CHOOSING A CRM? Five things every Forex business needs to know and do.
Impact Tech Ltd SOTERIS CHARALAMBOUS Head of content, Impact Tech Ltd
Increasing competition and regulation within the Forex industry makes choosing a purpose-built CRM platform a logical and advantageous choice. But unless the decision-makers tasked with sourcing the new platform do their research and implement according to a plan the outcome is likely to be far lower than expectations. A starting point for many when choosing a new CRM is whether it can do everything the existing platform can do. The logic is that it minimises disruption, but it also misses a huge opportunity to look at the existing processes and see how they can be improved. If the idea is for the business to stand still why change the platform in the first place? CRMs are not a sales tool. They should serve every customer-facing function in your business. Involving every
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