13 minute read


Image Source: https://wtop.com/holidays/2022/03/parades-and-pubs-dc-area-st-patricks-day-2022-celebrations/ https://all.accor.com/magazine/imagerie/st-patricks-day-como-data-comemorada-no-mundo-9dfe.jpg

St. Patrick’s Day was approaching, and so Zack started thinking on what he could, maybe use the theme of the day for a protest against discrimination. He discussed that with his friend John.


They came up with a plan: organising a parade with shamrocks, clovers, and much more, with a lot of noise and music in front of the government headquarters. They wanted the American government to listen to them and to give harsher punishments to discrimination, while also encouraging people to report discrimination.

They recruited people and talked with some companies. On March 17th, they started the parade at 5 am. They made a huge amount of noise, which soon enough caught the attention of the government The government asked what was going on, and they told them the purpose of the protest, while asking them to do what they wanted.

The government ended up accepting to do it after some time, and so the aim of the protest was fulfilled. Zack and John thought it would’ve been harder, and they were glad that it ended up working. Discrimination is not acceptable, and it should be punished.

A little boy lived with his sick mother. As they were too poor, they didn’t have money to cure her illness. She couldn’t get out of bed, so he had to drop out of school and go to work to save her.

Today, is Saint Patrick’s Day, everyone is happy celebrating it. Even though he is poor, the boy always celebrates this day by praying a lot to God to heal his mother. It was on this date that God heard his prayers and sent Saint Patrick to realize them. Saint Patrick appears, and the boy is a bit scared. “Don’t be afraid” Saint Patrick says, “I’m here to give you this four-leaf clover for luck, and also to tell you where the gold pot is” . The boy answers: “Thank you! But how do I find the way?” Saint Patrick said: “Follow the rainbow, it is on the other side of it” . He disappears. The boy followed the rainbow. He discovered the gold pot, and he used the money that was there to cure his mother.

After this day, they have lived happily forever, never forgetting to celebrate this day.

St. Patrick's Day was fast approaching in a small Irish village. The villagers were excited, and everyone was busy preparing for the festivities. Green clovers and decorations adorned every corner, and the sweet aroma of traditional Irish dishes filled the air.

Maeve was especially excited about the day and had spent weeks preparing for it. She had created a beautiful green dress and had even dyed her hair green to match. She was determined to win the "Best Dressed" award at the parade.

On the day of the parade, she put on her green dress, painted her face with shamrocks, and joined in. As she walked down the street, she noticed the joy on everyone's faces. It was as if the entire village had come to life.

Maeve's hard work paid off when she was awarded the "Best Dressed" prize. She was overjoyed, but even more so by the love and sense of community she felt on this special day.

As the night came to an end, Maeve and the villagers gathered to sing and dance under the stars. It was a magical and unforgettable St. Patrick's Day.

Jordinaldo was a 100-year-old elf who used to walk through the streets of Dublin.

When he approached the house, he saw the door opened, apparently broken into. When he entered, he found his father on the floor of the living room and called an ambulance.

On returning home he has a strange feeling but continues his way. At home he realizes that he was controlling the furniture. He remembers the strange feeling he had previously and thinks that it was his powers awakening.

The next day he goes to the hospital to see how his father is doing, but he still hasn't woken up. Jordinaldo finally decides to enter the school of elves. Jordinaldo's beginning there was very difficult, but with a lot of strength and commitment he managed to get there and was elected the best student. Long years passed. Jordinaldo continued to go there daily, until one day, on March 17th (Saint Patrick's Day), his father finally woke up.

It's a rainy day in Ireland, all I see out of my window is happy people in the streets, proudly wearing green and celebrating St. Patrick’s, I never really understood why people were so obsessed with it.

I got up from my messy bed to get a wine glass so I could go back to reading my book close to the window. As I was reading, I started hearing music outside. I looked out of the window and there were old people dancing while this woman was the playing piano. She was stunning. I couldn't help but keep staring at her. I guess she noticed me and looked up at me, and gave me a smile and gestured for me to go down.

I went to the coffee shop under my apartment so I wouldn’t get soaked, and there she was. We spent hours talking. I never felt more interested in someone’s life, until she needed to go.

I’ll see you around Fiona, she said, as we exchanged numbers before she left, I hope to see you around too, Lidia.

I guess St. Patrick’s isn’t that bad.


Everyone remembers the war between Ukraine and Russia, thousands of people died, cities were destroyed. Many soldiers were sent to war, all with a deadly mindset, but among them he stood out as a soldier, his name was Robby Keane sent from Ireland.

Robby Keane was a little boy who didn't have the heart to kill anyone, not even a single fly. He was in the trenches, and it was rainy day.

General Gordon placed Keane in the front line, in a new trench. The terrified little boy was in the midst of many bombs and bullets. Keane spotted some bushes to hide in. Luckily, in those bushes he sees a small plant, a four-leaf clover, a lucky sign in his land. He takes the clover and raises it towards the sun. A great rainbow appeared, crossing the battlefield, towards the Russians. A boiler of 500 tons of gold falls, exploding in the enemy’s territory, making Ukraine win the war.

Two months later, he won a medal of honour for the victory, and became famous. He felt humbled and honoured to bring a medal to his homeland.

The Search For The Pot Of Gold

On St. Patrick’s Day, a group of friends consisting of Samantha, Daniel, Sarah and Lucas set out on an adventure in Crookstown to find out if the myth of the pot of gold was true.

While they were walking through a field, they came across a rainbow stretching across the sky and Lucas told everyone to jump on the rainbow. As they were walking on the rainbow, the group got fascinated by a shiny light coming from the end of it. All of them thought it could be the pot of gold.

They ran on the rainbow until they reached the ground. However, when the four friends got there, they didn’t see any pot of gold, they only saw a letter that said: “You’ve come this far for the gold, but I’ve given you something much better… Those friends who came with you are more valuable than any money I could ever give you”.

The group of friends got so surprised that they couldn’t even speak, but they realised the letter wasn’t wrong, because not everyone would go that far to find something they didn’t even know existed.


Mary was excited about St. Patrick's Day. She loved parties with green clothes, cold beer, and lively dancing. This year she decided to celebrate at a local pub that was having a party. While having fun, Mary met a mysterious man in green who caught her attention. He had a seductive smile and eyes that sparkled like emeralds. Mary and the man spent the night dancing and drinking together until he invited her on a tour around the city. As they walked, Mary began feeling strange. Her legs started to feel weak, and she felt dizzy. The man took her to a dark alley and hugged her tightly. It was then that Mary realized he wasn't human - he was a leprechaun.

The leprechaun chuckled and bared its sharp teeth as it prepared to devour Mary. However, she had an idea. She quickly threw some salt on the ground, causing the leprechaun to go blind for a moment. Mary managed to escape and ran without looking back.

Since then, Mary has avoided St. Patrick's Day and all things related to leprechauns. She fears this evil creature might come back to find her.


Two women decided to create a time machine to learn more about Saint Patrick's life.

Five years later, it was time to test the machine, on the first try, the guinea pig broke in the middle, on the second try, it burned, and in the other attempts it didn't even make the teleport. They were about to give up, but the guinea pig had disappeared which meant they had finally made it. They entered in the machine and travelled.

They found themselves face to face with Saint Patrick's mother, but were in trouble, because they had supposedly stolen some apples from her garden.

- I'm going to tell the priest that you are sinners, and you need to be punished.

They didn’t understand what was going on until Patrick said it was him who gave them those apples.

Saint Patrick smiled “Now that we're friends, how about going with me on an adventure?” The two women also smiled and thought twice before agreeing, and thus lived all the exploits and adventures together with saint Patrick.

This is the story of a poor boy called Marco. He was born in Venezuela. When he was a child, he had to run away with his parents to Ireland, because of the war. In his first year, he heard a story about a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and he became interested.

Ten years later, on St Patrick’s day morning, Marco saw a rainbow. He was so tired of being poor that he decided to go search for the gold. He packed his bag and left home.

The journey was hard. Marco had to walk a lot and cross a river.

When he got to the end, he only saw an old man, St Patrick who told Marco that only the person with the purest heart could have the gold. Marco had to respond to many questions to see if he could get the gold. Seeing Marco’s answers St Patrick gave him the gold.

When Marco got home, his family was so happy and grateful that they could not stop crying. Now Marco and his family can finally live a good life.

Once upon a time, there were some leprechauns in a village around Northern Ireland, they enjoyed playing pranks on the British that escaped from Henry VIII. During Saint Patrick’s Day, they decided to share a moment with them, gave them some of their gold from their pot and did not play pranks with them.

This action made Henry VIII extremely angry. He searched for every leprechaun that could be found in Ireland. This is where our protagonist, Lucky, appears. Lucky has always been the laziest leprechaun in Ireland, but today is the day. He saw his family getting killed in front of his eyes by the King’s guards and decided it was enough.

He went all around Ireland helping his green friends out, with his gang of other 3 leprechauns, his friend Ciara, Walsh and Mc Carthy. As they slowly kicked out the King’s Guards, they saw their friends and family get killed. The only one who survived was Murphy, who could not hold off the British.

Lucky got killed in the final conflict, England still controls Northern Ireland. Free Ireland!

The Edge Of The Rainbow

It was St. Patrick’s Day, and the weather was sunny in Beacon Hills. Daisy is a smart girl who goes to Beacon Hills college.

She was going home after her classes were over, when she saw a little boy disguised as an elf staring at her with a strange face. She didn’t think much about it and continued to walk home. When Daisy was arriving home, she noticed that the boy was following her and she decided to go talk to him, but he started running away.

Daisy was always curious, so she ran after him to know what was going on. She chased him into a forest and they got to the edge of a rainbow. Daisy finally reached him and took his mask off to see who he was. The boy’s face was covered in blood and wounds. She was horrified and passed out.

She woke up in the hospital and heard her parents talking to the doctor. “Since she ran away from that kid 4 years ago on St. Patrick’s Day, she has hallucinations, and we always find her in the woods near the place of the accident.”

Tara The Revenger

Once upon a time, a little girl named Tara was reading by a tree, when suddenly she heard a strange noise coming from a bush. She goes near it to see what is happening, and when she was by the bush unexpectedly, she sees the teen titans in a leprechaun form.

“Is that for Saint Patrick's day?”-She asks. “Yes it is”- Robin answers, slowly approaching Tara. Robin notices that the book that Tara is carrying is valuable, so he tries to steal it, Tara notices so she picks it up and slams Robin with it.

The teen titans then proceed to run away but Tara runs after them. The teen titans think that Tara lost track of them so they start walking to their secret cave, but they don’t know that Tara is secretly following them. Tara notices the big pot of gold and steals it while the teen titans are watching TV, so Tara takes revenge by exploding the cave.

Tara then buys a mansion, a dog named Fury and gets a new job as a businesswoman. THE END!

It was a beautiful morning in the city of Cork. Three friends rode their bicycles through the city while talking about the adventures of their ancestors.

Then one of them says that in this town there was a scary haunted house, but they decided to go back and return the next day because one of the friends was crippled.

The following day, after school, they returned to the haunted house and decided to enter. As soon as they entered, they saw that there were some paintings that were signed with a name that was not strange to them, one of them remembered that there was a St. Patrick's Day and it was the name that was written on the signature. Looking a little better they found a book with the gospel that St Patrick spread, and they found a giant clover that St Patrick used to explain the mystery of the Blessed Trinity: due to the fact that its leaves are divided into three and attached to a single stem, just as God is an entity with three persons.

One afternoon 3 friends were playing in a park when an elf shot them with bad luck. At first, they didn't realize it but the 3 began to suffer from bad luck.

They started studying about elves to stop having bad luck, but they failed. Then the 3 found a magic book and they discovered they had found a gold pot to destroy the bad luck. They don't know how to find the pot. They have seen a rainbow and had an idea: to go to the beginning of the rainbow.

They walked through forests, swam trough lakes and then they found the pot of gold but there was an elf protecting it. The three tried to come up with a plan to attempt to get the gold. Suddenly the elf that had cursed them, appears and ruins everything. The three friends were stunned. At that moment the three found a four-leaf clover and managed to defeat the opponent. Finally freed from bad luck, the friends returned home to celebrate for the victory and St. Patrick’s Day.


On a cold night in Northern Ireland, the "Shamrock Knights", a group of knights who fight with shamrocks and protect Ireland, got together to plan the celebrations for St. Patrick's Day.

However, an evil sorceress named Morrigan cursed the land, causing all clovers to die. The knights were powerless, but a young woman named Saoirse appeared, claiming to be the daughter of a legendary hero who had defeated Morrigan before. She revealed that the only way to break the curse was to find a four-leaf clover and use it to create a new one.

The knights embarked on a perilous quest to find the Clover, facing monsters and obstacles. Eventually they succeeded, and Saoirse used her powers to create a new clover even stronger than before.

The knights were grateful for the victory but felt a sense of sadness when the journey ended. They grew as individuals and as a team and raised a toast to St. Patrick's Day, the day that brought them together and inspired them to become the Shamrock Knights.


It was a dark and stormy night, and the only light came from the flickering street lamps. A young couple was walking home after a night out, passing through an old graveyard. As they passed by a large Celtic cross, they noticed something strange. The cross seemed to be glowing with an eerie green light, the air was frigid.

As they approached the cross, they heard whispers in Gaelic, but they couldn't understand. Suddenly, a hand shot out from the ground and grabbed the woman's ankle, pulling her down into the earth. The man tried to pull her free, but it was too late.

As he ran for help, he could hear the sounds of digging and laughter coming from the grave. When he returned with a group of friends and a priest, they found nothing but an empty grave.

Years passed, and the man never forgot that fateful night. Every St. Patrick's Day, he would return to the graveyard to pay his respects and offer prayers for his lost love. But every year, he would hear whispers in Gaelic, reminding him of the horror that lurked beneath the ground.

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