waterlands IV

Page 1


Contents 4 Project 1


10 Project 2A


16 Project 2B


30 Project 3


42 Project 3


waterlands - project 1

waterlands - project 1 TOWER AND PAVILION: A POET’S HOUSE

Rathlin Island. As a foreigner who hasn’t experienced the relationship between a human beeing and an island it was a great journey to get unexpectedly deep in “charting” its landscape, ruins, and coastline. To identify the island through different types of drawings was something new to me but unforeseen natural. It seems that it is the right way to work with an island. Adding the vertical and horizontal conditions of the tower and pavilion gave this project a desired outcome.


Waterlands IV

waterlands - project 1


Waterlands IV

waterlands - project 1


Waterlands IV

waterlands - project 1

“There is something compulsive in one’s relationship to an island. A mainland area with its ambiguous or arbitrary boundaries doesn’t constrain attention in the same way. With an island, it is as if the surrounding ocean like a magnifying glass directs and intensified vision onto the narrow field of view. A little piece is cut out of the world…already a little abstracted from reality, already half-concept, it holds out the delusion of a comprehensible totality.”

Tim Robinson Islands and Images 1996



project 2A

Innishmurray. After




the the

vertical tower






next project shifted to the X and Y axis of the cartographer. 3 individual drawings were made by recognizing the island through different types of investigation and marking it on the paper. This time I shifted from an island with 75 inhabitans to an island without its bygone habitants but holds an important possesion of the old days Innishmurray. I asked myself - What is the reason to hold on on the lonliest island in the sea? Cut off, one may say, from so-called civilisiation, yet they preserve their outlook at once poetic and philosophic, as said by Michael Mclaverty, writer for The Irish Monthly who visited the island in 1933.

Waterlands IV

project 2A


Waterlands IV

project 2A


Waterlands IV

project 2B

project 2B

COLLECTING ISLANDS: IN SEARCH OF AN ARCHIPELAGO Innishmurray. The three individual drawings of Innishmurray are now brought together, while exploring different aspects of scales, contrasting sides of the island are combined - the edges of the islands, the inner island and the fragment - symbols of the bygone habitants, sacred ruins and their walking paths. Composite drawing is made together with other students. My “island” is placed in relation to other islands in a new geography, and as a part of a collective archipelago. “Island” is identified as a place where how the people live is known only for themselves. It is a sealed island in the middle of a shared archipelago.


Waterlands IV

project 2B


Waterlands IV

project 2B


Waterlands IV

project 2B


Waterlands IV

project 2B


Waterlands IV

project 2B

layering of the 3 individual drawings


layering of the 3 individual drawings

Waterlands IV

project 2B

composite drawing together with other students


Waterlands IV

project 3


site notes

The 3rd project’s focus is on an island called

My thoughts say that it is less an island, more an

Enniskillen. It is a new start with fresh eyes. The

addition to the coastline.

task is to look at Enniskillen’s wider urban and

“An island is a body of land surrounded by water,

landscape environment, to explore and research

above water at high tide, and smaller than a

it physically, historically and imagiatively. New

contintent” - the geographer Stephen Royle

ways to explore, research and consider this landscape and town are made. The main question

Or is it the second definition found in the dictionary

for this task - What are the key places and aspects

“Something resembling an island especially in

of Enniskillen?

its isolated or surrounded position: such as a: a usually raised area within thoroughfere, parking







Enniskillen is the only island town. But is it actually?

lot, or driveway used especially to seperate or direct traffic.”


site notes

“While exploring the island more I noticed the top part of the island. It was the half-island that intrigued me the most. I wanted to see it, to go around it. I felt it will finally change my mind about Enniskillen not being an island. But there I was interupted. All my ideas about this idillic path were shatered with a wall, not only a wall, but also an fence and many security cameras. Does this closed police station help Enniskillen to maintain its islands statuss? Is it helping to feel safe and welcomed in the island? “ Waterlands IV

project 3

site plan 19 century


Waterlands IV

project 3

site plan 21 century


Waterlands IV

project 3

first sketches of “the lighthouse“


first sketches of “the lighthouse“

Waterlands IV

project 3

sketches of the site


sketches of the site

Waterlands IV

project 3

working model M 1:100

working model M 1:100


Waterlands IV


project 3

“the lighthouse”


From the most unwelcoming place to the most

island that you can be eexperienced as one piece.


The greenery and viewpoints around the city should

My building - “the lighthouse” is a contrast to the

be connected to each other - the coastline should

former hostile police station standing in the most

be linked for its inhabitans to have the benefit of it.

scenic location of Enniskilen. The former police station stands as a reminder of the hateful past,

“The lighthouse” is a simple warehouse which could

but at the same time it is also a point where two

be used for exhibition preperations, performances,

rivers meet, where locals used to tie up the boats

workshops and other activities of the island’s locals

for morning fishery, where many postcards were

and visitors. Cafe is integrated in the courtyard and

made and sent to friends outside the city. The

is placed underground as an adition to the whole

question is - what is the future of this beautiful

complex of barracks. Exhibition halls are located

but forgoten place, the past of hate or the past

in the upper floors in different shaped pathaways

before the hate?

which makes you look at the building, surroundings and river from different perspectives. Vertical

The form of “the lighthouse ” is derived from the

communications are placed in the outbuilding

surrounding buildings. It makes it a complete circle.

which is located on the other side of the historic

It makes this location closed but also approachable

barrack wall. Outbuilding gives the visitors the

from all sides.. The building is made from glass and

oportunity to go over the wall or enter it straight

polycarbonate sheets for people who walk around

through the building’s core (the gateway). Building

it to have the oportunity to sneak and peek at the

is made from transparent materials to accentuate

activities happening inside. If you’re not ready to

the historic wall but also to bring light during

enter this site, you are able to look at it from the

the night or darker days, for people to feel more


intrigued about what is happening behind “that ‘’ wall.

With my project I adressed the problem of Enniskillen not feeling like it is an Island. It is a city, but is it an island? I would like to imagine Enniskillen as an

project 3


site plan

Waterlands IV

project 3

visualisation - first sketches with the construction and the materials


visualisation - first sketches exploring the materiality

Waterlands IV

project 3

final visualisations


final visualisations

Waterlands IV

project 3

model M 1:100


model M 1:100

model M 1:100

Waterlands IV

project 3

visualisation - front facade

groundfloor M 1:100


Waterlands IV

project 3

masterplan M 1:500


Waterlands IV

project 3

underground plan M 1:500


Waterlands IV

project 3

detail - plan M 1:100

detail -section M 1:100


Waterlands IV

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