Newsletter 2015/2016
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2015 proved to be a histor-
to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, among the remnant whom the Lord calls.” (NKJV) 2015 saw the conclusion of the blood moon tetrad with the final blood moon on the 28th of September (Sukkoth) preceded by the third blood moon on the 4th of April (Passover). With a solar eclipse between the second and third blood moons on March the 20th. In June this year, we witnessed the appearance of the “Bethlehem Star” in our night sky after approximately two thousand years. The Bethlehem Star is a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter and is the same star that shone over Bethlehem at Jesus’ birth, served as a sign to the shepherds and led the wise men to Jesus. This con-
ic year as well as one of the most significant years in human history and the kingdom of God. It was a year of great signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth as the word of God confirms in Joel 2:28-32, 28 “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. 29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. 30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. 32 And it shall come 1
junction occurs every two thousand years. This year marked its first appearance since Jesus’ birth as a major sign of what is to come – and we were the generation privileged to see it.
the city of Paris – the worst terrorist attack France has ever seen. A concert hall where an American heavy metal band performed was attacked as well as a sports stadium and restaurants. One hundred and sixty people were killed and two hundred injured.
On the 13th of September, we witnessed the conclusion of the Shemitah (Sabbath Year) and the commencement of the Jubilee year on the same day. This too is a major sign of things to come.
“The Lord revealed that after the second blood moon, He will gather the Jewish people back to their homeland from all the nations of the earth where they have been scattered (Eze 36:24-30). Once they have all returned to Israel, the tribulation period will begin.” (Pastor’s Letter 2015). On February the 16th 2015, a Jewish man was killed in a terrorist attack in Copenhagen, Denmark. After the attack, Benjamin Netanyahu, the president of Israel, issued a call to ALL Israeli’s to return to their homeland. At that time, my family and I were on holiday at the Central Coast. Just after watching a special live news report of Netanyahu’s announcement; a great sign appeared right above the villa in which we were staying. A cloud in the shape of a bird (a dove or eagle) appeared in the sky. It was huge and hovered over the lake in front of our villa. As I gazed in amazement at this sign, I heard the Lord say, “The reason the sign you saw was of the Holy
Again, the Lord was faithful to move in great and mighty ways in our ministry. We saw more salvations, deliverances, healings, miracles, signs and wonders than last year and at any other time. Many things the Lord prophesied for 2015 came to pass EXACTLY as the He revealed. “Then I heard the Lord say, “War is about to intensify in the heavenlies and on the earth. As war intensifies in the heavenlies, it will also intensify on the earth and the sign of this will be that war will escalate in the Middle East. Terrorists will push forward to overtake suburbs, cities and nations. However, they will eventually be driven back and defeated.” (Pastor’s Letter 2015). Just as the Lord said, terrorists moved to take suburbs, cities and nations. On Friday the 13th of November, terrorists attacked 2
Spirit is because it will be by My Holy Spirit I will gather My people back to their homeland (Israel). I am gathering My people to their homeland and to Myself as an eagle gathers her eaglets under her wings.”
ministry. For 2016, the Lord revealed the following, I saw darkness, disaster and blood. I saw two things, firstly I saw the darkness continue to grow thicker and darker in the world and secondly, I saw the glory of the Lord grow, increase and intensify upon, within and through the Church. I saw dark, muted colours for this year such as black, dark brown and red. Black represents darkness, dark brown represents chaos and confusion and red represents anger, war and blood. I saw rivers of blood flowing in the Middle East and Europe, world economies collapsing - the next great global economic crisis and the Great War come to Israel. I saw her enemies conspiring to destroy her but as they assembled to surround her, the Lord intervened to destroy them. When He did, the world was terrified.
“The Lord said that as we move from 2014 into 2015, a great sifting, pruning and purification will occur in the Church. He will separate the sheep from the goats (Mt 25:31-46). He will sift those who are truly dedicated to Him from those who say they are but are actually not. The Lord will weed out and remove the sin, filth and impurity from believers and the Church and will transform us into the spotless bride ready for His return.” (Pastor’s Letter 2015). This year the Lord moved to cleanse, purify and purge the Church as well as the world. “Holiness will be a major topic in 2015. The Lord will bring His people to a higher level and deeper realm of holiness with Him which will result in deeper intimacy with Him and an increase of the anointing upon the Church.” (Pastor’s Letter 2015). One of the main teaching series of 2015 was “Living In Holiness”, which was one of the greatest and most important messages I have done in my
Before the second blood moon in September 2014, the Lord gave a loud call of three statements to the Church, which were, “WAKE UP, RISE UP and BE READY!” These are three prophetic calls or trumpets as well as seasons the Body of Christ is now going through as a result of the second blood moon. The first, WAKE UP! The Lord is 3
scribes, Pharisees and teachers of the law brought Him a woman caught in adultery and demanded she be stoned. He stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger. However, in this vision I saw the Lord standing great and tall over the earth, He stooped down and drew a line across the centre of the entire earth with His finger. When He did, it was divided right down the middle. Then I heard the Lord shout “CHOOSE YOUR SIDE!” This began with the legalisation of homosexual marriage in the United States this year which divided not only a city or country but the ENTIRE WORLD down the middle. And there is more to come. “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).
going to shake the Church out of its spiritual laziness and slumber. The second, RISE UP! The Lord is going to raise up His end time army from those who have been woken up and are serious about God’s cause. And the third, BE READY! The Lord is mobilizing the Church for war and victory. This will continue in 2016. The Lord also spoke to me and said once the fourth and final blood moon has occurred, all hell will break loose on the earth. Then I saw a vision of God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, all the angels, people of God and the kingdom of heaven on the right hand side and satan, the wicked angels, demons, wicked people and kingdom of darkness on the left hand side. As I looked, I saw each side growing in power and strength. I saw the darkness becoming darker over and within the kingdom of darkness and the presence, glory, power and anointing of God multiplying over and within the Church. Then a trumpet was blown and I saw each camp charging towards each other at great speed until they engaged each other in a deafening explosion and a mighty battle.
In May this year (2015), the Lord spoke to me and said, “Starting from Monday the 1st of June (2015) to Monday the 1st of January (2016), for the next six months and afterwards, I am bringing a holiness revolution to the Church and the world!” This means there will be a great sifting, cleansing, purification and purging which will sweep across, not only the Church, but the entire world. This will begin with the Church and spread everywhere because whenever the Lord does anything
I saw the Lord drawing a line in the sand. Just like when the 4
listening intently to Him as He spoke to them. I could see Him speaking to them and motioning with His hands. As He spoke, the angels suddenly looked at each other and began yelling, screaming and jumping for joy. As they did, they cried, “Wow! Yes Lord do it! Choose me! I want to be part of this!” I wondered why they suddenly rejoiced and were saying these things. The Lord then gave me knowledge that He was telling them about what He was going to do with our church and the Body of Christ. Then I saw the Lord choosing angels from the group who He was going to use to bring this to pass. Then I looked and saw hell open up. I saw satan and his demons in a group listening to what Jesus was saying to His angels. When they heard it, they began to tremble and melt with great terror. Their faces became contorted as though they were in pain. I then heard the demons yelling out to the Lord from hell saying, “No Lord! No! Please don’t! Don’t do this we beg you!” When they realised the Lord was ignoring them, they turned to each other in desperation and frantically began discussing what they were going to do to stop it. The Lord is about to do something significant, important and HUGE!
like this, He always begins with the Church (1 Pet 4:17). This move of God will involve the Lord, 1. Exposing and removing sins, weaknesses, impurities, obstacles, barriers, hindrances and blockages preventing believers from going further with Him. 2. Exposing those in the Church who say they are for Him but are not at all or are not living a life of obedience to Him and holiness with Him and 3. Separating true, Holy Spirit filled, Bible believing Christians from those of the world. (Richard Pace - Living In Holiness). On Wednesday the 28th of October at the revival fire meeting, the Lord spoke to me and said, “I am now moving to deal with the little foxes. Starting from now and moving into 2016, I will deal with all the little foxes that have been causing havoc in your life, family and circumstances for years.” On Tuesday the 3rd of November at our monthly Intercessory meeting, the Lord opened the heavens to me and I saw the third heaven. I looked and saw the Lord speaking to a group of angels. They were huddled around Him, 5
At our last revival fire meeting for 2015, the Lord revealed to me that 2016 will be marked as the year of deeper intimacy with Him. He will reveal Himself to us in a greater way, which will result in a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge for people who were praying to know Him more intimately THAT DAY which was confirmed by some who prayed that very same thing. The Lord said this had begun from that moment on and will accelerate or quicken so that when we return for the first meeting, we will be far closer to Him than we were at the last. The Lord is placing this desire in people’s hearts and doing this because as the darkness becomes darker, we will NEED to be closer to Him, know Him more intimately and go deeper with Him. This will be the primary means of remaining protected, avoiding deception and conquering what’s coming.
and are walking with Him in love, obedience, holiness and who persevere in Him until the end, “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.” Rev 3:10-11 (NKJV). Get ready! We will see greater things with the Lord in 2016! My prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless and protect you and your family throughout the New Year and the years to come.
Pastor Richard Pace
The Lord said, 2016 will be one of the worst and most volatile years the world has ever seen. It has the potential to be the most destructive year in human history to date but the greatest year for the Church. However, the Lord has promised to protect His people – those who are His, are born again 6
The key to knowing God intimately, walking with Him, obeying Him, serving Him and receiving from Him is dying to self. The more you die to self, the more Christ-like you become. The more Christ-like you become, the more you grow in holiness. This is the absolute key to holiness which then makes it possible for you to be intimate with Him and as a result, hear His voice more accurately, see in the spirit more clearly and much more.
three things about the sinful nature; 1. As believers, we have a part to play with God’s help to crucify the flesh (sinful nature). That is, renounce, reject, confront, overcome and avoid self and sin. Every time we do, it puts the flesh (sinful nature) to death more and more. Why? Because you are denying it and the more you deny self, the more it dies. 2. Paul the apostle uses the word “crucified” to describe this process. Crucifixion was the main form of capital punishment in those days so when anyone heard or read the word “crucified” they immediately knew it was referring to death. Also, by using this word he reveals how it has been achieved – through the suffering, shed blood, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 3. It reveals the flesh (sinful nature) has sinful passions and desires.
The flesh is one of, if not our greatest obstacle to walking with God. When we say “the flesh”, the Word of God is referring to the sinful nature with its (sinful) lusts, passions and desires. The Word of God states, “And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” Gal 5:24 (NKJV). The Word of God here reveals
The flesh is one of the greatest obstacles to knowing God, walking with Him, obeying Him, serving Him, receiving from Him, hearing and recognizing His voice and seeing in the Spirit clearly. It is not so much satan, demons or others who are our worst enemy but us – the flesh, self or the sinful nature that is our worst enemy and greatest obstacle.
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh (natural world) I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Gal 2:20 (NKJV) “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” Lk 14:27 (NKJV)
integrity into doubt and putting doubt into Eve’s mind about His integrity and Word. The irony was that Adam and Eve were already “like God” for He created them in His image and according to His likeness. However, satan was making it appear as though He was withholding something from them. When they ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, ironically they did not literally drop dead on the spot. However, they died spiritually – they were separated from God and came under the bondage of satan.
It is easier to cast out satan and demons than it is to cast out the flesh. Actually, you cannot cast out the flesh. You must DIE to it, which is the only way it can be defeated. Satan and demons have no authority, power, influence or control over anyone unless we give it to them, and how do we do that? Through the sinful nature. They use it to bring and keep people under bondage. It begins by walking in the flesh or sinful nature and if it is not dealt with, will move into bondage. Then from bondage, into the demonic realm and control (Jas 1:13-15).
The Origin of the Sinful Nature “It is not so much satan, demons or others who are our Where did the sinful nature come from? worst enemy but us – the flesh.” The sinful nature did not materialize The sinful nature is the weapon satan and demons use against us and we give it to them by obeying their temptations. When satan came to Adam and Eve in the garden, he was powerless except for his tongue (words), deception, lies and illusion. Satan uses deception, lies and illusion to make something appear a certain way so we may believe his lies and give him the weapon he is going to use against us. Satan said to Eve, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” (Gen 3:1). By saying this, satan drew Eve’s attention to the fruit. Then He said, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Gen 3:4). By saying this, satan was questioning God’s Word, putting His
from thin air or come from nowhere. It has an origin. When God created humankind (Adam and Eve), He created them perfect, without sin, a sinful nature, sickness and disease or blemish. He created them in His image and according to His likeness which means they had a perfect, sinless, faultless, God-like nature/character. When they obeyed the serpent (satan) and disobeyed God by eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they went from being children of God to slaves of satan, from having a perfect nature in the image and according to the likeness of God to having a sinful nature in the image and according to the likeness of satan (Gen 3:1-13).
“The sinful nature is the weapon satan and demons use against us.” 8
the sinful nature and is an open door or hook the enemy uses to control us. This is also why the enemy loves and uses the sinful nature because it is so close to us, as a matter of fact, it is an intimate part of us, we cling to it and are slow to give it up. Some even protect it just like they would protect their own bodies. When God comes to remove it, most fight tooth and nail to resist Him. It’s ironic because God is only removing the very thing that has the potential to destroy you.
“The sinful nature is basically a perversion of the nature of God in humankind.” Then we read of the very first murder in human history. Cain murders his brother Abel because of jealousy (Gen 4:1-15). The sinful nature is basically a perversion of the nature of God in humankind. Have you wondered why the world is in the state it’s in? Why people behave the way we do? Why there are so many wars, so much unrest, hatred, murder and evil? One of the reasons the world is in this state and why there is so much hatred, murder and evil, is because of the sinful nature which satan and demons then us to express their sinful passions and desires. Manifestations Nature
Because more is known about the dangers of smoking, drinking and drugs these days, more people are quitting smoking, giving up drinking and turning from drugs. Likewise, if more people had a revelation of how destructive the sinful nature really is, we will not be clinging to it, we will be begging God to kill and remove it. It is my endeavor to reveal how destructive the sinful nature is in an attempt to have more people turn from it, yield it to God and die to it.
One of the reasons so many people, even believers, walk in the flesh (sinful nature) is because they are ignorant to how destructive it really is. It is the hidden, invisible obstacle. It is like smoking, drinking or drug taking. There’s a saying, “Out of sight out of mind”. Usually we do not consider what we do not see and we do not see what is closest to us. It is the same with the sinful nature. Because it is a hidden, invisible obstacle and its consequences are not immediate and unseen, most people do not consider it an issue. As a matter of fact, most people enjoy it because they find comfort, strength and even peace in it. However, that is the insidiousness of
“The sinful nature is the hidden, invisible obstacle.” Seventeen Fruits of the Sinful Nature 19 “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness,
revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Gal 5:19-21 (NKJV). Here, the word of God reveals seventeen manifestations, fruits or results of the flesh – the sinful nature. These can also serve as doorways or means by which the enemy can gain authority, power, control and influence over you;
7. Hatred (Vs. 20) 8. Contentions (Vs. 20) 9. Jealousies (Vs. 20) 10. Outbursts of wrath (Vs. 20) 11. Selfish ambitions (Vs. 20) 12. Dissensions (Vs. 20) 13. Heresies (False teaching and false beliefs) (Vs. 20) 14. Envy (Vs. 21) 15. Murders (literally murdering someone as well as hating your brother or sister) (Vs. 21) 16. Drunkenness (Vs. 21) 17. Revelries (Vs. 21)
1. Adultery (Physical or spiritual) (Vs. 19) 2. Fornication (all sexual sin including And these are just a few. The word of homosexuality and lesbianism) (Vs. God also reveals those who do these things will not inherit the kingdom of 19) God (Gal 5:21), which means we will be 3. Uncleanness (Spiritual) (Vs. 19) 4. Lewdness (the quality of being lewd; separated from God in this life and will obscenity. 1. Characterized by or in- not be with Him in eternal life. What is tended to excite crude sexual desire; “the kingdom of God?” The kingdom obscene. 2. (Obsolete) a) wicked. b) of God is (and involves) knowing God intimately – walking with God in an inignorant) (Vs. 19) 5. Idolatry (Not only worshiping stat- timate relationship. So this reveals the ues in the image of anything in sinful nature, heaven, on earth or in hell but also 1. Separates us from God (Gen 3:1-13, Gal 5:21) putting yourself, your desires and needs above God’s will and the needs 2. Prevents us from knowing God intimately and walking with Him (Gal of others as well as making an idol 5:21) of money, family, ministry, men or 3. Causes us to rebel against and diswomen of God, rock stars, movie obey God (1 Sam 15:23) stars, sports stars or anyone or anything above, alongside or instead of 4. Causes us to sin against God and others (1 Sam:15:23-24, Rom 7:14-20) God) (Vs. 20) 6. Sorcery (Not only the practice of or 5. Causes us to hurt (grieve) God and others (Eph 4:30) involvement in the occult but also disobedience and rebellion against 6. Causes us to get out of the will of God and do our own thing (things God which in His eyes is equivalent God did not tell us to do) (1 Sam to sorcery and witchcraft) (Vs. 20) 10
15:24) 7. Prevents us from becoming more like Jesus (Christ-like) 8. Prevents us from loving and forgiving others 9. Causes factions, arguments, divisions, gossip and slander (1 Cor 3:3) 10. Causes people to commit adultery against each other (Gal 5:19) 11. Destroys marriages, families, relationships and churches (Jude 1:1619) 12. Causes offenses, unforgiveness and bitterness (Eph 4:31) 13. Causes people to kill, steal, lie, deceive and cheat (Gal 5:19-21) 14. Breeds fear, doubt and unbelief 15. Causes the Holy Spirit to leave you (1 Sam 16:14, Judg 16:20) 16. Keeps us from moving in the anointing (power) of God (1 Sam 15:23, Judg 16:20) 17. Keeps us from receiving God’s best 18. Keeps us from being effective in ministry 19. Prevents us from obeying God, hearing God’s voice and seeing in the Spirit clearly. 20. It is the cause of much of the sin, evil, wars and destruction in the world (Jas 4:1-4) 21. Is deceitful above all things (Jer 17:9). The sinful nature is our greatest enemy. In Romans 7:14-25, Paul reveals his constant battle with the sinful nature, so that he was more inclined to do what he shouldn’t rather than what he should. However, he gives us hope and tells us we
are delivered from its influence through Jesus Christ our Lord. How to Overcome the Sinful Nature The sinful nature cannot be changed, improved, made better or tamed! IT MUST DIE! How do you put the flesh to death? First of all, we must understand that Jesus Christ destroyed the power of sin and the sinful nature in His body on the cross by taking our place and accepting the consequences and punishment for our sins on our behalf as though He had committed them Himself. Yet was perfectly holy, sinless and innocent. Through this, we have not only been redeemed from the sinful nature but have been given (God’s) power over it (2 Cor 5:21, Gal 5:24). The following are eleven key ways to overcome the sinful nature. 1. You must be born again (Jn 3:5-8). When a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, that person is saved and God places His Holy Spirit in them. The Holy Spirit then begins a process of purifying the sinful nature out of the person and replaces it with the nature and character of Jesus with the person’s co-operation (2 Cor 3:18). 2. Confess and repent of sin (1 Jn 1:9). 3. Present or offer yourself – your spirit, soul and body (life) as a living sacrifice to God (Rom 6:13, 12:1-2). 4. Fill your heart with the Word of God, obey and live by it (Jas 1:22-23).
hear God’s voice or see in the Spirit clearly. The spirit of a man is the lamp (candle) of the Lord (Provbs 20:27). If the wick is dirty, we will have difficulty hearing and recognizing the voice of the Lord as well as seeing in the Spirit.
5. Have constant fellowship with God. Spend time with Him daily (Ps 91:1). 6. Ask the Lord to remove, tear out of and purify the sinful nature out of you (2 Cor 3:18). 7. Surrender and submit to the Lord (Jas 4:7). 8. Put off the old man (the sinful nature) and put on the new man (the nature of Christ) (Eph 4:22-24). 9. Constantly make a decision to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Walking in the Spirit is basically being Christ-like, meaning, choosing to walk in and display Godly character, the nature and character of Jesus Christ, in everything. The more Christ-like you are, the stronger your relationship with God will be, the more clearly you will hear from God and the less the enemy can influence you. The Word of God reveals that walking in the Spirit is the “cure” for the flesh (sinful nature) and when we walk in the Spirit or choose to be Christ – like, it puts to death or “kills” the sinful nature (Gal 5:16-26). 10. Renounce (crucify) the flesh, sin and sinful behaviour (Gal 5:24). 11. Be careful what you put into your spirit through what you watch and listen to (Mt 12:34-35). Keep your spirit, soul and mind clean. God has given each of us an imagination and God uses our imaginations to speak to or show things to us. We need to keep our soul and imaginations clean and pure otherwise we will not be able to
“Walking in the Spirit is the cure for the flesh.” If you want to know God more intimately, walk with Him more closely, obey Him more quickly, serve Him more effectively, hear His voice and see in the Spirit more clearly, then you must die to self. However, there is no use asking the Lord to remove the sinful nature if you are going to go right back into it the moment you’re given an opportunity. At times, it will be painful and you will feel like you just can’t do it - and we cannot do it apart from God or in our own power. But if you are serious about this, God will help you. He has given you His Holy Spirit as well as His grace or power with the Holy Spirit to help you overcome it. – Richard Pace
Receiving From God
Twelve CD teaching series revealing how to receive from God.
“This is a very inspiring and uplifting teaching for those who desire to know God more intimately, to receive what He has for them and to see His perfect will fulfilled in and through their lives.” – Pastor Anthony Pace
Exposing the Hidden Things of Darkness
Nine CD teaching series, including mini book, exposing the dangers of the occult and the demonic realm. “This is a very powerful teaching that will certainly bring you into a deeper relationship with the Lord, as well as bring you a step closer to developing immunity to the enemy’s tactics.” . – Julia
The Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ
Fourteen CD teaching series, revealing the cleansing, healing and restoring power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
“I listened to “The Power of the Blood of Jesus” whilst visiting Australia in 2008. I’ve been a Christian for 24 years, but there came new revelation in this teaching that was like the light being switched on. Amazing...! Would like to hear more from Richard Pace!” – Christine
Come Up Here
Seventeen CD teaching series, including digital booklet/CD ROM revealing God’s heart for the church and the world.
“I listened to this series and it gave me fresh revelations of the things of God as you go to the next level with Him. I would greatly recommend it to anyone who is keen to keep growing in God as there is no limit for one wanting to go higher with Him.” – Nina
Rising with the Eagles
Two CD teaching series, revealing how to go to higher and deeper levels of intimacy with God. “Pastor Richard Pace’s message on “Rising with the Eagles” has been such a life changing message for me. Using the Eagle as an analogy of who we are in Christ and biblical examples to back that up. Richard has really opened my eyes to the truth of God’s word and fullness of life we have in Christ. I have been fed spiritually to overflow. “TOP MESSAGE PASTOR RICHARD.” –Sylvette
Running with a Vision
Ten CD teaching series, with booklet revealing how to identify a God given vision and see it’s fulfillment. “This teaching is a MUST for everyone who believes that the Lord has a calling on their life. After listening to this teaching, you will be able to stand strong while you are waiting on Him to fulfill His promises and visions to you. Pastor Richard uses scriptures to explain how you can identify godly and ungodly visions, dreams and desires and how to see the Lord’s purpose fulfilled in your life. A powerful teaching!” –Tiara
Tenacious Faith
Six CD teaching series, with booklet revealing how to have tenacious faith in difficult circumstances. “This teaching has dramatically changed my life. When I first listened to it, I struggled with fear, especially of the enemy. However, after listening to it, it completely changed my feelings and outlook in every situation I was facing. I highly recommend this teaching to every believer, especially those who may need encouragement and a better understanding of the gift of faith.” –Catherine
Walking in Love Twelve CD teaching series, with booklet revealing how to walk in the love of God.
“But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Pet 1:15-16 (NKJV). RESTORING HOLINESS Holiness is one of the most controversial and misunderstood issues facing believers as well as all people today. It has either become something unfashionable and irrelevant or associated with religiosity. As a result, believers cannot relate to God as they should and no longer live in righteousness but are walking in sin. Holiness is a beautiful thing. It’s not religious or legalistic at all. Holiness is a response of love towards God, not a product of man-made, religious rituals! In an attempt to make holiness unattractive and repulsive, the enemy as well as humankind have turned it into a religious, legalistic thing so we will not desire it, choose to walk in sin and consequently, not be as close to God as we should be. This then makes us an open target for the enemy. As mentioned in the Pastor’s Letter, in May this year (2015), the Lord spoke to me and said, “Starting from Monday the 1st of June (2015) to Monday the 1st of January (2016), for the
next six months and afterwards, I am bringing a holiness revolution to the Church and the world!” This means there will be a great sifting and purification which will sweep across, not only the Church, but the entire world. This sifting will begin with the Church and will spread everywhere because whenever the Lord does anything like this, He always begins with the Church (1 Pet 4:17).
Now more than ever, especially with the decay of the very spiritual and moral substance of the world, the rise of terrorism, Satanism, and the homosexual movement (gay marriage), holiness is not only deteriorating, but is no longer a relevant issue for most. It has disappeared from the world and is diminishing from the Church. It is expected from the world but IT SHOULD NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, occur in the Church. That is why the Lord is sovereignly moving to restore holiness to those hungry for it. It is time to turn from sin and repent! John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness crying out for repentance. Jesus Himself began His public ministry with the message, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at
hand!” Mt 3:2 (NKJV). And now I am a prophetic voice, an end time trumpet, declaring to you and to the world today again to repent. WHAT IS HOLINESS?
The word “holy”/“holiness” means, to be set apart, separate or sanctified. In Hebrews 12:14, the word “holiness” is the Greek word, hagiasmos (hag-eeas-mos) and means, purification, (the state of being) pure, purity or a purifier. Therefore, holiness in reference to God means He is set apart, separate and stands alone as God almighty (Isa 6:3). In reference to the believer, holiness means to be set apart, separated and sanctified unto God, by God for an intimate relationship and service.
There are two key aspects of holiness. Firstly, God makes you holy when you are born again. When a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour and confesses and repents of their sins, that person is then forgiven and cleansed of their sins by the blood of Jesus Christ and receives the Holy Spirit who then lives within or indwells them. At that moment, the person is sanctified, set apart or made holy unto the Lord. The word “saint” comes from the word “sanctified” and refers to being sanctified, set apart and separated unto God. There are church denominations that teach to be a saint, you must be a virgin or martyr, die, perform two or three miracles then be canonised by the current pope. However, you are not made a saint by men but by the Holy Spirit the moment you are born
again. We, the Church (believers) are the Body of Christ, the saints of God (Rom 1:7, Rom 8:27, 1 Cor 1:2, 1 Cor 6:2, Eph 1:1, Eph 4:12, 1 Thess 3:13).
Secondly, from this moment the Holy Spirit then takes you through a process of becoming holy over time with our co-operation and obedience. He does this through cleansing, purification and transformation by putting our flesh (sinful nature) to death through different means and circumstances. It is then our responsibility, by God’s grace to reject, renounce and avoid anything that would defile us, make us unholy, interfere with or destroy our relationship with and separate us from God. “Holiness is a response of love towards God, not a product of manmade, religious rituals!”
Holiness involves and results in: § An increased anointing: It is by the anointing, power or grace of God we are made and become holy. When we are, the anointing increases upon us. § The grace of God: It is by the grace of God – God’s unmerited favour, empowering presence or help, we are also made holy and are able to live in holiness. § The fear of the Lord: Holiness and the fear of the Lord go hand
cannot marry a man who is not compatible with her, so it is with God.
in hand. Holiness produces the fear of the Lord and the fear of the Lord produces holiness. § Hating sin: The fear of the Lord produces holiness. When you live in holiness, you will hate sin and not want anything to do with what hurts or offends God. § Confessing, repenting of and avoiding sin: When you live in holiness, you will be quick to confess and repent of sin as well as do everything you can to avoid it. § Dying to self: Living in holiness involves dying to self. Self or the sinful nature is one of our greatest obstacles to living in holiness and prevents us from doing so. Once you get a revelation of that, you won’t want anything to do with it. Dying to self also makes it possible to live in holiness.
This is revealed in Genesis 2:1825. Adam could not fellowship with the animals because they were not like him – they were not on his level and he could not relate to them. He needed one like him, one on his level or one he could relate to, “But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.” (Vs. 20). The word “comparable” means, one like, an equal. So God put him into a deep sleep, took out one of his ribs and created the woman from the rib. When God brought the woman to Adam, he stated, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” (Vs. 23) Adam was basically saying, “Finally, one comparable to or like me! One I can relate to and who can relate to me!” The woman was taken out of the man so she is like him and he is like her.
Holiness is extremely important for knowing, having intimacy with, walking with and serving God. It is so important in fact, the word of God makes it very clear without it, NO ONE will SEE the Lord. “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” Heb 12:14 (NKJV). Here, the word “see” can refer to knowing God intimately or having an intimate revelation of God. God cannot fellowship with one who is not like Him or at least becoming (more) like Him. Just like a man who cannot marry a woman who is not compatible with him and a woman
“God cannot fellowship with one who is not like Him or at least becoming (more) like Him.”
This is a prophetic type of Christ and the Church. Adam represents Christ. The scriptures call Him “the last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45) and Eve represents the Church (Eph 5:22-33).
Just as Adam could not relate to the animals because they were not like him, so too God cannot relate to us and we cannot relate to Him unless we are like Him or at least becoming (more) like Him. Just as the woman was taken from the man and was like him, we are taken from God, He created us in His image and according to His likeness. “Holiness is God separating you to Himself for an intimate relationship and service.”
what it means when God says to be holy as He is holy. This is absolutely vital for an intimate relationship with God. If we want to know Him more, we must become more like Him. We are the ones who have to change, not God and this is the purpose or function of holiness.
OBSTACLES TO LIVING IN HOLINESS Holiness is God separating you to Himself for an intimate relationship and service. This involves you then separating yourself from and avoiding what is sinful in God’s eyes, by His grace, for the sake of pleasing God and preserving your relationship with Him. Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers
This is why holiness is so important for an intimate relationship with God. One of the functions of holiness is to bring us to a level with God where we will be able to know Him, have intimacy with Him, relate to Him, He to us and continue to grow in that relationship. For that to be possible, we must die to the sinful nature and become more like Him and it is the Holy Spirit, with our co-operation and obedience, who accomplishes this in us. This is holiness. When God told His people “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy”, He was saying, “Be like Me” and “Walk in holiness, purity and righteousness before Me”. When God says, be like Him, He is calling us to walk in the Spirit - the fruit of the Spirit (Godly character) or to be Christ – like. That’s
In 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 the word of God reveals that our involvement with unbelievers, sin, and anything unholy and unclean can become a great obstacle to living in holiness. It states, 14 “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” Where it states, “Unequally yoked together with unbelievers” it is referring to being involved with
unbelievers to such an extent they begin to have an unhealthy influence on you, which can cause you to fall or walk in sin, and as a result, possibly turn from God. Although we should not segregate ourselves completely from unbelievers but rather, associate ourselves with them for the purpose of telling them about Jesus and salvation, we must not be influenced by the sin they walk in. Unequally yoked means the following, in ancient times, when farmers ploughed the ground in preparation for seed, they used two oxen joined by a wooden plank or metal (iron) bar. As a result, the oxen were not free to move in any direction they desired but were forced to move together or follow the other. If one happened to be stronger than the other, the weaker one was forced to follow the other even if it didn’t want to. This is what occurs when we become unequally yoked with and influenced by satan, demons, the world, sin and unbelievers – we become led by them rather than the Holy Spirit. “God loves us so much He doesn’t want us to be separated from Him.”
Unholiness Unholiness is an obstacle to relationship and intimacy with God. Notice, the scripture makes it unmistakably
clear we are not to have anything to do with what is sinful, evil, demonic or the corrupt world system. “For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? (The word “Belial” is an ancient name for satan). Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?” The final verse makes it clear that because we are the temples of the Holy Spirit in whom He dwells, we are to have no part, fellowship or communion with sin, evil, the corrupt world system or kingdom of darkness. And that is for three key reasons. Firsty it grieves God’s heart. Secondly it destroys our relationship with Him and thirdly, it destroys us as well as those around us. God loves us so much He doesn’t want us to be separated from Him or to be destroyed, especially by satan and demons. The enemy uses sin and evil as well as what may seem good, lawful and harmless to separate people from God, and in the process, destroy them. That is why we are commanded by God Himself to “Come out from among them and be separate (or holy)” and “not to touch anything unclean”. This means we are not to have anything to do with it. The Lord then follows by saying, 17”I will receive you.” 18“I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”(2 Cor 6:17-18) This is re-
ferring to relationship and intimacy with God. If we turn from sin and live in holiness, the Lord will receive us (relationship) and we will be His sons and daughters (intimacy). However, if we live in sin or unholiness, God will NOT receive nor will He be a Father to us. That’s not necessarily because He doesn’t want to but because we will not be able to. We cannot have intimacy, fellowship, communion with or relate to God if we are living in sin. So many believers struggle with their relationship with God and intimacy with Him because they live in sin rather than in holiness.
We cannot blame satan and demons for our own selfishness and sinfulness although they use that to bring and keep people under bondage. However, the enemy cannot have any authority, power, control or influence over ANYONE unless we give it to them and how do we do that? By yielding ourselves and the sinful nature over to them through sin. When we blame the enemy for every little thing, it prevents us from searching and judging ourselves, therefore, keeping us ignorant to anything we need to confess and repent of which in turn allows the enemy to keep us under bondage to those very same things. However, Satan and demons use different ways, means and obstacles to prevent people from living in holiness. Contact Objects
We must be cautious of what we put into our spirit through our eye gate (Mt 6:22-23) and ear gate as well as
what we bring into our homes and lives. In Mt 15:10-11, Jesus said it is not what goes into your mouth but what comes out of you from within (your spirit) that makes you unclean or unholy. And how is what is unclean or unholy going to get into your heart (spirit)? By what we put into it through what we watch and listen to.
Jesus elaborates on this in verses 1620, “16 So Jesus said, “Are you also still without understanding? 17 Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? 18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. 20 These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.” Here, Jesus was referring to the spiritual as opposed to the natural. Because the scribes, Pharisees and teachers of the law were more concerned about and relied more on the outward appearance – obeying irrelevant laws, rules and rituals (human effort) to become and remain holy, Jesus made it clear that it is not about what you eat or don’t eat or not washing your hands before you eat according to a Jewish custom that makes a person unclean (unholy), but what is in the heart (spirit) which then comes out of the mouth that does. Many say to be holy you must dress a certain way, do your
hair a certain way and behave a certain way, that is, you can’t wear makeup, your hair must be short back and sides and you must constantly wear suits. And yes, although living in holiness involves dressing modestly and living humbly and although there is nothing wrong with wearing makeup, jewellery and suits, holiness is not so much about the outward appearance than it is about the heart. You can be a woman who doesn’t wear makeup or be a man who wears the cleanest and fanciest suits and still be full of sin, evil and filth (Mt 23:25-28).
A contact object or accursed thing is something connected to, represents or resembles the demonic realm. They are called contact objects because they are objects satan and demons use to make contact with the natural world and your life. 25 “You shall burn the carved images of their gods with fire; you shall not covet the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. 26 Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.” Deut 7:25-26 (NKJV)
In the above reference, God commanded His people (the Israelites) not to bring any contact objects or accursed things into their homes otherwise they would become cursed like
those objects. When the enemy sees a person, even believers, with contact objects, they perceive that person is one of them because by bringing that object into their life or home, they have agreed or shaken hands with the demonic realm. They also see it as an open door, a way to make contact with the person to have an influence over them. Here, God told His people not to take any of the contact objects or accursed things from any of the nations they defeated because those objects were idols, were used in their idolatry and false worship and were connected to, represented and resembled the demonic realm. Every time the Israelites disobeyed this instruction, they became cursed by those objects – there was a transfer of demonic spirits to the Israelites and those objects served as an open door to satan and demons. As a result, they were continually defeated by their enemies until they repented and disposed of the objects (Josh 7). When we watch, listen to, bring into our homes or get involved with anything sinful, evil, demonic or what God’s word clearly reveals is sin, we are opening our lives to the enemy, agreeing with him, giving him legal right to our lives and separating ourselves from God as a result. Being holy unto God is like a marriage. As a matter of fact, as believers, we are married to Him and He to us. It is like a woman married to a man who is seeing another man, has photos of him and keeps pieces of his clothing
to remind herself of him. She is committing adultery against her husband, it creates a soul tie – an unhealthy attachment which will obviously hurt her husband. So too a married man who is seeing another woman. When we bring contact objects into our lives and get involved with the things of the demonic realm, we are doing the same thing to God. We are committing spiritual adultery against Him, breaking His heart, destroying ourselves as a result and adulterating ourselves with satan, demons and the kingdom of darkness. We are then separated from God and become unholy. Therefore we need to confess and repent of those sins with the intention of never doing them again with God’s help and return to right standing and holiness with God. HOW TO WALK AND LIVE IN HOLINESS
The word of God in 1 Pet 1:15-16 states, 15 “But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” (NKJV). This reveals holiness involves our conduct – the way we conduct ourselves – our thoughts, words actions, behavioural patterns and how we treat each other. Therefore, we must be mindful of what we do as well as who and what we get involved with.
Although holiness, by enlarge, does not rely on us but on God making and keeping us holy, there are certain things we need to do, in obedience to God’s word and by His grace, to live
in holiness. There are believers who after they are born again, think they can sit back, do nothing or go back into and continue walking in sin and they will still go to heaven. This is the “once saved always saved” syndrome. A person is not once saved always saved if they turn back to and live in sin or reject the Lord and their salvation. It is only once saved always saved if a believer continues walking with the Lord in obedience and holiness and perseveres until the end as well as confesses and repents of their sins with the intention of not going back to them again with God’s help, if they should fall into sin. If this was not the case, Paul the apostle would not have warned believers in his epistles, of the risks of falling away from God if they walked in sin. Jesus Himself gives examples of how Christians can actually lose their salvation on the day of judgement if they do not practice righteousness and holiness with obedience and repentance (Mt 7:17-23). “Holiness involves our conduct and the way we conduct ourselves.”
James was addressing believers when he stated in James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” This is referring to relationship and intimacy with God and that we can
actually initiate intimacy with Him. However, he continues, and we hardly hear the next part, “Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” This is indirectly referring to living in holiness. Although we do not have to be perfect to approach God, we approach God to become perfect, there are certain things we need to do, by God’s grace, to live in holiness with God. “Cleanse your hands, you sinners.” This is referring to our actions, behaviour or conduct. More specifically sin, walking in sin and repenting of sin. And “Purify your hearts, you double-minded.” This is referring to our hearts, more specifically the sinful nature, which is actually the root of sin and sinful behaviour, and being purified of or dying to it. THINGS WE NEED TO DO TO LIVE IN HOLINESS The following are fourteen key things we need to do to live in holiness
1. Confess and repent of sin (1 Jn 1:9) 2. Offer your spirit, soul and body (life) as a living sacrifice to God (Rom 12:1) 3. Spend time with God everyday 4. Read, hear, obey and live by the Word of God (Jas 1:22-24) 5. Walk in obedience to God (Deut 28:1-2) 6. Ask the Lord to remove, tear out and purify the sinful nature out of you (2 Cor 3:18) 7. Surrender and submit to the Lord
(Jas 4:7) 8. Put off the old man (the sinful nature) and put on the new man (the nature of Christ) (Eph 4:2224) 9. Make decisions to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh (Gal 5:16) 10. Renounce (crucify) the flesh, sin and sinful behaviour (Gal 5:24) 11. Remove all contact objects (Deut 7:25-26, Josh 7) 12. Avoid watching or listening to anything ungodly, worldly or demonic (Mt 12:34, Lk 6:45) 13. Avoid all sexual sin (as well as all sin in general) 14. Walk in love (towards God and others) (1 Cor 13:1-13)
I pray as a result of this message, you will grow in holiness with the Lord and therefore grow in relationship, intimacy, communion and fellowship with Him. -Richard Pace
* To order the full audio version of this teaching please email us at
A cknowledgements Thank you to all who have supported Light of the World Ministries Church in 2015. And a special thanks to the following people for their help, support and contribution to the ministry during the year. Intercessory Team and Prayer Warriors Intercessory Pastor: Grace Pace Sara Palummo, Neda Paulic, Alexia Dinos, Sakshi Agarwal
Equipment (Set up and Pack up): Equipment Facilitator: Anthony Pace Sara Palummo, Meenu Mamak, Melanie Jin, Bill Bruzzese
Prayer Ministry Team: Grace Pace, Sara Palummo, Neda Paulic, Alexia Dinos, Sakshi Agarwal
Computer: Anthony Pace and Tiara Agarwal
Administration: Anthony Pace
Artwork and Graphics: Richard Pace and Tiara Agarwal A special thank you to KOORONG And a big THANK YOU to all who have contributed and who continue to contribute to the tithes, offerings, ministry finances and service of Light of the World Ministries Church.
Announcements: Grace Pace Hospitality Ministry: Mary Camilleri, Vicky Agarwal Tithes and Offerings: Sara Palummo
God bless you and see you in 2016.
Worship Team: Music Director: Anthony Pace Catherine Camilleri
In Christ’s Love,
Richard, Anothony and Grace Pace
Resources: Alexia Dinos, Ann Camilleri 24
Ministry Outing/Baptism Date: Saturday the 5th of December 2015 Time: 10am - 4pm. Address: Patonga Beach, Patonga Street, Patonga NSW 2256 . All are welcome. * Should it rain, this event will be cancelled. The School of the Holy Spirit Final meeting for 2015: Friday the 4th of December 2015 at 7:30pm. Resumes: Friday the 8th of January 2016 at 7:30pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Intercessory Meetings Final meeting for 2015: Tuesday the 8th of December 2015 at 10:30am and 7:30pm. Address: 64 Hampden Road, South Wentworthville. Resumes: Tuesday the 12th of January 2016 at 7:30pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Revival Fire Meetings Final meeting for 2015: Wednesday the 9th of December 2015 at 7:30pm. Address: 64 Hampden Road, South Wentworthville. Resumes: Wednesday the 13th of January 2016 at 7:30pm. Ministry Christmas Party Date: Friday the 11th of December 2015 at 7:30pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Admission: free. Family and friends are welcome. Christmas Eve Service Date: Thursday the 24th of December 2015, 7:30pm -11pm. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie.
New Year’s Eve Service A special meeting of prayer and praise will be held on New Year’s Eve to give thanks for the year that has passed and to pray in the New Year. The meeting will commence at 7:30pm, Thursday the 31st of December 2015 and will continue until 11pm when we will have supper and see in the New Year with fireworks on the big screen. Address: George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie. Please bring a plate of food, soft drinks will be supplied. Enquiries: Contact Anthony Pace on 9636 4172 or email us at To view the newsletter with additional details and article visit us online at
We are in a season of war! The Church and the world is at War! Angels are ministering spirits sent to minister for us. In times of great need the Lord dispatches angels to assist, fight for, protect and give us victory. In this series you will discover: • The Nature of Angels • The Origin of Satan • The Four Divisions of Satan’s army • The Five Types of Angels • Thirty Revelations about Angels • How to Activate Angels And much more!