The Cristal administration committed to making it clear that the active members are the most vital part of Phi Beta Sigma. The fraternity would cease to exist without the commitment of individuals and chapters who meet their financial obligations and provide active support to the causes, i.e. the members who show by their actions a genuine love for Sigma. President Cristal made it clear that his team would be ever mindful of those who showed by their actions their loyalty, and such loyalty deserved to be rewarded. He understood that many brothers give their time and resources at the sacrifice of their families and personal lives. Membership may have its privileges—but those who dedicate themselves to the promotion and support of the organization’s programs should be acknowledged. In his vision, President Cristal provided an outline of how the fraternity would do more to recognize the work of its brothers, which included: 1. Making awards to loyal members and chapters on a regular basis for contributions above and beyond requirements 2. Committing to communicating more with the Brotherhood 3. Appointing a “Value Proposition Committee” to develop a program to encourage non-active members to return to the fold while providing incentives which highlighted the benefits of being reconnected 4. The creation of Centers of Excellence at the International Headquarters, designed to provide more access to the ongoing activities of Sigma 5. Making membership growth and development a major priority— making numbers count as the push continues for bringing in new members (the result was realizing the largest membership numbers in Phi Beta Sigma’s history! 6. The launching of the Sigma E-Learning Center, to promote the further growth and development of the membership
14 The Crescent Magazine