December 2016 23_NEWSLETTER December: Final of the 16 days of activism against genderbased violence campaign The 16 days of activism against gender-based violence (November 25th – December 10th 2016) Education gives voice to the girld – Safe education for all children Az oktatás megerősíti a lányokat – Biztonságos oktatást minden gyereknek O 3anglipen si e vakh e chajenqi – Educacia p-e thanes0e an0ar savorre chavorren0e
Discrimination against girls and women is reflected and perpetuated through the various types of gender-based violence. Limiting girls’ access to education represents a result of structural inequality and manifests on multiple levels: societal, by tolerating living in segregated areas, and/or forced evictions, systemic support of domestic violence and trafficking for sexual exploitation and work. Moreover, limiting girls’ access to education is associated with decreased opportunities and social resources for girls. These are known risk factors for different types of exploitation and constitutes a reproductive mechanism of their poverty from one generation to another. The Pata-Cluj project joined, for the second year in a row, the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign 2016 whose theme is dedicated to girls’ education. We wish to send a supportive message for all children’s access to quality education and to highlight the active and protective role of education against all forms of violence. The message we display in our events raises awareness on the negative consequences which ensue when the access of all children to education is limited, and on the risks it entails, which are multiple in the case of children, especially girls living in vulnerable environments. Our attention is on all children and especially those in marginalized communities, with special focus on girls from Pata Rât. Girls coming from vulnerable, segregated communities are confronted with much higher impediments in accessing education and not being dropped out from the education system. On this occasion we organized a series of activities and events presented below. The 16 days of activism is an annual, worldwide series of events, which is organized in Cluj-Napoca as well since 2000 ( The campaign starts on November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ends on December 10th, on International Human Rights Day. This year the focus of the campaign is on the role of safe education in the life of women and girls.
Financial Mechanism Office, Str Joseph II 12-16 (post address) Bd du Régent 47-48, B-1000 Bruxelles
or © EEA & Granturile Norvegiene, Financial Mechanism Office, 2014-2016
The team Pata-Cluj wishes to all partners, friends, supporters and staff Happy Holidays, peace and quiet, health, joy and success! See you in the New Year!
Events and actions with and for the community Soft-guerilla action on bus route 8 (Pata Rât - Cluj-Napoca) The Pata-Cluj project has initiated a number of activities within the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign 2016, focusing on the children and girls’ education. The soft-guerilla action to dress up a bus with blankets and scarves knitted and crocheted meant to send a message of solidarity with parents, especially mothers from Pata Rât, who manage to prepare and send their children to school despite the poor living conditions they have. The 8 bus line connects Pata Rât to Mihai Viteazu square in the city center; it transports the residents and children from Pata Rat to the city. The idea of this workshop was born out of a shared passion for crocheting and knitting of our colleagues Anna and Emese, passion already put into practice in several activities within the project (Women Café, feedback meetings on various topics) by both colleagues and women from Pata Rat. At these meetings participants discovered and inspected the emotional connection created by teamwork, the affective connection with their mothers and grandmothers, and the feeling of safety and care, family and comfort. We thus became more aware of the effort mothers from Pata Rat mothers make to send their children to school, especially given the difficult conditions they live in. We wanted to send a message to the passengers on the route of bus 8 on these reflections. | |fax. 0364/401479
| 23_NEWSLETTER • December 2016
Decembrie 2016 23_BULETIN INFORMATIV At the decoration of the bus with the knitted and crocheted materials, a couple of people not involved in the project came to help. They expressed interest in the action and the experience from the RATUC hall was very positive for us all: the participants were interested in the purpose of the action as they helped us dressing the seats and supported us with what each of them could. Thus, we worked, for 4 hours, with used sweaters and scarves, knitted blankets from donations raised for the event or purchased from Oszer market, and even homemade creations made before the event. Seven women armed with sewing needles, crochet needles, wool yarns and lots of joy, original ideas and creativity gathered to prepare the bus to take on the route. For 3 hours, we worked, talked, shared feelings, met and dressed up the bus interior. And on December 6th 2016 at 1 o’clock, the bus left the depot and started the regular route from center of Cluj to the airport; the route usually used by the residents of Pata Rat. During the first two completed laps of the route, part of us and some volunteers stayed on the bus and continued to crochet, informing the curios people about the purpose of the event. The new clothes of the bus turned out to be much more appreciated than we expected. The next day, a colleague incidentally caught the bus route and noticed that nothing changed; the items were arranged or untouched even in the area designed for take away pieces by those who might have needed them at home. The 16 days of activism against gender-violence campaign is held annually worldwide, and in Cluj-Napoca since 2000. The campaign starts on November 25th, on the International Day of Violence against Women, and ends on December 10th, on the International Human Rights Day. This year’s campaign theme was Education gives voice to the girls.
14 children attend the weekly sports activities held at Tengu 14 children and adolescents from Pata Rât aged 9 to 16 years old ended on December 20th, before a tree week winter vacation, the kick-boxing trainings at the Tengu Sports Center. 5 of the participants are girls and 9 are boys. Children and youth from Dallas, Coastei and children from the education program of the PataCluj project attend the training sessions twice a week. Accompanied by members of the education team and facilitators, the participants discover the secrets of this sport with effort, attention and perseverance guided by three coaches: Andrei, Cosmin and Adi. Even if some of them go regularly since 2015 all of them are very curious and enthusiastic about the movements and techniques. The newest pupils from the educational program are fascinated by the punching bag and ask all the Why questions about the activities and exercises undertaken in the weekly program. It is expected that the participants enrolled in the Second Chance program of the project resume workouts starting January.
Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles
sau © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2014-2016
Cooking workshop for children on the penultimate day of the Campaign Friday, December 9th 2016, on the penultimate day of the Campaign we organized a cooking workshop for children at the Paintbrush Factory. 10 out of the 16 children aged 6 to 11 years old enrolled in the educational program of the Pata-Cluj project attended the workshop. The aim of the workshop was to create a space where learned gender stereotypes dissolve and the common action of eating and cooking together, children of different genders together with adults, remains. Thus, Emese, the workshop coordinator, taught children how to bake bread and how to make colored balls from biscuits. The Pata-Cluj team members have been chef aids: members of the education team, case managers, Malina and Cami. The afternoon began with the joy of lemonade and a group game aimed to introduce children in the workshop atmosphere. Kneading bread dough usually represents an activity that does not generate competition but provides a pleasant feeling of the handmade work. And since bread making has a simple recipe and ingredients accessible to everyone, the result helped to strengthen the self-confidence. Boys and girls, without distinction and without the slightest sign of reluctance kneaded bread dough under the guidance of adults, with joy, energy and enthusiasm. The bread turned into pizza that we, nearly 20 persons, children and adults participating in workshops, all ate. It was enough bread for everyone to eat during the workshop and to take home some of its own handmade creation. After making pizza we started finishing the dessert: we rolled biscuits balls and decorated them with sugar and coconut flakes. Children ate them in the making and those thinking of their family members made supplies to take home. The mandatory accessories for the activity, an apron and a bonnet, customized for each participant became a source of joy. The joy was maintained at a high level throughout the workshop and convinced us that such activities need to occur more often so that everyone can express herself freely. The Pata-Cluj project joined the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign this year with the aim to launch a message of support for all children’s access to quality education and on the active role the education has as a protective factor against any form of violence. The message is one of awareness on the negative consequences and risks caused by limiting access to education for children, amplified in case of those coming from vulnerable environments, in which girls and women are mostly exposed. Our attention turns to all the children, especially those from marginalized communities, for example girls from Pata Rat. Girls coming from vulnerable and segregated communities have difficulties accessing their right to education, and remaining in the public education system. Limiting access to education is associated with decreased opportunities and social resources for girls. These are recognized as risk factors for various types of | |fax. 0364/401479
| 23_NEWSLETTER • December 2016
Decembrie 2016 23_BULETIN INFORMATIV exploitation and represent a reproduction mechanism of their poverty from one generation to another. By organizing a cooking workshop for boys and girls we aimed to support early education, distribution of domestic tasks and combating gender stereotypes. Creative workshop on painting banners On December 9th 2016 we organized at the Mobile Unit in Pata Rât a creative workshop on painting banners as a way for youth to fight for their rights. This workshop was conducted during the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign 2016 with the purpose to create a space for young women from the community to express their voices and create slogans. The access was free to anyone who wanted to create a banner or a slogan. Since we did not want this event to be a simple exercise without immediate finality, we decided that messages on banners need to be related to the activity of commemorating of the 6 years of the forced eviction of people from the former Coastei street. About 20 people from the Coastei community attended the event. The campaign 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign 2016 is conducted annually worldwide, and in Cluj-Napoca since 2000. The campaign starts on November 25th, on International Day of Violence against Women, and ends on December 10th, on the Human Rights Day. This year’s campaign theme was Education gives voice to girls.
Past Events The role of the participatory approach in reducing social vulnerability: example of the social intervention for the relocation of families from marginalized Roma communities On 7th and 8th of December 2016, the Pata-Cluj team attended an international conference organized by the Institute of National Economy and Police Department within the project PDP 4 Integrated approach for prevention of victimization in Roma communities in Bucharest. Within the conference on Preventing victimization in vulnerable communities the project team, presented a report on the relocation of families from marginalized communities. The Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles
sau © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2014-2016
paper pleads for a participative approach in reducing social vulnerability, and countering power relations at institutional and community levels, considering the needs of the most vulnerable members of the communities. Moreover, it reflects the difficulties and limitations of the participatory approach and increases awareness on institutions’ responsibilities when there is a context and a reality of participation.
Related events - networking The discussions of the workshop on human trafficking focused on finding concrete solutions to help girls and women at risk Tuesday, December 6th, 2016, Eva Laszlo conducted a workshop on human trafficking and its consequences on girls. The workshop held by Éva László, doctor lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Babes-Bolyai University, was followed by watching the movie Hope for sale made by CEP - Center for Partnership and Equality. Specialists from the Department of Social and Medical Assistance, Child Protection General Directorate of Cluj and the Intercommunity Development Association Cluj Metropolitan Area, working on prevention and intervention with human trafficking attended the workshop. After the film screening there was a discussion on the risk and protection factors in preventing and combating trafficking for sexual exploitation of women. Our concern, of those present at the workshop proceedings, was transmitting impacting messages to girls and women with regard to the recognition of risk factors for recruitment and trafficking. We identified useful resources to help girls and women at the risk of being trafficked: teaching them to recognize signs of abuse, supporting their confidence and self-respect, the importance of schools as safe spaces. We also discussed the role of gender violence in the propagation and the reproduction of messages that contribute to the maintenance of human trafficking, and the role of various institutions in preventing and combating the phenomenon. The discussions focused on institutions’ attitude and stressed the need for their accountability. We talked about strategies to improve the institutional response in terms of recognizing signs of the abuse, building and transmitting messages and addressing the vulnerability of women from marginalized communities, such as Pata Rat community. The film Hopes for sale was produced by CEP - Center for Partnership and Equality, within the Anima Nova project in order to support the campaign to prevent trafficking for sexual exploitation organized in 2012. Directed by Cecil Felméri and produced with the support of Adpare and Artemis organizations, the film is based on the testimonies of seven women who have been trafficked for sexual exploitation in Romania or elsewhere in Europe. Generously and with immense courage, Andreea, Ramona, Andrada, Maria, Camelia, Gabriela and Luminita agreed to go through the very difficult experience to talk about this part of their lives, so that other girls won’t experience them. We feel a lot of gratitude for all they have given to the AnimaNova campaign. | |fax. 0364/401479
| 23_NEWSLETTER • December 2016
Decembrie 2016 23_BULETIN INFORMATIV Pata-Cluj hosted a discussion after the Shelters theater play on December 16th On December 16th 2016 took place at the Reactor for creation and experiment the theater play Shelters followed by a discussion aimed at commemorating six years since the last mass forced evictions of Roma from the former Coast Street. The post event discussion focused on the living conditions and the forced evictions in Romania. However, the discussion focused on the way others can get involved in preventing and resolving situations of eviction. The emphasis during the discussions was on the different modes of engagement, of the participants in the theater play or, more broadly, of involvement and change of as many stakeholders as possible. About 40 people attended the performance and around 15 remained for the discussion after the play. The show was produced within the Pata-Cluj project, a project supported by funds granted by the Government of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 under the Poverty Alleviation Program (RO25). This performance was produced within the open call for cultural and artistic interventions the AltArt Foundation launched in the context of the Pata-Cluj project. Through the artistic actions produced in this context we encourage reflections on issues related to the relationship between the community of Pata Rât and Cluj-Napoca. The next performance will take place on January 31st at Reactor for Creation and Experiment on Petofi Sandor no 4.
Future Events The year begins with a new group at the creative workshops at the Paintbrush Factory In 2017, the creative workshops will start with a new group and a new series of three meetings with Raluca, on 11th of January at the Paintbrush Factory. Children enrolled in the cultural activities will begin the year with energizing-relationshipconcentration games with Raluca as a second time trainer. She met the children from Pata Rât for the first time in August 2016 Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles
sau © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2014-2016
at the Mobile Unit where she held a similar workshop. Thus, she continues with exercises that help developing skills, cultivating creativity that propose new ways for resolving conflicts by communicating through play. The workshops are designed primarily for children from Pata Rât, and are open to all interested within the limits of maximum 12 participants in the group.
Announcements for the community Monthly session of the IDs photos and information about social benefits On the last Monday of each month, Roland takes pictures for Identity Documents of the Pata Rât community members during the working program of the team in charge of social paperwork. In December, Roland and Maria - our colleague from the social benefits team, took 2 photos for identity cards. In December, Maria, together with people from Pata Rat, filed 1 request for renewal of the Identity Card, 2 requests for duplicate birth certificates, three birth certificates with sentence have been renewed and made 2 requests for state allocations, out of which 1 request for birth certificate with sentence. Also, they have completed 2 applications for state allocation. In the next period, Maria will support and advise the persons who need to restore their identity documents. Registrations for a new group in the Youth Build Cluj program YouthBuild Cluj program opens the registrations for a new group of personal and professional development that will start in February 2017. The young people registered will be able to qualify in trades like hairdresser, manicure-pedicure, or to take their driving license for category B and optional category CE. The program, which unfolds during 3 months, includes non-formal education activities, English classes, financial education, social entrepreneurship and volunteering. In order to register, the persons interested must have between 16 and 35 years old, to have completed at least 8 classes, to live in Cluj-Napoca or surroundings and not to currently have a job or to be enrolled in an educational institution. The registrations are possible on the Youth Build Cluj website The th deadline is January 27 2017. The YouthBuild program addresses to the young people between 16 and 35 years, who do not have a job and are not enrolled in an education program or | |fax. 0364/401479
| 23_NEWSLETTER • December 2016
Decembrie 2016 23_BULETIN INFORMATIV training. The program offers a pathway to a professional qualification, a job, and an opportunity to become active and engaged members of the community. Members of the Community Association of Roma from Coastei prepared a program of recreational activities for children and youth from the community Members of the Community Association of Roma from Coastei prepared a culturaleducational program with recreational activities for children and youth from the Coastei community. The program, begun in November, is planned to take place over several months. The first activity was a visit to the Children’s Museum of Apahida in November and continued in December with a creative workshop on painting banners within the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign 2016. They also organized in December a group of Christmas singers who went to the city hall. The first activity in January is scheduled to take place on the rink in the city center. Approximately 60 children attended the activities undertaken so far. The social housing process is in the evaluation the applications phase February 9th marked the deadline for submitting the applications for social housing within the Pata-Cluj project. A total of 41 applications were filed. During the process of granting homes, extended till December, the evaluators who will be responsible for assessing the cases were appointed. The assessment will be made by analyzing the applications and on-site visits. After being trained, the evaluators started analyzing the applications submitted by the families in Pata Rât in order to acquire social housing within the project. Home Acquisitions The first acquisition procedure for the social housing within the project had also been launched in December. The acquisition committee launched the procedure, which should come to a close in January. The procedure will be repeated until all 23 apartments listed under the social housing within the Pata-Cluj project will be purchased.
Pata-Cluj social inclusion calendar: January January 27th - International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust is an international memorial day on 27th January commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. It commemorates the genocide that resulted in the death of an estimated 6 million Jews, 1 million Roma, 250,000 mentally and physically disabled people, and 9,000 homosexual men by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005 during the 42nd plenary session. The resolution came after a special session was held earlier that year on 24 January 2005 during which the United Nations General Assembly marked the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps and the end of the Holocaust.
Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles
sau © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2014-2016
Media Video Cooking workshop for children Friday, December 9th 2016, on the penultimate day of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign 2016, took place a cooking workshop for children at the Paintbrush Factory. 10 children enrolled in the Pata-Cluj education program, children aged 6 to 11 years, attended the workshop. Its purpose was to create a space where learned gender stereotypes dissolve and the joint action for eating and cooking together, children and adults remain. Thus, the children learned how to bake bread and how to make colored balls from biscuits. Video Creative workshop for making banners Friday, December 9th 2016, on the penultimate day of the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign 2016, also took place a creative workshop for making banners at the Mobile Unit in Pata Rât. The purpose of this workshop was to create messages and banners to be used in various actions in the public space. We have prepared banners for the commemorative action of 17th December which people from Pata Rât will attend. We support the importance of youth activism and education through such kind of activities. Video Pata-Cluj support the access of all children to education How does school exclusion look like? Children from the educational program of Pata-Cluj, students from Pata Rat, exemplify with statistics how their daily life looks like at school. The risk of school drop-out for children from disadvantaged communities reaches up to 80%. What remains in the end? How do we continue? Pata-Cluj supports the access of all children to education. Join Pata-Cluj to help reduce the school drop and to support the access of all the children to education. Check our webpage to find out how you can support our approach. | |fax. 0364/401479
| 23_NEWSLETTER • December 2016
Decembrie 2016 23_BULETIN INFORMATIV
The Pata-Cluj project, fully named Social interventions for the de-segregation and social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Cluj Metropolitan Area, including the disadvantaged Roma is implemented by the Intercommunity Development Association, Cluj Metropolitan Area, in partnership with the Community Association of Roma from Coastei, Habitat for Humanity Cluj and AltArt Foundation. The project is financed by the Government of Norway through the Norway Grants 2009-2014 within the Poverty Alleviation Program (RO25).
*** About the Norway Grants Through the Norway Grants and EEA Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral relations with the beneficiary countries in Europe. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). For the period 2009-2014, Norway’s contribution is €1.7 billion. Grants are available for NGOs, research and academic institutions, and the public and private sectors in the 12 newest EU member states, Greece, Portugal and Spain. There is broad cooperation with Norwegian entities, and activities may be implemented until 2016. Key areas of support are environmental protection and climate change, research and scholarships, civil society, health and children, gender equality, justice and cultural heritage.
The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of Norway Grants 2009-2014. Camelia Badea Comunications coordinator for Pata-Cluj project Tel.: 0786/375 825 E-mail: Website: Facebook: Youtube Channel: 4ozYqZtRtTlcAnQ Issu:
Biroul MecanismulFinanciar Str Joseph II 12-16 (adresa poștală) Bd du Régent 47-48 (adresa fizică) B-1000 Bruxelles
sau © EEA și Granturile Norvegiene, Biroul Mecanismului Financiar, 2014-2016