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Arizona New Mexico Oklahoma

5 states

16 locations: 7 cities, is one of the most ethnically diverse major cities in the country. In this city of about 400,000 residents, people in low-income areas like East and West Oakland are dying more than a decade earlier than people a few miles away in wealthier neighborhoods. Wealth—and, as we know, good health—are concentrated in certain parts of the city. The city’s demographics have changed mostly due to rising housing prices associated with gentrification. As Olis Simmons said: “Having access to housing affects everything - employment, education, stress.”

Stockton was the second largest city in the United States to file for bankruptcy protection as a result of the 2008 financial crisis. Due to a number of socio-economic problems, Stockton has been subject to a series of negative national rankings. In the February 2012 issue of Forbes, the magazine ranked Stockton the eighth most miserable US city, largely as a result of the steep drop in home values and high unemployment. In 2012, Stockton was ranked as the tenth most dangerous city in America and the second most dangerous in California (behind Oakland). In 2013, Stockton was ranked as the third least literate city in the U.S. In a 2010 Gallup poll, Stockton was tied with Montgomery, Alabama for the most obese metro area in the US with an obesity rate of 34.6 percent.

Like in all places the listening tour took us to we discovered many bright spots listed in the table below and throughout this report.

17-85 25% 75%

African American

In addition to the above circles we spoke to the following: n Oakland Unified School District Department for Health and Wellness n Human Impact Partners - providing health data for community organizations n Youth UpRising n Oakland Voices - community journalism

25 5-45 50% 50%

Race/Ethnicity: Spanish-speaking Latino parents


15 35-55 30% 70%

Race/Ethnicity: 8 African American, 2 white and 5 mixed/other ethnicities


8 35-50 30% 70%

Race/Ethnicity: Latino, black and white


45 14-75 65% 35%

Race/Ethnicity: Mostly African American, some native, some white, some latino


47 17-85 25% 75%

Race/Ethnicity: African American

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