Lepe book

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Lepe counted in other times with a rich artistic patrimony, but by natural circumstances like the great earthquake of Lisbon of 1755, and human like the war of Independence, it lost part of this one. At the present time, they deserve to be visited personal and immovable property that conforms their historical patrimony and that we detailed next: 1.- Parish Church Santo Domingo de Guzmán 2.- Chapel of San Cristobal 3.- The Tower of Catalan 4.- Ajimez 5.- Enclosure of the Beautiful.

Parish church Santo Domingo de Guzmán Historical-artistic monument by Real Decree 83/1985 was declared. Although the exact date of its construction is not known, is thought that it was founded at the beginning of century XVI by Doña Teresa de Guzmán, Duchess of Béjar, for penance. Probably outside construe


of century XIV. Of its original factory, of style to mudéjar, described as church of arches with bishop, as soon as they are left rest as a result of the different restorations that have suffered. Belfry, destroyed by the earthquake of Lisbon, was constructed in 1799 following predominant the architectonic canons but always considering the tendencies of our masterful local master builders. Its austere main facade correctly combines the baroque one with mudéjar, whereas their other two facades are characterized by the simplicity of their lines. The church, with its three ships of rectangular plant, follows liturgical the inclination traditional west-this. The central ship, of greater height and width than the lateral ones, is hopeless with apse of flat head. The covers offer solutions that are everything a catalogue of medieval tardy and modern architecture, emphasizing the geometric reasons that they follow the models of the under-Renaissance The present sacramental chapel is dedicated to the virgin of the Beautiful one, pattern of Lepe. Its altarpiece, destroyed during the civil war, came from the old “franciscano” convent, located in the environs of the Lump. Of him the “salomónicas” columns have been only conserved that frame the central arc and the dressing room of Rococo style. In the lateral streets they appear individual niches with sculptures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and San Roque, pattern of the city, this one last one dated around 1600.


It deserves to emphasize the magnificent sedente image of the virgin of the Beautiful one, catalogue policromada sculpture as Fernandez builds of the circle of Jorge Alemán, of principles of century XVI. We were before a iconográfica variety little frequents, since one is an own eucarística efigie only of Spain and the French noon, that represents a tabernacle in the chest alluding the months that Maria took to Jesus in the sine. It was the titular image of the missing franciscano convent. Cloth has to mention also of relief which it reproduces the calvario, whose iconography has ample medieval resonances and a linen cloth of the Immaculate one of the Arpino horseman, of towards 1600. The altarpiece of the greater altar, of end of century XVII, coming from the missing convent of the Mercy, is of policromada wood of a body with three streets. In its interior they appear the sculptures of Santo Domingo, of century XVI, San Juan Evangelista, of second half of the XV, and San Cayetano, of the XVIII. Of great beauty they are the images of the Mercy, Sevillian anonymous work of century XVII; the Boy Jesus, of the circle of Mountain Martinez, both coming from the convent of the Mercy; the Hope of the XVII and the Christ of the Sea, anonymous work of the first third of century XVI, and to title of its chapel, located in the quarter of Don Ramiro. It emphasizes in addition by its value the rich one of ajuar liturgical, with under-Renaissance pieces of century XVI.


Tower of the Catalan

. Chapel of San Crist贸bal In a crossroad between Ayamonte and Seville, the hermitage of San Crist贸bal had to be raised from century XV - in their interior have been some currencies coined in the days of Kings Cat贸licos- like one of the points of forced prayer to those who happened through Lepe. This hermitage is at the moment in rehabilitation process to act the interesting as of point of contact of the culture - exhibition hall and conferences and unquestionably like an emblematic place to present to those who visit to us. Due to the long to live of mud茅jar in these earths, this construction is included within this architectonic style, always with the contribution of the masterful local master builders. The earthquake of Lisbon caused damage in its primitive factory; of this one the ship with cross-sectional arc and the greater chapel with side eight vaults are conserved. Their simple cover, of great popular flavour, is possibly consequence of the reforms undertaken after the mentioned earthquake.


Tower of almenara constructed within the defensive plan of Felipe II to protect the coast of the attacks Turkberberiscos. Although the exact date of its construction is not known, this one locates at the end of century XVI or principles of the XVII. One is located on one of the mount millenarians who border the line of the coast, to average distance between the beach of the Antilla and the port of the Lump. From her a spectacular Vista of the Natural Place can be admired Salt marshes of Stones and Arrow of New Shade and be known history and elements the landscape in the interpretation point of the installed coast in its base.


Ajimez It has been declared like good of cultural interest in 1985 by the Spanish State and in 1995 by the Meeting of Andalusia. This architectonic element is a clear example of the height that the architecture to mudéjar had in the province of Huelva from second half of century XIV to centuries XV and XVI. One is a window divided by window on which they unload two twin arcs. .

Enclosure of the Beautiful one

1: Born in Lepe In the same way, it is possible to emphasize the park of the Coronation, in which one is located the monument to illustrious the metallurgical lepero Alvaro Alonso Barba, builds of architect lepera Rose Maria García, who reproduces a smelting furnace, or the most recent monument to the Agriculturist of the leperos artists Jose Manuel Martinez and Francisco Sanchez.

Environment 1.- Natural Places 2.- Parks 3.- Footpaths 4.- Of visit 5.- Beaches

Natural places It is worth the trouble to emphasize those places in where the nature becomes art, like the location of the old “franciscano” convent, at the moment enclosure where pilgrimage of the virgin of the Beautiful one is celebrated, like in memory of those old peregrinations of long ago which the neighbours made to this idyllic place to say their virgin and to participate in their popular fair. In the public decoration undertaken recently we must emphasize the monument to the sailor and park V Centenary, with interesting sculptural pieces of the “lepera”1 artist Francisca Abreu.


The municipal term of Lepe, on an extension of 12,478 hectares, counts on privileged natural surroundings thanks to the smooth temperatures, moderate precipitations, the smooth absence of frosts, winds, etc., everything a set of climatic conditions that it invites to the development of any type of activity. Its proximity to the coast, a splendid sun and his more than 24 km. of coast, they do of this place the suitable one for the traditional tourist. If to the exposed thing previously we added the set of natural wealth that offers east municipality like urban parks, natural places, dead grounds, centres of environmental interpretation, footpaths, etc., we have in addition to the suitable place for the sun-beach tourist,


perfect surroundings for all those plaintiffs of new possibilities of leisure, for a direct bonding with the nature and to deepen and to value our work in the protection and conservation of the ecosystems.

Natural place Salt marshes of the River Piedras and Flecha de Shady Nueva This space was declared like so in 1989. It is third in extension of the province of Huelva, with a surface of 2,530 hectares. Its altitude on the level of the sea oscillates between 0 and 10 meters. It emphasizes in this place, by its singularity, the arrow of New Shade (also well-known like arrow of the Rompido), a sandy formation that advances compares to the coast and that at the moment reaches a length of almost 18 km. Its origin, for more than 200 years, has had to the contribution of materials of the Piedras River, to the mareal flow and prevailing winds of the southwest. It has an annual growth of approximately 40 meters. This formation, unique in all national coast, is considered like a morphology geology jewel. If we showed ourselves to this arrow we can discover around 18 km. of white sands and blue the intense one of the sea, virgin beaches considered of the best one conserved of salt marsh Europe, as well as landscapes, estuaries,


systems of dunes and a rich flora and fauna; everything a set of natural wealth that make of this surroundings the suitable place for lovers of the nature, being object of students and investigators. This surroundings characterize in addition by its extraordinary wealth in amount and diversity to species, as much of flora as of fauna, some of which are in extinction danger, finding here their natural refuges by the benignancy of their climate and the good state of conservation of their humid zones, which turns it the zone of the municipality with greater ecological value, reason by which has been deserving to be incorporated to the network of dead grounds of Andalusia. The beaches and dunes serve as place of nest building for “chorlitejo” “patinegro”, the gull, the gannet, “pagaza” “piquirroja” and “alcaraván”, besides to contain some colonies of “charrancitos”2 and basket makers. The salt marshes are the place of refuge for the fishing eagle, diverse “limícolas” species, “vuelvepiedras”, the common “zarapito”3, etc. Between the reptiles, the chameleon is the most emblematic species, since in Europe its area of distribution is restricted to the provinces of Malaga, Cadiz, Huelva and Portuguese Algarve. In the same way, while in dunes the vegetation


is “sabulícola”, own of not consolidated sandy grounds, emphasizing the caterpillar of sea, “junquillo”2 and “loto silverplated”, among others; in the salt marshes he is “halófila”, adapted to saline means, and in her the “almajos”, the “espartina”, “verdolaga” marine, the “limonastrum”, the “limonium” and “brezo”3 of sea predominate. 2: birds species; 3: plants species

Parks In addition to these spaces recognized by the environmental legislation environmental, in our municipality others created by the City council for the use exist and enjoys all the citizens.

Park of the Coronation

Coastal pine groves Throughout the coastal strip a beautiful forest of pines and aromatic shrubs is raised, that constitutes surroundings of great natural and landscaping value, where shelter species animals in extinction danger, as it is the case of the chameleon.

It was constructed in the occasion of the canonical coronation of the patron of the city, the Beautiful virgin. In this green space the monument can be observed Alvaro Alonso Barba, illustrates metallurgical lepero1, whose work, the Art of Metals, supposed a considerable advance in the field of the metallurgy. Also we can enjoy numerous representative species of flora of the independent community of Andalusia.

The advantage of these places is recreational and commercial.

Park V Centenary One is located in the North entrance of Lepe, where we can observe the sculptural set elaborated by the lepera 1 artist, Francisca Abreu, like tribute to the sailors of the city which they participated in the discovery of America and, in special, to Rodrigo Perez de Acevedo or Rodrigo de Triana, neighbour of Lepe and first sailor



whom earth accompanying to Columbus in the expedition sighted.

Park of the station botanical Garden It is located in the old layout of the railway line that united Gibraleón and Ayamonte. Of layout rectangular with numerous parterres that follows one another and in that we can observe multitude of species of the flora of our province. In its layout one is installed the monument the Agriculturist, builds of the local artists Francisco Cabet and Jose Manuel Martinez, who pays tribute to the leperos men and women by their entailment and historical dedication to the field and agriculture.

Coastal park A conserved system to dune place composes this magnificent park located in the beach of Islantilla, to which we can accede through marine stroll and that borders all coast with impressive views to the sea.


Park of the Cabezos 4 One extends by a zone of cabezos bordering to the golf course of Islantilla. It is a suitable place to walk between pines and oaks, while it is enjoyed magnificent views of beaches of the Antilla and Islantilla. In their passage flora species of and fauna of the zone, as well as magnificent formation geologic of precipices can be contemplated to beautiful that almost constitute small grottos of pink colour. The park of the Cabezos, with almost 4 km. of route, he is ideal for the practice of sports like the to walk of path, to get on a bicycle, march… in contact with the nature and the practice of golf. 4: Something similar mount.

Meadow of the Cork oak grove It almost constitutes the last rest of cork oaks of the western sector of the coast of Huelva, mixing itself with “acebuches” and “palmitos” that provide the idea to us of the character “termófilo” and of its cattle use. Between the fauna of the place they deserve to be outstanding the abundant “rabilargos” (birds).

Park of the Corchuelo Recovery of a zone of public dominion where an old “drinking trough” exists and creation of a recreational area.


This footpath Coastal green footpath It is a footpath of something more than 10 km, constituted by several public pathways. It begins in the Antilla, and its route allows an approach to great part of the historical-natural patrimony of our municipality like the tower of the Catalan, marine patrimony of our municipality like the tower of the Catalan, marine classroom, park of the Corchuelo… This footpath connects with the green route.

Coastal green route Iron layout turned footpath. It crosses the North municipality on the other hand and very is used for to walk of path, strolls in bicycle… This layout unites several municipalities this layout unites several municipalities and in addition surroundings to great interest and ecological value like salt marshes, meadows, dead grounds.

Of visit Of Torre visit almenara of the Catalan Tower watch of century XVI, located to the south of the municipality, in the coastline, on a cliff of 37 meters of altitude above sea level.


By means of indicates panels the citizen can know and interpret the formation of our coast. In addition, it is to emphasize the wonderful views that from this place are descried. Panoramic a splendid one of all the coastal zone, the Piedras river, the arrow of New Shade, the beaches… etc. what they turn to this place a fabulous “natural viewpoint”.

Marine classroom the Lump Environmental equipment that allows to the approach and knowledge of the western coastal surroundings. To enter themselves in the salt marsh, to contemplate a beautiful beach landscape and simultaneously to discover the wonders and mysteries of the submarine world. By means of indicates aquariums, panels, exhibitions,… the visitor arrives until the most mysterious places and strangers from that world from so difficult access, approaching the marine and bird-raising species that populate our coast.

Excursions in boat As far as organized excursions we emphasized marine excursions, with its Azariel boat, company


dedicated to fluvial itineraries. One of these itineraries is by the Piedras river, route that an approach allows to know, to contemplate and to enjoy the natural place Salt marshes the Piedras river and arrow New Shade.

Beaches The Antilla The Antilla is the main beach of Lepe, to less than 5 kilometres of the city, becomes a great space opened to the sea of more than 20 kilometres of the coast. With the tourist takeoff of Spain in years 60, Lepe and its beach of the Antilla begin to emphasize like tourist point of interest. The constructions proliferate and during years 70 a national tourism eminently and more concretely formed by originating people of inner Andalusia is based in this beach. From mid the 80 one reconsiders the tourism in Lepe and the Antilla, and the pertinent measures are taken to promote these coasts and to create the necessary infrastructure for the arrival of an elite tourism. A clear example of it is the construction of the School of HostelerĂ­a, a building of 1993 square meters in which techniques of kitchen, restoration, languages, computer science study, etnologĂ­a, and all those fundamental matters for the improvement of the tourist services.


Still today, the beach of the Antilla continues conserving the familiar atmosphere of its origins. Although their hotels congregate every time to greater number of no national tourists, the Antilla continues having visitors of the Spanish inner cities (among them they emphasize Madrid, Badajoz, CĂĄceres, Seville and Cordova and, in recent years has been increased remarkably the presence of tourists of the north of Spain) that from last the 5 years fill the beach to the 100% of their capacity, considering in addition the annual growth of its city-planning infrastructure.

Islantilla In July of 1990 the Mancomunidad de Islantilla is created to develop to city-planning projects in beaches of the Antilla (Lepe) and Island Cristina. From then the tourist infrastructure one unfolds and residential hotels of high quality, as well as zones are constructed that monopolize the attention of the national and international tourism. In their more centric area, on foot of beach, hotels, apartments and a great commercial centre and of leisure are integrated in which the visitor will find establishments of very diverse typologies, the premises of restoration, as well as a multi cinema with six rooms of projection, seat of the Festival the International of Unpublished Cinema of Islantilla. Islantilla counts in addition on a golf course of 27 holes that extends throughout the park that dominates the excellent beach of


Islantilla, on that has extraordinary views. This location and the attractive club of golf prepared and equipped to take care of competitions of professionals of the highest category, makes of this place a wonderful frame for the practice of this sport. The high quality of their facilities and the permanent school of golf have turned it the seat of winter of the Swedish PGA and scene of competitions of elite like the Spanish PGA, the Challenge Tour or the Open of Andalusia. By all it, Islantilla aims more at being one of beaches demanded by the tourists centre and norteuropeans that, throughout all the year and mainly in summer, visit this place, since it offers alternative activities to the sun and the beach. Thus we can practice nautical sports like windsurf, the candle, etc., can make to walk of path, visits in boat to natural places, and practice other so many sport modalities as voley-beach, triatlón, pádel, basketball, tennis and soccer room.

Shady Nueva New Shade is nailed in the Natural Place Salt marshes of Stones and Arrow of New Shade. Near 18 kilometres of white and fine sand, in her the lovers of the naturism can enjoy the first nudist beach of the province of Huelva. From the East to the west, they are appearing different salt marshes and sandy grounds where we can observe the multitude of terrestrial plants that throughout


the time have been colonizing the system to dune. In direction of the west the vegetation increases in height and thickness, emphasizing the intense “retamales” of the old Tunney net. A place is this one where marine and coastal species of fauna like “charranes” coexist, gulls, etc., happening through reptiles like the small lizard “colilarga”, whose populations present/display extremely clear libreas, in addition to rabbits and hares. The ruins of the Tunny net remember times last of economic splendour related to the advantage of the tuna, that was captured by thousands near the coast by means of the ingenious structures of the tunny nets, that were pierced arts of fishing of permanent form and which they constituted a great trap. Their ruins are only inhabited of exclusive form, nowadays, by common storks that they occupy year after year the nest, located on the chimney of the enclosure. Really, New Shade is a natural paradise with diverse ecosystems submissive constant changes in which the lovers of the nature will be able to enjoy her in all their splendour.

The Lump The port of the Lump, fishing and sport port of Lepe, is located in the mouth of the Piedras River, that it connects with the Atlantic. This port, flourishing in the antiquity and enough apogees from century XVIII to the first decades of century XX, consists between its facilities with a market for the fish transaction, an ice factory for the conservation of the fishing and almost 150 quarters salting hoses. The boats of the port are dedicated mainly to the artisan


fishing, reason why it will not be difficult found, while a simple stroll occurs, to men sewing networks or preparing the tools for its work. Their spotted grounds covered with networks invite to on foot give a very special stroll of sea. From this enclave part of the dead ground can be contemplated denominated natural place Salt marshes of the river Piedras and Flecha de Shady Nueva. Here it will be able to visit the Marine Classroom and its aquarium next to the shipyard and to make routes by the river in boat, as well as to taste seafood and fish of the coast in its hospitable bars and restaurants. The lovers at night and of young music can find here diverse options to their reach. From the port one can be taken from the boats that the fluvial route through Natural Place makes Salt marshes of Stones and Arrow of New Shade, with which the visitor will be able to know the landscape close by, the flora and the fauna of this natural space. In its environs it is not necessary to forget to know the hermitage the Beautiful one, in which to contemplate the ruins of the franciscano convent and where and celebrates the second weekend of May pilgrimage in its honor, in which thousands of pilgrims are congregated that accompany it in their stay in this wonderful surroundings.


Celebrations Celebrations Easter In the Easter of Lepe the passion and death from Jesus Christ to take for a walk different steps commemoratin g, during every day of the Greater Week. The Easter begins with the Domingo de Ramos, special day that commemorates the “Triumphal Entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem”; in where the children have a special paper, because they are they who accompany to the images, carrying branches of olive tree or palms. Like in the rest of Andalusia, the Easter runs in an atmosphere of sobriety and withdrawal until arriving at Thursday and Good Friday, days in which this one acquires its maximum splendour greater concentration of processionals exits. Very significant it is the “Madrugá” of the Good Friday, since it has been recovering in the last years the tradition for lost a long time to read “the sentence of


Christ”, you sing in “saeta”5 form that neigh boring of the locality chosen by their artistic dowries dedicates to the images emulating that Biblical passage in which Poncio Pilato until death condemned Jesus Christ. 5: typical signing of saint week

and foreign always brightened up with you sing and own dances of the zone and the visits and tokens of affection towards the virgin.

Pilgrimage of the Beautiful one

At night of he himself the rosary of torches is celebrated and a showy one burns of fireworks. Monday passes like Sunday until 20:00 h. when the virgin initiates the way of return to Lepe, entering the parochial temple 00:00 h.

The festejos begin Saturday to 12:00 h. with safe of rockets and transfer of the simpecado one from the hermitage, located next to the port of the Lump. To 19:30 h. in the Spain seat an impressive offering of flowers takes place to the virgin, through where they on foot pass thousands of travelling, to horse and charrets, all adorned with the Andalusia typical suits. Once concluded the offering it continues the celebration in the town until the moment that all the pilgrims wait for the exit of the virgin to 06:00 h. in the morning. In a float of silver thrown by oxen, the image of the virgin until the hermitage, accompanied by thousands of travelling is taken on foot and to horse, all the way is an explosion of joy, dances, prayers, promises, sings… All Sunday passes in coexistence of neighbours


Small Pilgrimage The third Sunday of May has been becoming for years another one pilgrimage more, than pilgrimage of the surroundings could well compete in festive atmosphere and popular participation with any other. During this pilgrimage gives back to the hermitage the simpecado one that during the Pilgrimage of the Beautiful one was transferred to the parochial temple of the city.


Supervisory San and celebrations “Beautiful Roque�


From the 14 to the 16 of August are celebrated the supervisory celebrations in honor of the Beautiful Virgin and San Roque. Celebrations of summer in which protagonist to the night with dances occurs all to are of the orchestras, performances of groups of reputation for the young people, processions day 15 with the Virgin of the Beautiful one by the streets of the centre, accompanied by thousand by leperos and visitors, and 16 day procession of San Roque. Sport competitions, concerts in the seat of Spain, burn of fireworks, attractions of fair and all that to be able to enjoy nights of summer that put colophon to all the celebrations of district which they follow one another during the summer vacations.

Other Celebrations Still in Lepe there are time for the celebration of several celebrations, celebrated all in summer like the one of San Juan in June, those of the Carmen in barrio of I hang it and the Antilla (June), and the one of Santa Ana and Santiago in the district of Don Ramiro (July). This succession of celebrations culminates with the dedicated ones to Our Lady of Beautiful and San Roque, patterns of the Locality (15 and 16 of August).


In Lepe, at the end of September is celebrated the Agricultural Commercial Fair, AGROCOSTA, fair that gathers all the sectors of Huelva agriculture. Agrocosta, in few years has happened to be one of the showcases of more prestige where economic sales and transactions are generated that get to surpass the 100 million pesetas. Fair related to agriculture (first source of wealth in Lepe), supposes in addition tourist excellence to the zone and to promote new tourist products. The affluence of visitors coming from all Spain, when agreeing this fair with the closing of the tourist season par excellence assures the creation a suitable place to foment the tourism of our zone in other aspects different from the one from sun and beach. Independently of the commercial character of this fair, the playful and complementary taking of steps to the exhibition like agricultural technical days is prepared carefully, delivery of prizes to the Agricultural Innovation and strawberry and orange de Oro, artistic


work exhibitions related to agriculture, these activities are directed for all the professionals and visitors to the fair, equipping it therefore with a more tourist character.

Gastronomy Lepe counts on a rich gastronomy that it has as it bases Earth products and the delicious fish and seafood of our coast. Following the tradition Mediterranean, Lepe is characterized as much by an elaborated, varied and rich gastronomy in flavours as in forms. Like coastal municipality that is, we can taste an ample variety of fish, molusks and seafood (prawns, clams, coquinas,…) taken directly of the fishing port of the Lump until the plate of the companion at table. Very typical they are the candies, elaborated with flour, eggs and almonds, among other ingredients. Between these they emphasize the cocaine, the cake, the candy the citron with almonds, the candy of pumpkin and small cakes For the lovers of the good wine, Lepe offers a series of “zampuzos”6, small bars which still they conserve the traditional style, whose characteristic is that each one of the proprietors, in the month of September, steps on in its own zampuzo the grape and elaborates the wine in own barrels. Strawberries, strawberry, oranges and lately novel tropical fruits complete the gastronomically fan of this earth. 6: something small pub


Of between numerous prescriptions of our kitchen, although more the plates elaborated with products are known the sea, have been rescued some like which they are detailed next, elaborated, in their majority, with ingredients cultivated in our earth.

Salad of bean string beans or “frijones” Ingredients: String beans, onion, parsley, oil, vinegar and salt. Preparation: To cook the string beans being taken care of that are whole. To prick the onion and the parsley and to unite the string beans. To flavour with oil, vinegar and salt to pleasure. . Rice with broad bean and peas Ingredients: Garlic, sharp onion, paprika, fresh bacon, brown garlic sausage, oil and salt. Preparation: To do a fried of onion, garlic, broad bean and peas adding sharp salt and paprika. Once finished water is added and it along with cooks all previous the garlic sausage and the bacon for, later, adding the rice to him. . Encebollado of fish Ingredients: Tomato, green pepper, red pepper, garlic, onion in amount, potatoes, acidities, oil and salt. Preparation: To make a fried after have divided the tomatoes, the peppers, garlic and the onions. Once finished the water, the potatoes is added to him, the acidities and the salt and is let cook.


Cocaine Ingredients: For the mass: 2 kg. of flour, 7 eggs, ¾ of sugar, 5 leavening packages, ¼ l. of white wine, 50 g. of cinnamon and sesame, 25 g. of anise, ½ kg. of grate lemon and oil of sunflower (the one that is admitting the mass). For the filling: 4 kg. of very fine bare and ground almonds, 3 kg. of sugar, 50 eggs, 1 kg. of grate lemon, 25 g. of cinnamon and ¼ l. of olive oil of 0´4º. For the candy of citron or hair of angel: By each kg. of citron, 1 kg. of sugar, and ¼ l. of water and, independently of the weight of the citron, the crust of a lemon and ½ kg. of grate lemon. Preparation: To mix all the ingredients of the mass until obtaining a mixture uniforms and manageable. In order to refuel, to beat the clear ones without they arrive on the verge of snow and to add to the yolks beating a little later and adding the sugar, the lemon, the oil, and the worn out cinnamon and, finally, almonds. In order to elaborate the citron candy, we have to put to boil the water with the


sugar and the crust of lemon, until the sugar is diluted perfectly. Later, to throw the citron cut in fibbers. To maintain boiling two hours to strong fire, three hours to untamed fire and a quarter of an hour before clearing it of the fire to add the grate lemon. To place in a low mould, previously covered of paper of aluminium, a fine layer of mass, above a candy layer of citron and on her a layer of stuffed of almonds splashed over small balls of colours. To put in the furnace, preferably of bakery, 250º to 300º during one hour approximately. To extinguish the furnace and to leave the cocaine inside until this one loses a little heat.


Lepe (Spain) 2006-2007



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