The Keynote Volume 6 November/December 2016

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Keynote a

Volume 5 I Parsippany High School I November December 2016

Welcome! As my time as an editor is drawing to a close with the impending elections, I feel that the time is right for reflection. With that thought I present to you the November/December 2016 newsletter. The theme of this newsletter is individuality. Just as no two snowflakes are identical and no two leaves are quite the same, I believe that every key clubber has their own unique impact on the club. In giving our all to Key Club, we can all leave our separate, unique marks. Yes, you may sometimes think, “there’s so many other members, let them do it”. To that I say, yes, there are other members, but none that can do this the way you do. So, everyone please participate with everything you have, and together make Key Club shine with our individual contributions. Yours truly, Ellie Xu Editor

March of Dimes Canning By Sejal Murthy, General Member

The annual March of Dimes canning event took place on Saturday, November 26th. This event is a fundraiser for the March of Dimes organization. The non-profit association’s main

goal is to significantly reduce premature childbirth across the world. Furthermore, March of Dimes raises awareness about birth defects, and offers maternal advice to protect babies and mothers. Last November, Key Clubbers at our

school “canned” to raise money in recognition of Prematurity Awareness Month. We fundraised at Walgreens and Quick Check, with the intent of spreading the word about the organization’s goals. Even in the bitter cold, over twenty people spent their Saturday by helping a greater cause. Overall, the March of Dimes event was a huge success! The club raised $260 for the March of Dimes association. It was a lot of fun to raise money for this important organization with my friends, and I can’t wait for next year!

CareOne Visit By Alice Limanova, Historian

As a person who as attended many Key Club volunteering oppurtunities, I can easily say CareOne was one of my favorite. There's something so unique the whole experience that

really helps you open up your eyes to what service is, and allows you to take in a completely different environment. Living in CareOne might not be the most exciting thing for many seniors, but our volunteering certainly does make an impact on the people we help. When I went, I

spent a few hours playing Apples to Apples, card games, and a few other games. As someone who doesn't have a lot of time to play board games on my own time with all of the demanding schoolwork, it was nice to have a few hours set

aside to do just that. You can truly see how thankful everyone is that you are there, and you can really just make someone's day by coming to play and interact with them.

Member of the Month Congratulations to Sejal Murthy on becoming Member of the Month! She consistently participates in Key Club events, and she went above and beyond for the March of Dimes canning by designing posters for the event. Thank you Sejal for your efforts!

Member of the Month Congratulations to Jessica Ho on becoming Member of the Month. Her participation has been nothing short of praiseworthy, especially her attendance at both the March of Dimes canning and CareOne visit. Thank you Jess for your dedication!

Contact Information President Stephanie Shen

Vice President Miki Hansen

Vice President Spencer Huang

Corresponding Secretary Jennifer Huang

Recording Secretary Nicholas Lim

Treasurer Udhay Khullar

Webmaster Samantha Lee

Historian Alice Limanova

Editor Ellen Xu New Jersey District Key Club Kiwanis of Greater Parsippany

Other Newsletters Our Website Follow us on Instagram @parsippanyhighschoolkeyclub

Attributions: By jansku136, CC BY 3.0, By Andreas Tille - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 By zeevveez from Jerusalem, Israel - Autumn Leaf in Snow-1, CC BY 2.0, By Jean-Pol GRANDMONT - Own work, CC BY 3.0, By Kristine Paulus from New York, United States - Acer saccharum (sugar maple), CC BY 2.0, 3535 Trace Woodview Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA 371-875-8755 || US and Canada: 800-Kiwanis

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