Webinar Proposals for Partners Connect

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Dear Friends of Partners, In an effort to share effective practices and highlight success stories from our network, Partners’ International Office is organizing the 2013 PartnersConnect

Webinar Series. This series will include around two dozen events and feature speakers from inside and outside of the Partners Network. Speakers will share their expertise on subjects such as fundraising, communications, volunteer project models and implementation, servant leadership, board recruitment and management, the PartnersCampus initiative and the PartnersConnect platform. But this is a call for proposals! Is there a project, fundraiser or event that your Organization/Institution/University does exceptionally well? Are you an expert on a subject you think is relevant to the Partners Network? If so, then I invite you to submit a webinar proposal no later than Feb. 22th. To submit a proposal, please email Elizabeth Lopez at elopez@partners.net for a copy of the form below to fill out and return via email. Let’s share our knowledge and together learn how to better connect, serve and change lives. Best regards, Ukiah Busch PartnersCampus Coordinator Program Officer, Partnerships and Programs

Webinar Proposal Form Applicant Information Full Name: Last



Address: Street Address

Apartment/Unit #


Home Phone:




ZIP Code

Email Address:

Membership or Affiliation to Partners:

Webinar Information Use as much space as needed to fully answer each question. Feel free to add additional information at the end.

Proposed Webinar topic(s) or title(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Speaker(s):______________________________________________________________________ Credentials of Proposed Speaker on Chosen Topic: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Familiarity of Speaker with online media and PowerPoint: (1=not familiar and 5=very familiar)






Language preferences of presenter: ________________________________________________________ Suggested dates for Webinar or availability of speaker: _____________________________________________________________________________________

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