Crescent On The Yard: Fall 2019 Edition

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FALL 2019

THE COLLEGIATE VOICE Introducing the New Collegiate Leaders


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GREETINGS Messages from the International President and International 2nd Vice President

THE COLLEGIATE VOICE Introducing the new elected officers comprising the International Collegiate Affairs Council

ON THE COVER AND ABOVE Collegiate leaders (left to right) Bro. Matthew Swalek, Bro. Dane Norvell and Bro. Samuel Sarkodie


THE BEST PERFORMANCE OF DUTY Conclave 2019 produced a recordbreaking display of collegiate participation in all areas!


GRIDIRON SIGMAS Tribute to Sigma Brothers repping their institutions on the football field



Steve E. Ballard

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-5294 (202) 726-5434

EDITORIAL STAFF Dr. Kent Poindexter

LAYOUT & DESIGN Steve E. Ballard

Fall 2019


SIGMA’S FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT As I travel the seven regions of this awesome brotherhood, I’m continually impressed with the amazing and talented young men I’m excited to call “Brother.” Phi Beta Sigma’s future looks bright--proudly positioned for greatness, thanks to the caliber of young men being recruited on campuses and universities throughout this country and abroad. Leading a campus chapter comes with a unique set of privileges and challenges. Leading on the international level elevates the challenges substantially. At Conclave Las Vegas, the organization elected four well-deserving brothers to serve as the leaders of the International Collegiate Advisory Council. We take this opportunity to present to you the men elected to represent the voices of the collegians.

And speaking of the campus, Sigma Brothers are not only representing the Sigma Brand with stellar showmanship, they’re holding high the spirit of competition and the American tradition of good football on gridiron fields. As you tune into your television channels to catch a college football game, travel back to school for your annual homecoming, or support your school’s weekly game, you just might catch the performance of one this issue’s Gridiron Sigmas. Our hope for each of them is to have a successful season this year. Thank you for supporting the Crescent on The Yard! This publication is designed for YOU, our collegiate brother. Brotherhood First!

Speaking of Conclave Las Vegas, special efforts were made to ensure a robust collegiate engagement. I’m extremely proud of how our collegiate ranks participated in all facets of the conference. In this issue, we highlight those members and chapters who represented well and returned to their campuses with rewards and honors. Thank you for making the Conclave Experience a memorable one for all of us.


The Crescent: On The Yard

HONORABLE BRO. MICHEAL E. CRISTAL, International President

GREETINGS FELLOW COLLEGIATE BROTHERS! I’m proud and honored to have been elected to serve as your International Second Vice President. I’m equally excited to serve along with Brothers Joshua Busby, Matthew Swalek and Samuel Sarkodie as your collegiate leadership team readily available to address the needs and concerns of the collegiate members. In our first communication to the membership, we offer you a glimpse into who we are as young men, students and men of Sigma. I’ve had the pleasure of joining my fellow ICAC leaders as we’ve spent the recent weeks getting trained and indoctrinated in our leadership roles on the General Board. This will be no easy task, but I’m encouraged by the support and guidance I’ve received thus far from our international leaders and headquarters team. More importantly, I’m appreciative of the encouragement I’ve received from my home chapter Delta Nu and my fellow collegiates around the country.

promotions. Plan now to attend the upcoming AFLV Conference in December. Let’s have a strong Blue & White take-over this year! Also, the deadline for the Annual Fall Scholarship applications is just days away on October 1st. Lastly, keep looking out for promotions on Sigma Week on Capitol Hill and apply to be selected as one of several collegiates for the Arthur W. Mitchell Leadership & Policy Training Institute. I was blessed to have been selected in 2018 and served as an advisor in 2019. I hope that your Fall Semester is off to a great start and please enjoy this issue of The Crescent On The Yard. Brotherhood First! BRO. DANE NORVELL, International Second Vice President

When you read through this issue of The Crescent On the Yard, I advise you to take notice of several advertisements and

Fall 2019


Fully financial collegiate and alumni members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity are eligible to submit an application for a $1,000 Education Scholarship. This year, the Fraternity will award forty-nine (49) scholarships. Collegiate and alumni brothers with a GPA of 2.75 or better are eligible to apply. Please take advantage of these scholarship opportunities!

APPLICATIONS ARE EXCLUSIVELY PROCESSED THROUGH THE BLUPRINT Deadline for submitting an application: OCTOBER 1, 2019 If you have any questions, please contact: Bro. Dauntavius Swift, International Director of Programs at Bro. Dr. Marcus Chanay, International Director of Education at


Introducing the New Collegiate Leaders Fall 2019


“We have a voice equally as powerful as our Alumni Brothers and we must use it as a tool to help us reach the ultimate goal, which is graduation.”


he task of being a leader is not easy, and even the best leaders will admit that they were not necessarily prepared for the responsibility. Leadership of small groups is usually less intimidating and oftentimes balanced with sharing the duties of the group equally. On the other hand, accepting a leadership role for an international group of college-educated men can be undaunting. The most effective leaders are motivated and energetic, willing to seek the guidance of more seasoned leaders and constantly looking to improve themselves, for the sake of those they lead. Overall, the best leaders must maintain a thick skin, and possess an air of confidence which is evident to others.

Phi Beta Sigma’s current International Collegiate Advisory Council consists of four leaders who’ve accepted the challenge of advocating for and representing the collective voice of the fraternity’s collegiate ranks. The council is made up of Brother Dane Norvell, International Second Vice President, Brother Joshua A. Busby, International Director of Collegiate Affairs, Brother Matthew Swalek, International Collegiate Member-At-Large and Brother Samuel Sardokie, International Collegiate Member-Atlarge.


The Crescent: On The Yard

Top: Bro. Dane Norvell (center, third row) in Delta Nu Chapter’s chapter photo at University of Memphis. Middle: Bro. Norvell with Bro. Benjamin Jackson, President, Phi Chapter at Philander Smith College at Conclave Las Vegas. Bottom: Delta Nu Chapter wins 1st Place Trophy in Stroll Off Competition during the campus’ Welcome Back Party.

The Crescent On The Yard is pleased to present a profile of and conversation with these four leaders. We offer a glimpse into their conscious thoughts, opinions of leadership and the personal assessments of their own ability to lead and serve the collegiate members of Phi Beta Sigma!

BROTHER DANE NORVELL International Second Vice President What inspired or motivated you to run for the office of International Second Vice President? DN: Seeing that there are opportunities to invest in myself both personally and professionally within my own Fraternity helped motivate me to step outside of my comfort zone and strive for international office. We as collegians must see the value in our organization and understand that we have resources available to us. From a career network to development workshops, Phi Beta Sigma offers its membership something that many people find difficult to receive, which is success. What previous leadership experience do you have? DN: Prior to this role, I held the office of Regional Second Vice Director for the Southwestern Region. I also assumed the role of chapter president for the Delta Nu Chapter at

the University of Memphis. I am an Eagle Scout and a Section Leader in the Mighty Sound of the South Marching Band at the University of Memphis. What is top priority as the voice of the collegiate members? DN: It is of utmost importance that as collegians our questions and concerns are not only heard but noted and implemented. We have a voice equally as powerful as our alumni brothers and we must use it as a tool to help us reach the ultimate goal that is graduation. What is your expectation as an “international” leader? DN: My expectation is to have a platform in which my advocations and recommendations for the collegiate body are not just considered but utilized. Who or what’s been your most valued inspiration to lead on a higher level? DN: I value the sacrifices that my mother made to give me the opportunities to receive a college education. It is through the hard work mentality that she instilled in me that drives me to want more from myself.

Honorable Brother Micheal E. Cristal introduces the newly elected members of the 2019-2021 General Board during the Grand Orchid Ball at Conclave Las Vegas 2019, The Pride & The Power: Celebrating African American Men.

Fall 2019


Left: Bro. Swalek with fellow Iota Alpha Chapter member, Bro. Justin Carmickle (right) and campus advisor, Bro. Alex Sainvillier (center) at the Illinois State Meeting. Right: Iota Alpha Chapter members with Sigma Brother representing Iota Phi Sigma Chapter, their advising alumni chapter. How do you plan to balance academics with chapter level and national level leadership responsibilities? DN: Plan ahead! This is the easiest way to balance everything. By staying organized, I am able to be ahead of the game 100% of the time. What aspect of this position are you most looking forward to? DN: I am looking forward to seeing my ideas become reality, the most. The ICAC committee has spent numerous hours planning how we can elevate the collegiate experience and being able to deliver our promises excites me.

BROTHER MATTHEW SWALEK International Collegiate Member-At-Large

100, an affiliate of The 100 Black Men of Chicago, and am active in my community in other leadership roles. How best will you support the International Second Vice President? MS: The best way that I can support the Second Vice President is by pulling my weight on our team. I can do this by engaging with our collegiate and alumni brothers and helping to tackle the issues that our Brotherhood faces. What is your expectation as an “international” leader? MS: My expectation for our fraternity’s international leadership is to help service the Brotherhood and the communities we serve. There should be a benchmark that is reached and surpassed, compatible to how we did the previous year. I have expectations that the leadership will provide us with intentional programming so that our cause may continue to speed on its way!

What inspired or motivated you to run for the office of Collegiate Member-At-Large? MS: I was believed in by my mentors. I was approached with an opportunity to get my feet wet in the business of Sigma and told that my passion and drive would make me a great candidate for the position. So, I was properly mentored, believed in, and motivated to want to do more for my organization.

How do you plan to balance academics with chapter level and national level leadership responsibilities? MS: My plan of action for balancing my time is so simple -- it’s time value. Be aware of what needs to be done and by when, and by creating measurable goals for doing so. By doing this, time is used effectively and efficiently.

What previous leadership experience do you have? MS: I’m a 2018-2019 Presidential Award Recipient. I also served as Vice President of my campus’ Collegiate

What aspect of this position are you most looking forward to? SM: I’m looking most forward to the engagement with

10 The Crescent: On The Yard

Left: Bro. Swalek and fellow students proudly display their Certificate of Membership into the 100 Black Men, Collegiate 100 Youth Affiliate Group. Right: Bro. Swalek is awarded a PLAN SUCCESS Scholarship from the university’s Chance Program. the brothers. Our Fraternity has a vast body of brothers, so being able to network and interact with fellow members that are outside of my direct line of communication only enhances the Brotherhood Experience for me.

SS: The best way that I will be able to support the International Second Vice President and the fraternity, in general, is by doing my part. I can also support best by truly upholding and executing the platform of which I ran: Fulfilling Our Destiny.

BROTHER SAMUEL SARKODIE International Collegiate Member-At-Large

What is your expectation as an “international” leader? SS: My expectation as an international leader is first to carry myself as a great representation of this great fraternity. Secondly, it is to simply be the voice of the collegiates. Lastly, to truly exemplify the high ideals of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service.

What inspired or motivated you to run for the office of Collegiate Member-At-Large? SS: In all honesty, my advisor Derrick Jennings. Brother Jennings has been more than an advisor to me; filling in the gap as a father figure, as my mentor, and even as a big brother. He inspired me to run by first making me realize the importance of a collegiate having a say at the table of decisions. Secondly, he made me realize the power within me. He believed in me because running for a position like this can be nerve-racking. He definitely exemplifies the two ideals we hold dearly as being Conscious Men and also being our brother’s keeper. What previous leadership experience do you have? SS: Some leadership positions I currently hold are President of the Leadership Council, the Student Government Association and my chapter. Lastly, to truly exemplify the high ideals of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service.

How do you plan to balance academics with chapter level and national level leadership responsibilities? SS: This is truly one of the most difficult aspects; being able to balance all of these, but I truly believe that God gave us 24 hours every day for a reason and what we do with it is up to us. What aspect of this position are you most looking forward to? SS: The aspect I’m most looking forward to is seeing my implementations manifest themselves.

How best will you support the International Second Vice President?

Fall 2019 11

Top: Bro. Samuel Sarkodie, Chapter President (first row, second left) with fellow Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter members at Virginia State University. Middle: Bro. Sarkodie in Shot-Put form for the university’s Track & Field Team. Bottom: Student Government Leaders in the stands at a university football game.

BROTHER JOSHUA A. BUSBY International Director of Collegiate Affairs What motivated you to run for the office of International Director of Collegiate Affairs? JB: With the landscape of higher education changing (as it relates to Greek Life) on our college campuses across the country, I felt that Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. needed a brother who could effectively usher our fraternity into this new era of conversion on our college campuses. Seeing that I work in the field of higher education, I believe that I possessed the unique skills and experience needed at this very critical time in our fraternity’s history. With the Immediate Past International Director of Collegiate Affairs being term-limited, the opportunity presented for me to offer myself to assist and serve the fraternity at the highest level. I’m honored that the brotherhood saw fit to elect me to serve, and I don’t take that responsibility lightly. What current issues do you find to most critical to the collegiate membership? JB: I’ve had this conversation of current issues with brothers around the country. From my position, it has been a very healthy conversation. Alumni brothers tend to believe that we know what the current issues are that are critical to the collegiate membership and, for the most part, I

12 The Crescent: On The Yard

Bro. Joshua Busby (right) with fellow chapter members of Delta Beta Sigma Chapter, Oklahoma City, OK and their Sigma Beta Club.

believe that we do know some of those issues and strategies to bridge the gap. I believe that career preparedness, the need to enhance our advisor infrastructure, and the need for real (and intentional) leadership development are some current issues that are critical to the collegiate membership, just to name a few. But the truth of the matter is that our brotherhood does not always do a good job of listening to our collegiate brothers. In the coming weeks, there will be a survey that is going out to our collegiate brothers to assess the current issues that they are facing, so that we can direct our time, our talents and our treasure (the budget) towards providing solutions to those issues. I’m confident that this will be the IMPACT that our collegiate brothers need and deserve. What is your top priority as the main support officer of the collegiate membership? JB: In everything that the fraternity does over the next two years regarding the direction and the focus of the International Collegiate Affairs Team, the team’s emphasis will be to “Add value while elevating the Collegiate Experience.” As a former regional director, what key advantage do you have in administering this position?

JB: As a former Regional Director, I have a keen sense of what it takes to move the needle in accomplishing the goals that our team has established. Being a voting member of the General Board for four years (2014-2018) exposed me to SO MUCH that I don’t have enough time to explain. But what I can say is that it doesn’t matter what it is that you would like to do or to accomplish; you can’t do it by yourself. You must build consensus amongst the board members if you want to get anything done, and I respect and endorse that approach. Who or what is your most valued inspiration for working in this leadership position? JB: My inspiration is our collegiate brothers! I want them to have an awesome and dynamic experience like I did when I was member of Beta Epsilon Chapter on the campus of Langston University from 2003 to 2006. My experience was one that involved road trips to other campuses outside of my state, going to conferences (state, regional and conclaves), attending alumni chapter meetings, looking forward to fellowshipping with alumni brothers, and much more. It was all of these experiences (and more) that motivated me to seek out an alumni chapter to transfer into when I graduated from Langston University. There was no doubt that I would be transitioning to an alumni chapter because I had a dynamic collegiate experience.

Fall 2019 13

What aspect of this position are you most looking forward to? JB: I am looking forward to what I have always enjoyed in my, going on, 17 years in the fraternity, and that is brotherhood. In everything that I have done while serving in Sigma, it has always been my goal to put the fraternity first. I believe the Brotherhood Experience that a collegiate brother is currently receiving and what they deserve is not aligned. But we also know that you can’t come to Sigma with your hand out all the time. You have to aspire to want to labor and engage in the vineyard of Sigma. As we all know (and it is written), “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” It’s through this principle of Brotherhood that we can and will accomplish all that we set out to do.

Top: Bro. Joshua Busby, facilitates student orientation session as Dean of Students at the Langston University. Bottom: Brother Busby with Phi Beta Sigma attendees at a recent Association of Fraternity Leaders & Values (AFLV) Conference.

14 The Crescent: On The Yard

Fall 2019 15






Conclave Las Vegas 2019 provided Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity a renewed sense of achievement, logging several historic records. In addition to the conference being held in the number one convention city in the nation, it now holds the record as the largest registered attended convention and the largest Sigma gathering, placing only second to the Centennial Celebration in July 2014 in Washington, DC. International President Honorable Brother Micheal E. Cristal made it crystal clear to the leadership that it was his desire to have record attendance by collegiate members, with maximum engagement in all areas of the conference. The Conclave Planning Team and International Headquarters Team accepted the charge and pulled out all the stops to push collegiate

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registration and participation. Their hard work paid off ! The Pride & The Power of Phi Beta Sigma’s collegiate ranks was seen, heard and felt from day one. The collegiate presence was especially visible during the two days of workshops, plenary sessions, committee meetings, performance competitions, chapter displays, awards luncheon, Grand Orchid Ball and Sigma Marketplace. Our young brothers displayed their academic prowess in the newly added activity, Sigma STEM Challenge, as well as the now annual Billboard Jackson Entrepreneurial Competition. On the following pages we recap the collegiate engagement and showcase the proud winners in competition categories.

Fall 2019 17



Bro. Frederick Bell International Second Vice President Bro. Darian Hayes Collegiate Member-At-Large Bro. Michael Facey Collegiate Member-At-Large


s ORATORICAL COMPETITION 1st Place - Bro. Tyrell Griffey Southwestern Region 2nd Place - Bro. Juwan Page Great Lakes Region 18 The Crescent: On The Yard 18


Bro. Christopher A. Hinton Alpha Alpha Rho Chapter Appalachian State University Bro. Timothy Hernandez Delta Delta Sigma Chapter North Colorado University


s DEBATE COMPETITION 1st Place Bro. Johnathan Lyte/Bro. Brian Warren Western Region

2nd Place Bro. Anthony Simon/Bro. Terrance Smith Southern Region

3rd Place Bro. SaDale Richards/Bro. Colby Spann Southwestern Region

SIGMA STEM CHALLENGE 1st Place Bro. Tyrone Alexander Gulf Coast Region

2nd Place Bro. Terry Mahony Gulf Coast Region

Abdulrahman Abdinur Adrian Thomas Alan Miles Allen Lewis Alex Nelson Alexander Igwebuike Alexander Samuel Amon Fuller-Berry Andre Campbell Andre Reed Andrew Serchion Andrew Taborn Anthony Williams Anthron Brooks Antoine Locklin Antonio Jackson Antonio Lockin, Jr. Aric Dixon Arlton Crawford Aschbel Lamarre Austin Ralph Avory Ransome Bazille Banks Benjaim Jackson Blaine Lewis-Thompson Brandon French Brandon Parker Brandon Wallace Braylyn Smith Brendan Harris Brian Warren Brian Thomas Bryant Floyd Calvin Lee Cameron Butler Cameron Hayforth Carlos Clear Carlos Jackson Carlos Jones Carrington Davis Cheldrick Wooding Christian Dean-Colman Christian Onwuka Christian Perkins Christian Sealy Christopher Chamblis Christopher Dixon Christopher Duffey Christopher Florence Christopher Harrison Christopher King Christopher Lewis Christopher Piblio Claymon Stevenson Colby Spann Courtney Carter Dalvin Sejour Damere Holloway Danari Lindsey Daniel Antenor Daniel Lindo Danterrius Hall Dane Norvell Dante Duffel-Steen Darian Hayes Darion Crenshaw Darlus Smith Darrell Boazman Darrell Harris Darrell Willis Darrius Hicks Darrius Whigham

Fall 2019 19

s THE BILLBOARD JACKSON ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPETITION COLLEGIATE WINNER Bro. Cameron Butler Blu Bream Barbershop Kansas State University Southwestern Region

20 The Crescent: On The Yard




s MARCH OF DIMES TOP COLLEGIATE CHAPTER 3rd Place Delta Alpha Chapter Southeastern Region

PROGRAM DIRECTOR’S AWARD FOR SOCIAL ACTION Gamma Xi Gamma Chapter University of North Texas at Dalla Gulf Coast Region

David Gilbert DaRon Fanniel Davaun Bartee Datron Matthews De’Angelo Williams Decarius Bryant Deion Clifton Deion Davis Delshaun Holtzdaw De’Marcus Moore Denzel Lewis Deon Bradford Deshaun Covington Devin Gallion Devin Garrett Devon’Te Brooks Deyshon Ward Dijon Stokes Dominic Jackson Dominique Penton Donald Gipson Donovan Gayles Donovan Valdiviezo Drequan Lard Dylan Gibson Edenis Augustin Edward Chappell Edward Hill Elijah Mitchell Elliott Johnson Ellis-Woly Salahuddin Eric Hobson Eric Parnell Erick Hodge Eustace Bennett Evan Olden Fedner Petit-Homme Frank NcNell Frederick Bell George Crawley Gilbert Vasquez Glenn Baker Godson Raheem Gregory Allen Gregory Couch Ian Carter Ian Kirk Ife Siffre Ighaala-Khemein Kuteh Isaiah Harris Isaiah Hodges Isaiah Jones Isaiah Ntoya Isaiah Perry Isaiah Rauls Isaiah Shim Isaiah Singleton Isaiah Williams Jabriel White Jacques Johnson Jae’Lan Fore Jamar Clemons James Bennett Janaj Francis Jaquel Williams Jared Roulds-Griffin Jaylan Stephens Jaylen Ashley Jaylon Jackson J.C. Fogg Jean Tanelus Jeffrey Burnside

Fall 2019 21



Second Runner-U


KAILYN MAIYA WEBST Miss Southern Regio

CASSONDRA HORN Miss Gulf Coast Region

s First Runner-Up ERICA ALEXANDER Miss Southeastern Region

22 The Crescent: On The Yard


LOGAN BALLARD Miss Eastern Regio


s s JAMEKA JACKSON-TUCKER Miss Great Lakes Region


TER on

s MUNA MOHAMED Miss Southwestern Region

D on

s BRITANI FAAGATA Miss Western Region

Jeffrey Ferguson Jeffrey Gordon Jeffrey Okeke Jerry Pierre Jessie Redd Joey Breckenridge John McDonald John Kanu John Yarbrough Jonathan Cruz Jonathan Hockless Jonathan Jones Jonathan Little Jontay Brown Jorell Smallwood Jordan Dillard Jordan Gilsan Jordan Lampley Jordan Shepherd Joseph Hector Joshua Harper Joshua Korobo Joshua Miller Jules Joseph Julian McGhee Justin Carmickle Juwan Page Kajuan Kelly-Gillmore Kameren Jelks Kameron Harris Kameron Stott Kanai Anderson Kareem Cuffee Kelson Vandenburg Kendall Graham Kendre Nance Kendric Kelley Kensley Youte Keshaun Rhodie Khadeem Rowe Khalil Buckmire Khalil Rainey Kingsley Udo Kobee Marlon Kolan Livingston Kor’ee Jackson Kwasi Brobbey Kwenton Hudson Kye Hackworth Larin Stewart Latrell Burden Leslie Change Luis Ortiz Lydell Dunlap Mack Williams Malachi Powell Malik Smith Malineski Russell Marceles Kane Marcus Aaron Marcus Gay Marcus Prince Mark Adams Markelle Johnson Marlon Collins Marlon John Marquette Bend Marquiale Davis Marvette Williams Matthew Grey Matthew McGill Matthew Smith

Fall 2019 23

s 24 The Crescent: On The Yard

2nd Place Gamma Chapter Morgan State University Eastern Region


s s

INTERNATIONAL STEP SHOW COMPETITION 1st Place Lambda Iota Chapter San Diego State University Western Region

s 3rd Place Delta Nu Chapter University of Memphis Southwestern Region

Matthew Swalek Melvin Terry Michael Facey Michael Milburn Michael Rosario Michael Taylor Michael Washington Michel Mugisha Moises Urena Morgan Bowie Myles Rice Myles Smith Nathan Lang Nathaniel Benoit Nicholas George Nicholas Porter Nigel Thomas Niquez Thompson Noah Menlo NyGee Poole, Jr. Olusoji Ajay Oluwakayode Akrinade Oluwatomisin Osinfolarin Quentin Collins Rasheed Oridedi Remy Powell Rennell Payne Rex Chege Robert DeVold Robert Holmes Robert Nisby Rolph Tima Ronald Skrine Royce Alexander Ryan White SaDale Richards Sam Hurt Samuel Sarkodie Sanchez Rolle Santos Griffin Shah Awotwe Shataveon Bass Skylar Shields Stanico Knowles Stanley Hall Sterling Smith Ta’Jalik Morgan Tashawn Rawls Terry Mahoney Thomas Bengston Ti’Andre Simmons Tommy Knight Trenton Joiner Trenton Miller Tres McMichael Tre’Von Lavaud Trevor Polston Trey Jackson Tristan Haddock Tyler Cowan Tyler Love Tyler Willis Tyree Andrews Tyrelle Gaines Ty’Ron Baker Tyrone Alexander Uniki Armstrong-Yisrael Valdeoso Patterson Victor Smith Wali Williams Xavier Parnell Xavier Pettis Yazid Laury Yohan Stokes Zachary Chenault Zeonte Bates


Fall 2019 27


SIGMAS Sigma Brothers represent a significant group of leadership on college campuses around the globe. Be it academic excellence, student government, campus culture or sports, Sigma collegians are contributing to the total college experience. In this issue, we pay tribute to our Sigma Brothers who’re representing the Sigma Brand on and off the football field.

28 The Crescent: On The Yard


BROTHER JOEL THURMAN Offensive Lineman Beta Epsilon Chapter Langston University Southwestern Region



BROTHER ANTOINE WILLIAMS Defensive Back Alpha Alpha Chi Chapter Duke University Southeastern Region



BROTHER NOAH WADDELL Defensive Tackle Alpha Alpha Chi Chapter Duke University Southeastern Region


BROTHER EMMANUEL CHRISTIAN Offensive Lineman/ Left Guard Iota Chi Sigma Chapter Monmouth University Eastern Region


BROTHER LOWELL KELLY GAMBLE Defensive End Iota Chi Sigma Chapter Monmouth University Eastern Region

Fall 2019 37

BROTHER STEWART REESE Starting Guard Theta Iota Chapter Mississippi State University

Southern Region


BROTHER CJ MORGAN Starting Safety Theta Iota Chapter Mississippi State University

Southern Region


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