PataCluj news 02-03, mar apr2015 en f

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March-April 2015 02/03_NEWSLETTER SPRING ACTIVITIES IN PATA RÂT Actions within the community

Asphalt work on the road leading to Coastei street The first result of the collaboration with the town hall was the rehabilitation of the road which connects the Coastei community to the main road. The asphalt work was carried out on March 26th with the contribution of the community from the Coastei street.

Spring cleaning in the community On April 2nd we started to prepare the interventions aiming to collect the emergency needs of the community in Calea Dezmirului (former Cantonului street) On April 17th cleaning activities were carried out in the community in collaboration with the Brantner sanitation company and people from the community.

The relocation of the Mobile Unit At the end of April the Mobile Unit was moved out. The activities which are usually carried out in the Mobile Unit will be resumed after its connection to utilities. Its new site is in Dallas, in front of the Căsuța Verde (Green House).

Past events

The International Roma Day was celebrated by Pata Rât habitants through dancing This year the International Roma Day was celebrated on April 8th by approximately 200 persons from Pata Rât, most of them of Roma origin, within a dance event at the Cluj-Napoa Town hall’s Cafeteria from Someșeni canteen of the town hall of Someșeni,. The dance group called Kelen Amența consisting of 17 children and young people from all the four communities and led by Călin Cojocnean presented the primary results of community consultations on culture effectuated during March. The event held on April 8th is the first in a series of cultural events planned with the community, at its initiative. In order Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles

sau © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2015

NORWAY GRANTS | 02/03_NEWSLETTER • March-April 2015

to find out more details about the event, the meaning of April 8th and to see the photos, please access theEvents section on our webpage or on our Facebook page. In order to see the film with the dances, check the Pata-Cluj Youtube channel. 11 boys started the official training in boxing and martial arts On April 9th 11 boys from the Coastei street aged between 8 and 17 started trainings for the box and martial arts (Muay Thai) championships. The first official training took place under the supervision of trainee Negrea from the Olimpia Sports Club at Cluj Arena. Among the 11 boys who will train weekly with trainee Negrea there is also the multiple national box champion, Karoly. Two years ago the young boxer won the title of national champion, and this year he participated at the European Boxing Championship. Eva Fahlström Borg, supervisor in the Pata-Cluj project, held a public workshop on trauma and restorative practices Thursday, April 23rd, the Pata-Cluj project organized a public workshop on the topic of Working on trauma and resilience through restorative practices in partnership with the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, BabeșBolyai University, Cluj-Napoca and the Center for Urban Culture Casino, at the Center for Urban Culture Casino,. The workshop washeld by the Swedish psychotherapist Eva Fahlström Borg, who has thirty years of experience in psycho-therapy, psychodrama, restorative practices and social transformations. Ms. Fahlström held an interactive workshop on trauma, on how to create safe spaces for vulnerable persons and on the relevance of this approach in working with communities like those from Pata Rât.

Connected events – creating networks One member of the employment team was part of a focus group engaged in the analysis of the training needs of Roma persons, both in professions requested by the labor market, and those related to traditional crafts and entrepreneurship at national level. The focus group was initiated within the framework of a POSDRU project entitled Initiative for marginalized Roma, implemented by the Ministry of Work, Family, Social Protection and Elderly People. The focus group was held on the 6th of March 2015 at City Plaza. Members of the Pata-Cluj project participated at the conference organized by the SHARE federation entitled Promoting the implication of young migrants at local, national and international level, on the 14th of March 2015, at the Urban Centre for Culture Casino. In the second part of the event a multicultural on-line platform was launched, which addresses the local cultural institutions and centers, communities of foreigners and ethnic minorities from Cluj and other organizations involved in multicultural activities. Two members of the management team participated at the workshop East-West cooperation for socio-economic development in municipalities of origin of Roma migrants, organized by the European Commission and moderated by FRA, on the 16th of March 2015 in Vienna. | | +40 786 375 825

| 02/03_NEWSLETTER ● Martie-Aprilie 2015

March-April 2015 02/03_NEWSLETTER Future events The Pata-Cluj project will participate at the 100th edition of the career fair In May the Pata-Cluj project will participate at Cluj-Napoca Global Career Fair, held between 12-13 May 2015 at the (Students’ Cultural Center), promoting activities on employment (Thread no 8 – Employment opportunities). Further details will be available on the project’s website and our Facebook page.

The Pata-Cluj project, fully named Social interventions for the de-segregation and social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Cluj Metropolitan Area, including the disadvantaged Roma is implemented by the Intercommunity Development Association, Cluj Metropolitan Area, in partnership with the Community Association of Roma from Coastei, Habitat for Humanity Cluj and AltArt Foundation. The project is financed by the Government of Norway through the Norway Grants 2009-2014 within the Poverty Alleviation Program (RO25). ***

About the Norway Grants Through the Norway Grants and EEA Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with the beneficiary countries in Europe. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). For the period 2009-2014, Norway’s contribution is €1.7 billion. Grants are available for NGOs, research and academic institutions, and the public and private sectors in the 12 newest EU member states, Greece, Portugal and Spain. There is broad cooperation with Norwegian entities, and activities may be implemented until 2016. Key areas of support are environmental protection and climate change, research and scholarships, civil society, health and children, gender equality, justice and cultural heritage.

The content of This material does not necessarily represent the official position of Norway Grants 2009-2014. Camelia Badea Communications coordinator for Pata-Cluj project Tel.: 0786/375825 E-mail: Website:

Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles

sau © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2015

NORWAY GRANTS | 02/03_NEWSLETTER • March-April 2015

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