LA203 Lecture Project

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PATRICIO YRIZAR LA203L | Andrew Wilcox | 2nd Year


1. Learning the LEXICON 2. Interested READINGS 3. Witnessing DISCUSSIONS 4. Final INTROSPECTION 5. Photo ESSAYS





The relationship of size from one object to another object. In landscape architecture the relationship between and object and the human body is crucial to understand real life spaces.

Quality of process to change and be flexible depending on the programs created inside the system. Ready to change program based on the activity performed.


the relation between the bench and the building provides the viewwr a sense of scale and size of the objects, usually the use of objects for human use provide a better undertsanding of the background and the size of it in proportion to the object.


Changing depending in the factor that the world bring to it.

A space where it has a relation to other elements, such a speople, plants, sun, etc.





An environment suitable for animals to fulfill their primary necessities, whether is food, temperature, water, etc. Ecosystem where species are more comfortable in, and have a unique habitat to perform this task.

A perfect relation between all parts in which each of these, need from the other to create something extra that individually wouldn’t be able to achieve.


A wonderful and perfect ecosystem where species have their vital needs, natural habitat, without really human hand affecting them.



Phenomenology es.

The creation of a space where material, shadow, light, color, have a critical impact on the human sens-


Something untouched or never been used. Pure since it’s the first time it came to the world.

Relation between color, light, temperature, shadow, shapes, etc, create a unique experience to the people. People;s perspective of the space has a strong approach. Difference between untouched and tocuhed by the human hand.








Result by the position of parts, by the use of repetitive use of color, objects, or shapes in a space to build harmony and unity between each of these.

Ideal of a landscape capability of being illustrated in painting or picture.

COLOR Color and texture gives the human visual perception of the painting look like a painting or a picture.


One singular shape or object has a really static position, the system by which many of them can be position is able to create a unity between all of them and create a new perspective of the place.




Practice to rebuild or to balance the object to fully reach its maximum or original uses.

Aggregation of landscape behavior through time.


The system of setting pieces together can bring uniformity or order. Parts that have different forms or shapes, that perhaps have different uses can still be see as a whole if they are acommodated in a specific way.



Time has it effects, specially in nature. The fact that species change over time is amazing, different aspects of species change, and these changes create physical aspects to shift. in this picture and diagram I show how the tree’s growth leaves tree bark behind and grows new after. This barkfalls in the ground and creates a unique surface.



Rambunctious Garden CHAPTER 5 Assisted Migration A topic that is of huge implication to not only to Southern California but also to the world we live in. This significance of Assisted Migration to Los Angeles has been crucial for the last 3-4 years since Southern California is experiencing hotter days than the last centuries and climate patterns are becoming less predictable. Therefore, meaning that a lot of plants and animals are being harmed and are required to move due to climate change. By knowing this information of how the world is harming nature, then we as Landscape Architects need to take in consideration how we can create environments within a space to help animals and plants migrate naturally, without the implication of scientists trying to solve the issue of moving trees or animals by human labor. This system of using humans to move all these plants and animals will never come to an end, and it is seen as unpredictable since scientists do not know for sure how these species would react trying to adapt to their new habitat. By this Assisted Migration I would say Landscape Architecture is one of the professions that would have a huge positive impact in the conservation of nature in Los Angeles, with the Landscape Architects knowledge of plants, soils, and the human interaction with these, will help preserve these species adaptation in our world. However this adaptation of the animals and plants is under our topic nature that has been harmed due to the new climate changes.

Tiger’s normal life


0 Tiger’s life alrerated (by human hand or climate change)



Projective Ecologies, Do Landscapes Learn? Ecology’s and Design in Landscape Architecture

Atlas of Novel Tectonics. Geometry The fact that it says that (landscape) architecture “is generally not one continuous monolithic thing but is made of multiple parts and organizational models at different scales” really caught my attention and made me think about how landscape architecture as a whole is the positioned of a variety of parts that can not work together if one is missing, they need to be set in a position where each of these parts has a unique function that relates with the part besides it, to create something unique. I would say it is crucial to find this balance between force and material geometry to make different parts work as one. Pattern goes back to the idea of setting parts together to create a whole, Jesse Reiser says that “a single element in architecture will never reveal the rich organization possibilities inherent when greater quantities come to play”. The beauty of repetition is the beauty of process and time, creating a quality. Maintaining its systematic coherence is able to keep its functionality, the functionality is created by different objects that when they are attached to each other can perform a function. This Geometry obtained by the manipulation of parts, peop2 to talk to people. The functionality of these manipulations is able to make people feel a certain way, to force people to do a certain activity.

The debate between the role of ecology and the aesthetics of a landscape, something that of course would need to work together, especially in the Landscape Architecture of today. The lack of aesthetic value of most ecological designs tends to be not as attractive to the human eye, it is important to have a landscape that makes humans enjoy the space, but the ecological role of the landscape has a huge role in the new designs for a better and healthier world. Robert E. Cook states that “…yet landscape architects have not, as yet, taken any leading role in the intellectual development of the field”, with what I’ve read this would be the thing that it is most noticeable, not only in landscape architecture but especially in architecture. Time is crucial for a designer to take in consideration; it is ecologically necessary and also comes in with the aesthetics of the place through time. I thought Cook finished supporting the whole chapter really strong saying that a landscape that works well is “successfully designed system of processes”. This summed everything up, is the process that makes the landscape work as a whole not only a space with parts working by themselves. It is important to Los Angeles especially because of our world of today, some people want things to be appealing to the eye, some focus more in the ecologic aspects, the fact that a landscape or a building can work and function over time or even 0 YEARS change in functionality but still work, would be what makes a community remain alive.

Landscapes will need to change over time, and even provide more for the community.






Synthetics Patterns: Fabricating landscapes in the age of ‘green’

Pamphlet 33. Islands & Atolls Historic areas have always been an important topic to talk about, specially when the city talks about restoring them or destroying them and create a functional building or space. These areas or buildings are the history of the city; it is crucial to find ways to be able to work around it and create this beautiful space that can mean so many things for so many people originated from that community. Most of people have not the creative mind and prefer taking the easy way of just creating something theirs and taking away the history and magic of the place. The preservation and protection of weakened ecologies relates to the use of tactical interventions of a place to make new forms of public life, new systems are generated that will make people never forget the being and origins of a city. In L.A there are so many cultures and ideas from people all over the world, I’ve noticed that the city has a little bit of everything, Chinese elements, Mexican elements, rural areas, urban areas, an infinite of different “environments”, the city is losing where it comes from since all these aspects and systems are taking over the uniqueness and the being of the city. This is crucial fro the city of Los Angeles to keep, a way to implement new ideas and systems into the cities history, is to be able to stack organized new systems that relate to the site and history of the place.

Before reading Synthetic Patterns when I thought about using patterns I always that about patterns only used in architecture and landscapes from decades ago, or at least that is what I’ve heard people say before. However, patterns were always meant to organize landscape processes through repetitive and ordered configurations, and in the world today we still need these organized landscapes, specially since we need good functioning landscapes to fight the world issues such as overpopulation, drought, etc. Patterns are able create a perfect balance between the use and function of a landscape and the aesthetics of it. I’ve had the opportunity to go to many places in the world, and I personally think that California is in the most part I would call it a “serious” state, or it has landscapes engineered built or artistic landscapes that do not have any function at all to the city. I would say some of California need more of this relation that patterns gives the landscape, patterns are able to help people seek order out of chaos. We need more paces were people interact with the landscape, instead of just looking at them as a piece or sculpture just pleasant for the human eye; patterns are diagrams of process, process that make people engage with it not only physically but also mentally. In conclusion I say that we do not need just patterns in landscapes, patterns are just a tool to help people indicate guide flows, or maybe point something out, or even engage with the landscape.
















Pamphlet Architecture 28 Augmented Landscapes The way people see landscapes have extremely changed in the last decades; the fact that a landscape is static is vanishing through time. The world is looking and needs of landscapes that are not only seen in a local scale but in a world stretched out and ready for changes. People are seeking for new spaces where there are dynamic processes, where things are dynamic and bring something new every now and often to the site, animals are taking a huge role in the dynamism of places. People would need to be guide by the landscape where to go, not people controlling the landscape; Los Angeles has a lack of places like this where the site is capable of determining and controlling the circulation of people. These interventions into the landscapes should engage with those geographies where is located, is not anymore about the specific site of the interventions, is looking at it in a greater scale for the community and beyond. The city of Los Angeles has a variety of landscapes where they have individual and really different design concepts. There is no harmony and unity between these, most of the times there is no history and relationship from the place towards the city. It only will affect the city in a negative way, it losses the uniqueness of the city’s system and it will have no process of time and location, when systems would change. The benefits of having hybrid environment is will have a utilitarian topography, where visual perception of the landscape is key.




Festina Lente, Developing a Parxis and a Poesis of place. I went to the Festina Lente’s lecture, developing a praxis and a poesis of place in the IDC, CalPoly Pomona. The relationships she used for first nature, second nature and third nature to the real world opened my mind and made me realize how “nature” can be seen in different ways. Festina asked the crowd how could people bring second nature back, productive landscapes, back after being modified by engineers with no purpose of design or aesthetics? After listening to her, I took in consideration that a design or a project needs to bring so much different elements to the world; it needs to tell something without making it easily visible to the human eye. Therefore, we as landscape architects require an analysis of the site, the audience, the environment, etc, to see how it is functioning and what does the world really need to be a productive landscape. We as landscape architects need to know the differences of the three nature Festina is talking about, there needs to be a purpose of being, she states that, “…a poiesis is an activity that brings things into being…” the factor that determines this is the collaboration of the place with something external or just extra. For California, the fact that there is so much land makes people occupy the best and fastest they can without thinking in the negative effects they bring with that quick decision; there is nothing external to it than just build something in a piece of land with no meaning or relationship to the community. California, as one of the most important states in the country needs to figure how to create landscapes that will benefit not only the community but beyond that community as well. Relation or collaboration with something external.







CPPLA curriculum, sounds like any other normal curriculum in CalPoly Pomona. However, it brings so much curiosity to students, and is somehow hard for students to really figure out the path that the department wants us to go. The first year was more of a introduction to landscape architecture, we as students were confused with what the instructors want us to be. Right now as a second year, we start to see doors opening and our mind can go in a more straight line, but still with a lot of questions. These questions asked are different from the first years ones, these questions have to do more with really maximizing the knowledge our instructors give us, understand it, and then how to fully apply them to our projects or simple how to apply them in design and the way we see landscapes. I know we as a group are going in a good direction, we just need to take in consideration all the elements and tools we have learned so far and then apply them to the major, since sometimes we accidently forget some of them. When I mean apply them, is how we realize all the elements in our daily lives, observing what works and what does not, for example we live in Los Angeles, and the city is just full of factors trying to work together but somehow they are just so far apart from each other. Noticing what functions well and what not, will make landscape architecture the profession of the future.


The curiosity and passion to figure out what makes someone a great Landscape Architect has always touched my mind. In this quarter we look more to the process and the analytical elements in understanding the things and relations a specific site has, that makes it “a site�. The analytical process of the site would mean to look at different aspects that help the site or landscape function the way it does, and what makes this function works within the site. We learned to understand the relations that a site has within the city or community, maybe the variety of opportunities a site can bring to the city, in terms of looking at the elements of that environment or place. When we looked at all this elements, we then understood some of the process that made a site come into being, however, with this tools learned we can relate it to anything we experience in life, and landscape, space, environment, habitat, order, etc. It demands us to analyze the process of sites. We can maybe not understand, but we can ask ourselves and look beyond what our human eye sees, and figure out sites in los Angeles or any part of the world. It is important to analyze the process because in los Angeles there are so many things without really a meaning of being, they are just there to provide one function or two. Therefore, analyzing it, we can provide many more opportunities that will make any site relate to something external than the original functions it provided.


Process The awareness of analytical process the site is critical to set programmatic opportunities for it, not only it surrounds but also the city and the beyond. Process is the primary step to start and create something, the fact that process sometimes is more important than the result is consequence of the analysis and the experience live when visited a site. We have experienced process in every single project since the beginning of our college career, we as people are always in process of doing, or preparing to do something, this is what makes us the individuals we are today. Specially this quarter I’ve learned that we as landscape architects need to be more critical about specific the world in general, what makes us feel a certain mood, what usually makes us move one direction, what makes people interact with each other; these general is the unseen but is vital for people’s life.




The use of material is able to drastically change humans visual perception of something, it is critical for the designer to be IMG_6387.JPG careful with the material he or she uses trying to reach a certain color or texture. There are infinite materials to be used, and we have learned that the materiality of things takes a huge role in determining what the human eye perceives. Humans are really used to determine the qualities of an object really easy, society has made people relate objects, shapes, colors, textures and more to things that society has created or invented. The amazing power of the human mind can “tell� us faster than the speed of light, what an object looks like, we need to be careful about this since our mind is able to lie to us and tell us is what we think it is.. During this quarter Spring 2016, we have learned how to manage more the materials to perform what we are trying to show, thickness of dowels, cardboard, chipboard, etc. Every single material has a unique quality that gives it uniqueness from the others.


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