June 2015 05_NEWSLETTER JUNE: Month of cultural activities
Past events The employment team attended the the National Conference of Clusters June started with the participation of the members of the project’s employment team at the National Conference of Clusters, named “Clusters - Innovative Business Models”, which took place on June 4th and 5th, at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UASMV) in Cluj-Napoca and at the Casino, Center for Urban Culture. During the conference, the Pata-Cluj project was presented and new connections were made in order to find jobs for the members of the Pata Rât communities. The participants from the agricultural domain were the most interested in the project. The conference was organized by the AgroTransilvania Cluster, the Transilvanyan Furniture Cluster, Aries Transilvania, ClujIT, and Clustero, and a plenary meeting was held in the Aula Magna of UASMV, on the topic of “the role of clusters in the generation of innovative business models”. You can find more details about the event here, while more information on our employment thread can be accessed on the Pata-Cluj webpage - thread #8: employment opportunities. Cultural activities at the Mobile Unit in Pata Rât In June, two events on urban furniture design and construction were organized at the Mobile Unit in Pata Rât, on June 6th and 12th. During the two days of bricolage, approximately 50 people contributed to the creation of a 40 m2 sun shelter, 10 couches, and 5 tables made out of Euro-pallets. The Great Construction type of events are aimed to fulfill the community’s need of a space for socialization and interaction. The two events, which correspond to the thread #5: social cohesion and thread #6: social identity through cultural participation, are considered cultural events which precede and prepare the launch of a call for culture (more information on this in the next newsletter). You can find photos from the two activities, as well as more details about them, on the project’s website and on the Facebook pages of the Great Construction 1 and the Great Construction 2.
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