East Bay Private School Guide 2024

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Why Consider Private School?

Many parents feel that their children will thrive better in what they believe is a smaller, safer environment with more room for personal attention. And while public schools must follow a curriculum heavily influenced by state standards, private schools have more freedom to customize lessons to students’ individual ways of learning.

Private schools can also point to low student-teacher ratios, freedom from state standards and testing, and lots of extras like music, foreign languages, and art that are underfunded or nonexistent in public schools. Rest assured, promise school experts, there is a school out there to suit every child.

There are two primary sorts of private schools—independent schools and parochial schools.

Independent schools are defined as nonprofit private schools with their own governing board of trustees. While most people commonly refer

Private schools can also point to low student-teacher ratios, freedom from state standards and testing, and lots of extras like music, foreign languages, and art that are underfunded or nonexistent in public schools.

to independent schools as private, lumping them in with parochial and for profit schools, they are distinct because they are nonprofit and self-governing.

Parochial schools, where tuition is typically one-third that of independent schools, offer traditional instruction and have solid reputations. Families who are “in-parish,” that is, who live within the schools’ official parish boundaries or volunteer and participate regularly in the parish, get first priority. Otherwise, the application procedures are similar to independent schools. >>>

Why Consider Private School? cont’d.

When considering private school education, think about these benefits as outlined by the Independent Schools of the San Francisco Bay Area (www.issfba.org):


academic standards

Independent schools nurture intellectual curiosity, stimulate personal growth, and encourage critical thinking. A larger percentage of students at independent schools are enrolled in advanced courses than in public schools.

Small classes and individual attention

Independent schools have low studentteacher ratios that encourage close connections with students. The median ratio in schools that are members of the National Association of Independent Schools in 2021–2022 was 8.4 students to 1 teacher.

Excellent teachers

Educators usually teach in their areas of expertise and are passionate about what they do. With more autonomy within the classroom, teachers are able to develop a full understanding of how each student learns and what motivates and inspires each individually.

Greater likelihood of a student completing a bachelor’s or graduate degree education

Independent schools nurture not just students’ intellectual ability and curiosity but also their personal and social growth and civic conscience. Opportunities extend well beyond the classroom to athletic competitions, artistic pursuits, and school leadership experiences.


Schools maintain diverse and vibrant student communities and welcome and respect each family. In 2021–2022, students of color were 32 percent of total independent school enrollment nationally.

A community of parents who actively participate in their children’s education

Independent schools promote regular communication among students, parents, and teachers to ensure everyone is working toward the same goals for the student.

The opportunity to choose a school with a mission

You can select a school whose philosophy, values, and teaching approach is right for your child. •

The Admissions Process: Plan Ahead

You and your family have decided to apply to one or more private schools for the next school year. Hopefully, you have given yourself and your child plenty of time to prepare for the steps and items required for the process. The steps and requirements in this process can vary depending on the grade your child will enter and the selectiveness of the schools you’re targeting. As parents, understanding your role in this endeavor is crucial. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to navigate the admissions process smoothly and effectively.

To ensure a successful admissions process, it’s essential to take proactive steps and be wellorganized from the outset. Here are some key considerations for parents:

Highly Selective Preschools and Elementary Schools

1. Begin by identifying a shortlist of preschools or elementary schools that align with your preferences. Research their acceptance rates, and if they are highly competitive, consider expanding your options.

2. Maintain a detailed calendar of admission-

related events and deadlines. Typically, admissions portals open in late August or September, so register early to engage with the schools early.

3. Network with parents of children already enrolled in your top choices. Inquire about the teachers, parent involvement, flexibility and disciplinary procedures.

4. Attend “get to know you” events organized by prospective schools to familiarize yourself with their culture and values.

5. Understand your financial limitations for tuition and fundraising and what the school will ask of its families.

6. Inquire on required parent participation during the school year. Explore opportunities to contribute through connections or ongoing projects.

7. Prepare a photo collage of your child for the application to provide a more comprehensive perspective of your family.

8. Understand what the preschool will be

The East Bay German International School (EBGIS) offers exceptional academics and German immersion from preschool through grade 8. Our East Bay International High School (EBIHS) is a college preparatory high school offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP). Often referred to as the gold standard in high school education, the IB is highly regarded by universities in the United States and worldwide.

We provide a dynamic learning environment and a truly global perspective, anchored by our European educational approach. Our small size and low student-teacher ratio (7:1) enable our highly trained international faculty to provide an individualized educational experience to each student.

Our International High School is open to all students in grades 9-12. EBIHS offers multiple language tracks with beginner to advanced language and literature courses in German, French, and Spanish as well as introductory Mandarin. All other EBIHS instruction is in English.

No knowledge of German is required for students entering our preschool or kindergarten, nor for our high school. Talk with us about individualized language support for elementary and middle school students.

Open House

October 19, 2024

January 25, 2025 10 am - 2 pm

High School Campus Visit September 23, 2024 9:40 am Online Info Sessions for all programs. Register at: http://www.ebgis.org/ admissions/visit-us 1070 41st Street Emeryville, CA 94608 (510) 380-0302


Continued –

looking for during the interview from your child and you. Work with your child to ensure they have the needed skills.

Private Middle and High Schools

Private school admissions season typically opens in August or September the preceding year. In addition to basic demographic information, the educational history of the student and standardized test scores, the application may consist of supplemental components such as:

• Responses to student essay prompts.

• Parent essays.

• Graded writing samples.

• Letters of recommendation, typically from English and math teachers.

• An extracurricular profile of the student on what they do outside of class.

In addition to the prior items listed for preschools and elementary schools, organize and prepare for the following:

1. Maintain a calendar to track registration openings, admission events, application deadlines, and financial assistance deadlines.

2. Compile records of your child’s achievements in academics, sports, and community service to illustrate their positive impact.

3. Assess the impression your family will make on the school’s administration and determine how you will demonstrate your long-term commitment and support.

4. Begin working on your parent statement early, aligning it with the school’s philosophies to showcase your family’s suitability.

5. Collaborate with your child on their

admissions essay, researching prompts as soon as possible.

6. Identify required tests, register and prepare your child accordingly.

7. Assist your child in selecting teachers, coaches, or mentors for compelling letters of recommendation.

8. Assemble graded writing samples and any other requested materials.

9. Attend non-admission events at the school, such as fundraisers and competitions, to display your family’s interest and involvement and learn more.

10. Help your child craft a first-choice letter for their top school preference.

The most challenging years to get into a preschool or private school are Pre-K 3, kindergarten, grade 6 and grade 9. So much of this process relies upon the parent. Stay on top of deadlines, ensure your child remains engaged, and maintains strong grades throughout this process.

Applying to highly selective schools can be as demanding as the college application process. Some families choose to hire an educational consultant to assist with the process and keep them on track. Do you need to hire a consultant? This depends upon how selective the school your child is applying to, if you are able to handle the extra burden during the admissions time or if you want to give your child a leg up in the application process. Schools come in all shapes and sizes with different requirements. You know your child better than anyone out there. You will be there to assist your child choose the school that is the best fit. •

The Private School Search: Where to Start?

With every private school brochure flashing photos of smiling students thriving in science labs and onstage, it can be hard to tell schools apart. Though on closer look, each school has its own personality, spanning a wider range of educational styles and often offering smaller classes than public schools.

Some schools follow distinct educational philosophies like Waldorf or Montessori. Others focus on music, offer a girls-only student body, a year-round schedule, or teach their curriculum exclusively in French. There are schools with impressive art, sports, drama, and science programs. Some are K–5 or K–8, others only grades 6–8, and still others are K–12. All of these schools have the luxury of complete freedom in designing curriculum to fit the school’s philosophy

because they are not subject to the state testing standards imposed on public schools.

A simple way to begin thinking about which private school may be right for your child is to look at how the school is structured. For example, some schools do not assign homework and others group different grades together in one classroom. By doing this step, it is easy to rule out schools that are not of interest.

An easy, simple way to begin thinking about which private school may be right for your child is to look at how the school is structured.

It’s time to start thinking about fall of next year if your child is about to begin her last year of preschool or is in fifth or eighth grade. Starting a year before you actually need to can help relieve anxiety as well as give you time to do your research.

The timeline for what can be a rigorous search for private schools begins with open house events and tours starting in September; applications in December and January; >>>

The Private School Search: Where to Start? cont’d.

and acceptance or rejection letters in early March. The sooner you start checking out schools that interest you, the better, whether those schools are independent or parochial. Parents who have been through the process before recommend the following combination of first steps:

• Look hard at your finances to see what kind of tuition your household is willing to handle. Find out if there are extra costs for books, computers, or after-school care, and if the school offers financial aid.

• Weed out schools that won’t work because of things like location or early start times.

• Learn basic facts like the number of students enrolled and student-teacher ratio.

• Consider your child’s particular learning style by consulting with current teachers (from preschool or day care, for example).

• Think about your family’s educational philosophy. Ask how students are tested, and how teachers convey expectations, teach classes and administer grades.

• Make a list of what matters most to you and your child. Perhaps it’s that the school is diverse, emphasizes the arts, has a grassy play area or a dance studio. It could also be that your child needs before-school care, elementary grades only, or an alternative learning environment.

• Talk to families whose children already attend those schools. Don’t be afraid to

ask tough questions. Ask other families what unique programs their children have benefitted from.

• If your child is entering kindergarten and has a fall birthday, research schools’ age cutoffs. Private schools usually prefer that children turn five before entering kindergarten. Some use cutoff dates as early as June 1st.

• Once you’ve got a list of schools to check out, create a list of admission event dates, application and financial assistance registration deadlines.

As parents move through this lengthy process, they should reflect on the desires, needs, and learning styles of their child. This process is different depending on the child’s age. There are things that are clear about a fifth-grader (like how they handle homework and social conflict, whether they favor sports or the arts) that aren’t evident yet with a preschooler. Parents of eighth-graders have the easiest and the hardest time with this. While it’s easier for the parents of a middle-schooler to pinpoint the social tendencies and learning style of their 13-year-old, that teenager often has thoughts of her own about which school to attend.

The school search process can be a stressful one. However, with some advance preparation and clear goals, it doesn’t have to be onerous. You might even gain some new insight into yourself and your child along the way. •

CCA offers Preschool to 12th grade

California Crosspoint Academy celebrates over 40 years of excellence in education.

From preschool age to college prep, we engage and prepare our students to achieve their goals and unique God given passions in life through an intimate, creative, and collaborative learning environment. We are "Transforming Lives for the Glory of God."

Average 11:1 student to staff ratio • Individualized learning STEAM (STEM + Arts) education • Outdoor education and field trips Life-long friendships • Scholarship program available

Preschool an d Elementary

• Academic development

• Character development

• Collaborative and interactive lessons

• Creative multi-sensory instruction

• Welcoming and nurturing classrooms

Middle School

• Multi-faceted learning experience

• Introduction to languages and high school level courses

• Sports teams: cross country, volleyball, basketball and soccer

• Seamless transition to our high school

High School

• 21 Honors & AP courses

• Foreign languages: Mandarin & Spanish

• Sports: basketball, volleyball, soccer, cross country, golf, track & field, badminton, swimming, color guard and e-sport

• International travel opportunities

Why Consider a Boarding School?

Boarding schools are a perfect option for many families, providing a home away from home that allows children to focus on their education as well as extra-curricular activities such as sports or arts. Education may not be the main reason parents choose to send their kids to boarding school. Some want their children to have a religious base to their education. Others find sports academies which allow their child the ability to train and develop athletic skills while providing a strong college prep education. Some parents favor a specific educational philosophy that can only be found in a boarding school setting. Plus, as was experienced with how education has been affected by situations such as Covid-19, boarding schools can create a stability for students and parents.


• With class sizes at most boarding schools averaging around 10-12 students, there is an opportunity to explore more subjects and attend classes not normally offered in conventional schools. Boarding schools may offer exciting travel opportunities to study ecology, history, political science, or art to give students the advantage of seeing and living their studies. Boarding schools have high standards when it comes to selecting teachers. Teachers are expected to create a classroom environment to stimulate discussion and promote student interest.


• Boarding Schools create a strong community of students, staff and teachers. With children socializing with a limited number of children their own age, around the clock, a strong sense

of community is developed as well as lifelong friends. Peers encourage each other to try new sports, art, music and awaken interests not available at home. Students build strong connections to their roommates and teachers which builds learning behavior and students’ motivation. These connections often lead to a strong network of motivated people for the rest of their lives.


• Boarding schools teach children to take care of themselves which turns them into an independent individual for life. Students at boarding schools learn to be self-reliant and responsible at an earlier age than conventional students. These students learn to follow and maintain a schedule, how to follow school rules and take responsibility for their actions, as well as, learn to make decisions and be better prepared for making difficult choices as they grow into adults.


• Boarding schools are also known to be quite innovative and to provide students with the latest technologies in order to improve the learning experience. This may translate into boarders’ higher acceptance by leading universities and better job opportunities later on.


• If not seeing your child for weeks at a time sounds a bit daunting, look for boarding schools which offer a five day a week program to allow for students to spend weekends with their families. •

Basic Timeline

Not every school follows the same schedule, but many follow similar timetables for admission. The below timeline is designed to help you in the admissions process. Many schools will not need all of the materials presented here. It depends on how competitive and selective the school’s admission team is.


❑ Create an Admissions Journal

❑ Define your ideal school

❑ Find schools that match your child’s needs

❑ Talk to your network of friends to gather insights on schools

❑ Research and ask questions of schools on your preliminary list


❑ Browse schools’ websites & look books to learn more about their programs and philosophies

❑ Register at each school of interest and request admissions and financial aid material

❑ Create a calendar of pertinent admission and financial assistance deadlines for the schools of interest

❑ Ask schools about their test requirements and register for needed tests

❑ Review the test websites to learn about procedures and test dates, see sample questions, and purchase test-preparation books

❑ Contact schools to schedule individual tours, class visits, interviews, and shadow days

❑ Begin crafting parent statements and brainstorming essay ideas

❑ Round up graded writing samples and other items, i.e., art, prospective schools will need to evaluate your child

❑ Assemble an extracurricular profile

❑ Work with your child to practice answering interview questions

❑ Arrange to get needed letters of recommendations


❑ Continue scheduling tours, interviews, class visits, and standardized or school-based tests.

❑ Visit schools during open houses, information sessions, and tours.

❑ Finalize the list of schools to which you will apply.

❑ Take required standardized admission tests.

❑ Keep working on parent statements, essays and practice interviewing


❑ Continue scheduling tours, interviews, class visits, and standardized or school-based tests.

❑ Continue to watch for admission events you may want to attend.

for Applying to a Private School

❑ Follow up on teacher recommendations from your child’s current school.

❑ Start working on applications, financial assistance forms, continue working on essays, interviews & statements


❑ Continue to watch for any admission or school events of interest.

❑ Request transcripts at the end of your child’s first semester.

❑ Complete any remaining applications, questionnaires, etc. Some application materials are due as early as December.


❑ Deadlines time: Most applications are due in January or February, along with the accompanying required materials.

❑ Financial assistance applications are normally due soon after applications


❑ For schools with February admissions deadline, turn in applications

❑ Re-visit schools applied to again if unsure of top choice


❑ Watch for school decisions starting in mid-March

❑ Watch for financial assistance decisions about this same time

❑ If your student is accepted by multiple schools, decide which school your child will attend & let other schools know of your choice

❑ If wait listed, contact school to find out details and options


❑ Sign and return enrollment contracts and deposits


❑ Attend events and activities for new parents and students during spring and summer

❑ Get to know other families in the school

❑ Sign up for fall sports and clubs

Define Your Ideal School

Every school provides a unique educational experience, so how do you decide which schools will be a good fit for your child? Think about:

• SCHOOL TYPE - Do you want a day school or boarding school? Coeducational or singlesex? If you’re not sure, search for articles and opinions or talk to an educational consultant about which environment might be best for your student.

• GRADE RANGE - Do you want a school that focuses on your child’s age range, or one that can serve your child through elementary, middle, and high school?

• LOCATION - Convenience matters, especially if you want your child to take part in school activities. Time the commute before and after school just to be sure.

• STUDENT BODY - Consider both average class size and total enrollment. A smaller population may mean fewer social opportunities, but more chances for your student to shine. Also consider the diversity of the student body.

• EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY - Most independent schools fall along a continuum between traditional and progressive, but what does that mean? How are classes taught? How are expectations conveyed? How are students tested? Ask to sit in on a few classes to see how the philosophy plays out.

• CURRICULUM - What courses are offered? Which are required and which are elective? In what order are math, science, and humanities courses taught? Is there an interdisciplinary emphasis, so that what students study in English meshes with what they’re learning in history? Does the curriculum fit your student’s learning needs?

• FACULTY - Examine the faculty list (online or in recruitment materials). Where did teachers go to college? How long have they been teaching? Do their degrees match with what they teach? Is there much turnover? In primary grades, how many teachers are in the classroom? Watch a class to see how teachers interact with students and engage them in the learning process.

• FACILITIES - In addition to the overall condition of the school, look at the facilities your child may use. Is the art department well-stocked? Are sports facilities wellequipped? Are computers up to date? How extensive is the library/language lab?

• SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND EXTRACURRICULARS - Does the school provide programs that fit your student’s needs and interests? Consider academic support, language programs, arts, athletics, leadership opportunities, travel oppportunties and service programs. Is the school a place where your child can blossom? •

When Your Child Has Special Needs

Many students have diagnoses such as ADHD, anxiety, learning delays, physical disabilities, special medical needs or behavioral issues. Other children have special talents they want to nurture or learning styles that require additional time or resources in the classroom. Whatever your child’s special needs, it’s best to talk about them honestly and early in the process.

Consider asking the school the below questions related to your child:

• How does the school endeavor to meet your child’s needs?

• If your child has a 504 or IEP from a public school, will this school work with your child to set up a similar program?

• How does this school handle absences due to issues related to my child’s special needs?

• How will the school communicate if there is a problem?

• What do you see as the school’s strengths and weaknesses with working with special needs students?

• Will my child have a counselor to work with my child’s unique needs?

If your child is not admitted, it may mean the school doesn’t have the facilities or expertise to meet your child’s needs. Available, state mandated, programs available public schools may not translate to a private school setting.

If the school seems like a good fit, ask to speak to 2-3 parents who have children with similar situations at the school. Ask these families what their experience has been like, what challenges they have encountered and if the school worked with them to find a quality solution. Would the parents recommend the school?

Keep notes on every conversation you have, and look for consistency in the answers. This information should help you narrow your list of possible schools. •

What to Expect When Applying to Private School

Your first step is to research and visit schools, ideally starting the search at least a year before you plan to submit the application for your child. It takes time to determine which school is the best fit for your child. Navigating the application process can be overwhelming, but it can also be exciting. Here are tips on how to get your child into the right school.

• After creating your short list of schools, contact the school’s admissions office to find out about open house events, school tours, private visits, or other events that will allow you to get to know the school as best as possible.

The school’s admissions office will also tell you about application requirements, including deadlines and costs.

While each school has its own criteria for admitting students, the typical application package involves:

• A completed application form, usually available from the school’s website, and application fee.

• Parent or guardian statements.

• A transcript of your child’s grades from her current school.

• Results from standardized tests or a schooladministered test. For middle school grades and above, the most common tests are: The Independent School Entrance Examination, or the ISEE; the Secondary School Aptitude Test, or the SSAT; the High School Placement Test, or HSPT, for Catholic schools.


• Student writing samples.

• Student portfolios.

• A formal interview, though for elementary school students, the interview more often consists of a teacher observation or individual or group-administered diagnostic tests. >>>

What to Expect When Applying cont’d.

School admissions officers are there to help you complete your applications in a timely manner. They also want to make sure that the process is a positive experience for you and your child and that there is a good match between your child and the school.


• While admissions officers want to be helpful, don’t call too often, overload them with additional information about your child, or try to impress them with your business or social contacts.

• Don’t jump on the bandwagon of applying to a school just because your child’s peers are applying. Similarly, don’t just apply to a school because it is one of the “top” schools in the area and boasts of its graduates who go to the Ivies. Be realistic about your child’s strengths, interests, and personality. Apply to schools which are a good fit for your child.

• Don’t shy away from disclosing vital information about your child or family— notably about any special academic needs your child has or about your family’s financial need for tuition help.

• While most private schools cannot afford to meet the academic and financial needs of all students they would like to admit, you won’t increase your child’s chances of acceptance by failing to be upfront about certain

information. And, if the school turns your child down for any special issues, it’s likely the school was not a good fit.

• Don’t miss application deadlines. But if you do, some schools have rolling admissions and admit students throughout the school year. •

Applying After the Deadline?

Don’t give up on a school if you’ve missed the admissions deadline.

Finding a school that will accept your child after the normal admissions deadline has passed is not easy. But it can be done. You suddenly decide in late winter or early spring that you want to get your child into a private school for fall. Or a job transfer makes finding a private school in a hurry an absolute necessity. So, are you indeed too late? It depends.

First, contact the school’s admissions office, state your case, and see how school officials respond. Some schools have flexible or rolling admissions and accept students as long as the school enrollment roster has room, and some schools create waitlists when full. There is a chance that an accepted student may withdraw or cancel, creating an available spot at the last minute.

The bottom line? Ask anyway. You never know, and it never hurts to ask. •

Make the Most of Your Campus Visit

You’ve looked at the websites, glanced through the glossy brochures, and even heard friends talk glowingly—or not— about the private schools on your short list. Now it’s time to actually set foot on campus. More than anything else, visiting the school—seeing the classrooms, walking around the grounds, and talking to faculty and students—will give you and your child the best sense of whether this is the best environment for your child to learn and thrive.

Because the visit is so crucial to deciding on your child’s school, you should make the most of the opportunity. Private school experts offer these suggestions for what to ask about, look for, and consider before, during, and after the visit.

• Do some pre-visit research. Read up on the school’s history, educational philosophy, and accomplishments. Ask for information about student-teacher ratios, teacher experience, arts classes, sports, and other extracurricular activities, special programs for students needing academic support, and expectations for parental involvement. Decide ahead of time if there are specific classrooms, facilities, or departments that you or your child want to visit.

• If possible, visit on a regular school day, arrange to observe a classroom, and stay to sample a school lunch.

• General impressions count, but so do the details. Take note of what the grounds and classrooms are like, but also pay attention to specifics: are the bathrooms clean; do staff seem organized and ready for your visit; what library, science, and technology resources does the school offer?

• In the classrooms or on the playground, notice if the students look engaged and well-behaved, including when they transition from one activity or classroom to another. How do students interact with their teachers? Do the teachers seem cheerful and knowledgeable? How do the teachers manage the classrooms or handle discipline?

• Talk to as many teachers and students as possible. Find out about homework policies and workloads, the social environment, and opportunities to do arts, sports, and other nonacademic activities.

• If the school offers shadow-a-student day for interested students, your child has the opportunity to ask questions of potential schoolmates more freely than if you’re around.

• After you and your child finish the visit, jot down your general impressions before leaving. Try to imagine your child in one of the classrooms, or walking the halls. How does that idea look and feel? Remember gut feelings can be important, too. •

8 Tips for Navigating an Open House

Open House events are one of the best opportunities to experience many aspects of a school. At the event you will get the feel of the staff, students and administrators. You will have the opportunity to walk the halls, experience the classrooms and unique features. While the format of these events may differ across institutions, most will introduce you to the faculty, offer tours of the premises, and spotlight clubs and other extracurricular activities. With the rise of technology, many schools now opt for virtual Open House events. While these can be informative, it’s essential to visit the campus at some point during the admissions process. Whether you’re attending virtually or in person, here are eight tips to make the most of your Open House experience:


Let schools know you are coming as soon as you can. You will be rewarded by a better prepared school. It is not unusual for these events to fill up so don’t wait to reserve your space. Plus, schools will most likely send you an agenda of the event and important admissions information. And, if you can’t make it for some reason let the school know ahead of time.


By this stage, you should have reviewed the school’s websites, look books, social media and YouTube channels. Conduct a thorough online search for any relevant news on the school. Talk to your child about the school and what is of particular interest.


While some schools have flexible drop-in events, others have specific check in times. Consider arriving early to mix with staff and current students. If time doesn’t allow you to go early, be on time so you are not rushed.


Hopefully, since you registered the school has provided an agenda ahead of time. Otherwise, check the school’s website or email the admissions team ahead of time. An Open House can be an overwhelming experience for your child due to unfamiliar surroundings and faces. Familiarizing them with the event’s flow can alleviate anxiety. Some events might have separate schedules for parents and prospective

students, so discuss logistics and potential rendezvous points.


Most likely you will be visiting more than one schools events. After a few events, keeping track of information can be tough. Take good notes of teacher and student engagement, important dates and opportunities to further engage with the school. Write down a teacher or student that has similar interests as your child or of programs and new projects of interest. Also, after the event, write down your overall impression of the school and how your child reacts, new questions and next steps.


Talk to as many students and teachers as possible. Ask why they chose this school and what they like most about it. Find out what life is like day-to-day, what are the important school wide events, favorite teachers or classes. Evaluate the level of excitement of the students.


Do you see your child flourishing academically, socially and physically here? Is school staff welcoming and approachable? Are students engaging with other students. What does the school do to help integrate new students?



Effective school communication is a reflection of its administrative efficiency. Assess if the provided information facilitated a smooth open house experience. Were there areas where more clarity would have been beneficial? Ensure you comprehend the school’s expectations of students and their families.

Use Open House events to help understand the school and determine its compatibility. The school should educate you on what they are looking for in a student and what they promise to provide. If you made a good connection with a staff member, or they took extra time with you, drop them a quick note of appreciation. Also, consider sending the admissions a thank-you note, accompanied by a positive observation. •

Open House

Saturday, November 2nd, 2024

9:00 am-12:00 pm

Shadow Days

After all the open house events, information nights, school tours, and interviews, the best way for kids to evaluate a school is to spend a day on campus. On shadow days, prospective students are matched up with a current student for an individual tour. If school is in session, they go to classes, share time during breaks and lunch, and get an insider’s tour of the campus, experiencing firsthand what it feels like to be a student at that school.


• Typically, shadow days can be scheduled anytime from October to May.

• Visitors are often required to respect the school dress code.

• Visiting students are usually allowed to shadow a current student they already know, as long as the request is made in advance.

• If prospective students do not know any current students, the school will assign one based on interests in academics, extracurricular activities, etc.

• Shadow days are just for students; no parents allowed. •

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Entrance Exam 101

Most private schools require students entering middle and high school to take an entrance exam to gain admission to their institutions.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, the most commonly accepted standardized tests are the Independent School Entrance Examination, or the ISEE, and the High School Placement Test, or HSPT, for Catholic schools. Another often recognized and accepted test is the Secondary School Aptitude Test, or the SSAT.

The ISEE and SSAT tests are to middle and high school what the SAT or ACT is to college. They are administered independently at a set time at a specific location with results sent to designated schools. Often schools schedule these tests on their own campuses, and individual entrance requirements usually specify which test to take. The HSPT, however, does not coordinate national testing days, and test administration is the responsibility of individual schools or dioceses, which determine when to offer the HSPT. Now, all three tests offer at home options. These organizations provide students a secure computer-based testing option to be taken at home when group testing isn’t available.

On these exams, students can expect multiplechoice questions that test verbal, math, and reading comprehension skills and a portion that assesses writing ability (though not part of the HSPT). Policies vary according by test on taking practice tests and repeated test attempts. The test results often determine course placement, so more schools have begun to offer preparation test programs to better equip entering students for the real thing. Schools may have additional or different requirements for international students.



FOR Candidates for grades five and six. MIDDLE AND UPPER LEVEL

FOR Candidates for grades seven and eight (Middle); candidates for grades nine through 12 (Upper).



FOR Students in grade eight for placement in ninth grade.



The SSAT is a multiple-choice test designed for students in grades three through 11 and is administered on three levels: elementary, middle, and upper.


FOR Students in grades three and four.


Standard Test (group administered on eight Saturdays), Flex Test (group or individual administered on a different date), Regional Flex Test or Open Flex Test (regional consortia administered).

FOR Students in grades 5–7 (Middle) and grades 8–11 (Upper). •

Tips for a Great Essay

Application essays provide ways for private school admissions officers to get to know students beyond their grades, test scores, and basic biographical information. They provide insight into a student’s personality and interests—to help determine if the school is the right fit for your child and vice versa.

Aside from the interview, writing the essay can be one of the most stress-producing steps in the application process. These suggestions from private school organizations can break the task of writing the essay into manageable steps that guide your child to crafting a work that makes him stand out to admissions officers.


Don’t write a two-sentence essay if the school asks for one page, but don’t write more than one page. And, don’t turn in a typed essay if the school wants it handwritten.


Schools often provide an essay prompt, so you need to respond to it. That said, the prompts—such as “recount some activity or event that challenged you in a positive way”— usually allow the applicant lots of leeway to write about a range of topics.


Do not wait until the night before the application is due to begin writing. Brainstorm and work out ideas with teachers, parents, or others early and give yourself time for revisions.


While the essay should have correct spelling and grammar and be legible, it doesn’t have to follow the academic essay formula. A good strategy is to tell a story—even filled with dialogue or vivid description—to get your point across.


Don’t write what you think an admissions officer wants to hear—because you really have no idea. Write about what you know and what excites you.


If you are an aspiring writer, for example, ask the school if you can write in verse, instead of the usual narrative.


Stay away from generalizations, such as “singing by myself in front of my school was challenging.” Instead, provide details or an example of how and why you were scared before that solo singing performance and felt triumphant afterwards.


While, as parents, you can provide feedback and help with editing, let your child do all the writing. If you can’t help but get overly involved, consider asking a neutral third party—a teacher, another relative, or a professional consultant—to help your child edit her essay. •

Who to Ask for Recommendation Letters

Asking for recommendation letters is an important part of the private school admissions process. These letters can help your child stand out by highlighting interests, strengths and personality. When written by someone who knows your child well, recommendation letters add depth to the application. However, asking for these letters can be uncomfortable and awkward. Consider these factors when asking:


• Pick individuals who know your child well in academic or leadership roles—teachers, coaches, or mentors with relevant positions. Let them know why you choose them to write the letter. They should be able to speak to your child’s strengths, passions, and character.


• Depending on your desired school’s application process, in general, the best time to ask is in October to mid-November, giving teachers and advisors enough time to write before deadlines. Or, approach your child’s summer coach as they finish up the season practice.


• Recognize that writing a recommendation takes

time. Let them know why you value their input, and be clear about your needs and deadlines. Indicate what is important to your child about the school applying to and how your child’s experience with the person relates. When asking, let the person know how soon you will need the letter and give them amply time to write it. Also, let them know what format, written or digital, that the school has asked for the letter to be in.


• If the deadline is approaching and you haven’t received the letter, a polite reminder is fine. It’s helpful to ask for the letter a week earlier than needed to avoid last-minute issues.


• After submitting your application, be sure to send a thank-you note showing appreciation for their time. If your child is old enough, have them write it. When you are accepted into the school of choice circle back and let them know they were a key part to your acceptance. These tips will help you secure meaningful recommendation letters for your application. •

Educating Neurodiverse Students in 6th through 12th Grade for Over 21 Years!

The Springstone School, a Nonpublic School (NPS), certified by the California Department of Education, is a Special Education school serving neurodiverse students from the Bay Area with Executive Function challenges that affect their ability to organize and prioritize information and make meaningful social connections.

Springstone has two programs, a Middle School serving grades 6th-8th and a Community High School serving grades 9th-12th. Springstone offers a serene and calm learning environment, nestled along the Las Trampas creek in Lafayette. Students are placed privately or through their home school district with a referral and may be enrolled year-round.

Springstone provides an academically rigorous curriculum following the framework of the California Common Core Standards. Small, self-contained, structured classrooms (8:1 students to teacher ratio) allowing for individualized instruction, collaboration, discussion, and conversation within multiple modalities.

Springstone’s programs integrate pragmatic language, occupational therapy, mindfulness, organizational skills, work skills, and life skills in the academic classroom, as well as in the community. We have a one of a kind ACCESS program, bringing project-based learning within the greater community. We believe our students will develop strategies for use in academic and social settings if they are part of a community that understands, accepts, and challenges them.

We invite you to visit Springstone to learn more about our unique programs!

We offer Group Tours for parents and advocates as well as Open Houses for families.


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• September 20th

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• November 15th

• December 13th

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• March 21st, 2025

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What to Include in a Parent Statement

Most preschools and private schools use the Parent Statement as a tool to gain insights into your child and family support. Particularly for preschool and early elementary grades, the Parent Statement may be the primary written lens through which the admissions team views your child’s personality, assessing if they are a good fit. Additionally, the statement should offer a glimpse into your family dynamics, primarily addressing whether education is important, supported, and valued. The part of the admission’s process aims to understand your family values to see if they resonate with the school’s ethos.

The criteria for Parent Statements differ from one school to another. While some institutions offer specific prompts, others adopt a broader approach. Regardless, these statements should be succinct, ideally no longer than the stipulated limit or a single page. Consider the perspective of an admissions officer faced with reading hundreds of Parent Statements. Being concise is crucial. To effectively convey your child’s personality and your family’s educational values, every word must be impactful. It’s advisable to allocate ample time for drafting and refining your statement, ensuring relevant details are provided and unnecessary adjectives are eliminated.

Your task, in a nutshell, is to encapsulate your child’s personality and your family’s stance on education in 650 words or less. In addition, indicate what the school can anticipate from you as parents if your child is admitted. This might sound straightforward, but it’s a nuanced endeavor.

Before you start, ensure you understand any prompts provided by the school. Familiarize yourself with the school’s mission and educational philosophy, so you can echo similar values when portraying your child. Reflect on instances where your child’s actions or reactions mirrored the school’s values or beliefs. Choose

a notable example that encapsulates your child’s character and use it as a foundation for your introductory paragraph. Throughout the statement, honestly describe your child’s character and personality.

In the subsequent paragraph, delve into your child’s learning inclinations. Highlight subjects they excel in and areas they find challenging. If they’ve faced academic hurdles, outline the support that aided them. Alternatively, if they haven’t faced academic obstacles, touch upon other challenges, perhaps social, familial or physical, and how they navigated them.

Your following paragraph should delineate why you believe your child would thrive in that specific school. Reference particular programs or offerings the school provides that intrigue your child. Conclude by communicating briefly why you, as parents, are enthusiastic about the school and how you intend to be supportive.

Once written, revisit your statement multiple times, refining and honing. Ensure your introductory sentence captivates the reader, and the subsequent content sustains their interest. Your narrative should illuminate desired traits in your child, while steering clear of excessive adjectives, ostentation, speculative statements, and embellishments. If you’re repurposing this statement for multiple schools, double-check that you’ve adjusted the school’s name accordingly.

The Parent Statement is a useful avenue to spotlight unique facets of your child and family. Whether it’s emphasizing a diverse background or recounting challenges your family confronted and how your child responded, this is your opportunity to offer a more profound insight into your child.

Lastly, review and refine your statement once more. Your diligence will be well worth the effort. •

Interview Preparation

The idea of your child having to interview to gain admission to a private school sounds downright terrifying. But private school experts say you shouldn’t think of the interview as a high-stakes interrogation. Rather, think of the interview as a two-way conversation that helps everyone involved—school staff, parents, and child—determine if the school is the right fit for your child.

The structure of the interview also depends on the school and your child’s age. Typically, the applicant and her family come to the school to look around and talk with an admissions officer or other school staff. The staff might focus on talking with the parents, but with older children and high school students, an admissions officer might speak privately with the child in a formal or more casual situation.

Given that the interview is an important part of the application process, and in determining if this school is the best place to educate your child, here are some things you and your child should prepare for so the interview will go well, according to the National Association of Independent Schools and other private school organizations.

With younger kids, the school staff will mostly talk to the parents, asking them to describe their child and what they hope their child will gain by attending this school.

When students are old enough to be the key subject of interviews, they should be prepared to answer typical questions, such as:

• Tell me about yourself: Help your child come up with an answer that doesn’t recite biographical facts but describes his interests and strengths in certain academic areas or extracurricular activities and allows him to talk up his accomplishments.

• Why do you want to come to this school? The school wants to find out if the child understands what makes the school unique and whether he sees it as a match for his own personality, academic strengths, interests, and aspirations. So, hopefully, during visits, or in talking to students and faculty, your child has encountered programs or a learning environment that excites him.

• Talk about subjects or teachers you like. Help your child figure out certain coursework that has recently engaged him, such as a certain book in English class or a social studies field trip to see Egyptian mummies at a museum.

Given that the interview is also a chance for you and your child to learn more about the school, help your child prepare to ask questions. Look at the school’s website or think back to visits and help him come up with a list of questions that reflects how the school might nurture his interests. “Will I be able to do dissections in sixth-grade biology?” “Can I audition for school plays in ninth grade?” “What about your study trips overseas?” “What are different ways I can fulfill my community service requirements?” The admissions officers will likely see your child’s curiosity as evidence of his interest in coming to the school.

Parents and students should always be honest, experts say. But that doesn’t mean you should accentuate your child’s weaknesses, provide too much information about family challenges, or bad-mouth your child’s current school, even if this current school environment is mostly negative and the reason he’s trying to change schools.

Instead, accentuate the positive: A child’s weakness or a family’s challenges are things he is working to overcome; or his current school simply isn’t the right fit for his unique needs and interests. •

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De La Salle shapes the lives of young men through faith, education, love, and guidance. Every action we take intentionally supports the personal growth and development of the students entrusted to our care.

We provide a rich and transformative educational experience that teaches the mind and touches the heart.

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Get Noticed in a Virtual Admissions Interview

There may come a time when an in-person interview isn’t feasible. Perhaps your family is relocating to the area of the school or you’re considering a distant boarding school. How can you, or more importantly, your child, ensure a successful virtual interview? The following tips offer guidance.

In recent years, virtual calls, classes, interviews, and presentations have become commonplace. If you haven’t established a virtual office at home, start by setting up a tidy space with ample lighting and a non-distracting background. To prevent shadowy visuals, consider using a ring light and avoiding direct backlighting from windows. Position the camera at your child’s eye level — placing your laptop on boxes can help achieve this. If your child wants to showcase a hobby, consider a custom background with relevant imagery, be it their artwork, a beloved sports figure, a memorable travel destination, or a pet. This personal touch can be a great conversation starter. Choose a location that minimizes interruptions from pets, deliveries, landscaping noise, or siblings.

If you’re unfamiliar with virtual meetings, determine the platform the school will use and practice with a friend. Adjust camera angles, teach your child to maintain their on-screen

presence, and practice projecting a clear voice. If possible, record these practice sessions for feedback. It’s crucial to advise your child against nervous habits like fidgeting or excessive gesturing, which can be distracting in a virtual setting.

Just as with a face-to-face interview, attire matters. Ensure your child dresses in a manner that’s both comfortable and in line with the school’s dress code. The goal is to convey respect and leave a lasting impression.

Arrange a mock interview with an adult unfamiliar to your child. This allows them to acclimatize to the digital format and refine their virtual etiquette, such as logging in early to account for technical issues, avoiding phone distractions, and keeping snacks out of sight. It’s acceptable to have a glass of water nearby, but leave it at that. Ensure your child attends to any personal needs before the call starts.

Establish whether parents should remain present during the interview. While it’s advisable for a parent to be available for initial tech troubleshooting, it’s best to give your child space once the interview commences.

Encourage your child to jot down notes, especially if they encounter challenging questions. Ahead of time, prepare a list of 5-6 questions they can refer to if asked. During the conversation, prompt them to note down intriguing points or further questions, ensuring they’re engaged and proactive throughout.

As the session concludes, remind your child to express gratitude. If something piqued their interest, they should ask the interviewer for more resources or insights on that topic.

Lastly, always follow up. A handwritten thankyou note, referencing a personal tidbit from the interview, leaves a lasting impression. If the admissions officer works remotely, a thoughtful video message or email is a suitable alternative.

First-choice Letters: Should You Write One?

If you’re aiming high in the school search, especially for highly selective private schools, you might consider submitting a “First-Choice” or “Top-Choice” letter. What exactly is a first-choice letter? For younger students, it’s a letter written by the parents; for middle school students or older, it’s written by the student. The letter tells the admission officers that if admitted to their school, they will accept.

However, first-choice letters are not universally appreciated. Most schools welcome them, while some view them as taboo. It’s essential to research whether your top school accepts or discourages such letters. While some admissions officials might find them distasteful, there are schools where, rumor has it, an application is virtually incomplete without one. The best approach? Consult with the admissions director of your top-choice school to gauge their stance. Only proceed if you’re not dissuaded, and if you don’t fall into one of the situations mentioned below.


Avoid writing a first-choice letter if:

- Your child’s acceptance hinges on a specific financial aid package. While it’s unlikely that a school would offer less aid because of such a letter, you’d be in a bind if the aid given falls short of your expectations.

- You’re contemplating multiple top choices. It’s a

given that you should only write one firstchoice letter. If you’re unsure about a clear top choice, consider writing about your admiration for the school, referencing specific interactions and detailing why it’s a great fit for your child and family.


Choosing to write a first-choice letter? Ensure you highlight why you believe the school is the perfect fit for your child. Dive into the details: reference specific aspects of the school and align them with your child’s ethos or aspirations. Aligning your child’s attributes with the school’s mission can make a powerful statement.


If your top-choice school has a set admissions deadline (and assuming the acceptance schedule is similar to larger metropolitan areas), it’s optimal to send your letter after the application deadline, but ideally just before admission decision-making, usually in January or February. Remember to be concise; admissions staff are swamped during this period. If there’s a toss-up between your child and another applicant, your letter might just tip the balance in your favor. It’s worth noting that some schools assess their performance based on yield — the ratio of accepted offers to total offers made. A first-choice letter can influence this metric, reinforcing its potential importance in the admissions process. •

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The Acceptance and Decision

The application is completed, interviews and shadow days all done—all that’s left is waiting for the acceptance letter (or email) and then the big decision. Usually, acceptance (or rejection or waitlist) notifications go out on a Friday in midMarch, and families then have seven days to decide where their child will attend. So how to make the decision?

When you learn about your child’s acceptance, you will also learn about financial assistance awards. If the grant you receive does not meet your needs, or if you are not awarded any financial assistance, contact the school’s financial assistance officer to learn about other options.

The following are tips on choosing a school from the National Association of Independent Schools.


• If you’re certain about the school, say yes—but feel free to take the full seven days to sit with the decision to make sure it feels right.


• Discuss the options as a family.

• Make a pro and con list for each possible school.

• Revisit your notes from tours and open houses. Follow your heart. Revisit your wish list to make sure you’ve fulfilled your priorities. Be sure that your child will thrive in the school community you choose.


• Consider a second visit to the school; have your child do a shadow day if she hasn’t already.

• Ask to talk to some teachers.

• Talk to graduates or current families of the school—especially any who have come from your child’s current school.

• Encourage your child to talk to other students.


• Be sure to contact the school you choose by the reply deadline.

• Let all schools where you were admitted know of your final decision so they can contact other families on their wait list.

• Return your signed enrollment contract and tuition deposit.


• Call the school right away and let admissions officials know that you are very interested. Stay in touch with them throughout the summer. Sometimes children can be accepted off the waitlist just days before school begins.


• Consider other schools.

• Ask the school for feedback about what factors made the difference. Try to approach the issue in a nonjudgmental way; tell the admissions staff you want to get information that can help your child do better in the future. •

Financial Assistance Basics

Every private school has its own policies about who receives financial assistance, what types of assistance are awarded, and how much assistance a particular family will receive. In most cases, the financial aid office cannot tell you if your family will qualify for financial aid until you submit an application that allows the school to evaluate your unique situation.


To determine your eligibility for financial aid, you must submit an application form and financial statements. There is no income limit that automatically makes your family ineligible for financial aid. Financial aid officers take into account your income, assets, and expenses, including educational costs for other children.

Bottom line: If you feel your family cannot afford to pay the full cost, regardless of your income, it’s worth the effort to submit a financial aid application.


Every school has its own financial aid schedule, and the deadlines are different for schools with rolling admissions. In general, most financial aid applications are due in January or February. Check with your school of choice for the deadline. You will receive a financial aid decision shortly after your child is admitted to a particular school.


• Grants are the most common type of financial aid offered by private schools. They are awarded annually to students who demonstrate financial need, and students must re-apply each year. Grant money comes from the school’s budget and does not have to be paid back.

• Merit scholarships awarded by the school are rare and are usually reserved for students who have a special talent that the school is seeking, such as art, music, or academics. Generally, scholarships are based on financial need. They may be awarded once, annually, or as long as the student meets the scholarship criteria.

• Scholarships from outside organizations are also rare, and often awarded by local chapters of national groups like the Rotary Club. Ask the school for a list of organizations that have provided scholarships to their students in the past, and check the list on parents.nais.org. Each scholarship program will have its own eligibility rules, application, and deadlines.

• Tuition loans are personal loans provided by a private lender. You must apply directly to the lender, and your loan amount and interest rate will depend on the lender’s credit requirements. Some use loans to pay for expenses not covered by a grant.

• Tuition Payment Plans allow you to make monthly payments rather than writing one or two large checks each year. Schools offer payment plans through a third-party financial services company, which charges a relatively small fee.

• Sibling discounts are designed to help families with more than one child enrolled in the same school. Many schools are shrinking these discounts, or phasing them out altogether. Even so, it’s worth asking if this situation applies to you.

Most families pay for tuition through a combination of these options. The school’s financial aid officer can help you create a financing plan that fits your family’s needs. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and explore all the options available to you. •

 Reprinted with permission from the National Association of Independent Schools, www.nais.org.

Fearless, We Pursue EXCELLENCE

Myths About Financial Assistance

MYTH: An independent school education is out of reach for all but wealthy families.

REALITY: Tuition can be expensive. But hundreds of private schools offer financial assistance to make sure that the students they’ve admitted have a realistic chance to enroll, no matter what their families’ financial status.

MYTH: All schools our child applies to will offer our family the same financial aid package.

REALITY: How much assistance you receive may vary a lot from school to school. The amount a school can offer depends on factors such as the size of its endowment, its tuition costs, and its philosophy about providing aid. If your decision to send your child to an independent school depends on getting some financial help, it pays to apply for aid at more than one school.

MYTH: The deadlines for admission and financial aid are the same.

REALITY: Often the deadlines are not the same. Check with each school (the deadlines are usually on the school’s website), and be sure to keep track of what you must do when. Do not wait to begin the financial aid process until after you receive an admission decision. It pays to complete both admission and financial aid applications at the same time, even if they’re due on different dates; plus, many schools require that they be done at the same time.

MYTH: The financial aid application process is complicated.

REALITY: There’s some truth to this one, but schools’ financial aid offices are working hard to make the process as clear and convenient as possible. More than 2,100 schools use SSS, School and Student Services by NAIS, to help them make financial aid decisions. This means you may only have to fill out one form to apply for financial aid at several schools. The form and instructions are available online. In addition, many schools offer financial aid workshops, and staffers welcome your calls any time you have questions.

MYTH: If we tell the school our family needs financial aid, this might hurt our child’s chances of being admitted.

REALITY: The typical school will not reject a qualified student’s admission application because the child is applying for financial aid. That said: Admission is not a guarantee that the student’s family will receive financial aid. The amount of aid depends on the family’s eligibility and the funds the school has available.

MYTH: It’s too intimidating to talk to the school about our private financial matters.

REALITY: The school is your very best source of realistic information about the procedures and timelines for getting aid and of advice about the types of financial assistance available. The members of the financial aid staff want you to turn to them for help. •

Reprinted with permission from the National Association of Independent Schools, www.nais.org.

The School of the Madeleine is a vibrant, inclusive, K-8 Catholic school in Berkeley. For 85 years, we have delivered a high-quality, values-based education. Our school follows the four Dominican Pillars of Faith, Study, Community, and Service. In addition to our strong academic program, we offer music, band, Spanish, art, 1:1 iPads, tech lab, partner teachers, learning support, and after-care program.

The School of the Madeleine is a vibrant, inclusive, K-8 Catholic school in Berkeley. We are dedicated to the education of the whole child—mind, body, and spirit. Our leadership is committed to academic excellence, spiritual development, and social justice.

We believe that every student is exceptional, and in the tradition of Catholic education, our mission is to help them become lifelong learners and compassionate citizens who care for one another. We welcome every family with open arms and invite you to learn more about our community.

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Featured Profiles

Prospect Sierra School

Prospect Sierra gives students the tools to build a better world, by integrating rigorous academics with a deep understanding of human emotions. Everyday our talented teachers help students connect academic experiences with ideals like ethics and empathy. The result is deeper intellectual engagement, greater self-knowledge, and compassionate relationships. Prospect Sierra students emerge with the courage to be great people, not just great students.

At Prospect Sierra we are leading the conversation about the link between intellectual and emotional learning. Prospect Sierra faculty regularly present at national conferences on best practices in education, equity and inclusion, emotional intelligence, and more.

Our curriculum emphasizes hands-on experiences, critical thinking, and creative collaboration. Our project-based curriculum combines academics and arts with socialemotional learning, service, innovative technology, and an emphasis on equity and inclusion. This integrated approach encourages students to make connections

between their learning at school and their growing awareness with the outside world.

Prospect Sierra is an independent TK-8 school of 470 students. Our two spacious campuses are located in El Cerrito, with shuttle transportation to Berkeley and Oakland. Contact the admissions office at admissions@ prospectsierra.org to learn more!

Elementary School (TK-4)

2060 Tapscott Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530 510.809.9018

Middle School (5-8)

960 Avis Drive, El Cerrito, CA 94530


Park Day School

Park Day School provides a strong academic foundation where students learn by doing and are encouraged to follow their own curiosity. With a focus on developing intrinsic motivation, Park Day’s robust, interdisciplinary academic program includes an emphasis on social justice and social emotional learning. Classes are designed to prepare students to love learning as they develop into informed, courageous, and compassionate people who shape a more equitable and sustainable world.

Language Arts at Park Day focuses on empowering students to read, write, listen, speak, and debate their ideas. We strive to foster intellectually curious and independent thinkers who use literacy to make sense of the world. In all grades we use research-based curricula and assess students often to make sure they're progressing as expected and are prepared for what comes next.

Mathematics at Park Day cultivates a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, builds fluency in core skills, and develops students’ abilities to solve complex and novel problems. Students are encouraged to find multiple ways to solve problems of increasing complexity with flexibility and efficiency.

Science at Park Day includes Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering. Teachers use the Next Generation Science Standards to guide the scope and sequence and build on concepts from grade to grade. Students learn to approach the world with curiosity as they apply the scientific method and

make discoveries for themselves. Climate change, environmental ecology, and ethics play a significant role in our scientific studies school-wide.

History and Social Studies at Park Day encourages students to evaluate different perspectives, exploring and analyzing a range of reputable sources in an effort to better understand history. By studying past and current events, students learn about community and societal structure, and how members of a democratic nation can educate themselves to make impactful change.

Spanish, Innovation Workshop, art, music, learning garden and physical education, social emotional learning, executive function, and JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion) are also key parts of the Park Day program. As a progressive school, Park Day strives to create an environment where students can dream big, take risks, and innovate. Teachers use daily and summative assessment practices across subject areas to ensure each student gets the support and guidance to build on past successes.

Visit parkdayschool.org to register for a school tour or campus visit

Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory

Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory is a Lasallian Vincentian Catholic high school located in the heart of San Francisco’s cultural center. We are dedicated to the intellectual and academic excellence of our students, and we strive to develop the unique talents and passions of each individual. We welcome the Bay Area’s brightest to our inclusive community. Our dynamic curriculum, integrated technology and dedicated and innovative faculty prepare our students for success. Hundreds of colleges across the country, including all of US News & World Reports Top 10 National Universities, accept SHC graduates.

We believe in the power of student-centered learning— that their natural curiosity should drive their intellectual path. Academic rigor starts with an innate desire to learn. This inquiry, drive and thirst for knowledge are the most important elements of their education. It’s our desire to provide students with the highest-quality resources, the passion and training of our faculty, and the time and flexibility to excel throughout these four transformative years.

SHC’s unique location in the heart of San Francisco is why many Bay Area families apply there. The campus, mere blocks away from the hub of politics and the arts, allows SHC to provide

an educational experience unlike any other. For students interested in civics, field trips to San Francisco City Hall or class visits by community leaders aid in their understanding of their courses while developing their own political and social viewpoints. The San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Symphony and the Asian Art Museum are just a few destinations that spark creativity in students interested in the visual and performing arts. For those who have an interest in service, Sacred Heart Cathedral provides opportunities for students at local nonprofits, educating them on the needs of the surrounding community and how they can serve them today and in the future.

Students and their families choose SHC for the strength of our academics, our faith and values, our extensive array of cocurricular opportunities, and the warmth of our inclusive and nurturing community.

To schedule a visit or to learn more about our programs including our SHC Transportation Program, please visit shcp.edu or contact admissions@shcp.edu.

The Athenian School

The Athenian School is a 6-12 all-gender day and boarding school with 525+ students. The average class size is 15. Athenian believes the best way to fully comprehend academic subjects is to experience their application first hand. In our rigorous academic program, students from throughout the Bay Area and around the world immerse themselves in coursework, inspiring each other to think critically and collaborate. Athenian helps cultivate character, the skills and self-assuredness needed for success and fulfillment in college and beyond, and lifelong friendships.

Middle School (Grades 6-8, 170 Students)

The Middle School has many distinctive qualities, including Focus Days which exemplify Athenian’s experiential approach. Core subjects meet four days every week to allow for a full day of dedicated hands-on learning where students synthesize material and deepen their understanding. Focus Days are a true adventure, taking students out of their typical classroom setting and turning school into what it should be–a place where learning is fun, curiosity is nurtured, and teamwork is the norm.

Upper School (Grades 9-12, 355 Students)

Athenian is a founding member of Round Square, a worldwide network of schools. Round Square schools are committed to developing culturally competent global citizens and share six IDEALS: internationalism, democracy, environmentalism, adventure, leadership and service. In the Upper School, these show up in the classroom and

in programs like its student-run government, international conferences and exchanges, community service, and clubs and affinity groups. Students also participate in the Athenian Wilderness Experience, a 26-day backpacking adventure that develops skills such as personal and community responsibility, empathy and self-reflection.

Preparation for College

Our graduates are exceptionally well prepared to thrive at a variety of outstanding colleges and universities. Athenian offers a comprehensive college counseling program that is in extension of the Athenian education and that promotes self-exploration and goal-setting. With a 30:1 student/college counselor ratio, students begin working with their counselor at the end of their 10th grade year.

Join us for our Open House on Sunday, October 27.

Bentley School

Bentley School is an intellectually curious and inclusive community where teachers help students embrace their own strengths to rise to their full potential. In a challenging academic environment, we meet students where they are, empowering them to cultivate their unique talents, skills, and perspectives.

Bentley students are taught how to think rather than what to think. From Kindergarten through 12th grade, each individual is guided by the motto, Scire Desidero, "I desire to know."

They seek to understand the world, others, and themselves through a supportive culture that values diverse perspectives and a dynamic programming that ignites learning through inquiry. At Bentley, faculty and admin encourage a strong sense of agency for students, fostering self-advocacy that, in balance with high academic achievement, prepares each graduate for a lifetime of success — in college and beyond the walls of any classroom.

Lower School (Grades K-5): "I desire to know the world."

In a nurturing and developmentally appropriate program, Bentley lays the foundation for academic and individual success by helping students develop a deep knowledge base balanced with healthy social and emotional growth. Faculty meet students where they are, using a combination of direct instruction, independent practice, hands-on learning, and cooperative group work to promote their students’ intellectual growth and reasoning. In Bentley Lower School, students are also exposed to art, fitness, music, and world languages (French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

Middle School (Grades 6-8): "I desire to know others."

In Bentley Middle School, students are educated in a multi-classroom and multi-teacher model that fosters a culture of peer-to-peer, faculty-to-student support. As students grow into early adolescence, teachers nurture resilience and help students

navigate challenges as they learn skills to progress from concrete to analytical thinkers. Bentley faculty encourage students to think abstractly and develop excellent communication skills with hands-on projects, open-ended questions, and comprehensive problems. Students learn to think mathematically, scientifically, and creatively and leave 8th grade confident and well-prepared to meet the needs of the college preparatory program at the Upper School.

Upper School (Grades 9-12): "I desire to know myself.”

In a highly-supportive, high-expectations environment, Bentley students work with their advisors to choose from academically challenging courses and co-curricular opportunities to build a program of study that hones their ability to collaborate, problem solve, adapt, initiate, analyze, and imagine. Bentley’s Upper School college preparatory curriculum and graduation requirements exceed recommendations of the University of California's A-G requirements. At Bentley, graduates are emotionally and intellectually resilient individuals adept at advocating for themselves while channeling their joy of learning to achieve success in college and beyond.

To learn more, visit www.bentleyschool.org.

Salesian College Preparatory

Our Educational Model

The Salesian College Preparatory (SCP) educational model serves to create a caring, loving, and nurturing environment where the young can learn (school), grow in faith (church), feel a sense of belonging (home), and ultimately be happy (playground). The students are always at the center of all we do at Salesian, as “Education is a matter of the heart.” -St. John Bosco

Robust Transportation Service To and From School

Our transportation program plays a pivotal role in shuttling our students to and from school. Salesian offers shuttle service throughout the Bay Area with routes including pick up and stops in Berkeley, Oakland, Fairfield, Benicia, Vallejo, Hercules, Pinole, Concord, Antioch, Pittsburg, and more.

Cultivating Global Citizens

Salesian offers a domestic and international travel program, challenging students beyond the traditional classroom experience. The travel program complements the academic and religious course offerings by focusing on travel to colleges and universities as well as countries like Spain, France, Québec, Morocco, and Italy. Salesian has partnered with its French-speaking sister school, Le Salésien, in Québec, Canada, offering a twin visit program, pivotal to Salesian’s four-year French program. Immersion trips to Europe focus on several Roman Catholic pilgrimage sites and regional cuisines.

Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science Pathway

Salesian is the only private co-educational college preparatory school in Contra Costa County offering Project Lead the Way's Biomedical Science pathway. This program is designed for students who excel in mathematics and natural sciences and are interested in the fields of biology or medicine. Students who complete the four-year program graduate with transportable skills such as problem solving, critical and creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and ethical reasoning.

College Preparatory with Top-Tier Acceptances

Salesian is the college preparatory high school of choice for families who seek a rigorous and challenging academic environment that mirrors the diversity of the East Bay and our world. It is a real-life experience that nurtures the whole student, preparing them for college and life beyond. Salesian graduates have been accepted to California’s top-tier UCs, CSUs, and many prestigious colleges including Stanford, Georgetown, Howard, USC, and Yale.

East Bay German International School

The East Bay German International School (EBGIS) is a dual-language immersion IB World School offering preschool through high school programs. The highly trained international faculty at EBGIS provides a rigorous, project-based program based on proven German and International Baccalaureate (IB) curricula and literature-rich English Language Arts instruction. EBGIS is an IB World School offering the prestigious IB Diploma Programme in grades 11 and 12. EBGIS students develop their strengths across academic disciplines as well as their critical thinking skills, socialemotional competencies, and artistic abilities.

The EBGIS Early Childhood Program employs a play-based and project-oriented approach widely used in Germany. The bilingual preschool and kindergarten faculty use early immersion principles to expand children’s communicative competencies in both German and English. A pre-academic curriculum, including language, intercultural studies, science, mathematics, music, movement, and art, is taught in an engaging and developmentally appropriate way. Social and emotional skills development infuses every school day.

EBGIS has met the high standards required for IB authorization and is an official IB World School. All EBGIS eleventh and twelfth graders will enter the IB Diploma Programme (DP). Often referred to as the “gold standard” in high school education, the IB provides a rigorous and holistic program

developing inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people. The DP is internationally recognized as representing one of the highest standards in university preparatory education.

EBGIS high schoolers will graduate with not only the standard IB Diploma but the Bilingual IB Diploma The bilingual diploma is a distinction awarded to just a quarter of IB Diploma candidates worldwide. It demonstrates that, in addition to having the tremendous breadth and depth of knowledge required by the IB, the student has successfully completed high-level coursework in two languages.

No prior knowledge of German is needed for admission to EBGIS Preschool or Kindergarten. EBGIS Early Childhood students acquire German at school and transition successfully to the EBGIS grades program. The EBGIS IB Diploma Programme is also open to students who do not speak German. Students joining the Diploma Programme in eleventh and twelfth grades may select either Spanish or French courses to fulfill their second language requirement for the IB diploma.

Online information sessions and campus tours are available. Please contact admissions@ebgis.org.

Holy Names High School


Holy Names High School (HNHS) graduates leave our campus with the confidence, skills, and motivation they need to be successful in the world on their next chosen path. We promote the full development of our students through a rigorous college prep education that includes a breadth of science and arts courses while integrating the values of social solidarity, justice, human rights, and protection of the environment. Every young woman can find her voice and use it to positively impact her community.

What students and their families can expect at Holy Names:

Academic rigor: We focus on providing an engaging and challenging curriculum to prepare our graduates to enter the school of their choice. Each student gets the individualized support they need to master their subjects.

STEM Curriculum: Our single-gender environment and focus on providing a foundation in STEM curriculum in a positive environment means many of our graduates go into STEM careers. They also express higher levels of confidence in math, science, technology, and other currently male-dominated areas of study.

Mastery of the Arts: Our Visual and Performing Arts program is a key component of our mission to educate the whole person. We offer choral and instrumental music, studio art (including AP), and drama. Our digital video production (DVP) program includes a state-of-the-art broadcasting studio and industry-standard tools, and alumnae working in the field regularly return to mentor students.

College Access: Our on-campus UC-certified counselors leverage decades of expertise in college admissions and work 1:1 with students from their first year. From college selection criteria and application assistance to financial aid forms and essays, our counselors work with students to ensure students find the best fit academically, socially, and financially to thrive in college while reducing financial burden.

Supportive Community: We foster a sense of sisterhood and camaraderie that leads to constructive problem solving and students that cheer each other on as they take on new challenges. Our graduates are confident that they belong and can be successful in any space.

Diversity and inclusion: Our community is comprised of students from a multitude of backgrounds and faiths. They come from a wide array of cultures, socio-economic opportunity or disadvantage, life experiences, identities and viewpoints. In our intimate and supportive environment, we embrace all that our students are and strive to create a truly inclusive and welcoming community for all.

Leadership opportunities: Our students are the MCs for every event, the tour guides for prospective families, the initiators for clubs, service opportunities, social events, and more. Every class includes a presentation component to help students build their speaking and organizational skills, and our Student Ambassadors, Student Council, and club leaders have multiple opportunities to lead in both small and large environments.

Athletics: Our inclusive approach allows students to try new sports and participate on our JV development teams or compete on our Varsity teams. Our sports teams regularly achieve all-league honors and qualify for NCS postseason play while building sportsmanship, teamwork, responsibility, and respect for self and others.

Open House: October 27, 10am-12:30pm, 2024 Learn more, schedule a visit, & apply today at hnhsoakland.org/admissions

Maybeck High School

Maybeck High School has been educating students in the East Bay since 1972. Through the years we have challenged young people to push, explore, and stretch their imagination. In the science lab, the art room, around a seminar table, or hiking in the woods, we know that when teachers and students see themselves as collaborators the relationship is strong and the learning is rich. We were founded by teachers who created a school where questions are just as important as answers, where time and space is created to sit with inspired topics, where laughter is frequent, and learning is celebrated.

Join us for our Open House:

• Saturday, November 2 @ 10:30 am.

To register for events and apply for the 2025-2026 school year, please go to ravenna-hub.com to get started.

Head-Royce School

Founded in 1887, Head-Royce—a nationally recognized K-12 independent school— offers a challenging program focused on educating the whole child. Nestled in a wooded canyon in the Oakland hills on a single campus, our environment is a safe and inviting space well-suited for intellectual adventure and self-discovery. Our mission is to develop students of character, intellect, and creativity.

Head-Royce enrolls a diverse student body of approximately 900 talented and ambitious learners. Our admissions are open to all students regardless of race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, or ethnic origin. We are proud to call ourselves a school both in and of Oakland, with families that reflect the fabric of the Bay Area.

The remarkable and innovative thinking launched by Anna Head over 135 years ago, is a source of pride and remains infused in our culture today. Her spirit of inquiry and innovation are reflected throughout our campus, where you will find everything from global learning opportunities, rigorous academics, robotics labs, and integrated

technology, to athletics opportunities, performing arts, service learning, and small advising groups. We are equally dedicated to educational excellence and social-emotional learning.

At our core, we are a community of passionate educators all sharing a deep commitment to creating lifelong learners who will be prepared to lead with joy and compassion. Our faculty is world-class, bringing a diversity of thought and subject matter mastery from a wide range of backgrounds.

Please visit our website for opportunities to tour the school and learn how we provide a transformative education.

Escuela Bilingüe Internacional

Escuela Bilingüe Internacional (EBI) offers a PK-8 bilingual, international education that inspires students to engage with a changing world.

Escuela Bilingüe Internacional (EBI) is a unique and dynamic institution. Its mission combines an immersive Spanish-English bilingual education with the highest academic standards of the International Baccalaureate (IB).

As an IB World School, EBI is the only school on the West Coast to offer both the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the Middle Years Programme (MYP) in Spanish and English. Utilizing the IB framework, teachers from over 15 different countries implement an expansive curriculum based on inquiry and exploration.

Our Pre-Kinder to grade 8 students not only receive an excellent and high-quality education, but also develop full bilingualism in Spanish and English, providing lifelong cognitive, social, interpersonal and emotional benefits. Our students also grow into global citizens who lead with empathy and strong character. They are concerned about our planet, and believe in the power of local action.

Families often have questions about their students’ necessary level of Spanish exposure and fluency in order to attend EBI. Because each case is different, please reach out to us and explore how an EBI education will work for your student. We can accommodate a wider range of language proficiency in early elementary

grades, as students develop bilingualism. Additionally, EBI’s International Track in the Middle School supports students with little-to-no Spanish background, boosting them to full bilingualism through accelerated Spanish language classes and electives.

At EBI, we are dedicated to celebrating diversity in all forms, including ethnic, cultural, linguistic, family structure, and socio-economic. We welcome a broad diversity of backgrounds in our students.

We invite you to plan a visit to explore our academic programs and community of learners. Families are also welcome to join our free Spanish Story time (Cuenta Cuentos) every first Saturday of the month and to participate in one of our many school year enrichment courses or in our summer camps.

Please join us at one of our Information Sessions

Saturday 10/12/24 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. (Lower School)

Thursday 10/24/24 5-6:30 p.m. (Middle School)

Saturday 12/7/24 8-10:30 a.m. (Middle School) and 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. (Lower School)

Wednesday 1/8/25 5-6:30 p.m. (Lower School)

California Crosspoint Academy

Preschool - 12th Grade

Since 1979, CCA has provided a world-renowned educational program that is universitypreparatory in rigor, Christian in philosophy, and comprehensive in scope. CCA students annually receive national and international recognition for their academic accomplishments, civic commitment, and character.

CCA accepts students from diverse backgrounds. Our firm beliefs, practices, knowledge, and experience have proven all students can excel given the opportunity, the right tools and instruction, and caring staff.

Our formative grades provide a multi-faceted experience preparing students for a seamless high school transition. Preschool and elementary students learn character development alongside academics in a well-rounded and nurturing setting. Middle school students are introduced to high school curriculum - including math and foreign language classes - and extracurricular activities. Creative and technology resources keep students motivated through hands-on learning, outdoor education, and field trips through high school.

CCA continues to be in the top 10% across the nation’s almost 27,000 American high schools.

Did you know there is a strong statistical correlation between students who take AP courses and college preparation? At CCA, we offer 21 Advanced Placement and additional

college-level courses. Each year over 80% of our students are AP scholars. 100% of CCA graduates have been accepted by colleges such as UC Berkeley, UCLA, Yale, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, West Point, and the military.

We seek to minister to the entire student, developing them into academically strong, spiritually grounded, and emotionally healthy individuals. Our mission to fully equip students to discover God’s will and purpose for their lives create an unfaltering foundation. Our staff lives by our motto “Transforming Lives for the Glory of God.”

Stats for the CCA University Preparatory Program:

• 100% of our grads go on to college or the military.

• 90% accepted into 4-year colleges.

• Average class size 15-18 (high school) / 20 (K-12).

• Scholarship program available.

To learn more, or to schedule a visit, contact us at www.crosspointacademy.org

Redwood Christian Schools

The mission of Redwood Christian Schools is to provide a Christ-centered education which is able to equip students for daily living and eternal life and inspire students to reach their full potential.

Redwood Christian Schools is a private learning community serving the children in the East Bay Area as well as international students from around the world. We are located 25 miles southeast of San Francisco and currently equip homeschool students and students on two campuses: one in Castro Valley for children in transitional Kindergarten (TK) to grade five, and the second in San Lorenzo for children in grade six to grade twelve.

Redwood Christian Schools is committed to maintain our legacy as an interdenominational Christ-centered school serving families from more than 130 churches representing more than 30 Christian denominations. While academics and faith are the top priority, we also offer competitive athletics and comprehensive programs in fine arts. The objectives of the school are centered around establishing Christian Truth as a guide for life, maintaining a high academic standard, instilling pure morals, generating a spirit of patriotism, and living a disciplined life.

RCS seeks to not just take care of students, but inspire them to reach their full potential. In grades TK and Kindergarten, teachers are "Inspiring Fun," giving students a full day, hands-on, stimulating first experience to school. In grades 1st-3rd, teachers are "Inspiring Adventure," instilling a growth mindset and showing students how to exceed amidst challenges. In grades 4th-5th, teachers "Inspire Motivation," helping upper elementary students

become more independent and responsible learners. In middle school, teachers "Inspire Innovation," challenging grades 6th-8th to become creative problem solvers. Finally, in high school, teachers "Inspire Application" giving students opportunities to apply learning in different ways. RCS is committed to being excellent educators, spiritual mentors, and responsible stewards. Furthermore, RCS has a rich history of inspiring students with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in the future – children should blossom as unique individuals created in the image of God as they discover their calling.

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming School Information Nights. You will hear from our superintendent and administrators about our school values and goal to foster strong partnerships between home and school. We look forward to sharing our educational approach, curriculum, and extracurricular opportunities for the upcoming academic year.

Join us at one of the following events: September 26th - TK - 5th Info Night, 5:00pm October 10th - High School (9-12) Info Night, 5:30pm November 14th - TK - 12th Info Night, 7:00pm

Coastline Christian Schools

Coastline Christian Schools was established in 1979 and provides a comprehensive K-8 Christian education along with a K-8 Mandarin language program. Coastline Christian Schools is fully accredited by the WASC and ACSI.

One size does not fit all, and one teaching method does not suit every lesson or student. Our teachers pay close attention and develop caring relationships with our students, allowing for the adaptation of curricula to meet the social, emotional, and

educational needs of everyone. Students at Coastline Christian are enriched by athletics, volunteer opportunities, class trips, and other extracurricular activities. While our school is known for its academic focus, our desire is to help students from varied cultural backgrounds grow in a positive and caring community. CCS equips its students spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically so they can serve God, their families, and their community with compassion, resilience, innovation, and leadership.

Moreau Catholic High School

“We shall always place education side by side with instruction; the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart.”

—Blessed Basil Moreau, Founder

Moreau Catholic High School is a diverse and inclusive learning community empowering the next generation of leaders through excellence in academics, athletics, and the arts. Students become a part of the Mariner family, where both their hearts and minds are educated. They build respect for themselves and others, and they bring hope to the world. Moreau Catholic is part of the international Holy Cross community and believes in meeting students where they are in order to help them grow as a whole person in the classroom, on the athletic field, and on the stage.

Academic Excellence

• 100% college attendance with acceptances into Stanford, UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins University, UCLA, and other top universities46 Honors and Advanced Placement courses, including 10 STEM APs

• AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award for expanding access to AP Computer Science Principles for young women (2021, 2022, 2023)

• AP Honor Roll Silver Award for developing an AP program that creates a college-going culture and gives students opportunities to earn college credit and to maximize their college outcomes

• Saints & Scholars support program for students with documented learning disabilities

• All students have access to the state of the art Library and Learning Commons, the Academic Support Center, and National Honors Society peer tutors for academic support

Artistic Excellence

• Award-winning Band & Orchestra, and internationally recognized Jazz Ensemble

• First UC accredited Honors Dance class on the west coast

• Beginning to AP/Honors level classes in Band, Choir, Dance, Theatre, and Visual Arts

Athletic Excellence

• 351 student-athletes received North Coast Section scholar-athlete/presidential scholar awards

• 75% of students play on 51 competitive level teams in 21 sports

Admissions Events

Admissions Tours:

Morning (8:30-10:30 am) - 10/8, 12/10

Evening (6:00-8:00) - 9/26, 10/24, 11/19

Open House: Saturday, November 2, 2024 | 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Mariner for a Day: Various times and days

Register for all events: www.moreaucatholic.org/ admissions/visit

Aurora School

Aurora School’s mission is to nurture children’s love of learning by cultivating academic excellence, emotional intelligence, and social engagement.

Aurora is a progressive K-8 independent school where teachers foster academic excellence and critical thinking skills with a focus on social justice. Social-emotional learning is essential to our curriculum, with an emphasis on self-awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Our community of students, parents, and staff practice empathy, kindness, and inclusivity.

Aurora features multi-grade classrooms, where students in grades K/1, 2/3, 4/5 and 6-8 share learning spaces. Having teachers loop with their students for more than one year has been shown to build stronger relationships and enable more successful outcomes. It also gives older students the opportunity to model empathy by mentoring their younger peers, who become mentors themselves the next year. Students form friendships beyond their age group, and teachers support learning at all levels.

Established in 1988, we have one of the lowest teacher/student ratios of any East Bay independent school. An Aurora education is grounded in STEM and humanities, along with art, music, Spanish, and physical education. Our lovely campus is in Upper Rockridge, by Highways 24 and 13.

If you’d like to learn more about us, visit auroraschool.org or contact admissions@ auroraschool.org to schedule an information session or campus tour.

Aurora School features:

• Social-emotional learning

• Academic excellence with a focus on social justice

• Multi-grade classrooms where students learn mentoring and empathy

• Specialist classes including art, music, Spanish, woodshop, PE, and library

• Lovely, historic campus with large outdoor spaces in Upper Rockridge

• Flexible tuition to ensure economic diversity

• A diverse and supportive community where everyone is celebrated for who they are

Aurora School: Heart Smart & Head Smart

Julia Morgan School for Girls

Julia Morgan School for Girls exists because middle school is a crucial moment for girls. That’s why every day we deliver an educational experience that ignites each student’s confidence and capability. Because when she learns to believe in herself as a teen versus an adult, she wastes no time in taking the world by storm.

Julia Morgan School for Girls is the only all-girls middle school in the East Bay. It’s designed as a vibrant, collaborative, and immersive learning environment where students are challenged, supported, and inspired to be their authentic selves, amplify their voices, and recognize their full potential. Girls take center stage, play all roles, and establish confidence and positive habits that will shape their identity for the rest of their lives.

The academic curriculum at Julia Morgan School is tailored to meet all needs of middle school girls. Subject areas are taught by passionate, expert teachers who put belief in self at the forefront of teaching. Through cooperative learning, individualized attention, and an interdisciplinary approach, students gain a deeper understanding of their subject material and how to use their lessons to help others. Graduates leave prepared to be the confident, capable, creative, and compassionate women of tomorrow.

We strongly encourage prospective parents and students to visit campus this season and experience Julia Morgan School for Girls in person. Please visit our website to register for a Parent Tour and Student Campus Visit.

Berean Christian High School

Berean Christian High School is dedicated to providing a college preparatory, Bible-centered education to develop lifetime followers of Christ. While growing into committed disciples, who are impacting the world for the glory of God, Berean students are expected to become:

1. Devoted Christians who are maturing in their relationship with Jesus Christ make Jesus known to others regularly study and are continually immersed in the Bible understand and respond to the circumstances of life through the lens of the Biblical worldview participate in a church community outside the Berean Christian community display Christlikeness during competitions, performances, and extracurricular activities.

2. Critical thinkers who analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to establish its accuracy, relevancy, and significance for human flourishing in an ever-changing world demonstrate competency in a broad range of academic disciplines display an ability to solve problems based on the synthesis of acquired knowledge and sound reasoning.

3. Influential leaders who accept roles of leadership and are not passive in the expression of their faith engage with their classmates and foster caring relationships at school use oral, written, and creative forms of expression to effectively communicate original ideas, personal emotions, and Biblical concepts contribute their time, energy, and talents to improve the collective experience at Berean and the quality of life in the broader community. We look forward to meeting you and your family!

Join us at a Open House: November 9 10am - 12pm

The Quarry Lane School

Founded in 1991, The Quarry Lane School is an independent, secular, collegepreparatory school serving students from preschool through grade 12 across four campuses in the East Bay Tri-Valley. Quarry Lane has earned national recognition for its rigorous, accelerated curriculum— blending traditional and innovative teaching methods—and is consistently ranked among the top K-12 private schools in the nation.

At Quarry Lane, we passionately believe in the importance of a solid academic foundation—one that inspires a lifelong love of learning and enables each student to discover their individual strengths and passion. The overarching goal of The Quarry Lane School is to provide students with every opportunity to obtain acceptance to the college of their choice. Graduates of The Quarry Lane School have been accepted at some of the top universities in the country, including: Harvard, MIT, Yale, Columbia, Stanford, Princeton, U.C. Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Dartmouth and more.

The faculty and staff at Quarry Lane work passionately to cultivate a learning environment that inspires critical thinking, creativity and collaboration. An excellent student-to-staff ratio ensures that teachers and administrators have the opportunity to accurately assess and meet each student’s individual needs.

Our goal is to develop the child in a learning

environment that promotes self-esteem, encourages a deeper level of learning, and allows students to thrive as confident, independent learners. In order to provide a meaningful education and inspire our students' natural curiosity and love for learning, we take an interdisciplinary approach to our curriculum that focuses on experiential, real-world problem solving.

The Quarry Lane School is accredited by WASC, NCPSA, and NIPSA and serves communities within Alameda and Contra Costa counties in the greater San Francisco East Bay Area. Quarry Lane is proud to be the only private school in the East Bay to offer the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

Explore our programs at QuarryLane. org and join us for our Open House on November 17th and January 26th.

The Crowden School

At the Crowden School, every day begins with music!

This simple practice has powerful benefits for our students: activating both sides of their brains, inspiring their creative energy, and encouraging them to find resonance with each other.

Starting the day with music primes students’ minds for learning. Research shows that children who play an instrument develop stronger cognitive skills and outperform their peers in subjects like math and language arts.

This daily immersion in music also teaches students invaluable skills—how to collaborate, listen, and support one another in ways that extend far beyond the classroom. Every day, the joy Crowden students in playing music together fuels their passion to question, explore, create, and grow.

Working collaboratively in their academic classes, Crowden students use the process of inquiry and discussion to explore essential questions, design experiments, analyze literature, and discover a love of learning across disciplines.

Small class sizes and supportive teacherstudent relationships allow each student to be recognized and appreciated as a unique individual, and to develop confidence in themselves and their abilities.

Crowden cultivates an environment of empathy and trust within our supportive school community, and fosters close bonds of friendship and respect among students.

In chamber music, each player has a different part to play, and each part is necessary to create the beautiful whole. Crowden students feel not only seen and heard, but needed–by design.

At the Crowden School, music changes everything.

Announcing Kindergarten starting Fall 2025!

Sign up for an open house, or school tour: crowden.org/visit

Or contact Kirsten Shallenberg, Admissions Director: kshallenberg@crowden.org 510-559-6910 ex 122 crowden.org/admissions

The Berkeley School

At The Berkeley School, children develop a foundation of connection, compassion, and the ability to be confident in the world. Students’ intellectual, social, and emotional growth are carefully nurtured at TBS, guided by our core value that what matters in education is what matters in life.

Through a curriculum that is rooted in identity, justice, diversity, and action, The Berkeley School students deepen their understanding of real world problems as they build the academic skills to tackle them. Our culturally-responsive curriculum focuses on current events and key conflict-resolution opportunities, empathy development practices, and student-led community campaigns.

The Berkeley School supports students to become passionate, inquisitive scholars and healthy, compassionate citizens of their communities. By choosing TBS, families can be confident that their child

will receive an engaging, well-rounded education that prepares them for a lifetime of learning and meaningful contributions to society.

Our Campuses

K-8th Grade: 1310 University Avenue Berkeley, CA 94702 (510) 665-8800

Early Childhood Center: 2030 Francisco Street Berkeley, CA 94709 (510) 849-8340

Visit our website to register for a campus tour or to inquire about how The Berkeley School might be a great fit for your child! www.TheBerkeleySchool.org

"Inspire curious minds, awaken generous hearts, engage a changing world."

The Springstone School

Educating Neurodiverse Students in 6th through 12th Grade for Over 20 Years!

The Springstone School, a Nonpublic School (NPS), certified by the California Department of Education, serves neurodiverse students from across the Bay Area with Executive Function challenges that affect their ability to organize and prioritize information and to make meaningful social connections.

Springstone offers a serene and calm learning environment, nestled along the Las Trampas creek in Lafayette. Springstone has two unique programs, a Middle School program serving grades sixth through eighth and a Community High School program serving grades ninth through twelfth. Springstone students are placed privately or through their home school district with a referral and may be enrolled year-round. We believe our students will develop strategies for use in academic and social settings if they are part of a community that understands, accepts, and challenges them.

Springstone students learn organizational and planning skills within the context of an academically rigorous middle school and high school curriculum that follows the framework of the California Common Core Standards. Small, self-contained, structured classrooms (eight students per class) allow for individualized instruction, collaboration, discussion, and conversation within multiple modalities. We use a wide variety of materials including use of Chromebooks, textbooks, hands on learning, and online resources. Each classroom is fully equipped with Promethean Smart Boards integrated with Google Classroom.

Springstone’s programs integrate pragmatic language, occupational therapy, mindfulness, organizational skills, work skills, and life skills in the academic classroom as well as in activities that take place in the community. Our programs aim to strengthen skills by emphasizing processes to improve production. We have a one of a kind ACCESS program bringing our students into the greater community for project-based learning.

We invite you to visit Springstone to learn more about our unique programs! We offer monthly Group Tours for parents and advocates as well as Open Houses for families.

Open Houses:

Saturday, November 2nd from 10am12pm

Saturday, February 22nd from 10am12pm

Learn more about our programs and RSVP for one of our events by visiting us: www. thespringstoneschool.org

The Dorris-Eaton School

The Dorris-Eaton School, founded in 1954, is an independent, coeducational, day school for preschool through junior high students. The school is recognized locally as well as nationally for its 70 years of academic excellence.

Fostering intellectual curiosity is our focus. Critical and creative thinking, effective communication and public speaking, compelling writing, as well as organizational and study skills are hallmarks of our program. Our low studentteacher ratio allows teachers to give meaningful student feedback and support.

Emphasizing the process of learning provides our K-8 students the foundation to tackle our accelerated curriculum with confidence. Classes in art, Spanish, music, and physical education along with a constantly evolving selection of electives for our sixth through eighth graders round out our offerings.

On our park-like six-acre preschool campus, there is much to explore and enjoy. Sharing, common courtesy, and working together form the springboard from which all activities flow. Our teachers offer a positive and joyful school experience and a rich, stimulating curriculum which includes classes in art, Spanish, and music.

Developing positive interpersonal skills is an important ingredient in success in school and life. Each day, preschool-eighth grade students demonstrate kindness, respect, and a growth mindset. In addition, social awareness is advanced through community service, school volunteer service programs, and a variety of age-appropriate leadership opportunities.

Dorris-Eaton’s experienced faculty and comprehensive curriculum provide the solid foundation that enables our graduates to succeed in the finest high schools and universities in the country—positioning them to become influential leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs. The founding tenet, excellence in education, remains the guiding principle of The Dorris-Eaton School. We invite you to tour our campuses and join us at an Open House.

K-8 Campus

October 9, 2024 5-7 P.M.

February 2, 2025 1-3 P.M.


November 16, 2024 10-11 A.M.

Preschool Campus

October 9, 2024 4-6 P.M.

February 2, 2025 11 A.M.-1 P.M.

De La Salle High School

De La Salle High School helps students reach their greatest potential by enriching their cultural, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual development. The education that it provides is practical, comprehensive, challenging, accessible to all, and deliberately designed to help students make a successful transition to college.

Classes intentionally provide students an opportunity to build out their academic acumen and interests while developing the skills they need to deal with the rigors of even the most selective universities. For this reason, De La Salle offers more AP classes than any other high school in its area.

Similarly, student support is a high priority. De La Salle embraces the fact that each student is unique and it believes in providing support that not only addresses the academic needs of its students but also their spiritual, emotional, and social needs. As such, De La Salle has three fulltime academic support staff, three college counselors, four personal counselors, a Campus Ministry department, and a Student Life department. It also has other programs and facilities in place to promote success, like a dedicated Learning Center, a robust tutorial program, and a freshman program called Spartan Success. Combined, these services provide an all-encompassing level of support that is unparalleled for the high school experience.

The on-campus experience at De La Salle is deep, vibrant, and intended to foster a sense of belonging. The young men who form its student body are from various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, cultural, and religious backgrounds, and enjoy a diverse range of lifestyles, experiences, and interests. Together with faculty, staff, parents, and alumni, they help form a very special community. One that is warm, welcoming, and inclusive, and one that values and respects everyone for who they are and who they want to become.

By graduation, students have developed an understanding of the legacy they carry and what it means to be a man of faith, integrity, and scholarship. Moreover, each graduate takes their Lasallian learnings and sense of social responsibility with them.

If you are interested in learning more about De La Salle, please contact admissions@dlshs.org or come visit us at one of our Admissions events.

Sonder Creek Academy

Welcome to a school where every learner is seen and supported. At Sonder Creek Academy (SCA), we celebrate each student's uniqueness and nurture their curiosity. Our small class sizes, with only ten to fifteen students per class, allow our teachers to build deep connections with each learner. This enables us to support, engage, and challenge every student to reach their full potential.

The motivation for this journey does not come only from us. Most students are intrinsically driven to explore and excel. Our Kindergartners dive into reading and hands-on science experiments, while elementary students build robots and explore topics that captivate their interest. Middle school students are eager to converse in foreign languages and tackle high school-level coursework.

Our mission is to empower our students to realize their potential as confident leaders, active learners and responsible citizens. To support our mission, we offer:

• Independent JK – 8 education

• Small class sizes with exceptional teachers

• A diverse curriculum, including Art, Mandarin,

Robotics, Coding, Emotional Intelligence and more

• Accelerated and enriched curriculum, with further options for Honors and Pre-AP courses

• Robust leadership opportunities, such as student council, newspaper, mentorship and performances

• An active, engaged and diverse parent community

• Affordable tuition with financial and academic scholarships available

High schools in the area may know us by our accomplished graduates; our happy families and students appreciate us for being a uniquely positive, friendly and supportive place to go to school. Whether at our International Potluck, our Holiday Show, Science Fair or other events, our community enjoys getting together to celebrate the year and our students’ success.

We look forward to getting to know you and your learner and invite you to learn more about us. Please come for a tour, join an info session or attend a Sonder event to experience what makes our school special.


510.534.0800 rdschool.org

Carmel Campus

24800 Dolores Street

Carmel, CA 93923


Pebble Beach Campus 3152 Forest Lake Road

Pebble Beach, CA 93953



Redwood Day

At Redwood Day, everything we do is designed to keep every child engaged and growing.

Academically, that means a world-class curriculum, the best teachers, and a focus on the individual student. Our teachers are at the forefront of cutting edge educational practices. They connect our curriculum to each child, helping students gain the skills they need to reach for the next academic challenge.

Socially and emotionally, we teach students to work through challenges, respect each other’s differences, and honor their diverse community. We provide students with tools to solve conflicts, take risks, make ethical decisions, and lead with courage and integrity. As a diverse community, we find great strength in multiple perspectives and embrace every opportunity to weave diversity in thought and action into our social, emotional, and academic lives.

Since 1963, Redwood Day has been committed to shaping the lives of young people in Oakland and its surrounding communities. Today, our K-8 program includes close to 400 students all learning together on our 4-acre campus in the heart of Oakland.

Stevenson School

Stevenson School is a leading independent PK-12 college preparatory day and boarding school on California's Monterey Peninsula. With two campuses—Carmel (PK-8) and Pebble Beach (9-12)—Stevenson offers an inspired education where curiosity and joy coexist with challenge and rigor.

Renowned for academic excellence and dedicated faculty, Stevenson provides an education grounded in meaning, purpose, and joy. Students engage in diverse experiences including leadership roles, athletics, performing arts, and outdoor adventures.

Stevenson nurtures a purpose beyond the classroom, preparing students for success in school and meaningful lives thereafter. Here, education transcends traditional academics, fostering an environment where students explore, question, and grow into engaged global citizens.

MEISA - Montessori Elementary Intermediate School of Alameda

Looking for a school that actually works for your child?

At MEISA Montessori Elementary and Middle School, we’re not just educating—we’re shaping lifelong learners and world changers. Our Montessori program integrates core subjects like mathematics, sciences, language, and history with the arts and social justice. Your child will explore universal values, global perspectives, and the power of their voice to make a difference.

In our Lower and Upper Elementary classes, we emphasize community, active participation, and fostering the confidence to become global citizens.

The journey begins now, leading to a future where your child loves learning and knows they can change the world.


Ready to see the difference? Take a virtual tour today. – Join us!

The College Preparatory School

College Prep is a home for ideas, discovery, and engagement—intellectual pursuits that our students treasure. Our academic offerings for grades 9–12 are buoyed by our warm culture and welcoming, verdant campus located in Oakland's Rockridge neighborhood. Guided by inspiring teachers and mentors, they create a vibrant community that is rooted in shared values of kindness, respect, and a willingness to learn from the perspectives of others. We invite you to visit us and experience College Prep first-hand.


116 Montecito Ave.

Oakland, CA 94610

Admissions Office



St. Paul's Episcopal School

St. Paul’s is an independent K-8 day school located steps north of Lake Merritt that welcomes families of all faiths.

Our philosophy:

1. Support fearless learning.

We create a trusting classroom community where students can approach our challenging curriculum with confidence and courage.

2. Community Engaged Learning is powerful.We are deeply connected to the community around us. Through service learning projects, community partnerships, science curriculum centered on Lake Merritt, and more, St. Paul’s students apply what they learn in real contexts and for real audiences.

3. Deeper learning can be achieved by harnessing the power of diversity.

St. Paul’s is one of the most racially and socioeconomically diverse independent schools in the nation. Students develop a positive sense of identity, knowledge of those who have worked for equity, and a commitment to stand up for inclusion.

Our students graduate with skills, confidence, and a sense of purpose, prepared to be active citizens of the world.

Valley Montessori School

Valley Montessori School is the largest notfor-profit, and only triple accredited school in California. Established in Livermore in 1976, it is a nationally recognized, model Montessori school for children 18 months through 8th grade.

Accreditations include: the American Montessori Society (AMS), the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). VMS is a certified California Green Business making it one of only two schools in the Tri-Valley with this distinguished honor.

The six acre hilltop campus boasts an Edible Schoolyard, complete with a vegetable garden, sustainable chicken coop and fruit orchard providing endless practical life opportunities, plus snacks for the classrooms. Montessori education and experiences open the world to children developing engaged, responsible, respectful and empowered citizens with an appreciation that learning is for life.

Challenger School

Since 1963, Challenger School has helped children excel by employing proven, effective methods in a fun and structured environment that inspires them to achieve. The Challenger difference is evident from the moment you set foot on campus. Students bubble with enthusiasm as they make connections between their prior knowledge and new concepts.

In order to facilitate setting crucial learning patterns, Challenger accepts students as young as 2 years, 9 months. Yet in all grades, the school’s acclaimed, intellectually stimulating programs establish a foundation of achievement with clear results.

On national standardized tests, Challenger K-8 students consistently average well above the 90th percentile.

Come for a tour! Find a campus near you at ChallengerSchool.com

10 Bay Area Locations www.ChallengerSchool.com

Tilden Preparatory School

Tilden Prep is a WASC-accredited collegepreparatory school for grades 6-12 that teaches UC approved courses one-to-one and in small groups, in person and online. This allows us to individualize the pace and teaching method to address a wide range of educational, social and emotional needs.

"...Some kids simply need one-on-one instruction to learn...Tilden has the academic curriculum both for the students who are struggling or are looking for something far more challenging than public schools offer." - Tilden Parent

Call us at 510.525.5506 (Albany) or 925.933.5506 (Walnut Creek) to learn more about our full-time, part-time, and tutoring programs and how we can help your student boost their self-confidence and excel in school and beyond!

925-376-7900 www.saklan.org

The Saklan School

The Saklan School is where Preschool through 8th Grade students grow into people who think creatively, act compassionately, and live courageously. It is where hands-on, Project Based Learning inspires authentic curiosity; where strong academics instill high personal standards; where supportive teachers create meaningful connections; and where realworld experiences foster courage and build confidence. If your child is ready to take risks, collaborate, ask big questions, and become a confident problem solver, then we invite you to visit us and discover the power of a Saklan education.

The Seven Hills School

Serving preschool through 8th grade in the East Bay since 1962

A Seven Hills education is based on the whole child philosophy, as we educate not just the mind but the heart, and attend to the entirety of the student experience. From our Reggio-inspired Preschool and developmental Kindergarten, to our adventurous Lower School classes and hands-on Middle School program, Seven Hills students are on a journey of curiosity and exploration, success and setbacks, awareness of self and contribution to others.

Sign up for a tour on our website and see our community in action!

Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley

For nearly 50 years, Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley has been an innovator in bilingual education, cultivating confident, creative and adaptable learners with a unique, immersive dualcurriculum in French and English. Every day, our Preschool through 8th grade students speak, write, and think in two languages, learning to draw parallels and find points of similarity while they learn each subject in both French and English.

EB’s program foregrounds bilingual fluency, STEM integration, critical thinking, experiential learning and individualized student support. Our vibrant community welcomes families from all backgrounds (including those with no prior French), celebrating the rich diversity of both the Bay Area and global Francophonie.

Admissions for 2025-2026 are now open. Schedule your on-campus visit today by contacting us at admissions@eb.org!

Saint Mary's College High School

Saint Mary’s is a Lasallian Catholic college preparatory high school located in North Berkeley, and is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Western Catholic Education Association.

Saint Mary’s was founded in 1863, and has been serving students in the Bay Area for 160 years. Under the tradition of the De La Salle Christian Brothers, Saint Mary’s offers a distinctive college-preparatory educational program to students from all social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. Saint Mary’s is committed to enhancing student achievement by adopting policies and programs grounded in educational research.

2721 Larkey Lane Walnut Creek, CA 94597

925-934-4964 www.contracostachristianschools.org

Contra Costa Christian Schools

For 45 years, Contra Costa Christian Schools has maintained its original mission to Prepare the Next Generation with Christian values and a quality academic foundation.

We provide preschool through high school education utilizing small class sizes and whole child education. Our teachers are committed to providing a learning environment for students to achieve their highest potential. There is no restriction on the number of AP classes our high school students can take and we offer a vast selection of electives for our middle and high school programs.

Year-round Sports • Intersession • K-12 Music including Band & Choir • K-12 Art including Digital Art & Ceramics

• Physical Education • STEAM Electives • Cheerleading

• Drama Program

While the instructional strategies and curriculum have evolved since our founding in 1978, the core focus of serving families in the East Bay remains the same. Contra Costa Christian Schools provides a high quality Christian education that equips students for success in whatever field of study or career they choose to pursue.

Shu Ren International School

Shu Ren International School is a leader in International Baccalaureate (IB) Mandarin immersion education. It offers a concept-based inquiry approach, where students excel academically and develop critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and a global perspective while becoming fluent in Mandarin.

Beyond academics, Shu Ren provides a supportive community and an extended day program with enriching experiences that go beyond the classroom. Located in the Bay Area, Shu Ren nurtures confident, curious learners ready to thrive in an ever-changing world.

• Specialty: International Baccalaureate (IB) Mandarin immersion

• Grade Levels: Pre-School, Transitional

• Kindergarten (TK), Elementary (Kindergarten thru Grade 5), Middle School

• Auxiliary Programs: Aftercare and Enrichment Classes, Summer Camps

• Location: San Francisco Bay Area - Berkeley, CA

Step One School

Since 1981, Step One School has been a leader in Early Childhood Education in the Bay Area. Step One adheres to a play-based, developmental philosophy, and provides structure and routine throughout the day. Children are able to make choices within the activities offered to them.

Inclusion and diversity are a large part of the curriculum at Step One, with the belief that early childhood is an ideal time for children to experience diversity.

499 Spruce St.

Berkeley, CA 94708



2027 7th Street

Berkeley, CA 94710



The vibrant community of Step One provides the healthy foundation children need to reach their full potential as learners and human beings. Step One has designed two distinct programs to help children at each stage of their development:

• 2-Year Old Program

• Preschool Program

Black Pine Circle School

Since 1973, Black Pine Circle School’s dedicated and passionate teachers have nurtured lifelong learners through a Socratic inquiry-based education that emphasizes both rigorous academics and the arts. BPC inspires and fosters students' intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, kindness, and integrity.

BPC’s mission is to create a learning community that encourages humanity, empathy, moral depth, cultural understanding, and freedom in intellectual pursuits. Socially, it is our goal to instill mutual respect, compassion, and a sense of belonging among all of our students.

1940 Virginia St

Berkeley, CA 94709



Bayhill High School

Bayhill High School empowers diverse learners to reach their full potential, today, in college, and throughout their lives. We recognize that each student’s journey is unique, which is why our personalized, college preparatory curriculum is designed to cater to individual needs and strengths.

Our passionate and supportive faculty provide tailored instruction, ensuring students not only excel in high school but also thrive in college and beyond. We focus on equipping students with academic skills, self-confidence, and a growth mindset to navigate future challenges and opportunities successfully.

At Bayhill, our vibrant community, including students, parents, and educators, collaborates closely to support each learner’s success. Discover how Bayhill High School can help your child unlock their full potential and set the stage for a lifetime of achievement.

School of the Madeleine

The School of the Madeleine is a vibrant, inclusive, K-8 Catholic school in Berkeley. We are dedicated to the education of the whole child—mind, body, and spirit. Our leadership is committed to academic excellence, spiritual development, and social justice.

We believe that every student is exceptional, and in the tradition of Catholic education, our mission is to help them become lifelong learners and compassionate citizens who care for one another. We welcome every family with open arms and invite you to learn more about our community.

1225 Milvia Street Berkeley, CA 94709 510-526-4744


School Motto: "Let's Be Good To One Another and...Pass It On!

Come see what we are all about!




The Child Unique Montessori SchoolEncinal Campus

2226 Encinal Ave.

Alameda • 510-521-9227

www.thechildunique.org p. 88

The Child Unique Montessori SchoolPacific Campus

2212 Pacific Ave.

Alameda • 510-521-9227

www.thechildunique.org p. 88

The Child Unique Montessori SchoolTaylor Campus

1400 Sixth St.

Alameda • 510-521-0595

www.thechildunique.org p. 88

Coastline Christian Schools

1801 North Loop Road

Alameda • 510-522-0200 www.coastlinechristian.org p. 29, 75

EnCompass Four Corners School 1828 Park St.

Alameda • 510-735-1501 www.encompass4corners.org

Montessori Elementary Intermediate School of Alameda

1400 Sixth St.

Alameda • 510-521-0595

www.montessorielementaryalameda.org p. 88


The Dorris-Eaton School (PS-TK Campus)

1286 Stone Valley Road

Alamo • 925-837-7240 www.dorriseaton.org p. 49, 84


Tilden Preparatory School

1231 Solano Ave.

Albany • 510-525-5506 www.tildenprep.com p. 90


The Berkeley School (K-8 Campus)

1310 University Ave

Berkeley • 510-665-8800

www.theberkeleyschool.org p. 41, 82

National Microschool Network (NMN)


Bayhill High School

1940 Virginia St

Berkeley • 510-984-0599

www.bayhillhs.org p. 59, 95

Black Pine Circle School

2027 Seventh St

Berkeley • 510-845-0876

www.blackpinecircle.org p. 60, 94

The Crowden School 1475 Rose St.

Berkeley • 510-559-6910 crowdenschool.org p. 39, 81

Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley 1009 Heinz Ave.

Berkeley • 510-549-3867 www.eb.org p. 92

Maybeck High School 2727 College Ave.

Berkeley • 510-841-8489

www.maybeckhs.org p. 15, 70

Saint Mary’s College High School

1294 Albina Ave

Berkeley • 510-526-9242 www.saintmaryschs.org p. 92

School of the Madeleine 1225 Milvia St

Berkeley • 510-526-4744

www.themadeleine.com p. 59, 95

Shu Ren International School 2125 Jefferson Ave.

Berkeley • 510-841-8899

www.shurenschool.com p. 55, 93 PK-8 All Gender PK2 6:1 PK3, K4 8:1 K-5: 11:1 140

Step One School 499 Spruce St.

Berkeley • 510-527-9021

www.steponeschool.org p. 94 PK-K All Gender Varies

Castro Valley

Redwood Christian Schools

Castro Valley • San Lorenzo 510-889-7526

www.rcs.edu p. 27, 74


De La Salle High School

1130 Winton Dr.

Concord • 925-288-8100

Mandarin Immersion, International Baccalaureate

$45,500 FA Available WASC, Certified NPS, UC Approved

www.dlshs.org p. 47, 85 9-12 Boys Only 11:1 1,031 Catholic Spanish, French, Italian, Latin, plus ASL

- $38,405 AEFE (French Ministry of Education), CAIS, NAIS,


$12,200 - $13,700 FA Available NCEA, WCEA, WASC

$30,950 FA Available IB World School WASC, NAIS


$19,000 - $35,000 FA Available


$24,590 FA Available NCEA, WCEA

Orion Academy

1868 Clayton Rd.

Concord • 925-377-0789



Athenian School

2100 Mt. Diablo Blvd.

Danville • 925-837-5375

www.athenian.org p.7, 65


Quarry Lane School

6363 Tassajara Rd.

Dublin • 925-829-8000

www.QuarryLane.org p. 45, 80

El Cerrito

East Bay Montessori

7075 Cutting Blvd.

El Cerrito • 510-236-8802


Prospect Sierra School 960 Avis Drive

2060 Tapscott Ave.

El Cerrito • 510-809-9000 www.prospectsierra.org p. 3, 62


East Bay German International School

1070 41st St.

Emeryville • 510-380-0302

www.ebgis.org p. 13, 68

Escuela Bilingüe Internacional Grades 2-8

4550 San Pablo Ave. • Emeryville PK - Grade 1 - See Oakland 510-652-7094

www.ebi.school p. 21, 72


New Horizons School

2550 Peralta Blvd. Fremont • 510-791-5683


California Crosspoint Academy 25500 Industrial Blvd Hayward • 510-995-5333

www.crosspointacademy.org p. 19, 73

$0-57,270 for day students

$0-87,760 for boarding students CAIS, NAIS, WASC

$23,774-$47,065 WASC, NCPSA, NIPSA

$27,900-$31,500 FA


CAIS, NAIS, POCIS, Green Ribbon School, Ashoka Changemaker School


IB World School, WASC, PASCH, WDA


WASC, ACSI, Cognia

Moreau Catholic High School

27170 Mission Blvd.

Hayward • 510-881-4320 www.moreaucatholic.org p. 35, 76


Bentley School

1000 Upper Happy Valley Road

Lafayette • 925-283-2101 www.bentleyschool.org p. 17, 66

Contra Costa Jewish Day School 955 Risa Road

Lafayette • 925-284-8288 www.ccjds.org

The Springstone School 1035 Carol Lane

Lafayette • 925-962-9660 www.thespringstoneschool.org p. 43, 83


Valley Montessori School 1273 N Livermore Ave.

Livermore • 925-455-8021 www.vmschool.org p. 89


The Saklan School

1678 School St.

Moraga • 925-376-7900 www.saklan.org p. 91


Challenger School - Ardenwood

35487 Dumbarton Court

Newark • 510-739-0300

www.challengerschool.com/campus/ california/newark/ardenwood p. 51, 90

Challenger School

39600 Cedar Blvd.

Newark • 510-770-1771

www.challengerschool.com/campus/ california/newark p. 51, 90


Aurora School

40 Dulwich Road

Oakland • 510-428-2606

www.auroraschool.org p. 31, 77


Bentley School

1 Hiller Dr. Oakland • 510-843-2512

www.bentleyschool.org p. 17, 66

College Preparatory School

6100 Broadway

Oakland • 510-652-4364

www.college-prep.org p. 88

Escuela Bilingüe Internacional

PK - Grade 1

410 Alcatraz Ave. • Oakland

Grades 2-8 - See Emeryville 510-653-3324

www.ebi.school p. 21, 72

Head-Royce School

4315 Lincoln Ave.

Oakland • 510-531-1300

www.headroyce.org p. 25, 71

Holy Names High School

4660 Harbord Dr.

Oakland • 510-450-1110

www.hnhsoakland.org Back Cover, p. 69

Julia Morgan School for Girls

5000 MacArthur Blvd.

Oakland • 510-632-6000 www.juliamorganschool.org p. 33, 78

Pacific Boychoir Academy

4104 Park Blvd.

Oakland • 510-652-4722 www.pacificboychoir.org

Park Day School

360 42nd St.

Oakland • 510-653-0317 www.parkdayschool.org p. 9, 63

Redwood Day

3245 Sheffield Ave.

Oakland • 510-534-0800 rdschool.org p. 4-5, 87

St. Paul’s Episcopal School 116 Montecito Ave.

Oakland • 510-285-9617 www.spes.org p. 53, 89

St. Theresa School

4850 Clarewood Drive

Oakland • 510-547-3146 www.sttheresaschool.org









Featured Schools


Corpus Christi School

1 Estates Drive

Piedmont • 510-530-4056

www.corpuschristischool.com p. 55


St. Joseph School

1961 Plum St.

Pinole • 510-724-0242 www.stjosephpinole.org


Salesian College Preparatory

2851 Salesian Ave.

Richmond • 510-234-4433

www.salesian.com p. 11, 67

San Lorenzo

Redwood Christian Schools

Castro Valley • San Lorenzo 510-889-7526

www.rcs.edu p. 27, 74

San Ramon

The Dorris-Eaton School (K-8 Campus)

1 Annabel Lane

Grades Gender Stud-Fac Ratio Enrollment

San Ramon • 925-930-9000 www.dorriseaton.org p. 49, 84 PS-8 All Gender 12:1 (PS) 18:1 (K-8)

Walnut Creek

Berean Christian High School 245 El Divisadero Avenue

Walnut Creek • 925-945-6464 www.bereanchristian.com p. 37, 79

Contra Costa Christian Schools

2721 Larkey Lane

Walnut Creek • 925-934-4964 contracostachristianschools.org p. 60, 93

Seven Hills School

975 N. San Carlos Drive

Walnut Creek • 925-933-0666 www.sevenhillsschool.org p. 53, 91

Sonder Creek Academy

860 Bancroft Road

Walnut Creek • 925-440-1244 sondercreekacademy.org p. 2, 86

9-12 All Gender 12:1 385

PS-12 All Gender 13:1 400

PS-8 All Gender 7:1 424

JK-8 Co-Ed 5:1 105

Catholic, Private, International Student Program French, Spanish

$5,710 - $36,320 FA Available

Baptist English, Spanish, ASL

19 AP Courses Offered

Independent Spanish, Latin

Independent Spanish, French, Japanese

Independent STEM, Mandarin Honors & Pre-AP Programs

$14,700 FA Available

WASC, ACSI, CollegeBoard

$9,800- $13,200 FA Available WASC, ACSI, Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce

$23,650-$39,150 CAIS, NAIS, WASC, ISSFBA

$17,900 - $18,900 FA Available

Tilden Preparatory School 1475 N. Broadway

Walnut Creek • 925-933-5506 www.tildenprep.com p. 90

San Francisco Private Schools

Alta Vista School 450 Somerset St.

San Francisco • 415-467-3700 www.altavistaschool.org

Cathedral School for Boys 1275 Sacramento St San Francisco • 415-771-6600 www.cathedralschool.net

Convent & Stuart Hall, Schools of the Sacred Heart San Francisco 2222 Broadway and 1715 Octavia St

San Francisco • (415) 563-2900 www.sacredsf.org

The International School of San Francisco 150 Oak Street

San Francisco • 415-558-2022 www.frenchamericansf.org

KFS School 3140 Balboa Street

San Francisco • 415-525-4035 www.kfsschool.org

Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory 1055 Ellis St.

San Francisco • 415-772-6626 www.shcp.edu p. 56-57, 64

St. Anthony-Immaculate Conception 299 Precita Avenue

San Francisco • 415-628-2008 www.saicsf.org

Principal: Barbara Moodie


Featured Boarding Schools

Boarding Schools

Archbishop Riordan High School 175 Phelan Avenue

San Francisco, CA • 415-586-8200 www.riordanhs.org

Army and Navy Academy

2605 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, CA • 888-762-2338 www.armyandnavyacademy.org

The Athenian School 2100 Mt. Diablo Scenic Blvd. Danville, CA • 510-837-5375 www.athenian.org/ p. 7, 65 6-12

Besant Hill School

8585 Ojai Santa Paula Road Ojai, CA • 805-646-4343 www.besanthill.org

Cate School 1960 Cate Mesa Road Carpinteria, CA • 805-684-4127 www.cate.org

Dunn School

2555 West Highway 154 Los Olivos, CA • 800-287-9197 www.dunnschool.org

EF Academy 1539 E Howard Street Pasadena, CA • 914-495-6056 www.efacademy.com

Hawaii Preparatory Academy

65-1692 Kohala Mountain Road Kamuela, HI • 808-881-4321 www.hpa.edu

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Idyllwild Arts Academy 52500 Temecula Rd.

Idyllwild, CA • 951-659-2171 www.idyllwildarts.org

Lake Tahoe Preparatory School

255 Olympic Valley Road

Olympic Valley, CA • 530-583-8665 www.laketahoeprep.org

Midland School

5100 Figueroa Mountain Road Los Olivos, CA • 805-688 5114 midland-school.org

Monte Vista Christian School

Two School Way Watsonville, CA • 831-722-8178 www.mvcs.org

Santa Catalina School

1500 Mark Thomas Drive Monterey, CA • 831-655-9356 www.santacatalina.org

Southwestern Academy

2800 Monterey Road San Marino, CA • 626-799-5010 www.southwesternacademy.edu

Stevenson School

Carmel Campus

24800 Dolores Street

Carmel, CA • 831-574-4600

Pebble Beach Campus

3152 Forest Lake Road

Pebble Beach, CA • 831-625-8300 www.stevensonschool.org p. 51, 87

Sugar Bowl Academy

815 Lupine Trail Norden, CA • 530-426-1844 www.sbacademy.org

Tahoe Prep Academy 2478 Meyers Grade Road

South Lake Tahoe, CA • 844-752-9842 www.tahoehockeyacademy.com

The Thacher School

5025 Thacher Road

Ojai, CA • 805-646-4377 www.thacher.org

The Webb Schools

1175 West Baseline Road

Claremont, CA • 909-482-5214 www.webb.org

Villanova Preparatory School

12096 N. Ventura Avenue

Ojai, CA • 805-646-1464 www.villanovaprep.org

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What Does Accreditation Mean?

Accreditation and professional affiliations and associations indicate a private school has been evaluated by and met or exceeded specific criteria set forth by a designated and agreed-upon accrediting- or affiliation-granting body.

These accreditations, affiliations, and associations can be national, regional, or local, covering religious beliefs, educational philosophies, or special interests and last for a specific number of years, often with prescribed steps in the interim to assure compliance. What they have in common is that they serve as a sort of stamp of approval, signifying to colleges and universities that their members operate schools with meaningful education standards.

“Accrediting is done by a variety of accrediting organizations,” points out the California Department of Education online (www.cde.ca.gov), citing the Western

Association of Schools and Colleges, or WASC, as an example of an established organization that accredits both private and public K–12 schools. “WASC accreditation generally ensures that the credits and diploma awarded by the schools it accredits will be accepted by colleges and prospective employers,” says the CDE, which does not accredit schools.

WASC is one of five regional accrediting associations for schools and colleges, and its territory includes schools operating in California.

“School accreditation is a peer-review process that fosters excellence in education and encourages school improvement through discovery, dialogue, compliance, and commitment. Accreditation enables a member school to develop clearly defined goals and objectives based on its mission and philosophy,” says the California Association of Independent Schools (www.caisca.org). •

A Key to Private School Accreditations, Affiliations, and Associations

Here is a list of some of the accrediting, affiliation, and association bodies that schools list in our Regional Guide to Private Schools.

ABC - Arts in Basic Curriculum, www.abcinstitutesc.org

ACSI - Association of Christian Schools International, www.acsi.org

AEFE - Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger, www.aefe.fr

AISAP - Assoc. of Independent School Admission Professionsals, www.aisap.org

AMI - American Montessori Internationale, www.montessori-ami.org

AMS - American Montessori Society, www.amshq.org

BADA - Bay Area Directors of Admission, www.issfba.org

BAMA - Bay Area Montessori Association, www.bayareamontessoriassociation.com

CAIS - California Association of Independent Schools, www.caisca.org

CDE - California Department of Education, www.cde.ca.gov

Cognia - Cognia Performance Standards, www.cognia.org

CQEL - California Quality Early Learning, www.caqualityearlylearning.org

Green Ribbon School - US Department of Education, www2.eg.gov

IALDS - International Association of Lerner Driven Schools, ialds.org

IB, IBO - International Baccalaureate, www.ibo.org

ICGS - International Coalition of Girl’s Schools, girlsschools.org

IMC - The International Montessori Council, www.montessori.org

ISBOA - CA Independent Schools Business Officer Association, www.isboa.org

ISSFBA - Independent Schools of the San Francisco Bay Area, www.issfba.org

NAES - National Association of Episcopal Schools, www.episcopalschools.org

NAEYC - National Association for the Education of Young Children, www.naeyc.org

NAIS - National Association of Independent Schools, www.nais.org

NCAA Approved - National College Athletic Association, www.ncaa.org

NCEA - National Catholic Educational Association, www.ncea.org

NCGS - National Coalition of Girl’s Schools, girlsschools.org

NCPSA - National Council for Private School Accreditation, www.ncpsa.org

NIPSA - National Independent Private Schools Association, www.nipsa.org

PASCH - Schulen: Partner der Zukunft, www.pasch-net.de

PEN - Progressive Education Network, www.progressiveeducationnetwork.org

POCIS - People of Color in Independent Schools of N CA, www.nocapocis.org

SHCOG - Sacred Heart Commission on Goals, www.sacredheartusc.education

TABS - The Association of Boarding Schools, www.tabs.org

WASC - Western Association of Schools and Colleges, www.acswasc.org

WBSA - Western Boarding Schools Association, www.westernboardingschools.org

WCEA - Western Catholic Education Association, www.wcea.org

WDA - World Association of German Schools Abroad, www.auslandsschulnetz.de



Families have a choice when it comes to finding the RIGHT school, and choices have grown over the last 20 years. As you make these important choices, know that there is a school for every child. We hope and know that you will find this resource a tremendous help as you explore the regions amazing private school options.


• Read about the types of private schools and how to start you search

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