG Academy, amplifying their learning experiences and offering global perspectives. Discover the difference at BISB, where your child's journey to excellence begins. Boston (Jamaica Plain), 617-522-2261,

Kingsley Montessori School

Campus Locations:

30 Fairfield Street

26 Exeter Street

Boston, MA 02116


428 Hammond Street

Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


Located in Back Bay, Kingsley is a Toddler–Grade 6 independent day school guided by a blend of Montessori philosophy and innovative programming. Our program is tailored to each student's talents, curiosity, and growth. Kingsley students have no academic limits. Students are inspired and encouraged to exceed their own personal best. A Kingsley education means academic excellence in a nurturing environment. Our progressive, inquiry-based programs cultivate students’ development and prepare them to advance successfully to next schools. Our commitment to knowing every child and partnering with parents propels each student to become a resilient explorer, confident learner, and empathetic citizen.

The Chestnut Hill School

At The Chestnut Hill School, an independent, all-gender school for children ages 3 through grade 6, we believe childhood optimism and enduring curiosity can transform the world. Here, students find meaning and joy in a diverse community that encourages all to question, to take risks, and to think critically. The Chestnut Hill School offers a rigorous math and literacy program along with special subjects ranging from art and music to science, technology and Spanish. An extended day program provides the chance for students to enjoy extracurricular activities such as karate, robotics, chess, and athletics in the same nurturing environment. The Chestnut Hill School is committed to offering financial assistance to qualified families.

To learn more about The Chestnut Hill School and what we offer, go to

57 Holton Street Boston, MA 02134


67 Harvard Street Brookline, MA 02445


German International School Boston

Welcome & Willkommen!

German International School Boston (GISB) is a bilingual independent school serving students from preschool to grade 12. We strive to inspire curiosity, imagination, and a lifelong love of learning. GISB is part of a worldwide network of 135 officially recognized International German Schools, allowing the school to award the German International Abitur. This prestigious honors-level diploma is recognized at European and American colleges and universities as an academic distinction.

Whether you are looking for a language-immersion preschool or want to benefit from the rich and rigorous German curriculum in elementary to high school, GISB works to ignite each student’s intellectual and creative potential, preparing students for shaping our common future.

GISB has no prior language requirements for preschool , PreK and K and offers a dedicated Fast Track program for students entering grades K to 5 with little or no German knowledge.

Contact us to schedule a tour:

St. Mary of the Assumption School

Saint Mary of the Assumption School is a diverse global community of kindness and conscience, rooted in Brookline Village, focused on spiritual and intellectual growth, moral development, and academic excellence.

Our school offers a rich and well-rounded curriculum. Through the advancement of our STEM education program, athletic opportunities, world language education, music and arts programs, our students are provided with a wide variety of areas to grow and explore their individual interests. Our rich curriculum allows our students to matriculate to competitive secondary schools where they thrive following their graduation from St. Mary's.

We are continuing to grow our Early Childhood Education program to begin educating students even earlier in their academic journeys.

We are a school rooted in community values with many events throughout the year that bring our community together, making St. Mary's feel like a true family.

Lexington Christian Academy

Since 1946, Lexington Christian Academy (LCA) has provided exceptional academic preparation, operating under the belief that faith and learning are inseparable and indispensable. We use our faith to build a stronger foundation of knowledge, critical thinking, curiosity, and a sincere quest for truth.

LCA holds an equal commitment to an excellent academic experience, and to an authentic and meaningful integration of faith into every aspect of learning. With weekly Chapel gatherings and connections to faith drawn in every classroom, LCA faculty take the work of spiritual formation seriously, seeking to develop faithful stewards and leaders of the emerging generation.

Mission Grammar School

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Mission Grammar School is an urban, college prep Catholic School dedicated to reaching individual excellence in a faith-based community rooted in Gospel values.

Founded in 1889, our school has been innovating and evolving in the tradition of individual excellence for over 135 years. Enrolling scholars beginning at 3 months through 6th grade, Mission Grammar educates the whole child: mind, body and spirit. Our scholars are Living the Gospel and on the Road to College from the moment they enter our doors. Located in the Longwood Area of Boston, MG provides tuition assistance, extended day offerings and summer programming to help make a private school education possible for all.

247 Marlborough Street Boston, MA 02115 617-267-4530

The Newman School

Virtual Open House Events

Tuesday, October 22nd, 6-7:30 PM Wednesday, December 4th, 6-7:30 PM

At Newman, we live our motto, “Heart Speaks to Heart.” Faculty relationships are the foundation of students’ intellectual exploration and personal growth. Our International Baccalaureate curriculum cultivates students’ abilities to think critically, ask questions, learn across disciplines, and develop research skills to thrive in college and become global contributors. Founded in 1945, located on Marlborough Street, in the heart of Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood, The Newman School serves students from grades 7-12 from Boston, surrounding towns, and 40 countries. We offer the only comprehensive boarding program in the city. Our students participate in activities and sports, pursuing their passions in the “education city," and embrace Boston as their campus to engage in meaningful community service and countless activities. Students develop a global and community mindedness that enriches their ability to make an impact in the world. The warm and caring environment and small class sizes make Newman a place where students are seen and valued.

Reach us at

Brimmer and May School

Brimmer and May is a PK–12 independent day school that fosters active learners, compassionate leaders, and ethical global citizens. The ideal size of our School allows for personalized instruction in a student-centered, project-based learning environment. We’re big in terms of our ambitions for each student’s growth, academic achievements, and leadership skills. We’re broad in terms of our diversity, strengthened by a commitment to equity and anti-bias education. We’re huge in terms of the breadth, depth, and variety of curricular options and extracurricular opportunities. Yet we’re small enough to have a true feeling of connection with one another and to give everyone a chance not only to participate but to shine. Stop by our campus in historic Chestnut Hill and see why Brimmer just might be the perfect fit for your student.

Visit our Open House on Sunday, October 20 or Wednesday, November 13, and learn how our students are inspired to learn, encouraged to explore, and empowered to lead.


Mount Hope Christian School

Mount Hope Christian School has been a leader in Christian education for 40 years. As a non-profit, private school, we are honored to work together with parents and families from surrounding communties to provide children with a solid foundation on which to build.

Our goal is to educate children in five areas: academically, socially, physically, emotionally and most importantly, spiritually.

Our diverse staff brings a wealth of experience, education, and love of teaching to each individual child.

Our mission is to graduate Godly young men and women who are equipped with the skills needed to become future leaders.

The Imago School

Imago serves Christ’s Church by seeking to be an exemplary educational institution that helps parents equip their children to be articulate, bold, compassionate and discerning in the work of reclaiming the world for the glory of God.

We desire to equip our students with the classical tools of learning through an exceptional education rooted in the deep cultural and spiritual heritage of Western civilization, enabling them to understand the past, engage the present, and form the future to serve God and neighbor to the best of their abilities. We are a community of learning that seeks continually to understand and compassionately engage and serve the world, according to Christ’s teaching to love one’s neighbor. In these two ways, The Imago School serves Christ’s church by seeking to be an exemplary educational institution that helps parents equip their children to be articulate, bold, compassionate, and discerning in the work of reclaiming the world for the glory of God.

15 Brimmer Street Boston, MA 02108


200 Jackson Road Newton, MA 02458


Advent School

The Advent School is a progressive, coeducational independent school for students ages four to 12 in pre-Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. Reggio Emilia inspired, the co-teaching teams model the collaboration we encourage among students during long-term investigations and small group work. With outstanding academics, small class sizes, and an emphasis on diversity and social justice, our students are prepared to enter middle school at various independent, public, and private schools in the greater Boston area. In addition to the thematic curriculum at each grade level, Advent students have classes in art, library, music, physical education, science, Spanish, and yoga embedded into their weekly routine.

Jackson Walnut Park School

Jackson Walnut Park School is a Montessori early childhood program and a growth-centered elementary school, serving children ages 18 months through Grade 6. Jackson Walnut Park helps children learn to love God, love themselves, and love one another.

Inspired for more than 50 years by the values and charism of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston (CSJ), the robust learning environments at Jackson Walnut Park prepare and empower students for lives of peace and service to others.

The faculty and staff at Jackson Walnut Park are united in educating the whole child. They envision ways education can strategically be improved by expanding and enhancing curriculum and extra-curricular possibilities. A rigorous and engaging curriculum includes writing, foreign languages, STEAM and technology programs, and religious literacy.

We welcome you to visit our historic Newton campus and meet our diverse and vibrant community of learners and dedicated and caring teachers. Visit our new JWP Student Center and experience the love of learning that flourishes at Jackson Walnut Park.

Wilbraham & Monson Academy

At Wilbraham & Monson Academy, we challenge ourselves. To step outside our comfort zones. To be comfortable with the uncomfortable. To hold ourselves accountable and to value our differences. We are at home. In the world.

Wilbraham & Monson Academy is for students who are looking for a transformational education. WMA is a global experience featuring 24 Advanced Placement courses and various honors tracks and offers a curriculum that integrates the mastery of traditional core disciplines while also incorporating courses specific to our Center for Entrepreneurship, Economics & Finance and our financial Trading Center. Our 4,800-square-foot state-of-the-art iLab, $6.2 million Library and athletic facilities complement our 400-acre campus, allowing students to engage in more than 30 competitive, recreational or civic activities. We aim to create future leaders, who investigate opportunities for intellectual growth, integrate by seeking intercultural connections, and innovate by practicing critical reasoning and entrepreneurial thinking.

The Sage School

Since 1990, The Sage School has fostered a supportive environment where advanced and talented students from preschool to Grade 8 are encouraged to take on academic challenges and nurture their love of learning. Located in Foxboro, Massachusetts, Sage offers a unique learning experience that extends beyond traditional education.

Our advanced curriculum lets students explore foreign languages, humanities, the arts, sciences, computer science, athletics, and mathematics taught by an esteemed faculty that encourages students to dig deep into every subject.

Sage prides itself on an academic program that balances rich content and intellectual rigor with a social and emotional learning curriculum designed to cultivate kindness and empathy in our future student leaders.

Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy

Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy (SJP2CA) encourages students to grow in faith and knowledge in a safe, nurturing, structured, and culturally diverse environment. Our challenging and rich academic and fine arts curriculum helps our students to develop the essential skills to become productive, responsible global citizens, and positive young men and women who possess a love of God, of learning, and of service to others.

With three campuses in Dorchester, SJP2CA has a total student body of 1,060; 53% of students are Catholic, with 12 other religions represented. Among our ethnicities are African American, Multi-racial, Caucasian, Haitian, Hispanic, and Vietnamese. Seventy-five percent of our students come from Dorchester, Mattapan, or another Boston neighborhood to attend one of our schools in Uphams Corner, Lower Mills, or Neponset.

Melmark New England


Melmark serves children with autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families by providing exceptional evidence-based specialized education and applied behavior analytic services to every child, every day. Melmark has partnered with school districts and families for over 25 years and takes great pride in the enormous progress students make each year.

Melmark’s Andover and Stoughton day schools are renowned for special education service quality and clinical expertise serving the most complex students between the ages of 3 to 22, offering enriched student ratios, and comprehensive, integrated Individualized Education Program (IEP) development and services within an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) framework.

serves children with autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families providing exceptional evidence-based specialized education and applied behavior analytic services to every child, every day. Melmark has partnered with school districts and families for over 25 and takes great pride in the enormous progress students make each year.

Melmark’s Andover and Stoughton day schools renowned for special education service quality and clinical expertise serving the most complex students between the ages of 3 to 18, offering enriched student ratios, and comprehensive, integrated Individualized Education Program (IEP) development and services within an

2 Old Pickard Lane Littleton, MA 01460 978-486-9874

Oak Meadow Montessori School

Walk into any Oak Meadow classroom and you will immediately recognize that something special is going on. From toddlers through 8th graders, you will see quiet, independent investigators and enthusiastic collaborators— all with an intensity of focus and sense of purpose— all completely engaged. They are guided, but not directed. There is freedom, yet intention. There is courtesy and kindness and also a strong sense of self. Real, relevant work demonstrates a steady continuum of progress.

Oak Meadow’s program is infused with the spirit of the classic Montessori experience while preparing students for the unique challenges of our time. Programs in naturebased learning, fine and performing arts, Spanish, and experiential learning build the foundation for a lifelong journey of intellectual and personal growth.

Serving the Nashoba Valley region for 45 years - come see why!

Dedham Country Day School

Dedham Country Day School believes that balance matters— in learning and in life. We combine challenge with support, pedagogical tradition with innovation, and robust academics with outstanding arts and athletics to create a program that is balanced and whole. Children learn who they are as diverse individuals and as part of a broader community. Acceptance is a given, and children find encouragement in every connection they make. It’s a community that nurtures, nudges, and gives. That’s how DCD grows “whole” children with the intellectual and emotional capacity to contribute to their world and enjoy meaningful lives. From Pre-K to Grade 8, students tackle hands-on projects, collaborate, take risks, solve problems, and, most of all, enjoy their experience.

90 Sandy Valley Road

Dedham, MA 02026


Eagle Hill School

Eagle Hill School is a co-educational, collegepreparatory boarding school for students in grades 8-12, offering individualized education for those with diverse learning profiles, including dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and ADHD.

At Eagle Hill School, we understand that our students are blessed with multiple learning abilities and that it is our responsibility as educators to identify, celebrate, and support each student in capitalizing on his or her individual genius. Moreover, instead of merely providing support within a traditional classroom setting, Eagle Hill School designs classes around each student’s particular strengths and needs. By emphasizing individualized attention within the context of a small classroom environment, Eagle Hill provides for the academic, social, and personal growth of each student.

Inventor Academy

Inventor Academy, located in Bedford, MA, is a private primary school that emphasizes a STEMfocused, arts-integrated, and wellness-centered academic program. Our mission is to create a joyful, active learning environment that inspires curiosity, celebrates creativity, and encourages reflection. We aim to develop inquisitive, creative, and empathetic young people who are empowered to seek solutions and understand the world around them.

We foster critical thinking, empathy, and resilience in our students, instilling a passion for learning and the confidence to engage constructively in a changing world. We provide students with the tools and knowledge to embrace curiosity, live adventurously, and grow through individualized challenges and rigor.

At Inventor Academy, we believe in harnessing children’s natural instincts for play and movement to amplify learning, rather than suppressing these instincts. We are currently accepting rolling applications for the 2024-2025 school year as well as the 2025-2026 school year. For more information, you can contact us at 781-757-0600, via email at or at our website.

Hillside School

Hillside School is committed to offering a transformational experience in a structured, inclusive, and supportive environment. Our boarding and day program for boys in grades four through nine is unique in its ability to meet each student at his learning threshold and then truly maximize his potential in and out of the classroom, creating a transformative experience.

Academics: With the new addition of IB curriculum into the classrooms, Hillside School provides an education that is attuned with exceptional care to individual student needs providing 21st century skill building. With our small section sizes, we work diligently to ensure that each boy is correctly placed so that he feels challenged and supported.

Tutorial Center: Students gain valuable academic support in key areas through the Hillside Tutorial Program. The small tutorial class size of two to four students enables the learning specialists to tailor their approach to the individual’s unique academic strengths and areas of challenges. These key elements of the Tutorial Center reflect Hillside's commitment to serving the needs of diverse learners.

Innovation Center (ILAB): Hillside’s iLab represents an important educational shift toward 21st century skill building, creative expression, and problem solving. It stimulates curiosity and active engagement, while deemphasizing passive learning and teacher-centered instruction. It is

home to hands on project, drones, coding, robotics, 3-D printers, laser cutters and much more!

Athletics: Our athletic program plays an integral role in the growth, development, and education of our students. Athletics serve several purposes and promote group cooperation, socialization, self-confidence, school spirit, and play, as well as good physical, mental, and emotional health, all of which are essential components of a child’s development.

Secondary School Placement: Our boys go onto fantastic Secondary Schools like Phillips Exeter, Deerfield, Hotchkiss, St. Mark’s, Middlesex, Taft, Brooks, Berkshire School, and Tabor just to name a few. The Secondary School Placement Office begins working with our families as early as the 8th grade year which includes but is not limited to Secondary School recommendations and application assistance.


Melmark New England

461 River Road

Andover • (978) 654-4300 See pgs 37, 59


Lesley Ellis School

34 Winter St.

Arlington • (781) 641-1346 See pgs 16, 50


The Advent School

15 Brimmer Street

Boston • (617) 742-0520 See pgs 33, 57

British International School of Boston

416 Pond Street

Boston • (617) 522-2261 See pgs 21, 51

German International School Boston

57 Holton Street

Boston • (617) 783-2600 See pgs 8, 53

Kingsley Montessori School

30 Fairfield Street

26 Exeter Street

Boston • (617) 226-4927 See pgs 21, 52

Featured Preschools

Mission Grammar School

94 St Alphonsus Street

Boston • (617) 442-2660 See pgs 29, 54

St. John School North End 9 Moon Street

Boston • (617) 277-2456 See pgs 9, 42


The Gardner School

66 Wood Rd

Briantree • (781) 829-3750 braintree/

See pgs 15, 48


St. Mary of the Assumption School

67 Harvard Street

Brookline • (617) 566-7184 See pgs 31, 53


Mount Hope Christian School

3 McGinnis Drive

Burlington • (781) 272-1014

6 WeeksAge 5


Vaires by Grade 240

All Gender Varies 230 See pgs 31, 56 15m - 5 yrs All


The Gardner School

109 First Street, Suite 102

Cambridge • (617) 766-5702 cambridge

See pgs 15, 48

Chestnut Hill

Brimmer and May School

69 Middlesex Road

Chestnut Hill • (617) 566-7462 See p 55

The Chestnut Hill School

428 Hammond Street

Chestnut Hill • (617) 566-4394

6 WeeksAge 5


Vaires by Grade 135 See pgs 27, 52 Age 3Grade 6


Dedham Country Day School

90 Sandy Valley Road

Dedham • (781) 329-0850 See pgs 30, 60


Applewild School

27 Jackson Road

Devens • (978) 342-6053


Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy 790 Columbia Road

Dorchester • (617) 265-0019 See pgs 39, 59

Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy 2222 Dorchester Avenue

Dorchester • (617) 265-0019 See pgs 39, 59

Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy 239 Neponset Avenue

Dorchester • (617) 265-0019 See pgs 39, 59


Applewild School

120 Prospect Street

Fitchburg • (978) 342-6053


The Sage School 171 Mechanic Street Foxboro • (508) 543-9619 See p 58


SELA: The International Private School 75 Sgt William B Terry Drive Hingham • (781) 741-5454 See pgs 27, 50 Infant -6th


Lexington Montessori School 130 Pleasant Street Lexington • (781) 862-8571


Waldorf School of Lexington 739 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington • (781) 863-1062 PS - 8th


Oak Meadow Montessori School

2 Old Pickard Lane

Littleton • (978) 486-9874 See pgs 39, 60


The Imago School

1 Percival Street

Maynard • (978) 897-0549 See pgs 37, 56


Woodside Montessori Academy

350 Village Street

Millis • (508) 376-5320


Thacher Montessori School

1425 Blue Hill Avenue

Milton • (617) 361-2522


Jackson Walnut Park School

200 Jackson Road

Newton • (617) 202-9772 See pgs 35, 57

Newton Centre

Wellan Montessori School

80 Crescent Avenue

Newton Centre • (617) 969-4488 See pgs 25, 49


SELA: The International Private School

137 Washington St

Norwell • (781) 741-5454 See pgs 27, 50


Melmark New England

703 Technology Center Drive

Stoughton • (781) 847-1446 See pgs 37, 59


League School of Boston

300 Boston Providence Turnpike

Walpole • (508) 850-3900 See pgs 7, 51


Tenacre Country Day School

78 Benvenue Street

Wellesley • (781) 235-2282

Veritas at Elmwood 42 Elmwood Road

Wellesley • (781) 237-5806

West Newton

The Fessenden School

250 Waltham Street

West Newton • (617) 630-2300

West Roxbury

Holy Name Parish School 535 West Roxbury Parkway West Roxbury • (617) 325-9338


Tender Loving Care Childcare Center 101 River Road

Weston • (781) 703-5088

See pgs 5, 43


Tender Loving Care Childcare Center 23 Warren Avenue, Suite 180 Woburn • (781) 281-2983

See pgs 5, 43


Bancroft School

110 Shore Drive

Worcester • (508) 853-2640 See pgs 11, 44

Featured Private Day Schools


The Victor School

380 Massachusetts Avenue

Acton • (978) 266-1991


Melmark New England

461 River Road

Andover • (978) 654-4300


Lesley Ellis School

34 Winter St.

Arlington • (781) 641-1346 See pgs 16, 50


Inventor Academy

54 Middlesex Turnpike

Bedford • (781) 757-0600

pgs 37, 59 See pgs 29, 61

Featured Private Schools


Anchor Academy

132 South Main Street

Berkley • (508) 223-4130


The Advent School

15 Brimmer Street

Boston • (617) 742-0520 See pgs 33, 57

Boston Trinity Academy

17 Hale Street

Boston • (617) 364-3700

British International School of Boston

416 Pond Street

Boston • (617) 522-2261 See pgs 21, 51

German International School Boston

57 Holton Street

Boston • (617) 783-2600 See pgs 8, 53

Kingsley Montessori School

30 Fairfield Street

26 Exeter Street

Boston • (617) 226-4927 See pgs 21, 52

Mission Grammar School

94 St Alphonsus Street

Boston • (617) 442-2660 See pgs 29, 54

The Newman School

247 Marlborough Street

Boston • (617) 267-4530 See pgs 16, 55

St. John School North End 9 Moon Street

Boston • (617) 277-2456 See pgs 9, 42


Granite Academy

6 Columbian Street

Braintree • (781) 277-0676

Featured Private Schools

Thayer Academy

745 Washington Street

Braintree • (781) 843-3580 See pgs 3, 41 5-12


Cardinal Spellman High School

738 Court Street

Brockton • (508) 583-6161


Bay Cove Academy

156 Lawton Street

Brookline • (508) 320-9225 6-12 Co-Ed 5:1

St. Mary of the Assumption School

67 Harvard Street

Brookline • (617) 566-7184 See pgs 31, 53 PreK(2.9)-8


Mount Hope Christian School

3 McGinnis Drive

Burlington • (781) 272-1014 See pgs 31, 56

Chestnut Hill

Brimmer and May School

69 Middlesex Road

Chestnut Hill • (617) 566-7462 See p 55

The Chestnut Hill School

428 Hammond Street

Chestnut Hill • (617) 566-4394 See pgs 27, 52


Dedham Country Day School

90 Sandy Valley Road

Dedham • (781) 329-0850 See pgs 30, 60

Ursuline Academy

85 Lowder Street

Dedham • (781) 493-7726


The Bement School

94 Old Main Street

Deerfield • (413) 774-7061

Featured Private Schools


Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy 2222 Dorchester Avenue

Dorchester • (617) 265-0019 See pgs 39, 59

Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy 239 Neponset Avenue

Dorchester • (617) 265-0019 See pgs 39, 59

Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy 790 Columbia Road

Dorchester • (617) 265-0019 See pgs 39, 59

East Sandwich

Riverview School

551 Route 6A

East Sandwich • (508) 888-0489


Applewild School

120 Prospect Street

Fitchburg • (978) 342-6053


The Sage School

171 Mechanic Street

Foxboro • (508) 543-9619 See p 58

Great Barrington

Bard College at Simon’s Rock 84 Alford Road

Great Barrington • (413) 644-4400 See pgs 2, 46


Lawrence Academy 26 Powderhouse Road

Groton • (978) 448-1530


Eagle Hill School

242 Old Petersham Road

Hardwick, MA • 413-477-6000 See pgs 19, 61


SELA: The International Private School

75 Sgt William B Terry Drive

Hingham • (781) 741-5454 See pgs 27, 50

Jamaica Plain

Meridian Academy

54 Brookside Avenue

Jamaica Plain • (617) 277-1118 See pgs 17, 47


Lexington Christian Academy

48 Bartlett Avenue

Lexington • (781) 862-7850

Infant -6th See pgs 19, 54 6-12

Lexington Montessori School

130 Pleasant Street

Lexington • (781) 862-8571 Toddler-G8

Waldorf School of Lexington 739 Massachusetts Avenue

Lexington • (781) 863-1062


Oak Meadow Montessori School 2 Old Pickard Lane

Littleton • (978) 486-9874 See pgs 39, 60


Hillside School

404 Robin Hill Street

Marlborough • (508) 485-2824 See pgs 33, 62


The Imago School 1 Percival Street

Maynard • (978) 897-0549 See pgs 37, 56

Featured Private Schools


Anchor Academy

49 Plymouth Street

Middleboro • (508) 947-0131


Woodside Montessori Academy

350 Village Street

Millis • (508) 376-5320


Thacher Montessori School

1425 Blue Hill Avenue

Milton • (617) 361-2522


Jackson Walnut Park School

200 Jackson Road

Newton • (617) 202-9772 See pgs 35, 57

Newton Centre

Wellan Montessori School

80 Crescent Avenue

Newton Centre • (617) 969-4488 See pgs 25, 49


Austin Preparatory School 101 Willow Street

Reading • (781) 944-4900 See pgs 25, 49


Melmark New England 703 Technology Center Drive Stoughton • (781) 847-1446 See pgs 37, 59


Corwin-Russell School at Broccoli Hall 142 North Road

Sudbury • (978) 369-1444

information DESE, MAAPS In 2024, we expanded to a new location in Berkley.

Featured Private Schools


League School for Autism

300 Boston Providence Turnpike

Walpole • (508) 850-3900 See pgs 7, 51


Veritas Christian Academy

6 Loker Steet

Wayland • (508) 653-1188


Tenacre Country Day School

78 Benvenue Street

Wellesley • (781) 235-2282

West Newton

The Fessenden School

250 Waltham Street

West Newton • (617) 630-2300

West Roxbury

Holy Name Parish School

535 West Roxbury Parkway

West Roxbury • (617) 325-9338


Wilbraham & Monson Academy

423 Main Street

Wilbraham • (413) 596-9107 See pgs 35, 58


Acera: The Massachusetts School of Science, Creativity and Leadership

5 Lowell Avenue

Winchester • (781) 729-3489 See pgs 13, 45


Bancroft School

110 Shore Drive

Worcester • (508) 853-2640 See pgs 11, 44

Featured Boarding Schools

Featured Boarding Schools

Applewild School

120 Prospect Street Fitchburg • (978) 342-6053

Bard Academy

84 Alford Road

Great Barrington • (413) 644-4400 See pgs 2, 46

The Bement School

94 Old Main Street

Deerfield, MA • (413) 774-7061

Berkshire School

245 North Undermountain Road Sheffield, MA • 413-229-1003

Cardigan Mountain School

62 Alumni Drive

Canaan, NH • 603-523-3548

Choate Rosemary Hall

333 Christian Street

Wallingford, CT • 203-697-2239

Featured Boarding Schools

Eagle Hill School

242 Old Petersham Road

Hardwick, MA • 413-477-6000 See pgs 19, 61

The Fessenden School

250 Waltham Street

West Newton • (617) 630-2300

Hillside School

404 Robin Hill Street

8-12 All Gender 4:1


Boys Only 5:1 100/230

Marlborough • (508) 485-2824 See pgs 33, 62 4-9

Lawrence Academy

26 Powderhouse Road

Groton • (978) 448-1530

Lexington Christian Academy 48 Bartlett Avenue

Lexington, MA • 781-862-7850 See pgs 19, 54

The Newman School 247 Marlborough Street

Boston • (617) 267-4530 See pgs 16, 55

Northfield Mount Hermon School One Lamplighter Way

Mount Hermon, MA • 413-498-3227

Phillips Exeter Academy

20 Main Street

9-12 All Gender 6:1 537 / 118

Exeter, NH • 603-777-3437 9-12

Riverview School

551 Route 6A

Gender 5:1 860 / 221

East Sandwich • (508) 888-0489 6-12 grade

St. Paul’s School

325 Pleasant Street

Concord, NH • 603-229-4700 9-12

Wilbraham & Monson Academy

423 Main Street

Wilbraham • (413) 596-9107 See pgs 35, 58

5:1 535 / 0

6-12, PG

Independent STEM, Arts, ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning Diversity

Independent Latin, Mandarin, and Spanish

Independent Spanish, French, Mandarin International and Boarding Options

$65,472 (Day) - $91,165 (Boarding) FA Available

$38,100$61,200 FA Available



$58,900$76,600 FA Available NAIS, TABS, AISNE

$75,250 FA Available NEASC, NAIS, AISNE, TABS


Public and Private School Organizations

These local and national organizations offer information on a variety of educational options.

Association of Independent Schools in New England


Provides services to members, including Massachusetts private schools, promotes educational leadership and offers an online directory of member schools.

Massachusetts Department of Education Information Services

Provides profiles of Massachusetts public school districts, and data on enrollment, dropout rates and plans of high school graduates.

Massachusetts Home Learning Association

The oldest statewide home school organization in Massachusetts is a support, information and

advocacy group. Website offers resources on homeschooling, support groups and more.

Montessori Schools of Massachusetts


Explains the Montessori education method and offers a list of Massachusetts Montessori schools.

National Association of Independent Schools 202-973-9700;

Provides a database of member schools plus tips for choosing and applying to a school, obtaining financial aid and more.

National Catholic Educational Association 800-711-6232;

Information on a private, Catholic education from educators and institutions serving students in elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities.

Special Needs Education Support

Advocates for Autism of Massachusetts


Public advocacy organization offering resources regarding autism spectrum disorder. Click “links” for support centers in your area.

The Arc of Massachusetts


The Arc of Massachusetts provides education and systems advocacy to consumers, families, human services organizations, the public, legislators, other public officials, and the executive branch.

Asperger’s Autism Network of New England 617-393-3824

The Asperger / Autism Network (AANE) works with individuals, families, and professionals to help people with Asperger Syndrome and similar autism spectrum profiles build meaningful, connected lives.

Autism Services Association, Inc. (ASA)


Autism Services Association (ASA) provides community employment services, supported employment, Day Habilitation Program, and other clinical supports to young adults and adults with autism and other challenging developmental disabilities.

Federation for Children with Special Needs

617-236-7210; 800-331-0688 (in Mass.)

Advocacy, resources and information for parents and professionals.

Learning Disabilities Worldwide


This professional organization (for researchers, educators, clinicians and others) has a “parents” section on its website with current articles.

MAAPS: Massachusetts Association of Approved Special Education Schools


MAAPS represents private education schools serving approximately 6,800 children with special needs from Massachusetts and other states and countries. MAAPS’ mission is to represent private special education schools in their goal of providing the highest quality education to students with special needs.

Massachusetts Branch of The International Dyslexia Association

617-650-0011 Information and links to resources, such as recommended reading for parents and kids, as well as professional development workshops.

Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Services for deaf and hard of hearing, including interpreting, case management and technology.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education


The State’s education website offers information on special education, standardized testing, public schools and related topics.

An Acronym Key to Private School Accreditations, Affiliations, and Associations

Need help with acronyms? Here is a list of the most used acronyms of accrediting, affiliation, and association bodies that schools list in the Preschool and School listings.

ACCS — Assoc. of Classical Christian Schools,

ACCIS —Assoc. of College Counselors in Independent Schools,

ACSI — Assoc. of Christian Schools International,

AISNE — Assoc. of Independent Schools in New England,

AMI — American Montessori International,

AMS — American Montessori Society,

AWSNA — Assoc. of Waldorf Schools of North America,

CASE — Council for Advancement and Support of Education,

CSEE — Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education,

CSI — Christian Schools International,

DAS — Deutsche Auslandsschulen Intl.,

DESE — MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education,

EMA — Enrollment Management Assoc.,

IB, IBO — International Baccalaureate,

ICGS — International Coalition of Girl’s Schools,

ISSANNE — Independent Schools of Northern New England,

MAPPS — MA Assoc. of Approved Special Education Schools,

MINT— German equivalent of STEM, German National Excellence Network of Secondary Schools.

MSM — Montessori Schools of Massachusetts,

NAEYC — National Assoc. for the Education of Young Children,

NAIS — National Assoc. of Independent Schools,

NACAC — National Assoc. for College Admission Counseling,

NAPSEC — National Assoc. of Private Special Education,

NCEA — National Catholic Educational Assoc.,

NACAC — National Assoc. for College Admission Counseling,

NEACAC — New England Assoc. for College Admission Counseling,

NEPSAC — New England Preparatory School Athletic Council,

SBSA — Small Boarding Schools Assoc.,

SSATB — Enrollment Management Assoc.,

TABS — The Assoc. of Boarding Schools,

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