IV Y JAC OBS EN I nto the W ild
I n to th e W i ld
M i xed media on panel Ma rc h 5 - 28, 2020
Jacobsen takes daily walks through her neighborhood, studying the plants she encounters along the way, and finding fascination in their phases of growth and blooming. In this series, she explores the wild parts of her mind and memory, using her enchantment with nature as her source materials. Already accustomed to working in mixed media, ranging from many thin layers of oil paint, bronzing powder, acrylic paint, and resin, “Into the Wild” also incorporates bits and pieces of Jacobsen’s paper collection. Subtly used, the Japanese papers, Asian inspired designs, and pod-like shapes repeat throughout the work, serving as a type of seed holder and reminding the viewer of the passage of time, the promise of a new sprout, and the circle of life.
1111 1st Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 w ww.rovzargallery .com 206 - 223 - 0 27 3 ma i l @rov z a rga l l e ry . com
“I strive to create a place of magical realism in my landscapes, balancing magical elements with real world rendering of flora and fauna found in our natural world. It is my hope that the viewer is invited “into” my landscapes to fully explore the imaginar y environment.” -Iv y Jacobsen-
Seeds & Blooms oil & resin, collage on wood panel 36” x 24”
Harvest Time oil & resin on wood panel 20” x 20”
How Light Feeds Life oil & collage on wood panel 48” x 48”
In Dreams oil & collage on wood panel 30” x 40”
In Golden Light oil, resin & collage on wood panel 34” x 60”
Red Sky Blooms oil & resin on wood panel 48” x 24” diptych
Let the Light Lead You oil & collage on wood panel 48” x 48”
Wild Taming oil & collage on wood panel 65” x 70” diptych
Wall Flower No. 5 oil, resin & collage on wood panel 10” x 10”
Wall Flower No. 11 oil, resin & collage on wood panel 10” x 10”
Wall Flower No. 14 oil, resin & collage on wood panel 10” x 10”
Emerging from Green oil, resin & collage on wood panel 8� x 8�
Sweet Spot No. 2 oil, resin & collage on wood panel 8” x 8”
Down the Road oil, resin on wood panel 11” x 14”
Sweet Spot oil, resin & collage on wood panel 20” x 16” diptych
Flower Power oil & collage on wood panel 30” x 40”
Spring Bounce No. 2 oil & collage on wood panel 12” x 24”
Spring Bounce No. 1 oil & collage on wood panel 12” x 24”
Seedholders in the Garden oil, resin & collage on wood panel 24� x 48�
Sunflower oil, resin & collage on wood panel 24” x 48”
In the Quiet oil & resin on wood panel 34” x 60”
2000 Bachelor of Arts, with Honors, Painting and Printmaking Concentrations, SF State University, San Francisco, CA 1996 Semester Abroad, Art History Concentration, Paris, France
SOLO/TWO PERSON EXHIBITIONS 2020 2019 2017 2016 2015 2013 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005 2001
Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Into the Wild, Seattle, WA Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Nature’s Poem, Seattle, WA Patricia Rovzar Gallery, A Place to Dream, Seattle, WA Arc Studios & Gallery, Day by Day, San Francisco, CA Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Ethereal, Seattle, WA 201 California Street, New Works, San Francisco, CA 111 Minna Gallery, Last Light, San Francisco, CA HANG ART, Alchemy, San Francisco, CA RedSky Gallery, Victor Shiarizia and Ivy Jacobsen, Charlotte, NC Secessions Art and Design, Ivy Jacobsen & Peter Andrea, San Francisco, CA HANG ART, Seeing Through, San Francisco, CA Secession Art and Design, Ivy Jacobsen and Hilary Williams, San Francisco, CA Embarcadero Technologies, New Work, San Francisco, CA The University Club, San Francisco State University, Paintings and Works on Paper, San Francisco, CA
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Celebrate Art, Seattle, WA MIXX Projects + Atelier, Into the Woods, Telluride, CO Luna Rienne Gallery, Affordable Art Series No. 7, San Francisco, CA Arc Gallery, 48 Pillars, San Francisco, CA MIXX Projects + Atelier, San Francisco + Budapest, Telluride, CO Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Celebrate Art, Seattle, WA Luna Rienne Gallery, Group Show, San Francisco, CA Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Celebrate Art, Seattle, WA Vertical Gallery, Artmageddon: A Group Holiday Show, Chicago, IL Stephaine Breitbard Fine Arts, Annual Art Trunk Show, Mill Valley, CA Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Annual Group Show, Seattle, WA Gallery Bergelli, Summer Group Show, Larkspur, CA Gallery Bergelli, New Voices New Visions, Larkspur, CA Hang Art Gallery Booth, Los Angeles Art Show, Los Angeles, CA Hang Art Booth, The Affordable Art Fair, New York, NY SOMArts Bay Gallery, Artspan Benefit Art Show & Auction, San Francisco, CA Arc Studios and Gallery, Four-Squared, San Francisco, CA SOMArts Bay Gallery, Artspan Benefit Art Show & Auction, San Francisco, CA Julie Baker Fine Art, End of Summer Group Show, Nevada City, CA HANG ART, Every 1, San Francisco, CA Tinlark Gallery, Inspired, Los Angeles, CA California Modern Gallery, Artspan Benefit Art Show & Auction, San Francisco, CA Julie Baker Fine Art, 3rd Annual Truck Show, Nevada City, CA Hayes Valley Market, Off the Point No.2, San Francisco, CA HANG ART, Hueliday, San Francisco, CA Garson Baker Fine Art, Small Wonders, New York, NY HANG ART, Then and Now, San Francisco, CA Julie Baker Fine Art, A Tree is Nice, Nevada City, CA
2007 2006 2005 2003 2000 1999 1997
111 Minna Gallery, Selections, San Francisco, CA (Jurors: Gabe Scott, 111 Minna Gallery; Eleanor Harwood, Eleanor Harwood Gallery; Rene de Guzman, Oakland Museum) Hayes Valley Market, Off the Point, San Francisco, CA HANG ART, Treasures, San Francisco, CA Julie Baker Fine Art, Dwell on Design, San Francisco Exhibitions and Concourse Center, San Francisco, CA Julie Nester Gallery, New York Affordable Art Fair, New York, NY Andrea Schwartz Gallery, Hospitality House Auction, San Francisco, CA California Modern Gallery, Arcadia 2007 Artists Celebrate Trees, San Francisco, CA HANG ART, Mythologies, San Francisco, CA HANG ART, Rooted, San Francisco, CA Newmark Gallery, The New Deco, San Francisco, CA The Drug Store Gallery, Better Living Through Chemistry, San Francisco, CA Ardency Gallery, Under the Nails, Oakland, CA Catherine Finn Gallery, New Beginnings, Tiburon, CA San Francisco State University Fine Arts Gallery, The Stillwell Show, San Francisco, CA An Evening at the Dream Theatre, Monterey, CA ProArts Gallery, Twenty Five and Under, Oakland, CA Laney College Art Gallery, Seeing Through Our Eyes, Oakland, CA
2015 Juror’s Choice Award, Artspan Open Studios Exhibition, SOMArts Bay Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2013 Best Emerging Artist Award, “New Voices New Visions”, Gallery Bergelli, Larkspur, CA 2011 Juror’s Choice Award, Artspan Benefit Art Show & Auction, SOMArts Bay Gallery, San Francisco, CA (Jurors: Justin Hoover, SOMArts Cultural Center; Ellen Mahoney & Lizanne Suter, Mahoney Suter Art Advisors) 2010 1st Place Award: Representational Category, ArtSpan Benefit Art Show & Auction, SOMArts Bay Gallery, San Francisco, CA (Jurors: Claire P. Carlevaro, Art Exchange Gallery; Mina Dresden, Mina Dresden Gallery; Olivia Ongpin, Fabric 8) 2009 Juror’s Choice Award, Artspan Benefit Art Show & Auction, California Modern Gallery, San Francisco, CA
UCSF Cancer Care, San Francisco, CA Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle, WA Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, NV Kaiser Permanente, Fremont, CA Swedish Hospital, Seattle, WA Zuckerberg General Hospital, Acute Care Center, San Francisco, CA Peabody Memphis Hotel, Memphis, TN, Commission Four Seasons Hotel, Philidelphia, PA, Commissions Emory Hotel and Conference Center, Atlanta, GA, Commissions San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco, CA Woodruff-Sawyer & Company, San Francisco, CA Embarcadero Technologies, San Francisco, CA Keller Medical Institute, Monterey, CA Best, Best, Krieger, Walnut Creek, CA Prospect Restaurant, San Francisco, CA Accel Partners, Palo Alto, CA Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass, San Francisco, CA Sepiatone, San Francisco, CA Greylock, San Mateo, CA Jones Day, San Francisco, CA
Painting demonstrations at The Legion of Honor Museum, San Francisco, CA, August and September, 2008