September 2016 20_NEWSLETTER September: The month of concluding the preparatory phase of the housing component of the Pata-Cluj project
At the end of September was launched the set of housing criteria of the Pata-Cluj project
On September 22nd the the Pata-Cluj team launched its accession system to the social houses at a meeting with the social stakeholders interested in this component. Following a week of informing the communities in Pata Rât about the eligibility and accession criteria, these were presented Thursday, at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work to the social stakeholders involved in the process: representatives of public institutions and active NGOs in Pata Rât. During the meeting the following topics were discussed: the housing concept of the project, the participatory process for designing the accession system for social housing, the eligibility criteria and the accession criteria to the apartments, and the phases of the allocation procedure of the social apartments within the Pata-Cluj project. 43 participants attended the meeting; most of them participated at the consultations regarding the Pata-Cluj social housing project. The implementation of the Pata-Cluj housing component will start on October 3rd, when a helpdesk will be opened and functional until November 18th, and where inhabitants of Pata Rât can ask for information about the necessary documents for the application file for housing. The community facilitators, Alex ,Vlad, and Anna, will provide information and general guidance related to the working hours of the institutions which issue various documents needed for the application file, to the forms that need to be completed and other information related to the housing process and timetable. At the Green House center in Pata Rât, where this office will function, the registration office for the applications will be set up as well. The team registering the files will be an external team, including lawyers, who will help people write official documents. This team will later provide individual guidance for the applicant families, considering their specific situations and conditions. Moreover, for those interested, a series of thematic group meetings on family issues will be organized by our case managers and Mălina, our colleague working within the employment component. The aim of these meetings is to discuss various aspects of being a parent, the needs of children and parents. There will also take place a series of meetings centered on employment and instruments of family resource management. The helpdesk, the registration office and the thematic meetings will be held simultaneously, all along the period of submitting the files for social housing.
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sau © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2014-2016
NORWAY GRANTS | 20_NEWSLETTER • September 2016