The Crescent Magazine Summer2017

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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

We are pleased to partner with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity to support Conclave 2017: A Family Reunion.

We join you in celebrating the Brotherhood’s many achievements, especially securing the future of boys and young men of color and helping develop a new generation of conservation professionals that reflect the diversity of our nation.


The Official Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Social Media Pages

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A Fraternity Transformed


A timeline highlighting key events over the last four years.


The White House On Kennedy Street

Significant growth in a relatively short time span.


A look at the transformation of Phi Beta Sigma’s International Headquaters.


The Sigma Exchange Experience A valuable asset that has grown to become a lucrative resource for the Fraternity.


The Crescent Magazine

Mission Possible: Record Breaking Membership

The Importance of Sigma Cares for Its Own Reaching out to the Brotherhood in new ways to show their Fraternity is concerned about them.


Securing World-Class Speakers & Entertainers Enhancing the experience of members and guest during conventions, conferences and speclized events.


Steve E. Ballard Deputy Executive Director


Steve E. Ballard, Kent Poindexter, Roger L. Barnes, Dashon Farad, Hon. Martin Currie, Carlos Williams II


Christopher P. Fleming Communications Manager


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-5294 (202) 726-5434




Risk Management Is Changing The Culture


Improving Education Around The Globe


March of Dimes


In Memoriam







The cover features the Honorable Jonathan A. Mason and a collage comprised of images from 2014 Centennial Celebration and “The Pilgrimage” The Charles I. Brown Celebration

The Cresent Magazine is published twice annually by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. International President


Please send address changes to: The Crescent Magazine Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-5294

Summer 2017



Greetings My Beloved Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity!


s I type this message to you, I am flying home from Accra, Ghana where we have spent the last three days working with our partners in the Ghanaian government to develop a long-term plan for the Phi Beta Sigma Vocational and Technical School located in Suhum. When it reaches its full potential, this school will provide essential skills for the young people in the local community. They will be able to use the lessons learned to help elevate all members of their community. I commend our Immediate Past International President, Jimmy Hammock for planting this seed. It has been my privilege to help the vision become a reality. I know that our next president will bring the project to fruition.



International President

I was asked to provide administration reflections in late April. Since the request was made, a spirit of procrastination has gripped me. What shall I say? What is the right message to share with my Brothers? Are the four years of this administration really coming to an end? Have we made a difference? Is the fraternity better today than when we started? So many questions have been running through my mind. Well, I can’t procrastinate any longer. Our print deadline is fast approaching and it would not be appropriate to have someone else pen my thoughts. So, I decided to take time on this ten-hour flight to overcome my anxiety and give this article my all. I think, that is the first thing I want you to know about Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. Whether you agreed with everything this administration has done or not, I’ve given you my all. Early on in my Sigma life, while a member of the Delta Zeta Chapter on the campus of Norfolk State University, I committed my all to Phi Beta Sigma. I’ll never forget those DZ days. We worked hard to elevate our presence on campus. While we all came from different hometowns, there was a Unity of Purpose that bonded us together in an effort to impact our local communities and while doing so, make our Sigma mentors proud. In the process, we developed friendships that have stood the test of time. We shared in each other’s weddings. We became the godfathers and ‘Uncles’ for each other’s children. We became confidantes and defenders of the DZ faith. Essentially, we became family! My DZ Brothers always pushed me to go further. They faithfully supported me in all my endeavors. I loved them then and I will love them always. This ‘thing of ours’ is until death and I am eternally grateful for their friendship. I’m so glad that our fraternity was built around a model of lifetime service. For so many that join fraternities, the experience begins and ends on the


The Crescent Magazine

college and university level. The fact that we can transfer our memberships, upon graduation, to an alumni chapter is a great benefit fraternally, professionally and personally. For almost three years, I was a member of the Beta Sigma Chapter in Norfolk, Virginia. Beta Sigma was not lacking in role models and mentors. It was there that I learned the importance of fellowship, focus and accountability. Every month, at our pre-meeting fellowship, we were full of joy and laughter. But when the meeting started, the same brothers that were laughing and joking asked very pointed questions about the business of the day. No matter how contentious the discussions became, when the meeting was over, the fellowship resumed and we were all on one accord. When I left Norfolk for New Jersey, I immediately joined the Kappa Beta Sigma Chapter in Brooklyn, New York. This historic chapter has now produced three presidents of Phi Beta Sigma. The brothers of Kappa Beta Sigma have supported all of my campaigns and have encouraged me in my losses. I am so proud to be a member of this great chapter and I look forward to returning to my chapter to continue working for Sigma on the local level. Even before Sigma, I was born and raised in the Eastern Region. Sigmas from our region have a bit of a reputation for being tough with one another. I will not deny that fact! I have grown to appreciate all seven regions of our fraternity and I have dear friends across the country. However, I want to state for the record that I am proud to be a member of the Eastern Region. I have learned so much from my Brothers all over the East. No, we don’t always agree but I will never question their love and passion for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.! It has been a great honor to represent them on the international level.

I know this article is supposed to be about my presidential reflections but I must first reflect on how I arrived at this point and honor those brothers and chapters that groomed me for the position. When I became a brother of Phi Beta Sigma on May 7, 1992, I never dreamed that I would become the international president of ‘Our Wondrous Band’. If we go back further, when I was serving 250 detentions in a 182-day school year, being suspended from school, expelled from school and written off by teachers and administrators, I never thought that I would go to college, much less serve as the president of Phi Beta Sigma! But when God has a calling on your life, it's impossible for the individual or anyone else to stop what He has ordained! When I was elected in my hometown of Philadelphia on July 11, 2013, I pinched myself several times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Brothers, YOU elected me to serve! You gave me the great opportunity to be a part of the presidential lineage of the Royal Blue and Pure White. My goal from start to finish was to make you proud and never let you down. I wanted to return your confidence in me with complete access, total transparency and historic achievements. I did not want our time in office to be defined by folklore and tall tales. I wanted it to be defined by quantifiable facts that would stand the test of time. Most importantly, I wanted Sigma to speak loudly on the issues of the day that impact the communities we are tasked to uplift. I pray that each of you and then history will say that we achieved our goals. As you read through the pages of the final Crescent Magazine of our administration, you will be able to see four years of positive results. In many ways, I look at this magazine as our report card. From the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington to the Centennial to record membership growth, from a strong advocacy presence to the creation

Summer 2017



of Sigma Cares to the celebration of the life of our revered Founder, Charles I. Brown, all of the accomplishments of our administration are being shared in great detail. That being said, I want to take the rest of this space to tell you what I have learned. The first thing I have learned is that integrity matters. When you are selected to serve, there are forces on all sides that will lobby you to see issues their way. As the servant leader, you must be able to hear all sides of the argument and then make what you believe to be the best decision for the fraternity and stand firm. Early on in our administration I decided to make major investments in the membership, our headquarters facilities, headquarters personnel and external marketing. I believed that investments in these areas would increase membership and interest in the fraternity, thereby; creating an opportunity for the next administration to capitalize on our efforts. While we faced much criticism for our decisions, we stood firm. You will see how those investments have benefited Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity over these pages. I also want you to know that friendships matter. I have gained friends during this journey. And I must admit sadly, I have also lost some friends. When I look back over my administration, this will be one of my regrets. If you find two or three friends along life’s journey, you are blessed. Friendship is something to be cherished. Real friendships are worth fighting for. Politics and minor disagreements should not end solid relationships. As I transition out of office, I will have time to reflect on the manner in which I handled perceived slights and disagreements. I can assure you that at times, my responses were less than perfect. It is my prayer that others will learn from some of the mistakes I made. If ever asked, I will always encourage our brothers to choose reconciliation. It’s the brotherly thing to do. It’s the Christian thing to do.


The Crescent Magazine

I learned that family matters. I shared earlier that I wanted to be everywhere Sigma needed me and I was! As I look over my travel log, I was on the road for Sigma 42 weeks or more every year. That takes a toll on young families. Jonathan, Jr. is 10 and Jackson is 6. When you add up my vice presidential and presidential years, I’ve been on the road 8 of Jonathan’s 10 years and all of Jackson’s 6 years. Yet, they are well adjusted, high achieving young men. For that, I thank Dionis. She is the best of the best and has created great stability for our sons. I will be eternally grateful to her. She has done and will continue to do an amazing work! During these four years, I also left corporate America and started my own company, accepted the pastorate of my home church and finished the construction of Camp New Joy, my camp for at-risk youth. Some ask how I was able to do it all. All I can say is God gave me the strength to make it through! My beloved Sigma Brothers, thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve. Every life experience has its ups and downs. However, I will forever cherish this honor that you have provided. For four years, I was the servant leader of the greatest fraternal organization in all the land! From our revered founder, A. Langston Taylor to Walter M. Clarke, from Arthur W. Mitchell to Roswell O. Sutton, from Demetrious C. Newton to Charles B. Wright, I'm

grateful that you allowed me to be just a little bush among so many great trees! May God continue to bless and keep you and may God continue to bless Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated!


Greetings Brothers!


irstly and most importantly, let us take a moment to acknowledge the brothers of our wondrous band for allowing us to serve you in this capacity. You are a crucial part of our success, and for this we are


When I was approached by President Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., about the possibility of taking on the responsibility of producing The Crescent I did not take that initial conversation lightly. President Mason enjoyed the work we were doing with the OUR CAUSE magazine, the official publication of the Eastern Region, and wanted to bring that same quality to The Crescent. It was important for me to reflect on the history of our national organ and the men that held this position previously. We would be charged with the responsibility to publish a national organ worthy of the membership, one you would be proud to share with family, friends and co-workers. One thing I did share with Bro. President was of my intent to bring the Our Cause Team with me. The brothers I had worked with for four years would form the base




of the Crescent Team. We would build upon that base to form a talented team to work on our national organ. These brothers have been working behind the scenes to produce each issue. Please join me in thanking them all for their hard work and commitment over the last four years. It would be remiss of me not to take a moment to extend thanks to President Mason and the General Board for having the faith in us to take on this task. Our goal was to take The Crescent to the next level. With each issue we worked hard to raise the bar and improve on the last. Your continued support and encouragement went a long way to keep the Team motivated and focused. The list of those I wish to personally thank is far too extensive to include on this page. However, I would like to publicly acknowledge the following for their hard work and guidance: Bros. Ron Lewis, Al Elam and Kevin Christian . . . Three for the Founders. Your tireless commitment and guidance during this journey was invaluable. I would also like to thank the Staff at our International Headquarter for all of the support they have provided to the Team. Finally, to all brothers and chapters that took the time to submit ideas, articles and feedback, you are appreciated. In closing, as we look back over our body of work we are pleased with our progress, but realize there is always room for improvement. We encourage you to continue to support your national organ and help raise it to the next level. The best is yet to come. March On, March On . . . Summer 2017



Greetings to my Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated


On April 2, 1982, I became a card-carrying member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. through the Epsilon Chi Chapter at Illinois State University, Normal, IL. Prior to joining, I spent a considerable amount of time in the Bone Student Center Library reading several books on fraternities included Baird’s Manual of College Fraternities and Sororities. My thirst for any information on fraternities; which is considered to be part of the “American college experience”, dated back to my senior year in high school.



Deputy Executive Director


The Crescent Magazine

It was through my research that I learned of Phi Beta Sigma’s strong connection to its motto “the inclusive we, rather than the exclusive we.” It made perfect sense why Sigma Men at ISU were strong and diverse in campus leadership, popularity, and community service. It also made perfect sense that Phi Beta Sigma was the choice for me. During the early morning hours of April 2nd, the sun was actually rising as Sigma was being blazed in my heart. I’ve honored my pledge to be committed to the principles of the Brotherhood for the rest of my life, as I’ve been an active member ever since. My Sigma journey has taken me from western plains to eastern hills, discovering nuances of the Brotherhood unknown to many. I’ve volunteered and served in official positions on every level including chapter, state, region and international, most notably in history as one of the two longest serving Editors-In-Chief of The Crescent. This position alone afforded me the opportunity to break bread, become acquainted and work with some of Phi Beta Sigma’s most revered leaders and members.

Sitting in my seat, I’ve observed, first-hand, in clear view, the movement of Sigma through eleven administrations. Transitioning from volunteer to employee exactly 32 years after my initiation in April 2014 as the International Deputy Executive Director, my view of Phi Beta Sigma from a vastly different vantage point added greater clarity. I have the perfect view. How befitting it is, and indeed an honor, to be asked to serve as guest editor for this special edition of The Crescent, which offers a panoramic view of the fraternity from 2013 through 2017. Please know that the task was not easy. To effectively put into print the true accomplishments, growth and progress of this fraternity within these short four years would require a special series. The list of achievements are ground breaking – no exaggeration! In my 35 years of membership, I can honestly say that no organization has accomplished as much as Sigma did in one year, than in a typical 2-4 years. Needless to say, our impact in four years is unheard of. What we’ve attempted to share in this special edition is the “after” phase of a new administration. Once the oath of leadership was taken in Philadelphia, PA, this administration moved full speed ahead with a unified purpose to transform Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

I’m proud to have been a part of a team of leaders who sincerely desired to implement a paradigm shift in thought and deeds to propel every area of service and operation. From the overall visionary and architect, International President Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. and corporate powerhouse driver of membership First Vice President Micheal Cristal to a new generation of collegiate leaders led by a fireball of energy Second Vice President Jarrod Benjamin, this administration has set the bar for future leaders. The international program directors Quentin B. Goodwin, Jean B. Lamothe, Dr. Ivory Lyles and Dr. Mario Brown sincerely worked together to advance initiatives and programs to a new level – and the members responded. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the fraternity launched a new marketing theme called “Our Pride Is Showing.” The campaign had a two-fold purpose: acknowledge and reverse the old feeling of being secondary and acknowledge the new spirit, which was currently on fire in the organization. That same spirit is flowing now.

Today, we’re celebrating a transformed organization! Phi Beta Sigma is on the stage, in the room, at the table and on the lips. We’re stronger, wiser, and so much better. As you view these pages, look back at all that we’ve accomplished and think back at all that we’ve been through. “We never would have made it” without the leaders and chapters who caught the fire and lit their torches from the torch passed by our leader. You understood the message, saw the vision and got on board, just as I did. We never would have transformed Phi Beta Sigma without you! Summer 2017



Our Special Bond | Reflections from the International Grand Basileus My Dear Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma,


hat an honor to have been asked by International President Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. to give reflections about our special friendship. But, it is more than a friendship – it is an unbreakable bond that is reflected in both constitutions of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. That is what makes us the ONLY constitutionally-bound, brother and sister organization of any Greek-letter organization.



International Grand Basileus Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

I thank God for A. Langston Taylor, Charles Robert Samuel Taylor and Arizona Cleaver because they are the ones who are truly responsible for this bond and the establishment of Zeta Phi Beta. God has a reason for everything He does and that Lovers’ Stroll, 97 years ago, was the beginning of something special and unique. When I was elected International Grand Basileus in July 2012, I was asked what do you want for your swearing-in ceremony and I answered Dr. Jylla Tearte by requesting that the International President of Phi Beta Sigma would escort me into the room for the ceremony. And International President Jimmy Hammock, who had just left that Boulé, made a return flight back to Chicago and escorted me into the room the following morning. After being sworn in as International Grand Basileus, Brother Hammock and I realized that we were the first International Presidents of Sigma and Zeta, serving concurrently and having Sigma and Zeta spouses (Vicki Hammock and James Wright, respectively). Although I faced many challenges after my election, one of my immediate goals was to move the 2014 Boulé from Orlando, FL to Washington, DC so that Zeta could celebrate and participate in Sigma’s Centennial. God granted my prayer with minimal impact and no financial loss to Zeta. In 2013, Sigma elected Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. as its 34th International President and I held the honor again of serving concurrently with a Sigma President and his Zeta wife (Dionis Mason). I was filled with excitement and a glow of blue and white pride knowing that our Founders would have said, “this is the dream of our hearts.” I was grateful to President Mason and Phi Beta Sigma for including Zeta in every possible event for your Centennial. I extended remarks, on behalf of Zeta, at the groundbreaking ceremony for the historic monument on Howard University’s campus as well as the unveiling of the momentous marker to honor the 100th anniversary of your Fraternity. One of my most treasured memories as International Grand Basileus was giving the Centennial Charge at your January 2014 celebration and having

10 The Crescent Magazine


On a personal note, President Mason – you are a true and dedicated transformer and your administration will leave that legacy of transformation. From I Am My Brother’s Keeper to the US Fish and Wildlife, Sigma has been on the move and made positive changes in our country. Sigma, you wear your colors with pride, your letters with distinction, and you serve the community as servant leaders. President Mason – you live your faith in every way you can, you give your best from start to follow-through, you plan your work and then you work your plan. It has been an absolute honor and privilege serving and working with you and Sigma these past four years. God has truly blessed Sigma and Zeta as the bond is stronger than ever. We did not have to talk the bond, we lived the bond. Sigma and Zeta forever! Soror Frances E. Faithful (the daughter and niece of two of Zeta’s Founders, but recently deceased) in attendance. International President Mason and I have traveled to many of the Divine Nine’s National Conventions, in addition to numerous other events across the United States. I attended a prayer service in Ferguson, MO with President Mason and the Sigmas, and he attended Zeta’s memorial unveiling for Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons in Philadelphia, PA to name a couple. I am always treated with the utmost respect and constantly acknowledged by all Sigmas while attending different types of conferences and events. When I walk into my hotel room on so many occasions and see a white rose floral arrangement with three white carnations, I know it is from President Mason and the Sigmas. When Zeta moved out of our Headquarters to begin renovations, President Mason opened Phi Beta Sigma’s annex for us to utilize until we secured another facility. During the past four years, Sigmas and Zetas held joint regional, state, and Founders’ Day activities and regional and state directors extended greetings at each other’s conferences and other special events. For some, this was a first while others hadn’t witnessed this in quite some time. I am filled with a greater sense of appreciation, pride, respect, and sisterly love as never before for the Sigma Zeta bond.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is looking forward to you joining us for our Centennial, June 25-28, 2020 in Washington, DC. May we continue our legacies of service to our communities and throughout the world by working together, serving in brotherly and sisterly love, and strengthening our bond.

Summer 2017 11

Reflections from Stacey Stewart, March of Dimes


he March of Dimes and Phi Beta Sigma have been long-standing mission partners in the effort to improve the health of every mom and baby. Phi Beta Sigma continues to increase their support through ever-greater involvement in the March for Babies campaign, as well as, throughout Prematurity Awareness Month.


STEWART President

March of Dimes Foundation

Together, March of Dimes and Phi Beta Sigma are able to make a meaningful impact through their education, advocacy, mission awareness and fundraising initiatives. This partnership is unique because it not only strives to improve birth outcomes, but also prepare men to become fathers and role models in the African-American community through Strong Fathers seminars and Stepping To Save Babies events. Phi Beta Sigma has a rich history of volunteerism and giving back to the community. It is an inspiration to see all of the Phi Beta Sigma members at March for Babies events across the country, and the enthusiasm for the mission. The March of Dimes and Phi Beta Sigma partnership is highly valued, appreciated, vibrant and fun! Together, we will succeed in giving every baby a healthy start in life.

12 The Crescent Magazine

Since 2014, as a Senior Major Gifts Officer for the National Museum of African American History and Culture, I have had the pleasure of working with the distinguished men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Under the transformational leadership of International President, Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. and the administration, the organization has established a long-standing partnership with the only national museum devoted exclusively to the documentation of African Am American life, art, history, and culture. Prior to the museum’s opening in 2016, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. made a very special $500,000 investment to support our mission of honoring and preserving this important history for generations to come. With this outstanding gift, the Fraternity joined an esteemed group of Donors who are recognized in a permanent listing on the Major Contributor Wall in the museum. eir pioneering support of the museum’s construction, along with their continuing efforts to make a significant impact in our communities and across the globe, is reflective of the leadership, dedication, and influence of Mr. Mason and the administration. Congratulations and

ank You to the Brothers of Sigma.

Margaret Turner Senior Major Gifts Officer, National Museum of African American History and Culture






International President Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

ongratulations to the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated on hosting your 2017 Conclave from the members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated! I am certain that your members are beaming with pride during this special gathering in the Motor City. Under Jonathan Mason's outstanding leadership as International President, no one should have any doubt that "there's something special going on in Phi Beta Sigma!" With more than 200,000 members from over 700 chapters around the world, you have much to be thankful for because you've truly been blessed for more than 103 years. Your implementation of My Brother's Keeper has been a beacon of light for young boys across the nation that President Mason should be commended for spearheading this effort. As a fellow National Pan-Hellenic Council member, I understand what an exciting time this is for your beloved Fraternity. There is no doubt that A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse, and Charles I. Brown would certainly be proud to see just how far you have come since January 9, 1914 on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. Today, your organization is thriving. Phi Beta Sigma is a force to be reckoned with in fields such as medicine, law enforcement, education, as well as entrepreneurship. We have all seen Phi Beta Sigma at the forefront of change and improvement for people from all walks of life. It is because your members have ensured that they exemplify achievement in every field of human endeavor. Please know that the 290,000 members of Alpha Kappa Alpha worldwide salute your 2017 Conclave. We also stand with you in support of all that you do to make the world better and our people even stronger. Luke 12:48 tells us, "To whom much is given, much is required." Your tireless work in countless communities embodies this scripture. Again, congratulations on your Conclave and all your future endeavors!

14 The Crescent Magazine


The A. Philip Randolph Institute and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., In Service Together


s I reflect on the special relationship of the A. Philip Randolph Institute and the Phi Beta Sigma Brotherhood, I am humbled by how unmistakably linked the two organizations are, and have been for more than 50 years. The work of our founder, Sigma Brother Asa Philip Randolph, speaks to the core values of service and commitment to community, as echoed by the sentiments of the Brothers who founded Phi Beta Sigma. The mission of the A. Philip Randolph Institute mirrors the conviction of the Sigma motto, “Culture for Service for Humanity.� For many years, our organizations have had many reasons to commemorate and celebrate our respective historical milestones, and those collaborations have resulted in a stronger bond of connectivity to each other and to the communities we serve. Because he was a Sigma man, it is easy to understand the philosophy of Brother Randolph and his commitment to the ideals of social justice and equality.


BROWN President

A. Philip Randolph Institute

It was at the 1941 Phi Beta Sigma Conclave in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Brother Randolph announced a proposed march on Washington, D.C. to protest racial discrimination in defense work and the military. Due to pressure imposed on President Roosevelt from Randolph and other civil rights activists, Executive Order 8802 was issued to bar discrimination in governmental and defense industry hiring. In 2013, seventy years after the Philadelphia Conclave, Sigma Brothers gathered with the A. Philip Randolph Institute to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington. Under the leadership of International Presidents Jimmy Hammock and Jonathan M. Mason, Sr., Sigma Brothers have supported the A. Philip Randolph Institute through much needed resources and active participation in our National Education Conferences. We are particularly grateful to Sigma Brother Carter D. Womack who made a concerted effort to connect our Youth to the Phi Beta Sigma Brothers of the University of Reno, Nevada to engage in an aggressive Campus Voter Registration Drive during the 2014 mid-term elections. For our Culture and for our Community, we are proud to serve with our Phi Beta Sigma Brothers. Summer 2017 15


A Salute to Frater Jonathan Mason and the Men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.


t is with great honor and pleasure that a take a moment to salute the leadership of Frater Jonathan Mason and the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Frater Mason, during his tenure as the National President of Phi Beta Sigma, has always remained relevant to the needs and the obstacles of the day. He has continued to guide the Fraternity in a direction that is in line with the mission and the purpose of the Fraternity.



33rd National President National Pan-Hellenic Council

He is a man of action and vision, never just talking about it, but being about it. As I served as the President of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and worked closely with all of the Divine Nine Presidents, I was able to witness Frater Mason working collaboratively with his peers, always supporting and uplifting everyone’s initiative and willing to volunteer to take the lead on a project that affected all nine of the organizations. He is a man of integrity and has sincere love and dedication for the communities that he and the Men of Phi Beta Sigma serve. I would like to personally thank Frater Mason for his continued support to the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and for me. Frater Mason was always in my corner uplifting and making sure that he supported the needs of the NPHC. It has been wonderful getting to know Frater Mason better and working with him. His footprint in the history of Phi Beta Sigma is a grand one. Thank you my brother.

16 The Crescent Magazine


Reflections of Soror Dionis Mason, First Lady of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.


onathan and I met in 2003 at the Zeta Atlantic Regional conference in my hometown of Baltimore, MD. At that time, he was the International Director of Social Action. And, 10 years later he was elected as your 34th International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in his home state of Pennsylvania. I knew that he was destined for great things but I didn’t think that we would be here today. To the executive staff of Phi Beta Sigma, a hearty thank you for your hospitality and support of our family during the last 8 years. As your First Lady and Soror, I would like to congratulate my husband, your International President, the Rev. Dr. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., on his monumental term in Sigma History. It has been a pleasure standing with you and supporting you and the brotherhood. As I have travelled with you, I’ve had many brothers tell me that they were always proud to be a Sigma but even more proud of you as their President and the leadership that has transformed Sigma under your Presidency. The many long nights and weekends away from home have not been in vain. You and the executive board have worked tirelessly to achieve many goals and firsts during this administration. You’ve had opportunities many have only dreamed of, and you stepped right into them with grace and humility. And, for that your parents, in-laws, and family are overjoyed at your accomplishments and so am I.



Jonathan, you have sacrificed a lot for our family and for your brothers of Phi Beta Sigma. As a President, Pastor, Husband, Father, and the youngest son of your family, you have travelled the world and put your stamp on it. The boys and I can’t thank you enough for your love, faith, encouragement, and leadership. You have been and will always be a great father and role model for our boys. You continue to show them what being a man is and that you don’t quit. Most importantly, you have showed us how to be a blessing to others and be blessed. As you close out this season in your life, I pray that you will continue to let “your cause speed on its way”. With love from your wife!

Summer 2017 17

A FRATERNITY TRANSFORMED Conclave 2013 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania encouraged Sigma men in The City of Brotherly Love and around the globe to POWER UP! The message spoke of the urgency for brothers to get engaged, plugged in and connected to the power line that would soon be unleashed to the masses. That source of power was the collective unity of purpose which was the driving force for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity to take the organization to higher levels of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service. This Conclave began the countdown toward what would be its biggest celebration yet— the 100th year of existence for our Brotherhood.

The energy level was off the charts, as the men of Sigma ushered in new leaders, new initiatives and a renewed commitment to represent the stellar association of men chosen to carry out the legacy of its honorable Founders. In hindsight, the appropriate question for the membership would be “Are you ready for what’s in store?”

The transition of leadership was fast, setting a pace which could be maintained only by those who were interested in being progressive, thought provoking, movers and shakers. Phi Beta Sigma was charting a new course, aimed at transforming the organization in several areas simultaneously. The theme for the new Phi Beta Sigma held court on historic administration was “One Fraternity grounds, as the City of Philadelphia Working Together to Transform Our had played host to history-making Communities” and the transformation decisions since the Fraternity’s early has exceeded all expectations. days. At this convention the brothers What follows throughout the next delved deeper into the programmatic section is a timeline of the Phi Beta focus of the organization and set Sigma Fraternity’s transformation. a course that would redefine the fraternity’s commitment to serving communities around the globe.

18 The Crescent Magazine

Summer 2017 19






August 27 & 28, 2013




January 8 – 12, 2014

THUNDER BACK 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

“STONY THE ROAD, WE TROD”: The Centennial Founders Week Celebrationn

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity replicated its 1963 position as key players in the March on Washington, by showing the world that Sigma men are still at the forefront of the social justice movement in America, fighting for jobs, justice, peace and freedom.

Sigmas from all over the country gathered in Washington, DC to commemorate 100 years of “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.”

THUNDER BACK brought together over 800 fraternity members from across the country. Bro. Rev. Al Sharpton, National Action Network, led the charge. Bro. Congressman John Lewis was the keynote speaker, while Hon. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., was the only NPHC leader to speak to the crowd of nearly 500,000 marchers and millions who viewed the march via television and the internet. CNBC covered the fraternity’s Town Hall Meeting that featured Hank Thomas, an original Freedom Rider and Bro. John Lewis.

A Pre-Founders Day Media Tour featured a string of television and radio interviews for Hon. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., our 34th International President. On the day of the historic 100th world-wide Founders Day Celebration, Sigma men sported Blue and White everywhere! • Engaged in a worldwide 3 minutes of Remembrance at 1:00pm (EST) • Celebrated the kick-off of the United Sigma Days of Service • Participated in laying wreaths for the Founding Fathers at 3 key historic locations at 1:14pm

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January 11, 2014 Actor, singer and Civil Rights legend Harry Belafonte was inducted as an Honorary Member

April 25 & 26, 2014 Hardwiring Retreat for Operational Success THE MEMORIAL MONUMENT GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY The Fraternity paid homage to its legacy by developing a memorial monument to provide lasting memories of a great institution, on the sacred grounds upon which it began.

Our International President assembled key leaders and headquarters staff in Lynchburg, VA to assess and hardwire the International Headquarters to re-develop an alignment for organizational and operational success.

A REDEDICATION TO THE VISION On January 9th at 9:14pm, President Mason delivered the Founders Day Presidential Message to members around the world, via the internet.

THE CENTENNIAL FOUNDERS DAY GALA Saturday, January 11th was the culmination of a 3-day 100th birthday celebration. The Gala was historic, as it was the first-ever simulcast to all regions of the Fraternity.

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May 2014 Phi Beta Sigma Partners With AARP Understanding the breadth and scope of its diverse membership, PBS entered into a first-time partnership with AARP, one the nation’s largest non-profit advocacy organizations for people age 50 and over.

July 16 – 20, 2014 Celebrating One Century Of Service Over 3,000 Sigma men registered in advance to attend the great celebration of 100 Years in magnificent style. Nearly 20,000 members and guests arrived in the nation’s capitol and deposited more than $5,000,000 in revenue. The 5-day celebration included 21 events, orchestrated to maximize the experience of Sigma members, Zeta sorors, family, friends and guests.

The week’s activities included: • The Demetrius C. Newton, Jr. Memorial Golf Classic • Collegiate Summit • “The Best is Yet to Come”: An Evening Celebrating 100 Years of Service” feat. host Flex Alexander, Rev. Al Sharpton, and Shirley Caesar • Bigger & Better Business Networking Breakfast • Rededication & Omega Ceremony • “Day Party” feat. Syleena Johnson • Centennial Step Show Competition • Hip Hop/Rap Concert feat. Walé • Sigma-Zeta Reaffirmation Ceremony • Legends Roundtable feat. all living Past Presidents and Executive Directors, Bro. Dr. Benjamin Chavis, Bro. Dr. George Iggers, Rev. C.T. Vivian, Bro. Dr. Virgil Woods

22 The Crescent Magazine

July 16, 2014 The Sigma History Museum After months of research and planning, on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, over 500 people attended the history-making event, as the Fraternity opened the first-ever Sigma History Museum at the International Headquarters.

September 13, 2014 Alain Leroy Locke Burial • “Day Party” feat. Doug E. Fresh & Slick Rick • MAZE feat. Frankie Beverly in concert • Family & Legacy Breakfast • A. Philip Randolph Unity Rally • SigmaFest • Centennial Memorial

Sixty years after his death, Honorable Bro. Alain Leroy Locke, the first African American Rhodes Scholar and first honorary member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, was given a permanent resting place in Washington, DC’s Capitol Hill’s Congressional Cemetery. PBS international headquarters staff and fraternity members participated in the Memorial and Internment Ceremony.

September 18, 2014 I Am My Brother’s Keeper The Fraternity launched the ” I Am My Brother’s Keeper” initiative in direct response to President Barack Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper White House initiative. The program is a three-pronged approach to addressing social challenges that impact boys and young men of color through a Ten-Point Agenda.

Monument Unveiling • Centennial Grand Orchid Blue Tie Ball • The Worship Service

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September 24, 2014

October 2014

REAL TALK Phi Beta Sigma sponsored “A Serious Conversation About the Future of Our Young Men of Color.” The panel discussion on mentoring the next generation of African American youth was a featured program of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 44th Legislative Conference. Lead by Sigma’s international leaders, the program brought together some of the nation’s top thought-leaders:

• Roy Austin, Deputy Assistant to the President, White House Domestic Policy Council • Benjamin Crump, ESQ., Attorney for Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin • Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Author and Professor, Georgetown University • Steven Hawkins, Executive Director, Amnesty International

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• Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, Moderator, Host at HuffPost and BETNews • Dr. John H. Jackson, President, The Schott Foundation • Marc H. Morial, President & CEO, National Urban League • Reverend Al Sharpton, Founder & President, National Action Network • Frederica S. Wilson, Congressional Representative, (D-FL)

Howard University Scholarship Endowment The Fraternity presented the Centennial Scholarship Endowment to the institution where the Phi Beta Sigma was born. Howard University in Washington, DC, was awarded a $500,000 scholarship endowment to encourage and support the perpetuation of high scholastic achievement for young men of color.

November 7-9, 2014 Adopt-A-School Nassau, Bahamas During the 2014-2015 fiscal year, the International Education Program charged the Fraternity’s chapters to adopt at least 100 schools, with the purpose of building student literacy. During its Fall meeting, the General Board volunteered at Oaks Field Primary School in Nassau, Bahamas and voted to provide the school with a much needed PA System.

December 13, 2014

March 7, 2015

March 28, 2015

ACTION NOW! Day Of Service Ferguson, Missouri

50th Anniversary Of The Selma-ToMontgomery March

75 Years Portraits Of John Lewis

In the aftermath of the grand jury decision in Ferguson, MO not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, Sigma leadership believed it was critical to engage the Ferguson and metropolitan St. Louis communities in healing and rebuilding.

International First Vice President Micheal Cristal joined a group of renowned civil rights activists, political leaders and celebrities at the famous Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, AL, to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the historic march, which led to passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

The nation paused to celebrate one of American history’s most revered Civil Rights legends. Hon. Jonathan A. Mason delivered a powerful and rousing tribute of the evening for Brother Congressman Lewis.

As the fraternity worked to help restore Ferguson, the community was invited to attend three important gatherings of pastors, leaders and young adults. • Prayer Vigil • Youth Summit • Adopt-A-Business Prayer Vigil

June 2015 Adopt-A-Business Initiative As part of the Fraternity’s ACTION NOW! Day of Service, the Bigger & Better Business team selected Juanita’s Fashions R Boutique, a Ferguson, MO business destroyed during the riots after the Michael Brown grand jury decision. The Fraternity encouraged its members to donate through GoFundMe, raising $20,000.

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July 15-19, 2015 “I AM MY BROTHER’S KEEPER” Conclave 2015: Little Rock, AR Phi Beta Sigma continued its commitment to respond to President Barack Obama’s initiative by holding its biennial meeting at the Little Rock Marriott Downtown and Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock, AR. Conclave 2015 held the record as the highest registered attended international convention in the history of the Fraternity.

I AM MY BROTHER’S KEEPER FORUM A series of think tanks that featured some of the nation’s and city’s top leaders:

• Bro. Philip Banks, former Chief of New York Police • Bro. Algie Gatewood, President, Alamance Community College • Bro. George Iggers, Scholar/Civil Rights Activist • Bro. Dr. Edison O. Jackson, President, Bethune-Cookman College • Bro. Haki Nkrumah, Founder & President, Young Fathers of Central Florida

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• Bro. Nate Miles, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Eli Lilly & Company • Bro. Rev. D. L. Richardson, Pastor, First Baptist Church, North Little Rock, AR • Bro. Dr. Lawrence Rouse, President, James Sprunt Community College • Bro. Dr. Henry Shannon, President, Chaffey College

HONORING THE LITTLE ROCK 9 The Opening Ceremony served as a salute to civil rights icons, the Little Rock Nine. In attendance were six of the nine: Elizabeth Eckford, Dr. Ernest Green, Carlotta Walls LaNier, Terrence Roberts, Minniejean BrownTrickey, and Thelma Mothershed-Wair.

I AM MY BROTHER’S KEEPER RALLY: A TRIBUTE TO THE LITTLE ROCK NINE The fraternity joined the City of Little Rock at the famed Little Rock Central High School, which truly showcased the sharp racial contrast in the city’s government and higher institutions of learning.

August 14 & 15, 2015 2015 Leadership Retreat Held in Chicago, Illinois, the General Board retreat brought together key fraternity leaders with the goal of establishing measurable standards of operation for organizational success.

September 16, 2015

October 2015

Honorary Member Induction Ceremony & Welcome Reception Phi Beta Sigma expanded its ranks with the induction of four exceptional achievers, representing diverse industries and arenas. Nearly 100 Sigma men representing the General Board, Past National Presidents, CBC attendees and local chapters attended the standing-room only ceremony. A special welcome reception served as the fraternity’s entrée to the Congressional Black Caucus’ 45th Annual Legislative Conference. Inducted as Honorary Members were:

• Honorable Elijah E. Cummings, U.S. Representative, D-MD, 7th District • Joseph E. Madison, Host & Radio Personality, Sirius XM Radio

• Charles J. Ogletree, Professor & Author, Harvard Law School • R. Donahue Peebles, Founder & CEO, The Peebles Corporation

October 10, 2015

Small Business Administration

20th Anniversary Million Man March

Phi Beta Sigma entered into a formal partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration to share the administration’s Business Smart Toolkit with our membership, affiliates and constituents. This was an effort to help new and aspiring entrepreneurs bring their business ideas to fruition, and to build credit-ready businesses.

Phi Beta Sigma’s International Headquarters served again as the National Mobilization Headquarters, just as it did 20 years prior. A sea of Blue & White covered the stage as Sigma men attended in great numbers.

Summer 2017 27

November 2015 EDUCATIONAL SCHLARSHIPS: Breaking A Record Sigma chapters collectively raised and presented nearly $941,000 in scholarship moneys for their communities. The Fraternity awarded thirty-five $1,000 scholarships to its collegiate membership. An additional $10,000 were awarded in scholarships for oratorical and debate team winners, graduating seniors, The Alaine Leroy Locke Academic Achievement Award, and the collegiate chapter with the highest GPA, which brought the total scholarships awarded to $1,000,000.

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November 14, 2015

February 6, 2016

ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY: Honolulu, Hawaii

“WHAT OF THE DAY” World Premier

The Fraternity elevated its efforts to encourage citizens to take ownership of their neighborhoods and communities through beautification and environmental protection. The General Board selected to highlight the international Social Action initiative during its Fall 2015 General Board Meeting in Honolulu, HI.

The story of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was crystallized in the historic production of “What of the Day”, a feature-length documentary, which traces the history of organization from its inception to the present day. The documentary made its world premier at the Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles, California.

APRIL 2016 March Of Dimes; Record Breaking Through its ongoing partnership with The March of Dimes Foundation, Phi Beta Sigma’s contributions reached an all-time high of $148,000 in 2016.

February 13, 2016 ANSWERING THE CALL: Flint, Michigan Water Crisis After heeding the Call for Action by the Nu Alpha Sigma Chapter (Detroit, MI), Phi Beta Sigma supported a GoFundMe account set up to raise funds for bottled water, and water filtering products. Members of Phi Beta Sigma and Sigma Beta Clubs traveled from several states in the Midwest and East to deliver over 68,000 bottles of water, 200 gallons of nursery water, and 200 water dispensers with 5 gallon bottles, to be handed out to the citizens of Flint.

March 2016 THE SIGMA SCROLL: A Pictorial Journey To The Centennial Celebration The Centennial Celebration was a time of reflection, as well as a celebration of the journey, which culminated in the historical commemoration of 100 years of service. The Sigma Scroll was designed and envisioned to be a living testimony to our successes and our challenges going forward. The Scroll provided an opportunity for Brothers across the country to leave a tangible imprint on our legacy.

March 29, 2016 AN UNSUNG HERO: Dr. William Harbour Sigma Brother Dr. William Harbour fought the good fight for civil rights alongside other history makers of the movement. Unfortunately, he has received little recognition for his participation in several groundbreaking marches and protest activities. President Jonathan Mason traveled to Atlanta, GA to film the long overdue interview with one of the nation’s original “Freedom Fighters.”

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June 2016 Ghana School Project The Suhum – Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Technical Vocational Institute Commisioned Phi Beta Sigma International leaders journeyed to Accra, Ghana to witness the completion of the Fraternity’s Ghana School Project, originally launched in 2012.

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June 8 & 9, 2016 2016 Serious Sigma Summit Nearly 800 brothers, representing all seven regions, took part in the 2-day leadership conference, which focused on “Developing the Leader in You.”

August 2016 Phi Beta Sigma Partners With The Smithsinian Institute’s National Museum Of African American History And Culture With A $500,000 Donation Phi Beta Sigma made history as a major donor of the NMAAHC. The museum is THE place where all Americans and visitors from around the world can learn about the richness and diversity of the African American experience.

August 12 – 22, 2016 Standing With Those In The Storms… Louisiana Flood Relief Fund The prolonged rainfall in the southern parts of the state of Louisiana resulted in catastrophic flooding that submerged thousands of houses and businesses. The historic floods affected members of the Fraternity and their families. Through Sigma Cares for Its Own, a Call to Action brought attention to their need, and encouraged members to donate to a special fund established for those directly displaced by the storms.

September 15, 2016 Change Agents Phi Beta Sigma’s official CBC-ALC event honored eight Sigma public and appointed public officials from across the nation. The special event recognized those leaders on the front line for social justice.

September 16, 2016 The Billboard Jackson Entrepreneurial Development Program This initiative was designed to invest in members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity who dream of starting their own businesses. The program awarded start-up capital to fraternity members who presented outstanding business plans. Two winning start-ups, one owned by a collegiate member and the other by an alumni member, were each awarded $7,500 grants.

Summer 2017 31



eW in”



e h e n W e Vot

November 2016

January 6 – 8, 2017

PROJECT VOTE: “When We Vote, We Win”

THE PILGRIMAGE: The Charles I. Brown Celebration

The 2016 Presidential election encouraged the most participation ever in an election in the United States of America. Phi Beta Sigma worked to “get out the vote” by encouraging chapters and members to participate in promoting voting in the November general election.

After an intense 17-year search to solve the mystery of the disappearance of Honorable Founder Charles I. Brown, a breakthrough occurred in 2015. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity leaders and members, along with national leaders from around the globe, traveled to Philadelphia, PA during Founders Weekend. The three-day celebration included a reception, celebratory mass conducted by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia, and the official Omega ceremony commemorating the historic occasion.

32 The Crescent Magazine

February 14, 2017 ST. JUDE “International Day Of Giving” Phi Beta Sigma designated Valentine’s Day 2017 to support St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital and the ongoing efforts to eradicate juvenile diabetes and cancer.

March 18, 2017 “A DAY TO GET IN GOOD TROUBLE” The John Lewis Documentary Project Phi Beta Sigma sponsored the groundbreaking documentary about the leading change on the front lines, celebrating the story of our own Sigma Brother Honorable John F. Lewis. Chapters were encouraged to sponsor fundraisers on March 18th, where proceeds are used to support the production of the documentary.

May 7 - 11, 2017 SIGMAS ON THE HILL Washington, DC. Phi Beta Sigma brought together 14 of the fraternity’s top academic collegiate brothers to experience the legislative process of the government. For 3-days the collegiate members representing the most promising futures were chaperoned by international leaders and afforded the opportunity to engage with their respective Congressional leaders, participate in law-making workshops, tour historic sites in the nation’s capital, and the Fraternity.

Summer 2017 33


isk management is a vital element to any organization in the quest to provide meaningful ways to do damage control. In its quest to eliminate the possibility of potentially crippling lawsuits, and to change the culture associated with Black Greek-lettered organizations, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity made some decisions which today, make the organization a leader in how to do productive risk management. In fact, thanks to the ongoing work begun by the National Pan-Hellenic Council in 1990 (in response to hazing gone wild among BGLOs), most Black sororities and fraternities have significantly reduced the numbers of reported hazing incidents in the last decade. A cooperative effort by members of the Divine Nine, along with greater involvement from college and university officials, and stronger anti-hazing legislature at the local levels, has stemmed the flow of chapters engaging in underground hazing.

Initially, many said that the anti-hazing policy adopted by the NPHC did little to end the lawsuits, resulting in increasingly high comprehensive insurance premiums for BGLOs. This factor has pushed these organizations to focus on risk management as a major priority. While Phi Beta Sigma has encouraged monitoring this for several decades, the organization has had its share of hazing lawsuits, including one that nearly cost us our headquarters. In 2012, then-First Vice President Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., along with the International Director of Risk Management Bro. Martin B. Currie, worked with the General Board to stop hazing in the fraternity. An aggressive anti-hazing campaign called “Let’s Not Beat the Life Out of A Beautiful Legacy” became the first significant 34 The Crescent Magazine

campaign by a member of the NPHC to deal directly with this issue. After a major press conference in Washington, DC announcing this initiative, more NPHC organizations, along with colleges and universities, joined Sigma’s efforts in eradicating the #1 threat to the existence of Black Greek-lettered organizations.

Phase Two of the campaign was Sigma’s launch of its Anti-Hazing Week, which would later change to an Anti-Hazing Month under the Mason administration. During Anti-Hazing Month, chapters were required to participate in the month’s observation by hosting anti-hazing workshops and seminars on the campuses and in cities where they serve. The result of these efforts has rescued Phi Beta Sigma from the “Danger Zone”. In November 2013, Brother Currie shared with the General Board several “Action Steps” that he believed would effectively curb hazing. These steps included the institution and involvement of Regional Risk Managers (RRM) to assist Regional Directors, thus strengthening working relationships with the International President, First Vice President and the General Counsel. Encouraging the use of RMMs would assist Regional Directors in the Membership

Intake Process (MIP) and stress the need to hold Fraternity members directly accountable for their actions. Bro. Currie stated, “We need Regional Directors to give no leniency when chapters and members refuse to cooperate, and openly lie or enter into collusion to hinder our efforts to find the truth and protect our Fraternity. There must be real consequences for direct refusal to cooperate with the antihazing policies. We need to give injured and/ or hospitalized MIP candidates a pass on suspension or expulsion as long as the statute of limitations is open.” This plan of action also included his office working with the International Headquarters staff to ensure that risk management policies would carry over to enforce safe working relationships with youth (Sigma Beta Clubs in particular), alumni chapters are operating and reporting properly, and maintaining insurance at a very reasonable price for the most comprehensive coverage.

In 2014, a team of three risk management professional investigators was appointed to respond to allegations of hazing, MIP violations and event occurrences involving third parties. This team serves with the full backing of the General Board to investigate and recommend immediate suspension and expulsion for chapter members who refuse cooperate with investigations within seventy-two hours. Additional policies were put in place to better protect the fraternity as an organization. These include: •

Prior to beginning the Membership Intake Process, candidates’ families will be notified that their sons are beginning the MIP process, and are informed of the fraternity’s “Zero Tolerance” policy on hazing and pledging. They are informed that if their sons allow hazing to occur they will not be initiated into the fraternity.

• Seven Regional Risk Management Directors were appointed to support the International Headquarters and Regional Directors in implementing, expanding, refining, and monitoring adherence to our policies and procedures. 2015 brought in the introduction and maintenance of new risk management initiatives, including correspondence from IHQ to all chapters informing them of new policies and consequences regarding hazing and pledging. Members were informed that neither the courts nor Phi Beta Sigma would make a distinction between the two. In that same year, going forward, each chapter president and secretary is obliged to sign and submit a Risk Management Acknowledgment Form. Failure to do so by December 31st of each year or forty-five days after the initial form is sent will result in these chapters being considered inactive. It was also decided that all chapters must add their officer list to their websites each semester. To assist with these new mandates, online Risk Management Training Modules for chapter and Fraternity officers was proposed. Summer 2017 35

A security requirement was also implemented. All fraternity open parties and step shows must have an armed, insured security guard or an off-duty police officer to protect members as well as their guests at these events. It is our pleasure to announce in this issue of The Crescent that as a result of these new policies and procedures, our fraternity’s insurance premiums have decreased. Further, Phi Beta Sigma has been hit with less lawsuits than its constituent NPHC partners. This is the result of Currently, more than most NPHC groups, Phi Beta Sigma have been the least hit with lawsuits. This is the result of a four-year effort. Thanks to the implementation of these initiatives, we can declare that with regard to moving our fraternity away from hazing and pledging, Our Cause Speeds Nobly On Its Way.

Reported By: HON. BRO. MARTIN B. CURRIE Eta Beta Sigma Chapter Nashville, TN Southwestern Region

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ashington, DC, the nation’s capital, has been celebrating an upward trend in population in recent years, reaching a total 681,170 in 2016, a figure not seen since the 1970s. In general, the upward trend in the city’s population is expected to continue due to DC’s growing economic diversity and quality of life. Between July 1, 2015 and July 1, 2016, Washington, DC added 10,793 new residents, a 1.6 percent increase or average of 900 new residents per month. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the largest contributor to population growth in Washington, DC in this period was domestic and international migration – people moving to Washington, DC from other parts of the United States and from abroad. “Our growth in population shows that Washington, DC continues to be an attractive place to live, work and start a family,” said Mayor Muriel Bowser. “Our neighborhoods continue to grow safer and stronger, and our schools continue to enroll more students and improve outcomes. The District’s investments in neighborhoods – from affordable housing, public infrastructure, and transportation to public schools, parks, retail, and the arts – are all making DC a highly desirable place to call home.”

38 The Crescent Magazine

Summer 2017 39


As the demographics and neighborhoods in the north central section of Northwest DC continue a very noticeable alteration, one building has led the progressive movement in the ever-changing community. The International Headquarters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, located at 145 Kennedy Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011, continues to be a very valuable asset and cornerstone of progress. Purchased in 1975, the building has served as the International Headquarters for the fraternity under 15 presidential administrations. The property consists of the headquarters offices, 18 adjacent offices for commercial lease and three street level storefront rental spaces. A parking lot with an approximate 25-car capacity is located at the rear of the building.

International Headquarters Building Purchased in 1975

During the Fraternity’s 75th Diamond Jubilee Celebration in 1989, the building was renamed The William E. Doar International Headquarters, in honor of the organization’s first National Secretary and Executive Director. At the same time, the adjacent office complex, located at 143 Kennedy Street, was renamed The Charles W. Moore Office Complex in honor the fraternity’s longest serving International Treasurer.

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Over the years of its residence on Kennedy Street, each administration has carried out Phi Beta Sigma’s mission of rendering service to communities throughout the nation; but the organization’s physical hub was lacking the attention desperately required. Circumstances changed in 2012 as Honorable Jimmy Hammock, 33rd International President, began a focused effort to enhance the property’s appearance and condition. Hammock led the charge to correct the building’s interior conditions, resulting in eradicating health code issues and implementing beautification through painting and new carpeting. Conclave 2013, Philadelphia, PA, ushered in a new administration under the leadership of Honorable Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., the 34th International President. Among the new leader’s First 100 Days pledges was to meet with the fraternity’s Real Estate Commission and begin to implement a plan to make the property generate REAL revenue for the fraternity. President Mason quickly appointed Brother Rogers Barnes, owner of Lewrox Enterprises, LLC, a construction management company headquartered in Columbia, MD, as Real Estate Commissioner. They brought in Brother Charles Ellis, the newly elected International Treasurer, to discuss Mason’s vision for transforming the International Headquarters. He believed the organization was owner of an awesome facility with a substantial amount of interior space, which could potentially provide creative opportunities to maximize the use of the building, increase the revenue from rental usage, support Phi Beta Sigma’s ongoing operations and develop programs at 145 Kennedy to engage brothers by expanding use of the building.


Recalling the charge first communicated to him, Brother Barnes says, “When I was first given the task, I took it quite seriously.” He recalls the charge was “to dedicate my skill sets to meeting his vision of transforming the International Headquarters into something the Brotherhood would be proud of and generate a positive perception in the community. These were my marching orders, and this has been my focus.” First things first, the three developed and instituted an improved system of financial procedures, resulting in a new set of financial protocols which provided proficiency, transparent reporting, substantial internal controls and monthly reporting. Additionally, clearly defined roles and responsibilities were established for the Real Estate Chairman, Treasurer and Executive Director. Responsibilities of the Real Estate Chairman would now include: • Hold and maintain the checkbook for real estate to allow timely payment of real estate expenses, as needs, repairs, etc. require; • Making all daily operating decisions on prioritization of leasing efforts, repairs, maintaining the physical plant, etc.; • Providing a detailed transaction record, with documentation, of all lease receipts and expenses monthly to the Treasurer; • Ensuring all funds collected are reconciled with the International Executive Director and deposited by the IED or his designee; • Maintaining records of all tenant activity, rent rolls, payment status, and delinquencies; • Receiving monthly bank reconciliation from the Treasurer; •

Providing monthly reports to the International President and General Board, as required of tenants, revenue collected, and expenses incurred.

Treasurer responsibilities would include: • Receiving all receipts for lease payments from the Real Estate Chairman; • Maintaining an accounting record of all disbursements made by the Real Estate Chairman; • Directly receiving bank statements and reconciling the real estate bank account; • Providing bank reconciliation to the Real Estate Chairman for comparison; • Providing monthly reporting to the International President and General Board, as required of bank balance, expense, (which should match the Real Estate Chairman reporting). Lastly, the International Executive Director’s responsibilities now include: • Receiving all lease payments from the Real Estate Chairman; • Depositing all lease payments; • Maintaining a record of all deposits.

With the new financial protocols in place, implementing the International President’s vision became the order of the day.

Summer 2017 41


Brother Barnes would have the added support of Brother Gerald Smith, past International Executive Director, as assistant to the Real Estate Commissioner. The team contracted a group of local vendors to begin the transformation plans. In one year’s time, tremendous progress was made in making the International Headquarters a facility reflective of the prominent and professional image of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. The Headquarters and the Charles W. Moore Office Complex’s building exterior were painted white with a blue trim attracting onlookers from every corner of the connecting streets. The main conference room was renovated and converted into the new Distinguished Service Chapter – General Board Room, equipped with state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, and a custommade boardroom table. The Finance Department, Archive Room, International President’s Office, Deputy Executive Director’s Office and Museum were also renovated and redesigned. Other renovations included the hallways on both levels. Major plumbing enhancements included repairs to the major water pipe breaks, installation of water extraction and a flooding prevention system on the lower level. New locks were installed, along with expanded lighting in the lower level. The team initiated the installation of a comprehensive security system by ADT/Tyco and repaired multiple exterior broken windows. And the kitchen received several new appliances. The broader improvements to the leased office space and retail facility at 143 Kennedy Street, and the retail storefronts, resulted in an increased number of tenants, increasing the average monthly rent receipts, and a reduced vacancy rate. Key accomplishments in the first year included: • Increased number of tenants from 12 to 17; • Reduced vacancies from five (29%) to two (12%); • Completed renovation of the Women’s restroom; • Replaced broken storefront glass at retail tenant space;

• Removed metal bollards and implemented routine cleaning of the parking lot and grounds; • Increased the average rent fees from $650 to $1,100 per space; • Installed a secured lockbox for rent collections to improve the rent collection process.

The overwhelming enhancement to the International Headquarters was well received by the brotherhood of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Sigma men, from around the globe, when traveling to the nation’s capital, make it a point to stop by the International Headquarters to cast their eyes on the organization’s prized building. Many express their elation while reading about the IHQ improvements and gazing at the polished photographs, so much so that it has become a must-see in their travel plans. Even local members, representing chapters in the DC-Maryland-Virginia area have begun making the headquarters part of their visitors’ showcase for IHQ-sponsored holiday and special after-hour events and receptions.

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With momentum continuing upward, enhancements of the International Headquarters continued as a priority for the administration in 2015. Funds were allocated to repair the lobby ceiling and install protective plastic covering and complete general repairs throughout the interior and exterior of the building. Simpson Roofing was contracted to begin replacement of the full roof (upper and lower), while the HVAC system for both buildings were repaired and serviced. On the finance side, the average monthly rent was increased, even while renovations were scheduled for 2016. With the upgrades, the Real Estate team was inclined to remove several non-compliant tenants, while receiving attention from more attractive tenants. Phi Beta Sigma’s International Headquarters became a sought-after location by other organizations, businesses and associations. Area chapters request the use of the building for special meetings and programs. In 2015, the fraternity replicated its support of the 1995 Million Man March by allowing use of the property as the March’s Mobilization Office for the 20th Anniversary Million Man March. Additionally, the complex provided temporary office facilities for our sister organization, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Phi Beta Sigma’s Real Estate Commission has continued to make tremendous progress during the Mason era. With the celebrated enhancements to the William E. Doar International Headquarters Building, the Charles E. Moore Office Complex became the next major focus of the administration and the Real Estate commission. The revenue-generating juggernaut underwent significant improvements in 2016.

The Distinguished Service Chapter (DSC) Conference Room

Main Entrance

International Presidents Office

Summer 2017 43


The office complex’s common areas and all vacant spaces were renovated, leading to a major increase in rental inquiries. 100% of the storefront spaces are leased with average rents increasing to $1,500.00. Additional office spaces were created from larger office and successfully leased both to increase revenue. Handicapped accessible equipment (chair lifts) was installed in the stairway and electrical panels were upgraded and made compliant. The investment in capital improvements increased from $17,892 to $90,844, increasing the property value significantly. The average monthly rent for renovated offices in the complex is currently $1,181.00 and the overall average of monthly rent (all spaces) increased from $370 in 2014 to $668 currently, an increase of 180%. The average monthly office rent increased from $294 in 2014 to $575 currently, an increase of 202% and the quality of tenants and capacity for higher rents has improved. A major revenue generating source has been added with the addition of solar power. This enhancement continues to transform the building into a facility on par with Washington, DC’s current neighborhood enhancement initiatives. The improvements and active participation in the Kennedy Street Revitalization initiative has contributed to installation of new sidewalks around the International Headquarters.

International Headquarters in 1977

The projected annualized revenue from existing leases currently exceeds $168,000. Considering the condition and monetary value of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s International Headquarters just four years prior, the transformation is amazing. The pride of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is showing through the pride of a changing community. “The city and neighborhood is excited about the advancements we’ve made,” shares Brother Barnes. “ We are pioneers – the first to this and the only one amongst the Divine Nine to show our commitment to the environment, while generating revenue at the same time.” Thanks to a clear vision, strategic plan and stellar team, the “White House” on Kennedy Street has become the anchor and sentinel on the corner of Second Street and Kennedy Street NW.

International Headquarters in 2017

44 The Crescent Magazine

Written By: BRO. ROGER L. BARNES Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter Columbia, MD Eastern Region




n recent years, the Sigma Exchange has become quite a valuable asset and a lucrative resource for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. For over fifteen years it has provided fraternity members across the country and even the world, with authentic apparel and accessories, allowing brothers to represent in style. Besides the fine quality of its wares, the Sigma Exchange has become known for the exceptional customer service rendered by its staff. Whenever brothers visit the International Headquarters, most times the first place they ask to visit is the Sigma Exchange. Like many businesses, it has experienced the peaks and valleys of being consumer driven. However, in the past three years, the Sigma Exchange has enjoyed rapid financial growth and a new business strategy. The Sigma Exchange was launched in the early 1990s under the Carter D. Womack administration, led by the late Dr. Lawrence E. Miller, who was Executive Director and Ronald LaBeet, its first manager. The vision was to establish a retail division to serve as the main source for apparel, jewelry and other Sigma-branded accessories for the Brotherhood. The store resided at the International Headquarters, a small space located directly off the main lobby. It should be noted that Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority are the only NPHC organizations that house retail stores on their international headquarters’ properties.

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For years since its opening, The Sigma Exchange existed with varying peaks and valleys in revenue from year to year. The one-stop operation began to see increasing numbers during the onset of the new millennium, even though some elements of its inventory and record-keeping systems were antiquated. What has remained consistent was the popular belief in the potential for the Sigma Exchange to be a significant asset for the Fraternity. As the popularity of diverse Greek-Lettered paraphernalia increased in the new millennium, more attention was being given to the store’s endless possibilities, considering increased the possibility of internet sales. As the mantle of leadership passed from Hon. Jimmy Hammock, 33rd International President to Hon. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., a new vision for the Sigma Exchange set the stage for new possibilities and forward thinking. President Mason pulled from his business background as Vice President of Sales & Marketing for ABC Radio (later becoming Cumulus) in New York, NY, known as the business capital of the world. He envisioned an online and retail division potentially generating close to millions in annual revenue. Committed to making good on his promise for the first 100 days, President Mason took special interest in building the Sigma Exchange operation.

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Under the current administration the organization has witnessed an extraordinary expansion of the increasingly popular entity. This expansion is also due in large part to the efforts of Sigma Exchange Manager Brother Scott Abdul Salaam, who has run it for nearly three years. Brother Abdul-Salaam came with a wealth of knowledge from the merchandising industry, specializing in marketing athletic and fashion apparel, and having worked with Nike, And1, Marithé Francois Girbaud, Starters Sportswear and Reebok. In three short years, the brotherhood has witnessed a drastic transformation in the store. Today, The Sigma Exchange remains focused on serving the organization as its main resource for quality Greek wear and gift items. It has become a high revenue-generating department and a division developing into a major competitor in the specialized Greek wear market. Here is a brief description of the entity’s growth from 2013 to the present. We are confident that it will experience increased success for decades to come. • In 2014, the Sigma Exchange experienced a record year in sales. According to the Fraternity’s annual report, the total revenue earned that year was $675,719. 54. The record figure can be attributed primarily to the fraternity’s Centennial Founders Weekend Celebration and Centennial Celebration, both held in Washington, D.C., in January and July. The Sigma Exchange was patronized heavily by hundreds of fraternity members and guests attending the organization’s 100th birthday celebration. In addition, The Sigma Exchange experienced a record number of nearly one hundred licensed vendors added to its revenue through licensing fees and vendors packages.


During that same year The Sigma Exchange introduced its “Special Collection” which proved to be a major source of revenue. The direct mail brochure/catalogue was an impressive means for introducing the new collection to its customers. Complete with quality product photography and graphic design, the marketing piece was successful in driving customers to the online store.

The upgrades and visual enhancements to also played a significant part in the increased sales, by generating a steady revenue stream representing 25% of all sales for the year.

Weekly e-blasts promoting sales products along with a discount program for Distinguished Service Chapter members, as well as Gold, Sapphire, and Life Members also helped raise awareness of the Exchange.

2014 also saw several key operational improvements for the Exchange. Changes in the store’s daily operation also added to the bottom line. These changes included a revamped store plan that provided a more functional workspace and shopping environment, and a properly organized storeroom. The improvements also included the acquisition of a new ShopKeep inventory system and an enhanced website.

Between 2015-16 Sigma Exchange also experienced a very profitable period. In 2015, the store’s implemented its Centennial Close Out Program, Online Sales, Weekly E-Blasts, special events, discount programs, better margins on products, continued good customer service, and better representation at the fraternity’s regional conferences and

International Conclave. In 2016 Sigma Exchange’s revenue consistently increased over 2013 and 2015 (not including Centennial year 2014), reaching an impressive $380,443.21. For the first time in its existence, the operation allowed the fraternity’s regional entities to take advantage of sales opportunities. It paid more than $7,000 in commissions to regions through regional conference initiatives. During the Eastern Regional conference, a new sales record of over $19,000 was set. A new sales and inventory management system was also implemented. The website was also updated to include a Sigma Beta Club section. In 2016, the Exchange had 133 licensed vendors across the country. There are plans to move into one of the larger retail store spaces owned by our International Headquarters in the near future. In this new space, the Sigma Exchange will also sell Greek wear and accessories from other NPHC organizations. Stay tuned for The Greek Exchange! The Crescent spoke with Phi Beta Sigma’s International Deputy Executive Director Brother Steve E. Ballard about the tremendous success the store has experienced: “The Sigma Exchange has enhanced and developed immensely within these last three years. It has gone from being a simple resource for Phi Beta Sigma’s members in securing paraphernalia to much more of an online and retail establishment offering a variety of wearables, specialty items and gifts, through special marketing and promotions. It has expanded to traveling to and hosting special events. It’s even now expending licensing. So it has become much more of an enterprise and a strong revenue generating operation for the organization.”

Written By: BRO. DOSHON FARAD Sigma Sigma Sigma Chapter Montgomery County, MD Eastern Region

Summer 2017 47

MISSION POSSIBLE: Record Breaking Membership


he Brotherhood of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity began with 3 visionary students at Howard University, who established an African American institution which would be different from those already in existence. Phi Beta Sigma would be concerned with the true worth and value of its members, rather than criteria which sought to exclude potential members. “The Founders” would chose 12 diverse and talented fellow students, who became Sigma’s members. From a dream spoken in 1910, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was launched in January 1914. Over the years, this novel idea of stressing inclusivity spread, the number of new members increased exponentially, and this movement, which began in the east, spread quickly throughout other parts of the country. In fact, the Fraternity grew significantly in a relatively short time span, and for the next 100 years would become a world-wide entity. It is common to hear and read that, since its inception, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s membership has amassed over 165,000 men in its century old history. By 2014, the number of active, card-carrying – meaning “financial” or “membership dues paying” members reached a record high and the organization has sought to maintain its course of growth. Make no mistake about it. There are several reasons as to why Sigma has experienced such all-time high levels of active membership. The Centennial Celebration was a major factor in the return of hundreds of previously non-financial members. However, proper credit must be given to other factors influencing Sigma’s growth and popularity.

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EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP INFLUENCED GROWING NUMBERS Prior to being elected 34th International President, Hon. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., served for four years as the fraternity’s International First Vice President. This position is totally responsible for the retention, reactivation and recruitment plan for the organization’s membership. Mason was no stranger to setting goals and achieving numbers. He worked as the General Sales Manager for 77 WABC Radio and Radio 103.9 in New York, NY (later becoming Cumulus), and was the driving force behind the media outlet’s success in becoming the toprated market in urban radio. Mason parlayed his professional skills in sales and marketing into developing an effective membership growth campaign for Phi Beta Sigma. In 2009, kicked off a comprehensive and strategic dual effort of comprising a membership growth campaign and an international reactivation month. By yearend 2010, the MISSION POSSIBLE Membership Campaign increased the overall membership by 18.75%, and hit a record high of 19% in 2011. Chapter Membership Clubs were formed and the “Welcome Home for the Jubilee”, International Reactivation Month helped to increase active membership numbers for the Great Centennial Celebration. From a membership perspective, things were moving in the right direction. Over four years, the foundation had been built to allow the next administration to focus on upgrades and growth. And the growth trend would continue. Brother Micheal Cristal was elected International First Vice President in Philadelphia, PA in 2013. He studied the strategies and programs implemented under Mason and sought creative ways to maintain its consistency, while instituting his own twist. Micheal Cristal also comes from a strong sales background. Known as “Numbers”, Cristal celebrates a highly successful career within

his own right. He is the Vice President of Merchandising, Quality Food Centers Division for the Kroger Company, which includes the successful Marianos’ group. He leads a team responsible for delivering marketing strategies to increase market share and sales within the stores in Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, as well as Portland, OR. He knows numbers! A PARADIGM SHIFT IN THOUGHT AND ACTION Brother Cristal entered the scene with the spotlight on him, in terms of continuing the fraternity’s growth. He was the “Centennial” First Vice President as Phi Beta Sigma was approaching the “Great Jubilee”. Centennial celebrations have historically been prime time for Divine Nine organizations; the celebrations attract old and new members. So this was not the time for Phi Beta Sigma to fall by the wayside in terms of membership numbers. For this cause, Cristal proposed “A Paradigm Shift Towards Delivering Long Term Growth.” His charge to Sigma leaders on all levels was to think differently about membership. With the aid of strong visual marketing, weekly membership conference calls with the IHQ Membership Department and increased membership growth incentives for regions and chapters, the membership movement reaped positive numbers. By Fall 2015, thanks to the reinvestment of $225,000 back to the members through membership growth incentives, the overall membership numbers increased overall by 7.1%, with an impressive 10.30% growth at the alumni level. Sigma saw a steady gain in membership numbers each year from 2010 to 2015, resulting in the highest retention rate in history (at that time). The average D-9 organization saw their membership decline 25% after their Centennial Celebration. Because of the support of Phi Beta Sigma chapters, the organization, led by a charged membership team, shattered the

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2014 goal, exceeded the 2015 budget with a minimum decline versus the Centennial year and was positioned very well to continue the growth trend. Additionally, during this period more emphasis was placed on rallying the membership to focus on increasing the collegiate ranks. The “Strive for 5” membership growth campaign was introduced and focused on chapters’ Intake classes. Regions were advised to encourage chapters that had gone an entire academic year without doing Membership Intake to coordinate an intake class. This campaign recognized chapters with an intake class of 5 or more. At the culmination of the “Strive for 5” campaign, a significant takeaway was that the organization grew record membership with more than half of the chapters NOT bringing in new members. The cornerstone of Sigma’s success was the alignment of the seven regional directors, their vice regional directors and the International Headquarters’ Membership department -- all working towards getting their chapters to support the fraternity’s International Membership growth strategies. The shift in thought truly represented a new paradigm for Sigma—a sharpened focus on members and growth. With the achievement of most of its goals, the Membership team coordinated the 2016 Membership Growth Summit during the Conclave Little Rock. First Vice Directors, along with the IHQ Membership Team assisted in developing key strategies to build upon the current growth trend. Cristal and his membership team launched several membership driven activities and incentives aimed at supporting the 2016 Membership Development Campaign. A Membership Development Kit, new marketing material, MIP Train-the-Trainer Certification process, National Sigma Signing Day, Regional Membership Growth Incentives (March Madness and GOMAB or Go Home), National Anti-Hazing Awareness Campaign and Sigma Professional Advisors Council. 50 The Crescent Magazine

PRIMED FOR LONG TERM GROWTH For eight years, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has benefitted from the progressive mindset of leaders focused on driving membership growth. The guiding principles used for membership growth included: • Developing strategies, based on the data to • Investing in our Loyal members – show understand where the best opportunities for appreciation to members for their investment growth existed; in Phi Beta Sigma; •

Increasing the numbers of chapters doing intake – too many chapters were not doing intake, and there was an opportunity for significant growth among alumni chapters;

• The “Strive for 5” campaign pushed chapters to do more outreach-prior intake classes were too small;

• Providing innovative ways to train members to meet inactive brothers where they are; • Membership Engagement – developing a consistent marketing plan which encouraged all regions to share the same focus.

Thanks to overwhelming support of this process, Phi Beta Sigma has experienced five years of membership growth overall and four consecutive years of record membership growth! $230,000 was invested in the fraternity’s loyal Sigma brothers and chapters through chapter grants, awarding dues grants, free registrations to the Centennial celebration, free registrations to Conclave Little Rock, AR, the 2016 Serious Sigma Summit, and Conclave Detroit, MI; $1,000 Sigma Vacation, complimentary accommodations to attend a General Board Meeting, and discounts to The Sigma Exchange. The constitution states that the “membership committee shall be responsible for developing strategies on Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation of the members, maintaining statistical data on chapter membership, developing and revising recruitment and membership brochures and forms, reviewing intake process annually for recommended changes and developing procedures and time periods for certification and training in membership intake and chapter operations, reviewing membership services”. The stage is set for the next set of leaders to continue the positive membership growth trend, and to effectively deliver on the constitution’s requirements. Nothing is more powerful than when all are on one accord, focused on the same goals and purposes.

Written By: BRO. STEVE E. BALLARD Iota Nu Sigma Chapter Chicago, IL Great Lakes Region

Summer 2017 51





n 1935, one of Africa’s most influential Pan-Africanists of the 20th Century, would leave his homeland as a young man and pursue higher education in America. Kwame Nkrumah attended Lincoln University, where he became a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and later the University of Pennsylvania.

Upon his return to the Gold Coast in 1947, he began his political career, which would lead to the independence of Ghana in 1957. In 1960, the commonwealth of Ghana held a national election to pass a new constitution that would make it a Republic and elect a new President. The constitution was ratified and Brother Nkrumah was elected the first President of the Republic of Ghana.

52 The Crescent Magazine


The former Gold Coast had been one of the wealthiest, socially advanced nations in Africa. Its modernization of infrastructure defied historical images. The democratization of Ghana was a huge event. Nkrumah was considered a hero of independence and “symbol of freedom” as the leader of the first nation to shed the chains of colonialism. Brother Nkrumah died in exile in 1972 after his government was overthrown by a military coupe in 1966, while he was out of the country. Yet he was remembered for inspiring the African independence movement throughout the entire continent. Through his valued connection with his Brotherhood, Nkrumah’s vision for instilling global opportunities through education and commerce was quite promising. He longed to see the day that Phi Beta Sigma would aid in the crystallization of bridging bonds of community service across the rivers. His dream would one day be fulfilled. In 2012, Hon. Brother Jimmy Hammock, 33rd International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was presented with the idea to extend the organization’s educational outreach and begin the fulfillment of Brother Nkrumah’s vision. The idea was presented by Sigma Brother Charles Ransom, a native Ghanaian, a former Western Regional Director and newly appointed International Director of Foreign Affairs. The idea was to build the fraternity’s first vocational training center in the country of Ghana, thus allowing young residents to develop computer technical skills, which would enhance their opportunities for a better future. The project would be called the Ghana School Project. Brother Hammock signed on and proposed the idea to a welcoming General Board. After a ratifying vote of approval, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the fraternity and the District of Suhum in the City

of Accra. Building plans were drafted and the project took shape. In May of 2013, Phi Beta Sigma sent five of its General Board members to observe the progress of the vocational school. Traveling with President Hammock and Brother Ranson were Christopher Cooper, 2nd Vice President, Hon. Daryl A. Anderson, Sr., Executive Director and William Frasier, Southeastern Regional Director. The school’s foundation, layout, and each room were complete. The only things that were left to do was sanding, painting, the roof, and placing in the furniture. Seeing the school for the first time brought a big sense of pride. Seeing an idea of building a school come to fruition is one of the proudest moments in our fraternity. “What we do speak volumes of who we are and today we are showing the world that we are building a legacy that we keep giving back to the continent of Africa, as well as the world,” stated Hon. Jimmy Hammock.

The transition from one Sigma administration to another would take place two months later. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., was elected 34th International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity in July 2013 in Philadelphia, PA. The newly established mantra would be “There’s Something Special Going On in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated!” – and there truly was. Summer 2017 53


After three years of development, financial support from the fraternity and periodic reports, President Mason, along with a delegation of seven General Board officers journeyed to Accra, Ghana to highlight the coming-to-fruition of the Suhum-Phi Beta Sigma Technical Vocational Institute. Witnessing the realization of the dream were Micheal Crista, 1st Vice President, Jean B. Lamothe, Director of Education, Daryl McKines, Collegiate Member-at-Large, Edwin K. Miles, Gulf Coast Regional Director, Sammie L. Walthour, Executive Director, Adedayo Kosoko, photographer and Jonathan A. Mason, Jr., the president’s son.

While in the nation of Ghana, the fraternity leaders advanced the newly launched “I Am My Brother’s Keeper” initiative with a series of special activities. One of the special activities was a visit to The Honorable Kwame Nkrumah Museum, Monument and Gravesite. A special plaque was placed in the museum recognizing Brother Nkrumah’s connection to Phi Beta Sigma. “Let me first take this opportunity to thank and commend Immediate Past President Hon. Jimmy Hammock and Bro. Charles Ranson for leading the effort to establish Sigma’s presence on the continent of Africa, “ shared Jonathan Mason on his reflections of the recent visit. “The vocational and computer training school that

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we have established will provide opportunities for Brothers to participate in exchange programs and allow them to gain valuable experience while providing a much-needed service. For generations to come, young people will receive tools that they can use to improve the lives of their family and friends." The school was commissioned with an official ceremony and attended by several government officials, instructors, students, parents and community residents of Accra. The Ghana School Project has undergone major transformations since its inception in 2012. The project has evolved into the SuhumPhi Beta Sigma Technical Vocational Institute, with its first graduating class in 2017. On June 20, 2017, President Mason, along with Sigma Brothers Sidney McCray, Daryl McKines, and Edmund Sherrill traveled ten hours to present Certificates of Completion to the school’s first graduating class. This singular act would further cement Phi Beta Sigma’s footprint into the very fabric of the school’s institution.

Phi Beta Sigma remains committed to enhancing the lives of all citizens in every community we serve – even those beyond the borders of America.

Written By: BRO. STEVE E. BALLARD Iota Nu Sigma Chapter Chicago, IL Great Lakes Region

Changing the Culture and Transforming Our Communities Through the Cause of Healthy Babies


hi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s partnership with the March of Dimes is the oldest partnership in the history of the fraternity. The collaboration began in the early 1980s under the leadership of Hon. Brother Charles B. Wright, 23rd International President. The two organizations work together to prevent premature births while building strong fathers and male role models in the African American community through leadership and volunteering, advocacy and awareness activities, fund raising events, donations, and sponsoring seminars. Much of the work performed through this partnership is rendered as a part of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s “I Am My Brother’s Keeper”, in connection with former President Barack Obama’s initiative of the same name. Every year Sigma chapters across the nation rally in support the cause that disproportionately affects African American families. In the three decades of the fraternity’s involvement with the March of Dimes, Phi Beta Sigma has worked to maintain steady support. In the new millennium, the fraternity’s support has maintained moderate, but steady gains. In July 2013, President Jonathan A. Mason, Sr. spoke passionately about his desire to increase the fraternity’s efforts through stronger chapter participation and more fundraising dollars. He was committed to ensuring that Phi Beta Sigma would no longer exist at the bottom of the list of organizational partners, especially since the fraternity was amongst the first organizations to establish such a partnership.

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In his first term of office, President Mason appointed Brothers Keith Coleman and Carlos Williams, II to serve as International Co-Chairs of the March of Dimes partnership. Bro. Coleman, being a high achiever nationally with the program’s March For Babies event, along with his experience as a Regional Director of Social Action, was a good fit for the appointment. Bro. Williams, as a former Regional Coordinator with Project: Sigmas Waging War Against Cancer, Southern Regional Director of Education, and Past International Editor-In-Chief of The Crescent brought more valuable experience to the team. Bringing this team together provided an effective partnership to galvanize the membership.

Bro. Coleman focused primarily on assuring the success of the March For Babies events nationwide while Bro. Williams worked on implementing an effective partnership strategy. Armed with the charge from President Mason, and the support of the International Headquarters office, the two set out to transform the culture of Phi Beta Sigma with regards to the March of Dimes partnership. Leaning in, Phi Beta Sigma committed to take the following actions: • Volunteer fraternity members for local March of Dimes chapters, committees and boards. •

Set a goal to raise a minimum of $150,000 yearly with each chapter contributing a minimum of $800 for March For Babies. At least $250 must be donated per chapter to qualify for International Chapter of the Year.

• Bringing awareness to Premature Birth Awareness Month in November of each year. • Chapters co-sponsoring and leading with the March of Dimes mantra “to uplift and promote fatherhood” in our communities.

Under Brother Coleman and Brother Williams’ leadership, the partnership was revamped. Focus groups were held to conduct research to understand why members had not been contributing to the program’s efforts. This data proved to be invaluable and was used to fine-tune the initiative. Pushing more aggressively, weekly conference calls were scheduled with the March of Dimes team, as well as annually attending the March of Dimes National Volunteer Leadership Conference to learn more about the March of Dimes Foundation and how Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity could better assist the program. The March of Dimes partnership was repackaged and re-introduced to the fraternity with new information on how members could become more involved in the program. International conference calls, attendance at regional conferences, conducting workshops, awarding and recognizing high achievers, and developing a chapter tool kit were key elements of the new plan. 56 The Crescent Magazine

The first real-time website was created and dedicated to reporting the March For Babies efforts of Phi Beta Sigma chapters worldwide. The team worked with the International President, Brother Steve E. Ballard, Deputy Executive Director, Brother Christopher Fleming, Communications Manager, as well as the seven Regional Directors of Social Action. Under the leadership of Brother Dr. Ivory Lyles, International Director of Social Action, the Building Strong Sigma Fathers initiative team set out to transform the culture of the fraternity. The team rebranded the Building Stronger Fathers Partnership with March of Dimes as “Strong Sigma Fathers” to show that Phi Beta Sigma is working in the communities it serves to build and uplift the strong fathers, and that the men of Sigma are already Strong Fathers in their own right. Since the men of Sigma represent great fathers, role models, and are passionate about the welfare of our youth, the members contribute positively by uplifting fathers and mentoring around the world. Phi Beta Sigma has chapters all over the country promoting Father Daughter dances, Fathers Take Your Kid to School Day, etc. This is in addition to the work done by our mentoring group, the Sigma Beta Clubs. All of these things coincide with the partnership with the March of Dimes, “Building Stronger Fathers”. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity surpassed the fundraising goals in 2017, as well as raising over the minimum amount promised by $100,000 for the last four years. Before this new leadership, Phi Beta Sigma had never reached or surpassed $100,000 with the March of Dimes. During this administration, through the work of the brothers, in conjunction with the White House Office of Public Engagement, Phi Beta Sigma has raised half a million dollars for the cause of helping babies at risk of premature birth, promoting fatherhood, and mentoring our youth.

Written By: BRO. CARLOS WILLIAMS II Delta Mu Sigma Chapter Athens, GA Southern Region

Summer 2017 57


t the very beginning of his first term as the 34th International President of Phi Beta Sigma, Honorable Jonathan A. Mason talked about reaching the brotherhood in new ways. He shared that he believed members needed to know that their fraternity is concerned about them in all ways: “For too long, our members have paid dues and given sweat equity, only to get very little return on their investment in Sigma. We are going to change that; brothers need to know that in good times and bad, Sigma Cares.” This statement began a new chapter in the legacy of Sigma—it was the start of “Sigma Cares for Its Own”, formed in 2013 to remind brothers that their fraternity is more than just colors, letters and a shield. These days, membership in Phi Beta Sigma includes showing brothers real love, particularly at some of the most difficult times in their lives.

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From the outset, President Mason was determined to remind the brotherhood of the spiritual component of Sigma, which began with Honorable Founder Leonard F. Morse, theologian and minister. For decades, presidential administrations had always included an International Chaplain, to lead the organization in its religious observations and during times when the men of Sigma needed to be reminded of the faith which has brought the organization forward. As one of his first General Board appointments, Mason asked the Reverend Dr. Christopher V. Brown (Nu Sigma) to serve as the Fraternity’s International Chaplain. Bro. Dr. Brown is an ordained Baptist minister and the Director of Clinical Pastoral Education for the Johns Hopkins Hospital system in Baltimore, Maryland. Immediately, Brothers Mason and Brown understood two things: there is more to caring than listing the transitions of brothers, and there were other needs which should be acknowledged. Sigma Cares would



become the vehicle through which joys and concerns could be shared, and the brotherhood of Sigma would be encouraged to support others in need. The concept of caring began to grow beyond the ability of one person to keep up with the needs being shared. President Mason presented to the General Board the idea of creating a position which would entail keeping up with the flow of information from brothers seeking support and getting it to the membership. The Reverend Dr. Kent L. Poindexter (Iota Nu Sigma) was asked to work with Bro. Dr. Brown on this new idea, to let brothers know that Sigma Cares about its brothers. As an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and a teacher in pastoral care, the team of Brown and Poindexter began to develop this new program, Sigma Cares for Its Own. In the three-plus years of its existence, Sigma Cares for Its Own has become an integral part of the Communications team

under the Mason administration. While it is still a work in progress, the program has become renowned within the Black Greek community for reaching out to brothers and sisters in other BGLO organizations when those organizations have lost presidents and founders. Sigma Cares provides regular acknowledgements of inspiration and care for members and their families who experience illness or the loss of loved ones, letters and assistance with coordinating the Omega Ceremony for departed members, and postings for special care. It also acknowledges birthdays of past and present Presidents of Sigma and Zeta, as well as members of the General Board, as well as living members who have served Phi Beta Sigma at the International level. But its “caring� only begins here. Sigma Cares was instrumental in sharing information about the assassination of the Reverend Bro. Daniel Simmons and eight members of Emmanuel AME Church (Charleston, SC) in July 2015. It asked brothers to pray for and support the

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families and communities of non-members across the country, including the people of Ferguson, Missouri, Flint, Michigan, and the storm-ravaged area of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It put forth the call for brothers to support the families of Sandra Bland, Terrence Crutcher, Keith Scott and others who died at the hands of irresponsible law enforcement officials. Sigma Cares assisted in setting up GoFundMe pages for members who lost everything they owned due to fires, and the families of members who lost young collegiate brothers who did not have burial insurance. Sigma Cares has worked diligently to inspire brothers to be active in making a difference

in the lives of people in their communities. Some brothers have acknowledged how Sigma Cares for Its Own has touched their lives as they experienced back-to-back losses. Past International President Arthur Thomas (#31) and his family lost one of his brothers at the end of 2015. Only a few months later, he lost his home in the floods of Baton Rouge. He shared that Sigma Cares has reminded him of the true meaning of Brotherhood— being a presence in troubled times. Honorable Brother Charles Moore (DSC #84) lost several members of his family, including his wife and a brother in less than a year.

Birthday Announcements Louisiana Flood Relief

Recognizing Bro. Rev. Daniels, killed during the Charleston church massacre at Emanuel AME

Monthly Announcement

The record for Sigma Cares during the Mason administration is a reminder of how much we need one another. In three years, the Sigma Cares team (which also includes Deputy Executive Director Bro. Steve Ballard, Communications Director Bro. Chris Fleming and the International Headquarters staff) has served more than 350 brothers and their families, communities across the country in need and people who needed support, prayers, positive acknowledgements and hope! They would confirm that Sigma Cares!

Written By: BRO. KENT POINDEXTER Iota Nu Sigma Chapter Chicago, IL Great Lakes Region

60 The Crescent Magazine

T he Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union Board of Directors

would like to thank Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for its support.

Congratulations President Jonathan A. Mason, Sr.! WHAT WE OFFER


We offer Special Project Loans, Share Secured Loans, Collateralized Loans, Special Signature Loans. We offer loans for purposes of Home Improvements, Education, Wedding, Vocation, Bills/Loans Consolidation and Personal.

Membership in the Credit Union is open to Sigmas, Zetas, their families, the Fraternity, the Sorority, and their Regions and Chapters. A $28.00 minimum amount is required to open a share account, of which $3.00 pays the application fee and $25.00 purchases 5 shares at $5.00 each, deposited into the account.


Š Copyright 2009 Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union Rights Reserved.

In Memoriam

“If we stand tall its because we stand on the shoulders of many ancestors.” -African Proverb


uring the administration of our 34th International President, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity lost several giants from its ranks. These men not only made their marks on the Fraternity but in society as well. When history recounts the years of this administration, we’ll call to mind these stalwarts, who helped to transform this Brotherhood into the institution that it’s become. This section of The Crescent focuses on five recently departed but members of our Distinguished Service Chapter who personified the principles of Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Service during their time in our beloved fraternity.

Honorable Brother


Bro. Newton served as the 24th International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. from 1981-1984. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Wilberforce University in 1949 and a J.D. from Boston University’s School of Law in 1952. During his career, he distinguished himself as a brilliant legal mind. He was admitted to the Bar in his home state of Alabama, and gained a reputation as an excellent lawyer, resulting in Governor George Wallace appointing him as Special Assistant State Attorney General in 1978. In 1986, he was elected to the Alabama State Legislature where he served for over twenty years. His hometown of Fairfield, AL honored him by naming the major public housing village, “The Demetrius C. Newton Gardens”.

62 The Crescent Magazine


Honorable Brother

Honorable Brother



REV. DR. ELBERT P. GREEN Bro. Green was initiated into Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity at Virginia State University on December 10, 1955. He earned his Ph.D from Southwest University. While earning this degree, he served as an ordained minister as well as a schoolteacher and the director of a Tuskegee University residence hall. Prior to his career in the ministry and education, Green served as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army and the director of its Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps.

ROBERT B. GREAUX Bro. Greaux was initiated into Phi Beta Sigma through Northern New Jersey’s Chi Sigma Chapter in 1974. He served in several positions with the chapter, including twice as chapter president. He later joined Theta Tau Sigma Chapter (Northern Virginia) in 1990. Bro. Greaux served as the 18th Eastern Regional Director and past National Director for Social Action, and was also a charter member and Chairman of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s Federal Credit Union Committee.

Honorable Brother


Bro. Francis became a member of our “Wondrous Band” on February 6, 1960 through Brooklyn, New York’s Kappa Beta Sigma Chapter. While serving in the United States Army, he worked as an intelligence specialist in both Japan and Korea. This was followed by graduate studies at City and Hunter Colleges of the City University and St. John's University before receiving a Ph.D and eventually the Doctor of Laws degree. He served as the State of New Jersey’s head of Civil Rights. In addition to serving for nearly fifteen years on Sigma’s General Board, Bro. Francis was elected as the 25th President of the National Pan-Hellenic Council.

Honorable Brother


Bro. Watkins, affectionately known as “The Dean”, is a legend among Sigma legends, particularly in the state of Virginia and the Eastern Region. He was initiated into Sigma in 1948 through the Lambda Chapter at Virginia Union University. His dedicated service to the Fraternity spanned nearly 70 years. He served as president of Virginia’s Iota Sigma Chapter and as the Virginia State Director.

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Historically, it has been said that membership in Black Greek-lettered organizations has its privileges. For many, experiencing world-class social functions and special events places them in a network of prominent movers and shakers, thus widening their net for potential connections. Throughout the years, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has enhanced their members’ convention experiences by programming well known guest speakers and entertainers. Members leave their conferences with a well-rounded exposure to industries and areas outside of their campuses, communities and their professions. The mindset of the current leadership has been to “step it up” as it related to offering a world-class experience for national gatherings. Every conference, convention or meeting was an opportunity to broaden the horizons of the membership. Additionally, by engaging “A List” speakers and entertainers, the organization would increase its brand value. This proved to be true from day one, as the Fraternity’s administration endeavored to put on its first major gathering in the Fall of 2013. THUNDER BACK, Phi Beta Sigma’s celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Great March on Washington set the tone for how the organization would change the expectations for such events for the next four years. The two-day celebration featured a CNBC televised Town Hall meeting on the topic “Where Do We Go from Here?” The panelists included:

• Hank Thomas, Entrepreneur and one of the original Freedom Riders

• Hon. Jonathan A. Mason, Sr., International President, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity

• The Honorable John Lewis, U.S. House of Representatives, D-GA

• Hon. Bro. Dr. Anthony A. Samad, Professor and Historian

• Mary Breaux Wright, International Grand Basileus, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

• Moderator: Dr. Ivory Lyles, International Director of Social Action, PBS

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The fraternity ushered in the celebration of its 100th Anniversary celebration with “Stony the Road, We Trod” – The Centennial Founders Weekend, January 8 – 12, 2014. The week of activities recognized and honored the nation’s Civil Rights legends: • Harold Belafonte, Actor, Singer and Civil Rights Activist was bestowed Honorary Membership


CIVIL RIGHTS LEGEND AWARDS • Bro. Reverend Al Sharpton, Founder/ President, National Action Network

• Clayola Brown, President, The A. Philip Randolph Institute

• Bro. Edolphus Towns, former U.S. Congressman, New York

• Hank Thomas, Original Freedom Fighter

• Reverend C.T. Vivian, former President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference

• Elisabeth Williams Omilami, President, Hosea Feed the Hungry & Homeless

MASTER OF CEREMONY • Bro. Malik Yoba, Actor, Youth Activist

The January Centennial observance set the stage for what would be a major celebration among all BGLO Centennial celebrations. In July 2014, Phi Beta Sigma held its “Celebration of 100 Years of Service” for five days at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC. A star-studded line up of notable speakers, entertainers and musical performers helped Sigma men commemorate the fraternity’s 100th birthday.

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President Barack Obama and Bro. William “Bill’ Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, provided video messages for the Opening Ceremony. Brother Flex Alexander, actor and comedian, served as Master of Ceremonies, and Brother Reverend Al Sharpton provided a powerful message as the Centennial Challenge. Musical performers for the week included:

Pastor Shirley Caesar, Gospel Legend at the Opening Ceremony

Syleena Johnson, R&B singer at the Day Party

Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh, Hip Hop artist at the Day Party

Eddie George, former NFL running back, DJ for the Day Party

MAZE featuring Frankie Beverly, Soul R&B in Concert

Walé, Hip Hop artist

Michelle Prather, Gospel Artist at the Worship Service

Bro. J. Anthony Brown, Actor and comedian, Host for the MAZE Concert

Bro. Joey Wells, comedian, Host for the Day Parties

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The Legends Roundtable brought together some of history’s most acclaimed leaders in Civil Rights to share words of wisdom:

• Bro. Dr. Benjamin Chavis Muhammad, former Executive Director of NAACP, current President of National Association of Black Newspapers • Bro. Dr. George Iggers, Historian, Author and Professor

• Rev. Dr. C.T. Vivian, former president, Southern\Christian Leadership Conference • Bro. Dr. Virgil Wood, Educator and Civil Rights Activist • Bobby Seal, Co-Founder of The Black Panthers, Civil Rights Activist and Author

Bro. George Fraser, noted businessman and wealth expert, was featured at the Family & Legacy Breakfast

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Phi Beta Sigma launched its “I Am My Brother’s Keeper” program during the Congressional Black Caucus’ 44th Annual Legislative Conference with REAL TALK, a panel discussion on mentoring the next generation of African American youth. In addition to the fraternity’s International leaders, the panelists included:

Roy Austin, Deputy Assistant to the President, White House Domestic Policy Council

Benjamin L. Crump, Esq., Attorney for Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin

Dr. John H. Jackson, President, The Schott Foundation

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Author and Professor, Georgetown University

Marc C. Morial, President/CEO, National Urban League

Steven W. Hawkins, Executive Director, Amnesty International

Bro. Reverend Al Sharpton, Founder/ President, National Action News

Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, Moderator, Host of HuffPost and BETNews

The Honorable Frederica S. Wilson, U.S. House of Representatives, D-FL The Fraternity continued its commitment to President Barack Obama’s I Am My Brother’s Keeper initiative by holding its biennial meeting at the Little Rock Marriott Downtown and Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock, Arkansas from July 15-19, 2015.

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Conclave 2015 began with the I Am My Brother’s Keeper Forum, a series of think tanks featuring national and local top leaders. Over 500 fraternity members, local citizens and youth turned out to discuss four critical topics impacting the future of boys and young men of color: Education, Voter Education, Mentoring and Fatherhood. The panelists included several Sigma Brothers:

• Bro. Philip Banks, former Chief of New York Police

• Bro. Nate Miles, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Eli Lily & Company

• Bro. Dr. Algie Gatewood, President Alamance • Bro. Rev. D. L. Richardson, Pastor, Community College First Baptist Church, North Little Rock, AR • Bro. Dr. George Iggers, Scholar/Author and Civil Rights activist

• Bro. Dr. Lawrence Rouse, President, James Sprunt Community College

• Bro. Dr. Edison O. Jackson, President, Bethune-Cookman College

• Bro. Henry Shannon, President, Chaffey College

• Bro. Haki Nkrumah, Founder & President, Young Fathers of Central Florida The highlight of the Opening Ceremony was the tribute to Civil Rights legends The Little Rock Nine, of which six were in attendance:

• Elizabeth Eckford

• Terrence Roberts

• Minniejean Brown Trickey

• Dr. Ernest Green

• Carlotta Walls LaNeir

• Thelma Mothershed Wair

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Musical entertainment was provided by artists from a variety of genres:

LeAndria Johnson, Gospel Artist at the Opening Ceremony

Donald Lawrence & Company, Gospel artists at the Opening Ceremony

Clark King, R&B artist and American Idol finalist at the President’s Reception

The Alumni featuring Chubb Rock, Monie Love, Dana Dane, Special Ed and Kwamé, 90s Hip Hop Concert

Ledisi, R&B Songstress at the Grand Orchid Ball

On Wednesday, September 16, 2015, the fraternity expanded its ranks with the induction of four Honorary Members of notable achievement. The ceremony and Welcome Reception was Phi Beta Sigma’s scheduled program for the Congressional Black Caucus’ 45th Annual Legislative Conference. The esteemed inductees were:

• The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings, U.S. House of Representatives, D-MD

• Charles J. Ogletree, Professor & Author, Harvard Law School, Founding Executive Director, Charles Hamilton Houston Institute • Joseph E. Madison, Host & Radio Personality, for Race & Justice Sirius XM Radio • R. Donahue Peebles, Founder, Chairman & CEO, The Peebles Corporation, Chairman, Board of Directors, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

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The order of the day continues to be connecting Phi Beta Sigma with some of the world’s best speakers and entertainers. As the organization prepares to celebrate “A Family Reunion” 2017 Conclave in Detroit, Michigan, a celebrated family in the gospel music industry will welcome the men to the Motor City during the Opening Ceremony. The famed Clark Sisters will provide the power of praise, while Brother J. Anthony Brown returns to host the opening event. Other special guest will include:

• Soror Teresa Griffin, R&B artist for "An Evening with Soror Teresa Griffin Honoring the Transformation

• Juvenile, Twista and Special Ed at the Hip Hop Concert

• Porsha Williams, Radio Host and Reality TV star, hostess for Miss International Phi Beta Sigma Pageant

• Martha Reeves, of the Motown Legendary group, Martha Reeves & The Vandellas will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Opening Ceremony.

As the latter half of the year 2017 becomes reality, the next administration has significant work to do, to maintain the bar which has been set during this administration. With the positive connections established by this administration, we’re confident that securing stellar speakers and entertainers for Phi Beta Sigma has been established as the new normal.

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THE CRESCENT MAGAZINE Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street NW Washington, DC 20011-5294

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