1110 Der Auspuff

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AUSPUFF Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011

SBR’s Annual Progressive Dinner R.U.F. Sees Agriculture’s Future Pre-Concours Detail Clinic Autocross in Camarillo



AUSPUFF Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


SBR’s Annual Progressive Dinner R.U.F. Sees Agriculture’s Future Pre-Concours Detail Clinic Autocross in Camarillo

On The Cover SBR’s Mike Furnish streaks through the autocross course at Camarillo Airport in his 987S. Photo by John Alfenito

Monthly Reports

President’s Column.................................................4 From The Editor’s Desk...........................................4 Camarillo Breakfast Meeting.................................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting.........................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members...........24 Board of Directors Meeting.................................28

In The October AUSPUFF R.U.F. Sees The Future of Agriculture.......................11 Autocross in Camarillo..............................................13 Progressive Dinner Pulls Out All The Stops..............16 Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio....................19 Complete Camarillo Autocross Results....................22 P.M.S. Channel Islands Harbor Cruise......................25


Annual Holiday Party.............................................5 El Camino Real XXVIII............................................8 Cones For Homes - Charity Autocross.................15 Backroads Drive To Wolfcreek Brewery..............18 Zone 8 Rally School.............................................20 January 2012 Escape To Palm Springs................21


Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.............3 Down The Road - Future Events..........................26 The Tech Page......................................................27 Porsche Club of America, Zone 8 Page................27 SBR Classified Advertisements...........................31 Directory of Advertisers.......................................31 The Last Word......................................................32


Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

Secretary Nadine Tracy nadine356@gmail.com

Treasurer Steve Kaller steve@kallermgmt.com

Membership Janice Herndon janice911c2@gmail.com Activities

Goodie Store

Doreen Pankow


Ted Lighthizer


Brian & Linda Rubino brianrubino@verizon.net

Oscar Esquivel


Christine Taylor


Editor John Alfenito DerAuspuff@gmail.com Past President David Stone drs993@verizon.net

Region Board Appointees

Advertising Don Kuckenbaker dkuckenbaker@aol.com Archives James Oldham oldhamjames@msn.com Autocross

Dan Byers

Martin Keller


Concours Carolyn Ewbank bcewbank1@verizon.net

Distribution Chet & Joan Yabitsu yabitsu@charter.net

Insurance Jim Brown brownbearz@verizon.net

P.M.S. Karen Turek klynnturek@hotmail.com

Rally Joe Schneider autohaus@silcom.com R.U.F.



Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m.



Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m.



35th Annual Concours d’Elegance CSUCI Campus bcewbank1@verizon.net



Board of Directors Meeting



Charity Autocross In Camarillo to benefit Habitat For Humanity

Camarillo Breakfast

Santa Barbara Breakfast

PCASBAutoX@gmail.com – See page 15




Camarillo Breakfast



autohaus@silcom.com – See page 20



Board of Directors Meeting







Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m.

Zone 8 Rally School Schneider Autohaus, Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara Breakfast

Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m.

El Camino Real XXVIII Zone 8 Rally

joerally@aol.com – See page 8

Drive To Wolfcreek Brewery

dpankow@sbcglobal.net – See page 18



President Bill Sampson pcasbrpresident@gmail.com Vice President Michael Brovsky michael@samsonig.com

SBR Events Calendar

Nicolas Liakas


Hal Jandorf


Safety Mike Turek mkturek1@hotmail.com

Webmaster Randy Fishwick rfishwick@hotmail.com








Santa Barbara Breakfast



SBR Annual Holiday Party Four Points Sheraton - Ventura Harbor

dpankow@sbcglobal.net – See page 5



Board of Directors Meeting

Camarillo Breakfast

Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m.

Motor4Toys Charity Toy Drive Woodland Hills


Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m.

More event info “Down The Road” - Page 26

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


The President’s Column



Bill Sampson


am pleased to announce that we have a significant upgrade to our sound system, which will mean that members can now hear what is being said from the microphone at the Camarillo breakfast and at our autocrosses. Member Des Warren (of DSR Audio) has generously donated that system. Thank you, Des. The September issue of Der Auspuff was mailed on August 25, 2011. As of the September Camarillo Breakfast, it had reached very few members. After the magazine leaves the hands of the printer and is deposited with the postal service, there is little we can do. We are working to correct the problem. I’ll probably send an extra email or two in September, and possibly in October, to make sure all of us remain informed of our great club’s activities. By now, thanks to club volunteers and to our friends at Lavaggio, you should know how to thoroughly clean your favorite car, and also how to drive it aggressively, but safely, without running over cones. So, go ahead and sign up right away for the October 9 concours and the October 29 autocross. For those who choose to do so, there will be opportunities at both events to assist this year’s charity, Habitat for Humanity, Ventura County and Southern Santa Barbara County chapters. You may do so at your discretion, either directly or through raffle donations/ticket purchases. Congratulations to Chili Cookoff co-host Jim Middlebrook for appearing in an article about his company on the front page of the Business section of the Sunday, September 4, 2011 edition of the Los Angeles Times. More congratulations to our own Joe Carastro, a past president and genuine Porschephile, who again took the top prize in the Technical & Historical Quiz at this year’s Porsche Parade in Savannah. It’s not too early to mark your calendar for the Holiday Party, December 10, 2011. In an era of rising food prices, I will ask the board to make every attempt to hold the cost the same as last year. New officers will be installed at the holiday party, which doubles as the annual meeting. By the time you read this column, nominations will have closed. You will receive your ballot in November. Rosemary and I continue to be thrilled at the support you have given us both. Thank you.

From The Editor’s Desk John Alfenito


his month there are a lot of activities to read about, and hopefully the write-ups will inspire you to become more active in our amazing club. Martin Keller, Autocross Co-Chair with Dan Byers, brings the recent Camarillo Autocross to life beginning on page 13. Our annual Progressive Dinner was a huge success, as we managed to combine two of the club’s favorite pastimes, driving and eating, into one great event. Ted Lighthizer captures the spirit of this year’s dinner, starting on page 16. Nick Liakas led the R.U.F. group on a very interesting tour of the Houweling’s Hothouse Group in Camarillo, where “the agriculture of the future” is being practiced – now. His narrative and pictures are on page 11. Finally, this month, the Porsche Mademoiselle Society (P.M.S.) took a leisurely (read: wine and snacks!) cruise of Channel Islands Harbor. Karen Turek’s article and photos illustrate what obviously was a very fun day. Until next month...


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Editor John Alfenito DerAuspuff@gmail.com


Advertising Don Kuckenbaker Director DKuckenbaker@aol.com


Associate Birgitta Baker Editors Jeanne McNair Susan Stone


Dan Byers Carolyn Ewbank Janice Herndon Martin Keller Nicolas Liakas Ted Lighthizer Nadine Tracy Karen Turek Mike Turek

Printing Mike Pomerantz Sir Speedy Printing

1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 805-484-7999

Yearly Advertising Rates

Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request.

Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00

Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Don Kuckenbaker 805-984-9406 DKuckenbaker@aol.com

PCASBR is online:

www.pcasb.org www.facebook.com/PCASBR www.flickr.com/groups/pcasb

Announcing the Santa Barbara Region’s Annual

Holiday Dinner Party Saturday, December 10, 2011

At The Four Points Sheraton Hotel 1050 Schooner Drive, Ventura Harbor Enjoy fine dining, harbor views, great music, fun dancing and wonderful camaraderie! No-host cocktails from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. All for only $55.00 per person (includes tax & tip) R.S.V.P. no later than December 5 with funds payable to PCA-SBR, c/o Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063 • dpankow@sbcglobal.net The Holiday Party will include the installation of the 2012 SBR Officers & Board of Directors. Please bring an unwrapped toy valued at $10 or more for donation to charity. Sponsored by The Auto Gallery

Names: _____________________________________________________ Number of persons: _____________ Amount enclosed: _______________ Email Address: _______________________________________________ Entrée Choice(s): Herb Marinated Salmon New York Chicken______ Filet______ Steak _______ Cancellations after December 6th WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


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October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

No affiliation with or approval of Porsche AG or Porsche Cars North America is intended or implied

Camarillo Breakfast

Big Labor Day Weekend Crowd At The Way-Point STORY & PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO


he Labor Day Weekend got off to a rousing start when 82 Porsches packed the lawn of the Way-Point Café at the Camarillo Airport for our first September breakfast. A near-record attendance of 135 members and guests filled the patio. President Bill Sampson welcomed everyone and introduced Activities Co-Chair Doreen Pankow, who was filling in for Membership Chair Janice Herndon. Doreen gave us the numbers for the day, and introduced new members John & Mary Sramek of Oxnard Shores, who were attending their first breakfast in their 2006 Carrera S “Club Coupe.” One of 356 such models made, theirs is the first one in our region. Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer promoted the upcoming calendar of region events. Kent Bodin, who is organizing the “Rebel Without A Cause” run, spoke about that event. Concours Chair Carolyn Ewbank urged everyone to sign up for our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance in early October at CSUCI. All in all, another great meeting in Camarillo. =

Toby Mathieu models an acquisition from The Goodie Store, a “Porsche Pooch” Sally Carrera jacket with matching fur collar.

New SBR members John & Mary Sramek from Oxnard Shores

Tori and Kent Bodin flank the James Dean cardboard stand-up to promote the upcoming “Rebel Without A Cause” run.

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011



EL CAMINO REAL XXVIII A Zone 8 Time-Speed-Distance Rally

WHEN: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2011 REGISTRATION 9:00 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. FIRST CAR LEAVES AT 10:01 a.m. WHERE: METROLINK STATION - CAMARILLO 30 LEWIS ROAD IN CAMARILLO EXIT Hwy 101 at Exit 53B, Lewis Road. Parking lot is North of the Freeway, East of Lewis Road.


$30 per car at the start, $25 per car if you pre-register by November 5, 2011. Enjoy a no-host lunch with your fellow participants at the event’s end!

CLASSES: Novice, Tour, SOP, NAV, Expert. For a copy of the rules, go to: http://zone8.pca.org/rules/2011/2011Z8RallyRules.pdf Pg. 60


No experience required. Good stuff to bring: Navigator, time-of-day watch, clipboard, paper, pencil(s), water bottle. You will have fun, even if you leave some of these items at home, but you must have a driver and a navigator!

MORE INFO: Call Joe at (805) 931-0990 for additional information and/or rally rules. Or email: joerally@aol.com or autohaus@silcom.com This Zone 8 event is hosted by the Santa Barbara Region of the Porsche Club of America. You do not have to be a PCA member to participate. We welcome all cars with a driver and navigator, regardless of make. Bring a friend.

--------------------------------------------------------PRE-REGISTER-------------------------------------------------------------To SAVE $5.00, pre-registration MUST be received by November 5, 2011. (Make checks payable to PCA/SBR.) Send this form and your check to: Zone 8 Rally, P.O. Box 1185, Nipomo, CA 93444. Driver: _____________________________ Navigator: ________________________________ Address: ____________________________ Address: _________________________________ City, ST Zip: ___________________________ City, ST Zip: ________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ______________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Class (see website): ____________________________________________ A copy of the Rally Rules will be sent on request. 8

October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Santa Barbara Breakfast



ne of the busiest days on the SBR activity schedule kicked off with 45 members and guests and their 31 Porsches at Moby Dick’s on Stearns Wharf. A P.M.S. Boat Tour of Channel Islands Harbor, and a Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio in Agoura Hills would follow. President Bill Sampson welcomed the crowd, and Membership Chair Janice Herndon introduced new transfer member Dennis Power, who recently joined our region from the Orange Coast. Former SBR President (1989-92) Steve Lutz, who now lives in West Virginia, was visiting and also joined us for breakfast. The activities calendar was promoted by Doreen Pankow, Martin Keller, Kent Bodin, and Ted Lighthizer. The fourth quarter is filled with driving and social events, and you’re encouraged to take advantage of the fun activities that have been planned. As always, it’s important to sign up early to avoid being disappointed when these gatherings fill up. See our website for specifics and full info. As many prepared to head for Channel Islands Harbor or Agoura Hills, another successful SBR breakfast meeting came to a close. =

Welcome to new transfer member Dennis Power who has joined SBR from the Orange Coast Region.

Goodie Store Co-Chair Brian Rubino had his left arm in a sling following either a dramatic LAFD rescue operation or a collision on the handball court...whichever sounds more exciting.

Steve Lutz, who served as Santa Barbara Region President from 1989-92, returned for a visit from his current home in West Virginia, where he’s now a member of the Blue Ridge Region.

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www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


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October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

3/2/11 10:39 AM

The R.U.F. Report

R.U.F.ians See Agriculture’s Future STORY & PHOTOS BY NICOLAS LIAKAS


e can’t think of any other food product that inspires passion like a vine-ripened tomato, freshly picked and eaten in a salad or incorporated into a generational recipe. No wonder that 19 R.U.F.ians had a “field day” exploring the cavernous Houweling’s Hothouse in Oxnard on August 25, 2011. The facility has launched the future of agriculture, and we were there to see it happening. The Houweling’s Hothouse Group is located on Laguna Road, just east of Las Posas, in Camarillo. It occupies about 150 acres, all under a glass roof that stretches for one-quarter mile in length and width. One would need 20 times that acreage in open space to produce as many tomatoes, and the glass structure’s environment is not subject to weather variables as is traditional farming. This gives the growers complete control of the climate, and allows for maximum light transmission while reducing pest and weather pressures. It produces a broad range of hydroponically (without the use of soil) grown tomatoes and cucumbers that are available at leading retailers across the United States and Canada. By nurturing plants this way, weeds cannot grow, thereby eliminating the need to use herbicides.

Houweling’s also employs the use of drip irrigation. This allows for the delivery of just the right amount of water and nutrients to the plants at the right time. Most of the water it uses is collected from rainwater and recycled. Brian Beggs, Houweling’s Chief Marketing Officer, warmly greeted our group. We were escorted to the corporate conference group where Brian presented a brief history of the company, from its roots in The Netherlands to its migration to Canada and the U.S. A fascinating discussion (with heavy participation by our R.U.F.ians) followed on the agricultural techniques utilized by Houweling’s, and the advantages they provide to increase quantity and quality of produce. Indeed, this was a glimpse into the future of agriculture as it has significant positive consequences for land use and management as well as pest and disease control without the use of harmful chemicals. Brian’s presentation continued with the exhibition of a video segment recently produced for and televised on KCET/Los Angeles for its “SoCal Connection” program. A tour of the hothouse followed. WOW! But first, we had to adorn ourselves with the required booties and overalls necessary Continued on page 12

Tomatoes as far as the eye can see in the Houweling’s Hothouse in Oxnard.

Before entering the giant hothouse, the Retired & Unemployed Folks (R.U.F.) had to put on clean suits, including booties. Front row, kneeling (l-r) are Charlotte Williams, Karen Turek, and Lynn Meredith. Standing (l-r) Chet Yabitsu, Shirley Yount, Bob Yount, Ron Williams, Dave Stone, Susan Stone, Claus Eisenbach, Bill Wilson, Nicolas Liakas, Jeanne McNair, Mike Turek, Ken Meredith, John McNair, Joan Yabitsu, and Dick Lange. www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


R.U.F. Sees The Future...Continued from page 11

The R.U.F. group listens intently as the hydroponic growing process is explained.

Seeing all that delicious produce growing made everyone hungry. The R.U.F. troops have lunch at Los Arroyos Mexican Restaurant in the Camarillo Outlet Mall.


Larry Brown 28118 Dorothy Drive Agoura Hills, California 91301 818-889-1245


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

STATE LIC. # 467286

to prevent infestation of contaminants into the hothouse. (We were cautioned in advance not to wear bright colored clothing and to avoid the use of fragrances on hair or skin so as not to attract the bumblebees as they performed their pollination functions in the enclosure.) Each of us was amazed at the sight of the hundreds of rows of vines (reaching lengths of 20 feet), and the perfectly uniform size and shape of the tomato clusters growing on each. The automation of the harvesting process was equally enthralling as we witnessed workers on electric scaffolds slither up and down the aisles while handpicking the ripe fruit. Robotic caravans transported the bins filled with the tomatoes to the shipping warehouse. The produce that was picked while we were there was on its way to markets (almost exclusively Costco stores in our region) the same day. At the tail end of our tour we were introduced to two of the lead growers who provided further details on the growing process. As much as we were interested in their details, they were more interested in a quick conclusion – they were most eager to visit with our Porsches in the parking lot – and they gave us the thumbs-up sign as we departed. No R.U.F. outing is complete without a community meal during which we enjoy the camaraderie, and share great conversation. On this day, we traveled to Los Arroyos Mexican Restaurant in the newest section of the Camarillo Outlet Mall. The entire patio was reserved for our group. Tony Arroyos and his manager, Marlon, made sure we received priority in ordering and then service of our food. Everything was perfect! =

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COMPLETE RESULTS ON PAGE 22 Chris Andropolous took top honors in this Lotus Elise.

Jo Ann Lynch, driving a Cayman R, scored the best Porsche time.



n Saturday, September 17, it was autocross time at the Camarillo Airport. Thankfully, the weather was a little more cooperative than the last time we ran in Camarillo. You might remember back in April we had 40 mph winds blowing cones all over the runway. But for this event, we had 43 drivers ready to drive a course that was going to present some nice challenges.

Autocross Co-Chair Martin Keller is “in the zone” when it comes to designing courses. I think he takes a certain pleasure in setting up the cones in a way that brings out the best in drivers, all while keeping them on their toes. We had access to the venue on Friday, so with the help of several volunteers we laid out the course early. Martin Keller, Rocky Carver, Tom Taber, Bill Byrd, Mike Turek, Ted Lighthizer, Ron Tsumura, William Griswold, Darren Freidman, Richard Shaw and I arranged over 600 cones on a course that was 3856 feet in length, incorporating 44 turns.

While the gate opened at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, several drivers and Martin were there just after 5:00 a.m. getting things set up. As the drivers entered, they were greeted by Dan Long, Bob Bassett, Larry Stoops and Ted Lighthizer, who gave them some instruction for the day. Richard Shaw’s son, Phil, was at the gate the rest of the day, letting in and out spectators and drivers. After unloading their vehicles, drivers made their way to technical inspection. Schneider Autohaus, as always, was on hand to get the job done. Henry Hinck, Chris Andropolous and Cris Arreola made sure the cars were ready to run. Doreen Pankow and William Griswold were manning the registration desk, and got everyone checked in smoothly. With the timing set up and everyone ready to go, Martin started the drivers’ meeting. Keeping it short and sweet, we made sure everyone was on the same page with how the day would run. Mike Turek, our Safety Chair, was on hand to help keep the group in check. At 8:30 a.m. drivers were lined up and hitting the pavement. The smaller run groups meant more time behind the wheel for everyone. By lunch time drivers had 10 laps under their belts, and a real good feel for the course. One of the best things about doing an AX event with our club has to be the lunch. It’s something I hear at every event. Q-Time Barbecue always makes sure everyone has plenty to eat. After all this time catering our events, Aaron has become part of the family, and we truly enjoy having him come out and feed all those hungry drivers. Lunch was also a good time to check our Goodie Store, which Oscar Esquivel had set up for the day. The Goodie Store always has some fun stuff, and it’s a great way to benefit the club while getting something for yourself or someone else.

At the timing desk, (l-r) Autocross Co-Chairs Martin Keller and Dan Byers, along with Jeffrey Merrick

The afternoon timed runs brought us some great lap times and exciting viewing. Chet Yabitsu and William Griswold manned the Continued on page 14

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


Camarillo Autocross, continued from page 13 starting line all day. Along with Ted Lighthizer in the afternoon, they made sure all the drivers got their runs. Jeffery Merrick held down the timing desk with Martin, keeping track of “killed cones” and those important run times.

Ken Supin in his aptly numbered 997 Carrera.

William Griswold and Ted Lighthizer at the starting line As always an autocross is a car control event with smooth, mistake-free driving being the key to a fast lap time. When the last car passed the finish line, we had several drivers running below the 70-second mark. In the end, it was Chris Andropolous, driving a Lotus Elise, taking the top time with a 65.554. Jo Ann Lynch had the fastest time for a Porsche at 66.528 in the shared Caymen R she and her husband brought. Congratulations to both Chris and Joanne for really setting the bar so high. In our newest catagory, Bruce Pence was able to relinquish his title as “Cone Killer” (earned in Santa Barbara) to Brian Villanueva, who firmly established himself as the one to beat early in the day. All the times and class winners can be found on pages 22 & 23. You can also see them on the club’s website www.pcasb.org Our thanks go out to all the volunteers who helped to make the day such a success. We would also like to say thanks to our sponsor, Rusnak Porsche in Westlake, and to the Camarillo Airport Management for allowing us to use their facility. It is an excellent location for a safe and exciting autocross event. We look forward to seeing everyone on October 29th for the last SBR Autocross of the season. This special event will benefit our club’s designated charity for 2011, Habitat for Humanity. We hope you’ll plan now to sign up and drive in our “Cones For Homes” AutoX, and have some fun for a great cause. See the facing page for all the details. =

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October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Chris Breuner at the starting line, ready for a run.

Willliam Byrd negotiating the course in his Cayman S.




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porsche club of america•santa barbara region



Proceeds from this event will benefit the Ventura County and Southern Santa Barbara County chapters of Habitat for Humanity. Any additional voluntary donations would be welcomed and greatly appreciated! Learn more about Habitat for Humanity and how you can help: www.sbhabitat.org (or) www.habitatventura.org

Where: Camarillo Airport. Las Posas exit off the 101 in Camarillo. Take Las Posas south, turn right on Pleasant Valley Road, turn right on Airport Way to T-intersection. Turn right and follow the signs.


• • • • • • • • •

Schedule: (times approximate) 6:30 a.m. Registration Check In at Airport Gate 6:45 a.m. Tech Inspection begins 8:00 a.m. Mandatory Drivers Meeting 8:30 a.m. Practice Runs begin 2:00 p.m. 3 Official Timed Runs (to 4:30 p.m.)


Entry Fee: $85.00 per driver, includes lunch.

Extra lunches can be purchased with registration for $17 each. Event day registration (if not sold out) $100 per driver cash only. Extra lunches $20 cash only. Enrollment limited to 65. Pre-registration is encouraged to reserve your space. Course work is mandatory in order to run this Autocross. Porsche drivers: This IS NOT a Zone 8 sanctioned event for points. More than one person may drive a car, but each driver may drive only one car. Each driver must submit a separate Entry/Registration form. One check may be written for multiple drivers, but the check must identify all those covered by the check. Questions? E-mail MARTIN KELLER at: PCASBAutoX@gmail.com or call: (503) 201-1952.

CONES FOR HOMES ENTRY/REGISTRATION FORM Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: __________ Zip Code: ____________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ This is how we will communicate schedules, weather changes, results, etc. Car/Model: ______________________________________ Year: ____________ Color: _________________________ Requested Car Number: _________________________ (Subject to change due to computer program limitations.) Porsche Class: _____________ (Please review class info in Zone 8 Rules - http://zone8.pca.org/rules.php - Non-Porsche is Class X.) Are you available to help set up on Friday afternoon, October 28th? YES or NO

(Circle one)

Make checks payable to PCA/SBR for $85, which includes lunch for one. Extra lunches can be purchased with registration for $17 each. Email your “reservations” or mail your entry form (with check) no later than October 19, 2011. Yes, I would like to make an additional contribution to Habitat for Humanity in the amount of ____________.

Total Amount Enclosed: ______________________

Cancellations within 48 hours of this event will not receive a refund. Send Check & Entry/ Registration to:

Martin Keller, 511 Frances Street, Ventura, CA 93003 Requirements: Safe and mechanically sound car. Please review PCA Zone 8 website autocross rules for helmet and seatbelt requirements http://zone8.pca.org/rules.php. This event will be run in compliance with Zone 8 rules.Complete results will be posted on the SBR website (pcasb.org) within two weeks of the event.

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011




s the east coast braced for the damage and destruction of hurricane Irene, the Santa Barbara Region of PCA was enjoying three of the club’s favorite pastimes: driving Porsches, good food, and camaraderie. Our region has been holding a Progressive Dinner, combined with a spirited drive on winding roads, since the late 1960’s. The event includes stops at a member’s home for a first course of salads and appetizers, then on to a fine restaurant for the main meal, and a final stop at a different member’s home for dessert! On Saturday August 27, 2011, 75 members driving 39 Porsches were given a quick but thorough safety briefing reminding all to watch their speeds and keep a lookout for bicyclists and local law enforcement. There were Porsches of all models represented, from ‘70s 911s to ‘80s and ‘90s Targas, Coupes and Cabriolets, to the late model 997s, even a Cayenne. After the drivers’ meeting, we split into two groups to start the 62-mile tour. Our journey would include stops at two members’ homes, and dinner at the Aloha Steakhouse on the Ventura Beach Promenade. Ted Lighthizer and Doreen Pankow, the club’s Activities Co- chairs, led the first group followed by the second bunch led by Nick & Olga Liakas. The first 31 miles of our drive took us through the foothills of Ventura and the Santa Paula countryside, ending at the residence of Randy & Sue Kinsling, our first stop. At the Kinslings’ Somis home, we feasted on a delicious variety of salads and appetizers prepared by Sue Kinsling, Diane Macdonell, Doreen Pankow and Phyllis Weaver. After a little more than an hour of good food and conversation, the group was off on the second leg of the event, a leisurely drive through Santa Paula Valley to the Ventura Beach Promenade and the Aloha Steakhouse. With all our Porsches securely parked and monitored by a guard provided by the restaurant, we all took a short walk to the Aloha Steakhouse. The

night’s main entrées included both fresh seafood and delicious cuts of beef served with veggies and three types of potatoes, plus “Happy Hour” pricing on all adult drinks. What could be better? Our large group nearly filled the entire restaurant with most of us enjoying ocean-view seating. In fact, we may have “overwhelmed” the restaurant, as we learned that one of the Aloha Steakhouse’s veteran chefs decided to quit just as many of our orders arrived in the kitchen. His unexpected departure delayed service to quite a few in our party. And while it took a little longer than planned for everyone to be fed, no one seemed to mind. We simply made the best of the situation and enjoyed the restaurant’s great ambience, drinks and each other’s company. After witnessing a brilliant ocean sunset, we departed Ventura via the side roads to our final destination, the Oxnard home of Don & Linda Kuckenbaker. Mike Turek and Nick Liakas handled the parking guidance at the Kuckenbakers’, whose residential street was filled with Porsches. Once inside, we were treated to a delicious assortment of homecooked desserts and freshly brewed coffee, all provided by our hosts, Don & Linda Kuckenbaker. Desserts included homemade Red Velvet Cake, Chocolate Volcano Cake, two types of miniature upsidedown cakes, each one topped with little Porsche crests. There was also a do-it-yourself Strawberry Shortcake bar, complete with fresh strawberries, real whipped cream, and sweet pound cake. Yummy! The cool, comfortable evening temperatures at the Kuckenbakers’, along with more talk and camaraderie was a perfect end to another fun-filled, memorable SBR event. Thanks, again, go out to our hosts: Randy & Sue Kinsling and Don & Linda Kuckenbaker. We greatly appreciate their warm hospitality and the sharing of their lovely homes. Their efforts helped to make our 2011 Progressive Dinner one of the best. =

Porsches all in a row. On the Kinsling’s street in Somis, the neighbors definitely knew something fun was going on!


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

The first course of salads and appetizers was gratefully consumed by the hungry participants following their spirited drive.

(L-r) Tom & Sarah Gaither, Janice Herndon, Terri & Jeff Koskie, Phyllis Weaver, and Linda Kuckenbaker enjoy the sun in the beautiful backyard of Randy & Sue Kinsling in Somis.

(L-r) At the Aloha Steakhouse in Ventura, Jeanne & John McNair and Barry Weinstein

The dessert choices were beautiful and plentiful.

Our generous hosts (l-r): Linda Kuckenbaker, Randy Kinsling, Sue Kinsling, and Don Kuckenbaker www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


Backroads Drive To

Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewery

Saturday, November 19, 2011 YOU ARE HERE

Run the roads you’ve always heard about: Grimes Canyon, Lake Hughes Road, Spunky Canyon, Bouquet Canyon Road We’ll meet at 9:00 a.m. in Moorpark’s Target parking lot at 832 West Los Angeles Avenue, Moorpark 93021 (just off CA-23). Departure: 9:30 a.m. Be prepared to enjoy a fun, 90-mile drive on some legendary Porsche roads. We’ll go through Grimes Canyon to Fillmore, and then head for Lake Hughes Road in Castaic, and cruise the curves while passing Lake Castaic, Lake Hughes, Lake Elizabeth and the Bouquet Reservoir. Then, it’s Spunky Canyon Road to Bouquet Canyon Road into Valencia and our lunch stop: the famous Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewery. Event cost is $25-per-person, which includes lunch, non-alchoholic beverage, and activity fee. No-host beer & wine available. RSVP now by contacting Doreen Pankow dpankow@sbcglobal.net or (805) 527-8280 Please mail check, payable to PCA/SBR ($25-per-person) to: Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063

Name(s): _________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________ # Attending: _______ Amount Enclosed: _________________ No refunds for cancellations after November 15th


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Pre-Concours Detail Clinic Another (Sun) Shiny Success STORY BY CAROLYN EWBANK PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO


n a beautiful, warm Saturday at a gorgeous location, Lavaggio – The Art of Auto Detailing in Agoura Hills, 35 eager students gathered to hear the detailing secrets of the pros. And we had the pros on hand ready to share their knowledge. From the Santa Barbara Region, Dick “Concours extraordinaire” Douglass and Debbie Hilton, plus Santos Chavez of Lavaggio were the instructors for the fourth annual Pre-Concours Detail Clinic. Representing Lavaggio was General Manager Lydia Derian and Marketing Director Dustin Troyan. They welcomed us and explained the kind of detailing available at Lavaggio, and gave each student a discount coupon for a future visit. The Auto Gallery displayed several new Porsches for the students to see, and they, too, provided the attendees with discount service coupons. It was nice to see several members from other Zone 8 regions attending, getting tips on cleaning their Porsches. Carolyn Ewbank, SBR Concours Chair for 2011, first introduced Dick Douglass and his helper Debbie Hilton. Dick presented the Zone 8 Concours Rules, using the actual concours judging sheets as reference on what would be judged. This direct knowledge was of immediate value for the upcoming 35th Annual Santa Barbara Region Concours d’Elegance, October 9, 2011 at California State University Channel Islands in Camarillo. Debbie demonstrated the use of various products and hand equipment in order to obtain the best results. Both Dick and Debbie answered many questions from the students, which helped in understanding what the judges will be looking for. They talked about products and materials you should stay away from. They also explained what the proper kinds of cloths and towels

are, and how to keep them in optimum condition so as not to damage your car’s finish. A delicious assortment of sandwiches, chips, cookies and beverages catered by Lavaggio’s Bistro, was served for lunch at 12:30 p.m. A delicious, chocolate birthday cake in honor of Activities Co-Chair Doreen Pankow was served for dessert. When we went inside for lunch, the sky opened up for an unseasonal, momentary rain storm, but by the time we’d finished eating, the skies had cleared and the sun had returned.

Dick Douglass and Debbie Hilton shared the secrets of what the judges look for.

At 1:00 p.m. Carolyn introduced Santos Chavez of Lavaggio who demonstrated car products from manufacturer Nanoskin, and a new technique that would soon be used at Lavaggio in detailing customers’ cars. He and his assistants cleaned the engine of a Panamera in a matter of minutes instead of the very lengthy process used in the past. Continuing to the exterior of the car, they demonstrated how to remove the rough buildup on the hood, continuing to polish until a fine, smooth surface and perfect shine emerged. Everyone was very impressed with the new product line, which was naturally available for sale. Our special thanks to Lavaggio for hosting the detail clinic. We hope to see you all at the concours. =

As a delicious surprise, Dick Douglass and Ted Lighthizer had this very special birthday cake made for Doreen Pankow.

Dick Douglas explains to the eager crowd where to clean, what to use, and how to do it. www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


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SBR Zone 8 Rally School

Saturday, November 5, 2011 SCHNEIDER AUTOHAUS,

• 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Join us for an introduction to rallying designed to prepare drivers and navigators for participation in Time-Speed-Distance (TSD) Road Rallies. This is the type of rally run throughout PCA Zone 8 and at Porsche Parades. We’ll begin with a classroom session for an hour or so followed by a short practice rally.

We will end up at Max’s Restaurant in Santa Barbara for lunch and a critique. Participants will need note-taking materials and a watch that can be synchronized with a master timepiece. All participants must pre-register - contact Joe Schneider at autohaus@silcom.com Event cost only $5.00 per person.


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org


January 13-16, 2012 Escape To Beautiful Palm Springs


ur 5th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend getaway, January 13-16, 2012, will take us to the lovely desert town of Palm Springs. We’ve arranged special rate accommodations at the Hyatt Regency in the downtown village of old Palm Springs. This beautiful hotel is centrally located on Palm Canyon Drive within walking distance of many shops, galleries and restaurants, and was the subject of a $15 million renovation in 2010. All rooms are suites available at the special rate of $129.00 per night with reserved covered parking at a 50% discount.

Members interested in playing golf can do so at the private O’Donnell Golf Club adjacent to the hotel. It’s a nine hole course at which Hyatt guests have privileges for reduced green fees. In the early evening, we will meet at the hotel for a welcome reception with hors d’oeuvres and a no-host bar.

Joshua Tree National Park


The Hyatt Recency Hotel, Palm Springs We’ll meet Friday morning, January 13 at 9:00 a.m. at the Westlake Costco. Our departure time of 9:30 a.m. will get us to Palm Springs early enough for members to enjoy lunch at one of the many restaurants near the hotel, and then spend the afternoon shopping, exploring or relaxing by the pool.

Saturday morning we’ll take a beautiful drive through Palm Desert and the Garner Valley on our way up to the picturesque town of Idyllwild, which is located at 5500 feet elevation. Come prepared for the warmth of the desert floor as well as the cool crispness of the mountains. We will return via a different scenic route and enjoy a group dinner that evening at the Hyatt. On Sunday morning, we’ll travel as a group to Joshua Tree National Park, known for its myriad of namesake trees as well as spectacular boulder stacks and fan palm oases. This unique park is comprised of two deserts: the Colorado

and the Mojave, home to abundant wildlife, including big horn sheep, desert tortoises, roadrunners and desert iguanas. There are many interesting sights including Barker Dam, Lost Horse Mine, Keys View, and HiddenValley. We will visit Keys View (at over 5000 feet) with its spectacular vistas, including the San Andreas fault, after which we will go to the Hidden Valley picnic area for a catered lunch. Hidden Valley also offers spectacular scenery, an interesting hike, and the opportunity to see the many rock climbers who frequent this park. Enrollment is limited to 60 people, so reservations should be made as early as possible. The cost for this weekend is $115.00 per person, which includes the reception, catered lunch, hotel dinner, and the activity fee. Hotel reservations can be made by calling the Hyatt at 760322-9000 and identifying yourself as a PCA-SBR member to secure the group rate. Sign up now – and join us!

Send to: Jeanne McNair, 1836 Nowak Avenue, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Make checks payable to PCA/SBR. Names: ________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________ Check enclosed for the amount of: ___________ $115 per person to PCA/SBR Cancellations after January 5, 2012 will not receive a refund. www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


CAMARILLO AUTOCROSS FINAL RESULTS Saturday, September 17, 2011 - Camarillo Airport Driver’s Name Class

*Dan Byers *Cristopher Arreola Chris Breuner *Henry Hinck *Brian Adlawan *Tyler Tedeschi *Dennis Power Ben Coats Frank Donahue *Jo Ann Lynch Robert Freed William Byrd George Lynch Mike Furnish *Bruce Pence Ken Supin Jules Martin *Raymond Pimentel *Alan Surgi Everett Jay Woody Jim King Joe Ligutti John Starr Patrick Redd Peter Wood Stephen MacFarlane Brian Marcontell Mark Helmick Ron Posen Scott Sheldon Steve Starr 22



0 82 728 184 68 2 631 44 117 198 5 27 298 111 113 997 99 673 52 90 8 23 4 73 3 10 34 21 123 6 31



911 Targa 944 911 911 968 Cab Boxster Boxster S Cayman S Cayman S Cayman R Boxster S Cayman S Cayman R Boxster S 996 Cab 911 Carrera 911 Carrera Carrera S GT3 Camaro Toyota MR2 Mitsubishi Evo Subaru Impreza Austin Mini MazdaSpeed 3 Corvette Honda Civic Honda S2000 Corvette C6 Mini Cooper Toyota Corolla

1971 1986 1988 1988 1994 1999 2000 2007 2008 2012 2006 2006 2012 2006 2000 2007 2007 2009 2007 1968 1991 2005 2000 1973 2009 2001 2004 2006 2006 1966 1984

October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3


81.445 dns dns 85.651 83.123 80.049 76.445 79.165 74.304 70.930 72.505 79.316 80.831 81.353 79.080 77.375 76.190 75.799 71.187 70.148 71.188 71.699 72.219 71.681 70.937 70.241 74.862 66.528 68.485 66.847 69.266 69.491 69.136 76.304 74.002 74.275 77.638 71.609 70.806 66.949 72.740 71.556 79.048 77.689 78.187 82.916 77.676 76.897 75.630 77.954 74.661 72.419 72.644 73.183 70.705 72.975 71.011 74.002 76.027 76.802 70.302 68.372 73.227 71.808 71.593 69.384 77.580 78.232 77.936 79.954 79.163 79.738 73.394 81.427 74.854 75.835 79.774 76.533 77.968 79.021 78.858 71.693 72.552 71.697 73.858 78.907 69.770 79.132 77.076 76.222 69.744 72.069 70.095

81.445 80.049 74.304 70.930 79.080 76.190 70.148 71.681 70.241 66.528 69.136 74.002 70.806 66.949 77.689 76.897 74.661 72.419 70.705 74.002 68.372 69.384 77.580 79.163 73.394 75.835 77.968 71.693 69.770 76.222 69.744

Driver’s Name Class

Ron Tsumura Brian Villanueva Justin Ooms Paul MacFarlane Ken Whitney #*Chris Andropoulis Andrew Marvosh Darren Friedman Jonathan Onak Ron Brazier John Byrne





Run 1

Run 2

Run 3


500 Honda S2000 13 BMW M3 88 BMW 325is 101 Corvette 91 Factory Five Rdstr 283 Lotus Elise 32 MazdaSpeed 3 77 Cobra 11 Subaru WRX 234 Datsun 240 Z 114 Lotus Elise

2002 1991 1988 2001

68.150 88.848 71.754 75.125 73.945 65.554 81.260 72.597 75.965 76.276 105.155

70.944 75.494 72.464 72.204 76.236 71.304 82.407 71.465 72.462 74.158 86.794

69.995 77.125 71.875 72.189 74.671 70.995 80.049 74.802 72.219 76.227 88.583

68.150 75.494 71.754 72.189 73.945 65.554 81.260 74.465 72.219 74.158 86.794

2005 2009 1966 2005 1972 2005

(*) Class winners (#) Best Time Overall

Join us for the final SBR Autocross of the season, Saturday, October 29, 2011 at the Camarillo Airport. Full details on our “Cones For Homes” charity Autocross to benefit “Habitat For Humanity” on page 15.


Santa Barbara

SBR Breakfast Locations Camarillo

Moby Dick Restaurant

220 Stearns Wharf • (805) 965-0549

Way-Point Café

325 Durley Avenue • (805) 388-2535


The Optimist Creed Promise yourself: To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, And too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

Paid for by Bill Sampson • 310-457-2601 • malibubill@yahoo.com

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries

9 Years

3 Years

John & Pam Alfenito Paul Porteous Anthony & Michelle Strauss

Brian Adlawan Steven Casey Steve & Ilene Freeman Andrew Gorman Philip Henius Jimmy Jimenez William & Alisa Kling Richard & Linda Lange Fritz & Gretchen Olenberger Bela Racz Robert Sadler Desmond Warren Greg West

7 Years 45 Years

13 Years

Lawrence & Astrid Hammett

Anita Banke

Richard & Robert Blackmore Hagy Mike & Darrell Malamut Scott & Stacey Marshall

40 Years

12 Years

6 Years

Matthias & Roswitha Hauck

David & Mindy Tennen

Lela Henke & David Cunningham Raphi & Peggy Hanessian Marty & Pamela Harris Morrey & Mitchell Wasserman

44 Years

32 Years

11 Years

John Shutt

Juan Alva Christine Taylor & Oscar Esquivel Hassan & Purita Rashid Kevin & Norma Cmacho Smith Charles & Pam Will

26 Years Steve Brown

25 Years Robert & Lorie Lyons

22 Years Norman & Janet Benner Russell

21 Years George & Mara Eglajs

18 Years

10 Years Gary & Debra Laird Richard & Anne Llewellyn William & Helen Scheffler Luehm Brian & Liz Mckenna Jeff Pierson Gary & Ann Robertson William Vaughan

Paul & Uraiwan Hodges

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers New Members Scott Anderson Pacific Palisades, 2011 Panamera

Chip Nichols Santa Barbara, 2011 Panamera

Margaret Baker Carpinteria, 2011 Panamera

James Puccino Santa Barbara, 2006 997 s

Hugh James Darcey Santa Barbara, 2011 997 Ioulia Hoppe Oak Park, 2007 987

Transfer In Members John & Mary Sramek Oxnard, 2006 997 S from California Central Coast

Joe Macphee Santa Barbara, 2011 Cayenne


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

David & Toni Barr Michael Jacobs Kimberly Leonard Ron & Betsy Bourne Polanski Arlene & Joseph Scavone

5 Years Ray & Margaret De silva Gerald & Andres Malovos George & Kim Rasher David & Meghan Shrontz Nadine Tracy

4 Years Bruce & Ann Bartlett David & Marilyn Grosser Pierce Jack Price Bryan Shaw

2 Years Robin Liebes & Richard Buckner Mark Carrillo Randy Foster Dustin Gelbard Georges & Brendan Geller Eric Iwafuchi Joe & Jane Niederst Greg Schafer Jason Wiles Janice & Donald Wilson

1 Year Dennis Archie Creighton Carver Lisa Amos & Lawrence Coelho John & Timothy Sands

Congratulations to all our members celebrating anniversaries this month. We warmly welcome all the new and transfer members joining our region. Thank you to all those who renewed their memberships as well. Please remember that you can log onto the PCA.org website to change any of your membership information. We hope to see everyone at a breakfast meeting or an event soon.

Janice Herndon Membership Chair

P.M.S. Takes A Channel Islands Harbor Cruise



et a group of Porsche club women together and it spells FUN! Our boating adventure in the beautiful Channel Islands Harbor began with about five minutes of rain, followed by sunshine and perfect weather. It seemed like we were in the tropics. We had two electric boats full of women, wine and food.

For Diane Griswold, Lonette Pope, and Ila Hamilton, this was their first Porsche Mademoiselle Society (P.M.S.) event. Our boat adventure included a set of 12 questions to be answered by each group, (a sort of floating gimmick rally). The winning boat would get a prize. The ladies pooled their knowledge, used logic, etc. to figure out some of the challenging marine/boating questions. As we were cruising, the boat skippered by Nancy Maletz seemed to be gaining speed. Turns out, if you hang the trash bag from the boat throttle, as it fills, the boat goes faster. Thanks, Joan (it’s not a hook). As we approached the Channel Islands Bridge, we went

Colision course for fun - the two P.M.S. vessels make the rounds of beautiful Channel Islands Harbor

past Mike Turek’s sailboat, where some of the men (husbands) were hanging out. They were having so much fun, they decided to give us a thrill and show us some skin, expecting some sort of reciprocal action. Use your imagination. Other than that, I guess what else was said on their boat, stays on their boat. Our two electric craft then joined together and we shared some good food and laughs, as we determined the winner of our contest. “Team Yellow,” skippered by Karen Turek, was the winner, collecting a bottle of champagne and a box of dark chocolates. It was so close, one question apart, that the second place boat also received champagne and chocolates. We took a moment to remember Adri Pomerantz, who loved to join in our P.M.S. activities. We played our favorite CDs, enjoyed seeing the seals, pelicans, etc. We all agreed that we live in paradise, and that it is good to stop and take the time to enjoy it! =

(L-r) Lonette Pope, Linda Rubino, Rosemary Sampson, Diane Griswold, Beverly Brovsky, Carol Mathieu, and Toni Briones

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


Down The Road

Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest October 9 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance Oct 14-16 Rennsport Reunion IV - Laguna Seca October 29 Charity Autocross in Camarillo November 5 Zone 8 Rally School - Santa Barbara November 12 El Camino Real XXVIII Zone 8 Rally November 19 Bouquet Canyon Drive December 4 Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills December 10 SBR Annual Holiday Party


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Supporting PCA since 1968


805.962.8015 805.563.0677


2703 De La Vina Street Santa Barbara, CA 93105


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

The Tech Page 996 vs 997


I have a 2003 996 cab with 19,500 miles, manual trans. I am thinking about selling it and buying a 2006, or so, 997, possibly an S. I would like to hear opinions on the major and/or minor difference. Will I notice enough of a difference to go through the sale of the 996 and the purchase of a used 997?


Tech questions & answers from the technical experts at pca.org

Any rim that was available on a 997 or 987 will accept TPMS sensors along with a few of the older wheels. TPMS has been an option since 2005 and there is no difference in the wheels between a TPMS car and a non TPMS car. Also, as a secondary option, on 06 and earlier vehicles you turn off the TPMS system if you do end up with a set of wheels that will not accept the sensors.

For sure a 997 will be better than a 996. I don’t know enough about your situation, but the simple answer is to get the newest car you can afford. Likewise, if you can get an S, there is no reason not to. There are a thousand minor differences from the 996 to the 997. There are relatively few major ones; the interior was one of them, and I prefer the newer one, along with the exterior styling (looks more like a 993). The engine was only slightly revised. The suspension is stronger and has better geometry. The transmission was changed to an all new unit from an Asian vendor named Aisin. You should go for a test drive in a 997. I am sure your local Porsche dealer would be happy to let you drive a new one, and if you’re lucky they may have a used one in your model year range.

answered by Dustin Aydt [SVR]

answered by Joel Reiser [UPC]

TPMS Retrofit

I bought a used set of non-TPMS Carerra Sport wheels. My 2006 997 has TPMS. Can these wheels be modified to accept TPMS sensors?

Porsche Club of America

Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Staff Zone 8 Representative Michael Dolphin carrera3@msn.com

Zone 8 Region Websites

Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com

Club Race Coordinator Chief Driving Instructor Vince Knauf Scott Mann vvince@aol.com scott@renegadehybrids.com Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com

Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com

Time Trial/DE Chair currently vacant

Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net

Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com

PCA Zone 8 www.zone8.org

Los Angeles www.pcala.com

Arizona az.pca.org

Orange County pcaocr.org

CA Central Coast ccc.pca.org

Riverside www.riversidepca.org

California Inland cai.pca.org

Santa Barbara www.pcasb.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

San Diego www.pcasdr.org

Grand Prix gpx.pca.org Las Vegas www.lvrpca.org

San Gabriel vista.pca.org/sgb Southern Arizona saz.pca.org

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011


SBR Board of Directors Meeting

September 14, 2011 - 6:30 p.m. – Carrow’s Oxnard MINUTES RECORDED BY NADINE TRACY

The September dinner board meeting was held at Carrow’s in Oxnard. Present were: Bill Sampson, Dave Stone, Michael Brovsky, Steve & Janet Kaller, Janice Herndon, Doreen Pankow, Ted Lighthizer, John Alfenito, Joan & Chet Yabitsu, Don Kuckenbaker, Brian Rubino, Jim Brown, Carolyn Ewbank, Martin Keller, Karen & Mike Turek, Jeanne & John McNair, Mike Pomerantz, and Nadine Tracy. Secretary: Minutes for the August board meeting were approved as submitted. Treasurer: Steve presented his Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss YTD Comparison, and Profit and Loss Previous Year Comparison. Discussion followed. Membership: Janice reported that during the month of August, eight new members joined our region. Membership stood at 701 at month’s end. Activities: Upcoming events include: October 9th Zone 8 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance, October 29th Cones for Homes Autocross in Camarillo-Charity Fund Raiser, November 5th SBR Rally School, November 12th Zone 8 El Camino Real XXVIII Rally, and November 19th Bouquet Canyon Drive to Wolf Creek Restaurant and Brewery. Editor: John, along with Mike Pomerantz and Mike Dunwell of Sir Speedy Camarillo, are investigating our mailing snafu, which seriously delayed the delivery of the September Der Auspuff to many members. All issues were mailed on August 25th. Some minor redesigns of the Auspuff format will be in place for the October issue. Distribution: The Bulk Mail services at the Oxnard Post Office has closed and been transferred to Goleta Post Office facility. This change caused late deliveries for some of the 739 newletters sent out by Sir Speedy Printing. The postage cost was $330.38. Chet and Joan received the $935.03 credit refund check from the post office that was in our club account at the Thousand Oaks Post Office. This money is no longer needed to cover future postage costs there. This check has been given to our treasurer, Steve Kaller.


Advertising: Don presented his advertising report to the board. Discussion followed. Goodie Store: Sales for August at the Santa Barbara breakfast were $45 with a profit of $21.93. Sales for the September Camarillo breakfast were $485.00 with profit of $174.25. Sales for September Santa Barbara breakfast were $61.00 with profit of $23.12. Making grand total sales of $591.00 and profit of $219.30. A motion was made and passed to give the Goodie Store $1367.00 for past and future purchases of merchandise for the store. Insurance: Jim reported that all certificates are filed through the end of the year. Rally: A Rally Chair is needed for 2012. Bill is asking for a volunteer to please step up to handle this position. Thank you Joe Schneider and Joe Boucher for all the years of great rallies you have given the club. Concours: Several members of the Concours Committee met at CSUCI to go over the parking area and how cars will enter Founders Courtyard. Carolyn has the menu and price from the caterer for the lunch, which will be the same as last year’s. Autocross: Dan has gone through the trailer and reorganized its contents. Three fire extinguishers are being recharged. The committee has run into some issues with having events at Earl Warren, such as a fee increase and difficulty securing dates for 2012 and 2013. Discussion followed. A motion was made and passed to give the Autocross Committee a check for $1600 to secure the March 11, 2012 date for its Santa Barbara autocross at Earl Warren Showgrounds. A motion was made and passed to run three autocrosses at the Camarillo Airport in 2012. Martin will be stepping down as 2012 Chair of the Camarillo Autocross. Dan will chair both locations for the 2012 season. Archives: No report. Webmaster: Another busy month of posting fliers of the many events we support and host on our PCASB website. The PCASB.org website hosting has finally been completely transferred to PCASB National instead of Atomic PC.

October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Safety: A first aid kit has been purchased by Mike and was given to Martin for upcoming autocross events. P.M.S.: Karen reported that the boating adventure held on September 10th was very fun and another event is in the works for possibly December or January. R.U.F.: On October 20th the group will visit the Guide Dogs of America Facility in Sylmar for a 1.5 hour tour and lecture on how the dogs are raised and trained to assist the sight impaired. November 17th has the group touring the campus of St. Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula. December 15th has the group heading northeast to Corriganville Movie Ranch in Chatsworth. Nick is requesting that volunteers interested in chairing the R.U.F. group for 2012 please contact him. He will work with the new chair to provide a full and smooth transition and will continue to plan some activities in the future. Past President: No report. President: Thank you Des Warren of DSR Audio for donating the two large battery- powered speakers. The sound system is a huge improvement at the WayPoint. Doreen obtained quotes for the Holiday party. Old Business: Rebel Without A Cause Run sign-ups are proceeding nicely. The 50th Anniversary Planning Committee members include Joan Jonsson, Nancy Maletz, Dave Stone, Nadine Tracy, and the Club President. New Business: The board discussed plans for the Holiday Party. A motion was made and passed to give the Activities Committee $1000.00 to cover administrative expenses for the Holiday Party. The board also discussed personnel issues. The October 12th dinner board meeting will be held at Lavaggio, 30205 Canwood Street, Agoura Hills (Reyes Adobe exit off the 101). Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


Support The Club. Shop The New Goodie Store!

www.facebook.com/PCASBR • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2011



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October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Advertiser Directory American Global Standards................. 30 Aswell Trophy....................................... 7 Auto Gallery......................................... 2 Autobahn West................................... 12 Automotion....................................... IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing.......................... 12 Gary Betz Enterprises.......................... 30 Boykin Automotive.............................. 23 Walt Branscome, SBAG....................... 30 California Cars Sportscar Collection...... 30 California Tire Company....................... 24 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services................ 6 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S.............. 30 Coachcraft............................................ 9 David L. Cunningham........................... 14 Dent Experts....................................... 14 DSR Audio............................................ 6 ETF Portfolio Management.................. 20 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA...................... 26 GermanWax.com................................ 32 Hooper Custom RVs............................ 30 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate............. 6 Lavaggio............................................ 29 Leland West Insurance........................ 10 Los Angeles Dismantler....................... 26 Monaco Motors.................................. 31 Neil McAuliffe.................................... 10 North Hollywood Speedometer............ 30 RS Enterprises...................................... 7 Rusnak Westlake Porsche...................IFC Bill Sampson...................................... 23 Santa Barbara Auto Group................... BC Schneider Autohaus............................ 26 Mark Stratmeyer, Rusnak....................... 6 TC’s Garage.......................................... 9

PCA/SBR Classifieds

Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.

VARIOUS PORSCHE ITEMS – FOR SALE Historical Porsche Parade notebooks (18) from 1985 to 2007, missing a few East Coast events. These are given to registrants at each parade. Some include parade results for competitive events. $100/obo. Also, 11 late ‘80s to 1990 dealership notebooks, such as Tourist Delivery Procedures, Marketing Reference Guide, etc. Ten copies of “Excellence” 1996-98, a few 356 Registry issues (not really old), best offer. Contact Joe Boucher (805)931-0990. (10/11) 996 OR ??? PARTS – FOR SALE Four wheel lug locks. 3.4L Fabspeed headers, silicon intake. OEM car jack with foam surround & tool kit. Front radiator plastic fan surround. Two button key (needs your program & blade). Please call for pics, information, and prices. Rich (805) 583-8504 or titleitrich@yahoo.com (08/11) 2008 PORSCHE TURBO CABRIOLET – FOR SALE Black/Black. 4,200 miles. Like new! Triptonic S, Sport Chrono Package, Turbo, Ceramic Composite Brakes-PCCB, Full leather interior, Porsche insignia in leather seats, Adaptive Sport Seats, Heated Seats, Carbon Fiber Interior Package, Carbon Fiber Multi-functionSteering Wheel. $115,000.00 Contact: Wayne (805) 563-7558 (08/11) 356 & VW PARTS – FOR SALE Off my 1964 SC and 1966 Split-Window Bus: 356 Rear USA red lens, both L&R very good shape, black headrest $40. VW-010 Distributor and VDO 12-volt Temperature gauge $20. Call Dan (805) 482-7003 (08/11) 1962 356 KARMANN NOTCHBACK – FOR SALE Bali Blue with recently rebuilt engine and restored to original with factory certificate. Asking $89,000. Wesley Minear (805) 660-9708 (07/11) 1983 911 SC Sunroof coupe – for sale 1983 911 SC Sunroof Coupe, gold with brown interior, 96K miles, excellent condition, $17K. Call John at (805) 494-1527 (05/11) 1973 911 GT CLASS RACE CAR – FOR SALE Professionally engineered and built. 335bhp / 2150 lbs. Twice the fun of Stock, Half the price of Cups. Always competitive and many podium wins. Details and photos at http://porsche911gtclass.blogspot.com/ Asking $43,200. Make an offer. (847) 894-5473 ray.racecar911@gmail.com (04/11) SET OF MAGNETIC CAR NUMBERS FOR AUTOCROSS – FOR SALE Two (2) 12” x 18” vinyl magnetic car numbers for autocross, etc. Black numerals (“730”) on orange background. As new. Can be seen in Santa Barbara. $90 for the pair. Contact: Joe Boucher at (805) 931-0990. (01/11) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at DerAuspuff@gmail.com

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AUSPUFF Our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance

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...the last word

Cocktails In Havana PHOTO BY MIKE TUREK


n August 12, several SBR members gathered at a private residence in Santa Rosa Valley for a night of “spirits and cigars” all for the benefit of our designated charity for 2011, Habitat For Humanity. Sampling some of the “hand-rolled” products, while helping to raise money for a very worthy cause, are: (l-r) Frank Ladwig, Paul Caswell, William & Diane Griswold, Carol Mathieu, Karen Turek, and Michael Brovsky.


October 2011 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America • www.pcasb.org

Porsche Club of America, Santa Barbara Region 3708 Greggory Way #5 • Santa Barbara, CA 93105

Porsche Santa Barbara

805-682-2000 • 402 South Hope Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 www.santabarbara.porschedealer.com


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