The Crescent: Winter 2019

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Lilly salutes Phi Beta Sigma for its commitment to brotherhood, scholarship and service.

2019 CA Approved for External Use PRINTED IN USA ©2019, Eli Lilly and Company. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.




New England Sigmas Birthday Celebration for Founder Leonard F. Morse


Introducing the General Board 2019-2021


Real Talk 2019: They Need Us To Survive!


Hon. Bro. Elijah Cummings Laid to Rest


International Sigma Day of Service

The Crescent Magazine


Celebrating 100 Years:


Our Voting Strength:

Alpha Sigma Chapter, Washington, DC Epsilon Chapter, Temple University Iota Chapter, Shaw University

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s Program to Mobilize the Vote

48 He’s A Sigma Man Beta Sigma Growing 56 Phi In The New Millennium


Steve E. Ballard


Steve E. Ballard Raekwon J. Groover Dr. Kent L. Poindexter


Christopher P. Fleming Ann Alphonse Studios


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-5294 (202) 726-5434

The Crescent Magazine is published twice annually by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Micheal E. Cristal International President


Please send address changes to: The Crescent Magazine Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-5294

Winter 2019



Greetings Conscious Sigma Brothers,


he national elections of 2008 and 2016 were monumental and historic occasions for America. These game-changing elections have had major impact on the conscience and sense of well-being for citizens in contrasting ways, based on their political and economic leanings. As our nation’s current political climate weighs heavily on our minds, we must never lose sight of our fundamental duty, obligation and right: the right to vote. We as Americans MUST always tap into our power of voting.

Honorable MICHEAL E.


International President

According to Meriam-Webster, the word “vote” means “a usually formal expression of opinion or will in response to a proposed decision; especially: one given as an indication of approval or disapproval of a proposal, motion or candidate for office.” The power of voting! For many Americans, the right and privilege to formally voice one's opinion at the ballot box is a wonderful privilege, for which their decendants fought, bled and died for all Americans to have that opportunity to formally voice one’s opinion. Now, that should be enough for all of us to take the time to vote. When you don’t vote, the elected officers do not, nor will not, cater to the needs of those in need because your voice is silent. Voting also enhances the power of our city, state and local communities. The policies that affect us the most are crafted by those serving at these levels. To vote is to make your voice be heard, monies be allocated to neighborhoods and it shows the unity and power of the community. Brothers, I implore you to encourage others to vote and YOU vote! In this issue, we share with you Phi Beta Sigma’s strategic plan to mobilize voter participation. Chapters throughout the globe will be volunteering to maximize voter registration, education, participation and mobilization in the communities we serve. This is embedded in Phi Beta Sigma's DNA! Consider the hard-fought civil rights battles of Sigma brothers A. Phillip Randolph, John R. Lewis, Hosea Williams and James Foreman. They fought the good fight for voting rights during a turbulent moment in American history. We stand on a solid foundation that allows us to represent A Brotherhood of Conscious Men Actively Serving Our Communities. Brotherhood First!


The Crescent Magazine


Greetings Brothers,


ustice is never given; it is exacted and the struggle must be continuous…for freedom is never a final fact, but a continuing, evolving process to higher and higher levels of human, social, economic, political and religious relationship.” These are words spoken by notable Brother A. Philip Randolph. They are used to inspire a new generation of civil rights activists who are adamant that the marginalization of all people must end. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has always been at the forefront of social action. Our current program initiatives support the thought of us being conscious men who are actively serving our communities. The concept of aiding the neighborhoods and colleges that accept us as socially relevant chapters and highly functional members is why we are Sigma! The year of 2019 has only emphasized this thought process along with the actions that accompany these thoughts. Sigma Brothers across the world have committed themselves to publicly showing acts of kindness, servitude and community-conscious leadership. These acts help shape the new generation of civil rights activists and underscore their activism. These same acts provide a foundation for those who need to know that the Fraternity can be counted on to help when it is evident that help will be needed. These same acts answer the question as to why we have been Sigma for over 105 years and why there is hope for at least another 105 years of loyalty to the community.

Honorable DARYL A.

ANDERSON Executive Director

From our “National Day of Service” to our “National Day of Giving” and on to our efforts to “Get Out the Vote: 2020”, Sigma is to be commended for providing a unified front through unified efforts that are shown to simply help those who need that “voice” in their communities. Our “loudness” is not used for the purpose of just talking; it is used and will continue to be used as the voice of a community that needs to be heard but is having a problem getting the attention of those who need to hear the real message. As your International Executive Director, I ask that you continue to be both seen and heard pushing Sigma’s message. Know that we exist to support a much needed and continuous civil rights movement. Sigma will insist that our votes be counted. Sigma will give to those who do not have as much as we have but need it just as much as we do. Sigma will be a friend to the fatherless and a provider for the next generation of men of color who walk and talk like kings!! This is consistent with what our Founders originally asked of us. It is the least that we can do! Winter 2019


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The Birthday Celebration NEW ENGLAND SIGMAS COMMEMORATE THE BIRTH OF FOUNDER HONORABLE LEONARD F. MORSE In October 2018, Brother Richard P. Farmer II, Massachusetts Area Deputy Director pondered a different way to celebrate Founders Day. In the past the Massachusetts chapters celebrated the occasion separately. Bro. Farmer wanted to do something special, which would bring chapters across the state together to celebrate in a unique way.

of his birthday, which would fall on January 12, 2019. What an exciting way to combine the celebration of the Fraternity's founding and the life of the Reverend Dr. Leonard Francis Morse, one of our illustrious founders! When Bro. Farmer presented this idea to the New England State Board, brothers responded with immediate acceptance, and moved to form a committee to coordinate this historic celebration.

Brother Farmer reached out to Sigma Historian Bro. Kevin Christian to obtain the last address on file at Howard University for Honorable Founder Leonard F. Morse. Once he received it, he googled the 338 Kempton Street in New Bedford, MA and noticed that it was now the Sgt. William Carney Memorial Academy Elementary School baseball field. While he felt some shame that this was the first time that he was aware that Founder Morse was born in New Bedford, he decided to visit the town to do more research. A new idea came to Bro. Farmer - organize an event which would pay homage to Founder Morse on the 128th anniversary

January 9, 2019 would mark the 105th Founders Day for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and January 12, 2019 would mark the 128th birthday of Founder Honorable Rev. Dr. Leonard F. Morse. Farmer presented the idea of combining these great points in history to the fraternity’s New England State Board and New England Sigmas. Brothers responded with great acceptance and banded together to form a committee and the building stages began.

10 The Crescent Magazine

The event was called "The Birthday CelebrationFounders Day & Honorable Founder Leonard F. Morse Commemoration", andwas attended by over 100 members and guests. Special guests included Brother Ward Morse, Jr., grandson of Founder Morse, Eastern Regional Director Devon Henry, and Soror Bridget Bostic, Tri-State Director of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. The celebration was covered by local media including the Standard Times Newspaper.

A musical selection, “Be Still My Soul” was performed by Ms. Christina E. DeVaughn. The song was chosen because it was one of Founder Morse’s favorite melodies to hear when he was irritated or simply needed to calm his spirit. The song was followed by a release of three white doves, by Brothers Henry, Morse and New England State Director Marlo Simon, in honor of the fraternity’s three founders. The Memorial Ceremony concluded with our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. singing their hymn, followed by the Brotherhood singing the Fraternity Hymn. The second segment of the celebration was a Rededication Ceremony, held simultaneously with a Mix & Mingle event for guests. This event took place at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, with over 70 Sigma brothers in attendance. Guests were entertained by the smooth sounds of the Unique Sounds Jazz Band.

The special event was segmented into three components. The Memorial Ceremony took place in the frigid cold at the 338 Kempton Street birthplace of Founder Morse. The reception was also held at this location. Brothers and Zeta sisters assembled at this location to hear speakers including Bro. Devon Henry, Bro. Scott Lima (member of the New Bedford City Council), Bro. Dr. Kevin Christian (Sigma Historian, and Bro. Ward Morse, Jr. Brother Pastor A. J. Jopnson of Delta Pi Sigma chapter served as the Master of Ceremonies. New Bedford Mayor Jon F. Mitchell provided a proclamation for the occasion, recognizing January 12, 2019 as Reverend Dr. Leonard F. Morse Day in the City of New Bedford. The office of the Massachusetts Governor also presented a citation, recognizing the pivotal role of Founder Morse in the creation of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, as well as the indelible mark of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service he left on over 250,000 collegiate and professional men worldwide.

The final event of this celebration was a Jazz Luncheon, hosted by Brother Mark Robertson. A special highlight of this segment was a panel discussion featuring Bro. Dr. Kevin Christian and Bro. Ward Morse, Jr., talking about the life of Founder Morse. The day's celebration ended with the singing of the Fraternity hymn, fellowship, chants and strolls.

This event was made possible by a dedicated group of Sigmas across New England, who put aside chapter affiliations, titles and ranks to celebrate and pay homage to the remarkable life and legacy of a great man.

Winter 2019 11


2019-2021 Conclave Las Vegas 2019 represented the largest conference attended by registered Sigma Brothers. One of the key items on the organization’s business agenda was the election of the men who would lead the Brotherhood into the next decade of service. Who are the Sigma Men elected and appointed to lead Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity for the next two years? The Crescent is proud to introduce you to the General Board 2019-2021.

12 The Crescent Magazine

TH E EXE C U T I V E C O M MITTE E (Left to right: Hon. Daryl A. Anderson, Sr., Kennedy Barnes, Esq., Dane Norvell, Hon. Micheal E. Cristal, Chris V. Rey, William Frasier, Jr., and Hon. Theoplis Woodard)

35TH INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Honorable Micheal E. Cristal

Hon. Bro. Cristal is elected to his second term, completing his four-year administration as 35th International President. He was elected as president at Conclave Detroit 2017, previously serving as First Vice President. Cristal has served as Director of Bigger & Better Business, Southwestern Regional Director, Chapter President of Tau Iota Sigma Chapter, Memphis, TN and Theta Iota Chapter, Mississippi State University and many other fraternity positions. He is a member of the Tau Iota Sigma Chapter.


Bro. Rey previously served as Director of Social Action, having been elected to that position in Conclave Detroit. He has also served in several other offices including International Second Vice President, Director of Sigma Beta Clubs and Southeastern Regional Director. He is a member of the Omicron Zeta Sigma Chapter, Prince William County, VA.


Bro. Norvell is served as President of the Delta Nu Chapter at University of Memphis, Memphis, TN. He is also in the 2018 Class of the Arthur W. Mitchell Policy & Leadership Development Training at Sigma Week on Capitol Hill.

INTERNATIONAL TREASURER Brother William J. Frasier, Jr.

Bro. Frasier won re-election as International Treasurer at Conclave Las Vegas. He previously served as Southeastern Regional Director and International Auditor. He is a member of Beta Rho Sigma Chapter in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Bro. Barnes was appointed as Legal Advisor to the International President in July 2017 and previously served in the same capacity in the 2015-2017 administration. He is a member of the Omicron Sigma Chapter in Dallas, TX. Winter 2019 13


Bro. Woodard is DSC #142 He’s previously served on the General Board as Gulf Coast Regional Director and Chairman of the Conclave 2009 New Orleans. He is a member of Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter in Houston, TX.


Bro. Anderson is the 6th and 8th Executive Director of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. He was inducted into the DSC, #160. He’s previously served on the General Board as First Vice President, Director of Bigger and Better Business, Southwestern Regional Director, and Tennessee State Director.

SEN I OR A DV I S O RS TO THE INTE R NATIO NAL P R E SIDE NT (Left: Hon. Ron Carter, Right: Hon. Carter D. Womack)

Honorable Ron Carter

Honorable Carter D. Womack

Bro. Carter was inducted into the DSC, #147, having served as International Director of Bigger & Better Business, President of Life Members, International Director of Publicity, Western Regional Director and President of Phi Beta Sigma Chapter in Los Angeles, CA, of which he is a current member.

Bro. Womack is the 27th and 29th International President and Past National President of the National Pan Hellenic Council. He was inducted into the DSC as #120. He has served as International Director of Social Action, Director of Sigma Beta Clubs, Great Lakes Regional Director, and Ohio State Director. He is a member of Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter in Columbus, OH.

14 The Crescent Magazine

TH E I N T E RN AT I O N A L PR O GR AM DIR E C TO R S (Left to right: Michael Baslee, Dr. Marcus Chanay, Jenabu C. Williams and Reginald Sluch)


Bro. Sluch was re-elected as Director of Bigger and Better Business at Conclave Las Vegas. He is a member of Omicron Sigma Chapter in Dallas, TX.


Bro. Chanay has served in various positions on the General Board. He was appointed as Deputy Chief of Staff to the International President in 2017. Prior to that, Chanay has served as Southern Regional Director and Georgia State Director. He is a member of Nu Theta Sigma Chapter in Columbia, MO.


Bro. Baslee served as the Western Region Director of Social Action and this is the first election on the international level. He is a member of the Phi Beta Sigma Chapter in Los Angeles, CA.


Bro. Williams has been re-appointed as Director of Sigma Beta Club, originally appointed in 2017. He’s previously served as the Eastern Region Director of Sigma Beta Clubs and is a member of Chi Sigma Chapter in Northern, NJ.

Winter 2019 15

TH E I N T E RN AT I O N A L C OL L E GIATE AFFAIR S C O UNC IL (Left: Brother Joshua A. Busby, Right: Brother Samuel Sarkodie. Not Pictured: Brother Matthew Swalek)


Bro. Busby was elected Director of Collegiate Affairs in 2019, after serving as Deputy Chief of Staff, appointed in 2017. He’s previously served as Southwestern Regional Director and Oklahoma State Director. He’s a member of the Delta Beta Sigma Chapter in Oklahoma City, OK.


Bro. Sarkodie is the Chapter President of Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter at Virginia State University. He is a senior majoring in Political Science. NOT PICTURED:


Iota Alpha Chapter, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

16 The Crescent Magazine

R EGI O N A L DI RE C TO RS (LefLeft to right: Devon Henry, Michael Murry, David Turner, Mark A. Armstron, Dr. Lawrence Rouse, and Howard Redmond. Not Pictured: Roy Edmonds)



Bro. Henry was elected Eastern Regional Director in April 2016. He served as Virginia State Director and is a member of Iota Sigma Chapter in Richmond, VA.

Bro. Rouse was elected Southeastern Regional Director in 2018, having served as Southeastern Region Vice Director. He is a member of the Beta Kappa Sigma Chapter in Farmville, NC.

Brother Devon M. Henry


Bro. Turner previously served as the Internal Auditor for the fraternity, as well as Great Lakes Regional Treasurer. He is a member of the Iota Phi Sigma Chapter, Chicago, IL.


Bro. Redmond was elected Gulf Coast Regional Director in 2019, having served as Gulf Coast Region Vice Director. He also served as Omicron Sigma Chapter President, of which he is a member.

Brother Dr. Lawrence L. Rouse


Bro. Murry was elected Southwestern Regional Director in 2018, having served as Southwestern Region Vice Director. He is a member of the Lambda Gamma Sigma Chapter in Conway, AR.


Bro. Armstrong was elected Western Regional Director in 2016. He is a member of the Espilon Psi Sigma Chapter in Las Vegas, NV. NOT PICTURED:


Winter 2019 17

ALL TH E PRE S I DE N T ’ S M E N – THE CHIE FS O F STAFF (Left to right: Hon. E.Ray Smith, Hon. Jeffrey Sneed and Lezell Lowe. Not Pictured: Hon. T.J. Lewis)


Honorable Brother Jeffrey F. Sneed Bro. Sneed was inducted into the DSC as #173. He’s served on the General Board as International Second Vice President and Western Regional Director. He is a member of the Kappa Delta Sigma Chapter in Southern California.


Honorable Brother E. Ray Smith Bro. Smith has served as Deputy Chief of Staff for two international presidents. He’s previously served as Southern Regional Director and is a member of Rho Sigma Chapter in Miami Gardens, FL.

DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF Brother Lezell J. Lowe

Bro. Lowe was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff at Conclave Las Vegas and previously served as Great Lakes Regional Director. He also served as Great Lakes Vice Regional Director and Kentucky State Director. He is a member of the Eta Alpha Sigma Chapter, Lexington, KY. NOT PICTURED:


Honorable Brother T.J. Lewis Tau Iota Sigma Chapter, Memphis, TN

18 The Crescent Magazine

AP P OI N T E D O F F I C E RS (Left to right: Rufus Davison, Hon. Martin M. Currie, Edwin K. Miles, and Dr. Lamar Hylton)



Bro. Currie has served as Director of Risk Management since 2012. He was elected to the DSC, #174. He also served on the General Board as Southwestern Regional Director. He’s currently on the Board of Directors of the Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union and is a member of the Eta Beta Sigma Chapter in Nashville, TN.

Brother Miles was appointed Parliamentarian in 2019, although he has served on the General Board in several capacities including Gulf Coast Regional Director, Deputy Chief of Staff for two International Presidents, Director of Human Resources and Texas State Director. He is a member of the Beta Beta Sigma Chapter in San Antonio, TX.

Honorable Brother Martin B. Currie


Brother Edwin K. Miles

Brother Dr. Lamar R. Hylton


Bro. Hylton was appointed as Director of the Sigma Leadership Academy at Conclave Detroit. He is a member of the Gamma Alpha Sigma Chapter in Cleveland, OH.




Brother Rufus Davison

Bro. Davison was appointed Director of SigmaZeta Relations at Conclave Las Vegas. This is his first international level position. He served as Theta Beta Sigma Chapter President, of which he is currently a member.

Brother Dr. Kent L. Poindexter

Iota Nu Sigma Chapter, Chicago, IL

Brother Mark D. Pacich

Gamma Delta Sigma Chapter, Maitland, FL

Article Continues on pg. 66

Winter 2019 19


“THE VILLAGE IS BURNING!” was the clarion call expressed by noted editor and author Susan L. Taylor

as she answered the question, “Do you think engaging with boys at specific ages makes a difference in the outcome of their future?” She followed with “yet there is hope for uplifting our communities by investing in the spiritual and intellectual development of Black youth. Taylor, who served for nearly 30 years as Editor-in-Chief of ESSENCE Magazine, is now the Founder of the National CARES Mentoring Movement. For this reason, she espoused on the mentoring mandate that’s calling on African American men throughout in communities around the nation. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. sponsored REAL TALK: They Need Us to Survive!, a bold conversation about conscious men stepping up to mentor and empower young men. The event is Sigma's annual think tank designated to consider serious issues impacting the communities served by the organization. Each year the forum takes place during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Annual Legislative Conference, during which four panelists provide serious commentary and thought-provoking discussions on the subject of mentoring. Nearly 200 attendees representing Black GreekLettered Organization leaders and members attended the forum held at The Renaissance

20 The Crescent Magazine

Washington DC Downtown. In addition to Ms. Taylor, panelists included Sigma Brothers Dr. Lamont Repollet, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Education, Jenabu C. Williams, International Director of Sigma Beta Clubs and Samuel Sarkodie, International Collegiate Member-At-Large. Dr. Julla M. Tearte, CoFounder of the Tearte Family Foundation and Past International President of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. was the moderator of the evening. Living up to its commitment to be "A Brotherhood of Conscious Men Actively Serving Our Communities", Sigma men are committed to being role models for the youth in the communities where they serve. Over 3,200

viewers watched via livestream, as panelists dove deep into the discusion on mentoring boys and young men of color. This is the first pillar of the Trilogy of Change, an initiative that as Honorable Micheal E. Cristal, International President explained, is dedicated to providing guidance and support to men of color, from childhood through adulthood in the form of mentorship. Panelists urged guests in attendance to re-write the narrative around mentoring by re-imagining the concept. They called for expanding the scope of mentorship to include engagement of adult learners who can serve as mentors to young Black men. They called on us to move beyond the traditional notion of in-person mentoring to include mentoring through technology and utilizing group mentoring approaches to maximize impact.

Winter 2019 21


ELIJAH CUMMINGS LAID TO REST Praised as a “honorable� man who stood up to corruption and justice for all Americans.


f there are any doubts about the indelible legacy left by the late civil rights advocate and Maryland Representative Elijah Cummings through his nearly 40 years of public service, one need look no further than the show of love and support shown by the nearly 200 Sigma men who circled the Gilliam Concert Hall of the Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center at Morgan State University. Phi Beta Sigma joined political luminaries and the nation in paying tribute to the man who will be remembered for his advocacy of civil rights and social justice for all. On Wednesday, October 23rd, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity leaders and members representing every level of the fraternity throughout the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and Eastern Shores, converged at MSU to pay respects and participate in the first of three days of observances and services. In addition to the men of Sigma who participated in the Omega ceremony for Brother Cummings, Valerie Hollingsworth-Baker, International President of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated and nearly 80 members stood proudly to honor of the late Congressman.

Elijah Cummings was the son of sharecroppers, whose entire life was dedicated to the cause of equality for all people. As early as 11 years old, he began advocating for the disenfranchised in the community which he would eventually represent in the U. S. House of Representatives. For 23 years he represented the 7th Congressional District of Maryland, which encompasses a large portion of Baltimore as well as more well-to-do suburbs. As the House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman, Cummings used his fiery voice to highlight the struggles and needs of inner-city residents. He was a powerful advocate for some much-debated approaches to help the poor and addicted, such as needle exchange programs as a way to reduce the spread of AIDS. Cummings was very popular in his district, where he was a key member of the community. Cummings was inducted as an Honorary Member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity in September 2015, along with three other distinguished leaders: Brothers Joe Madison, Dr. Charles Ogletree, and R. Donahue Peebles.

22 The Crescent Magazine

The funeral for Brother Cummings took place on Friday, October 25th at the New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore. An impressive list of who’s who in Washington, DC was in attendance, including former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, as well as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Those representing Phi Beta Sigma were Brothers Chris V. Rey, International First Vice President, Devon Henry, Eastern Regional Director, Malwan Johnson, Maryland State Director, Hon. Dr. Marvin "Doc" Cheatham and Kendrick Faison. Elijah Cummings was the first African American lawmaker to lie in state in the U.S. Capitol building on Thursday, October 24. Former President Obama praised Cumming’s life of service, saying that Cummings was “honorable” before he took on the title of “the Honorable Elijah Cummings” as a member of Congress. Elijah Cummings was a man of noble and good heart … It now falls on us to continue his work,”. Former President and Honorary Sigma Brother Bill Clinton praised Cumming’s ability to form bipartisan friendships, and recalled that “he knew that without the Constitution, the laws that were passed under it, the rights that were guaranteed by it and the abuses it was designed to prevent … he would not have been in Congress… and so he said to himself, ‘I am certain every day, I will not let this promise be sullied.” In an interview with “60 Minutes” in January 2019, Congressman Cummings said that he was one of the few members of Congress who lived in an inner-city environment. “I like to be among my constituents,” he said. “Let me tell you something man, if I don’t do well in this block I’m in trouble. I mean, if you wanna take a poll, if I lost in this block I might as well go – I might as well stay home.”

Winter 2019 23


Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service are the founding principles upon which Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity exists. As a Brotherhood of Conscious Men Actively Serving Our Communities, the organization is intentional about impacting the human condition through simple acts of service. In an effort to display that intentionality, Saturday, September 21, 2019 was named the International Sigma Day of Service. The Men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. showed communities nationwide that there is strength in numbers as thousands of hours of community service were rendered on this Day of Service. Collegiate and Alumni chapters supported activities centered around the fraternity's International Programs: Bigger & Better Business, Education, Social Action and Sigma Beta Clubs. Sigmas and Sigma Beta Club members, representing nearly 200 chapters, volunteered their time and resources to enhance their local communities by performing a variety of projects that ranged from community clean ups to volunteering at food pantries and collecting clothing for local shelters. Social media timelines were flooded with Sigma Brothers and Chapters using the official hashtag, #sigmadayofservice. Featured are just a sampling of chapters from every region rendering service on International Sigma Day of Service: International President, Hon. Micheal E. Cristal joined the Lambda Xi Chapter, Arizona State University by serving the underprivileged community in the Phoenix Metro area. The brothers volunteered at a mission by planting trees, watering plants, building berms around rose trees and cleared an areas in a local shed. The mission, located in a food desert, was started eight years ago with a mission to teach the community effective and cost-efficient ways to plant their own fruits and vegetable.

24 The Crescent Magazine

Pi Gamma Sigma Chapter chose to feed the homeless.

Kappa Alpha Sigma Chapter and their Sigma Beta Club packed toiletry essentials and dispersed them to the homeless citizens in the community. The also participated in “Man Cave” a self-development forum where chapter members discussed various topics such as the importance of setting goals, brotherhood and being a hometown hero.

Zeta Theta Sigma Chapter, Rock Hill, SC was joined by their Sigma Beta Club and in the local American Cancer Society’s 2019 Relay for Life, as well as the Rolling in Rock Hill Home Improvement Program.

Brothers of The State of Maryland, coordinated by Brother Malwan Johnson, Maryland State Director participated in the Prostate Walk/Run Rally.

Winter 2019 25

Omicron Delta Sigma Chapter and The Omicron Delta Sigma Service Foundation held their Annual Crab Feast Scholarship Event. The three scholarship recipients were Jamel West, Frostburg State University, Chad Johnson, Towson University, and Kameron Watts-White, Fisk University.

Rho Sigma Chapter, Miami Gardens, FL supported the Shuckin-N-Jivin’ Restaurant, and Airlines Restaurant, two Black-Owned businesses.

Brother Shawn Lane volunteered at the Salvation Army USA – The Carr P. Collins Center, feeding victims of Tropical Storm Imelda.

Nu Theta Sigma Chapter, Columbia, MO and Beta Chi Chapter at Lincoln University volunteered at The Central Missouri Food Pantry. 26 The Crescent Magazine


Omicron Sigma Chapter, Zeta Beta Chapter and the Sigma Beta Club volunteered for The Buddy League’s Opening Day for the season of little league baseball.

Delta Delta Sigma Chapter, Denver, CO performed community outreach with their Adopt-A-School partner Florida Pitt Waller. They also supported the BBQ Hungry Wolf, a Black-Owned business.

Omicron Phi Sigma Chapter gave back to the community by supporting “Striving For Protection”, a USDA and Farm Share program. Winter 2019 27


The Long Beach Chapter, supported Forgotten Children, Inc., a human trafficking rescue center.

Epsilon Psi Sigma Chapter, Las Vegas, NV, along with Brother Adrian Hunt, Nevada State Director and their Sigma Beta Club served the community.

Monaleto C. Irby, Georgia State Director facilitating mentoring workshops for male youth. He presented on the topic “The Tricks and Traps of a Thug Life” and how it effects your future.

28 The Crescent Magazine

Pi Psi Sigma Chapter and Xi Mu Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority participated in Girl & Boy Power at Prairie Hills Junior High School in Markham, IL.

Lambda Sigma Chapter, Atlanta, GA volunteered for the America Red Cross Annual Blood Drive.

Winter 2019 29

Sigmas in Houston volunteered for the Houston Food Bank.

Phi Chapter, Philander Smith University and Mu Beta Sigma Chapter prepared and donated 75 Care Packages to the Little Rock Compassion Center, a homeless shelter which holds up to 300 people from Little Rock, AR. They also hosted Little Rock’s Sigma Beta Club’s HBCU Tour at Philander Smith University.

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Theta Beta Sigma Chapter, New Orleans, LA had over 40 brothers participate in the Chef Menteur Highway Clean-Up in New Orleans East with the sisters of Nu Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority.

Chi Sigma Chapter, Northern, NJ participated in their Sigma Beta Club Beautification Day at East Side High School in Patterson, NJ. They also supported the sisters of Zeta Phi Beta’s Sickle Cell Awareness Walk in Weequahic Park. Lastly, the brothers partnered with the Newark Tech High School for Conversation with Scholars Day. Brother Jenabu C. Williams, International Director of Sigma Beta Clubs led the conversation on the importance of cultivating a “Solid Moral Compass” on your journey to success.

Delta Kappa Sigma Chapter prepared over 1,000 meals for the area “Feed My Starving Children” Campaign.

Winter 2019 31

JUNE 23 – 27, 2020


SIGMA BROTHERS, PURCHASE YOUR EVENT PACKAGE NOW TO ENJOY FIVE DAYS OF ENDLESS CELEBRATIONS! Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Brothers from all parts of the globe will gather in the nation’s capital to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Reserve your space now to enjoy themed day parties, celebrity guests, after parties, a Brotherhood Breakfast, 3 On 3 Basketball, Zeta Memorial Monument Unveiling and much more!


$450 – LUXURY • Private VIP Entrance

• Reserved Seating Area, Adult Beverages and Complimentary Appetizers

• Admission to All Events Thru 02/28/20

C O M P L I M E N T S O F Z E TA P H I B E TA All registered Brothers gain free entry to the Zeta Phi Beta Marketplace! 1st 500 registrants will receive a guided tour of the Smithsonian Museum!



Register and purchase your event package by logging into BluPrint via



(Reserving a hotel room WILL NOT be permitted, until you purchase/reserve an event package.) • Single or Double $173 per night • Triple or Quad $193 per night

ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER | EPSILON CHAPTER | IOTA CHAPTER Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity celebrated 100 years of service on January 9, 1914 in Washington, DC, setting the stage for a series of celebrations to be held by chapters marking their 100th year of existence. Two elaborate Centennial celebrations took place in the months of January and June, 2014, which set attendance records by Sigma men and guests from all over the world. Alpha Chapter at Howard University holds the distinction of celebrating its founding in conjunction with the Fraternity, as it is the birthplace of our illustrious Brotherhood. Centennial celebrations followed for Beta Chapter at Wiley College (2015), Gamma Chapter at Morgan State University (2016) and Delta Chapter at Kansas State University (2017). The scroll of Sigma's Centennial chapters continues growing as brothers gather to celebrate this momentus achievement of a century of service. In this issue we invite you to join in the celebrations of Alpha Sigma Chapter, Washington, DC, which is the fraternity's first alumni/graduate chapter, Epsilon Chapter at Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) and Iota Chapter at Shaw University (Raleigh, NC). Shortly after the publishing of this issue, Eta Chapter at North Carolina A & T University will be celebrating 100 years December 6-7, 2019. The Crescent extends a special recognition to all Sigma Brothers initiated in the Zeta Chapter at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia.

ALPHA SIGMA CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY AND BLUE & WHITE SCHOLARSHIP BALL Since its inception, Alpha Sigma Chapter has been the home to some of the greatest leaders of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. The esteemed chapter is home to three past International Presidents......, three men who contributed greatly to the establishment of the fraternity during its formative years.

Because of the rich history of Alpha Sigma chapter, Phi Beta Sigma leaders from across the nation joined the brothers of Alpha Sigma to celebrate its Centennial Anniversary on October 12, 2019 in Washington, DC. The stellar event was held at the Grand Hyatt Washington, as Sigma Men and guests were welcomed with a blue-carpet welcome and first-class reception. Brother Aaron Lewis, Chapter President led the celebration themed "A Century of Service through Consciousness, Commitment and Community." The evening featured a cocktail reception and Silent Auction. Members and guests joined in the celebration of the opening of the Alpha Sigma Museum exhibit, curated by Sigma historian Brother Dr. Kevin A. Christian.

Many of the fraternity's top brass joined Alpha Sigma to celebrate high style, including Honorable Micheal E. Cristal, International President, Bro. Chris V. Rey, International Vice President, Bro. Jenabu C. Williams, International Director of Sigma Beta Clubs, Bro. Devon Henry, Eastern Regional Director, Bro. James R. Reeves, Eastern Regional Vice Director, and Honorable Bro. Daryl A. Anderson, International Executive Director. Others in attendance included Eastern Regional board members, Zeta Phi Beta Eastern and Atlantic Regional board members, and Sigma leaders from across the nation. Alpha Sigma lays claim to eleven chapter members who were eventually inducted into the Distinguished Service Chapter, the highest level of honor the fraternity bestows upon brothers. Three chapter members have served as Eastern Regional Directors: Brother J. Edgar Smith (1946-47), Hon. Brother Clifton Felton, (1959-62), and Brother Gerald D. Smith, (1978).

Brother Monelito C. Irby, Georgia State Director, served as the Master of Ceremonies for the occasion, with special presentations on the History of Alpha Sigma Chapter, This is Alpha Sigma and the Brother Thomas Boyd Scholarship. Other awards presented include the President's Award,, the Colonel Pollard Award and Sigma Man of the Year. A beautiful souvenir journal displaying the evening’s program and rich history of Alpha Sigma Chapter was presented to every guest. Kudos Winter 2019 35

to Brothers Aaron A. Lewis, President, Simon K. Caines, Chair, Dwayne L. Smith, Historian and the Centennial Committee.


The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Epsilon Chapter commemorated 100 years of service during the weekend of Temple University's Homecoming, October 11-13, 2019. Epsilon chapter members representing at least 40 years of the chapter's centennial came together from across the nation to celebrate the momentous occasion with brothers and sorors, other members representing the Divine Nine, family and friends.

Members of Epsilon Chapter worked tirelessly to make this celebration a success. Founded December 19, 1919 as the fifth chapter of our illustrious brotherhood, Epsilon Sigma has kept alive the principles of Phi Beta Sigma on the campus of Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania and throughout Philadelphia, the city of Brotherly Love. As ambassadors of service, Epsilon Chapter has engaged in various community service projects, including initiatives to eradicate 36 The Crescent Magazine

homelessness, fundraisers for sickle cell anemia, HIV/AIDS research, youth mentoring programs and volunterring at the local Ronald McDonald House. In their quest to promote scholarship, the men of Epsilon Chapter have worked hard over the years to show the meaning of scholarship, as well as to provide scholarships for the local community. The members of this chapter pride themselves on being an enduring brotherhood, and have forged an unbreakable bond over the years. They have won countless step shows and thrown unforgettable parties. And they have supported one another through the heartbreaking loss of chapter brothers to the Omega Chapter. Because of its proud history, Epsilon Chapter wanted to make sure that this celebration was a reflection of all who came through the chapter. The weekend's festivities began with a show of brotherly and sisterly love on Friday, where guests were invited to a Blue and White Happy Hour, which took place at a rooftop lounge in Olde City Philadelphia. The women of Zeta Phi Beta, Eta Chapter at Temple co-hosted this event. On Saturday, the brothers of Epsilon Chapter hosted a Blue & White tailgate event prior to the Homecoming game. All visiting brothers and sorors were encouraged to support this and other events. The celebration concluded on Saturday night with a Denim and White VIP Mansion Party in Center City. Brothers, sorors and guests partied in a threelevel mansion which included a cigar lounge and

a billiards room. The house was definitely full of BLUE & WHITE! The Brothers of Epsilon Chapter have also formed a committee to coordinate a citywide service project to be completed during the holiday season – closer to the chapter’s charter date. Participation will be from local members, as well as other alumni brothers in the Tri-State area. This project will complete the vision of the Centennial celebration would not be complete without the brothers of Epsilon Chapter providing service to their local community. Closer to the actual founding date, chapter members will join with alumni brothers in the Tri-State area to do a citywide service project, completing a year of celebration and remembering the fraternity's motto "Culture for Service and Service for Humanity."

“A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE THROUGH BROTHERHOOD, SCHOLARSHIP AND SERVICE” IOTA CHAPTER CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION By Brother Michael P. Cobb A brotherhood of conscious men came together and converged on Shaw University’s campus to participate in the Iota Chapter Centennial Celebration during Shaw University’s Homecoming weekend. The weekend was filled with activities that paid homage to the first 100 years of the Iota Chapter and its founder Hon. Brother Jessie W. Lewis.

The weekend of events started on Friday, when brothers of the chapter as well as brothers and sorors from the surrounding area came together on the fraternity’s campus plot to unveil the memorial plaque of the Hon. Bro. Jessie W. Lewis. During this joyful occasion, members had the pleasure of hosting

Bro. Lewis’ son Peter Lewis and his family. A small presentation was given by Bro. Steve Couther and Bro. Jermaine Kearney gave a few remarks before unveiling the plaque. During the presentation, Peter gave remarks on behalf of the family and presented the chapter with silverware that was once used by Bro. Lewis himself. The silverware will be displayed in the Phi Beta Sigma History Museum, located at the International Headquarters. To close out the presentation, the fraternity hymn was sung.

Winter 2019 37

On Saturday the Homecoming game and tailgate activities took place on the campus of St. Augustine University. The chapter hosted a Centennial Tailgate for Iota Chapter hosted a Centennial Tailgate party for alumni members, current students, sorors, family and friends. Special guests of note included International Vice President Chris Rey and Southeastern Regional First Vice Director Duane Lewis among others. It was a great time to fellowship with brothers and to reconnect with old and new friends—and also, Shaw beat Livingstone College!

During that evening, many brothers, sorors and members of the community returned to Shaw University campus to attend the Centennial Celebration Reception, held at the Dorothy C. Yancy Building 3rd floor Mezzanine. The theme for the reception was "A Century of Excellence through Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Service." Bro. Brandon Drakeford served as MC for the evening’s program. The program featured greetings from a host of Sigma and Zeta leaders including the President of Shaw University, Dr. Paulette Dillard who praised the chapter and the organization on their accomplishments in the Shaw University and Raleigh communities. Other program participants included Bro. Marvin Cannon, President, Iota Chapter, Bro. Steve Couther, Iota Alumni Representative, International First Vice President, Bro. Chris Rey; Southeastern Regional First Vice Director, Bro. Duane Lewis; North Carolina State Director, Bro. Mose Dorsey; and North Carolina State Director-Elect, Bro. Bro. Kelley Woodley and more. Video greetings came from North Carolina Governor Roy Copper and Congressman G.K. Butterfield (NC01), who shared that his father was initiated into the Iota Chapter in 1922. Butterfield also shared that the chapter's centennial celebration would be noted in the Congressional record on December 11, 2019.

38 The Crescent Magazine

The program also featured remarks from Hon. John Milner, DSC and Bro. Nathen Taylor (Fall 2000) who talked about the memory of his line. The chapter awarded John Glover a Shaw University student with the Iota Chapter Alumni Scholarship. Bro. Steve Couther received the Centennial Brother of the Year Award for his leadership as President of the Iota Chapter Alumni Association and final remarks were given by Soror Terri Purvis relative to Hon. Bro. Jessie Lewis and Bro. Jermain Kearny. On Sunday Iota Chapter members gathered for a breakfast hosted by Eta Sigma Chapter at the alumni chapter's house. During the breakfast, the brothers reflected on the past weekend events and talked about future activities and how to support the chapter moving forward.

The Iota Chapter was chartered on December 11, 1919, making it the first Black Greek-Lettered Organization on campus and the 9th chapter in the history of the fraternity. The chapter was founded by the Honorable Jesse W. Lewis, who became the fraternity's 7th International President while serving as a distinguished attorney. Iota Chapter has produced many prominent alumnus of Shaw University, which include, Dr. H. Donell Lewis, Dr. George Debnam, Hon. John Millner, DSC (Distinguish Service Chapter) as well as Dr. G.K. Butterfield Sr. the father of Congressman G.K. Butterfield (NC- 01) to name a few.


PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY’S PROGRAM TO MOBILIZE THE VOTE Written by: Bro. Dr. Michael Baslee, International Director of Social Action


ollowing the very peaceful and productive presidency of the Hon. Barack H. Obama,

America has seen a period of political tumult and upheaval that is -with the exception of the Civil War era- unrivaled in our entire history. As we enter the

November 2020 election cycle, it has become crucial that the entire eligible voting population is registered, educated and mobilized to aid in restoring a more harmonious social order for our country.

This process will be a challenge, as many in our nation

are feeling exhausted, disenfranchised and defeated from enduring the turmoil that has gripped our society in the last four years. When this is added to the typical

The body of Sigma stands ready to meet the challenges of protecting, encouraging and facilitating our right and responsibility to go to the polls and engage the political process. We will champion change during the 2020 Elections and Census 2020. As International Social Action Director, it is my charge and duty

alongside our Project Vote leadership team- to identify an array of options that brothers can utilize to have impact. Our plan has 3 main components: 1) Partnerships; 2) Member Education; and, 3) Grassroots Fraternity Action.

voter apathy that plagues our elections, the potential for a disastrous outcome in the various elections is multiplied. Thus, it is up to organizations who are dedicated to fighting against low voter turnout and voter suppression to take the lead-- Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated is an exemplar of that type of organization!! For over 100 years, the Men of Sigma have made it their just cause to be in the forefront of championing efforts toward social change. In 1934 the fraternity instituted the Social Action program to specifically address issues impacting the Black community and by extenstion, the rest of humanity. Great political and civil rights-minded Sigma men like...... We even have an honorary brother who served as a change agent as President of the United States--Brother William Jefferson Clinton. In this current political environment, we have been blessed to have two Sigmas, Honorable Brother Congressman John R. Lewis and Brother Congressman Elijah Cummings, who have led the charge to provide accountability, integrity and decency in the way our government operates at the highest levels and treats the populace.

The recent passing of Bro. Congressman Cummings into our Omega Chapter has sounded a Clarion Call to the Brotherhood about their duty and responsibility to work tirelessly in challenging the current wrongs in our system and helping make the necessary changes to correct our country’s direction. It is very inspirational to know that Bro. Cummings was signing subpoenas from his death bed. The way he exemplified our principle of

SERVICE through this type of extreme “best performance of duty,” “perseverance,” and “pleasure in work” will motivate the Men of Sigma now, and in the future, as a sterling testament to “the worth of EXAMPLE!!”

With regard to partnerships, Sigma brothers have a

wide choice of organizations to support and work alongside nationally and locally. Our Memorandums of Understanding with the NAACP and the National

Urban League will allow us to have the additional infrastructure needed to have maximum impact. There are also a multitude of campaigns focused on voter registration and anti-voter suppression with which we have developed working relationships, including: Former FLOTUS Michell Obama’s When We All Vote;

Former Georgia State Representative Stacey Abram’s Fair Fight 2020;;

Adopt-A-Precinct; and, other similar groups. Finally, we have the constitutionally-bound partnership with our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.

• National Voter Registration Day- On Tuesday September 24th 2019, the fraternity again engaged in this nationwide event, which has as it mantra “register in September, vote in November.” This provided a great bookend to the voter engagement work done by many chapters on our International Day of Service. On September 22nd 2020 this effort will be a crucial support to ensuring advancement of the key goals we share with the other organizations who come together for this special event:

The following demonstrates some of the benefits of working with these groups: • NAACP- this organization offers us resources and support in addressing both the upcoming election cycle and the decennial 2020 Census. Notably, we will have access to the Voter Activation Network. According to the NAACP website: “the VAN system as a tool for electoral organizing, voter registration, membership engagement and issue/advocacy-based campaigns. The VAN is known as the gold standard in political organizing and is often used by political campaigns and political parties, progressive organizations, labor unions, civil rights groups, and membership-based organizations. The VAN was designed to house data for sophisticated organizing campaigns.” As to Census 2020, we will be able to work through the NAACP’s “Get Out the Count – How to Prevent the Black Undercount” program. Resources are coming soon in preparation for the March 12th online Census 2020 start date which include a census workshop and training module, information on important dates and new changes to the 2020 Census, messaging guidelines for the 2020 Census, job opportunities at the Census Bureau and guidance on “the Citizenship Question.”

42 The Crescent Magazine

o Registering Voters: In 2018 over 800,000 voters were registered on National Voter Registration Day across all 50 states. o Mobilizing Volunteers: Each year the holiday’s growing number of local partners engage upwards to 10,000 local volunteers. o

Educating Voters: Millions of voters need to register and re-register every year. By utilizing new technology and leveraging partners, we’ll educate Americans in all 50 states about how to register, sign up for election reminders, check their

registration online, get mail ballots, learn about early voting and more. o Uniting for a Common Purpose: National Voter Registration Day is a day of civic unity. It’s an opportunity to set aside differences and celebrate democracy and the rights and opportunities we all share as Americans. • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated- We have the advantage of having a sister organization that shares our mission and will readily work with us on political advocacy programing. This cooperation starts from our International President working in concert with Soror Valerie Hollingsworth-Baker, International Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta and filters down to the united activities of our respective local alumni and collegiate chapters. An example

of the potential for this combined work will be witnessed during our support of the Zeta Centennial celebration in June 2020. Plans are currently being developed by the leadership teams of both organizations for a Joint Sigma-Zeta “Blue and White Takeover of Capitol Hill” during this once in-a-lifetime celebration. Using our joint voices, we will advocate for political reforms and galvanize our commitment to promoting a surge of voter participation in November 2020. In the area of Membership Education, the Sigma Project Vote team has been meeting under the direction of National Coordinator Bro. Darryl Skinner to formulate fraternity wide strategies to increase engagement in registration, education and mobilization. This team of regional coordinators is dedicated to making every effort to ensure that each state, area, city and chapter gets adequate support. They are also sharing best practices to help make sure no opportunity is left uncovered. Equally exciting is the gift presented by Bros Germaine Norman, Darren Swain and Derrick Francis, who have begun the revamping and expanding our fraternity election guide into a “political engagement academy” with three levels. Last, but certainly not least, our plan features Grassroots Brotherhood Activism, which focuses on maximizing our collective power; as well as harnessing the creativity, local knowledge and personal drive of individual brothers and chapters. In reference to our collective might, Sigma, as an international service organization, must step to the forefront and employ its full potential to impact the political process. International President Micheal E. Cristal recognized this when he asked that the Social Action team work to revitalize and reenergize the Sigma Political Action Committee. There has been a “SigmaPAC” in existence for a number of years, but it has had difficulty gaining traction in terms of utilization. Following the President’s request, Bro. Kendrick Faison stepped up to lead this effort. This time, however, he is working on the transition from a state-to-state based format to a national SigmaSuperPAC

platform. According to Bro. Faison, this concept will have less red tape and more flexibility. He is confident that we will attract many contributors aligned with our cause in the political realm. When successful, this innovation will position us as the leaders in the efforts by fraternal organizations to have influence in electing politicians who are committed to social, educational, economic and racial justice. The other side of the coin to us having political influence is the work of chapters and individual brothers exploring novel and interactive ways to reach the disaffected, frutrated and apathetic voters in their local areas. While every organization must use financial resources to impact politics, we must not forget that it is the enthusiastic and deeply felt personal appeal to “John Q. Public” that captures the will of everyday people. This is especially true for those who are far away from the power plays of large-scale macro politics. We must never forget that the power to change the course of this nation ultimately rests in the hands of the citizenry. We must stay conscious of the fact that local elections and politics set the stage for marshalling the control of national power. We must work on the micro level to help EVERY voter know their importance and commit to utilizing their vote. We must be mindful that our Brother, Congressman Elijah Cummings, started out as an 11year-old son of sharecroppers fighting for the right to use a public swimming pool. The man we revere in death as an icon of the struggle against entrenched racial and economic corruption, has his humble beginnings in LOCAL political and social advocacy. When we go out to effect change as A Brotherhood of Conscious Men Actively Serving Our Communities, it is the impact we have in elevating the poorest, most powerless residents of our major cities that may produce an epic champion of human rights like Bro. Elijah Cummings. Let us honor his memory AND create great change by SERVING with a resolve that he will be proud of from the beyond. Let us also SERVE in a way that would have inspired his younger self toward climbing to the great heights he eventually reached.

Winter 2019 43

THE POWER OF GIVING: Phi Beta Sigma’s ImpactONE Campaign Elevates the Opportunity to Change Lives By: Hon. Brother Peter M. Adams and Brother Dr. Ernie Hughes

A Phi Beta Sigma Man is no stranger to giving. His induction was merely a re-initiation or re-awakening to his core appreciation for giving time and service to help others. Culture for Service and Service for Humanity was always his calling. Truth be told, the Men of Sigma recognize the fundamental value of education in gaining a headway in life. We believe that helping others is the natural and noble purpose of our being. As college-educated professionals we are in a position to understand and navigate the challenges and opportunities of life. Caring about, helping others, is second nature. We are the product of caring parents and a God that loves and showers us with blessings.

44 The Crescent Magazine

In Sigma, we have the structure, a cohesive and collective bond, the power of organization and fraternal will, to contribute to the uplift and wellbeing of our fellowman. We are not better than others. We strive to appeal to the best in others, and help others be the best they can be. Giving of time, interest and effort is required; and in life, as certain as there is taxes and death, there is the need for funds, in order to deliver and sustain services. Sigma men know that the programs and projects that we have championed for five-score-and-five years: the mentoring of young boys and men, scholarship, the social action and educational programs, the emphasis on economic empowerment, bigger and better business, justice and equal opportunity for all, come with a price tag - not just in sweat and struggle, but in dollars to propel the message and sustain the movement and the progress. An enduring commitment requires an endowment and devotion of time, talent and treasure The Power is in YOU! There comes a moment in time in which an organization can articulate its value and purpose by presenting a rationale that addresses its challenge for change and growth. During President Cristal's first General Board Strategic Planning Retreat during September, 2017, we placed long term financial solvency as one of our strategic focus areas which birthed our fundraising campaign, Impact ONE. The Impact ONE Campaign is a portal that can be a change agent for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Our portal of purpose is to become a more philanthropic organization that allows its members to give as a Brotherhood of Conscious Men who believe that we can make an impact in our communities and utilize our individual philanthropic investments to jointly build an endowment to ensure that Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity will have a bright and secure financial future. The overall objective of Impact ONE is to increase the resources and funding available to deliver services, enhance the capacity of The Phi Beta Sigma National Foundation, Inc. as a vehicle to achieve those ends, building an endowment,

assisting chapters in raising funds, and awarding scholarships for education and research by members and others. The goal is to support and strengthen the core programmatic areas: Education, Bigger & Better Business, Social Action and Sigma Beta Clubs. Our portal of purpose is to have an impact on our communities, we are inviting you as brothers to join on the grand cause of change and investing. Your Fraternity can do but so much through receipt of annual dues. The long-term reach and impact, the capacity-building potential for service and expanded engagement will only be realized through giving above and beyond. We all can give in measure commensurate with our means, but each can give something, and ongoing, without missing it, but with the joy of knowing you are contributing to the continuing good works of Sigma men down through the ages. The Impact ONE campaign provides an important opportunity for alumni and collegiate members and friends of the Fraternity, who recognize the work and service of Sigma in their communities, to give to those efforts long-term. The Power is Yours to Give. Give in equal measure to your Pride in Our Founders and the Stalwarts in Sigma who have Shown the Way and Sped Our Cause on its Way!


Winter 2019 45







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Membership in the Credit Union is open to Sigmas, Zetas, their families, the Fraternity, the Sorority, and their Regions and Chapters. A $28.00 minimum amount is required to open a share account, of which $3.00 pays the application fee and $25.00 purchases 5 shares at $5.00 each, deposited into the account.


© Copyright 2018 Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union Rights Reserved.

He’s A Sigma Man

DR. MICHAEL A. ELAM, PRESIDENT Halifax Community College Weldon, North Carolina

Brother Dr. Michael A. Elam is the fifth President of Halifax Community College in Weldon, NC. He was formerly President at Roanoke-Chowan Community College in Ahoskie, NC, a comprehensive community college serving 75,000 residents in a three- county rural service area. Prior to moving to Ahoskie, Bro. Elam lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he served as the Vice President for Strategic Initiatives for the Louisiana Community & Technical College System. Before accepting that state-wide responsibility, he provided leadership as Interim Chancellor for both Sowela Technical Community College and Central Louisiana Technical Community College in Lake Charles and Alexandria, LA respectively. Prior to moving to Louisiana, Bro. Elam was selected and served as the sixth President of College of the Mainland in Texas City, TX. College of the Mainland is a single campus institution with a $32-million dollar budget and a large petrochemical community. In addition, Dr. Elam has held numerous leadership positions at the university and community college levels, including Daytona State College, Florida State College at Jacksonville, the University of Houston, Eastern Kentucky University, and Illinois State University, acquiring more than 33 years of experience in higher education. Dr. Elam was born in North Carolina but grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology and a Master of Education degree in Student Personnel Administration from Howard University. His Educational Doctorate was conferred by Nova Southeastern University in Higher Educational Leadership. Dr. Elam and his wife Maxine currently reside in Roanoke Rapids, NC and they have two adult children and four grandchildren.

DR. ALGIE GATEWOOD, PRESIDENT Alamance Community College Alamance County, North Carolina

“I want my community college to not just be in the community, but of the community”, shares Brother Algie Gatewood. “By that I mean omnipresent and responsive and seen as a leader in workforce training and economic development. I believe ACC is doing that through our partnerships with the Burlington Housing Authority, with Goodwill Industries, with Junior Achievement, with UNC-Greensboro, Elon University, Guilford College, N.C. A&T, and with private business evaluating apprentice programs for high school students. Bro. Gatewood believes that his experience at North Carolina State’s College of Education—and what it taught him about leadership—has been invaluable in keeping him focused on relationship building in the now, and the dividends it can pay in the future. The instructors excelled in instilling in him the key qualities of an effective leader. Those qualities include strong collaboration and relationship-building skills. Both are critical to understanding a community college’s service area, its populations, its needs, and then delivering community-based education. He says, “Students who are coming into the College of Education should think of the experience as a banquet, because in a large way it is with so many courses, forums, panels, seminars, discussion groups available. Drink it all in, sampling that which might take you outside your comfort zone. Learn from others who don’t look like you, think like you, believe as you do.” Dr. Gatewood is a higher education administrator with over 30 years of experience serving as a community college and university leader. During his first year of service at Alamance Community College, he secured $15 million in local funding to build the Advanced Applied Technology Center, a state-of-theart facility to house the College’s leading technical programs. Under Gatewood’s direction, his college partnered with UNC-G to establish a Bachelors of Nursing program. In addition, his many initiatives smoothed the education pathways of students in his service area to matriculate more seamlessly through high school, community college, and university or into the skilled workforce.

He’s A Sigma Man

DR. ROBERT J. JONES, CHANCELLOR University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Champaign, Illinois

Brother Robert J. Jones became chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on September 26, 2016. He previously served as president of the University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) and is an experienced and accomplished scientist and research university leader. A Georgia native, Jones, earned a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from Fort Valley State College, a master’s degree in crop physiology from the University of Georgia, and a doctorate in crop physiology from the University of Missouri, Columbia. He began his academic career as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota in 1978 and became an internationally respected authority on plant physiology. Throughout his distinguished, 34-year career at the Minnesota Twin Cities campus, Jones held several progressively responsible positions at the Big Ten institution From Minnesota, Jones became the President of the University at Albany, one of SUNY system’s leading research universities. During his tenure there, Jones launched that university’s largest and most strategic academic expansion in 50 years, including establishment of the nation’s first integrated College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity. At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Jones serves as chancellor of the state’s flagship, land-grant university and vice president in the University of Illinois system, with universities in Chicago and Springfield. At Urbana, Jones’ tenured faculty home is in the Department of Crop Sciences, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES). Jones is the first African American scholar appointed as Urbana chancellor since the office was created in 1967. At Illinois, he launched a year-long celebration of the university’s Sesquicentennial that honored its history while establishing a new vision of the land-grant university for the 21st century. Under his leadership that future is taking shape quickly and visibly. The university has launched a $2.25 billion philanthropic campaign that has already reached 77% of its goal and includes two of the largest private gifts ever made to Illinois ($150 million to name the Gies College of Business and a $100 million gift to name the Grainger College of Engineering). He has implemented the vision of creating The Carle Illinois College of Medicine, the first engineering-based medical school in the world. The hiring of an inaugural vice chancellor for diversity, education and inclusion was a major step in fostering an even more open and collaborative community of students and faculty. And with the Illinois Commitment, a program that guarantees four years free tuition to state residents with family incomes less than $61,000, Jones has continued to deliver on the university’s founding promise of making a world-class college education affordable and accessible. Jones is married to Dr. Lynn Hassan Jones, MD, a muscular skeletal diagnostic radiologist. Together they have five children and four grandchildren.

DR. SIDNEY A. MCPHEE, PRESIDENT Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Brother Sidney A. McPhee is the 10th President of Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). The Bahamian born educator earned his B.A. degree from Prairie View A&M University in 1976, a master's degree in 1979 from the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, and a Doctorate in Applied Behavioral Studies in Education from Oklahoma State University. During McPhee's presidency, MTSU has become the largest undergraduate university in Tennessee and the No. 1 producer of graduates in the Tennessee Board of Regents system. McPhee's presidency also coincided with more than $400 million in improvements in academic, athletic and campus facilities – either proposed, under construction or competed – including the 2-square-foot, $147-million Science Building set to open in January 2015. McPhee has overseen the addition of almost 30 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, two colleges (Behavioral and Health Sciences and University College) and 12 institutes and centers. His previous service includes a number of positions at the Tennessee Board of Regents: Executive Vice Chancellor; Chief Academic Officer; and—in the spring of 2000—Interim Chancellor. He has also served in the administration of the University of Louisville and the University of Memphis. McPhee has worked to strengthen MTSU's international undergraduate and graduate student enrollment, expanded its study-abroad and cultural opportunities and developed research collaboration with international partners. China Agricultural University in Beijing awarded McPhee its highest academic award (Honorary Professor) in May 2007. He was appointed in October 2010 as senior advisor to the Chief Executive of Hanban-Confucius Institute Headquarters in Beijing. McPhee was named Outstanding American University President of 2002 by the American Football Foundation. In 2003, he was listed by Nashville Post business magazine as one of Tennessee's 100 Most Powerful Individuals and, in 2004, he was ranked by Business Tennessee magazine as one of the state's Top 50 Most Powerful African Americans. The Nashville Business Journal honored McPhee in 2013 with its Rutherford County Impact Award.

He’s A Sigma Man

DR. HORACE MITCHELL, PRESIDENT California State University-Bakersfield Bakersfield, California

Brother Dr. Horace Mitchell became the fourth President of California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) in July 2004, after thirty-six years of experience in higher education. Under his leadership, the University is entering a period of rapid development, with a vision to extend the excellence and diversity of the faculty and academic programs, enhance the quality of the student experience, and strengthen community engagement. Dr. Mitchell came to his current position from the University of California, Berkeley, where he served as Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services, and affiliated professor, African American Studies. Prior to that, he served as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at UC Irvine. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s in counseling, and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology, all from Washington University in St. Louis, MO. He began his professional career at his alma mater in 1968. Dr. Mitchell’s professional memberships include the American Association for Higher Education, the American Council on Education, the American Psychological Association, and the Association of Black Psychologists. He has been recognized widely for his many years of community service by civic, non-profit, governmental, educational, and professional organizations. Dr. Mitchell’s teaching and research interests are in the areas of multicultural psychology and psychological assessment. He continues to teach one course each year, and maintains his California license for private practice as a psychologist. Dr. Mitchell and his wife, Barbara Mitchell, have been married for more than 38 years. They have three adult children and five grandchildren.


Nashville, Tennessee

Brother Dr. Kevin D. Rome, Sr. is the 16th President of Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. Prior to beginning the presidency at Fisk, Rome served as the 19th President of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri from June 2013 to June 2017. He has had an immediate impact at Fisk University. In his first year, the university has increased its freshman enrollment by approximately 100 percent, increased overall fundraising totals by 13 percent, increased alumni giving by three percentage points, and increased overall employee giving by 117 percent. In spring 2018, Dr. Rome and his family made a donation pledge of $50,000 over five years. While president at Lincoln University, the university witnessed a 50 percent increase in freshman enrollment in addition to the creation of new institutional programs and academic initiatives. Rome is credited with the increase in funding from state appropriations for land-grant status, increasing the state match from $500,000 to $2.5 million in 2017 as a result of continued advocacy. He also worked collaboratively with Jefferson City Parks and Recreation to erect a $13 million, 80,000 square foot wellness and multipurpose center on campus. On a personal note, the Dr. Kevin and Stefanie Rome Endowed Scholarship Fund was established at Lincoln University to assist deserving students in need. With over 25 years in higher education, Rome has served in various capacities of university administration. He has served as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at North Carolina Central University, Vice President for Student Services at Morehouse College, Vice President for Campus Life at Clayton State University, and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Life and Diversity at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis. Rome earned the Bachelor of Art degree in English from Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA and the Master of Education in College Student Personnel from the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, and the Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Texas at Austin in Austin, TX. Brother Rome is married to Stefanie Rome. They both reside in Nashville, Tennessee with their two children, Kevin Rome, Jr. and Kendel Rome. He is a life member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.

He’s A Sigma Man

DR. LAWRENCE ROUSE, PRESIDENT Pitt Community College Winterville, North Carolina

Brother Dr. Lawrence Rouse was selected as the 5th President of Pitt Community College in 2018. He has more than 37 years of experience in community college administration, and was named the N.C. Community College System’s President of the Year in 2016. His professional background includes work as Dean of Students at Johnston Community College and Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management/Dean of Students at South Carolina’s Central Carolina Technical College. “I think that Pitt Community College can create the future for many of our students, our graduates as well as for our workforce,” he said. “My vision for PCC is to ensure that we are student-centric. That means everything we do centers around our students. Because without students, we don’t have a purpose to exist,” shared upon his appointment. Rouse said he envisioned PCC as a “premier provider of education and training for business, industry and governmental agencies.” He said the college would provide skilled employees by engaging and collaborating with workforce partners to develop relevant and emerging curricula and courses. A native of Sumter, SC, Rouse earned a Bachelor of Arts in sociology from Vorhees College, a Master of Education from the University of South Carolina, and a Doctorate of Education from N.C. State University. In addition to receiving a National Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness Fellowship as a graduate student, Rouse received the prestigious Kellogg ACCLAIM Fellowship to attend N.C. State. PCC is currently North Carolina’s sixth-largest community college in terms of student credit hours. The college serves more than 23,000 students in credit and non-credit programs annually. Rouse and his wife, Janie, have two children: Lee and Whitney.

DR. HENRY SHANNON, PRESIDENT Chaffey Community College Rancho Cucamongo, California

Brother Henry Shannon has spent more than four decades working as a leader in higher education. As superintendent/ president of Chaffey College, he has enhanced and transformed the college’s vision to serve today’s students, ensuring they are provided with the tools necessary to succeed academically and professionally. Since 2007, Dr. Shannon has provided Chaffey College with mindful and strategic leadership, resulting in a stronger sense of campus community as well as clear goals and objectives. His focus on retention and graduation has yielded the largest graduating classes in Chaffey College history consecutively from 2012-17. In order to achieve this, Dr. Shannon encouraged and empowered campus stakeholders to increase support for students within and outside the classroom. Such collaborations resulted in Chaffey College applying for and receiving millions of dollars in grant funding, implementing accelerated learning opportunities, and introducing new student support programs to further help students turn their academic dreams into reality. For more than 40 years, Dr. Shannon has worked to ensure all students have the opportunity to improve lives through education and professional development. For this reason, Dr. Shannon remains active on many boards at the national, state, and local levels. Present board service includes: San Bernardino County Workforce Investment Board, Community College Research Center College Advisory Board, Renewal and Change Board, Growing Inland Achievement Board, California Community Colleges Athletic Association Board, American Council on Education, Educational Testing Service Community College Advisory Board, Alliance for Education of San Bernardino County, and local rotary and chamber boards. Prior to joining Chaffey College, Dr. Shannon served as Chancellor of St. Louis Community College. During his years of service in St. Louis, he was a campus president and the chief student affairs officer. Dr. Shannon earned his bachelor’s degree at Harris-Stowe State University. He earned both his master’s and doctorate degrees from Washington University in St. Louis and a management certificate from Harvard University. He currently resides in the Chaffey College district with his wife Gwendolyn. They have four adult children and nine grandchildren.

Since the founding of Phi Beta Sigma, growing membership has been one of our major priorities. To measure the impact from the work our chapters and members are doing around the world requires the constant initiation of Phi Beta Sigma men. The issues that plague our communities are systemic and generational, and it will take constant engagement to solve and impact the greatest issues of or time. The only way to be one of the leading proactive community service organizations in the world is to constantly build our Sigma Army. The first century of our organization’s existence saw growth of our membership by the expansion of chapters throughout the continental United States and various parts of the world. One can make a strong argument that membership growth outpaced the administrative services required to meet the needs of the Fraternity. The lack of a strong administrative infrastructure contributed to the growing apathy that was being experienced by members who were not receiving membership cards, certificates, and other services in a timely manner. The results were poor retention rates for the Fraternity throughout the 70’, 80’s and 90’s. Not retaining a member from year to year robs the organization of the resources needed to reinvest into the Fraternity. New membership fees should support the immediate day to day needs of the Fraternity, while reoccurring membership dues are used to reinvest in the long-term infrastructure and strategic growth of the Fraternity. By the late 1990’s and early 2000’s Phi Beta Sigma was making and losing the same number of members each year. The financial membership numbers became stagnant and retention was well below 50%. As First Vice President, Hon. Bro. Arthur Thomas, Hon. Bro. Daryl Anderson, and Hon. Bro. Sidney McCray, developed and implemented the first frame works of MEMBERSHIP STABILIZATION that would be used by future Vice Presidents to grow membership. During the Vice-Presidential term of Hon. Bro. Jimmy Hammock there was a greater emphasis put on incentivizing chapters to retain members. The Crossing Paths events program was introduced. Chapters would put on local community events, that would allow financial members to 56 The Crescent Magazine

cross paths with unfinancial members. Hon. Bro. Jonathan Mason enhanced communications with the membership during his term as First Vice President. With social media being in the early stage of becoming a part of our everyday interaction it would be the regular scheduled conference calls with the membership that would serve as the catalyst for information flow between IHQ, the General Board and the membership. It was during this era that BluPrint was introduced to the membership and it would serve as the single most important technology by the Fraternity, that would change the membership experience forever. With the Centennial on the horizon and membership growth on the rise, it would be the analytical work of then First Vice President Hon. Bro. Michael Cristal that would provide the foundation for the path toward exponential growth. With enhanced chapter incentives and data analytics, Phi Beta Sigma was able to pinpoint troubled chapters and provide new guidance on how to get over the membership hump. Bro. Jean Lamonth’s tenure as First Vice President focused on the one on one interaction with the membership. These seven men over the last 20 years are collectively responsible for the stabilization, strategic implementation and execution of various membership plans. During the 2019 Conclave in Las Vegas I was humbled to be elected First Vice President under the theme “Ready Set Grow”. Growing our membership numbers and identifying the value proposition of being a Phi Beta Sigma is our goal. In the early 90’s retention was less that 50%, now we are almost 80%. The goal in 2020 is to retain 90% of the total Phi Beta Sigma men financial in 2019. To achieve this goal chapters will have to retain 90% or higher of their current membership. Phi Beta Sigma’s future growth will not only come from making new members but retaining the ones we have. Chapters are encouraged to develop a list of incentives for local members and for aspiring members. The national membership team is compiling a list of national incentives that brothers can share with brothers coming into the fold and those coming back to the fold...

Article Continues on pg. 71

Nu Iota Chapter UNC - Pembroke Fall 2019



EASTERN REGION EASTERN REGION HOLDS FIRST-EVER PROMINENT BROTHERS SERVICE AWARD GALA The Eastern Region sponsored the first-ever Prominent Brothers Service Award Gala on Friday, October 18, 2019 in Baltimore, MD. The recognition is the highest honor a fraternity member can receive in the Eastern Region. For the first time since the award’s inception, a special black-tie gathering was held to recognize past and present award recipients.

Brother Devon Henry, Eastern Regional Director led the celebration which was held during the Atlantic Regional Conference of the sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc, under the leadership of Soror Gina Merritt-Epps. The Regional Board and Committee was applauded for producing an elegant, top-class event befitting the caliber of its honorees. The committee included Brothers Wayne Edmund, James “JR” Reeves, Roderic Irby and David Euwings, led by Committee Co-Chairs Michael Ferby and Ken Daniel.

Hosting the gala were Brother Van Richardson and Soror Danielle Green. International Presidents Hon. Brother Micheal E. Cristal and Soror Valerie Hollingsworth-Baker were in attendance and presented special remarks.

Winter 2019 59

CHI SIGMA CHAPTER’S SIGMA COMMUNITY ENRICHMENT INITIATIVE (SCEI) SUPPORT WATER CRISIS IN NEWARK, NJ The Sigma Community Enrichment Initiative (SCEI) of Chi Sigma chapter recently secured a tractor trailor loaded with 1,200 cases of water to distribute to the residents of Newark and Hillside, NJ. As a Brotherhood of Conscious Men - Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc takes great pride in doing our part to impact the community.

Brother Jenabu C. Williams, Executive Director and International Director of Sigma Beta Clubs, acknowledged the diligent efforts of the Board’s President, Brother Nigel Coehlo by partnering with Brother George Darby, New Jersey State Director to support the water crisis in the City of Newark, NJ. Other organizations who supported the cause included Zeta Xi Sigma Chapter, Fort Bend County, Texas, New Jersey chapters of Rho Delta Sigma, Kappa Upsilon Sigma, Eta Phi Sigma, and Chi Sigma Chapter, Agape Christian Ministers of Paterson, NJ, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., The Hillside Fire Department and The Hillside City Council.

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NEW YORK SIGMAS STROLL PROUDLY IN ANNUAL AFRICAN AMERICAN DAY PARADE IN HARLEM The African American Day Parade in Harlem has become a time-honored tradition and celebration in the City of New York, NY. The Brothers of Epsilon Sigma Chapter, along with Beta Psi Sigma, Kappa Beta Sigma, Gamma Rho Sigma and Rho Epsilon Sigma participated in this year’s parade and were honored to have the international leaders of Zeta and Sigma present for the festivities. Honorable Micheal E. Cristal, International President of Phi Beta Sigma and International Grand Basileus Valerie Hollingsworth-Baker of Zeta Phi Beta, led the contingency aboard the Blue and White Family float.

This year’s parade theme “Integrity and Transparency = Good Government” honored individuals and organizations that have made key contributions to furthering the dignity, determination, and excellence of the African American community through politics and government.

The New York Sigmas seized the opportunity to showcase Phi Beta Sigma’s service to communities while increasing their visibility in New York City. Other leaders in attendance were Hon. Daryl A. Anderson, Sr., International Executive Director, Bro. James “JR” Reeves, Eastern Region Vice Director, Bro. Nigel Coehlo, Eastern Region Director of Bigger and Better Business, Brother Ben Alston, New York State Director and Hon. Brother Darryl Williams, Past Eastern Regional Director.

Winter 2019 61

NU SIGMA SIGMA CHAPTER PRODUCES STELLAR BENEFIT CONCERT TO SUPPORT ITS SIGMA BETA CLUB The Brothers of Nu Sigma Sigma Chapter, Baltimore Metro/Harford County area held a benefit concert headlined by Chelsey Green & The Green Project. Over 150 guests attended the top-class event held at The Meeting House in Columbia, Maryland. Dr. Chelsey Green is an electrifying Billboard charting artist, whom as a creative violinist and educator, is gaining notoriety around the nation quickly.

Chelsey’s signature performance incorporated her own renditions of popular R&B, gospel, Hip Hop tunes. Her vibrant jazz interpretation of traditional classical music superbly showcased her skilled techniques with the violin. Dr. Green has received multiple awards and nominations and performed around the world at some of the most prestigious venues, such as The Strathmore Music Center, Opening Gala for the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History & Culture, and the Kuwait National Opera House, and more. Dedicated to educating the youth through music, Green is also an Associate Professor in the Strings Department at the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts.

Proceeds from the event went to benefit and support Nu Sigma Sigma Chapter’s Sigma Beta Club program and ongoing community projects and initiatives.

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GREAT LAKES REGION FORMER U.S. SECRETARY OF EDUCATION, HON. BROTHER ROD PAIGE KEYNOTES NU LAMBDA SIGMA CHAPTER’S SCHOLARSHIP GALA The Brothers of Nu Lambda Sigma Chapter, Gurnee, IL held their 6th Annual Blue & White Scholarship Gala. The keynote speaker for the evening was Brother Dr. Rod Paige, former U.S. Secretary of Education and the only African American to serve as the nation’s top educator. Themed, “A Brotherhood of Conscious Men Committed to Closing the Education Gap,” the event received excellent support from Sigma Brothers in the area and the greater community. Nu Lambda Sigma awarded four scholarships to former Sigma Beta Club members who are currently college freshmen. Fifteen members of Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta were recognized for their outstanding leadership as educators and administrators in Lake County, Illinois. The chapter also collected books for their annual community service project.

IOTA PHI SIGMA CHAPTER RECEIVES STATE FARM NEIGHBORHOOD ASSIST GRANT More than 2,000 nonprofit organizations from across the country submitted applications for the 2019 Neighborhood Assist Grant, sponsored by State Farm Insurance. The program awards $25,000 grants to 40 different causes across the United States and this year, the Brothers of Iota Phi Sigma Chapter, Chicago, IL and the chapter’s nonprofit arm, Phoenix Association, NFP were among the winners. The funds will be used to advance the chapter’s Sigma Beta Club program. State Farm’s program is conducted in three phases. In the first phase, users submit causes they think are deserving of the grant. Next, the State Farm Review Committee narrow down the submissions to the top 200. Finally, the public votes to select the top 40. For 10 days, chapter members relentlessly lobbied support from fraternity members, family and friends through social media outlets and chapters throughout the country. Each winning cause that met all entry criteria, including the Phoenix Association, received a $25,000 grant. Iota Phi Sigma’s award was announced on Chicago’s WVON Radio Morning Show, with host Brother Maze Jackson, a past president of the chapter. On hand to receive the award was Brother Henry Florez, immediate past chapter president and member of the Board of Directors for The Phoenix Association NFP.

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On Friday, October 11, 2019, over 150 Sigma Men and guests assembled on the campus of Prairie View A&M University to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Delta Theta Chapter being the first Greek-letter organization to be recognized on the historic campus and to observe the chapter’s chartering in 1966. Delta Theta Chapter was chartered on August 14, 1966 thanks to the efforts of Brother Thomas L. Holley. Brother Holley, a professor at Prairie View, had served as the National First Vice President and was instrumental in expanding the fraternity in Texas. Enhancing Brother Holley’s work on the campus, then Lone Star Regional Director, Brother William J. “Billy” Nicks intensified the efforts in 1966. Brother Nicks, the legendary head football coach at Prairie View A&M, had learned that the University was considering allowing GreekLettered organizations on campus and wanted Phi Beta Sigma to be the first to be recognized. He encouraged his star football player, Willie Pollard, Jr., to become a member of the fraternity and sent him to Texarkana, Texas to be pledged by members of the Beta Tau Sigma chapter. When he returned to the campus, Brother Nicks asked Brother Pollard to identify other students and student athletes to become members. With the assistance of his roommate, Raymond Carson, the young men identified and additional 24 students to become the charter line. The charter line included Brothers Willie B. Banks, Jr., Albert J. Buggs, Wayne Buster, Raymond Carson, Ben L. Cavil, Cornelius Cooper, Brady Davis, Jr., Nathaniel S. Hendricks, Richard C. Johnson, Hilliard G. Lewis, Jr., Globie J. Lockett, Kenneth Martindale, Dalton L. McGuire, Clarence 64 The Crescent Magazine

Muse, Frank Perry, Willie R. Pollard, Jr., Alex E. Prince, David Reed, Jr., Ronald L. Reese, George E. Shankle, Sr., Lee von Spencer, Oliver Spencer, Victor V. Walker, Jr., James E. Williams, John E. Williams, and Paul Willie. In the Fall of 1969, the University welcomed Greekletter organizations to the campus and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was positioned to be the first such organization to be formally recognized. As part of the 50-year celebration, a luncheon was held on the campus. The luncheon was presided over by the 15th Gulf Coast Regional Director and alumnus of the chapter (Fall 1978) and was a celebratory affair. Prior to the start of the ceremonies, past and present members of Delta Theta chapter representing the 64 lines that were initiated during the chapter’s 53-year history, marched into the ballroom as Brother Miles called the names and semesters of each line. Recognition of our honored guest was given by Brother Cean Mack (Spr. 1989). Among the guests were Dr. Ruth Simmons, President of the University and, Dr. Timothy Sams, Vice President of Student Affairs and the luncheon’s keynote speaker. The afternoon’s program included a greetings from both Sigma and Zeta State Directors, a brief history of the chapter, a fantastic meal, the opportunity to connect and reconnect, as well as an opportunity to see displays of chapter history and artifacts. Dr. Sams commemorated the achievements of the chapter and its involvement with the University community, and we were honored to have brief comments by two of the charter members, Brother Willie R. Pollard, Jr. and Brother Ben Cavil.

The highlight of the anniversary celebration was the unveiling of a monument commemorating Delta Theta chapter’s presence and work on the campus. The monument installation and ceremony were coordinated by Brother Carl Moses (Fall 1975) and Brother Don Green (Fall 1997). The monument was installed on September 26, 2019 and is made of India Black Granite. It measures 70 inches wide by 38 inches high. The monument was unveiled by members of the charter line, the first recognized line on campus, long-time chapter advisor and former International First Vice President, the Hon. Frank T. Hawkins, and Brother Edwin Miles, 15th Gulf Coast Regional Director. It sits proudly in the commons area of the campus under the embracement of the Sigma tree and rock garden. On the front left column of the monument is a brief history of the fraternity with the names of the charter members engraved beneath the history. On the right column is a brief history of the chapter with the distinguished members of the chapter listed below. The distinguished members are Brothers William “Billy” Nicks, Thomas L. Holley, recognized for being champions of chartering

the chapter. Brother, Dr. Charles Edwards and the Hon. Frank T. Hawkins were recognized as the first advisors. Brother John W. Henderson (Fall 1967) and Brother Homer R. Brown (Spr. 1968) were recognized for serving as Junior Associate Regional Directors for the Lone Star Region, while Brother Michael Glass (Spr. 1984) and Brother Joe L. Toole, III (Spr. 2016) were recognized for serving as 2nd Vice Regional Directors of the Gulf Coast Region. Brother Ellery C. Stevenson (Spr. 1975) and Brother Edwin K. Miles (Fall 1978) were recognized as the 6th and 15th Gulf Coast Regional Directors. Finally, Brother Charles E. Crockett (Spr. 1972) was recognized for more than 30 years of service to the chapter as the alumni chapter advisor. The rear of the monument lists the names of the lines that have been initiated to date and has listed the names of those many brothers who contributed the funding to make the monument come true. The Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity – Delta Theta chapter monument will stand as a beacon for a “Culture for Service and Service to Humanity” for many years to come.

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LOUISIANA COLLEGIANS HOLDS COLLEGIATE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Collegiate chapters and their collegiate advisors from across the state of Louisiana gathered in Baton Rouge, LA at the Louisiana State University’s O.J. Ourso College of Business for a Leadership Summit, hosted by Iota Tau Chapter. The summit, originally the brainchild of Past Louisiana State Director Brother Michael Robinson, was brought to fruition by current state director, Brother Joe Sias. Coordinating with Brother Howard Redmond, Gulf Coast Regional Director, Sias and the Louisiana State Board developed and presented a day long summit that was not only comprehensive, but informative and enjoyable. The agenda included seminars and workshops on MIP Certification, Chapter Management, Risk Management and Hazing, Recruitment and a panel discussion on Mental Health. The day concluded with a Stroll Session and a social gathering at a local eatery. The feedback from the attendees was very positive and the presenters were commended for the outstanding job they did.

ALPHA BETA SIGMA CHAPTER HAS ITS OWN MOBILE APP The Brothers of Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter, Houston, Texas are excited to share the release of their own Mobile App which is now available for download. The world has gone mobile and Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter wanted a way to digitally connect with its members and the community they serve. Their Mobile App is available to everyone and provides a way for Sigma Brothers and the community to have one place to share information about their events, provide news flashes, chat, share documents and much more. Download the App and join today!


Bro. Bruce Palmore

Bro. Larry A. Mungin, CPA

Bro. Craig Collins

Hon. Bro. Carl Walker

Bro. Dr. Dwayne Scott

Bro. Keith Coleman

Bro. Rev. Dr. Christopher V. Brown

Bro. Joseph Wilson

Senior Advisor to the President

Senior Advisor to the President

Internal Auditor

Director of Collegiate Advisors University

Chairman of Honorary Members

Chair - American Cancer Society

Bro. Ben O’tey

Chair - Sickle Cell Anemia

Senior Advisor to the President

Director of Awards

Bro. Leonard Lockhart

Bro. Daniel Smith

Bro. Brandon Cristal

Bro. Mark E. Cornelius Director of Technology

Chairman Sigma Executive Leadership Council

Bro. Edmund Sherrill

Bro. Kevin L. Davis

Bro. Ernie Hughes

Bro. Charles Jones

Bro. R. Frank Nichols

Bro. Ken Daniel

Senior Advisor to the President

Advisor to the President

International Chaplain

Human Resources Director

66 The Crescent Magazine

Director of Military Services

Director of Publicity

Director of Security

Bro. Carlos Williams II Chair - March of Dimes

Bro. John White

Director of Development

Director of Standards, Rituals and Protocol

SOUTHEASTERN REGION DELTA KAPPA SIGMA CHAPTER COLLABORATE TO FEED THE HUNGRY The Brothers of Delta Kappa Sigma Chapter, Sumter, SC, joined the sisters of Beta Pi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Union Baptist Church and Willow Grove A.M.E. Church’s Women’s Missionary Society to help stock the shelves of United Ministries, a community help and food distribution organization. The joint effort in community service provided over 10,000 pounds of produce, canned goods and meat to underprivileged and undernourished families. The presentation was made by Delta Kappa Sigma Chapter member Brother Walther Robertson, along with Union Baptist Church’s pastor and Zeta Soror Dr. Shirrie Brunson Miller.

SOUTHERN REGION STATE OF GEORGIA HOSTS INAUGURAL BROTHERHOOD TAILGATE Bro. Monaleto C. Irby, Georgia State Director, had a goal for the Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. State of Georgia; to host a statewide of brotherhood event. With the assistance of the Kappa Zeta Sigma Chapter of Warner Robins, GA and the Georgia State Executive Board, that goal came to fruition with the Inaugural Brotherhood Tailgate.

Earlier this year, over 300 Sigma brothers, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority sisters, family members and friends from around the state gathered at Byron, Georgia’s North Peach Park to celebrate the awesome bond of the Royal Blue and Pure White “Phamily.” Despite the occasional afternoon showers, there was plenty of great food and fellowship among all. Some of the more recognizable brothers at the Brotherhood Tailgate were 28th International President Hon. William “Bill” Stanley, International First Vice President, Chris Rey, and Southern Region Director, Roy Edmonds. In addition to the fellowship, attendees also brought canned goods to support the United Way ‘Day of Action’, which was held the same day in nearby Macon, Georgia. Brothers and guests also brought school supplies to donate to local schools. Bro. Irby, the executive board and the local chapter were well pleased with the success of the event and plan to host the event next year.

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STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE – BROTHER FORTUNE ONWUZURUIKE Brother Fortune Onwuzuruike is a proud member Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. He joined this wonderous band in Spring 2014 at Pi Alpha Chapter, Georgia State University. While at GSU, he represented himself and the fraternity at the highest capacity. Bro. Onwuzuruike was Homecoming Prince, a 1913 Ambassador, a mentor and most notably, the first Student Government President of Georgia State University and Perimeter College consolidation. As president, he was the student leader of the largest university in Georgia with over 55,000 students. While being involved in these activities and holding leadership roles on campus, he maintained 3.72 GPA and multiple IT internships from American Heart Association, Azalea Health, and WellStar Health System. During his years at GSU, he applied for and received over five Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity scholarships on all three levels. In May 2017 he received his baccalaureate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Health Information, Health Administration and Computer Information Systems). When Bro. Onwuzuruike’s undergraduate career came to an end his commitment to the Fraternity did not. Upon his graduation, he immediately joined the Lambda Sigma graduate chapter where he is an active member. In December 2019, Bro. Onwuzuruike will complete his Master’s degree at the Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University, obtaining a degree in Healthcare Management and Informatics as well as Information Security and Assurance. He has completed the Harvard ManageMentor® Program from the Harvard Business School and just recently became HCISPP certified from (ISC)². He found himself interested in helping healthcare and mission-driven organizations to improve their cybersecurity challenges and overall security posture. Bro. Onwuzuruike currently works at Protiviti as a Senior Technology Consultant under the Security & Privacy department. He wants to ensure that the right information gets to the right people, to make the right decision at the right time.

A servant leader, Bro. Onwuzuruike is the co-founder of a not for profit organization, The Just Focus Foundation. This group is composed of millennial philanthropists with a passion for serving and empowering others. Each year they create a multitude of large service projects to help those who are disenfranchised. Bro. Fortune Onwuzuruike’s family comes from Nigeria. He was taught at an early age to always strive for excellence. His future plans include obtaining a doctorate degree and teaching on the college level. 68 The Crescent Magazine

SIGMA BETA CLUB OF TAU SIGMA CHAPTER ADOPT-A-MILE IN BIRMINGHAM The Sigma Beta Club of Tau Sigma Chapter, Birmingham, AL joined other organizations in and around Birmingham for the Adopt-A-Mile project. This project allows organizations to select a single mile of their choosing, along the Birmingham roads to clean and maintain. The young members of the Sigma Beta Club selected their mile, located in the suburb of Woodlawn on 1st Avenue North. Proud of their accomplishments and dedication, these young brothers are keeping the mile one of the cleanest around.

BETA LAMBDA SIGMA SERVES HOT MEALS TO HOMELESS The Brothers of Beta Lambda Sigma Chapter partnered with The Kearney Center and Giving Without a Doubt, Inc., for a community service project as part of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity’s 2019 International Day of Service. Together, the organizations provided food to individuals in need within the community and assisted the Center in providing valuable services. A Sigma Day of service well spent!

Dave Francoeur, Giving Without A Doubt, Director shared his experience of working together with the Sigmas, “Today was an absolute great opportunity to work with the “Big League Sigmas.” We had such a great day feeding the less fortunate, alongside such a great organization as Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Seeing all the smiles when we passed out hot and cold meals was well worth every moment.” The words expressed by Mr. Francoeur meant a lot to the Brothers of the Beta Lambda Sigma Chapter. It reminds them of the Fraternity’s purpose and our motto: “Culture for Service, Service for Humanity.” In addition to serving meals with Giving Without A Doubt, earlier on Saturday morning, the Brothers from Phi Beta Sigma and the Tallahassee Sigma Beta Club helped and learn about the homeless and the services the Kearney center provides.

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SOUTHWESTERN REGION PHI CHAPTER LAUNCHES PROJECT VOTE PROGRAMS CAMPUS-WIDE The brothers of Phi Chapter at Philander Smith College, Little Rock, AR, launched their threepronged Project Vote, in an effort to mobilize the local vote for Election 2020. Led by Brother Benjamin Jackson, Chapter President, the chapter conducted a Voter Registration Drive for Freshmen on the first day of Philander Smith College’s Start Program. Next, a Voter Education Forum was held in conjunction with the college’s Social Justice Institute and featured all five candidates running in the special election for Arkansas’ State Representative in District 36. The forum’s purpose was to educate students and constituents in the district on each candidates’ visions and platform for Arkansas. On Election Day, Voter Mobilization was the third activity. To increase voter turnout, Phi Chapter members transported students and constituents in the district to the polls.

ALPHA BETA ETA CHAPTER DONATE 100 BOOKS TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The brothers of Alpha Beta Eta Chapter at University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff kicked off the Fall semester by donating over 100 books to the Harris Elementary School In Pulaski County Special School District. The school is a Title 1 school located in McAlmont, Arkansas.

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WESTERN REGION LAS VEGAS SIGMA BETA CLUB HOST “LOCK IN” FOR TEENS The Las Vegas Sigma Beta Club, with the support and guidance of Epsilon Psi Sigma Chapter, presented a “Lock In” for teens in the Las Vegas valley. On November 2nd, The well-attended event included moderated panels on technology, business and a special health panel that focused on “Sex & STDs”. Workshops on “Surviving a Traffic Stop”, “Effects of Drug Use” and CPR Certification were also featured. The teens also shared in fun activities that included board games, movies and Hip-Hop Entertainment.


Social Media continues to be the power engine behind telling your chapter story and recruiting new members. Chapters have to be intentional about letting the community know what you are doing. Chapters should consider investing in social media advertising buys. The ads are affordable and could be a great new tool for this generation to reactivate members. In the coming months, we will be showing chapters how to do this. As of today, our membership is the largest it has ever been in the history of our fraternity’s existence. We are a long way from where we want to be but nowhere close to where we use to be. We have assembled a great team to assist with growing Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Notable Bro. Christopher Hinton – Chief of Staff Bro. Brendan Richardson, Deputy Chief of Staff – Retention, Reclamation, Bro. Christopher Saunders, Deputy Chief of Staff – International Affairs, Bro. Jarrod Benjamin, Deputy Chief of Staff – Alumni Affairs, Bro. Lonnie Wall, Deputy Chief of Staff – Collegiate Affairs. The road to exponential growth will come from continued innovation on how we see membership and how we address the needs of our members. With the infusion of new blood and new ideas at the table the future of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. looks bright.


CHAPTER Gamma Rho Epsilon | 2/23/2019 Massachusetts


Sigma Kappa Sigma | 10/29/2019 Accra - Ghana Gamma Rho Theta | 10/29/2019 Stevenson University - Maryland

Great Lakes

Gulf Coast

Gamma Rho Eta | 2/23/2019 Illinois Sigma Omicron Sigma | 5/6/2019 Toronto Sigma Theta Sigma | 6/11/2019 Texas Sigma Eta Sigma | 5/6/2019 Georgia


Sigma Delta Sigma | 5/6/2019 Georgia Gamma Rho Zeta | 10/29/2019 Stetson University | Florida


Sigma Zeta Sigma | 5/6/2019 Washington

Winter 2019 71

THE CRESCENT MAGAZINE Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street NW Washington, DC 20011-5294

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