4 minute read
List of Figures
Figure 1. Diagram of the ICS showing that the fire analyst can be in different places in the organisational chart depending. Source: CFRS adapted from FEMA [1]....... 16
Figure 2. Strategical reasoning process (what the fire wants and can do, and what we want and can do) that translates into strategical decision (vision, mission, position and capacity). ........................................................................................................ 23
Figure 3. Examples of profiles that use competencies of FAA. Source: CFRS ........ 35
Figure 4. Emergency management cycle (right) vs response focus cycle (left). Source: CFRS. ............................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 5. Fire-Weather Analysis Bulletin. Source: D.R.E.AM. ITALIA........................ 38
Figure 6. Forecast dedicated to the on-field resources. Source: Pompiers des Bouches-du-Rhône................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 7. Vegetation fire analysis and monitoring bulletin for a specific period of time (from the 25th to 31st of August 2021). Source: INFOCA Plan. Regional Operational Centre. Andalusian Regional Government (Spain)..................................................... 41
Figure 8. Operational Analysis of the Forest Fire 2020 Agramón - Hellín Forest Fire in Albacete (Spain). Source: UNAP Plan. Castilla-La-Mancha Regional Government (Spain). Regional Operational Centre for Forest Fire Fighting. Analysis and Planning Unit. ............................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 9. General needs that organisations have when facing vegetation fire incidents. Source: CFRS. .................................................................................................... 47
Figure 10. Fire analysis contributions are linked with the fire analyst’s specific knowledge and capacity, but also behaviour and attitude and experience in real situations. Source: CFRS. ................................................................................................. 48
Figure 11. An essential capability of the Field Analyst is the ability to communicate with the Incident Commander and the other Assisted Coordination staff. At regular intervals, the I.C. meets with the Field Analyst at the Coordination Post to discuss the evolution of the fire and adopt the main containment measures. Source: D.R.E.AM. ITALIA. .......................................................................................................... 55
Figure 12. Fire analyst training examples. Source: D.R.E.Am. Italia......................... 55
Figure 13. Example of on-site information used available at fires to give weather
details FireMet used by SWFRS. Source: SWFRS. ..................................................... 59
Figure 14. The 1986 Rubió fire (Catalonia, Spain). Source: CFRS............................. 60
Figure 15. Detection of storms close to a fire near Barcelona (2021, Castellví de Rosanes Fire, Catalonia, Spain, 13/07/2021) but not on-site, that can cause erratic movements of the fire. Source: AEMET. ...................................................................... 61
Figure 16. Analysis on-field of the vertical profile of the atmosphere in Castellví de Rosanes (Catalonia, Spain) vegetation fire (13/07/2021). Source: CFRS................. 62
Figure 17. Drawing and defining the perimeter on-field and preparing the information to be distributed to each crew arriving to the fire (2021 Castellví de Rosanes Fire 13/07/2021). Source: CFRS.......................................................................................... 63
Figure 18. Fire perimeter: aerial photo left (12:03h) and perimeter drawn (12:54h) in 2021 Lloret de Mar’s Fire (Catalonia, Spain, 13/07/2021). Note: to draw the perimeter, more images in addition to the one included on the left were used. Source: CFRS .............................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 19. Sentinel satellite image from 13/07/2021 with the perimeter of the 2021 Castellví de Rosanes Fire (Catalonia, Spain). Source: CFRS from Sentinel. ............ 63
Figure 20. CPS logics in the Castellví de Rosanes fire and Lloret de Mar fire (Catalonia, Spain, 13/07/2021). Note: grey arrows indicate the wind direction and red dotted arrow indicates inclination. Source: CFRS...................................................... 64
Figure 21. Fire perimeter (purple) and polygons of fire potential (green) of the 2021 Castellví de Rosanes Fire (Catalonia, Spain) drawn during for the 3rd operational period from the beginning of the fire (14/07/2021 early morning). Source: CFRS ...... 64
Figure 22. Vegetation fuel assessment obtained during preparedness that is added to the on-field information about the vegetation during the response. The match between each information allows to forecast the behaviour of the day. The 8th of July of 2021 in Catalonia, Spain. Source: CFRS. ................................................................ 65
Figure 23. Analysis of suction during the collision of two fires in Las Golondrinas (Argentina). Source: Marc Castellnou (GRAF Unit FA, CFRS)..................................... 66
Figure 24. Preliminary fire report of the 2021 Estepona Fire (Málaga, Spain) the19th of July of 2021. Source: Fire Analysis Technical Unit INFOCA. .................................. 67
Figure 25. Image of the isochrones (grey and coloured), perimeter, and potential impact (green polygons) of the vegetation fire of the 2021 Santa Coloma de Queralt Fire (Catalonia, Spain) during 24-27th of July, 2021 (b) obtained using on-field and aerial photographs and videos, direct observations and crew positioning and report-
ing (a). Source: CFRS..................................................................................................... 67
Figure 26. Image of the 2021 Santa Coloma de Queralt Fire (Catalonia, Spain) from the 23-27th of July 2021 Source: CFRS........................................................................ 68
Figure 27. Wildfire manoeuvres corresponding to specific tactical objectives (TO) considering their safety and certainty and the linkages between some of them. Source: CFRS ................................................................................................................ 71
Figure 28. Example of product that includes a range of scenarios corresponding to different polygons (image of the bottom left), a set of scenarios (selection in the upper right image) and the selected scenario A (image of the bottom right; A: strategical desired scenario, B: strategical probable scenario, C: strategical undesired scenario). Source: CFRS ............................................................................................... 71
Figure 29. On-field or anticipation analysis and fire spread flowcharts. Analyse of the Rognac Fire, France, 10/08/2016. Source: Pompiers des Bouches-du-Rhône of France............................................................................................................................ 72
Figure 30. Polygons of fire potentiality (green dotted line) of the 2021 Castellví de Rosanes Fire (14/07/2021 02:09h Catalonia, Spain). Fire perimeter (purple line) is near urban areas, industrial areas and WUI. Source: CFRS...................................... 73
Figure 31. 2021 Santa Coloma de Queralt Fire (Catalonia, Spain) from the 23-27th of July 2021. Identification of a set of possible final strategic scenarios (A,B,C) with probabilities (arrows and numbers in white squares). Source: CFRS ...................... 73
Figure 32. Analysis made during a hypothetical fire. Source: CFRS ........................ 74
Figure 33. Spider chart to define each’s organisation sign....................................... 74
Figure 34. Spider charts of different organisations to be compared....................... 75
Figure 35. Two axis matrix to identify areas of growth. The horizontal axis identifies levels of complexity in decision-making (C/P/M/V) and the vertical axis shows knowledge classified by thematic areas (MET, POS, BEH, PAT, TP, SCA)................... 76