May 2015 04_NEWSLETTER May: Month of economic and employment activities
Past events The Pata-Cluj project attended the spring edition of the Career Fair During the two days of the 100th edition of the Cluj Global Career Fair the Pata-Project was represented by a team of 10 people consisting of case managers, professional counselling coordinators, community facilitators and representatives of the communication team. At the project’s stand besides an interactive presentation, there was a thematic presentation highlighting theme 8 (employment opportunities) for potential employers. These presentations targeted first of all the employers, with the aim of making future employments from the Pata Rât community, as well as Cluj citizens with the purpose of raising awareness regarding the marginalization and exclusion of the Roma from the job market. A separate presentation of the project and of the role of the employment component (theme 8) was held for the potential employers. At the end of the two days a database containing the contact details and job offers of the employers was created. Cluj citizens that stopped by the stand showed interest and support for the project and after the two event days, a data base of all the people that want to be actively involved as volunteers and of people that wish to contribute to certain project activities was created.
The children from Pata Rât celebrated the 1st of June painting and drawing during the workshops organized by two artists from Cluj Between the 29th and the 30th of May took place the first cultural event near the Mobile Unit. For two days the children from Pata Rât had the chance to paint and draw together with two young artists specialized in graffiti and street art. Friday, on the 29th of May, 45 children had the opportunity to draw and paint with the artist Casandra for a couple of hours. On Saturday, 30th of May, 42 children participated in a graffiti workshop lead by the artist Matei-Radu.
Biro of Financial Mechanism Joseph II street 12-16 (postal address) Bd du Régent 47-48 (phisical address) B-1000 Bruxelles
sau © EEA and Norway Grants, Biro of Financial Mechanism, 2015
Related events – networking The Pata-Cluj project attended the Cluj Days of Social Economy During the second edition of the Cluj Days of Social Economy from 26ht to 28th of May 2015the members of the community facilitators’ team and those of the employment team participated in discussions and the activities meant to promote social economy. The facilitators and the coordinators of employment team took part in discussions regarding the development of the community and methods to encourage partnerships at community level in order to enhance the social acceptance and the quality of life of the vulnerable people. The event was organized by the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of the ”BabeşBolyai” University from Cluj-Napoca in collaboration with the Directorate of Social and Medical Work from the Local Council of Cluj, the Charity Organization ”Saint Daniel” from Turda, CIS Improve, the National Welfare Organization from Cluj, the Foundation for Help and Protection of the Neuropsychological Dissabled Cluj, day care centre ”Saint Mary” and the Student Association from Social Work Cluj. Our colleagues also participated at the fair for goods/services of the social economic entities which took place at the Centre for Urban Culture Casino in the Central Park.
Future events The team project members will attend two conferences on the project’s themes The project members will participate, as representatives, at the National Agricultural Clusters’ Conference on the 4th of June and at the International Conference of Restorative Practices in Budapest during 10th - 12th June. You can find more details about these events in the news section of the Romania Clusters’ Organization webpage and on the internet page of the Institute for Restorative Practices Cultural activities There are two events scheduled, for the 6th and 12th of June, for building urban furniture to arrange the Mobile Unit’s courtyard from Pata Rât. By building desks and benches out of pallets during the two Big Construction sessions, we aim to create a friendly space for socializing at the Mobile Unit, where educational activities for children are being held. We hope to create a safe space for activities that will become more frequent and diverse. Also, this space is arranged to create an understanding in the population from Pata Rât’s imaginary that the Centre is a place where they can come and obtain useful information and where they can find interlocutors for their issues and needs. | | +40 786 375 825
| 04_NEWSLETTER • May 2015
May 2015 04_NEWSLETTER Other activities The members of the project team will attend the public debates at World Café The future of Cluj, how do you see it? on Tuesday June the 16th, to bring forth the situation of the Roma from Pata Rât, of the peripheral and segregated communities and also to find strategies trough which they can be included into society.
Pata-Cluj project fully named ‘Social interventions for the de-segregation and social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Cluj Metropolitan Area, including the disadvantaged Roma’ is implemented by the Cluj Metropolitan Area Intercommunity Development Association, in partnership with Community Association of Roma from Coastei, Habitat for Humanity Cluj and AltArt Foundation. With a total budget of 2.079.500 Euro the project is financed through the ‘Poverty Alleviation Program’, by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.
*** On the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (Norway Grants) Through the Norway Grants and EEA Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with the beneficiary countries in Europe. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). For the period 2009-14, Norway’s contribution is €1.7 billion. Grants are available for NGOs, research and academic institutions, and the public and private sectors in the 12 newest EU member states, Greece, Portugal and Spain. There is broad cooperation with Norwegian entities, and activities may be implemented until 2016. Key areas of support are environmental protection and climate change, research and scholarships, civil society, health and children, gender equality, justice and cultural heritage.
The content of this material does not necessarily presents the official position of Norwegian Financial Mechanism 20092014. Camelia Badea Communications coordinator for the PataCluj project Tel.: 0786/375825 E-mail: Website:
Biro of Financial Mechanism Joseph II street 12-16 (postal address) Bd du Régent 47-48 (phisical address) B-1000 Bruxelles
sau © EEA and Norway Grants, Biro of Financial Mechanism, 2015