Joyce Gehl “Vibrations” July 2021

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In the Studio

JOYCE GEHL V I B R AT I O N S J U LY 1 - 2 9 , 2 0 2 1

ART I ST STAT E M ENT There is a living vibration in all things. The vibration we receive from nature can be transformational. I want to create an impression of what it feels like when I walk through the forest, gaze upon a lily-covered pond, or peer up into a magnolia tree in full bloom. I invite you to pause, reflect, and journey through my paintings to experience the wonder of being a part of this earth. To feel the vibration of life. a

1111 1st Ave n u e , S e a t t l e , WA 98101 www.rov 206- 223- 0273 m a i l @r o v za r g a l l e r y. c o m

Reflection 44 x 44 in. Mixed media with resin $9,700.00

Held Up By Invisible Hands 24 x 66 in. Mixed media with resin $8,200.00

Pause 20 x 20 in. Mixed media with resin $2,400.00

Wherever You Are Is Here 48 x 48 in. Mixed media with resin $11,500.00

DETAIL: Paradisaeidae

Paradisaeidae 61 x 28 in. Mixed media with resin $8,900.00

DETAIL: Nature Holds a Party

Nature Holds a Party 44 x 36 in. Mixed media with resin $8,200.00

Dancing Round and Round 24 x 66 in. Mixed media with resin $8,200.00

Watch Your Fingertips Burst Into Bloom 54 x 48 in. Mixed media with resin $12,900.00

Unfold and Bloom 44 x 44 in. Mixed media with resin $9,700.00

DETAIL: Let Wonder Unfold

Let Wonder Unfold 36 x 36 in. Mixed media with resin $6,700.00

DETAIL: Cloud Gazing

Cloud Gazing 20 x 20 in. Mixed media with resin $2,400.00

DETAIL: Tartle

Tartle 20 x 20 in. Mixed media with resin $2,400.00

Tranquility Trail 48 x 48 in Mixed media with resin $11,500.00

Magic Spell 36 x 36 in. Mixed media with resin $6,700.00

DETAIL: What Will Summer Bring

What Will Summer Bring 44 x 36 in. Mixed media with resin $8,200.00

Learning to Fly 40 x 54 in. Mixed media with resin $10,800.00


My work is a fusion of imagination, process, and organic, intuitive painting. I am inspired by the earth and my process begins in communion with nature. Once I enter my studio, I blend and remix images, creating imagined landscapes and layers of botanical color and texture. Most of these are my own photographs, highly manipulated and mingled with other digital imagery. The result is a dreamscape of my observations and reverence for the natural world, with compositions that range from distant horizons to views through a macro lens. Printed with archival inks on photographic paper, I then begin another layering process, this time with resin and paint. Poured liquid over the surface, each resin layer is carefully controlled to encase the photographic base. In-between the cured resin surfaces, I apply paint with a highly intuitive and gestural process. I use palette knives, brushes and repurposed tools to drive my mark making and give added depth.

E D UCATI ON 1 98 6

A rt Ce nter C ollege of Design, B FA , A rt

1 97 9

U ni ve rsity of C alifor nia at Santa B a rba ra , BA , A rt Hi sto r y


Patr icia Rovzar Galler y, Vi brati o ns , S eattl e, WA

2 01 9

Patr icia Rovzar Galler y, Wa nderes s , S eattl e, WA

2 01 8

Patr icia Rovzar Galler y, S o f tl y Fa l l i ng , S eattl e, WA

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 26 th A nnua l G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

2 01 7

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, D o ndo l a re, S eattl e, WA

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 25 th A nnua l G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

2 01 6

T he M arshall G aller y, Window to Nature, S co tts da l e, A Z

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 24 th A nnua l G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

2 01 5

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, S EEDS , S eattl e, WA

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 23 nd A nnua l G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

2 01 4

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 22 nd A nnua l G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, The Way T hro ug h, S eattl e, WA

2 01 3

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 21 st A nnua l G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e WA

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, Fo rgo tten G a rden, two - pers o n s how, S eattl e, WA

Affordable Ar t Fair, Seattl e, WA

Pr yor Fine Ar t, New Wor k By S el ected A rti sts , Atl a nta , G A

2 01 2

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, F i l tered Drea ms , S eattl e, WA

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 20 th A nnua l G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

Selby Fleetwood G aller y, W i nter G atheri ng s G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S a nta Fe, N M

2 01 1

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, F l i g ht o f the C aterpi l l a r, S eattl e, WA

R&F Encaustics, Apr il Ar ti st o f the Mo nth, o nl i ne exhi bi ti o n

2 01 0

Pr yor Fine Ar t, Introducti o ns , Atl a nta , G A Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 19 th A nnua l G ro up S how, S eattl e, WA Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, I nva s i ve B ea uty, S eattl e, WA

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, gro up exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

T he B uilding , West Seattl e A rt Wa l k , S eattl e, WA

2 00 9

Patr icia Rovzar G aller y, 18 th A nnua l G ro up Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

Wester n B r idge, Poncho Inv i tati o na l F i ne A rt Exhi bi ti o n, S eattl e, WA

T he B uilding , West Seattl e A rt Wa l k , S eattl e, WA

2 00 8

T he B uilding , G roup Holi day S how, S eattl e, WA

2 00 7

Pratt Fine Ar ts C enter, S eattl e, WA

M att ’s in the M ar ket, arti st feature, S eattl e, WA

CO LLEC T I O N S AND SEL EC T COMMISSIO NS St Cl a re H o spital, Tacoma, WA Swe di sh Me dical C enter, Seattle, WA Tr ue Fa m i l y Women’s C ancer C enter U ni ve rsi ty o f Washington M edical C enter B e l l evue Cl ub, Seattle, WA Swe di sh H o spital, Seattle, WA G o o d Sa m a ri tan Hospital, Puyallup, WA The L a rra be e C enter, B ellevue, WA C a ro l Mi l ga rd B reast C enter, Tacoma, WA I l To p e l l o, U mbr ia, Italy A l exa ndri a Ni cole C ellars, Prosser, WA B a c k ya rd I de a G arden, Aubur n, WA Sa l ume ri a o n Hudson, Seattle, WA C o rus, Wo o di nville, WA V i na Wi ne Ba r, Seattle, WA D e l a ure nti , Seattle, WA

11 11 1s t Ave nu e Se a t t l e , WA 98101 www.r o vz a r g a l l e r y. c o m 206- 223- 0273 mai l@r o vz a r g a l l e r y. c o m

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