5M11 December News

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December 2018

Vol. 1 Issue 3

MD5M Advanced Lions Leadership Institute Congratulations to all Lions from accross MD5M who attended this years Advanced Lions Leadership Institutes, here is what some of the attendees had to say.

Lions learning is awesome, Lions Advanced Lions Learning Institute is a fantastic experience. You can see it on our faces. Lion. Bonnie Genin 2VDG for 5M9

Lions Leadership Institutes (ELLI, RLLI, ALLI) are lots of work but it is easily done because of the friendships that you will form while there. The information and people you meet will follow you throughout your whole Lions life. So rewarding to be a part of these learning opportunities. Lion Anita Hart - 2VDG for 5M13

Thanks to everyone from Lions MD5M for their participation in the 2018 ALLI training in Winnipeg; your participation and willingness to share your success stores were an inspiration to us all! Leaders, we can and need to be for the future! Inspire! Challenge! Lead! 2018 ALLI Winnipeg “WeServe� Lion Kevin Young Lions MD5M11 Advanced Lions Leadership Institutes (ALLI) focus on building the skills of Lions leaders to prepare them for leadership responsibilities at zone, region and district levels. Qualified candidates are Lions that have completed a successful term as club president, but have not yet attained the position of First Vice District Governor. Lion. Akeri Isara 5M11 GLT Coordinator

Barnesville Lion Pin Presentation

Barnesville Lions Receiving membership pins from District Governor Bill Myskiw are shown, left to right: Lion Don Nasstrom 25 years Lion Jay Nord 10 years District 5M-11 Governor Bill Myskiw Lion Jon Evert 20 years Barnesville Lion President Jack Foster. Their combined 55 years of Lionism reflects many hours of dedicated service and certainly represents the Lions motto of, “We Serve.”

Lion Santa Brings Smiles to One Stop Shop Successful Christmas event for the in Ste. Anne Lions Club this past month. The 7th annual OneStop-Shop Vendor and Craft Sale and Food Drive was held on November 17 at the Ste. Anne Immer-

sion School Gym. Food was raised for the local Christmas hamper drive and the Ste. Anne Lions Club held a fundraiser with a pancake breakfast and bake sale. Santa was on hand ready for pictures with kids, young and old.

MyLion is here, just in time for the Lions Clubs 100 year anniversary. Use your mobile device to organize and promote club activities. Find great service projects, anywhere. Connect with Lions just about everywhere. Explore what MyLion can do for you. Sign up today on the app store or google play.

We’re 100

Happy Birthday

to Us


Winnipeg Santa Claus Parade November 17, 2018 The objective was to enhance the visibility of LIONS in our communities. Long time Lions cannot not remember exactly the last year LIONS participated in a Winnipeg Santa Claus parade. More than 60,000 people lined the streets on a frigid November night to watch the 2018 Winnipeg Santa Claus parade. Thousands more watched the parade via live broadcast on a Winnipeg television station. The LIONS float was number 68 in the roster of floats, about 25 floats ahead of Santa Claus’ new ride, developed for 2018 at a cost exceeding $150,000. The 2018 LIONS float became a reality because of the collaboration of Lions from across Manitoba and NW Ontario. Individual Lions, and/or their clubs, donated money, manpower and LIONS paraphernalia to build the float. 5M-11 DG Bill and Lion Evelyn Myskiw are pictured above in the tow vehicle. Bill and Evelyn took an early interest in the float and stayed with it until they literally hauled it down the street. 5M-10 DG Joanne Ogden was also an early supporter. She made the long trip from Emo to ride on the LI-

ONS float in her mascot costume. 5M-11 PDG Mike Janssen was only a week away from some major surgery but he also donned a LIONS mascot suit to roam the savannas of downtown Winnipeg. DG Gareth Boys and PDG Helmut Neufeld from 5M-10 were on the build committee from its first days District 5M-10 supplied the magnificent gold Lion that proved to

be the showpiece of the float. The 2018 LIONS float was designed/built to be a “highway ready” float for use by Lions in Manitoba/NW Ontario. It is available for use by any club that has an everyday pickup truck to pull it. The float is loaded with a basic LIONS message. Clubs then customize the float according to the

individual needs of their event. Thanks to Tom Scott, Executive Director of the LIONS Foundation of Manitoba and NW Ontario, for spearheading this important promotional project for LIONS from its inception in June, to its successful completion, on budget, for the November 17 parade day. Where there is a parade there is a lion.

Gary Lions Serve at “Souper� Santa Day

Members of the Gary Lions served soup and sandwiches during the Gary Community Clubs Santa Day on December 1st. Chili, chicken noodle soup with dumplings, grilled cheese and hot dogs were on the menu.

Upcoming Events...

Riverside Annual Craft Sale December 8

10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Riverside Lions Annual Craft Sale is being held at Riverside Lions Estates; 188 Worthington. For more info contact Lion Jan at (204) 233-2736

Christmas Lights Contest Dec 7-11. The Ste. Anne Lions

Club remind town resedents to have your Christmas lights on Dec 7-11. There will be a town wide contest, 1st place $75, 2nd place $50 3rd place $25. No need to register just have your house lit up. On the evening of Dec 11 the Ste. Anne Lions Club with resedents from the villa will take a Christmas Light Tour of the town.

February Cabinet Meeting

February 1 3 p.m. Winnipeg MB at Mid Winter Convention.

Mid Winter Convention February 1,2,3

Holiday Inn Airport (Polo Park) Winnipeg MB Come Join us Feb 1-3, for the 5M11 Mid Winter Convention

Hayes Lake Ice FishingDerby February 17

The Wannaska Lions Club and Friends of Hayes Lake State Park are proud to sponsor the Annual Hayes Lake Fishing Derby. This is an all-day family event from 10 am to 3 pm. There is a $5.00 Entry Fee. Door Prizes awarded throughout the day and prizes will be awarded for fish categories and youngest/ oldest fisherman. Park Permits required for entrance into the Park. No Fishing Licenses are required in the State Park. Free Minnows available. Address:15 miles south of Roseau on State Highway 89. then 9 miles east on County Road 4.


Regional Lions Leadership Institute... Mar 28 – 31 Shooting Star Casino, 777 SE Casino Rd, Mahnomen, MN 56557, USA


Cabinet Meeting May 11

11 a.m. $12.00 USD Red Lake Falls at Bethany Church


D-Feet Hearing Loss June 1

9:30 AM 2019 Eighth Annual Walk $25.00 registration, free t-shirt, lunch, Teddy Bear band, lots of children’s activity’s, games, prizes fun for the whole family! Taking place at the Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, MN. Visit www.5mhf.org for more info.

Have an Event?

Email lions5m11news@hotmail.com or text 204-290-5336

Stay up to Date with these Websites

District 5M-11: *NEW* http://e-district.org/sites/5m11 5M11Newsletter *NEW* www.facebook.com/5M11-News Multiple District 5M: www.lionsmd5m.org Lions Club International: www.lionsclubs.org Lions Program Sites: Can Do Canines: www.can-do-canines.org Leader Dogs for the Blind: www.leaderdog.org Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF): www.lcif.org/EN/ Lions Eye Bank of Manitoba and NW Ontario: w w w. e y e b a n k m a n i t o b a . c o Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides: www.dogguides.com Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation: www.mnlionsdiabetes.org Project New Hope: www.projectnewhope.net USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum: www.usacanadalionsforum.org Lions University: www.LionsUniversity.org

Cabinet Members DISTRICT GOVERNOR Bill Myskiw (Evelyn) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.1416 E. wjmyskiw@shaw.ca 1st VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Deanne Williams (Dave) R. 218.790.3715 E.williams.deanne77@gmail. com CABINET SECRETARY Stacy Kleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. 5m11cabsec@gmail.com CABINET TREASURER Nadine Myers (Butch) R. 218.567.8305 E.lions5m11treasurer@gmail. com IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR John Wollenzien (Dee) R. 218.681.2117 C. 218.686.3361 E.deeandjohnwollenzien@mncable.net DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR

Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com ZONE 1 CHAIR Brian Norberg (Mary) R. 218.287.2484 W. 218.299.5151 E. binlou4@prodigy.net ZONE 2 CHAIR Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

ZONE 3 CHAIR Chris Eck R. 218.533.0856 E. christophereck91@gmail.com ZONE 4 CHAIR Allen Bertilrud (Sandy) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.684.1315 E. allenbertilrud@gmail.com

ZONE 5 CHAIR Terri Cuppett R. 218.683.3420 E. pastortlc@mncable.net ZONE 6 CHAIR Gladwin Lynne R. 218.201.0665 C. 218.745.4457 E. galynne@mncable.net ZONE 7 CO-CHAIRS Michael and Karen Hagen R. 218.463.3036 E: karenhagen@hotmail.com or mhagen@wiktel.com ZONE 8 CHAIR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com ZONE 9 CHAIR Darryl Popowich (Bonnie) R. 204.345.2840 E. thepops@mts.net ZONE 10 CHAIR Brian Nazarko (Jan) H. 204.233.2736 E. jnazarko@mts.net DIABETES, CA Andrea Kwasnicki (Kevin Gamble) R. 204.283.9865 B. 204.925.3800 ext 228 C. 204.250.4533 E. andrea.kwasnicki@diabetes.ca (GMT) DISTRICT COORDINATOR PDG Doug Wiens (Kathryn) R. 204.434.6042 B.204.326.9844 or 1.888.411.9311 E. Doug@prudentialriverbend.ca or Djwiens@mymts.net LCIF, CA PDG Gunter Zion (Veronica) R. 204.253.4499 E. gunter.zionn@hotmail.com PDG Gerald Fontaine (Eliane Carmel) (Multiple District 5M Chair) R. 204.433.7955 E.gerryfontaine@gmail.com LCIF, USA Tom Jorgens C. 218.281.7071 E.tjorgens@poly-cell.com

THIS DIRECTORY IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE LION MEMBERS OF EACH SUB DISTRICT TO USE SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF COMMUNICATING AMONG ONE ANOTHER WITHIN THEIR SUB DISTRICT/MULTIPLE DISTRICT. LEADER DOGS, USA Ken Bauer (Jan) R. 218.354.7288 B.800.200.3642 C. 701.866.1700 E. kenbauer@mail.com 5M11 LIONS CANCER CARE INITIATIVE (Multiple District 5M Childhood Cancer Chair) PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca LIONS EYE BANK & MAP, MANITOBA / NW ONTARIO PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca Ray Downey (Myrna) R. 204.254.0107 C. 204.391.0721 E. rmdowney@mymts.net Evelyn Myskiw (Bill) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.4756 E. evmyskiw@shaw.ca LIONS FOUNDATION OF CANADA DOG GUIDES (Also Multiple District 5M Chair) PDG Dave Hollyoake (Barb) R. 204.642.4650 C. 204.797.5930 E. dave@hollyoake.ca

MN LIONS DIABETES FOUNDATION, USA Sandy Bertilrud (Allen) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.280.8146 E.sandybertilrud@yahoo.com Kim Peters (Kevin) R. 218.584.8364 B. 218.784.7121 C. 218.556.6972 E. kpeters@arvig.net MN LIONS VISION FOUNDATION Russ McDougall R. 218.962.3433 E. rgrjdoug@feltontel.net PDG Jeannine Windels (Harvey) R. 218.281.2953 C. 218.280.5703 E. jwindels@gra.midco.net MIDWINTER CONVENTION Kevin Gamble, (Andrea Kwasnicki) R. 204.391.0644 E. kbgamble@hotmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com PIN TRADING PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com


PROJECT NEW HOPE, USA Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 F. 218.567.8381 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M HEARING FOUNDATION, USA Gerald “Jerry” Amiot R. 218.289.8889 E. jerry.amiot@hotmail.com

TECHNOLOGY / WEBMASTER StacyKleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. skleinwachter@yahoo.com or specialk.stacy@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M KIDSIGHT FOUNDATION, USA Kevin Reich (Sheila) R. 218.253.2522 C. 218.232.4556 E. kwrrlf@gmail.com Tamie Rue C. 218.779.1412 E. tamierue@gmail.com

USA / CANADA LEADERSHIP FORUM PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com

Leader Dog “Walk of Fame”

World Diabetes Day

November 14, 2018 was World Diabetes Day. Winnipeg West Lions Club participated by holding a Diabetes Risk Assessment at Glendale Court. Diabetes is one of the most pervasive and fastest-growing diseases in the world today. It affects people of all races, income levels, and ages – even children. Together with volunteers from West St. Paul and Winnipeg South, Winnipeg West hosted an afternoon of measuring, weighing and visiting. We had 15 people from the building who came to be assessed. It was a great afternoon spent in support of Diabetes Canada. The same night was our regular

meeting night and we had one of our own members who is a Type 2 Diabetic talk about the risks and what can be done to battle this growing disease. Diabetic snacks were shared. They were quite delicious and proved to be informative with respect to keeping us all healthy in our food choices.

Leader Dog Chair Lion Ken Bauer is shown making presentations at the Goodridge Lions Club. L to R: Lion Jerry Wayne, miniature brick, Lion Ken Bauer, Lion Marlin Kotrba, Club Treasurer, Founders Tribute, Lion Dan Kotaska, Club Secretary, miniature brick. The miniature bricks are replicas of what is permanently laid in the “Walk of Fame” at the Leader Dog main campus in Rochester Hills, Michigan, and these presentations represent a total contribution of $1,000 to Leader Dogs for the Blind. Since being founded by three Lions members in 1939, this very dedicated 501C3 has given away more than 14,500 dogs to visually impaired individuals.



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“Santa’s Workshop” Sets Up Painting Fundraiser

For the Love of Art hosted a “Paint with Santa” Fundraiser at the Ste. Anne Hotel with proceeds from the evening donated to the Ste. Anne Lions Clubs. Gathering for an evening of painting are fun nights out with a step-by-step teacher lead tutorial ending with your very own masterpiece.

Inspiering Kid Sight Story Greta is a mom of 2 kids that were referred when we screened their eyes over loco daze. When I called her a while back to follow up, she had said that they were just at the eye doctor not too long before loco daze and that the eye doctor said they were good, so she had not taken them in after we screened them. She called me last night and said “I have got to tell you this!”. She goes on to say that her oldest child has been having headaches over the last couple years and that is the reason why she originally took her kids to the eye doctor before loco daze. When the eye doctor said that their eyes were good, they spent hundreds of dollars at the chiropractor to see if that would help the headaches. It did not. She said not only then is her child struggling with these head-

aches, she finds out that the child is a grade and half behind in reading (5th grader reading at a 3rd 1/2 grade level). So she figures maybe she should bring them in to the eye doctor again with our referral page. The eye doctor told them that kids eyes have stronger muscles so traditional tests may not detect bad eye sight. He ran different tests

than before and came up with almost the same results as the machine we used at loco daze. Both kids needed glasses! Greta said as of now, her oldest has not had a problem with headaches and she just took a reading test. She is reading at a 6 1/2 grade level now!! That is the reason she wanted to call me. She was so happy and said that

if it wasn’t for us doing the eye sight screening this summer, she would have never taken them back in. Stories like these should make everyone in the club proud of what we do! Lion Darin

Minnesota (MD5M) Lions Eyeglass Missions Progress has been made and things are moving forward. Our “ Minnesota (MD5M) Lions Eyeglass Missions”, will make our first mission to Antigua, Guatemala in 2020 and probably the 2nd week of March. We have a commitment from an NGO in Guatemala where we can ship our glasses and they will store them until we need them. On March 3rd, 2019, I am going to participate in a mission in El Salvador, then on the 10th my mentor, Lion Steve McCabe of the Wisconsin Lions Missions, Diego Ulloa, our contact down there, and I will travel to Antigua. We will be there until the 17th and will look at the proposed mission site, hotels, transportation, security, meals and get acquainted with the local Lions club members who will be our sponsoring club, and find out what they can do for us. This is getting exciting. The plan is to get all arrangements made then we will have to get commitments from MD5M Lions who would like to take a nice working vacation in Guatemala in March of 2020. I can take 10 to 15 Lions from MD5M to work with 10 to 15 Lions from Wisconsin. There is nothing difficult in any of the jobs and training will be provided and we will all work closely with a mentor and make new Lion friends. Another benefit is that participating in a mission is the most meaningful activity I have ever done as a Lion. Lots of warm, fuzzy feelings and great camaraderie. On a typical mission, we work from about 8 AM or so till 5 PM or so and take breaks and lunch in small groups. After we close up at days end,

we return to the hotel to relax, socialize, and wind down. Dinner is usually taken as a group. It is not always work, work, work. We would take off a half day, probably Wednesday, and sightsee or do something fun. Work days are Monday thru Friday. Depending on the situation, we may be able to visit a “dig” or something like that on Saturday, then fly home on Sunday. Transportation is by bus and we always travel in groups. Use our heads just as we would in any U.S. city. Anybody that goes will want to go again. Depending on air fare, a mission trip usually costs an individual about $1500 for the week. Also, the Wisconsin Lions Missions is a 501C-3 organization, so I think the expense is still tax deductible. I would hope to share our missions with them for 2 years then go on our own, depending on a lot of things. Oh, the group I went with, probably more than half traveled with their spouses. You can too it they are Lions. There will be a couple of forms to till out and a deposit of $100 (probably refundable) to hold your place. The Wisconsin Lions have been doing these missions for over 25 years and really know what they are doing. We will emulate what they are doing as close as possible. Until next time, I remain yours in Lionism, PDG Jim Mulroy (5M7) Do for, not to.


CP Holiday Train in Whitemouth

Whitemouth & District Lions Club and 3000 other attendees had a great time at the CP Holiday Train in Whitemouth on December 4! The entertainers were so amazing - Sierra Noble was fantastic on the fiddle, as were the performances by Kelly Preston and Terri Clark. Thank you so much to all those who came out and helped us collect over 2200 lbs in food and $6900 in cash donations that includes a very generous $4000.00 donation from the CP Holiday Train....outstanding! All of this has been divided between food banks in Lac Du Bonnet and Beausejour. Also, a huge thank you to the volunteers who helped with traffic, crowd control and food collections.

Santa & Mrs. Santa were a big hit with the children that kept them very busy handing out candy canes and posing while parents took photos.

The owners of this trailer decorate it every year for the CP Holiday Train then provide it for our food collection along with the truck and their help throughout the evening!

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