Peninsula – Silicon Valley Private School Guide 2024

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Unmatched Academic Results

Come tour a campus and see for yourself!

Challenger School offers uniquely fun and academic classes for preschool to eighth grade students. Our students learn to think for themselves and to value independence.

Almaden (PS–G8) (408) 927-5771

19950 McKean Rd., San Jose

Ardenwood (PS–G8) (510) 739-0300

35487 Dumbarton Ct., Newark

Berryessa (PS–G8) (408) 998-2860

711 East Gish Rd., San Jose

Harwood (PS–G5) (408) 723-0111

4949 Harwood Rd., San Jose

Middlefield (PS–G8) (650) 213-8245

3880 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto

Newark (PS–K) (510) 770-1771

39600 Cedar Blvd., Newark

Saratoga (PS–K) (408) 378-0444

18811 Cox Ave., Saratoga

Shawnee (PS–G8) (408) 365-9298

500 Shawnee Ln., San Jose

Strawberry Park (PS–G8) (408) 213-0083

730 Camina Escuela, San Jose

Sunnyvale (PS–G8) (408) 245-7170

1185 Hollenbeck Ave., Sunnyvale

imagination lab school

We are an intentionally small, relationship-based community of student and adult learners. As a close-knit and diverse community, our students, families, and educators come together within a culture that values inquiry, effective communication and collaboration.

Our program empowers each student to know themselves, find and exercise their voice, seek to understand multiple perspectives and take meaningful action. These are achieved through:

A TK-8 school serving elementary and middle school students throughout Silicon Valley Rolling admission Sign up for a Tour! Personalized learning Community connections Innovative hands-on projects Social Emotional Learning

Girls on the Green for 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th graders

Monday, October 7, 2024 3-5PM

Shadow Days for 8th graders

September 10, 11, 17, 18, 25, 26

October 1, 3, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30

November 6, 7, 14, 19

December 3, 10

Parent Talk & Tours

September 17, October 16, November 7, December 3 9-11AM

Night at the Mansion

Halloween Event for 7th & 8th graders

Friday, October 18, 2024 6-8PM


Sunday, October 27, 2024 10AM - 1PM

Holiday Cookie

Decorating for 6th, 7th, & 8th graders

Thursday, December 5, 2024 3-5PM

Christmas Social for 7th & 8th Girls & Boys

Friday, December 13, 2024 7-9PM More information to come!

Why Consider Private School?

Many parents feel that their children will thrive better in what they believe is a smaller, safer environment with more room for personal attention. And while public schools must follow a curriculum heavily influenced by state standards, private schools have more freedom to customize lessons to students’ individual ways of learning.

Private schools can also point to low studentteacher ratios, freedom from state standards and testing, and lots of extras like music, foreign languages, and art that are underfunded or nonexistent in public schools. Rest assured, promise school experts, there is a school out there to suit every child.

There are two primary sorts of private schools—independent schools and parochial schools.

Independent schools are defined as nonprofit private schools with their own governing board of trustees. While most people commonly refer

Private schools can also point to low student-teacher ratios, freedom from state standards and testing, and lots of extras like music, foreign languages, and art that are underfunded or nonexistent in public schools.

to independent schools as private, lumping them in with parochial and for profit schools, they are distinct because they are nonprofit and self-governing.

Parochial schools, where tuition is typically one-third that of independent schools, offer traditional instruction and have solid reputations. Families who are “in-parish,” that is, who live within the schools’ official parish boundaries or volunteer and participate regularly in the parish, get first priority.

Why Consider Private School? cont’d.

Otherwise, the application procedures are similar to independent schools.

When considering private school education, think about these benefits as outlined by the Independent Schools of the San Francisco Bay Area (

High academic standards

Independent schools nurture intellectual curiosity, stimulate personal growth, and encourage critical thinking. A larger percentage of students at independent schools are enrolled in advanced courses than in public schools.

Small classes and individual attention

Independent schools have low studentteacher ratios that encourage close connections with students. The median ratio in schools that are members of the National Association of Independent Schools in 2021–2022 was 8.4 students to 1 teacher.

Excellent teachers

Educators usually teach in their areas of expertise and are passionate about what they do. With more autonomy within the classroom, teachers are able to develop a full understanding of how each student learns and what motivates and inspires each individually.

Greater likelihood of a student completing a bachelor’s or graduate degree education

Independent schools nurture not just students’ intellectual ability and curiosity but also their personal and social growth and civic conscience. Opportunities extend well beyond the classroom to athletic competitions, artistic pursuits, and school leadership experiences.


Schools maintain diverse and vibrant student communities and welcome and respect each family. In 2021–2022, students of color were 32 percent of total independent school enrollment nationally.

A community of parents who actively participate in their children’s education

Independent schools promote regular communication among students, parents, and teachers to ensure everyone is working toward the same goals for the student.

The opportunity to choose a school with a mission

You can select a school whose philosophy, values, and teaching approach is right for your child. •

Dance and Sports

• Summer Program

The Admissions Process: Plan Ahead

You and your family have decided to apply to one or more private schools for the next school year. Hopefully, you have given yourself and your child plenty of time to prepare for the steps and items required for the process. The steps and requirements in this process can vary depending on the grade your child will enter and the selectiveness of the schools you’re targeting. As parents, understanding your role in this endeavor is crucial. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to navigate the admissions process smoothly and effectively.

To ensure a successful admissions process, it’s essential to take proactive steps and be wellorganized from the outset. Here are some key considerations for parents:

Highly Selective Preschools and Elementary Schools Admissions Process

1. Begin by identifying a shortlist of preschools or elementary schools that align with your preferences. Research their acceptance rates, and if they are highly competitive, consider expanding your options.

2. Maintain a detailed calendar of admission-

related events and deadlines. Typically, admissions portals open in late August or September, so register early to engage with the schools early.

3. Network with parents of children already enrolled in your top choices. Inquire about the teachers, parent involvement, flexibility and disciplinary procedures.

4. Attend “get to know you” events organized by prospective schools to familiarize yourself with their culture and values.

5. Understand your financial limitations for tuition and fundraising and what the school will ask of its families.

6. Inquire on required parent participation during the school year. Explore opportunities to contribute through connections or ongoing projects.

7. Prepare a photo collage of your child for the application to provide a more comprehensive perspective of your family.

8. Understand what the preschool will be

looking for during the interview from your child and you. Work with your child to ensure they have the needed skills.

Private Middle and High Schools Admissions Process

Private school admissions season typically opens in August or September the preceding year. In addition to basic demographic information, the educational history of the student and standardized test scores, the application may consist of supplemental components such as:

• Responses to student essay prompts.

• Parent essays.

• Graded writing samples.

• Letters of recommendation, typically from English and math teachers.

• Extracurricular profile of the student on what they do outside of class.

In addition to the prior items listed for preschools and elementary schools, organize and prepare for the following:

1. Maintain a calendar to track registration openings, admission events, application deadlines, and financial assistance deadlines.

2. Compile records of your child’s achievements in academics, sports, and community service to illustrate their positive impact.

3. Assess the impression your family will make on the school’s administration and determine how you will demonstrate your long-term commitment and support.

4. Begin working on your parent statement early, aligning it with the school’s philosophies to showcase your family’s suitability.

5. Collaborate with your child on their admissions essay, researching prompts as soon as possible.

6. Identify required tests, register and prepare your child accordingly.

7. Assist your child in selecting teachers, coaches, or mentors for compelling letters of recommendation.

8. Assemble graded writing samples and any other requested materials.

9. Attend non-admission events at the school, such as fundraisers and competitions, to display your family’s interest and involvement and learn more.

10. Help your child craft a first-choice letter for their top school preference.

The most challenging years to get into a preschool or private school are Pre-K 3, kindergarten, grade 6 and grade 9. So much of this process relies upon the parent. Stay on top of deadlines, ensure your child remains engaged, and maintains strong grades throughout this process.

Applying to highly selective schools can be as demanding as the college application process. Some families choose to hire an educational consultant to assist with the process and keep them on track. Do you need to hire a consultant? This depends upon how selective the school your child is applying to, if you are able to handle the extra burden during the admissions time. Schools come in all shapes and sizes with different requirements. You know your child better than anyone out there. You will be there to assist your child choose the school that is the best fit. •

A month-by-month guide to the application process.

Basic Timeline

Not every school follows the same schedule, but many follow similar timetables for admission. The below timeline is designed to help you in the admissions process. Many schools will not need all of the materials presented here. It depends on how competitive and selective the school’s admission team is.


❑ Create an Admissions Journal

❑ Define your ideal school

❑ Find schools that match your child’s needs

❑ Talk to your network of friends to gather insights on schools

❑ Research and ask questions of schools on your preliminary list


❑ Browse schools’ websites & look books to learn more about their programs and philosophies

❑ Register at each school of interest and request admissions and financial aid material

❑ Create a calendar of pertinent admission and financial assistance deadlines for the schools of interest

❑ Ask schools about their test requirements and register for needed tests

❑ Review the test websites to learn about procedures and test dates, see sample questions, and purchase test-preparation books

❑ Contact schools to schedule individual tours, class visits,

interviews, and shadow days

❑ Begin crafting parent statements and brainstorming essay ideas

❑ Round up graded writing samples and other items, i.e., art, prospective schools will need to evaluate your child

❑ Assemble an extracurricular profile

❑ Work with your child to practice answering interview questions

❑ Arrange to get needed letters of recommendations


❑ Continue scheduling tours, interviews, class visits, and standardized or school-based tests.

❑ Visit schools during open houses, information sessions, and tours.

❑ Finalize the list of schools to which you will apply.

❑ Take required standardized admission tests.

❑ Keep working on parent statements, essays and practice interviewing


❑ Continue scheduling tours, interviews, class visits, and standardized or school-based tests.

for Applying to a Private School

❑ Continue to watch for admission events you may want to attend.

❑ Follow up on teacher recommendations from your child’s current school.

❑ Start working on applications, financial assistance forms, continue working on essays, interviews & statements


❑ Continue to watch for any admission or school events of interest.

❑ Request transcripts at the end of your child’s first semester.

❑ Complete any remaining applications, questionnaires, etc. Some application materials are due as early as December.


❑ Deadlines time: Most applications are due in January or February, along with the accompanying required materials.

❑ Financial assistance applications are normally due soon after applications


❑ For schools with February

admissions deadline, turn in applications

❑ Re-visit schools applied to again if unsure of top choice


❑ Watch for school decisions starting in mid-March

❑ Watch for financial assistance decisions about this same time

❑ If your student is accepted by multiple schools, decide which school your child will attend & let other schools know of your choice

❑ If wait listed, contact school to find out details and options


❑ Sign and return enrollment contracts and deposits


❑ Attend events and activities for new parents and students during spring and summer

❑ Get to know other families in the school

❑ Sign up for fall sports and clubs

Define Your Ideal School

Every school provides a unique educational experience, so how do you decide which schools will be a good fit for your child? Think about:

• SCHOOL TYPE - Do you want a day school or boarding school? Coeducational or singlesex? If you’re not sure, search for articles and opinions or talk to an educational consultant about which environment might be best for your student.

• GRADE RANGE - Do you want a school that focuses on your child’s age range, or one that can serve your child through elementary, middle, and high school?

• LOCATION - Convenience matters, especially if you want your child to take part in school activities. Time the commute before and after school just to be sure.

• STUDENT BODY - Consider both average class size and total enrollment. A smaller population may mean fewer social opportunities, but more chances for your student to shine. Also consider the diversity of the student body.

• EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY - Most independent schools fall along a continuum between traditional and progressive, but what does that mean? How are classes taught? How are expectations conveyed? How are students tested? Ask to sit in on a few classes to see how the philosophy plays out.

• CURRICULUM - What courses are offered? Which are required and which are elective? In what order are math, science, and humanities courses taught? Is there an interdisciplinary emphasis, so that what students study in English meshes with what they’re learning in history? Does the curriculum fit your student’s learning needs?

• FACULTY - Examine the faculty list (online or in recruitment materials). Where did teachers go to college? How long have they been teaching? Do their degrees match with what they teach? Is there much turnover? In primary grades, how many teachers are in the classroom? Watch a class to see how teachers interact with students and engage them in the learning process.

• FACILITIES - In addition to the overall condition of the school, look at the facilities your child may use. Is the art department well-stocked? Are sports facilities wellequipped? Are computers up to date? How extensive is the library/language lab?

• SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND EXTRACURRICULARS - Does the school provide programs that fit your student’s needs and interests? Consider academic support, language programs, arts, athletics, leadership opportunities, travel oppportunties and service programs. Is the school a place where your child can blossom? •

When Your Child Has Special Needs

Many students have diagnoses such as ADHD, anxiety, learning delays, physical disabilities, special medical needs or behavioral issues. Other children have special talents they want to nurture or learning styles that require additional time or resources in the classroom. Whatever your child’s special needs, it’s best to talk about them honestly and early in the process.

Consider asking the school the below questions related to your child:

• How does the school endeavor to meet your child’s needs?


• If your child has a 504 or IEP from a public school, will this school work with your child to set up a similar program?

• How does this school handle absences due to issues related to my child’s special needs?

• How will the school communicate if there is a problem?

• What do you see as the school’s strengths and weaknesses with working with special needs students?

• Will my child have a counselor to work with my child’s unique needs?

If your child is not admitted, it may mean the school doesn’t have the facilities or expertise to meet your child’s needs. Available, state mandated, programs available public schools may not translate to a private school setting.

Does the school seem like a good fit? Ask to speak to 2-3 parents who have children with similar situations at the school. Ask these families what their experience has been like, what challenges they have encountered and if the school worked with them to find a quality solution. Would the parents recommend the school?

Keep notes on every conversation you have, and look for consistency in the answers. This information should help you narrow your list of possible schools. •

Preschool (starting from age 2) and elementary (K-5th)

Reggio Emilia-Inspired Approach

Inquiry-based and arts-infused

Evidence-Based Academic and Social Emotional Learning Programs

Open House November 2, 2024

December 7, 2024

Application Deadline

January 22, 2025

YCIS Silicon Valley (矽谷耀中國際學校) is a premier Mandarin-English bilingual school with two campuses in Mountain View: an Early Childhood Education Campus (Preschool & TK) and a K-G8 Campus.

YCIS Silicon Valley’s English-Chinese dual language program transforms generations of students into bilingual, compassionate multicultural leaders, exhibiting strong community values and academic excellence. The school offers a holistic, inquiry-based education that equally values both languages and cultures, nurturing global citizens from a young age.

Why Consider a Boarding School?

Boarding schools are a perfect option for many families, providing a home away from home that allows children to focus on their education as well as extra-curricular activities such as sports or arts. Education may not be the main reason parents choose to send their kids to boarding school. Some want their children to have a religious base to their education. Others find sports academies which allow their child the ability to train and develop athletic skills while providing a strong college prep education. Some parents favor a specific educational philosophy that can only be found in a boarding school setting. Plus, as was experienced with how education has been affected by situations such as Covid-19, boarding schools can create a stability for students and parents.


• With class sizes at most boarding schools averaging around 10-12 students, there is an opportunity to explore more subjects and attend classes not normally offered in conventional schools. Boarding schools may offer exciting travel opportunities to study ecology, history, political science, or art to give students the advantage of seeing and living their studies. Boarding schools have high standards when it comes to selecting teachers. Teachers are expected to create a classroom environment to stimulate discussion and promote student interest.



• Boarding schools teach children to take care of themselves which turns them into an independent individual for life. Students at boarding schools learn to be self-reliant and responsible at an earlier age than conventional students. These students learn to follow and maintain a schedule, how to follow school rules and take responsibility for their actions, as well as, learn to make decisions and be better prepared for making difficult choices as they grow into adults.


• Boarding schools are also known to be quite innovative and to provide students with the latest technologies in order to improve the learning experience. This may translate into boarders’ higher acceptance by leading universities and better job opportunities later on.


• Boarding Schools create a strong community of students, staff and teachers. With children socializing with a limited number of children their own age, around the clock, a strong sense of community is developed as well as lifelong friends. Peers encourage each other to try new sports, art, music and awaken interests not available at home. Students build strong connections to their roommates and teachers which builds learning behavior and students’ motivation. These connections often lead to a strong network of motivated people for the rest of their lives.

• If not seeing your child for weeks at a time sounds a bit daunting, look for boarding schools which offer a five day a week program to allow for students to spend weekends with their families. •

An Inspired Education

Stevenson is an independent PK–12 boarding and day school located on California’s Monterey Peninsula. We believe education should be an open horizon: inspiring, vast, and home to every possibility. That’s why our education is grounded in meaning, purpose, and joy.

Tips for a Great Essay

Application essays provide ways for private school admissions officers to get to know students beyond their grades, test scores, and basic biographical information. They provide insight into a student’s personality and interests—to help determine if the school is the right fit for your child and vice versa.

Aside from the interview, writing the essay can be one of the most stress-producing steps in the application process. These suggestions from private school organizations can break the task of writing the essay into manageable steps that guide your child to crafting a work that makes him stand out to admissions officers.

Read the directions carefully

Don’t write a two-sentence essay if the school asks for one page, but don’t write more than one page. And, don’t turn in a typed essay if the school wants it handwritten.

Tell the school what it wants to know

Schools often provide an essay prompt, so you need to respond to it. That said, the prompts—such as “recount some activity or event that challenged you in a positive way”— usually allow the applicant lots of leeway to write about a range of topics.

Start early

Do not wait until the night before the application is due to begin writing. Brainstorm and work out ideas with teachers, parents, or others early and give yourself time for revisions.

Tell a story

While the essay should have correct spelling and grammar and be legible, it doesn’t have to follow the academic essay formula. A good strategy is to tell a story—even filled with dialogue or vivid description—to get your point across.



Don’t write what you think an admissions officer wants to hear—because you really have no idea. Write about what you know and what excites you.

Get creative

If you are an aspiring writer, for example, ask the school if you can write in verse, instead of the usual narrative.

Be concrete

Stay away from generalizations, such as “singing by myself in front of my school was challenging.” Instead, provide details or an example of how and why you were scared before that solo singing performance and felt triumphant afterwards.

Parents, this must be your child’s work

While, as parents, you can provide feedback and help with editing, let your child do all the writing. If you can’t help but get overly involved, consider asking a neutral third party—a teacher, another relative, or a professional consultant—to help your child edit her essay. •

Interview Preparation

The idea of your child having to interview to gain admission to a private school sounds downright terrifying. But private school experts say you shouldn’t think of the interview as a high-stakes interrogation. Rather, think of the interview as a two-way conversation that helps everyone involved—school staff, parents, and child—determine if the school is the right fit for your child.

The structure of the interview also depends on the school and your child’s age. Typically, the applicant and her family come to the school to look around and talk with an admissions officer or other school staff. The staff might focus on talking with the parents, but with older children and high school students, an admissions officer might speak privately with the child in a formal or more casual situation.

Given that the interview is an important part of the application process, and in determining if this school is the best place to educate your child, here are some things you and your child should prepare for so the interview will go well, according to the National Association of Independent Schools and other private school organizations.

With younger kids, the school staff will mostly talk to the parents, asking them to describe their child and what they hope their child will gain by attending this school.

When students are old enough to be the key subject of interviews, they should be prepared to answer typical questions, such as:

• Tell me about yourself: Help your child come up with an answer that doesn’t recite biographical facts but describes his interests and strengths in certain academic areas or extracurricular activities and allows him to talk up his accomplishments.

• Why do you want to come to this school? The school wants to find out if the child understands what makes the school unique and whether he sees it as a match for his own personality, academic strengths, interests, and aspirations. So, hopefully, during visits, or in talking to students and faculty, your child has encountered programs or a learning environment that excites him.

• Talk about subjects or teachers you like. Help your child figure out certain coursework that has recently engaged him, such as a certain book in English class or a social studies field trip to see Egyptian mummies at a museum.

Given that the interview is also a chance for you and your child to learn more about the school, help your child prepare to ask questions. Look at the school’s website or think back to visits and help him come up with a list of questions that reflects how the school might nurture his interests. “Will I be able to do dissections in sixth-grade biology?” “Can I audition for school plays in ninth grade?” “What about your study trips overseas?” “What are different ways I can fulfill my community service requirements?” The admissions officers will likely see your child’s curiosity as evidence of his interest in coming to the school.

Parents and students should always be honest, experts say. But that doesn’t mean you should accentuate your child’s weaknesses, provide too much information about family challenges, or bad-mouth your child’s current school, even if this current school environment is mostly negative and the reason he’s trying to change schools.

Instead, accentuate the positive: A child’s weakness or a family’s challenges are things he is working to overcome; or his current school simply isn’t the right fit for his unique needs and interests. •

Make the Most of Your Campus Visit

You’ve looked at the websites, glanced through the glossy brochures, and even heard friends talk glowingly—or not—about the private schools on your short list. Now it’s time to actually set foot on campus. More than anything else, visiting the school—seeing the classrooms, walking around the grounds, and talking to faculty and students—will give you and your child the best sense of whether this is the best environment for your child to learn and thrive.

Because the visit is so crucial to deciding on your child’s school, you should make the most of the opportunity. Private school experts offer these suggestions for what to ask about, look for, and consider before, during, and after the visit.

• Do some pre-visit research. Read up on the school’s history, educational philosophy, and accomplishments. Ask for information about student-teacher ratios, teacher experience, arts classes, sports, and other extracurricular activities, special programs for students needing academic support, and expectations for parental involvement. Decide ahead of time if there are specific classrooms, facilities, or departments that you or your child want to visit.

• If possible, visit on a regular school day, arrange to observe a classroom, and stay to sample a school lunch.

• General impressions count, but so do the details. Take note of what the grounds and classrooms are like, but also pay attention to specifics: are the bathrooms clean; do staff seem organized and ready for your visit; what library, science, and technology resources does the school offer?

• In the classrooms or on the playground, notice if the students look engaged and wellbehaved, including when they transition from one activity or classroom to another. How do students interact with their teachers? Do the teachers seem cheerful and knowledgeable? How do the teachers manage the classrooms or handle discipline?

• Talk to as many teachers and students as possible. Find out about homework policies and workloads, the social environment, and opportunities to do arts, sports, and other nonacademic activities.

• If the school offers shadow-a-student day for interested students, your child has the opportunity to ask questions of potential schoolmates more freely than if you’re around.

• After you and your child finish the visit, jot down your general impressions before leaving. Try to imagine your child in one of the classrooms, or walking the halls. How does that idea look and feel? Remember gut feelings can be important, too. •

Fearless, We Pursue EXCELLENCE

Challenger School


1960, WHILE TEACHING In a public school, Challenger School founder and CEO Barbara Baker became alarmed that her first grade students had received no academics in kindergarten, wasting the best years for establishing a foundation for learning. Barbara decided to leave the comfort of the public schools and started her own preschool where she could teach phonics to children before they went to public school. “I figured that if they learned phonics in preschool, no one could take that away from them.”

In Barbara’s first class, there were only six paying students. Two years later the tiny preschool had grown to 100 half-day preschool students with 100 students waiting for admission. Today, Challenger School educates more than 10,000 students annually.


Challenger School teaches students early on that they are responsible for their own learning and for their successes. Challenger’s emphasis on independent reasoning skills–so rarely practiced in today’s world–results in their students’ extraordinary academic performance.


Challenger students regularly speak and perform before their peers, teachers, and parents from preschool on. Challenger graduates often point to these experiences as the basis for success in college and the workplace.


On national standardized tests, Challenger K-8 students consistently average well above the 90th percentile. This means that Challenger’s average student outperforms nine out of ten students who take that test.

Challenger School offers preschool through eighth grade and operates a total of 27 campuses in five western states. For a location near you, visit ChallengerSchool. com.

Our mission is to prepare children to become self-reliant, productive individuals; to teach them to think, speak, and write with clarity, precision, and independence; to lead them to recognize and value their individuality and unalienable rights; and to inspire them to embrace challenge and find joy and self-worth through achievement.

Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory

Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory is a Lasallian Vincentian Catholic high school located in the heart of San Francisco’s cultural center. We are dedicated to the intellectual and academic excellence of our students, and we strive to develop the unique talents and passions of each individual. We welcome the Bay Area’s brightest to our inclusive community. Our dynamic curriculum, integrated technology and dedicated and innovative faculty prepare our students for success. Hundreds of colleges across the country, including all of US News & World Reports Top 10 National Universities, accept SHC graduates.

We believe in the power of student-centered learning— that their natural curiosity should drive their intellectual path. Academic rigor starts with an innate desire to learn. This inquiry, drive and thirst for knowledge are the most important elements of their education. It’s our desire to provide students with the highest-quality resources, the passion and training of our faculty, and the time and flexibility to excel throughout these four transformative years.

SHC’s unique location in the heart of San Francisco is why many Bay Area families apply there. The campus, mere blocks away from the hub of politics and the arts, allows SHC to provide

an educational experience unlike any other. For students interested in civics, field trips to San Francisco City Hall or class visits by community leaders aid in their understanding of their courses while developing their own political and social viewpoints. The San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Symphony and the Asian Art Museum are just a few destinations that spark creativity in students interested in the visual and performing arts. For those who have an interest in service, Sacred Heart Cathedral provides opportunities for students at local nonprofits, educating them on the needs of the surrounding community and how they can serve them today and in the future.

Students and their families choose SHC for the strength of our academics, our faith and values, our extensive array of cocurricular opportunities, and the warmth of our inclusive and nurturing community.

To schedule a visit or to learn more about our programs including our SHC Transportation Program, please visit or contact

Serendipity School

Serendipity: n. The gift of discovering valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for

Serendipity School:

A setting for unexpected and exciting learning experiences that are sparked by discovery, guided by individuality, and supported by community

Serendipity School is a rare and remarkable place: an encouraging, engaging, and empowering learning community where academic and personal discovery is prized, where the path to excellence is an individual adventure. A unique educational institution dedicated to progressive education, active and hands-on learning, differentiated instruction, and teaching to the whole child, Serendipity School is committed to the process and journey of learning. The result is a community of students who grow to be lifelong, joyful, and invested learners.


Serendipity School’s rich and multifaceted programs promote each child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development in positive ways designed to further curiosity and creativity. Our programs encompass each child’s participation, interest, enthusiasm, and ideas. All Serendipity students are encouraged to meet challenges and strive for excellence.


Serendipity School believes in providing an educational experience that treats children as individuals and engages students throughout the learning process. Our highly skilled and

trained educators teach to the whole child, and implement a differentiated curriculum that is both diverse and dynamic.


Serendipity School supports effort and achievement by empowering students and giving them tools for academic success. Serendipity helps students to grow and learn with confidence and enthusiasm. Serendipity School students are empowered to experiment, assume academic risk, and take an interest in and responsibility for the world around them.

“Serendipity finds the little thing that makes each child unique and expounds upon that. It creates children who are confident, self-aware, and ready to face the world.”

Serendipity School Parent

Preschool, Kindergarten, and Elementary School Education

Imagination School

ILS is an in intentionally small, relationship-based community of learners serving TK-8 students in Silicon Valley. Social-emotional learning and a deep understanding of the developmental needs of children are at the center of all we do.

Our mission is to ignite and nurture confidence, curiosity, and creativity. We are a highly engaged, reflective, courageous, and diverse community of student and adult learners. Together, we are committed to becoming our best selves intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Our vision is to prepare students for a future that is impossible to know but not impossible to shape. We develop within each member of our community the mindset, toolset, and skillset needed to engage meaningfully and purposefully with the world around us. Together, we are committed to issues of social justice, equity, and sustainability.

Our promise is to empower each student to:

– Know themselves

– Find and exercise their voice

– Seek to understand multiple perspectives

– Take meaningful action

Teaching today involves more than simply disseminating knowledge. Our team is a collection of exceptional individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Our learning guides are curators of experiences, coaches who help students observe and reflect, facilitators who develop responsibility and agency, advocates who celebrate and challenge each student, and team players who engage with other guides, students, families, and external partners.

Sign up for a tour to see our community in action!

Action Day Schools

Discover the fun in a life of learning.

Our philosophy centers on delivering a holistic education that goes beyond conventional academics. We prioritize the development of wellrounded students who excel academically while also fostering creativity, empathy, and personal growth.

We provide a robust, accredited, and standardsbased academic program that empowers our students to excel in their studies. Our commitment to innovation fosters a dynamic and forward-thinking environment, while our focus on nurturing unique talents and aptitudes ensures that every child’s individual strengths are recognized and cultivated.

We view the performing and visual arts as integral components of a well-rounded education. Our signature, high-quality performing arts programs foster creativity, self-expression, and a deeper appreciation for culture. Students enjoy the freedom to think, dream, and create. Our commitment to nurturing artistic talents allows each child to explore their own skills and interests, providing opportunities for them to discover and develop their unique creative potential.

Our commitment to real-world education, including hands-on learning, is at the core of our

curriculum, ensuring students are well-equipped to tackle practical challenges. A supportive and inclusive school culture is fundamental to our program creating an environment where every student feels valued, can thrive, and is encouraged to be a change-maker in their communities and beyond.

Programs Include:

• Infant Care

• Preschool Program

• Private Elementary and Middle School

• After School Program

• Enrichment programs such as onsite dance classes and sports clinics

• Open 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

• Exciting Summer Program

When you enroll in our schools, you are joining more than a school or organization—you join our Action Day Schools family. Our dedicated staff and teachers will partner with you on your child’s academic journey, ensuring the brightest future ahead!

Athena Academy

Children that feel confident about how they learn, do better in school.

Athena Academy believes confidence is the foundation and learners are diverse. When children feel confident about how they learn, they do better in school.

Located in Palo Alto, near Stanford University, our spacious campus is an ideal environment for academic success and emotional renewal with plenty of playground space to explore, beautiful auditoriums for Music, Art, drama and a Makerspace where your child’s unique neurodiverse talents thrive.

Children deserve a place to own their neurodiverse talent.

We create environments where each child feels confident and believes in their wisdom. We mix conventional and pioneering methods to match the individual child. A child that feels academically and emotionally renewed will unlock their innate potential, and embrace their unique abilities.

Small Class Sizes for Individualized Attention

8 students maximum in elementary school classes (1st-5th grades)

10 students maximum in Middle School

Flexible Placement Based on Readiness

Students rotate teachers throughout the day and are placed in classes that align with their readiness level in mathematics and language arts.

Project Based Curriculum

Allows for deep exploration and the development of executive functioning skills, collaboration abilities, and 21st century skills.

Language Mastery

Clay modeling to master abstract words and symbols. Structured word inquiry to build understanding of language and spelling. Brain frames to scaffold and organize thinking around writing.


Confident dyslexic learners that recognize themselves as strategic pathfinders and holders of great wisdom are more likely to try new things, speak up in class and take on challenges.


Students are able to show what they know, what they’re thinking and make connections with others.


Students learn to express their thoughts and feelings, ask questions, and self-advocate.

Social Emotional Learning

Building skills which enhance selfunderstanding and appreciation of others.

Join us on an exciting journey towards academic success and emotional fulfillment for your child.

Hillbrook School

Hillbrook School is a fully accredited independent school located in Los Gatos and downtown San Jose, California. Since our founding in 1935, we have been guided by a singular vision and mission: to inspire students to achieve their dreams and reach beyond themselves to make a difference in the world. A Hillbrook education prepares students for careers that do not yet exist, equips them to thrive in a future that we cannot yet imagine, and helps them understand the world as it is—and partner with others to build it as they want it to be.

Almost 90 years after our founding, we remain at the leading edge of education and a magnet for world-class educators. Our academic program provides a just-right challenge for each student, balancing challenging academics with hands-on, project-based learning; by working with the Scott Center for Social Entrepreneurship, one of the only JK12 centers in the world dedicated to social impact education, students foster a growing knowledge of the world in which they live, as well as their own agency to create positive impact upon it.

Campus to campus, Hillbrook is alive with activity: on our 14-acre Los Gatos campus, ancient oak trees provide a refuge for class discussions outdoors, and our campus creek

often doubles as a science classroom. In downtown San José, the city beyond the campus often becomes our classroom—our Upper School students are a connected part of San José’s thriving downtown community, and you’ll often find them learning from civic leaders at City Hall, working with local artists, and building connections with local organizations.

At Hillbrook, we are deeply committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and action, and our school is connected by a close-knit, welcoming, intentionally diverse community, whose support helps make a campus like ours possible. As our school evolves to meet the moment—no matter what it is—we are guided by four Core Values: Be Kind, Be Curious, Take Risks, and Be Your Best.

Hillbrook is an extraordinary place to be a student. Visit or email to schedule a tour—we can’t wait to meet you!

Junípero Serra High School

Junípero Serra High School is a Catholic, all-boys college preparatory school dedicated to the holistic formation of its students. Serra students transform from their freshman year as adolescent boys to balanced, well-rounded young men who are focused on positively contributing to our changing world.

Our rigorous academic program is designed to support the way boys think. We provide our students with a range of perspectives designed to develop a moral worldview that fosters compassion, inclusivity and respect.

At Serra, we focus on educating the whole student and offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and opportunities for global growth and connection.

Serra offers 40 honors and AP courses in nearly all subject areas, with 57 percent of our current students enrolled in one or more of these courses.

No matter his path or passion, each Serra Padre thrives. We offer 67 electives, including Design Thinking, Disease and Physiology, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Environmental Science and Virtual Enterprise.

Serra’s committed teachers are supportive, professional mentors who specialize in teaching boys and are acutely aware of how boys learn, relate, compete and achieve.

With a safe space to grow and thrive, Serra students graduate as self-reliant, disciplined and confident young men who are prepared to succeed in college and beyond.

Acton Academy Silicon Valley

Acton Academy Silicon Valley is a modern private school offering a 21st-century education for children ages 2 through 8th grade. Our innovative approach fosters self-directed learning in a play-based, entrepreneurial environment, preparing learners to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Project-Based Learning: Hands-on, creative projects empower students to apply their knowledge to real-world challenges, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation.

Multi-Age Studios: Collaborative, mixed-age learning environments where children learn from and with each other, building strong communication and social skills.

Socratic Guides: Rather than traditional teachers, our Socratic Guides lead curiositydriven exploration, encouraging learners to ask questions, think deeply, and discover their passions.

No Assigned Homework or Grades: We focus on mastery over rote memorization, allowing students to learn at their own pace without the pressure of grades or traditional homework.

Flexible Learning Spaces: Engaging, nontraditional environments inspire creativity and adaptability, breaking away from the confines of rows of desks.

Growth Mindset: A positive, entrepreneurial culture where challenges are seen as opportunities for growth, and success is measured by resilience and effort.

Personalized Learning: Each learner’s education is self-paced and tailored to their unique strengths and interests, ensuring they are both challenged and supported in their individual journey.

Our Nitty Gritty Preschool for learners as young as 2 years old is a play-based program with a strong emphasis on social-emotional development, laying the foundation for lifelong learning and well-being.

At Acton Academy Silicon Valley, we are committed to providing an education that is as unique as each child. Our program nurtures a love of learning, fosters a growth mindset, and equips students with the skills and confidence to lead in the 21st century.

Mercy High School

Mercy High School

“We believe a school for girls is better than a school with girls.” —International Coalition of Girls’ School

At Mercy High School in Burlingame, we don’t just educate; we inspire, empower, and elevate young women. We are more than a school- we are a vibrant community where each student is celebrated as a unique individual.

Our alumnae include a Congresswoman, NASA engineers, Olympians, entrepreneurs, lawyers, healthcare providers, educators, artists, and devoted mothers. In our nurturing environment, students discover their voices, ignite passions, build lifelong connections, and chart their own destinies.

Mercy’s new Pathways Program, established in 2022, empowers girls to explore passions through curriculum, leadership, and mentorship. Focusing on fields traditionally dominated by men, it provides hands-on, risk-taking environments. Mercy students transform into leaders, innovators, and changemakers.

Our innovative math program, launching in the 2024-2025 school year, personalizes learning across Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, and Trigonometry. By allowing self-paced study and individualized support, students build confidence and meet challenges. Tailored academic plans ensure they thrive, closing gaps and preparing them for college and career success.

Mercy’s new Wellness Center offers students a dedicated space to unwind, recharge, and focus on mental well-being, fostering a balanced and supportive environment for overall health and success. This new multiroom space helps to send the message that mental health is a priority and each young woman is seen as more than just a student.

Experience the Mercy All-Girls' Advantage firsthand! Research consistently shows that an all-girls' education provides unparalleled advantages compared to co-ed peers. Mercy graduates are six times more likely to pursue STEM careers, report greater selfconfidence, embrace leadership, and take risks.

At Mercy, your daughter won’t just be a student; she will be known, she will be challenged, and she will be transformed.

Leadways School

Leadways School creates an empowering community where each student is prepared to be a socially responsible, ethically guided, and emotionally resilient leader in tomorrow’s society. Through our specialized curriculum, we offer a comprehensive learning environment that equally prioritizes academic excellence and character formation.

Leadways School aims to inspire students to become leaders for tomorrow by nurturing core leadership traits and values such as Confidence, Self-Awareness, Creativity, Courage, Integrity.

Qualified Staff: Over 90% of our faculty hold master’s degrees, and 60% have Ph.D.’s, providing unmatched academic and emotional support.

At Leadways we provide a multidimensional educational experience. It encompasses three interconnected levels:

Foundational Knowledge - Fundamental theories, facts, and principles form the base layer.

Personal Relevance - The middle layer focuses on linking foundational knowledge to individual experiences and goals.

Global Impact - The pinnacle encourages students to think critically about how their knowledge can be applied to solve realworld challenges.

Our emphasis on rigorous foundational building ensures that students develop a

strong knowledge base in core subjects. This enables them to tackle complex problems and think critically. Our project-based learning allows students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, fostering practical skills and enhancing their ability to collaborate and communicate effectively.

Additionally, by nurturing creativity, the curriculum encourages students to think outside the box, fostering innovation and problem-solving skills. Teaching selfawareness and confidence empowers students to navigate life's challenges with resilience, make informed decisions, build healthy relationships, and achieve their full potential. Moreover, the focus on leadership skills and entrepreneurship empowers students to take initiative, develop selfconfidence, and become future leaders in their chosen fields. Overall, Leadways School equips students with a well-rounded skill set, preparing them for success in both academic and professional endeavors.

Bowman School

Hands-On Learning

“Learning by doing” is a core part of the Montessori experience at Bowman School, for Preschool - 12th Grade in Palo Alto. Students enjoy the thrill of discovery, which inspires their independent thought and critical analysis. As a result, Bowman has a strong reputation for selfdirected graduates, who love learning throughout their lives.

Now Through High School

Bowman’s high school program is underway! Using our inquiry-driven Montessori philosophy and the International Baccalaureate program, Bowman gives students critical skills and indepth content knowledge guided by their own interests. Our rich blend of on- and off-campus experiences, including student-planned international trips, prepares our grads for the world.

School Strengths

For nearly 30 years, Bowman School has delivered an academically rigorous program with a global perspective. Bowman is credited with trusted leadership; high staff retention rates;

deep Montessori training credentials; and flexibility due to its year-round schedule. Families choose their vacation days, and tuition includes extended hours (7:30am-6pm).

Student Benefits for a Lifetime

The true jewel of Bowman is the quality of its graduates, who excel at critical thinking and socially responsible problem-solving. Trained to connect well with others, Bowman alumni understand when to lead; when to follow; how to respect others; how to ask for help; and how to advocate for oneself –precisely the kind of social-emotional maturity that families celebrate.

Recognized Excellence

Known as a global Montessori leader, Bowman recently earned not just 1 but 4 awards from Bay Area Parent Magazine, including “The Best Montessori School in Silicon Valley” (and the "Best Preschool," "Best Private Elementary" and "Best Private Middle School”). Bowman is exceptional as the only Montessori school in California accredited to serve Preschool through Grade 12.



Sterne School

Sterne School is a co-ed independent day school serving 4th–12th grade students Bay Area-wide. Our small class sizes and integrated supports are designed to amplify each student’s strengths. Sterne is an inclusive school where neurodiverse learners thrive. We offer creative, handson, project-based learning, combined with a college preparatory curriculum and a full complement of enriching student life opportunities.

Sterne’s Lower, Middle, and High School programs are designed as a seamless progression from foundational literacy and math skills to a comprehensive college prep program. Our approach takes into account the whole student: their unique learning profile, their strengths and interests, and areas of growth. Strong arts, athletics, and experiential education round out the student experience.

Sterne's small class sizes give students the opportunity to truly connect with subject matter, teachers, and peers. Our faculty helps students build academic stamina, develop executive function skills, and engage in social-emotional learning. Whether your student is struggling with dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, anxiety, or if your child simply thrives in a more tight-knit school community, Sterne celebrates each student's uniqueness and brings joy to learning.

All Sterne students have a wealth of opportunities through our student life programs that offer something for everyone. Located in the heart of San Francisco, our vibrant, urban campus features state-of-theart facilities, including a new Performing Arts & Athletics Center housing a digital film studio, a black box theater, a music room and recording studio, and full gymnasium. We provide competitive and recreational athletics offerings open to every grade; dozens of student clubs and affinity groups; local, national, and international experiential learning; leadership opportunities, electives, social events, and afterschool enrichment. All Sterne students have a wealth of opportunities to “start with strengths” and pursue their passions.

To find out more or to arrange a visit please contact us at

Ventana School

Ventana School is a Reggio-inspired Preschool and Elementary school serving children from age two through fifth grade. Our curriculum is student-led and teacherframed, driven by children's interests and shaped by teachers who nurture both socialemotional and academic development. This is reflected in our inquiry-based approach, fostering creative exploration and discovery.

Grounded in Reggio Philosophy

When children are seen as competent individuals with valid perspectives, they become confident, curious learners. At Ventana, we nurture this natural curiosity as the vehicle for learning.

The Power of Inquiry

Our teachers facilitate discussions that honor each child’s ideas. Through this, students learn to self-advocate, collaborate, and explore authentic problems and solutions. When their questions are valued, they learn to trust their instincts and appreciate their own voices.

Inspired Teachers

Ventana’s philosophy, leadership, and resources enable our teachers to tailor their classrooms to students' interests, bringing out the passionate curiosity in every learner. Teachers are empowered to create learning experiences that are responsive and engaging.


Collaboration is central in every classroom. We encourage children to work together, whether solving problems or creating something new. Even at recess, students can explore their ideas in our ‘tinkering

space,’ where they collaborate on projects like building go-carts or tiny amusement parks. These experiences build both their confidence and teamwork skills.

Wondering Time

Every week, students gather for Wondering Time, where they share their personal traditions, cultures, and values. We honor and welcome every part of a child’s identity. This helps foster respect and appreciation for the diversity in our community and the world.

Join us to experience the transformative power of our Reggio-inspired program! You can schedule admissions events and begin your application through Ravenna. We look forward to meeting you soon.


The King's Academy

TKA inspires academic excellence, servant leadership, and enduring relationships. At TKA, students graduate with a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose, and a sense of significance. With a low teacher:student ratio, students receive individual attention and encouragement to do their best. Our 1:1 technology program and collaborative classroom environment ensures students are responsible digital and global citizens with 21st century literacy skills. Through TKA’s Spiritual Life program and Service Trips, students grow in their faith and make a difference to others. TKA offers a stellar Visual and Performing Arts program known throughout the Bay Area and fields over 50 competitive athletic teams.

Attend one of TKA's Open Houses: Saturday, October 26 & December 7, 11:00 a.m. Please RSVP at Learn how TKA is preparing students for college, life, service and eternity. CHRIST-CENTERED COLLEGE PREPARATORY

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School

Located in Saratoga, Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School is an independent day school for PreKindergarten (4 years old) through 8th grade students. Saint Andrew’s is a community of learners committed to cultivating student happiness, academic achievement, and character. Our complete, balanced, and inspiring approach ensures that our graduates are exceptionally good people who are exceptionally well-prepared to thrive in high school, college, and life. We believe school should be the place where children launch an unstoppable love of learning. Masterful educators not only design captivating learning experiences. They ensure each child feels individually known, unconditionally loved, and deeply valued as an essential member of our warm, inclusive community.

Yew Chung International School Silicon Valley

YCIS Silicon Valley (矽谷耀中國際學校) is a renowned Mandarin-English bilingual school situated in Mountain View, California. The school operates two campuses: an Early Childhood Education Campus that serves Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten (TK), and a K-8 Campus for elementary and middle school students. As part of the prestigious Yew Chung Yew Wah(YCYW) global network, which has been a trailblazer in international education for over 90 years, YCIS Silicon Valley offers a unique, high-quality dual-language program that immerses students in both Mandarin and English from an early age.

One of the defining features of YCIS Silicon Valley is its commitment to blending Eastern and Western cultures. This bilingual approach not only fosters fluency in both languages but also helps students gain a deeper understanding of global perspectives. The school focuses on cultivating multicultural, compassionate leaders who are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of an increasingly interconnected world.

YCIS Silicon Valley adopts an inquiry-based, holistic education model that emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and problemsolving. Students are encouraged to explore topics and ask questions, engaging in meaningful, hands-on learning experiences. In addition to core subjects such as language arts, mathematics, and science, the curriculum is enriched with arts, music,

and physical education, nurturing wellrounded individuals with diverse skills.

The school’s supportive and nurturing environment fosters not only academic excellence but also personal growth. Through a curriculum that balances rigorous academics with character development, students build confidence, leadership, and empathy. YCIS takes pride in developing global citizens who embody strong moral values, respect for diversity, and a commitment to making positive contributions to society.

With its strong focus on language acquisition, cultural immersion, and global education, YCIS Silicon Valley prepares students to succeed academically and thrive in a rapidly changing, multicultural world.


For 25 years, Kehillah has redefined the high school experience with a progressive, inclusive, values-based education. At Kehillah, forward-thinking families find a compassionate community that prioritizes academic excellence and holistic development, setting a new standard for what education should be.

Belong: At Kehillah, all students are welcomed exactly as they are and encouraged to express their diverse identities. We understand that a sense of belonging and community is the foundation for deep learning, risk-taking, and individuality.

Build: Our expert faculty are deeply versed in adolescent development and progressive education and collaborate with students to co-create transformative experiences, balancing rigor, agency, well-being, achievement, purpose, and joy.

Become: Rooted in Jewish values, Kehillah empowers students with the curiosity, empathy, and agency to make a meaningful impact on their communities and the world.

Open Houses: Sunday, November 3 and Sunday, December 8

Odyssey School

Odyssey is an independent, coeducational day school serving students in grades 6 through 8. Odyssey School is fully accredited by the California Association of Independent School (CAIS). Odyssey offers students a robust and challenging academic program as well as a unique and varied expeditionary learning program. We are small by design - enrollment is limited to about 50 students. Our high staff-to-student ratio allows us to mentor each student and to fully support their growth, academic and personal, as students forge their way through the critical middle school years. Situated on an idyllic, green, 3.5 acre campus in San Mateo, Odyssey’s “Base Camp” provides a variety of learning spaces both indoors and outdoors. The entire school and faculty are essential team members on expeditions that transport students away from Base Camp to various places that Odyssians call "Advanced Base Camp" such as the California Redwoods, the Sierra Mountains, the Channel Islands, and Mt. Fuji in Japan, in order to implement the philosophies and educational objectives of our expeditionary learning program.

Saint Raymond Catholic School

St. Raymond School is a Catholic TK-8 School that serves students in Transitional Kindergarten, Elementary (Kindergarten through 5th grade) and Middle (6th, 7th and 8th grade) school.

Here you will find a vibrant spiritual and academic community inspiring our students to love learning and become thoughtful leaders committed to seeing the dignity of every person through their own process of spiritual, academic and personal growth. In partnership with our parent community, we commit to working as a team to bring out the highest level of academic excellence and behavior in our students. A rigorous and transformative curriculum challenges our students to question and investigate, propose, devise and enact solutions in a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

We invite you to our Open House on Sunday, January 26. Please RSVP.

Trinity School

Trinity School cultivates academic excellence in an environment where each child is known, valued and has their unique voice. The legacy of a Trinity education is a curious mind and a discerning heart.

With a firm foundation, we can change the world. Trinity school is where students live academic success, openness, individual learning, and real-world problem solving every day. Trinity School is leading education in the Bay Area with a proven pathway for critical thinking and academic success.

Our small size creates the rare opportunity for classes and educators to meet the needs of students as individuals. Trinity is an embracing environment for every student: it's a place for the introspective and thoughtful as much as it is a place for the spirited and inquisitive.

Families and students create their own next steps based on the personal strengths and passions of each student - with the knowledge that Trinity has prepared them for anything.

Woodland School

At Woodland, learning is joyful. Teachers and students alike take pleasure in the productive struggle of learning in an environment that is inclusive and safe enough for risk-taking, and diverse and varied enough to provide ample challenge for all. Through authentic experiences and inquiry, students deepen their understanding of the world and connect to issues facing themselves and others. They are engaged socially and collaboratively in this process, drawing on one another’s perspectives to enrich their own and others’ growth. Teachers nurture and support students by thoughtfully designing opportunities that develop independent, lifelong learners prepared to be the stewards of tomorrow.

Please join us for our Admission Preview Day/Open House on Saturday, November 2, 2024.

360 La Cuesta Avenue

Portola Valley, CA 94028


920 Peninsula Way

Menlo Park, CA 94025


Peninsula School

At Peninsula School, we believe that every child is naturally curious, and that each school day should be engaging, meaningful, and joyful. As we celebrate 100 years of progressive education, Peninsula School continues to embrace this belief by supporting children to contribute to the world as confident and creative learners, ethical citizens, and compassionate leaders.

As you walk among the classrooms and play spaces on our well-loved 6 acres, it’s easy to observe why our preschool through 8th grade students are excited to attend Peninsula School each day.

Please visit our website for more information on our program and philosophy, and learn about and register for admissions events for the upcoming school year. We look forward to getting to know you!

Carmel Campus

24800 Dolores Street

Carmel, CA 93923


Pebble Beach Campus

3152 Forest Lake Road

Pebble Beach, CA 93953


Stevenson School

Stevenson School is a leading independent PK-12 college preparatory day and boarding school on California's Monterey Peninsula. With two campuses—Carmel (PK-8) and Pebble Beach (9-12)—Stevenson offers an inspired education where curiosity and joy coexist with challenge and rigor.

Renowned for academic excellence and dedicated faculty, Stevenson provides an education grounded in meaning, purpose, and joy. Students engage in diverse experiences including leadership roles, athletics, performing arts, and outdoor adventures.

Stevenson nurtures a purpose beyond the classroom, preparing students for success in school and meaningful lives thereafter. Here, education transcends traditional academics, fostering an environment where students explore, question, and grow into engaged global citizens.

German International School of Silicon Valley - MV

The German International School of Silicon Valley (GISSV) is an independent Bay Area school with campuses in Mountain View (Preschool-12) and San Francisco (K-8). GISSV offers dual diplomas— the German International Abitur and California High School Diploma—preparing graduates for universities worldwide.

GISSV fosters critical thinking, cultural appreciation, and a passion for lifelong learning in a stimulating, bilingual (German/English) environment with a strong curriculum emphasizing STEM and the arts.

Our cohesive program integrates hands-on learning and creativity at every level. Beyond academics, GISSV has a vibrant international community, offering activities from field trips and community service to athletics, stage productions, and celebrations of German, American, and global traditions.

1998 Beach Park Boulevard Foster City, CA 94404 650-578-6691

3140 Balboa Street

San Francisco, California 94121 415-525-4035

Kids Connection

Kids Connection is a private preschool and elementary school in Foster City, CA, serving children from Two's through fifth grade. For over 35 years, our exceptional teachers have nurtured students’ academic, social, and emotional growth in a joyful and safe environment.

Our preschool offers a play-based curriculum with academic readiness, including Kindergarten prep in Pre-K and Transitional Kindergarten. Children enjoy enrichment activities like music, foreign language, sports, and gymnastics.

In our elementary school, we offer accelerated academics and integrated learning in core subjects. Students also enjoy specialist classes in music and movement, PE, Computers and Makerspace, and foreign language. Small class sizes and dedicated teachers inspire a love of learning.

With a strong partnership among teachers, staff, and families, Kids Connection creates a nurturing community where every child thrives. Experience the extraordinary!

Come learn. Come create. Come grow. Come excel. Come be extraordinary.

KFS School

KFS SCHOOL was founded by Kahlon Family Services LLC in January of 2016, our school’s mission every day is working as hard as we can to bring quality education toall Children who are bright and have been called Twice Exceptional (2E).

Our educational inspiration stems from believing in the potential and strength of each child. We actively guide every aspect of each child’s individuality, character and well-being on a personal level and in a group setting. We provide each child with a comprehensive environment to nurture his/her learning style through their own curiosity, passion for learning, and social interaction. We strive to create opportunities for learning, exploration, creativity and selfexpression. Flexible seating and movement desks. We are a year-round school!

WASC Accreditation in process!


Action Day Schools | Campbell

1125 West Campbell Avenue

Campbell • 408-722-9757 pgs. 11, 38

Foster City

Kids Connection Preschool

1970 Beach Park Boulevard

Foster City • 650-578-9697 pgs. 31, 54

PJCC Preschool

800 Foster City Boulevard

Foster City • 650-378-2670

Los Altos

Ventana School

1040 Border Road

Los Altos • 650-948-2121 pgs. 21, 47

Los Gatos

Hillbrook School

300 Marchmont Drive

Los Gatos • 408-356-6116 p. 40

Menlo Park

Peninsula School

920 Peninsula Way

Menlo Park • 650-325-1584 pgs. 31, 52

Trinity School

300 Ravenswood Avenue

Menlo Park • 650-322-2628 pgs. 29, 51

Morgan Hill

Action Day Schools | Morgan Hill

17535 Del Monte Ave

Morgan Hill • 408-779-7678 pgs. 11, 38

Mountain View

Action Day Schools | Mt. View

333 Eunice Avenue

Mountain View • 408-912-1875 pgs. 11, 38

German International School of Silicon Valley Mountain View Campus

310 Easy Street

Mountain View • 650-254-0748 pgs. 25, 53 3 - 5 yrs Up to 120 children 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

Yew Chung International School Silicon Valley Preschool & TK ECE Campus

199 East Middlefield Road, Suite 100

Mountain View • 650-903-0986 pgs. 23, 49 Age 2 - Grade 8

Palo Alto

Bowman School

4000 Terman Drive

Palo Alto • 650-813-9131 pgs. 19, 45

Challenger School - Middlefield 3880 Middlefield Road

Palo Alto • 650-213-8245 middlefield pgs. 2, 34

Portola Valley

Woodland School

360 La Cuesta Drive

Portola Valley • 650-854-9065 pgs. 29, 52

Redwood City

Nitty Gritty Preschool Studio at Acton Academy Silicon Valley 233 Topaz Street

Redwood City • 650-208-3573 pgs. 13, 42

San Bruno

Highlands Christian Schools 1900 Monterey Drive

San Bruno • 650-873-4090

San Jose

Action Day Schools | Allen

5845 Allen Avenue

San Jose • 408-549-2036 pgs. 11, 38




Action Day Schools | Amber Preschool

3500 Amber Drive

San Jose • 408-329-6286 pgs. 11, 38

Action Day Schools | Lincoln

2148 Lincoln Avenue

San Jose • 408-617-8619 pgs. 11, 38

Action Day Schools | Moorpark

3030 Moorpark Avenue

San Jose • 408-413-4930 pgs. 11, 38

Action Day Schools | Phelan 801 Hibiscus Lane

San Jose • 408-762-1794 pgs. 11, 38

Challenger School - Almaden 19950 McKean Road

San Jose • 408-927-5771 almaden pgs. 2, 34

Challenger School - Berryessa 711 East Gish Road

San Jose • 408-998-2860 berryessa pgs. 2, 34

Challenger School - Harwood 4949 Harwood Road

San Jose • 408-723-0111 harwood pgs. 2, 34

Challenger School - Shawnee 500 Shawnee Lane

San Jose • 408-365-9298 shawnee pgs. 2, 34

Challenger School - Strawberry Park 730 Camina Escuela

San Jose • 408-213-0083 strawberry-park pgs. 2, 34

San Mateo

Serendipity Preschool

3172 Clearview Way

San Mateo • 650-574-7400 pgs. 9, 36 2 - 5 yrs Up

Santa Clara

Action Day Schools | Pruneridge

2001 Pruneridge Avenue

Santa Clara • 408-597-4340 pgs. 11, 38


Action Day Schools | El Quito

18720 Bucknall Road

Saratoga • 408-404-5667 pgs. 11, 38

Action Day Schools | University

13560 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road

Saratoga • 408-617-8694 pgs. 11, 38

Challenger School - Saratoga 18811 Cox Avenue

Saratoga • 408-378-0444 pgs. 2, 34

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School 13601 Saratoga Avenue

Saratoga • 408-867-3785 pgs. 22, 48


Challenger School - Sunnyvale 1185 Hollenbeck Ave

Sunnyvale • 408-245-7170 pgs. 2, 34

Sunnyvale Christian School 445 S. Mary Ave.

Sunnyvale • 408-736-3286

Featured Private Schools


Serendipity School

2820 Ponce Avenue

Belmont • 650-596-9100 pgs. 9, 36


Mercy High School

2750 Adeline Drive

Burlingame • 650-343-3631 pgs. 7, 43


Leadways School

20900 McClellan Rd

Cupertino • 669-230-3936 pgs. 15, 44

Foster City

Kids Connection Elementary

1998 Beach Park Boulevard

Foster City • 650-578-6691 pgs. 31, 54

Los Altos

Ventana School

1040 Border Road

Los Altos • 650-948-2121 pgs. 21, 47

Los Gatos

Hillbrook School

300 Marchmont Drive

Los Gatos • 408-356-6116 p. 40

Menlo Park

Peninsula School

920 Peninsula Way

Menlo Park • 650-325-1584 pgs. 31, 52

St. Raymond Catholic School

1211 Arbor Road

Menlo Park • 650-322-2312 pgs. 27, 51

Synapse School

3375 Edison Way

Menlo Park • 650-294-4570

Featured Private Schools

Trinity School

2650 Sand Hill Road

Menlo Park • 650-854-0288 pgs. 29, 51

Mountain View

German International School of Silicon Valley

Mountain View Campus

310 Easy Street

Mountain View • 650-254-0748 pgs. 25, 53

Yew Chung International School

Silicon Valley

Kindergarten - Grade 8 Campus

310 Easy Street

Mountain View • 650-903-0986 pgs. 23, 49

Palo Alto

Athena Academy

525 San Antonio Avenue

Palo Alto • 650-534-4560 pgs. 5, 39

Bowman School

4000 Terman Drive

Palo Alto • 650-813-9131 pgs. 19, 45

Challenger School - Middlefield

3880 Middlefield Road

Palo Alto • 650-213-8245 palo-alto/middlefield pgs. 2, 34

The Girls’ Middle School

3400 West Bayshore Road Palo Alto • 650-968-8338 x 123

Imagination Lab School

4050 Middlefield Road

Palo Alto • 650-460-8940 pgs. 4, 37


3900 Fabian Way

Palo Alto • 650-213-9600 pgs. 22, 50

Portola Valley

Woodland School

360 La Cuesta Drive

Portola Valley • 650-854-9065 pgs. 29, 52

Redwood City

Acton Academy Silicon Valley

201 Arch Street

Redwood City • 650-204-0304 pgs. 13, 42

San Bruno

Highlands Christian Schools

1900 Monterey Drive

San Bruno • 650-873-4090

San Carlos

Arbor Bay School

1017 Cedar Street

San Carlos • 650-244-1519

San Francisco

German International School of Silicon Valley

San Francisco Campus 117 Diamond St

San Francisco • 415-254-0748 pgs. 25, 53

Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory 1055 Ellis Street

San Francisco • 415-772-6626 pgs. 32-33, 35

Sterne School

838 Kearny St

San Francisco • 415-922-6081 pgs. 3, 46

San Jose

Action Day Elementary School

3500 Amber Drive

San Jose • 669-304-2552 pgs. 11, 38

Action Day Middle School

801 Hibiscus Lane

San Jose • 669-774-4636 pgs. 11, 38

Challenger School - Almaden 19950 McKean Road

San Jose • 408-927-5771 san-jose/almaden pgs. 2, 34

Challenger School - Berryessa 711 East Gish Road

San Jose • 408-998-2860 san-jose/berryessa pgs. 2, 34

Challenger School - Harwood 4949 Harwood Road

San Jose • 408-723-0111 san-jose/harwood pgs. 2, 34

Challenger School - Shawnee 500 Shawnee Lane

San Jose • 408-365-9298 san-jose/shawnee pgs. 2, 34

Challenger School - Strawberry Park 730 Camina Escuela

San Jose • 408-213-0083 san-jose/strawberry-park pgs. 2, 34

Hillbrook School

240 N, 2nd Street

San Jose • 408-356-7976 p. 40

San Mateo

Junípero Serra High School

451 West 20th Avenue

San Mateo • 650-345-8207 x 6129 pgs. 41, Back Cover

Odyssey School

201 Polhemus Road

San Mateo • 650-548-1500 pgs. 27, 50


Challenger School - Saratoga 18811 Cox Avenue

Saratoga • 408-378-0444 saratoga pgs. 2, 34

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School 13601 Saratoga Avenue

Saratoga • 408-867-3785 pgs. 22, 48


Challenger School - Sunnyvale 1185 Hollenbeck Ave

Sunnyvale • 408-245-7170 sunnyvale pgs. 2, 34

Sunnyvale Christian School

445 S. Mary Ave.

Sunnyvale • 408-736-3286

The King’s Academy

562 N. Britton Avenue

Sunnyvale • 408-481-9900 pgs. 20, 48

Boarding Schools

Army and Navy Academy

2605 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, CA • 888-762-2338

The Athenian School

2100 Mt. Diablo Scenic Blvd. Danville, CA • 510-837-5375

Cate School

1960 Cate Mesa Road Carpinteria, CA • 805-684-4127

Dunn School

2555 West Highway 154 Los Olivos, CA • 800-287-9197

Idyllwild Arts Academy

/ 32


/ 296


/ 48

/ 80

52500 Temecula Rd. Idyllwild, CA • 951-659-2171 9-12

/ 41

Lake Tahoe Preparatory School

255 Olympic Valley Road Olympic Valley, CA • 530-583-8665

Midland School

5100 Figueroa Mountain Road Los Olivos, CA • 805-688 5114

Monte Vista Christian School

Two School Way Watsonville, CA • 831-722-8178 9-12

/ 564

Stevenson School

Carmel Campus

24800 Dolores Street

Carmel, CA • 831-574-4600

Pebble Beach Campus 3152 Forest Lake Road

Pebble Beach, CA • 831-625-8300 pgs. 25, 53

The Thacher School

5025 Thacher Road

Ojai, CA • 805-646-4377

The Webb Schools

1175 West Baseline Road

Claremont, CA • 909-482-5214

Villanova Preparatory School

12096 N. Ventura Avenue

Ojai, CA • 805-646-1464

/ 27

/ 136




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