Little and the winter - minusculas

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Little and the winter

De Javi: A Alejandro, Lucía, Gina, Samuel, Elena, Paola, De Javi: Laia Valentina, Carla, Noah, Aleix, Thiago, Naiara, A Alejandro, Lucía, Gina, Jordi y todos los niños del Samuel, mundo. Elena, Paola, Laia Valentina, Carla, Noah, Aleix, Thiago, Naiara, Jordi y todos los niños del mundo. A Fernanda, Mireia, Esther, Lydia y Charlotte. A Fernanda, Mireia, Esther, Lydia y Charlotte. De Fernanda: Para Abigail, Meritxell y la pequeña Júlia. De Fernanda: Y para los niños de mi clase. ¡Gracias por enseñarme tanto! Para Abigail, Meritxell y la pequeña Júlia. Y para los niños de mi clase. ¡Gracias por enseñarme tanto!


Javier Segovia Madrigal y Fernanda Parra Parra Autores

Javier Segovia Madrigal y Fernanda Parra Parra Ilustración

Mireia Pascual Galera Ilustración

Mireia Pascual Galera Edita:

I.S.B.N.: 978-84-17068-63-9

Little’s special friends:




Little’s family:

Little’s mummy

Little’s daddy

Little and the winter

It’s cold! It’s winter! Little is decorating the Christmas tree with some balls. But Little is sad! He needs his friends Henry and Helen.

‘ KNOCK, KNOCK!!! ’ Surprise!!! Henry and Helen arrive and they help Little with the Christmas tree. They are happy together.

Little, Henry and Helen go out for some snow. They meet a boy called Andy.

But there is no snow. Andy has an idea: they can paint some small leaves in white. They pick the leaves and together, they go to Little’s house.

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