4 minute read
MICHAEL YOUNG. Results Blaze.
by PaulGC
MICHAEL YOUNG CEO at Results Blaze
Q What can you tell us about your background?
Happily! I was raised in sales by my father since I was 8 and found the psychology of sales fascinating. “Why choose me?” is the question that makes sales the ultimate puzzle for the company to solve.
I think what companies lack is way of selling that isn’t coercive yet creates massive internal desire where people feel your solution is the only one while they reach that conclusion themselves.
Over the last decade I’ve build sales funnels and sales teams for various companies. I would create a funnel, write the copy, and then build out a sales team behind the lead generation in numerous verticals.
Q Why did you start Results Blaze?
I recently helped a company go from losing money for 3 years to literally buying out all of their competitors in 18 months and dominating their region. As much as I enjoyed building out sales funnels and creating sales teams it was the most satisfying moment in my business life. I also took a struggling firm from $50,000 a year to over $5,000,000 a year in 24 months. There is nothing like it in the world. For most companies improving their sales 10-15% is a seismic shift and honestly the feedback you get from the businesses is so much fun. You also make a lot of great friends along the way.
Q What makes Results Blaze different?
We developed the art of Self Suggested Selling™. We get the customer to suggest the sale so sales numbers lift dramatically while eliminating rejection on behalf of the sales rep which render objections to a minimum.
We have a unique process because we combine the best of marketing into the sales process. Copywriting and sales have evolved massively since the invention of the internet. Buyers feel friction and perceive “scams” faster than ever. How are you solving that problem? That’s what we do.
Michael Young CEO at Results Blaze
Q How does outside sales training improve an organisation?
Primarily because it boosts sales, morale, and improves the brand perception of a business. Most sales training is antiquated, pushy, and alienates both the sales rep and the buyer in the process.
Running a branding campaign may or may not work but nothing moves the needle faster and more effectively while also guaranteeing improvement in revenue than in improving sales. Sales isn’t just 1 thing you need to do as a company, it’s the only thing you need to do. Everything else can managed out effectively. Cash flow solves all business problems.
Q Is there ever a conflict with the existing sales management that you are looking to work with?
Well we wouldn’t be very good at sales if we developed any conflicts in the organization. All problems in business have a solution and sales is the art of making the person with the problem see their solution internally. Boosting the cash flow of a business is usually sufficient for the hardest of head to see why they should do it this way.
Q How does Results Blaze add value to an organisation?
Essentially by increasing their sales conversion process systematically. Sales is as scientific as chemistry so the primary objective is how we scientifically improve a company’s sales process. The question is “How?”
Second, by eliminating sales rejection by changing the sales process so the sales rep is changed to an advocate on behalf of the customer. Paradoxically, the harder you try to push a sale the worse you’ll do, and the more the buyer smells desperation. The sales reps are happier, the buyers are happier while improving sales conversions. A real Win-Win-Win
Q What are the biggest objections you come up against when promoting your services to an organisation?
Almost all business owners have some knowledge of sales so they believe they have a process which “works”. I’m not disputing they do things well in their business, or they sell well.
It’s the power of 1 incredible insight, and that might be different to each company. I pay consultants constantly even if that means only 1 great insight to improve the company. What does a 2% improvement mean to me over 1 year? 2 years or 10 years especially compounded? What if it was a 20% improvement? It’s a risk you can’t afford to miss.
A great offer is anything that could vastly outperform the risk. That’s why any good professional is always worth the risk because you could never pay them the value you pay them. It’s always a cheap investment which huge upside.
Q What tips would you give to sales people to improve their performance?
The most important is their desire to be great at what you do and to see yourself as someone who truly wants to help the consumer with their problem, not your solution. That will come up naturally if you sell correctly. The better you listen to the customer and learn to master and cater your solution around what they struggle with easier it will be to sell.
The easiest tip I would give is improve your listening skills. Don’t reply back quickly, let them know you care. Remember that in the information age people know they have options so listening better alone will instantly improve your sales.
Q Is there a common theme that most organisations miss in their sales departments?
One huge theme (among many) is learning what you really sell. Most people think it’s their product. If you sell insurance, for example, you think it’s insurance, not the peace of mind that creates an emotional bond with your solution. Really you’re selling an emotional solution to a problem that has a really deep emotional solution you solve. Your solution helps reduce their emotional and financial risk that makes your product compulsory and eliminates the competition effortlessly.
Your solution can be 2 times more expensive than the competition but if you reduce the personal and emotional risk in the transaction they are happy to pay for peace of mind. Who wants to go “cheap” for heart surgery with the cheapest doctor?
To sum it up: it’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell it and once you know how to sell cash-flow will be the least of your problems.