Organic products and non–organic products have been a subject of interest for me for a great amount of time because I have often questioned whether there really was a difference between the two types of products. I always wondered what the nutritional, economic, laborious, and pollution differences were, if any, in the creation of the two types of products. Through research, I have found several sources of information which allow me to determine more than a physical difference between the two. To start, labeling something as organic is specific and determined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The regulations set are extremely specific and it is relatively difficult to meet the standards. The more content...
The only exception to the use of organic ingredients is if they are not commercially available in organic form. This gives farmers the option to make their own organic ingredient or non–organic ingredient. The commercially unavailable ingredient is ignored when certifying the product as organic or non–organic (6). A problem that arises in the certification oforganic food is that there exists over 40 private organizations and state agencies that certify the production of food as organic. The standards for consideration of certification are still the same, but the requirements to receive the certification of an "organic" product may differ from agency to agency. For example, a pesticide may be approved by some agencies, while other agencies would prohibit it. This leads to some variance in the organic material a consumer purchases, and the product may turn out to be harmful to the individual (6). If the product fulfills the requirements of being organically made, then it qualifies for having the option to place the USDA organic label on the package. However, if the farmer does not wish to do so, the USDA organic label may not be placed on the crop or livestock. There is also an alternative in the labeling, where the product can be claimed to be "made with organic ingredients." The label certifies that the good was made with at least 70 percent organic ingredients (4, 1). The difficulty of producing organic products may Get
Comparison and Contrast Essay Basketball and soccer are two of the most played and enjoyable sports in the world. They both have professional leagues that attract millions of audience. People can watch both of them on television, but also play them for recreation and health. Basketball and soccer games are interesting, good for the body, and healthy, but they are also different in many ways. In both Soccer and Basketball the game is played with teams. Soccer has eleven players on the field at one for each team, whereas in basketball you only have five on the court for each team. (1) There are only five positions for a basketball games that includes two guards, two forwards, and one center.(1)
On the other hand, soccer has more content...
Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and white spots on it; basketball typically uses an orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete. These two sports are similar in many ways. People love basketball and soccer because it contains competitiveness. Both of these sports motivate people to stay healthy and fit. (2) Also both sports have one objective and that is to score more points than the opposing team to win games. (1)Every league has playoffs for the best teams to compete against each other. Competing in the playoffs will show the best team and the best team is rewarded with a championship trophy. In conclusion, soccer and basketball are good sports to play. Some might say basketball is only for tall people; however people of all heights can enjoy it if they put in the extra effort in any sport. Also some might say soccer leads to many injuries; nevertheless our technology is so advanced that it can help
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Compare and Contrast Essay By definition; love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love can be interrupted in many ways. Were we ever taught love or is it just a natural feeling towards a person? Some say you'll know the meaning of love when you fall in love, yet some don't believe in love at all.
The sculpture "LOVE" created by Robert Indiana and the sculpture "The Kiss" made by Auguste Rodin both share some of the same meanings behind the art work (Indianapolis Museum of Art) (Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture). A major similarity between the two is love; which attracts and speaks to people all around the world. Although they are spoken in different ways, they both have the idea of making love. Whether it more content...
This piece is also an abstract form of art and more modern the color is red and has a feeling of happiness and joy and you have the urge to feel love just by seeing it so large and up front. "LOVE" has always been placed out in the open demanding attention from a lot of people to see. "The Kiss" is more of a classic form of art and has been placed in more private areas. Although it has a distressing grey color "The Kiss" has more depth; the feeling of intimacy is strong and makes a statement. There are both similarities and differences in "The Kiss" and "LOVE". The emotion and meaning behind both are incredible, it shows and understands the meanings of love, lust, joy, and intimacy. Love can either be spelt out or expressed by action and is what both pieces show. Love can be interrupted in many ways, but there always has to be a kiss in love.
Works Cited
1.) "Love | Indianapolis Museum of Art." Love | Indianapolis Museum of Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. < /collections/artwork/love–robert–indiana>. 2.) Mr. Peterson. "Kiss vs Love." Scottsdale. 8 Oct. 1012. Lecture. 3.) "Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture." Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012.
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