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VagabundoS IbIza SuMMeR 2011 fRoM May 29th to oct 2nd eVeRy Sunday at pacha




PARTYSAN IBIZA INSIDE Dance Music & Ibiza Lifestyle Guide

Music // Musica........................... 12

CONTACTO / CONTACT: Camino Group Media & Marketing

Life // Vida .................................. 54

Paseo Vara de Rey 6 Telebox 113 07800 Ibiza, Spain

Disco Calendar.......................... 88

Fashion // Moda.......................... 44

Pre-Parties & Special Events... 68 + 34 620 715 044 REDACCIÓN / EDITORIAL: Friederike Diestel + 34 620 715 044 PUBLICIDAD / ADVERTISING: Valentino Dore + 34 675 407 494 Michelle Robertson + 34 654 462 844 Diseño Gráfico / Graphic Design: XDCMEDIA.DE Carsten Laskowski Tolga Duman Christina Holtmeyer Impresión / Printing: Jiménez Godoy S.A.

PARTYSAN Ibiza is published by CAMINO GROUP Media & Marketing and appears under licence of PARTYSAN Central GmbH, Falkensteinstr. 47/48, D-10997 Berlin, Email: We, PARTYSAN, are not liable for unsolicited material. Articles with name reflect the opinion of the author, not those of the publisher. Any reproduction of the content is strictly forbidden or requires written permission of the publisher, including publications on the internet. The editor reserves the right to shorten readers‘ letters and press articles. We are not responsible for details that are provided that are incorrect, especially for event and party listings. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by the event organizers. The clients and readers agree, that PARTYSAN may store, process and pass on all data needed to process his/her order and use for marketing measures. All rights reserved.

Distribución / Distribution: Camino Publicidad Ibiza Eloy Serrano S.A.


Enjoying the headless way of life

Did you know that the biomagnetic radiation of your heart is 5,000 times stronger than of your brain? Both organs produce energy but the energy of your brain is nothing in comparison with the energy of your heart! It’s strange but nowadays the mind receives far more significance than the heart, even though the heart is the real engine of our lives.

worrying about something, torturing ourselves or others mentally.

Sometimes people are getting sick because they think too much. The problem is that when we think, then it very often happens that our thoughts get a negative touch. We are very good in constantly

It would have a lot less depressed people on this planet if we would again be able to see with the heart, think with the heart, and speak from the heart. Because the energy of our hearts resonates in all words.

We need to learn how to reduce thinking, and how to instead maximize the joyful moments in life. The solution is just as simple: Go and loose your head! Ibiza is the perfect place to turn off the brain and where it’s so easy to relax.


fool you. But your heart, and also your body, tell you within a few microseconds, if you feel I LIKE for something, for example when you are getting to know a new person, or not.

True communication runs through the heart and through the body (before it gets filtered by the mind). In modern times the “way we think” is shaped, or let’s maybe better say manipulated, by political and financial systems, media, and all that what we call culture. We live now in a strange time. But the heart instinctively knows what is right and it’s important that we accept our true nature.

So next time when you are listening to some nice music, close your eyes and try to imagine your body without a head. Imagine you would be headless, and thoughtless, and just FEEL. Enjoy August, Rica

When you live from the heart you are one with the world around you. Remember, your mind can often 9

PIERDE LA ¿Sabías que la radiación biomagnética del corazón es 5.000 veces más fuerte que la de tu cerebro? Ambos órganos producen energía, pero la energía del cerebro no es nada en comparación con la energía del corazón! Es extraño pero hoy en día dedicamos mas importancia a la mente que al corazón, a pesar de que este el verdadero motor de nuestras vidas.

respecto a algo, torturarnos a nosotros mismos o otras personas mentalmente.

Tenemos la tendencia a enfermarnos mucho porque pensamos demasiado. El problema es que cuando pensamos, es muy frecuente que nuestros pensamientos consigan un toque negativo. Somos muy buenos en la preocupación constante con

Si fueramos capaces de sentir, ver, hablar y pensar con el corazón, seria menos la gente negativa en este planeta, porque la energía de nuestros corazones resuena en todas las palabras. La comunicación verdadera se ejecuta a través del corazón y a

Tenemos que aprender a pensar menos y aprovechar al máximo los momentos alegres de la vida. La solución es muy simple: Pierde tu cabeza! Ibiza es el lugar perfecto para desconectar la mente y relajarse.


CABEZA través del cuerpo (antes de filtrarse por la mente).

de unos pocos microsegundos, lo que sientes cuando te gusta algo, por ejemplo cuando vas a conocer a una persona nueva, o no.

En los tiempos modernos la „forma de pensar“ esta hecha, o tal vez sería mejor decir manipulada, por los sistemas políticos y financieros, los medios de comunicación, y todo lo que lo que llamamos cultura. Vivimos ahora en un momento extraño. Pero el corazón sabe instintivamente lo que es correcto, y es importante que aceptemos nuestra verdadera naturaleza.

Así que la próxima vez que estés escuchando buena música, cierra los ojos e intenta imaginar tu cuerpo sin tu mente. Imagina que es libre de pensamientos, desconectado, y simplemente dejate llevar por tu corazón y SIENTE. Un buen Agosto para todos, Rica

Cuando vives a través del corazón estas unido con el mundo que te rodea. Recuerda, tu mente a menudo te puede engañar. Pero tu corazón, y tu cuerpo, te dirán dentro


Ibiza is the capital of electronic music in the world. Ibiza es la capital

de la m煤sica electr贸nica en el mundo.


Foto: Arno Lippert






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How do you experience the summer so far and how is everything going for you? The summer looks very good, many people, new places. I‘ve been coming for about ten years every summer to visit the island but only the last two seasons that I‘m really staying here. I have a good feeling about this summer. Where can we see you playing and in which projects are you involved at the moment? In Ibiza this summer, you can see me playing at El Ayoun on Fridays and I will be also performing at the Good Day Ibiza parties on a cruise ship for about 1000 people. I‘m also working with friends to develop our own parties in villas and in a ceratin club but for now I can not enclose details. El Ayoun is without any doubt one of the poshest venues on the island. How do you experience your residency there? El Ayoun is like a small family to me, that’s what they made me feel from the first day I stepped into their booth. I‘m pretty flexible musically, I‘m not a DJ to marry any style for the simple reason that playing the same thing bores me. I think there is a time for any style of music. At El Ayoun I’m developing my cool and sexy side musically, playing from deep house, disco, electro-funk, moving into a stylish house and away from darkness and commercial sound. What do you want to express with the music released on your label Lowpitch? Lowpitch is a project I run with my friend Jose Armas. Born as a platform to present new artists from the Canarian islands along with other more established artists on the international scene 4 years ago, today it has become one of the most respected digital labels in Spain. We have very good feedback from the most prominent international artists, proven with the appearance of a track by Terence Terry in the mix CD of Adam Beyer for Cocoon Heroes this summer. 20

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