The Keynote Volume 1 May 2016

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The Keynote Parsippany High School May 2016 || Volume 1

Setting the Stage Welcoming a New Service Year

Table of Contents Editor’s Note……………………………………………..1 President’s Message………………………………2-3 DCON Recap …………………………………………….4 Officer Introduction……………………………….5-7 Updates……………………………………………………..8 Contact Information

Editor’s Note Hello Everyone! My name is Ellie, and I will be your editor for this year. My job is to write newsletters (which you will definitely read, no?) and flyers. You’ll hear from me all year in these editor notes in every newsletter, so I’ll stop this introduction here (we have plenty of time to get to know each other).

President’s Message A word from our hardworking “director” Welcome, Key Clubbers, to the very first newsletter of the 2016-2017 service year! My name is Stephanie and I am beyond excited and honored to be serving as your '16-'17 president. Key Club basically consumed my life. While people are at a sweet 16 on a Saturday night, I am having fun in my room planning and organizing upcoming events for our community. True story. But by all means, go to your sweet 16, I'm not judging. And not to mention I occasionally spend my leisure time reading other schools' newsletters because I am that much of a Key Club nerd. Other than that, I'm just a girl who taught herself to sing “I am beyond excited and honored to be serving as the alphabet backwards from “As the Bell your ’16-’17 president” Rings” when she was in the second grade, and has an unreasonable addiction to photography. Also, if you ever want my attention, just say Harry Potter or Key Club (obviously) and I am there in a flash. In general terms, my primary job is to lead. It sounds simple, but there are a few things--maybe a little more than a few--that I have to do to make sure I do this job right! Delegate, delegate, delegate! Basically Key Club presidency in 3 “It’s important to show that we’ve words. I have to make sure each officer done all we could as Key Clubbers is carrying out his/her own duties right to represent PHS and Key Club as with their full dedication and potential, like informing the recording secretary a whole to its full potential” of handing in the next CMRF on time, and making sure the editor issues the next monthly newsletter, etc. It is also an essential that I make sure each event is running smoothly and according to plan during both the planning phase and the when-it-is-actually-happening

phase. It's important to show that we've done all we could as Key Clubbers to represent PHS and Key Club as a whole to its full potential. I also make officer meeting and general meeting agendas each week. Officer meeting agendas lay out all the events we have to plan and discuss at the board meetings so they are ready to be announced to the members when they are finalized. General meeting agendas take those finalized events that the board discussed and layout what will be told to the general members during a specific meeting. It is also my job to keep in touch with our division Lieutenant Governor (who is awesomesauce Vanessa Ting by the way). Keeping in touch with the LTG helps our club stay connected with all of New Jersey District Key Club as well as Kiwanis. I also get to choose which officer posts what announcement in our Facebook group and email. It helps keep our board members active, and also so the general members don't get tired from hearing from the same person in ‘I am constantly striving to every post. better myself, others, and All in all, I have a lot of duties as a president. There is a lot to remember! But I most of all, the community, never for one moment fulfill the jobs that through learning from my come with this position with a heart of mistakes, encouraging distress or annoyance, but rather with others, and not taking this delectation and enlightenment. I am opportunity I have to serve constantly striving to better myself, others, and most of all, the community, through the people round me for learning from my mistakes, encouraging granted� others, and not taking this opportunity I have to serve the people around me for granted for even one second. I hope one day your love for servicing will grow to the amount mine has, since we all have the same duty in the end, and that is helping those around us. I am really excited to be leading such a prestigious student-led organization for the next year. Enjoy your next service year, fellow Key Clubbers! Yours in Caring and Service, Stephanie Shen PHS Key Club President '16-'17

DCON Recap “An Exhilerating Escapade” From April 1 to April 3, fifteen of Parsippany High School’s Key Cubbers attended DCON (District Convention of New Jersey) for a weekend of training, caucusing, and bonding. As agents of service for the new service year, these brave souls attended workshops to hone their skills as key clubbers; helped elect a trustworthy district board; and screamed their hearts and lungs in contest of spirit. Together with agents of other Key Clubs and regions of New Jersey, all were united in their love and passion for service.

Officer Introductions Our 2016-2017 Board “Meet the Cast”

Name: Stephanie Shen Role: Lead Refer back to page 2 for the President’s message

“Hi Key Clubbers! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Miki and one of your Vice Presidents. As VP, I am responsible for making sure the officers are following through with their duties and that everything is running smoothly; I'm basically the club's management control. On top of that, I am the right hand woman to Steph and would step in for her if she were ever absent. As an experienced VP, I can say that I like my position because it gives me opportunities to understand all of the other officers’ jobs and start up my own projects (Care One). (FUN FACT: I am a fast shoe-lacer.) Anyway, if you have any questions about key club, general or specific, don't hesitate to ask me!"

As Vice President, my main role is to be the immediate assistant to the president. I make sure each officer has the tools and knowledge to carry out their specific tasks. When the president is busy, it is my job to step in and act on her behalf.

Hi! My name is Nicholas Lim and I am this year's recording secretary of 2016-2017. I am a freshman who is always looking for a challenge and can never be satisfied with myself. By having this position, it is my duty to keep track of all members' hours and sign-up sheets. Additionally, I must send our lieutenant governor a club monthly report forms each month (duh) which covers all the hours and money our club has raised in the past month. I hope we can have a great service year and have lots of fun doing it!

"Hi Key Clubbers, my name is Udhay Khullar and I am your Treasurer. My job is to collect all of your dues and count the money after every event. I will also be assisting various officers with their tasks throughout the service year. Somethings you should know about me are that I am a firm lover of superheroes, PokĂŠmon, and Harry Potter. I also enjoy running, and do Cross Country, Winter Track, and Spring Track throughout the year. I hope we have a great service year together this year and always feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you just want to talk about the latest superhero movie (I'm on team Ironman for Captain America Civil War). I am always more than happy to help "

Hello fellow key clubbers! My name is Jennifer Huang and I will be your corresponding secretary for the 2016-2017 service year! As the corresponding secretary, I will be in charge of maintaining all of the records, details and/or files that are important for the smooth operation of Key Club. I will also be in charge or sending out reminders via email and social media, summarizing the meetings on social media, contacting outside organizations for events and more. Another part of my job includes maintaining a good relationship with the groups that we work alongside with during events. As a person, I am outgoing and very easy to approach. If you have any questions whether they be personal or about the club, don't hesitate to ask!! I can't wait for the next service year to start! I look forward to working with you all!!!!!

Hello! I’m Samantha Lee, your webmaster for the 2016-2017 service year. It is my duty to update and tend to our club’s website, where you can read blog posts, submit ideas and suggest projects, and find multiple resources that relate to our causes. Be sure to check it out! I manage some of the social media, as well. As an officer, Key Club is one of my main priorities, and I look forward to working with everyone to make this service year worthwhile! Outside of my position, I am currently a sophomore who is often mistaken for a sixth grader. This year, I am taking a programming course, and (as of now) I plan to study computer science. I also play the flute and trumpet, and I’m a part of the marching band playing the latter. Have a wonderful day! ☆

Hi everyone!! As your current historian, it is my job to take pictures at events, which the editor also incorporates into the keynote. Additionally, am in charge of updating the key club bulletin board (make sure to check that out!), and social media. I also am the one, when directed, to make flyers for events. Thanks and I look forward to the service year!

Member of the Month: Be crowned for your determination and valiance in the field of service! Hear your name announced throughout the school, and proudly stand in front of your peers at your very own coronation!

Leadership Board: Compete with your fellow Key Clubbers in a challenge of service and dedication! Watch in glee as you climb the ranks, over the shoulders of your friends, to stand at the top!

Upcoming Events: SKIP reading 5/13 General meeting 5/16 Day Care visit 5/17 Care One visit 5/21

Check out our website:

Scroll through our Instagram @parsippanyhighschoolkeyclub Browse through our other newsletters!

Contact Information President Stephanie Shen:

Vice President Miki Hansen:

Vice President Spencer Huang:

Secretary Nicholas Lim:

Treasurer Udhay Khullar:

Corresponding Secretary Jennifer Huang: Webmaster Samantha Lee:

Historian Alice Limanova:

Editor Ellen Xu:

New Jersey District Key Club

Kiwanis of Greater Parsippany 3535 Trace Woodview Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA 371-875-8755 || US and Canada: 800-Kiwanis

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