Crescent Magazine - Believe in the Extraordinary

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FALL 2023


We’re dedicated to building a more equitable future for the Black community. To create stronger pathways toward economic success, we’re: • Committing $30 billion over five years to help close the racial wealth gap • Providing educational business programs and on-demand resources for entrepreneurs • Expanding wealth-building programs, tools and resources • Deepening our relationships with HBCUs, and expanding student development programs To learn more, visit


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Steve E. Ballard

Remembering Lewis Forever


CONTRIBUTORS Steve E. Ballard Dr. Kent L. Poindexter Hon. Charles H. Talbert


Christopher P. Fleming Ann Alphonse Studios

Conclave Houston 2023

Believe in the Extraordinary!


He’s a Sigma Man


Around The Regions

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Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-5294 (202) 726-5434

The Crescent Magazine is published twice annually by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Micheal E. Cristal International President


Cover photo by Bro. Otis Toussaint taken at the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority International Headquarters, Washington, DC.

Please send address changes to: The Crescent Magazine Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-5294

Fall 2023



LEADING THE MOVEMENT TO BELIEVE IN THE EXTRAORDINARY I’m standing in total grace, with sincere appreciation and brimming with excitement for my Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for re-electing me as the leader of this movement: a brotherhood focused on making a real impact on the communities we serve. I say, a thousand time, thank you! Conclave Houston was an opportunity to reconnect, rejuvenate and reunite the Brothers who came from near and far. I am so excited about a number of things that happened at Conclave…namely being entrusted for the next two years to lead this great brotherhood. As brothers know, I’m constantly thinking ahead and creating opportunities for our fraternity and being given another two years at the helm, affords me an opportunity to see through some of the plans our body has said they want to accomplish. I am encouraged by the trajectory of Phi Beta Sigma as we overwhelmingly adopted a strategic plan. I’ve often said when we switch presidents every two to four years, each leader brings with him, his own thoughts and plans. This strategic plan, hammered out during that special meeting in Philadelphia, really underscores my commitment to creating a BLUEprint for the fraternity’s wishes…despite who is at the helm. With record shattering attendance and support, Sigma Brothers, guests, corporate sponsors and vendors, loudly proclaimed that Conclave Houston was one for the history books. We offer a panoramic snapshot throughout the pages of this issue. And standing right by my side with over nearly 100 volunteers was Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant, International President and our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. True to the bond, the Blue & White family truly reflected the theme “Believing the Extraordinary” in Houston, Texas.



36th International President

This is the mantra that both administrations are guided by and this is the theme for this issue of The Crescent. These are exciting times for Sigma and Zeta and we invite every member to read and understand our commitment to making a real impact together. Enjoy! Chris V. Rey, J.D. International President


The Crescent Magazine


There is a new movement afoot in the family of Blue and White! This fresh development says that we will move with power and grace and bring all who want to be a part of a better situation along with us!! Social activist Whitney Young is quoted as saying, "Black Power simply means: Look at me, I'm here. I have dignity. I have pride. I have roots. I insist, I demand that I participate in those decisions that affect my life and the lives of my children. It means that I am somebody." Thank Sigma, for being somebody who is somebody and wants to exhibit that statement with force! Since 1914, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has been a symbol of power in our communities and on our campuses. We show the mightiness of unity through our Brotherhood. We evidence the capacity of education through our principle of Scholarship. We exemplify the energy of being humble through our Service to others. We were created through a concept of power that meant we really had something to herald and defend! It was a new thing, a fresh, inclusive development, but we understood that with that type of power comes great responsibility. What’s happening in Phi Beta Sigma in this day and time is extraordinary!! This incredible belief in what we, as a Fraternity, can accomplish as a unified source of influence and strength was on full display during Conclave Houston in July 2023. Between the Brotherhood and our corporate partners, both new and old, we coordinated efforts to show what Sigma service can do for a vast municipality, and we did it with resounding success. There is power in that effort and its outcome! Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity showed its strength through the continued use of our Black Spend Initiative, and the benefits of this endeavor spoke directly to the need for us to continue to support Black businesses everywhere. Our dollar has power! The Brotherhood demonstrated an incredible amount of force that can be applied through our academic principles in any venue and at any time. We are educated men who do not take that gift for granted. The Blue brain is resilient and more than competent; it is powerful! Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity will engage in this new movement through the concept of being a family. We have REAL sisters who stepped up and stood up with us in Houston, and together, we displayed kinfolk's power in times of turbulence and turmoil. We need family, and we have it! Our partnership with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is unique and extraordinary! It is powerful, and it cannot be denied. We encourage each and every Brother to take your place on this journey. There is room! This power has no cap and is not termlimited. You are here, you have roots, and you, as a man and Sigma, are somebody! You have power, and we are here to help you use it to benefit and bless others!

Honorable DARYL A.

ANDERSON International Executive Director

Fall 2023



THESE ARE EXTRAORDINARY TIMES By all accounts, the days in which we currently live are truly unprecedented, unbelievable and totally unassuming. Yet, at the same time, they are filled with amazing possibilities, promise and potential. Monitoring the daily news cycles can be wroth with angst and anxiety, considering the impact of our nation’s judicial and legislative branch’s decisions and behavior on our nation’s citizens. But I believe that, in spite of the power-and-party-over-the-people mantra, we are instilled with a divine power to rise above the chaos and continue the fight for basic human rights. It’s an extraordinary lift, but these are extraordinary times and I honestly believe that Sigma and Zeta are aptly positioned to navigate these times with steadfast leaders. Historically, linking Sigma and Zeta to address social concerns have proven that we’re stronger together. And collectively, our impact on the communities we serve will undoubtedly assist in making I get excited and motivated by the genuine and familial spirit that exudes from International Presidents Chris V. Rey and Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant. You will too as they, along with Vice Presidents David Turner and Gina Merritt-Epps, share the joint programmatic plan for regions, states and chapters to follow. Conclave Houston 2023 will be recorded in Phi Beta Sigma’s history as being totally in the extraordinary realm! By the thousands and thousands, Sigma Men and guests landed in Houston to “Believe in Our Power, Leading the Movement.” As the first convention postCOVID-19, the members were more than ready to celebrate and fellowship. This was the largest gathering in Conclave history, as the City of Houston was painted Blue and White for seven straight days. In this issue, we give you every exciting detail. It was said before, and I can surely say it now: these are great times to be a Phi Beta Sigma!




Steve E. Ballard Editor-In-Chief


The Crescent Magazine


REMEMBERING LEWIS FOREVER By Honorable Bro. Charles H. Talbert

Phi Beta Sigma Chapters are given countless opportunities through our programs of Bigger and Better Business, Social Action, and Education, along with youth sponsorship activity through Sigma Beta Clubs, to provide manpower, leadership, innovation and contributions to the Sigma master plan of providing “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.” Here is one such story. Thursday. March 3, 2022. The National Sigma Beta Club Foundation launched, via website press release, TOGETHER WE CAN, the Campaign to Commemorate Hon. Bro. John Lewis on a U.S. Postal Stamp.


The Crescent Magazine

The premise was direct and simple: a recommendation and plan to obtain letters of support to “issue a stamp in 2023 commemorating U.S. Congressman Honorable Bro. John Robert Lewis, his life, his work, and his legacy.” (NSBCF Website, The timing was ideal and appropriate, as the culmination of this campaign would coincide with the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington, which was scheduled for August 26, 2023. So, the Foundation, with the support of Phi Beta Sigma, launched TOGETHER WE CAN. The campaign, primarily electronic due to COVID-19, featured 4 letters of support: one for Sigmas, one for Sigma Betas, one for Divine 9 members, and one for non-NPHC members. You were to print out the appropriate letter, sign it, and then mail it to the United States Postal Board of Governors, to the attention of the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee. Based in part upon the number of support letters received, this body would determine who would be honored in the commemoration with their own stamp. Chapters and Sigma Beta clubs across the county were encouraged to embrace the campaign and to solicit support. To Upsilon Sigma Chapter, located in Chicago, Illinois, this looked like some GOOD TROUBLE to get into. Under the direction of chapter President Honorable Bro. Judge Carl Anthony Walker, the Social Action Committee mobilized to support the Foundation’s TOGETHER WE CAN campaign. Upsilon Sigma, realizing the importance of face-to-face solicitation, took the 4 letters and created a single, 2-sided letter that Brothers could walk with, obtain signatures, and then mail the letters in bulk to the Board of Governors. Upsilon Sigma hit the streets, setting up ‘letter-signing stations’ at various events over a few months. The chapter set up tables at: the 2022 Great Lakes Regional Conference in Rosemont, Illinois; the Chicago NPHC monthly meetings; the 2022 Bud Billiken Day Parade (the largest African-American community based parade in the county); and at various chapter events sponsored by Upsilon Sigma and other local chapters of Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. All who supported were excited to be a part of the campaign. Said GLR Coordinator of Sigma Beta Clubs, Bro. Dr. Liyongo Tolin, at the 2022 Great Lakes Regional Conference, “We appreciate Upsilon Sigma’s outstanding service and commitment to this

cause. I am a firsthand witness to the amazing contributions to this initiative.” And then GOOD TROUBLE . . . became BETTER TROUBLE. Upsilon Sigma reached out to the Brotherhood through the BluPrint, sending emails randomly to the BluPrint roster to assist in spreading the information and providing the 2-sided letter to other brothers for their use as well. Fast Forward. Tuesday. December 13, 2022. The U.S. Postal Service reveals additional stamps for 2023 – Today, the US Postal Service announced seven new stamp subjects for 2023, including Honorable Bro. John Lewis. “This stamp celebrates the life and legacy of civil rights leader and U.S. Rep. John Lewis (1940-2020) of Georgia. Devoted to equality and justice for all Americans, Lewis spent more than 30 years in Congress steadfastly defending and building on key civil rights gains that he had helped achieve in the 1960s. The stamp features a photograph of Lewis taken by Marco Grob on assignment for the August 26, 2013 issue of Time Magazine.” (https://about. Saturday, December 17, 2022. As Upsilon Sigma’s project manager for this social action activity, I penned a letter to the National Sigma Beta Club Foundation expressing Upsilon Sigma’s immense satisfaction with our participation and support for this project and in the outcome. I began with, “Brothers, we are a part of history AGAIN - and we should be proud, as Upsilon Sigma Chapter has worked diligently since

Fall 2023


March to help secure this spot in Sigma history and world history. Through self-monitoring and the work of Upsilon Sigma’s Social Action Committee, we can proudly say our diligence of support yielded 872 letters sent to the United States Postmaster General (actually more, but we were able to track 872 through the monitoring of our batch mailing)!! . . . We broke the Chicago barrier in cross-chapter support, working with brothers from Iota Phi Sigma, Nu Lambda Sigma, Pi Psi Sigma, Epsilon Upsilon Sigma and Omicron Alpha Sigma. And let us not forget our SORORS - the Chicago Chapters of Zeta Phi Beta were phenomenal in their support.” Upsilon Sigma Chapter distributed letters at chapter sponsored health fairs, blood drives, and even neighborhood festivals. We encouraged Brothers to get family members over 18 to sign-up and to canvass locally. The most EXUBERANT support we received came during the Bud Billiken Day Parade where parade participants, not necessarily familiar with Sigma, were TOTALLY ON BOARD to support a cause for Honorable Brother Lewis!!! Our condensed version of the international letter of support made it more manageable for mass distribution and because we took responsibility for mailing the letters to the Post Office committee, we could track the support of others in this process. Our breakdown of 872 letters was: Phi Beta Sigma Zeta Phi Beta Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Phi Alpha Delta Sigma Theta Iota Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Psi Omega Psi Phi Sigma Gamma Rho


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486 297 37 6 11 4 5 17 9


The letters sent in by chapter brothers independent of the Social Action Committee are not reflected in this total. Honorable Bro. Carl Anthony Walker was extremely pleased with the participation of Upsilon Sigma Chapter. In response to my letter to the Foundation, Honorable Bro. Walker responded, “I am extremely proud of Upsilon Sigma’s work here, and we thank you Social Action Committee for your diligent and consistent work in helping to obtain the U.S. Post Office Congressman John Lewis Commemorative Stamp. We appreciate our chapter effort!” As we all know, the campaign was a success, and the stamp has been issued. We received communication from Bro. Ian P. Heisser, National Sigma Beta Club Foundation President, “On behalf of the NSBC Foundation and our Sigma Betas, we thank you for partnering with this important initiative that was launched and driven by our Sigma Betas. Through partnership, we can always make a bigger impact . . . thanks again for the support!” Past is Prologue - July 18-23, 2017. At the 73rd Conclave of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. held in Detroit, Michigan, Bro. John R. Lewis was inducted into the Distinguished Service Chapter as DSC member #180. I was also inducted at that Conclave, DSC #181. While I never had the honor of meeting Hon. Bro. Lewis personally, I have lived through the benefits of his battles and accomplishment as he has been a true warrior, activist, and leader in the battle for civil rights for all. I, along with Upsilon Sigma Chapter, am honored to have contributed to his commemoration through this campaign, and indeed Honorable Bro. John R. Lewis will be remembered forever.


Since his election as the fraternity’s 36th International President on August 5, 2021, Honorable Chris V. Rey, JD has encouraged the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. to simply BELIEVE in what’s obtainable, achievable and possible when a focused and strategic plan is followed. Leading with the theme “Empowering Generations of Men to BELIEVE in Advocacy, Community Service, and Engagement”, the President has moved the Brotherhood toward accomplishing a series of milestones, thus setting the pace for what turned out to be a historic gathering for Conclave Houston. Sigma Men and guests from around the globe joined Conclave Houston 2023 in the city of Houston, Texas from July 11th – 16th at the Marriott Marquis Houston Hotel and George R. Brown Convention Center. President Rey’s vision and theme for this year’s conference was “Believe in Our Power, Leading the Movement. This event has been recorded as the largest conclave in Sigma’s history. The Executive Planning Team included President Rey, Bro. David Turner, Bro. William Frasier, Honorable Bro. Daryl A. Anderson, Sr., Bro. Steve E. Ballard, Bro. Damon Ray, Bro. Donald Naylor, Bro. Roderic Irby, Bro. Michael Murry, Bro. Joshua A. Busby, Bro. Reginald McCaskill, Bro. Stephen MillerPitts, Bro. Edmund Hardy and Bro. Jordan Morgan. Brother Victor Glover, celebrated NASA Astronaut and local Houstonian, served as the Honorary Conclave Chairman. Among the power players of Conclave Houston were the local Sigma Brothers representing 12 chapters, working collectively under the name “ One Houston”. Led by “Mr. Follow-Through” Brother Donald Naylor, President of Eta Rho Sigma, the brothers of Alpha Alpha Sigma, Alpha Beta Sigma, Alpha Sigma Sigma, Epsilon Kappa Sigma, Zeta Xi Sigma, Eta Rho Sigma, Sigma Theta Sigma, Delta Theta, Zeta Zeta, Xi Kappa, and Alpha Lambda Alpha chapters were overwhelmingly praised and acknowledged for the highest level of brotherhood, hospitality, volunteerism, communication, top-quality social functions and overall service. For five nights the local members sponsored a social scene unparalleled at past Conclaves and bar-setting for the future. The membership obtained early clues as to what was to be expected. The Early Bird registration maxed out for the host hotel within 48 hours after the initial registration launch in July 2022. Conclave Houston fever spread quickly, as eventually twelve hotels would be needed to house the registered attendees and guests. Upon arrival, the atmosphere was set for a Sigma takeover of Houston.

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MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023 Sigma leadership and International Headquarters staff began arriving on Saturday and Sunday for advance preparations for the week ahead. Some Sigma Brothers and guests arrived as early as Friday July 7th. There was no doubt that Phi Beta Sigma had arrived in the city. Welcome signs and digital video promotions flooded the George Bush Intercontinental Airport and William P. Hobby Airport, causing a steady stream of social media posts throughout the week. Houston’s City Hall was even lit up in Royal Blue signifying a city celebrating the presence of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity.

As IHQ staff and the contracted production and convention services companies began setting up, the SigmaPAC Bootcamp convened. The Executive Board and sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. also hosted the General Board Dinner.

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TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2023 The conference kicked-off with a health-conscious vibe. The Morning Fitness Booster: Wellness Walk and Run was led each morning by Brother Roland Seward, Self-Care Specialist of Mélange Wellness, followed by daily gathering in the Meditation Room. Formerly called the Sigma Marketplace, the special conference feature was elevated to The Sigma Exposition, as a record-setting 100+ businesses, institutions, corporate sponsors and service partners provided a wide variety of products, services, networking and employment opportunities. The Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony was led by President Rey, Bro. Glover, Erica Praileau (Miss International Phi Beta Sigma 2021), Bro. Curtiss Cook, actor and Nicole Streeter, Chair of the Greater Houston Black Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

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Final check-ins officially began as the lines of registrants began the process in the heavily branded Houston Ballroom Pre-Function area. There was absolutely no doubt that Phi Beta Sigma (temporarily) owned the Marriott Marquis Houston, the George R. Brown Convention Center and Hilton Americas Hotel. The Phi Beta Sigma brand was everywhere! The leadership team assembled for the General Board Meeting to complete the agenda of open items, followed by the U.S. Army’s Center of Influence Dinner. The evening concluded with the Sigma Hospitality Reception hosted by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2023 Over 100 golfers participated in the Annual Demetrius C. Newton Golf Classic, which teed-off at the Wildcat Golf Course in Houston.

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The Conclave was in full swing as conference attendees were buzzing on all levels. As the Standing Committees met to complete their tasks, the Billboard Jackson Entrepreneurial Competition and the Oratorical & Debate Competitions were underway.

New to this year’s schedule were General Sessions, which allowed Title and Platinum Level Corporate Sponsors and Service Partners to make special presentations to the entire Conclave. The U.S. Army and Good Health WINs presented valuable information to conference attendees at the launch of the informative session.

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The standing room only Life Members Luncheon featured Bro. Emmitt Smith, former NFL icon and businessman as its keynote speaker. The major event of the week was the official Opening Ceremony, hosted by Bro. Curtiss Cook, best known for his starring role in the Showtime series The Chi. The opening skit, performed by Bro. Charles Jones, Great Lakes Regional Director, Bro. Earl Gamble, Gulf Coast Regional Director and Hon. Bro. Theoplis Woodard, President, Distinguished Service Chapter, highlighted the fraternity’s achievements with creative portrayals of the Honorable Founders of Phi Beta Sigma.

Sylvester Turner, Mayor of Houston, Texas rendered a powerful welcome to the Sigma brothers and guests. Corporate sponsors J.P. Morgan Chase, Chevron and AARP also provided opening video messages. Awesome video greetings were provided by all NPHC Presidents, of which the following were in attendance: Willis Lonzer, General President, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; William Pruder, Southwest Province Polemarch of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity; Wendell Smith, Past 9th District Representative of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Elsie Cook-Holmes, National President/CEO, Delta 18 The Crescent Magazine

Sigma Theta Sorority; Rasheeda Liberty, International President, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority; and Donna Jones Anderson, President, National Pan Hellenic Council. Also gracing the stage for her official welcome was Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant, International President of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. In line with its ongoing commitment to supporting national organizations which advance African American lives and communities, the Fraternity provided gifts of $25,000 each to the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund and The St. Jude Children’s Research. Bro. Shawn Stockman, member of Boyz 2 Men, praised Phi Beta Sigma’s impact on community issues as the reason he chose to partner with the fraternity for Micah’s Voice, his family’s charity supporting autism research.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the organization’s coveted IMAGE Awards, which honor individuals for their stellar achievement in the areas of Business, Education and Social Action. The 2023 recipients were: Bro. Kenneth L. Jones, Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Equity Officer of The John D. and Catherine MacArthur Foundation for Business; Bro. Roderick Paige, former U.S. Secretary of Education in Education; and Bro. Devon Henry, CEO, Team Henry in Social Action.

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At the program’s culmination, the audience was invited to attend the President’s Reception and the Sigma Hospitality Reception was hosted by the women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority.

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THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 Donning their official Blue blazers, Sigma Brothers rose early to attend the Breakfast with the Candidates in anticipation of hearing the respective platforms of those those vying to serve as the next elected officers on the General Board. Immediately following the breakfast, Brothers would have one last opportunity to hear directly from the candidates at the Regional Caucuses.

Midday activities included a special Guest Luncheon hosted by Ms. Chrystal Lee, fiancé to President Chris Rey. Zeta Soror Karen Boykin-Towns, Vice Chair, NAACP, Board of Directors was the Luncheon Speaker.

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Plenary Session I opened with the official processional of the Past Presidents, Distinguished Service Chapter and General Board. The highlight of Plenary Session I was the election of the officers for the 2023-2025 General Board. Elected to lead the fraternity for the next two years were: President Chris V. Rey. J.D. First Vice President David A. Turner Second Vice President

Ethan McLean

Treasurer William Frasier Legal Counsel Kennedy Barnes

22 The Crescent Magazine

Director of Bigger & Better Business

Terrance Gibson

Director of Education

Dr. Emmanuel Rowe

Director of Social Action

Malwan Johnson

Director of Collegiate Affairs

Monaleto Irby

Collegiate Member-at-Large 1

Arness Georgetown

Collegiate Member-at-Large 2

Vanderbilt Thompson

After completion of the first Plenary Session, brothers and guests were able to enjoy the evening with party options. Two All-White Parties provided an atmosphere of good food, good music and great fun. Those residing in the Marriott Marquis Hotel enjoyed the famous Texas-shaped pool side party and cookout, while everyone also had the option of partying in the air-conditioned Pre-Function area of the Texas Ballroom. Additionally, the women of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority hosted the Sigma Welcome Reception.

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FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 On Friday morning a large delegation of Sigma Brothers rose early to participate in the Omega & Rededication Ceremonies, with General Session II commencing with presentations by Brother Victor Glover, Isabella Casillas Guzman, Administrator, Small Business Administration and Roslyn Y. Daniels, President, Black Health Matters immediately following the ceremonies. The International Awards Luncheon recognized the fraternity’s commitment to programmatic achievements of the organization’s top performing chapters. Honorable Brother Micheal E. Cristal, 35th International President provided remarks as a corporate sponsor for the event, representing the newly launched The Cristal Foundation. The International Awards recipients for Conclave 2023

BIGGER AND BETTER BUSINESS PROGRAM Alumni Chapters of the Year ALPHA ALPHA THETA SIGMA, Pensacola, FL SIGMA ZETA SIGMA, Tacoma, WA Collegiate Chapter of the Year

ALPHA PI, Fort Valley State University, Ft. Valley, GA

Collegian of the Year

BRO. MARCUS BOYD, Rho Tau, George Mason University

Alumni of the Year BRO. MICHAEL HARVEY, Alpha Delta Sigma, Kansas City, MO BRO. BEN ALSTON, Kappa Beta Sigma, Brooklyn, NY

SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAM Alumni Chapter of the Year

ZETA NU SIGMA, Western Region

Collegiate Chapter of the Year

BETA THETA, Southwestern Region

Collegian of the Year

BRO. KY’LIK RICH, Beta Theta

Alumni of the Year BRO. DEVON HENRY, Iota Sigma, Richmond, VA

EDUCATION PROGRAM Teacher of the Year BRO. TALVEN PEARSELL, Zeta Sigma, Baltimore MD BRO. JEREMY SPEAKS, Eta Rho Sigma, Huntsville, TX BRO. DR. PHILLIP COCKRELL, Gamma Alpha Sigma, Cleveland, OH

Program Director Special Award





1st PLACE BRO. CLINT R. BIGGS Nu Iota Sigma, Bolivar, TN







BRO. AVERY WELLS, Bowling Green, KY



Zeta Kappa - University of Florida

Epsilon Theta - Western Kentucky University

24 The Crescent Magazine



Oklahoma City, OK







Lemoyne-Owen College


RHO PSI SIGMA, Okinawa, Japan – 7,633 Miles

BETA ZETA CHAPTER, Lemoyne-Owen College



TAU CHI SIGMA, Bronx, NY – 54 members



International Director of Bigger and Better Business BRO. MALWAN JOHNSON

International Director of Social Action


OLDEST SIGMA AT CONCLAVE (in service years) HON. BRO. CHARLES W. MOORE – 75 years

Lambda Sigma, Atlanta, GA

Plenary Session II reconvened the business agenda of the organization. Congratulations to the newly inducted esteemed members of the Alain LeRoy Locke Scholars Honors Chapter: #25 ZACHARY JOHNSON – Eastern Region

#32 KAMARI WEST – Southern Region

#26 CALEB FLOYD – Great Lakes Region

#33 BAKARI JACKSON – Southeastern Region

#27 HUNTER LESTELLE – Great Lakes Region

#34 AHMAD JOYNER – Southeastern Region

#28 CHRISTOPHER SCOTT – Great Lakes Region

#35 GIANNI ROGERS – Southeastern Region

#29 MARIO DUNHAM – Gulf Coast Region

#36 D’ANGELQUEAT WARREN – Southwestern Region

#30 OMAR EL HAMDANI – Southern Region

#37 AMARI JACKSON – Western Region

#31 MALCOLM WALKER – Southern Region

The Conclave 2023 Inductees into the Distinguished Service Chapter are: #201












The evening events showcased college members and guests during the Miss International Phi Beta Sigma Pageant and the International Step Show Competition. All seven regions were represented, as talented women competed for the title of Miss International Phi Beta Sigma 2023. The pageant was hosted by Brother Joshua A. Busby, International Director of Collegiate Affairs and Soror Karen Boykin-Towns. Representing the seven regions were:

Joy Watson

Kiria Braden

Miss Eastern Region

Miss Great Lakes Region

26 The Crescent Magazine

Ja’Merika Johnson

Trinity McNeil

Kensia Saint-Hilaire Kimberly Smith

Kya Thompson

Miss Gulf Coast Region

Miss Southeastern Region

Miss Southern Region

Miss Western Region

Miss Southwestern Region

The pageant culminated with the crowning of Joy Watson as Miss International Phi Beta Sigma 2023.

Hosted by Brother Dennis “Shaheed The Swagnificent” Latimer with DJ Spark on the turntable, the International Step Show was hyped from the start! All seven regions presented their best chapters to perform. The surprise winner of the night was Gamma Beta Chapter at Alabama State University, Southern Region. Fall 2023 27

The party continued as the women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority hosted the Sigma Hospitality Reception, and many conference-goers attended the official “Welcome to H-Town Party” hosted by One Houston.

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SATURDAY JULY 15, 2023 ,

Plenary Session III completed the final agenda items as last-minute sales at the Sigma Exposition became a priority. The final events were held, which led to preparation of the closing event, The Grand Orchid Gala. Predominately dressed in white tuxedo jackets, over 4,000 Sigma brothers and their special guests filled Exhibit Halls C & D in the convention center to celebrate the success of Conclave Houston.

Bro. Blair Underwood, actor, representing AARP, served as host for the evening’s first hour. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee presented a proclamation to President Rey and special recognition was given to Honorable Brother Charles Moore, Treasurer Emeritus, to celebrate his approaching his 100th Birthday. Fall 2023 29

The newly inducted Honorary Members were introduced to the gathering: Maxwell Alejandro Frost, U.S. Representative-D-FL; VaShawn Mitchell, gospel recording artist; Bishop Hezekiah Walker, Pastor and gospel recording artist; Ed Dwight, Sculptor and former NASA Astronaut; William Stanford Davis, actor; and Benjamin Alvin Drew, Jr., NASA Astronaut. R&B songstress, Ledisi serenaded the audience with a full concert performance, followed by an impromptu performance of “Nobody Greater” by newly inducted Honorary Member VaShawn Mitchell. What seemed as an endless parade of Sigma Men, brothers lined up by the decades for the traditional Grand March, culminated by the introduction of the newly elected and installed General Board 2023-2025. As the Brotherhood circled the entire Exhibit Hall, with arms linked left-over-right, the members lifted their voices and sang “Our Cause Speeds On Its Way”, the fraternity hymn. The closing event lasted until the last couple danced to the music of the house band.

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SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2023 Hon. Brother Rey chaired the Post General Board Meeting and introduced new cabinet appointees for approval. The gavel was struck for the closing of Conclave 2023 Houston, Texas.


SIGMA’S COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY SERVICE Phi Beta Sigma makes it a priority have a direct impact in the communities of cities where Conclaves are convened. This year Conclave Houston attendees and guests supported Phi Beta Sigma’s partnership with the American Red Cross through the Conclave Blood Drive, entitled “Help Save a Life – Give the Gift of Blood.” For four consecutive days, conference attendees gave blood in the Sigma Exposition.

The Social Action Team in collaboration with The Distinguished Service Chapter (DSC) spearheaded the official Conclave Service Project entitled “Teddy Bears & Ties”. Registered Conclave participants donated stuffed Teddy Bears. The donations were presented to the Texas Children’s Hospital, located on the Texas Medical Center campus in Houston, TX. The facility is the largest children’s hospital in the U.S., with 973 beds. Attendees were also requested to donate neckties, which were presented to Career Gear, a national non-profit organization, whose mission is to inspire resilience in men to overcome employment barriers through career development and professional attire.

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DISTINGUISHED FOR THEIR LIFELONG ACHIEVEMENT IN THE FRATERNITY & THE COMMUNITY Two major fraternity initiatives were approved and implemented at the 1929 Conclave. The first was considered the “highest honor” the fraternity could bestow on a member of the fraternity, a “key” for distinguished service. Suggested by Past President and Charter member, Honorable Bro. I.L. Scruggs, and modeled after the distinguished scholar key of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, as well as recognition reminiscent of the honors municipalities often bestowed on dignitaries for their worthy accomplishments when visiting a city, state or nation, the key to “Sigmadom” would be bestowed upon Sigma men, who demonstrate exemplary work to the fraternity and outstanding accomplishments to the greater society at large. With this key, these members would open the key to the door of the most exclusive chapter in the fraternity, called the Distinguished Service Chapter.

DSC #201 HONORABLE BROTHER JOSHUA A. BUSBY Brother Busby was born in Oklahoma City, OK and graduated high school from Northeast Academy of Health Sciences and Engineering in 2002. He attended Langston University on a full academic scholarship and joined Phi Beta Sigma via the Beta Epsilon chapter on April 8, 2003. He was elected Chapter President in December 2003. Joshua graduated in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture Business with a minor in Natural Resources Management, and relocated to Bloomington, IN to pursue a graduate degree. He transferred to Xi Sigma for two years as he resided in Indiana. In 2006, he became the chapter advisor of the Epsilon Iota Chapter at Indiana University. In 2008, Joshua received his Master of Public Affairs degree from Indiana University and returned to Oklahoma City. He began working at Langston University in the Office of Financial Aid as the Coordinator of Counseling. Joshua transferred to Delta Beta Sigma and was appointed State Director of Bigger and Better Business in 2008 and graduate advisor to Beta Epsilon. In 2010, Joshua was appointed Regional Director of Education for Southwestern Region. In 2011, he was promoted to the Annual Giving Officer in the Division of Institutional Advancement and External Affairs at Langston University. Joshua was elected First Vice Regional Director of the Southwestern Region in 2012. The same year he was elected Vice President of Delta Beta Sigma, and then President in 2013.

In 2014, Joshua was elected the 21st Southwestern Regional Director, the youngest in the region’s history. Professionally, in August of 2016, he was promoted to Director of Student Life and three months later became the Dean of Students and Chief Student Affairs Officer at Langston University, in which he still serves in the capacity, and provides oversight to the Office of Student Life, Residential Life and Housing Services, Counseling Center, Student Health Services, Judicial Affairs as well as the Langston University Police Department. Under his leadership as Regional Director, the region’s infrastructure was enhanced to include a 501c3 fundraising entity allowing the region to raise private dollars and invest those dollars back into the region for the benefit of the brotherhood. In 2018, Bro. Busby was named a Deputy Chief of Staff to the 35th International President, Honorable Micheal E. Cristal. At Conclave 2019 in Las Vegas, he was elected International Director of Collegiate Affairs and re-elected in 2021 at Conclave Myrtle Beach. Joshua has received numerous awards within the fraternity, as well as in the community and his profession, but his greatest honor is being married to Kamisha, a proud member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, and being the father of two daughters, Cobie (former Archonette) and Kara (current Archonette) and a son, Joshua II (current Sigma Beta).

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DSC #202 HONORABLE BROTHER CHARLES EARL ELLIS, JR. Honorable Brother Ellis was born in Florissant, MO in September 1972. The oldest of three siblings, from an early age, he was particularly interested in mathematic. It was in high school when he took his first accounting courses and leaned towards that profession for his eventual career. Charles graduated from Hazelwood West High School in June 1990, graduating in the top 40% of his class, and earned a four-year scholarship to attend the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO. He majored in accounting and participated in various organizations such as Legion of Black Collegians and Minorities Involved in Negotiating Decisions. He also founded the National Association of Black Accountants (now NABA, Inc.) Student Chapter at the University of Missouri. He was initiated into the Fraternity through the Eta Gamma Chapter on March 23, 1993. Ellis graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting in August 1994. After working in Missouri’s state capital of Jefferson City for the State Auditor’s office for two years, Bro. Ellis returned to UofM in pursuit of an MBA degree

in August 1996 and joined Kappa Sigma chapter in St. Louis. While attending graduate school, working as a bank teller and serving as an on-air personality at a public radio station, Charles served as a Graduate Advisor to the Eta Gamma chapter, and later, the Area Director. Bro. Ellis worked in various capacities as an accountant and auditor in several industries including the medical, automotive, finance, higher education, defense and aerospace over the next 20 years. He continued to serve Sigma on the local, regional, and national levels and was elected as mayor of Greendale, Missouri from 2007-2011. His most recent service to the Fraternity includes Southwestern Regional Treasurer, and the 29th International Treasurer. He is the director of the Fiscal Control Department in the St. Louis Public Schools, where he monitors activity of the accounting, accounts payable and inventory control functions of the school district. He also serves as Treasurer for the City of Normandy, MO.

DSC #203 HONORABLE BROTHER PHILLIP HUBBARD, III Honorable Brother Hubbard grew up in Lubbock, Texas and later moved to Long Beach, California, where his family joined the New Hope Baptist Church, where he began to learn the true meaning of the phrase, “it’s better to given than to receive.” At New Hope his family spent countless hours feeding and clothing the less fortunate. Phillip enrolled at the University of California-Los Angeles. As a scholar student he was introduced to the Special Olympics, served as an advocate for students and civil rights, and worked directly with the UCLA football coaching staff to assist in the academic development of minority student athletes. He established a course specific tutorial program for athletes, which is still in place today. Phillip is a 1981 charter member of the Nu Delta chapter at UCLA. After graduation, Hubbard joined the Phi Beta Sigma Alumni Chapter and served as graduate advisor

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to Nu Delta. He went on the be one the seven charter members of Alpha Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter of the Inland Empire. Bro. Hubbard began his professional career in the enforcement branch of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, where he quickly ascended to Supervising Case Disposition Investigator in the Legal department. His many career achievements include: being the first investigator to have a million-dollar settlement over a major oil company; supervised and managing one of the largest settlements in the history of the agency, $82 million; and promotion to Air Quality Analysis and Compliance Supervisor. His commitment to Sigma includes serving as Parliamentarian, Area Director, Vice Director and the 28th Director of the Western Region. He serves on the Board of Directors for Citizens of Change.

DSC #204 HONORABLE BROTHER MARTIN ROY EDMONDS Honorable Brother Edmonds was born in Tillery, NC and raised in Bronx, NY. After graduating from Evander Childs High School in the Bronx, Roy attended electrical and engineering school in Manhattan, NY, and later matriculated to Florida Memorial College (FMC) in Miami, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration. While at FMC he was extremely active and became a member of the fraternity through the Beta Pi chapter. He served as chapter president, vice president, chapter business manager, Chairman of fundraising, NPHC President and step master. After graduation Bro. Edmonds transferred to Rho Sigma Chapter, served as Graduate Advisor to Beta Pi and Lambda Tau Chapters and chartered the chapter’s Sigma Beta Club. He’s been the SBC Coordinator, chapter president, vice president and corresponding secretary for Rho Sigma. Roy has served as President of the NPHC of Miami, Southern Regional Director of Protocol, and State Director for the National Pan Hellenic Council. He served as Southern Regional Director to Phi Beta Sigma from 2016 through 2020. He is currently

a Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of the Public Relations Division to the Honorable Chris V. Rey, JD – 36th International President. Professionally, Bro. Edmonds has worked in a myriad of professions. In 1983, Edmonds joined MiamiDade County Information Technology Department, where he taught classes on computer programming languages: SAS, COBOL, PL1, AS and Job Control Language. He supervised the technical support team for the county’s elected officials and managed a 5.5-million-dollar budget. Noble Roy Edmonds is affiliated with Karzah Temple #149 – Prince Hall Shrines and a Charter member of David L. Wright Consistory #411 – 32nd and 33rd Degree Masons. He also held the positions of Junior Deacon, Senior Deacon, Junior Warden, Senior Warden, an currently Worshipful Master for Masonic Realm of San Salvador Lodge #603. He’s married to Zeta Soror Andrica and they have five children, Brandon, Malik (Sigma Brother), Tiphani, Martinique (Zeta Soror) and Arriel (Zeta Soror).

DSC #205 HONORABLE BROTHER JOHN EARL WHITE Honorable Brother White was raised in Itta Bena, MS, attended Leflore County High School and received a full scholarship to Alcorn State University, where he enrolled in the Fall of 1981. He joined the “Sounds of Dy-no-Mite” Marching Band, Peb Band, Jazz and Concert Band and student government. He was also active in the Catholic Student Union Organization, Yearbook Staff, Kappa Alpha Mu Honor Society, President of Alcorn NPHC and elected Senior Class President. In Fall 1982 John joined the Alpha Zeta chapter. A month preceding graduation, John received an offer to join Marriott Management Services in Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD. He became Food Production Manager at Johns Hopkins Hospital and in 18 months relocated to Winston Salem, NC, where he became Retail Operations Manager for North Carolina Baptist Hospitals with Marriott Healthcare in 1986. While in WinstonSalem, he joined the Delta Sigma chapter and was eventually elected as its Vice President.

John relocated to Louisville, KY. While in Louisville he joined the Epsilon Beta Sigma chapter and became President of the chapter and graduate advisor to several chapters in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and State Director. He also served on several Boards of Directors, but his career took him to Detroit and a promotion to Vice President with Sodexo in 2009. In 2017 Brother White returned to the DC area to serve as Operations Vice President for the Mid-Atlantic Region at Sodexo and was promoted to Senior Vice President in 2021. He joined the Sigma Sigma Sigma chapter and became its President in 2021. Brother White has served as National Director of Sigma Beta Clubs, International Director of Social Action, Director of Sigma Leadership Academy, Chairman of Sigma Executive Leadership Council and several appointed positions since 1992. He has one daughter Nila Diana.

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DSC #206 HONORABLE BROTHER JAMES D. STEPHENS Honorable Brother Stephens, affectionately known as “Chewey”, was born and raised in Aliquippa, PA and graduated from the Aliquippa High School. He enrolled at Penn State University in 1977 and transferred to Wilberforce University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Care Administration in 1984. On the campus of Wilberforce, Bro. Stephens rejuvenated the Alpha Alpha Chapter and served as Vice President and President. He served with a level of distinction quickly elevating the chapter as the most prestigious organization on the campus. He also chartered Rho Nu at the University of Detroit-Mercy and Nu Alpha Sigma in metro Detroit, MI. On the state level of Michigan, Bro. Stephens served as Treasurer, Vice Director and finally as State Director for three years.

Brother Stephens served at the regional level as the Great Lakes Regional Director of Collegiate Affairs and became Regional Director in 2002. Under his leadership, the region was able to maintain a ranking as the fraternity’s third largest region. Professionally, Bro. Stephens worked for the Department of Defense for 38 years until his retirement as Assistant Product Manager for Army Project Office Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles. He also retired from the U.S. Air Force with over 20 years of military service in Logistics. Bro. Stephens has been a member of New Welcome Missionary Baptist Church, serving faithfully on the Usher Board. He is married to Vernell and they have five sons, Brandon, Stephon, Carlton (Sigma Brother), Ian and Brian and seven grandchildren.


OUR HONORARY MEMBERS Honorary Membership has been a part of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity since four faculty members were invited to join at Howard University in 1914. Over the years the fraternity has welcomed into its Brotherhood some of the nation’s most esteemed and revered leaders from around the world. This year, six stellar role models accepted the invitation to join the ranks of Sigma Men.

WILLIAM STANFORD DAVIS An award-winning, classically trained actor, William Stanford Davis is a veteran of both stage and screen with close to 100 credits. The St. Louis, Missouri native is currently receiving rave reviews for his performance as the cantankerous yet lovable janitor Mr. Johnson on the hit ABC series Abbot Elementary. He has a recurring role on Apple TV+ as Coach Max on the sports series Swagger, based on Kevin Durant’s youth basketball playing experience with the AAU circuit. Davis was born and raised in St. Louis, MO and attended Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO. In a career filled with many highlights, Davis also earned an Emmy Award as part of the cast of The Movement. On stage, Davis was honored with the Ovation Nomination for Best Supporting Actor in the 2006 Actors Studio Production of August Wilson’s Fences. He also performed in the musical production North on South Central, which won five NAACP Theatre Awards in 2004. Davis has spent more than 15 years mentoring the next generation of talent at both his own company, the William Stanford Davis Acting Class masterclass, and at the Actors Studio, where he is a lifetime member. 36 The Crescent Magazine

BENJAMIN ALVIN DREW, JR. Colonel Benjamin Alvin Drew is a United States Air Force officer and a former NASA astronaut. During his NASA career he flew on two missions: the Space Shuttle mission STS-118 to the International Space Station in August 2007 and in March 2011 on STA-133 he went to the International Space Station. During his time on the station he took two walks in space. Drew is a command pilot with over 3,000 hours flying time and has operated over 30 types of aircraft. He retired from the Air Force in September 2010, after more than 25 years of service. In October 2020, Drew co-founded the Patti Grace Fellowship, a branch of the Brooke Owens Fellowship which provides resources for African American undergraduate students pursuing careers in aerospace. Drew was born in Washington, D.C., and spent his early years in Lanham, MD. He recalls having a desire to be a pilot as early as four years old. He earned a dual B.S. degree in physics and astronautical engineering from the United States Air Force Academy, a Master of Science degree in aerospace science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and a Master’s degree in political science from the Air War College.

ED DWIGHT A man whose professional has managed success in several career fields, including being the first African American Astronaut candidate. Ed Dwight is a former Air Force test pilot. He has worked for: IBM as a Computer Systems Engineer; Aviation consultant; restaurateur; Real estate developer and a construction entrepreneur. Edward Joseph (Ed) Dwight, Jr. is the definition of a true renaissance man, having succeeded in these varied careers. Since 1978 he has focused on a career in creating paintings and sculptures, large-scale memorials and public art works, for which his has received global recognition. Born in 1933 in the racially segregated Kansas City, KS area, Dwight enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1953 and earned a commission as an Air Force second lieutenant in 1955. While training to become a test pilot, Dwight attended night classes at Arizona State University. In 1957, he graduated cum laude with a B.S. in aeronautical engineering and earned the rank of captain while serving in the Air Force. In 1961, the head of the Aerospace Research Pilot School (ARPS), an Air Force program which sent some of its graduates into the Astronauts Corps, was told “Bobby Kennedy wants a colored in space. Get one into your course.” Dwight’s selection for the Air Force program garnered international attention. Dwight proceeded to Phase II of ARPS, but for reasons unknown, was not selected by NASA to be an astronaut.

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After resigning, Dwight’s artistic interest in sculpting and learning about Black historical icons grew after Colorado’s first black lieutenant governor commissioned him to create a statue for the state building in 1974. He has been recognized the world over, for his innovative use of negative space in sculpting. After a series of nationally recognized commissioned sculptures, including the “Black Frontier in the American West”, he created a series of more than seventy bronze sculptures at the St. Louis Arch Museum entitled “Jazz: An American Art Form.” Dwight owns and operates Ed Dwight Studios, based in Denver, which is open to the public.

MAXWELL ALEJANDRO FROST Maxwell Alejandro Frost is a social justice activist and musician serving as the United States Representative for Florida’s 10th Congressional District. Elected at age 25, Frost is the first member of Generation Z to serve in the United States Congress. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the national organizing director for March for Our Lives. He serves on the Committee on Oversight and Accountability and the Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Frost has been organizing since 2012, when he was active with the Barack Obama 2012 presidential campaign. He also volunteered with the Newtown Action Alliance, an organization created in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. He has recognized Occupy Wall Street, the Columbine High School massacre, the killing of Trayvon Martin, and the Orlando nightclub shooting as events that shaped his thinking. He was also an organizer with the American Civil Liberties Union.

VASHAWN MITCHELL Hailed as Gospel music’s connector, VaShawn Mitchell has spent a career being the promoter for established and emerging artists, the energetic, creative source for artists both as a writer, and producer all while charting a path of his own as an exceptional talent. Combining impassioned lyrics, and stellar musicianship, Mitchell has cultivated a hallmark sound which is affirming, inspiring and makes for spiritually powerful songs. Born and raised in Harvey, IL, a suburb of Chicago, he has a degree in Psychology. Mitchell’s music continues to evolve since the release of his career-defining hit, Nobody Greater, that provided him the opportunity to reach beyond the walls of the church to the next generation. The single was the most played gospel song of 2011, appearing for 9 weeks on Billboard’s Gospel charts. 38 The Crescent Magazine

The multiple Grammy, Dove and Stellar Award winner and nominee and songwriter started the Norman Youth and Arts Foundation, named in memory of his grandfather. The Foundation sponsors youth camps for the arts in the Chicago area. Mitchell is one of the only gospel artists who serves as an active spokesperson with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Foundation.

BISHOP HEZEKIAH WALKER Gospel singer, composer, and choir director Hezekiah Walker is a multiple Grammy, NAACP Image and Stellar award-winning artist in gospel music. Since the late 1980s the songs created by Walker and The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir have become multi-generational staples. Bishop Hezekiah Walker is the visionary, founder and Senior Pastor of the Love Fellowship Tabernacle Churches in Brooklyn, NY and Bensalem, PA. Pastor Walker shepherds a growing and multi-cultural flock of members varying in age, race and socio-economic backgrounds. Born and raised in Brooklyn in the tumultuous Fort Greene public housing projects, he has risen to build and lead one of the greatest ministries in the Northeast. Walker attended Long Island University, majoring in Sociology. He also attended Hugee Theological Institute, and the New York School of the Bible. He became a bishop in the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith in 2008, and transferred to the Pentecostal Churches of Jesus Christ, where he became the Presiding Prelate in 2010.

Hezekiah Walker Ministries is one of the most unique ministries of the current generation. Due to the favor of God and the overwhelming success of HWM, many pastors and churches have become a part of the latest HWM venture, Covenant Keepers International Fellowship a fellowship of churches throughout the USA and in South Africa. Through television programs, revival meetings, books, magazines, the web and local church outreaches, HWM is spreading the Gospel of Jesus in a way that is reaching people and changing the lives of many around the world. In 2007, HWM was blessed to launch the Hezekiah Walker Show-Afternoon Praise weekdays on New York’s only 24-hour gospel radio station, 1190 WLIB. Fall 2023 39

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As an international association of college-educated men founded in 1914 with the idea of enhancing the communities of our origin, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has remained committed to this mission 109 years later. However, the fraternity acknowledges that in the 21st century, the work required to improve our communities – making them places where people are healthy, safe, and viable contributors to society, – cannot be done alone. The ability to partner effectively with other organizations is absolutely essential to doing “the work” of building healthy communities. Since 1920, Phi Beta Sigma has been fortunate to have developed a unique partnership with a like-minded organization, both with the goal of addressing social issues within the African American community. Whether the challenge is to champion civil or women’s rights, reducing violence, or advocating for voting equity, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has elevated the culture by demonstrating its commitment to deliver community service as the sister organization to Phi Beta Sigma. In 2022, the International Presidents of Sigma and Zeta recommitted both organizations to continuing their collaborative efforts of rendering mission-driven community service around the globe. The Crescent was recently afforded the opportunity to inquire about the programmatic focus of the collaborative efforts of the respective administrations. In this issue, those plans are presented by International President Hon. Brother Chris V. Rey, J.D. and International President and CEO Dr. Stacie NC Grant. THE CRESCENT (TC): Over the last 103 years, together, Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta have made a significant imprint on the history of our nation and the globe. As current leaders of both organizations, what is the joint vision to continue making an impact during this administration?

NPHC (Divine 9) Council of Presidents. The work we have accomplished as a council has heightened our commitment as leaders to showcasing the BOND and our vision to “Believe in the Extraordinary!”

CHRIS REY (CR): You know, as the only constitutionally bound fraternity and sorority, we understand the full intentions of our Founders and the continued call to action for us to work collaboratively in our impact across the globe. So, when you ask about our joint vision, first and foremost, we are committed to honoring the vision of our Founders and answering the call in our collective administrations to amplify the power in the family unit.

CR: Then we look to build on ways to partner at the international level to strengthen our social bond and highlight the family aspect of Sigmas and Zetas across the world. For example, on the continent of Africa we both have chapters that provide water holes for villages. We all know that water is life and providing it for families can be the difference between life and death. Imagine the humanitarian impact if we joined together to provide more water systems in remote villages. We could leverage our economic influence to change the lives of thousands.

DR. STACIE NC GRANT (SG): My Brothers, my Brothers, my Brothers! Brother President, I love how you speak about honoring our legacy collectively and amplifying the power in our family unit. So, when we look at opportunities to strengthen the “BOND”, we have to view it from numerous angles. How can we use our joint resources to combat social justice issues in ways that transcend activation, education and participation? We have the pleasure of serving on the

SG: Showcasing our Blue & White family unit’s collaboration and collective economic impact will give us opportunities to develop resources and access for the communities we serve around issues like health and environmental justice. By creating these avenues of defined collaborations, we easily build efforts that can increase resources for our youth mentoring programs by having innovative approaches to cross collaborative initiatives. Our administrations absolutely

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understand the call to action of the current times and we as leaders are motivated to expand our joint global impact by working together strategically. TC: These are critical times for America overall and communities of color in particular. What social action efforts will Sigma and Zeta address jointly to support the wellbeing of the communities served by the organizations? SG: Some of our existing social action efforts include voter registration drives, but we don’t want to stop at getting more voters in booths. We also desire to have voters be more educated on the issues that impact our community and society at large. Informed voters are the lifeblood of grassroot movements, and Zeta and Sigma’s joint social action efforts aimed at influencing change and empowering voters to use their collective voices is a call to action. At Zeta’s 2022 Boule, the Sisterhood voted to establish a nonprofit 501(c)4 affiliate entity to allow for legislative advocacy which would impact change in the communities of color. In this manner, Zeta can engage lobbyists and other forms of supportive methods to champion federal, state and local laws that protect and uplift our communities. Zeta is also seeking to establish a Political Action Committee (PAC) in the near future, which would provide financial funding to support worthy political candidates. We especially encourage our Sigma Brothers and Zeta Sorors to run for political office. CR: Let me start by commending the work that our Sigma Social Action team has been doing during my administration, led by our International Director of Social Action Brother Malwan Johnson. The civic engagement of Sigmas and Zetas is at an all-time high. We collectively have committed ourselves, along with the other Divine 9 presidents, to champion civic engagement and involvement across our organizations in a concentrated effort. This is shown

through the efforts of advocating together during our Fraternity Days on the Hill, held for the past two years. Specifically, what we can continue to do is partner across the country in state houses for joint Blue & White Legislative Days. We can increase our C4 engagement by collaborating with our Political Action Committees. Listen--we must absolutely hold onto our history that is under attack in many states. It is critical that we leverage our time, talents and treasuries to protecting our people’s history, by supporting causes such as Freedom to Learn. We also need to create economic ecosystems to encourage more Sigma and Zeta members to run for political office. SG & CR: The truth of the matter is we are stronger together. We have to find ways to partner and show our collective power in every industry. When you have the sitting President of the United States repeat that he knows the power of the Divine 9, we have to seize this moment in time. We have no choice but to sit at the table and ensure that we push the envelope through social action, not only for our current members but for the ones who will analyze our efforts in this fight in the future. We have decided that our narrative will be one of unity and change. As we like to say: “Believe in the Extraordinary!” TC: Phi Beta Sigma has recently taken special interest in critical issues affecting women and women of color. How does Zeta Phi Beta benefit from and engage in those critical issues? CR: As we focus on our “Building Strong Fathers Program,” the men of Sigma recognize the critical need to stand in solidarity with black women and address the systemic health disparities that they face. Sadly, the United States currently holds the unfortunate distinction of having the highest maternal mortality rate amongst developed nations. Shockingly, Black women are disproportionately affected by this crisis, experiencing rates far higher than other racial groups. Fall 2023 45

As the brother organization to Zeta Phi Beta, which is predominantly composed of Black women, we feel a deep responsibility to speak out and be a voice for those who are too often overlooked. We are acutely aware of the significant health disparities that Black women face, and we are committed to doing our part to bridge the gap for them and all people of color. We believe that every woman deserves access to quality healthcare, regardless of their race or socioeconomic status. By prioritizing the health and wellbeing of Black women, we can work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

Through these channels, we have been able to develop programming and initiatives that solidify the meaning and impact of our bond - both domestically and abroad. While our Sigma/Zeta Liaison focuses on domestic efforts, we have also established liaisons in each of our international chapters, including Ghana, South Korea, and Liberia. We understand that true strength lies in numbers, and we aim to maximize the power of joint visibility as we showcase to the world the power of our Bond.

SG: For Zeta, 2023 is the Year of International Women Advocating for Health Justice at home and abroad as we embrace Service Worldwide Wellness, Extraordinary Leadership & Legacy (SWELL). Understanding that health is our true wealth, we are amplifying our health justice platform to address the disparities in healthcare from black maternal health, cancer research, mental health resources, autism, domestic violence and so much more. These disparities are represented in our membership as well as the communities we serve.

SG: Our efforts to strengthen and expand the bond between Sigma and Zeta are not just political - they are deeply personal. We believe that the connection between our organizations is rooted in shared values, experiences, and histories. By working together and showcasing the strength of our bond, we can inspire and uplift not only ourselves, but also those around us. TC: Known as the “only constitutionally bound brother-sister Greek-lettered organizations” how do the two organizations collaboratively position themselves with corporate and business entities as it relates to its brand value?

TC: The growth of Sigma and Zeta are increasing yearly in nations beyond the United States. How are the organizations assuring that the historical brothersister relationship is embedded in the development of new chapters beyond the shores of America? CR: As an organization, we have made it a priority to not only maintain, but also expand the strong bond between the Houses of Sigma and Zeta. In recent years, we have taken intentional steps towards this goal by establishing the Sigma/Zeta Relations committee and appointing a Sigma/Zeta Liaison. 46 The Crescent Magazine

SG: We all know, there is only ONE true family in the D9 constellation. No matter what other organizations may claim, we understand the unique and special bond that exists between us. We are more than just social organizations - we are family. And when it comes to family, there is only ONE true first family. Our commitment to this family extends beyond just our domestic chapters - we have also taken steps to maximize our joint visibility and collective bargaining power on the international stage. By working together, the Blue and White family boasts a powerful force of over 40,000 active members. This not only makes

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us attractive to outside organizations and vendors, but also to potential sponsors and donors. To further strengthen our family and explore our collective bargaining power, we have launched joint programming efforts with various organizations. These include signing Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the United States Small Business Administration, Operation Hope, and JP Morgan Chase, among others. These partnerships allow us to leverage our collective strengths and expertise, and the access to their resources affords the opportunity to bring about positive change in the communities we serve.

TC: As leaders of Sigma and Zeta, you’ve been very visible in the media, governmental events, national meetings and industry conferences, representing a fresh perspective on a variety of matters. How do you successfully convey consistent points of view, even though you’re technically leading separate organizations? CR: As members of the Blue & White Family, we all understand the bond and shared values that unite us. But it’s one thing to talk about, it’s another thing to model what it really means. Especially us two as the leaders of our organizations. Our Founders recognized that we would have to be unified and that the issues facing our communities would require us to stand TOGETHER. While we are two separate organizations, some issues impact both households and demand collective action. SG: From our very inception, we recognized the need to address the social ills of our time and understood the power of a unified voice. Today, as we stand at a critical crossroads as a country and a world, we must continue to be bold, transformative, and unapologetic in our pursuit of change. 48 The Crescent Magazine

TC: What is the plan going forward for jointly addressing issues affecting pro-DEI and organizations like NPHC affiliate organizations’ existence on college campuses? CR: One of the things that we recognize is that there are a lot of organizations in the fight to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion. I mean, our organizations were developed based on the principle of inclusion so that our members would be a credit to the communities we serve and a valuable addition to the solutions needed. SSo together, we must remain vigilant in the fight against actors in various states who seek to threaten our ability to exist on college campuses. When DEI is attacked by pulling funding and resources, we can infer how other entities can be dismantled by similarity and association. We must be socially responsible in seeing what some individuals seek to dismantle, which often affects the majority of the communities we serve. Recently, In Virginia, the Chief Diversity Officer proclaimed that “DEI is dead” and we all see what is happening in Florida. SG: This is why the NPHC Council of Presidents issued a joint statement to denounce the recent Florida legislation bills aimed at censorship in education. That’s just one example of how the Divine Nine can leverage our collective power to educate, influence and empower voters, thus moving them to action. Because we, as a council, understand the implications of legislation that seeks to censor and erase the rich histories of the work of many of our members who laid their lives on the line for many of our liberties, we often take that for granted. However, I assure you that as Presidents of the Blue & White family, we and our NPHC counterparts will use every opportunity of influence to ensure that we protect the legacy and work of those who paved the way. CR: Simply, when you “BELIEVE in the Extraordinary”, with all trust in GOD, your leaders will do everything in our power to protect our abilities to operate in spaces on college campuses and beyond because we understand that the college campus is a microcosm of the larger society and if we can practice in action efforts to remain diverse, equitable and inclusive it can only continue to permeate in society.

TC: What upcoming key focus areas, special programs or initiatives that you’d like members to stay tuned? CR & SG: This is a special time where we have an opportunity to exceed the expectations of the Founders for our organizations by pushing the envelope of change collectively. So, when we talk about upcoming key events and opportunities we are talking about things like, “The State of the Bond Address”, where we will address our members and show our commitment to the Bond. We will map out initiatives that will cement our commitment to working together as we take our organizations to new charter heights. We are also excited for what will be a Joint Congressional Black Caucus Reception. It is time for us to tell the story of our Bond and how our organizations will collaborate and use our external arms to expand the blue and white ecosystem across the Globe. We are committed to our family, and we ask every member to “Believe in the Extraordinary!”

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The leaders of Sigma and Zeta have set the tone for intentional community service through partnerships on all organizational levels. The second-in-command officials have also implemented joint strategies to directly engage with the membership to yield greater impact. Brother David M. Turner, International First Vice President and Soror Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq., International First Vice President provided The Crescent Magazine with insight into their strategies, along with their thoughts on other issues with which their respective members are currently involved. THE CRESCENT (TC): As First Vice Presidents you work directly with the memberships of Sigma and Zeta. How do you continue to advance the historical partnership/relationship on each organizational level? GINA MERRITT-EPPS (GME): It starts with education during the intake process and continues during onboarding and other trainings post induction. I was surprised to learn that the education programs for some of our counterparts do not include significant information regarding other organizations. Highlighting the accomplishments and history of others teaches respect and reminds us that we are more alike than different, and that there are opportunities to collaborate. I am proud that for our new members, we teach more than the names of the Founders and founding date for our brother organization. In addition to learning about The Honorable A. Langston Taylor, Honorable Leonard F. Morse, and Honorable Charles I. Brown, we emphasize our debt to Charles Robert Samuel Taylor. Beyond the education, there are protocols and traditions that I love, such as ensuring that in public settings, our brothers are recognized separate from the other D9 members, and always reminding the community that no matter what others claim, we are the ONLY family and that our bond is official. DAVID M. TURNER (DT): We also recognize that our connection is a strategic advantage and that we each have processes, partnerships and relationships from which the other can learn, benchmark or collaborate. I have reached out to my Zeta counterpart to connect with Zeta resources that provide us insight and guidance on rolling out our Grow with Google technology certification efforts. Likewise, I invite her to discussions on initiatives we’re rolling out, to determine if there is opportunity and value to Zeta. As we seek to enhance our Life Membership program and formalize our legacy program, Soror Merritt-Epps provided consultation and benchmarking opportunities to assist our International Membership Team in developing our processes and criteria.

TC: What membership programs or activities do you work collaboratively in engaging Sigmas and Zetas? GME: My current focus is my work with Brother First Vice President Turner to establish the Zeta/Sigma Legacy Club at the international level. I am very excited to expand our Legacy Clubs in recognition of our status as the only constitutionally bound organizations. I know that this initiative, which is rooted in love, family and tradition, will enhance the membership experience and encourage members to return to active membership. DT: Absolutely, this is our most exciting current project, creating an official Legacy Club for sons of Zetas and daughters of Sigmas. Soror Merritt-Epps presented the Taylor-Cleaver Legacy Society to the Zeta General Board in June. I was proud to gain approval of the Conclave in July. TC: What is your opinion of the rise in popularity of the “celebrity” Honorary Member in NPHC fraternities and sororities? DT: Both organizations have learned from one another and now partner together. In May 2023, we held the first, joint Sigma/Zeta Honorary Members’ meeting. Additionally, we are more strategic and specific in communicating our expectations from Honorary members. We recognize that they don’t often have a regular, chapter connection. So, our International processes have now evolved to prepare social media posts for them, connect them with seasoned members as liaisons to mentor them in their new relationship with the fraternity/sorority. We have added an Honorary Member Summit during our Conclave to further develop their educational knowledge of the fraternity, give them an opportunity to interact with brothers and participate in the business sessions. While many of our Honorary Members are seen as celebrities, due to the visibility associated with their professions, celebrity and notoriety is not what we seek in our Honorary members. As with our traditional members, we seek to align ourselves with Fall 2023 51

individuals who set themselves apart from the rest, make a difference in our communities, and whose interests and work align with our Founding Principles, mission, and values. We offer our Honorary members the ability to leverage our respective organizations’ networks while broadening our reach and span of influence through theirs. GME: There has been an increase in the number of famous, popular, and well-known persons selected in our esteemed organizations. Because of the internet and social media, there is certainly more publicity regarding these members. For all membership types, it is important that Zeta attracts, retains, and engages women that want to be Zetas, not just a member of any Divine 9 organization. Zeta is the premier service organization. Our sisterly love is real, and we are set apart from all others as Finer Women. Beyond their celebrity status, the Honorary members that Zeta selects must have an interest in and record of community work that is aligned with Zeta’s brand, service and advocacy. I welcome a celebrity that will show us in a positive light, promotes our programming and is willing to recommend membership to worthy women in their circles. As we welcome these women, it is important to also welcome those who may not be celebrities but are prominent in their fields, and willing and able to expand Zeta’s impact.

TC: Are there collective efforts in building bonds within the Sigma Beta Club, Archonettes, Amicettes and Pearlettes auxiliary groups? GME: While I am sure that there are collective efforts at the chapter, state and/or regional levels, we are not aware of a formal initiative on the international level. I love the idea, particularly as my office implements the recently approved pathway to Zeta membership for former youth members. What better way to promote the bond than by starting with our youth! 52 The Crescent Magazine

TC: The growth of Sigma and Zeta are increasing yearly in nations beyond the US. How are the organizations assuring that the historical brother-sister relationship is embedded in the development of new chapters beyond the United States? DT: Many of our domestic chapters were chartered with the support of a Zeta or Sigma chapter already present. They helped with visibility and recruiting. As we target new charters and/or reactivation opportunities, domestically and abroad, an active Zeta/Sigma chapter indicates a higher probability for success in chartering and the sustainability of a new chapter. GME: We also recognize that our international chapters may have different needs and must be uniquely supported to ensure their success and the expansion of our brand abroad. As the first Greek-lettered organization to establish a chapter in Africa and the Middle East, Zeta’s leadership treasurers our international members. However, when it comes to the Zeta-Sigma bond and all of our history, we are consistent in our education and messaging for all chapters. I had the privilege of serving as the Atlantic Regional Director when the Ghanaian Graduate Chapter was chartered. Those Sorors had already been working with and supporting the Ghanaian Sigmas. The bond was natural and will continue to exist beyond the United States. From the encouragement of Brother Charles Robert Samuel Taylor to the shared colors and letters, the brother-sister relationship is a permanent part of our history.

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He's a Sigma Man:


“Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues . . .” –Saint Augustine

Conclave Houston’s Image Award recipient for Bigger and Better Business is the ‘prototype’ for what it means to be a servant leader; he possesses many virtues which serve as the foundation for his successful career in the corporate arena and a leader in the private sector. And in spite of all of his successes, Ken Jones has always kept in mind the importance of “Sankofa”learning from the past to help build the future. He continues to return to the spaces where he honed his skills to help young people in their quests to lead meaningful, productive lives. Over his professional career of 40-plus years, Brother Jones has moved from the classroom to the boardroom to the head of the class, currently serving as Senior Vice-President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Equity Officer for the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, a Chicago-based organization with a worldwide endowment of $7.6 billion. Annually the MacArthur Foundation provides approximately $260 million in grants and investments to non-profit organizations in 117 countries to develop projects dedicated to justice reform, address nuclear challenges, global climate change and to use journalism to promote democracy and social change. So how does an African American boy, born in Brooklyn during the height of the Civil Rights movement, become the second in command for a major foundation whose main objective is to give money to those promoting social change?

BEGINNINGS Kenneth M. Jones II was born in Manhattan to working class parents who instilled in their children the importance of preparing themselves as best they could for life in a world which by tradition did not favor people of color. While their parents only completed high school, Kenneth and his siblings were encouraged to reach higher. At age 11 his family moved to the Bronx, where he was an exceptional student who graduated from the Bronx High School of Science. His academic achievements provided him with choices of the college he would attend. Concerned with the cost of college and desiring to be close to home, Ken would choose Boston University, which offered a full ride. As a psychology major, he had no idea the trajectory his life would take. After graduation he started training to become a dentist, only to conclude that he had no desire to do so. His interests in ‘what makes people tick’ led him to complete a master’s degree in economics at the State University of New York (Buffalo) and also at MIT in management. While at SUNY Ken began working on the other part of his “calling”, serving as Assistant Director to the Upward Bound Program there and later working as a summer school mathematics instructor and tutor at the State University College in Buffalo with the SEEK program. While at Boston U, Kenneth enjoyed the full college experience, including participation in Black Greek life. He joined the Beta Iota chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and served as its President and the Dean of Pledges, and later joined Zeta Sigma (Baltimore, MD). Brother Jones is currently a member of Omicron Psi Sigma in Cecil County, Maryland.

LIFE IN THE CORPORATE WORLD Brother Jones began his corporate career as a Financial Reviewer at Prudential Financial in Roseland, New Jersey. He would move up the ladder to become Payroll Supervisor and Special Projects Analyst. He made the move to the Ford Motor Company where he rose through middle and upper management over nine years. Starting as a summer intern in Atlanta, he eventually worked in the Finance and Operations, Customer Service, and Investment/Cost Analysis areas. His success with Ford would take him to the Pfizer Corporation, where Ken worked in Finance and as IT Director for 3 years. His ability to effectively work with people, along with his tech background provided him the privilege to learn more about the inner workings of corporations and allowed Ken to “strategically” move through corporate America over the course of his career. Going forward, he would take his talents in finance management to the Mirant Corporation in Atlanta, GA. and later become the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for the JHPIEGO Corporation, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University, the oldest research institution in the United States and his first position with a nonprofit organization. His meteoric rise continued to the Danya Corporation in Silver Springs, MD, where he served as Chief Financial Officer and eventually President and CFO for ZebraJobs.

PHILANTHROPIC WORK Even as Kenneth Jones made his mark in corporate America, he always kept his thoughts on how to help others in his community to become successful. As a teacher/mentor he understood that everyone was not going to college, but everyone should have the opportunity to choose careers in which they could thrive. As he moved from public corporations to private foundations, Ken started the next phase of his career with plans to help children of color achieve in the early years, which he understood would prepare them to be successful as adults. His next career move would land him at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, an organization established in Seattle, Washington by Jim Casey, the founder of the United Parcel Service, to help disadvantaged children. As the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Jones led the foundation in its multimillion dollar building innovations and technology project and spurred significant growth and development of the grant-making process for the Foundation. He also developed a major campaign to work with children in 3rd grade to become better readers, by promoting the philosophy that “children read to learn from the 3rd grade on . . .”. As a role model and advocate for young African American men and women, Brother Ken Jones has used his experience with Upward Bound to develop more ways to educate and encourage them. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he developed a presentation for his chapter with the idea of getting students excited about going to college. He believes that students should start visiting college campuses when they enter the 9th grade, and to begin preparing for when and where they will attend early. He says that “young Black boys should be encouraged to define their greatness”and to pursue it to the fullest. Ken also believes that Black students today must take advantage of what HBCUs have to offer and that they should not spend time worrying about how much it costs to go to school, but to start early developing plans for getting the finances they need to go to college. Nine years of success at the Casey Foundation would lead to more opportunities to utilize his gifts and talents in even greater capacities. Ken was called to the MacArthur Foundation as Vice President and CFO in 2019 and three years later became Senior Vice President. When asked how he managed to get to this point in his career, Brother Jones stated that his experience as Chief Financial Officer with several companies provided him with opportunities to learn many areas in the corporate arena, and to envision how to make the companies stronger and more efficient. In every position he has held Kenneth Jones has been preparing for his next move. His life today is busy, but no one can deny that it is productive. He sits on numerous boards, including Virginia Union University, Concordia College, the Center for Urban Families and the Thurgood Marshall Academy (to name a few). Even though he works between Chicago and Baltimore, his wife and daughter are his top priority. He is the example of what it means to be a true leader in the ongoing struggle for equality in America. “Live life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity and never stop learning.”—GZA, Wu-Tang Clan

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He's a Sigma Man:

What began as a personal recurring revelation of systemic structural institutional racism has divinely evolved into a global movement to talk about racism as the only way to create more equitable, diverse, and inclusive spaces. Brother Glenn Singleton has devoted over thirty years to constructing racial equity worldwide while developing leaders to do the same. He is the creator of Courageous Conversation, a protocol and framework for sustained, deepened dialogue, and Beyond Diversity, the curriculum that has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to use it. He is also the Founder and CEO of Courageous Conversation, the agency guiding leadership development in education, government, corporation, law enforcement, and community organizing. As a Baltimore native, it was Glenn’s early discoveries as an educator moving between the Baltimore City Public Schools, The Park School and eventually teaching at the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford, where he realized the amazing dichotomy in the quality of education and the understanding of education as a critical marker for the advancement of one’s success. Glenn says, “I was walking with that dilemma every step of the way – that people in my neighborhood, family and community were not gaining the access and opportunity to high quality education that would change the trajectory of our society, because it would change the trajectory of the Black community.” Singleton was Director of Admission at the University of Pennsylvania when he realized the opportunity to attend the university was not available to many students because they were not told of the requisite skills and knowledge needed; not that they were unable to master them, but simply not provided the opportunities. “I wanted to change that,” says Singleton. “I wanted to blow open the mystery on high quality education and the access which that gives to our people. I wanted to do what I could to make those opportunities more available.” During that period, Glenn’s revelation was that the system was inherently designed to not give Black youth these opportunities, i.e. systemic structural institutional racism. LAUNCHED PACIFIC EDUCATIONAL GROUP, INC. IN 1992 While most Black people deal with the impact of personal and interpersonal racism, Glenn realized the circumstances were deeply rooted in the policies in education. He recognized how policies such as assigning the most-needy teachers to the most-needy student populations in schools, and how resources for advancing technology for facilities that inspired students to learn were not the norms for education spaces that were predominantly Black in this country. Glenn says “I found that to be educational malpractice. I ventured into it just believing that the high school needed to be restructured. So, Christopher Roe and I formed Pacific Educational Group in 1992.” Two years later, it was this first work in California where he started to discover all of the ways the system was stacked against people of color. “I started by thinking that I could give a higher level of academic counseling and college placement service to a group of students in Palo Alto, CA who looked like me, and expose them to a wider range of colleges that they were not seeing in California. I thought that this was initially the issue. As I continued to step in, I got to know how school boards are situated; the lack of having the voices of Black parents talk-

ing about the experiences of their children in school, and how the system writ-large vilifies our community and doesn’t look for the gifts that we bare and bring.” The CA School Leadership Academy, Expressing Our Differences module, was developed and in 1995 Beyond Diversity: An Introduction to Courageous Conversation debuted featuring the award-winning Protocol for engaging, sustaining and deepening dialogue interracial dialogue. It became clear to Glenn that school systems alone cannot tackle and eradicate racism. It required the whole community including the educational school system, corporate and non-profit, and government entities working together to address the conversation on the impact of race and racism. “The company has expanded as my understanding has expanded of the complexity of the problem, “shares Glenn. “It’s not just an American issue. This is a global issue of colonialism that we’re still fighting.” THE ABILITY TO WHICH A CONVERSATION CAN BE HAD IS BASED ON A PERSON’S COURAGE The first Courageous Conversation Whole School Implementation began with the San Diego Elementary Equity Project and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (NC) in 2001. Subsequently, Courageous Conversations About Race debuted at the National Staff Development Council in 2002, followed by the Courageous Conversation Framework for Systemic Racial Equity Transformation is developed to support PreK-12 Districts. The underlying philosophy of Courageous Conversation is that the world is paralyzed by racism is some way, shape and form. More problematic is the fact that most people do not know how to talk about it, especially at the most critical moments where true transformation can occur. The simplest fact is that one’s ability to effectively engage in a conversation on race and racism is based on one’s personal experiences. “My personal experience is key,” says Glenn. “Out of our experience, our beliefs are shaped; out of our beliefs our behavior is formed, and from our behavior, outcomes in our lives occur. Because each of us has a unique set of experiences, each and every one of us is responsible for teaching people how to treat us. With race it’s no different. If you live in a Black body, you have a unique experience

in the world as compared to a person who doesn’t live in a Black body. So, people in Black bodies teach the world how to treat us.” Courageous Conversations give people protected space time, the permission and encouragement to really understand how living in a racialized society is playing out for them, what they’ve learned from it and what they will teach their kids so that they can navigate the society more effectively to get what they want out of life. COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS TAKES FLIGHT In 1995, Glenn founded the Foundation for A College Education and is also the founder and Board Chair of the Courageous Conversation Global Foundation, which develops partnerships to promote racial justice, interracial understanding, and human healing worldwide. In 2020, he became a Partner with WorkWider, a professional community dedicated to the advancement of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. In 2022, Glenn founded Glenn Singleton & Associates, a consulting firm to pioneer the support and training for executive leadership to advance their racial equity agenda throughout their respective organizations and beyond. Since the development of the first framework, Courageous Conversations has exploded nationally and abroad. The first National Summit for Courageous Conversation (NSCC) was convened in New Orleans and CCAR was launched in Australia in partnership with the University of Western Australia. Beyond Diversity II is designed featuring Personal Racial Equity Purpose (P.R.E.P.)

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He's a Sigma Man:

Bro. Dixon will play the role of Aaron Burr in the hit Broadway musical Hamilton! He has performed the role around the country and has recently been invited to perform the role on the Broadway stage. Jared has performed in several major productions over the years, including Simba in The Lion King, Harpo and Grady in The Color Purple, and Tom Collins in Rent, to name a few. Brother Dixon was initiated into the Omicron Theta chapter at Southern Connecticut State University. Jared began singing at the age of 5 in his grandmother’s church choir and at school. His first love was basketball, but with his father as both a role model as a performer and a mentor, and a little healthy nudging from his mom, performing soon became what he’s most passionate about. At LaGuardia Arts High School, Jared studied vocal music and took part in opera workshop, senior and gospel choirs, songwriting and, in 2007, portrayed Coalhouse in the school’s production of his favorite musical, Ragtime. With his pro-sports dreams hanging by an increasingly loose thread, he was also AllAmerican in the high jump event which afforded him an opportunity to do track & field at Southern Connecticut State University.

After receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree from SCSU in 2012, Bro. Dixon began his professional career, ironically, with a regional production of Ragtime: The Musical. Since then he’s portrayed many of his favorite characters, such as Benny (In the Heights), Seaweed (Hairspray), Harpo and Grady (The Color Purple), Pasko (A Little Princess), and Flick.

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For the first time in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s 109-year history, a chapter has been established in the Bronx, New York. The Tau Chi Sigma chapter was chartered on September 23, 2022 by 14 Sigma brothers, including Bro. Mark Cornelius, International Director of Technology and Bro. Dr. Rafael Matos, Director of Membership and Training. The chapter’s aim is to redefine the way chapters operate and build community relationships. On Saturday, February 11, 2023, Hostos Community College in the Bronx, NY, hosted the chartering ceremony for Tau Chi Sigma with the theme “Believe in the Bronx!”. This was an historic moment, as the fraternity established a chapter specifically dedicated to service the Bronx communities. Everyone in attendance witnessed the Eastern Region Director Bro. J.R. Reeves, present the chapter with their charter and proclaimed, in loud refrain, “Tau Chi Sigma is the Phi Beta Sigma alumni chapter duly authorized to operate in the Bronx - and they are here to stay!” The chapter also received a proclamation from New York Senator Jamaal T. Bailey and a Citation of Merit from the Bronx Borough President, Vanessa L. Gibson.


On Saturday, August 26, 2023, the Sigma Sigma Sigma Chapter (Montgomery County, MD), welcomed actor and activist Omari Hardwick, to the Good Trouble Brunch in honor of the late Congressman John R. Lewis. Following the Brunch, the chapter and First Alliance Church hosted “Remembering the Big Six”, a program honoring six activists of the Civil Rights Movement: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Honorable Bro. John Lewis, Bro. A. Philip Randolph, Bro. James Farmer, Roy Wilkins and Whitney Young and celebrating the life and legacy of John Lewis, who believed in the power of nonviolence and the importance of protecting human rights and civil liberties.

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Omari Hardwick was presented with The John Lewis Service for Humanity Award. Hardwick holds the distinct honor of being the award’s first recipient for his outstanding contributions to society through his work in education, youth development, and philanthropy. At the conclusion of his acceptance speech, Hardwick left the audience with the message: “…and any outreach that I’ll ever do from this point on guys, again character included, it will not be just for community service, but it will always be for y’all looking at me. Not just the character, but the character behind the character.”


The brothers of the Beta Gamma Chapter and returning alumni brothers initiated as far back as Spring 1963, celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the chapter’s February 19, 1947 charter on the campus of Hampton Institute (now Hampton University). Commemoration of the chapter’s founding occurred at the Hampton History Museum in Old Downtown Hampton, VA on Labor Day Weekend, September 3, 2022. “Without the legacy of chapters like Beta Gamma, our organization would be a little less notable; so today, we celebrate the historical impact and legacy of your great chapter.” wrote Honorable Chris V. Ray, JD, International President and Honorable Bro. Daryl A. Anderson, International Executive Director, on behalf of the General Board and the entire brotherhood in a letter of congratulations. Eastern Regional Director Bro. J.R. Reeves presented the letter to the chapter. Also representing the region was Bro. Dion Coward, Director of Publicity and Bro. Rodney Wright, Virginia and West Virginia State Director and Collegiate Advisor. Connecting the historical threads of Hampton University’s founding as Hampton Agricultural and Industrial School, in 1868 and establishment as an HBCU, housing the oldest museum of the African diaspora in the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia, Bro. Reeves cited Hampton as being one of the few institutions available for black men which served as the initial collegiate education for one Bro. Louis F. Martin, once purported as the eldest living Sigma man at 104 years old, who has since passed on to the Omega Chapter. “Sororities and fraternities play a very important role on Hampton’s campus,” said Hampton University President Darrell K. Williams in his letter of congratulations to the chapter. “Not only do they create camaraderie among members, but they also provide community service. Each organization adds value to the campus and collectively, they work together to enhance the University’s culture,’ added President Williams, a 1983 graduate of Hampton and member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.

66 The Crescent Magazine

The oldest brother in attendance was Bro. Frank Wright, Spring 1963. A video presentation profiled the Beta Gamma experiences of Bro. Wright, and Bro. Lucius Wright, also Spring 1963. Both Frank and Lucius went through middle school and high school together in Baltimore, MD before entering Hampton Institute. They became brothers when they joined Beta Gamma after being introduced to “Our Wondrous Band” by members of their high school faculty by way of the Sigma Beta Club. The faculty member who introduced Frank and Lucius to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and who had a hand in sending them to Hampton Institute on trade and academic scholarships was the late Honorable Bro. Samuel B. Newton, first president of Beta Gamma in 1947. He would go on to become the 79th member inducted into the Distinguished Service Chapter. Bro. Newton, who transferred to Hampton as a junior Business Major was originally a member of Rho Chapter at Southern University of Scotlandville, LA. Premiering at the 75th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony was a chapter documentary chronicling the history of fraternities and sororities at Hampton Institute and the 1947 charter of Beta Gamma. Brother Eduardo Jackson eloquently delivered the poem titled “March On”, while his son, Langston Jackson, Hampton University Sophomore Class of 2022 created and authored a beats-arrangement of the Phi Beta Sigma Hymn used in the documentary. The Rho Alpha Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and alumni sisters brought greetings and congratulations as well as former Sigma Sweethearts referred to as Sigma Doves in the 1980s. In-person and virtually, brothers from eras starting with the 1974 reactivation; the 1980s through 2022 recounted pledging and the Beta Gamma Chapter glory days. Concluding the celebration was the commemoration of the Omega Ceremony led by Presiding Officer Bro. Pastor Samuel Carrington, Spring 1994. The chapter inducted eleven deceased brothers into the Omega Chapter: • Brother Burl Bowens, Beta Gamma Advisor, Zeta Delta Sigma Newport News, VA, Initiation Circa 1953

• Brother Edgar Rawles, Spring 1982

• Brother John Fisher, Spring 1974

• Brother Perry Hicks, Spring 1990

• Brother Everett Thompson, Spring 1976 • Brother Fred Myers, Spring 1978 • Brother Rody Blakey, Spring 1980

• Brother Delayne Hawkins, Spring 1984 • Brother Anthony Scarborough, Spring 1985 • Brother Preston Roberts, Spring 1990 • Brother Victor Wright, Spring 2004

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The collegiate chapter of such notable Sigma brothers as Ben Nnamdi Azikiwe and Kwame Nkrumah achieved a memorable milestone of celebrating 100 years. The great celebration was marked by making a multi-generational contribution to the university the chapter calls home. The alumni brothers of Mu Chapter at Lincoln University, at Lincoln University, PA, presented the university’s President, Dr. Brenda Allen, with a check for $100,000 during the Homecoming Weekend Celebration. This was the culmination of the alumni members of Mu Chapter working diligently for several years to ensure that the chapter was in good standing and securing their celebration of one hundred years in existence. The Azikiwe/Nkrumah Endowment will provide funding for students seeking to study abroad, particularly in Africa. The brothers fulfilled this goal in the midst of a global pandemic. The announcement of the endowment’s creation was made during the chapter’s Centennial Celebration. Thanks to the diligent and committed efforts of the alumni brothers of the Mu Alumni Board (MAB), the Azikiwe/Nkrumah Scholarship Endowment is now a REALITY!!!

NU SIGMA SIGMA CHAPTER CONDUCTS MOCK INTERVIEWS FOR LOCAL SCHOOL-TO-CAREER PROGRAM As part of their Education Program initiatives, the Nu Sigma Sigma Chapter, Harford County/Metro-Baltimore, MD, participated in the Milford Mill Academy’s Mock Interview Day. The activity was a part of the institution’s School-to-Career Program. Nu Sigma Sigma members served as ISO Volunteer interviewers for the Senior Class of 2023. The brothers provided graduating seniors with practice on their interviewing skills, simulating the professional job interviewing process. Students were prepared with resumes and support documents that were reviewed by the interviewers. “A rewarding experience,” says Brother Robert Carter, Nu Sigma Sigma’s Director of Education, when asked to share his thoughts on his participation. “The engagement with the students was extremely rewarding – encouraging them to process their thoughts and responses gave me a great sense of value.” By all accounts, Milford Mill Academy’s School-to-Career Program may be an ongoing activity for Nu Sigma Sigma. “The chapter members who participated in the Mock Interview Day unanimously praised the program and the positive experience they had,” says Brother Jamal Butler, Chapter President. “I’m confident that this will be an ongoing initiative and collaboration going forward. Its impact and outcome is well worth the continued participation.” 68 The Crescent Magazine



There’s a greater vision for the chapters and states that make up the “GREAT” Great Lakes Region, led by Regional Director Bro. Charles L. Jones. The new outlook seeks to elevate the region to greater heights with a transformative strategic plan. After the leadership held its Fall Board Meeting in Louisville, KY in December of 2022, Brother Jones introduced their vision: “One Sigma, Transforming the Region from Great to Greatness”. The leadership team provided a Three-Year Strategic Plan with key metrics for a successful path forward. In addition to positioning the board with a strong foundational plan, training workshops were conducted on Board Responsibilities and Professional Development, which included Goal Setting, Team Building and Driving Results Through Others. “The Great Lakes Region is poised and positioned for greatness,” shared Brother Jones. “The region includes some of the most progressive collegiate chapters and committed alumni chapters. We have talented professionals and high achieving students, and it’s time to invest in that pool of leaders. We must take this region to greater levels – moving the region from great to greatness is our mindset.”

EPSILON OMICRON CHAPTER CELEBRATES 50 YEARS AT OHIO UNIVERSITY The Epsilon Omicron Chapter celebrated 50 years of existence on the campus of Ohio University in Athens, OH. The driving forces in its establishment and legacy are providing a pathway for men to grow academically and professionally, and to expand their network. EO has not disappointed! Sigma men are well-respected student leaders on campus, representing well-rounded, totally engaged current and promising future leaders. The men of Epsilon Omicron have achieved great success in a variety of occupations and endeavors over the course of their existence. The common thread throughout is their firm belief in their ability. Fall 2023 69

For four days, the Blue & White Family including Sigmas, Zetas and Sweethearts, participated in a robust schedule complete with Black Alumni Reunion (BAR) seminars, forums with critical thinking panelists, business sessions, physical fitness activities, entertainment and celebratory events. The 50th Gala Planning Team arrived early to prepare for the arrival of the attendees. On Thursday, registration opened in the Baker Student Center. The Blue & White Happy Hour at Broney’s Alumni Grill, Meet & Greet at the 1804 Room and a capacity crowd at The Athena for a Comedy Show with comedians Soror Nicole Blue and Brother Walter Campbell kicked off the gala celebration. These events were open to the campus community with no charge as a community service project. These events provided an amazing opportunity to provide a hands-on approach to engaging brothers and building blocks for enhancing the Fraternity branding and position. On Day 2 the engagement and service continued with the Student & Alumni Networking Meeting which featured a panel discussion, where students and alumni shared stories about campus life and life after Ohio University. The College/School Open House gave alumni the chance to visit their respective schools of study and to interact with the faculty and administrators, as well as touring the campus facilities. The “Building a Legacy: A Showcase of our Bobcat National Pan-Hellenic (NPHC) Plaza” was co-hosted by the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Divisions of Student Affairs and Diversity and Inclusion, and Sorority and Fraternity Life, to celebrate the construction of the much-awaited NPHC Plaza. Epsilon Omicron also participated in the Inaugural NPHC Black Alumni Reunion Reception and the Black History of Ohio University Tour. Saturday (Day 3) featured the Ebony Bobcat Network Breakfast and concluded with the Anniversary Gala Celebration in the Baker Center Ballroom. Greetings were extended from Ohio University’s 22nd President Dr. Hugh Sherman; the Mayor of Athens, Ohio, Steve Patterson declaring September 17th as Phi Beta Sigma Epsilon Omicron Chapter Day in Athens, Ohio; and the 27th and 29th International President Honorable Dr. Carter D. Womack who encouraged Epsilon Omicron alums to rededicate themselves to Sigma. The celebration concluded with a special recognition program paying tribute to 13 of EO’s former members, and an Omega Service for the 16 alumni who have joined the Omega Chapter. The Kent-Rudolph “Blue Crescent” Scholarship Endowment was also unveiled, which was created by alumni members of Epsilon Omicron and the Beta Epsilon Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. It is the first scholarship endowment at Ohio University whose founders represent two historically Black Greek-lettered organizations. Scholarships will benefit student members of NPHC organizations attending Ohio State University. Brothers Bill “Clark” Kent and Andre Rudolph started the EO tradition of having members lead the Black Student Cultural Programming Board (BSCPB). For more information go to: On the final day of the event participants enjoyed the Farewell Brunch for the Blue & White Family at The Dairy Barn Arts Center, a Native American site dating back to when they first entered the Hocking Valley and Athens area about 10,000 years ago. It was an appropriate location to complete a significant milestone celebration of 50 years on campus! 70 The Crescent Magazine


On May 26, 1973, fifteen excited male students introduced the campus of Illinois State University (Normal, IL) to the brotherhood of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. The first line, named S.S. Vultures, consisted of John Kellum, Dennis Laws, Jerry Jenkins, Alvin Brown, Gerald Battle, Rodney Winters, Tyrone Hood, Cotrell Tillman, Terry Wilson, Cicero Patton, Rodney Harris, Ron Moore, Courtney Dancy, Craig Harris and James Fuller. History records them as the charter members of the Epsilon Chi Chapter. Unique is Phi Beta Sigma’s relationship to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. They are the only constitutionally bound brother-sister Greek-lettered organizations. Eight days after the birth of Sigma at ISU, nine phenomenal female coeds introduced the campus to Zeta Phi Beta with the chartering of the Lambda Epsilon Chapter on June 3, 1973. The charter line was introduced to ISU and the world as “Blind Nine”, consisting of Denise Dunham, Brenda Thomas, Cheryl Duke, Belinda Rusch, Jewelene Deberry, Janace Hatchett, Ola Blackman, Mary Terrell, and Deborah Arbor. Since 1973, the Epsilon Chi and Lambda Epsilon chapters have initiated over 250 Sigmas and 250 Zetas, and have represented excellence in leadership and service, not only in Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta, but on the ISU campus and the community of Bloomington-Normal Illinois. Forward-thinkers, trendsetters and innovators have continued the legacy established by the lineage of Blue & White movers and shakers.

CELEBRATING THE LEGACY Sigma and Zeta collegians and alumni returned to the campus from all corners of the United States to celebrate a legacy established 50 years ago. From Friday, May 26th through Sunday, May 28, 2023, over 170 people attended “50 & FOREVER: THE EPSILON CHI & LAMBDA EPSILON LEGACY LIVES ON.” International leaders Soror Michelle Porter-Norman (a past Great Lakes Regional Director and Chair of the International Executive Board for Zeta) and Brother Steve E. Ballard (a past Great Lakes Vice Regional Director, International Deputy Executive Director and current Director of Communications) served as the Steering Committee leads. Blue & White Family participants, inclusive of former fraternity little sisters known as the Sigma Silhouettes and Sigma Sweethearts engaged in a star-studded schedule of activities and special events. Five area hotels in the Bloomington-Normal area housed the registered attendees with the Holiday Inn serving as the host property.

A SECOND-TO-NONE CELEBRATION OF EVENTS The Memorial Day Weekend kicked off with a Meet & Greet/Registration Check-In. The level of excitement could not be contained as brothers and sisters eagerly embraced many whom they hadn’t been seen in years! The high energy continued as attendees participated in the first event, The Mark Simmons & Friends Comedy Show. Brother Simmons, an accomplished actor/entertainer and comedic headliner, was initiated at Epsilon Chi Chapter in Spring 1982. Rounding out the trio of performers were Chicago comedians Taneshia “Just Nesh” Rice and Robert Clay aka “Comedian Stick.” By all accounts, the reviews for the show hit a level 10. With service being the cornerstone established by Sigmas and Zetas, the Community Service Project was well supported by the brothers and sisters. Headed by Soror Krissie Harris, all attendees were asked to bring eight non-perishable food items: three for the Sigma Founders and five for the Zeta Founders, to support the School Street Food Pantry in Normal, Illinois. Over 200 canned, boxed and bagged food items were collected and donated. Additionally, members were asked to donate a casual or business suit to the Dress for Success Closet at Illinois State University. The non-profit organization benefits students who do not have appropriate apparel for job interviews. Over 150 clothing items were donated. A Day Party & Brunch was the highlight of the second day of celebration. Even though participants were gifted souvenir t-shirts, some participants donned their own pledge line branded t-shirts. The music, representing a range of genres, served as the backdrop to an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship, along with step performances by current chapter members and alumni brothers and sisters. The Day Party was followed by a Sisterhood Meeting and Brotherhood Meeting, where a variety of presentations and topics were discussed amongst the groups. Brother David M. Turner, International First Vice President who traveled from Chicago to spend the day with the chapters to speak to the two meetings. The 50th Anniversary Gala was the main event! The evening’s program was filled with highly emotional and spectacular presentations, inclusive of “The Legacy Begins” a mini documentary about the chartering of Epsilon Chi and Lambda Epsilon chapters as told by five of the living charter members. The heartwarming video shared the story and evolution of the chapters beginning with the charter members’ simple desire to bring something different to the ISU campus. The presentation received a rousing standing ovation, which was followed by tears of joy for the charter members in attendance who were introduced to the audience. After video greetings from Honorable Chris V. Rey, International President of Sigma and Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant, International President of Zeta, there were more greetings by the organizations’ state and regional leadership, including Soror Keisha D. Smith, Great Lakes Regional Director and Soror Karyn Quick, Illinois State Director of Zeta, and Brother Charles Jones, Great Lakes Regional Director for Sigma.

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R&B songstress Soror Terisa Griffin brought the house to their feet as she performed two numbers in her usual awesome form! More presentations followed, including “In Memoriam” a moving tribute to the Omega Chapter Brothers and Triumphant Sorors and the Great Roll Call, a rousing visual recognition of each pledge line throughout the history of both chapters. The celebration continued at the After Party at Jazz Upfront, a black-owned club in Bloomington, IL. The entire delegation partied hearty until the lights came on!

Series, led by Brother Luther Allison and held at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts. This event anchored the weekend with an exciting musical concert with performances by Dexter O’Neal & Funk Yard, a local and highly respected cover band known to many in the Midwest. The band opened for Bernard Allison, accomplished Blues recording artist. Headlining the concert was the legendary group The Spinners.

Despite staying up into the wee hours, many attended the Sunday morning Church Service at the Wayman A.M.E. Church, pastored by Soror Alexis Wilson. The Blue & White Family filled one half of the sanctuary and a generous donation was made by them to the pastor. After a break for Sunday afternoon brunch, the final event of the weekend was the Memorable Concert

As the Steering Committee (consisting of Brothers Luther Allison, Greg Baker, Steve E. Ballard, Tyrone Bentley, Clark Brantley, Jared Brown, Lester Coney, Craig “Pops” Harris, Vincent Patterson, Damon Turner and Reginald Wynne; and Sorors Zonnie Bunch-Smith, Kim Gray, Krissie Harris, Nicole Higginbothan, Kennedy Jefferson, Rosalind Lane-Ragland, Izeyar Lincoln, Michelle Porter-Norman, Jennine Smith, Lindsay Vahl Dean and Brenda Washington) reflected on the events of the celebratory weekend, the consistent reaction was “a historic experience better than I imagined.” The legacy of excellence was exemplified by the caliber and production of each activity and event. Epsilon Chi and Lambda Epsilon represent the best that Greekdom has to offer. A simple vision of bringing something new blossomed into a 50-year celebration of delivering the best performance of duty. Fall 2023 73


IOTA MU SIGMA CHAPTER EXCELLS ON ALL LEVELS The Iota Mu Sigma Chapter of Arlington, Texas proudly brands themselves as “A band of men committed to the improvement of their community, the youth, and the underrepresented.” This chapter is consistently among the most recognized chapters in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. In 2022 alone, Iota Mu Sigma was the most awarded chapter in the Gulf Coast Region. The chapter received the Best Social Action Program Award, Best Education Program Award, Best Bigger and Better Business Program Award, Best Sigma Beta Club Program Award, Sigma Beta Club Advisor of the Year and Best Overall Alumni Chapter.

“Like our founders, we take an inclusive approach when serving our community as opposed to being separate and apart from the community,” states Brother Jerry Farmer, II, Chapter President. “Our mission is to make a positive impact in the community by executing our national programs. We also exemplify Brotherhood in everything we do. We constantly remind each other that we are our Brother’s Keeper and treat each brother with respect in all efforts the chapter performs.”

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The Tau Zeta Sigma Chapter of Collin County, TX, celebrated its one-year anniversary on August 24, 2023. The celebration took place at Sambuca with several community service partners, citizens, and Divine 9 organizations in attendance. During the past year, the chapter has partnered with several Collin County businesses, the local NAACP chapter, and the Pan Hellenic Council. The chapter has experienced 28.5% membership growth since its chartering. Tau Zeta Sigma began with 19 charter members and currently has 54 active members. It has adopted one of the local high schools and is a major supporter of the Plano East Sensory Prom. This is an event for students with special needs from all high schools in the Dallas area. The chapter also participated in the Plano Juneteenth Celebration, Soul Patrol Bike Ride, and volunteered at Minnie’s Food Pantry. The past year has been packed with events and opportunities for the chapter. The upcoming year appears to be just as busy for the new chapter.

To learn more about the chapter and to see photos of some of the events please visit and click on the “events” link. Fall 2023 75


Zeta Xi Sigma of Fort Bend County, TX held a historic Sigma Beta Club Chartering Ceremony. Over 100 people attended the induction of 25 male youth into the prestigious organization. Brother Michael Matthews, Sigma Beta Club Coordinator, organized the hybrid event at a local community center. Several notable figures, including International President Hon. Brother Chris V. Rey and Brother Dr. Walter Stephens, then International Sigma Beta Club Director, was in attendance. Brother Felton Greer, Chapter President, emphasized that the goal and mission of the club is to provide opportunities for young men to develop leadership skills, build character, and contribute positively to their communities.

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GAMMA KAPPA SIGMA PROVIDE DUFFEL BAGS FOR FOSTER CHILDREN The Gamma Kappa Sigma Chapter sponsored its 2nd Annual Bags for Blessings Campaign, which provides duffel bags for foster children and youth who are in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice and transitioning between placements.

The initiative was started by brothers who had observed young people who were in state care, transporting their belongings in garbage bags as they were being moved to subsequent placements. Recognizing the potential impact on their self-esteem, this initiative was proposed to the chapter which heartily received it. In an effort to assist more young people, the chapter partnered with several organizations. This collaboration enabled them to assist youth served through five agencies including Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin County Departments of Social Services and the North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice. To date over one hundred bags have been distributed to youth serving organizations across the state. Bro. Rev. Charles Walton, chapter president, expressed his sincerest appreciation to the members of the community for their support of the program. As a retired social work supervisor, he had a front row view to the impact of these youth transporting their belongings in garbage bags. “None of the Lord’s creations are garbage,” he said. “That is not the message that our kids are receiving when they are sent out with all of their belongings in a garbage bag.”

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Sigma Upsilon Sigma Chapter, Whiteville, NC, recently held their first Bigger and Better Business Investment and Real Estate Workshop. The event was held at Southeastern Community College and featured two great presenters, Brother Tony Belin and Frater Andre Dockery of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.

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RHO SIGMA CHAPTER CELEBRATES BROTHER LYLE GITTENS 106TH BIRTHDAY. Brothers representing the Rho Sigma Chapter in Carol City, FL celebrated Brother Lyle Gittens’ 106th Birthday. Bro. Terrance Gibson, International Director of Bigger and Better Business, Bro. Tyrone Francis, Chapter President and Bro. Phillipe Jean Bard visited Bro. Gittens who happens to be the oldest living alumnus of Clark Atlanta University. The brothers brought along birthday greetings and well wishes from Honorable Chris V. Rey, International President, Bro. Dr. Errick Farmer, Southern Region Director and Bro. Daniel Smith, Florida State Director delivered for Bro. Gittens via speaker phone. Bro. Lyle Gittens was born in 1917 in New York City. In 1937, he was asked by the coach of Clark University (now known as Clark Atlanta University), to come to Atlanta to try out for the men’s basketball team. Gittens made the team and led Clark University to a divisional championship. This, along with his other achievements, led to his being inducted into the Clark Atlanta University Hall of Fame. Gittens majored in mathematics and in 1938 he was initiated into the Psi Chapter during an initiation that included Chi Chapter at Morehouse College.

Bro. Gittens was drafted into the military during World War II. Upon his return to New York, he worked for the Department of Labor as the Superintendent of Bronx Unemployment Insurance Offices. In 2020, Bro. Gittens and his wife Eleanor, which he’s been married to for 81 years, were recognized as New York State’s longest married couple by Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Currently Bro. Gittens lives in Miami, FL with his wife and daughter. He is ecstatic to have been recently reclaimed to Phi Beta Sigma through the Rho Sigma Chapter and he’s looking forward to continuing to uphold the high ideals of the fraternity.

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On Sunday, August 27, 2023, Gamma Delta Sigma Chapter of Orlando, Florida rolled out the blue carpet as they hosted a welcome reception for Brother Maxwell Alexandro Frost. The event took place at Dexter’s on Church Street in downtown Orlando. Brother Frost was recently inducted into the fraternity as an Honorary Member at Conclave Houston on the recommendation of Bro. Allie Braswell. Brother Frost, a member of the Democratic Party, currently serves as the U.S. Representative for Florida’s 10th Congressional District. Elected at the age of 25, Frost is the youngest member of Congress and the first “GenZ” member to serve. The event, organized by the chapter’s Social Affairs Director Brother Lewis Nimmons, presented Frost with further insight to some of the basic tenets of the fraternity. He was welcomed by the chapter president and vice president, educated on national and local fraternity history, and provided with a cache of fraternal gifts, after which he acknowledged his gratefulness for being brought into the “Wondrous Band”. Frost mentioned that this was the first time in his life that he had been this closely associated with so many men of color and what that meant to him. Thirty-nine Sigma Brothers attended the event which included a delicious meal provided by the staff at Dexter’s Birdland. Brother Frost’s District Director and Asst. District Director also attended as special guests. The event was concluded by a rousing rendition of the fraternity hymn.

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The Mu Beta Sigma Chapter, Little Rock, AR, recently collaborated with the Little Rock Police Department and St. Mark Baptist Church to host their annual Gun Buyback event. This has been an effort to address the number of homicides and gun violence and reduce the number of illegal guns on the streets of Little Rock. This initiative resulted in the buyback of 20 guns.

TAU IOTA SIGMA PARTNERS AGAINST BULLYING The Brothers of the Tau Iota Sigma Chapter, Memphis, TN, recently partnered with the Memphis Police Department to bring awareness to the fathers of a local middle school. The forum “Dads Against Bullying” was held at Mt. Pisgah Middle School in response to the growing bullying problem in the local schools. After the forum, the fathers started a group called Dads On Patrol to help the teachers with monitoring the children while in the hallways.

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Eta Nu Sigma Chapter of Colorado Springs, CO, hosted another successful charity golf event. Over 100 golfers participated in the chapter’s 3rd Annual Blue & White Charity Golf Event, held at the Perry Park Country Club. The chapter raised over $16,000 with proceeds supporting the American Cancer Society, Brother Walter Campbell College Scholarship Fund and their adopted school – Thomas Edison Elementary. The chapter acknowledges all the brothers and sisters for supporting the event and extended a special thanks to the 35th Western Regional Director, Brother Sidney Jackson for attending. Everyone is encourage to attend the 4th Annual Blue & White Charity Golf Event at Perry Park on August 12th, 2024. Check out the outstanding video recap on YouTube!

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PHI BETA SIGMA CHAPTER HOSTS SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON On July 8, 2023 The Phi Beta Sigma Los Angeles Alumni Foundation, in partnership with the Phi Beta Sigma Chapter hosted its 2nd Annual William Nickerson Jr. Scholarship Luncheon. The scholarship luncheon is named for Bro. William Nickerson, Jr., a charter member of the Phi Beta Sigma Chapter. Nickerson was a prominent Los Angeles-based businessman and founder of the Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company, which at one time was the largest black-owned business west of the Mississippi. He attended Bishop College in Marshall, Texas where he studied economics. Later he received a teacher’s certificate at Prairie View Industrial and Normal School (later Prairie View A&M University) in Prairie View, Texas.

The theme of this year’s luncheon was “Empowering the Next Generation” which raised over $11,000. Three high school seniors received a $500 book scholarship and four collegiate students received $1,000 each towards their fees and expenses. Additionally, the chapter’s graduating Sigma Beta Club member received a $1,000 scholarship.

This year, The Schoolie Awards were introduced. These awards were given as $250 microgrants to recognize and support teachers within local Los Angeles classrooms. The inaugural awards recognized early career teachers (1-3 years in the classroom), mid-career teachers (4-9 years in the classroom) and legacy teachers (10+ years). The event was spearheaded by Bros. Odie Mitchell, Dr. Theo Fowles, Dr. Stephen Rice, Sammy Riley, Martin Evans, Keith Krause, Raynard Dennis, Dewayne Hayforth, Thomas Lyles and Jordan Tazewell.

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Singleton started with convening 500 people in New Orleans in 2008, as a result of the unresolved conversations of 2005 around the effects of Hurricane Katrina: “I wanted to bring the conversation there because the backdrop of New Orleans was evidence of the importance of anti-racism before it was even a term. From New Orleans, we moved to Baltimore and cities like St. Louis, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., San Antonio and Austin – places where children and families of color are not getting their just-deserves. That’s been the growth.” Glenn has done consulting with executives at Wieden + Kennedy Advertising, Google, Amazon, Proctor & Gamble, the New York Department of Education, the New Zealand Ministry of Education, the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. He is the recipient of numerous awards, honors and recognitions including Most Valuable Partnership Award by AdColor, George A. Coleman Excellence in Equity Award by the Connecticut State Education Resource Center, 2021 Ad Age Creativity Award’s Diversity & Inclusion Champion of the Year. Brother Singleton was appointed Commissioner to the California Department of Educational Commission on African American Achievement and later the Commissioner to New York State Commission on Educating Boys and Young men of Color. He has also established the Courageous Conversation South Pacific Institute in Auckland, New Zealand. In 2024, they will launch The R.E.D.I. Gathering (Racial, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion), the compatible in the non-education space, a corporate, government and non-profit space.

COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION IS PHI BETA SIGMA’S THREE PRONG PROGRAMMATIC FOCUS IN ONE Bro. Singleton was working in Portland OR providing a leadership training series for Portland Public Schools, when we encountered Lee Fleming, a major leader in Oregon in the program. Fleming was occasionally late or leaving sessions early. After inquiring, Glenn discovered Fleming was performing community service for his fraternity Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. “When I asked, he said ‘I have to do this’ and I already knew he was doing big stuff and continues to do big stuff,” says Glenn. “But in that moment, what left me was that he is going to do what we are doing here and he’s doing it on his time. Honestly, I thought that this was remarkable, and I wanted to be a part of it.” Brother Fleming introduced Glenn to Alpha Nu Sigma, the Bay Area chapter and after a couple of meetings, per Glenn, it was a no-brainer. In fact, he discovered he had close friends who were Sigma Men in the chapter. He joined the fraternity in June 2014 and attended the Centennial Celebration in Washington, D.C. “What happened in my process was the understanding that what we’re called to engage with and embrace about Phi Beta Sigma became literally like a blueprint – my strategic plan,” he says. “Now I have the tools that help me to understand whether I’m on purpose or if I have strayed. I can look at these program areas and know that these are the areas of my life. I simply need to look for what is the design of the fraternity and make sure that my innovation and directive is aligned. That’s been a divine orchestra.” Brother Glenn Singleton has come full circle since his personal journey into unequal and systemic structural institutional racism. “Once we begin to provide high-quality education for our most marginalized students, we have not yet reached what the dream of this country is…because education is the engine for social transformation for making us better.”

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THE CRESCENT MAGAZINE Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street NW Washington, DC 20011-5294

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