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Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • November 2011

Our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance The Rebel Without A Cause Run

Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • November 2011

Our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance The Rebel Without A Cause Run


The judges of our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance

On The Cover Concours winner: a rare 1962 356B Twin-Grille Roadster owned by SBR member Jim Watters. Photo by Randy Fishwick

Monthly Reports

President’s Column ................................................4 From The Editor’s Desk..........................................4 Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ................................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ........................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..........24 Board of Directors Meeting ................................28


SBR/Zone 8 Rally School ......................................2 El Camino Real XXVIII - Zone 8 Rally ....................5 SBR’s Annual Holiday Dinner Party.....................15 January 2012 Escape To Palm Springs ...............18 Backroads Run To Wolf Creek Brewery ..............23 8th Annual Motor 4 Toys.....................................25

In The November The “Rebel Without A Cause” Run ............................11 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance .............................16 The SBR 2012 Official Ballot ........................Insert & 30 Concours d’Elegance Final Results ............................21




Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.............3 Down The Road - Future Events..........................26 The Tech Page .....................................................27 Porsche Club of America, Zone 8 Page ...............27 SBR Classified Advertisements...........................31 Directory of Advertisers ......................................31 The Last Word .....................................................32 Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

SBR Events Calendar November

President Michael Brovsky


Secretary Nadine Tracy


Treasurer Steve Kaller






Activities Doreen Pankow


Ted Lighthizer


Goodie Store Brian & Linda Rubino brianrubino@verizon.net

Zone 8 Rally School Schneider Autohaus, Santa Barbara

autohaus@silcom.com – See page 20

Membership Janice Herndon


Camarillo Breakfast

Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m.









Oscar Esquivel


Board of Directors Meeting Santa Barbara Breakfast

Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m.

El Camino Real XXVIII Zone 8 Rally

joerally@aol.com – See page 8

Drive To Wolfcreek Brewery

dpankow@sbcglobal.net – See page 18

Christine Taylor


Editor John Alfenito



Past President David Stone


Region Board Appointees Advertising Don Kuckenbaker


Archives James Oldham








Santa Barbara Breakfast



SBR Annual Holiday Party Four Points Sheraton - Ventura Harbor

Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m.

dpankow@sbcglobal.net – See page 5

dan_byers@mac.com PCASBAutoX@gmail.com

Motor4Toys Charity Toy Drive Woodland Hills


Autocross Dan Byers

Martin Keller

Camarillo Breakfast

Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m.



Board of Directors Meeting

Concours Carolyn Ewbank


Distribution Chet & Joan Yabitsu yabitsu@charter.net

January 2012

Insurance Jim Brown


P.M.S. Karen Turek






Rally Joe Schneider


Friday-Monday 13-16

R.U.F. Nicolas Liakas


Hal Jandorf




Camarillo Breakfast

Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m.

Board of Directors Meeting Palm Springs Getaway Weekend

jjmcnair3@verizon.net See page 18

Santa Barbara Breakfast

Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m.

Safety Mike Turek


Webmaster Randy Fishwick


More event info “Down The Road” - Page 26

The President’s Column Michael Brovsky


his is the month for Thanksgiving, a special holiday time that brings together families and friends. We encourage all of you to take the opportunity to give thanks to those who have enriched our lives by their affection, comfort, generosity and brotherhood.

We offer a big thank-you to Bill Sampson for his dedication and support of our club as president this year. Please express your gratitude to Bill & Rosemary for their service to the region when you see them. You will find in this issue the annual ballot for the election of club officers to serve in 2012. Please take a moment to cast your vote and mail it in by December 3rd. Let’s endeavor to break all voting records, as it would mean that you, the members, have a vested interest in our club and are looking forward to its continued success. Apathy has no place in a group as active and enlightened as ours. Check out the “Rebel Without A Cause” run to Cholame and the 2011 PCA/SBR Concours articles this month and just look at what is coming up for the next three months: a special drive into northern L.A. County, the annual holiday party, and the eagerly awaited long holiday weekend in January, when we invade Palm Springs. Full details are found in this issue of our spectacular magazine. Sign up now as each event is sure to be a “sell-out.” I look forward to serving as your president until the election results are in. For now, let’s all have a great time being part of this unique organization celebrating everything Porsche!

Editor John Alfenito DerAuspuff@gmail.com 818-436-9204

Advertising Don Kuckenbaker Director DKuckenbaker@aol.com 805-984-9406

Associate Birgitta Baker Editors Jeanne McNair Susan Stone Contributors Tori Bodin Michael Brovsky Carolyn Ewbank Randy Fishwick Janice Herndon Nicolas Liakas Nadine Tracy Printing Mike Pomerantz Michael Dunwell Sir Speedy Printing 1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 805-484-7999

Yearly Advertising Rates

From The Editor’s Desk John Alfenito


’d like to extend a special thank-you to Randy Fishwick, whose brilliant pictures of this year’s concours d’elegance are featured in this month’s Der Auspuff. Randy, who has worked very hard behind the scenes developing and maintaining our region’s website, agreed to come to my rescue when family obligations sent me out of town on concours weekend. Randy and I not only share an interest in the internet and all that it offers, but we’re both budding photographers. When I asked Randy to shoot the concours for me, I know he was both excited to do it and probably a little concerned that he might not do it right. Well, as you can see throughout this issue, he did it beautifully. Thanks, Randy, for a job well done! Speaking of well done...Kent Bodin’s daughter, Tori, filed a terrific article on the “Rebel Without A Cause” run that she and her Dad put together for the club in September. The drive to the intersection of highways 41 & 46 outside Cholame, where James Dean’s life came to a tragic end, was an interesting excursion, as you’ll read beginning on page 11. As Michael said above, there’s lots more coming up on the busy SBR Calendar. Make your plans now to join us on an upcoming adventure. Until next month...

Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Don Kuckenbaker 805-984-9406 DKuckenbaker@aol.com

PCASBR is online:

www.pcasb.org www.facebook.com/PCASBR www.flickr.com/groups/pcasb

WHEN: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2011 REGISTRATION 9:00 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. FIRST CAR LEAVES AT 10:01 a.m. WHERE: METROLINK STATION - CAMARILLO 30 LEWIS ROAD IN CAMARILLO EXIT Hwy 101 at Exit 53B, Lewis Road. Parking lot is North of the Freeway, East of Lewis Road.

COST: $30 per car at the start, $25 per car if you pre-register by November 5, 2011. Enjoy a no-host lunch with your fellow participants at the event’s end! CLASSES: Novice, Tour, SOP, NAV, Expert. For a copy of the rules, go to:

http://zone8.pca.org/rules/2011/2011Z8RallyRules.pdf Pg. 60

NOVICES: No experience required. Good stuff to bring: Navigator, time-of-day watch, clipboard, paper, pencil(s), water bottle. You will have fun, even if you leave some of these items at home, but you must have a driver and a navigator! MORE INFO: Call Joe at (805) 931-0990 for additional information and/or rally rules. Or email: joerally@aol.com or autohaus@silcom.com

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Camarillo Breakfast

Keep Off The Grass!

Rare to see the Way-Point Café lawn without a single Porsche.



ne of the Camarillo Breakfast’s biggest attractions is the instant car show created by scores of beautiful Porsches parked on the lawn adjacent to the Way-Point Café’s patio. Well, for the first time in recent memory, no one parked on the lawn for the October breakfast, thanks to an untimely deployment of the automatic sprinkler system. In the early hours, just as our Goodie Store folks were setting up their displays, the lawn sprinklers came on, quickly changing the morning’s dynamic. By the time the sprinklers were tamed, the lawn was far too wet and mushy for Porsche parking, so the early birds quickly filled the airport apron, but the late arrivals were instructed to park in the Way-Point parking lot in front of the restaurant. President Bill Sampson called the meeting to order, introducing a few sponsors and dignitaries. Membership Chair Janice Herndon announced that 110 participants were in attendance, and that 58 Porsches were present. She also recognized renewing SBR members Richard Nuttall and John & Lois Caldwell, all from Camarillo. Also Janice introduced new members Julia Hoppe from Oak Park and George Owen of Ventura. Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer ran down the busy schedule of up-coming club activities. As always, complete information on everything our region does is available here in Der Auspuff, as well as on our website. =

New SBR member George Owen of Ventura. George drives a 1997 993.


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Santa Barbara Breakfast

Intimate Gathering on Stearns Wharf STORY & PHOTOS BY NICOLAS LIAKAS


he combination of Yom Kippur and the region’s Concours d’Elegance scheduled for the next day resulted in a modest attendance number for the October 8, 2011 Santa Barbara Breakfast. Thirty individuals were present, and their 20 Porsches attracted many admirers on the wharf on what was a beautiful day. Among the on-lookers was a group of bicyclists visiting from Norway. They were snapping their photographs and commenting on the number and variety or Porsches. When told that in some months we have as many as 50 cars on display, they commented that such a scene would never happen in their homeland even if there were a national gathering of Porsche owners! We were privileged to take part in a family reunion. Chris Rubino, who joined us along with his wife Caroline, daughter Olivia and son Wesley, shared the morning with Brian and Linda Rubino, members of our Board of Directors and Chairs of the Goodie Store. Speaking of the latter, they have succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations in the management of the store as new and different merchandise have spawned exceptional sales. Kudos.

The Rubino Reunion! (L-R) Linda & Brian Rubino, Olivia, Caroline, Chris, and Wesley Rubino.

Michael Brovsky chaired the meeting. The traditional agenda was followed, with Janice Herndon making the membership report and Doreen Pankow providing details on our upcoming activities. Lots of fun stuff coming up for the balance of 2011. Walt Branscome (from Porsche Santa Barbara) extended an invitation to all those planning to travel to Rennsport Reunion in Carmel to stop by the dealership on their travel north on Hwy 101 for refreshments and snacks and to join a caravan heading for the gathering. Past president Joe Carastro extended another invite for travelers to gather at his Goleta home at 6:30 a.m. for departure to Carmel, but based on the groans regarding the early hour it sounded as if most would avail themselves of Walt’s offer. The group disbanded by 10 a.m., driving off into the brilliant sunshine and appreciating the gentle breezes fanning 70-degree temperatures. What could be better? =

Another wonderfully perfect day in paradise with some of the 20 Porsches on display outside Moby Dick’s.


ost recognize James Dean for his movie roles alongside Elizabeth Taylor or Natalie Wood. However, there is a select group of people who recognize James Dean almost solely for his racing career and the car in which he spent the last day of his life. On September 25, fifty-two people of that latter group met up in Santa Barbara to make their way to Cholame in honor of the 56th anniversary of James Dean’s death. Forming a train of 28 Porsches, my dad and I led the “Rebel Without A Cause” Tour near the intersection of Highways 41 and 46, where the movie star’s deadly car accident occurred. Parking along a road for Jack’s Ranch, the club tried to stay out of Highway Patrol’s way as we gathered to hear about James Dean’s racing career, his tragic end, and the curse of the Porsche left behind.


In the year that he died, James Dean had been competing in car races from Palm Springs to Santa Barbara. Placing in top rankings as an amateur, his resume was quickly adding more checkered flags than scripts. Having just finished filming “Giant,” James had also just replaced his 356 Speedster with a 550 Spyder from Competition Motors. Many of his friends warned him about the power of his new car,. Even Alec Guiness predicted the actor’s death when he told him he would be dead in a week if he were to drive it. Ignoring Guiness’s warning, James Dean decided to break in his new racecar by taking a route with more mileage. It was September 30, 1955, and accompanying him was his mechanic, Rolf Wutherich. As they drove within the speed limit, Donald Turnipseed, a then Cal Poly student, was heading home on the same road. Thinking he had enough time to make a left-hand turn in front of the on-coming Porsche, Turnipseed turned his 1950 Ford right into the path of Dean’s Spyder. Rolf, not wearing a seatbelt, survived after being thrown from the car, but James Dean was not so lucky. The actor had only released one film before his death. Porsche had only released ninety 550 Spyders. When the news broke on September 30, both names became

infamous. Everyone wanted to know more about the rebellious actor and the car that got his adrenaline pumping. Since then, both names have grown to immense popularity and prestige, linked perhaps by one of Dean’s most famous quotes: “Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” Club member Don Kuckenbaker, who was a Salinas resident in 1955, remembers the surprise announcement of the accident. Don brought along the program guide he had purchased at the very race James Dean was enroute to on the day of the accident. Even though Dean entered the competition too late to have his actual name listed in the program, the pamphlet is an incredible piece of memorabilia. Don’s own little piece

of James Dean history was passed around the group, and his personal experience emphasized the impact this accident had on that generation of fans. The tour continued from the crash site to James Dean’s actual memorial. Donated by the Japanese in 1977, the modern sculpture pays tribute to a life taken too soon. Members, who were looking sharp in their “Rebel Without A Cause” Tour t-shirts, posed for a photo before we all took a quick glance at the James Dean memorabilia displayed within the neighboring café. Trying to lift a somber mood, my dad then gave the word for the group to drive down to Eberle Winery in Paso Robles. Continued on page 12

The fateful junction of Highways 41 & 46 was the destination for our “Rebel Without A Cause” Run. Here, SBR members gathered for the story of James Dean’s last day.

Kent Bodin shows photographs of the deadly accident site. Continued from page 11

With our lunch being barbequed beside us, we glanced through books on James Dean while overlooking the great expanse of vineyards below us. Our tour guide then took us on a tour of the winery and its underground caves, which naturally maintain a pleasant 65-degree temperature regardless of the outside heat. Hundreds of barrels lined the underground “streets,” each one holding the equivalent of 25 cases of wine. Eventually, our tour led us to the cave’s dining room where wine tastings were paired with a complete barbeque lunch and dessert selection. Don Kuckenbaker (far right) reads from the original racing program for the race James Dean was enroute to when he was killed. Don attended that race.

All the Santa Barbara Region Porsches, lined up in Cholame under beautiful blue skies.

Many members went on to other wineries or nearby destination cities after the tour and lunch, hopefully feeling full of tri-tip and James Dean recollections. A special thanks goes out to Shady Awad at the Marriott Hotel in Paso Robles for accommodating members that stayed in Paso Robles that night. Thanks, too, to Doreen Pankow for promoting the t-shirts I designed, and to Joan Yabitsu for letting our James Dean cardboard cut-out ride shotgun in their 997 Turbo. Needless to say, James Dean has become a complementary figure to Porsche’s name. There is a special understanding between Porsche owners about what drew James Dean to the car, and also a certain reverence for a man who lived the way he drove. In another one of his famous quotes he said, “The only greatness for man is immortality.”

James Dean believed that greatness was actually measured after death, and I think it’s safe to say that not only has his greatness been immortalized, but Porsche’s name has also developed a similar reputation of its own. Maybe a car company and an actor are not perfect links, but it’s easy to see that both names will forever exist in history as great and refined creations. =

Sporting James Dean T-shirts: (l-r) Walt & Rebecca Branscome, Emily Long, Tori Bodin, Oscar Briones, Rich Norman, Robert Mason, Doreen Pankow, Ted Lighthizer, and Kent Bodin.

Joan Yabitsu (right) gets some personal time with Mr. Dean.

The James Dean Memorial outside the Jack Ranch Cafe in Cholame.

The beautiful view from the Eberle Winery’s deck.

We lunched in the cool caverns of the Eberle Winery.

Announcing the Santa Barbara Region’s Annual

Holiday Dinner Party Saturday, December 10, 2011

At The Four Points Sheraton Hotel 1050 Schooner Drive, Ventura Harbor Enjoy fine dining, harbor views, great music, fun dancing and wonderful camaraderie! No-host cocktails from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. All for only $55.00 per person (includes tax & tip) R.S.V.P. no later than December 5 with funds payable to PCA-SBR, c/o Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063 • dpankow@sbcglobal.net The Holiday Party will include the installation of the 2012 SBR Officers & Board of Directors. Please bring an unwrapped toy valued at $10 or more for donation to charity. Sponsored by The Auto Gallery

SBR member Jim Watters’s immaculate 1962 356B Twin-Grille Roadster - judged “Best In Show” in the Full Concours category.



beautiful venue, lovely California weather, and 25 judged cars with 10 display cars all combined for our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance at the Founders Courtyard on the California State University, Channel Islands campus in Camarillo on Sunday, October 10, 2011. No event of this magnitude could ever be successfully staged without the help of many individuals. I’d like to publicly thank the members of the Concours Committee for all their help in making our concours work so smoothly. Dick Douglass, who acted as Concours Co-Chair, always went above and beyond when I needed extra help. His pre-concours detail clinic (see the October issue of Der Auspuff) was both extremely helpful and very entertaining. The Porsches started arriving before dawn with owners eager to begin the final detail process before judging began. Every speck of dust and dirt had to be addressed. Several volunteers were there to greet the early participants. Luckily, coffee, orange juice and pastries were on hand to help the helpers get the busy day off to a well-organized start. Sincere thanks to all the concours volunteers for always stepping up to the plate and helping out where needed.

Our SBA Autocross Co-Chair, Dan Byers, acted as concours emcee, making the necessary announcements to keep our show on schedule and running smoothly. Everyone agreed that Dan did a terrific job, setting the perfect tone for a relaxed day of advanced Porsche appreciation. To add to the relaxation of the day, live music was played by Wally World Music, Thousand Oaks. Wally and his group played and sang classical and 1920’s music, which was enjoyed by all attending. As your Head Judge and Concours Chair, I called the judges meeting at 9:30 a.m., so they could begin their tasks promptly at 10:00 a.m. Twenty-two judges, plus timers and runners, gathered together to get their name badges and other “equipment” necessary to judge the 25 entries that had registered in the competitive classes. Our event sponsor, Rusnak Porsche/Westlake, brought their boutique with lots of Porsche products for sale. The dealership also provided seven new Porsches for our attendees to inspect, which they eagerly did. A huge thank-you goes out to Rusnak for their continuing support of our region throughout the year. Der Auspuff advertiser Lavaggio – The Art of Auto Detailing

Jim Watters received his trophy from Carolyn Ewbank

The People’s Choice Award went to Brett Mohr

Joe & Karen Nedza’s 1963 356B Coupe took top honors in the Street Division

was invited to set up a display on the perimeter of the show field. Some special guests were present too: PCNA Regional AfterSales Manager Kerry West, our own Zone 8 Representative Michael Dolphin and Joe Nedza, Zone 8 Concours Chair. In addition to a concours, we had a charity raffle and silent auction with the proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity. Ticket sales raised over $1200. Mike & Karen Turek deserve our thanks for bringing together this “extra” element of the concours. With 25 judged entries to inspect, the judges worked through the morning. As lunchtime arrived, a delicious Mexican buffet was served, first to the judges, timers, and runners so they could get back to the task at hand. A short time later, participants and guests lined up for the hearty lunch, including delightful cheesecakes for dessert, and sat down at the tables in the shade of the giant trees. As judging continued, Jeanette Bassett and Linsey Orr, as they have done in numerous years past, processed the scoring, getting everything ready for the Awards Ceremony which was held about 2:15 p.m. We had two sets of re-judging as two divisions were large. Jeanette and Linsey handled this admirably in determining the division winners. Before the concours awards were announced and presented, each judge was recognized and given a cooler for beverages as a token of our thanks for all their hard work. It would be impossible to stage a successful concours without our judges. We thank them all again.

Now, to the awards (complete list is on page 21). Bill Clevenger with his beautiful 1963 Ivory 356 Coupe, joining us from San Pedro, won the Wash & Shine Division. Taking Best of Show in the Street Division was Karen & Joe Nedza with their gorgeous 1963 Gray 356 Coupe. Joe & Karen traveled from the Newport Beach area, Orange Coast Region to join us. In the Unrestored Division, John Kraus with his 1988 White 911 Carrera Targa was presented with the Best of Show. John is a proud Santa Barbara Region member. With all six parts of the car judged, including undercarriage, James Watters and his 1962 Blue 356 Roadster took home the Best of Show Award in Full Concours. James is also a member of our Santa Barbara Region. All concours entrants and those whose cars were displayed received a ballot to select their favorite Porsche at the show – The People’s Choice Award. The winner was Brett Mohr and his 1966 Red 912 Coupe. It’s always a treat giving out an award to an owner whose car was deemed best by all the other participants…not judged, but preferred by the majority. Congratulations to Brett and to everyone who participated. We look forward to seeing you all again next year as the Santa Barbara Region proudly celebrates its 36th annual gathering of the greats. =

John Kraus mastered Unrestored with his 1988 Carrera Targa

Bill Clevenger’s 1963 356B Coupe topped Wash & Shine

January 13-16, 2012 Escape To Beautiful Palm Springs


ur 5th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend getaway, January 13-16, 2012, will take us to the lovely desert town of Palm Springs. We’ve arranged special rate accommodations at the Hyatt Regency in the downtown village of old Palm Springs. This beautiful hotel is centrally located on Palm Canyon Drive within walking distance of many shops, galleries and restaurants, and was the subject of a $15 million renovation in 2010. All rooms are suites available at the special rate of $129.00 per night with reserved covered parking at a 50% discount.

Members interested in playing golf can do so at the private O’Donnell Golf Club adjacent to the hotel. It’s a nine hole course at which Hyatt guests have privileges for reduced green fees. In the early evening, we will meet at the hotel for a welcome reception with hors d’oeuvres and a no-host bar.

Joshua Tree National Park


The Hyatt Recency Hotel, Palm Springs We’ll meet Friday morning, January 13 at 9:00 a.m. at the Westlake Costco. Our departure time of 9:30 a.m. will get us to Palm Springs early enough for members to enjoy lunch at one of the many restaurants near the hotel, and then spend the afternoon shopping, exploring or relaxing by the pool.

Saturday morning we’ll take a beautiful drive through Palm Desert and the Garner Valley on our way up to the picturesque town of Idyllwild, which is located at 5500 feet elevation. Come prepared for the warmth of the desert floor as well as the cool crispness of the mountains. We will return via a different scenic route and enjoy a group dinner that evening at the Hyatt. On Sunday morning, we’ll travel as a group to Joshua Tree National Park, known for its myriad of namesake trees as well as spectacular boulder stacks and fan palm oases. This unique park is comprised of two deserts: the Colorado

and the Mojave, home to abundant wildlife, including big horn sheep, desert tortoises, roadrunners and desert iguanas. There are many interesting sights including Barker Dam, Lost Horse Mine, Keys View, and HiddenValley. We will visit Keys View (at over 5000 feet) with its spectacular vistas, including the San Andreas fault, after which we will go to the Hidden Valley picnic area for a catered lunch. Hidden Valley also offers spectacular scenery, an interesting hike, and the opportunity to see the many rock climbers who frequent this park. Enrollment is limited to 60 people, so reservations should be made as early as possible. The cost for this weekend is $115.00 per person, which includes the reception, catered lunch, hotel dinner, and the activity fee. Hotel reservations can be made by calling the Hyatt at 760322-9000 and identifying yourself as a PCA-SBR member to secure the group rate. Sign up now – and join us!

Send to: Jeanne McNair, 1836 Nowak Avenue, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Make checks payable to PCA/SBR. Names: ________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________ Check enclosed for the amount of: ___________ $115 per person to PCA/SBR Cancellations after January 5, 2012 will not receive a refund.

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Larry Brown 28118 Dorothy Drive Agoura Hills, California 91301 818-889-1245

First Name Last Name


Model Body Type





James Watters


356 Roadster





Brett Mohr


912 Coupe





Chet Yabitsu


911 Turbo Coupe





Derry Naylor


356C Coupe





Karen & Joe Nedza


356B Coupe





Steven Conger


356A T2 Coupe





Brian Adlawan


968 Cabriolet





Bob Bassett


993 Coupe





Peter & Judy Lech


Carrera S Coupe





Robert Watt


C4S Coupe






914-6 Roadster





Jason Shepherd Stephen Murray


911SC Coupe





John Kraus


Carrera Targa





Doreen Pankow


Carrera C-2





Bruce Pence














Bill Clevenger


996 Cabriolet 356B Coupe

Dick Douglass


Jay Midgley


911T Coupe





Randy & Sue Kinsling


930 Coupe






911 Coupe






C4S Coupe






911 Coupe





Jack Price


C4S Cabriolet





David Stone


Cayman S Coupe





Carolyn Ewbank


928S Coupe





Keith Moore Rene’ Cortez, JR Bill & Maxine Lambuth

356C Cab Cabriolet

(*) Division Winner

Walt Branscome Sales Person

Porsche Santa Barbara 402 South Hope Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Phone: 805-682-2000 Fax: 805-682-7133 Cellular: 805-708-2807 E-mail: wbranscome@sbautogroup.com

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Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries 28 Years

13 Years

6 Years

2 Years

Julie Weiher & Alan Surgi

Wayne & Houri Greko

26 Years

12 Years

Rich & Nancy Arnesen George & Jeanne Mitchell Jonathan Reiss

Andrew Tymkiw & Michele Hampton

Carol Primea & Ted Frech Elaine Cote & Francisco Rayas, Jr.

Frank & Nancee Baldino Mark & Debbie Blankenship Ben Coats Francis & Anna Donahue Mylene Furey Daryl Haus Drew Mackel Fred Petro Gil Siqueido Scott & Stacey von Lanken Stan & Sharon Weiner

5 Years

Jay S. Laifman

11 Years

19 Years

Gary & Robin Allen Richard & Pearl Banks

Steven & Marilyn Bachman Charles &Donna Bell Thomas & Arthea Hermann Rod & Susan Hersberger Richard & Joan Jonsson

10 Years

4 Years

Masahiro & Kiyomi Iwadare

Michael & Kathleen Mills Peter & Daniel Postas

17 Years

9 Years

Carolyn Ewbank Jeffrey & Terri Field

Steven Bernston Henry Calles

Donald Gloisten Randy & Sue Kinsling Patti McCourt & Richard Kelman Brian & Janet Smith

15 Years

8 Years

Michael Pomerantz

Falin & Karin Shieh

14 Years

7 Years

Roberto Michelin

Peter & Claire Mamakos Kokiousis Jorge & Antonio Raphael

23 Years

Paula Golus

18 Years

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers New Members P.J. Brice Santa Barbara, 2007 997 Glenn & Lorraine Crawford Agoura Hills, 1999 996 C4S Bowen Farrell Santa Barbara, 2012 Cayenne Lars U. Knoppel Stockholm Sweden, 1959 356 Lucy Laurel Santa Maria, 2012 Panamera

3 Years Thomas Duck Charles & Lara Liu

Christine Snider Beverly Hills, 2012 Panamera Robert M. Sweet Oxnard, 1982 928S

Elliott & Debi Michaels Bruce Pence, Jr. & Bruce Pence, III Andy Puzder Maria Salido Novatt Anita Berthold & Ron Wagner

Congratulations to all our members celebrating anniversaries this month. We warmly welcome all the new and transfer members joining our region. Thank you to all those who renewed their memberships as well. Please remember that you can log onto the PCA.org website to change any of your membership information. We hope to see everyone at a breakfast meeting or an event soon.

Janice Herndon Membership Chair

Linda Kradetsch & George Owen Ventura, 1997 993 Tom Price Santa Barbara, 2012 997

1 Year

Transfer Member Douglas Nash Santa Barbara, 2000 Boxster S from California Central Coast (CCC)

ing on plann in the s r e b mem meet n SBR vent. We’ll o i t ng lot n e t At parkli er his e t o c g t n s i n o attend e Village C van to War a r ak roup. l a t g c s a e d W as an . s l l i m . H a t, d at 7:30 n Woodlan proper coun i r a Cente we’ll have en Pankow t re t So tha SVP to Do cglobal.ne new, b R s e, e pleas dpankow@ at least on more. g r n bri 10 o o $ t t t a e g for ued Don’t ped toy val p a r unw

Down The Road

Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest

November 5 November 12 November 19 December 4 December 10

Zone 8 Rally School - Santa Barbara El Camino Real XXVIII Zone 8 Rally Bouquet Canyon Drive Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR Annual Holiday Party

2012 (* Some Dates Tentative) January 13-16 Palm Springs Getaway Weekend February 18 TBA* March 11 Zone 8 Autocross in Santa Barbara* March 24 SBR Poker Run April 6-8 Zone 8 Festival of Speed April 13-15 Long Beach Grand Prix April 28 Zone 8 Autocross in Camarillo*

Santa Barbara

SBR Breakfast Locations Camarillo

Moby Dick Restaurant


Way-Point CafĂŠ


The Tech Page



Tech questions & answers from the technical experts at pca.org

Boxster, Flush Brake Fluid Model: Boxster S, Year:2005, Mileage: 22540 On 2005 Boxster S with PSM, PASM, and Sport Chrono must the car be connected to the service computer to flush the brake fluid? The car does not have to be connected to a Porsche tester to bleed the brakes. The tester does offer bleeding through the right front caliper. This allows a quick flush of the system from that caliper, but you still have to bleed the other three wheels individually. Should you not have a tester, then bleed all four manually with a pressure bleeder or with an assistant to pump the brakes for you. answered by Scott Slauson

Skip Shifting Model: 911, Year: 2007, Mileage: 37000 Is there any harm in skip-shifting? I tend to go from 1st to 3rd or 2nd to 4th. Could this result in any reliability issue? There is no harm in skipping gears when up-shifting. You could shift from 1st to 6th, if you really wanted to, though it would definitely lug the engine. However, skipping gears when downshifting can be disastrous. Downshifting too fast (i.e. 4th to 1st) can over-rev the engine and cause serious internal engine or transmission concerns. Downshifts should always be made one gear at a time. answered by Dustin Aydt [SVR] 1992 Carrera C2 Concerns Model: 911C2, Year: 1992, Mileage: 108000 What are the major potential problems with the 1992 C2 model? The ‘92 is actually quite reliable, especially if you have a later one with the 2nd generation cylinders and improved dual mass flywheel. Depending on how it is driven and the care it has had, valve guide wear becomes an issue (but this is true of all 911s), oil leaks from the engine, distributor belt, flywheel, central warning system, fuel tank seepage (rare, but it happens). These cars have been overlooked for a while, but are becoming more popular. answered by Chris Powell [PNW]

Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Staff Zone 8 Representative Michael Dolphin carrera3@msn.com

Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com

Club Race Coordinator Chief Driving Instructor Vince Knauf Scott Mann vvince@aol.com scott@renegadehybrids.com Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com

Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com

Time Trial/DE Chair currently vacant

Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net

Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com

Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8 www.zone8.org

Los Angeles www.pcala.com

Arizona az.pca.org

Orange County pcaocr.org

CA Central Coast ccc.pca.org

Riverside www.riversidepca.org

California Inland cai.pca.org

Santa Barbara www.pcasb.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

San Diego www.pcasdr.org

Grand Prix gpx.pca.org Las Vegas www.lvrpca.org

San Gabriel vista.pca.org/sgb Southern Arizona saz.pca.org

SBR Board of Directors Meeting

October 12, 2011 - 6:30 p.m. – Lavaggio MINUTES RECORDED BY NADINE TRACY

Thank you Lavaggio for hosting our dinner board meeting at your beautiful facility. Present were: Michael Brovsky, Steve Kaller, Janice Herndon, Doreen Pankow, Ted Lighthizer, John Alfenito, Joan & Chet Yabitsu, Linda & Brian Rubino, Jim Brown, Carolyn Ewbank, Martin Keller, Dan Byers, James Oldham, Randy Fishwick, Mike Turek, Nick Liakas, Dave Stone, Dick Lange, and Nadine Tracy. In view of Bill Sampson’s resignation as president of the region, the duties of the presidency have been assumed by the Vice President, Michael Brovsky. Secretary: The September board meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Vice President: No report. Treasurer: Steve presented his Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss YTD Comparison, Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison, and Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison. Discussion followed. Membership: During the month of September, nine new members joined our region. At the end of September, membership stood at 704. Activities: Sign up early for upcoming events: November 5th SBR Rally School, November 12th Zone 8 El Camino Real XXVIII Rally, November 19th Bouquet Canyon Drive to Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewery, December 4th Motor for Toys, and December 10th SBR Holiday Party. Editor: Fliers will run for the Rally School, El Camino Real XXVIII Rally, Bouquet Canyon Run to Wolf Creek Brewery, the Holiday Dinner Party, and MLK Weekend to Palm Springs. A new business card ad was created for Andy’s Detailing and Rusnak Westlake submitted a new full-page ad which will debut in November. Distribution: Chet told the board that 736 copies of the October newsletter were mailed out of the Thousand Oaks bulk mail desk on September 28th, by Sir Speedy’s mailing company. Steve Kaller deposited $400.00 into our account at the post office on September 26th. Of this, $331.02 was used for postage, leaving $68.98 in the account. A motion was made and passed to

give Distribution $335.00 for postage costs for the November newsletter. Advertising: Don’s report caught the board up to date on ad revenues billed and paid. Goodie Store: Brian reported the following: September Autocross sales of $135.00 with profit of $29.80, October Camarillo breakfast sales of $268.00 with profit of $76.15, October Santa Barbara breakfast sales of $379.00 with profit of $163.00, and Concours sales of $587.50 with profit of $227.21. Total sales were $1369.50 with total profit of $496.16. Merchandise donations to the concours raffle from the Goodie Store were $224.00. The Goodie store is asking for reimbursement in the amount of $1222.56. A motion was made and passed for this reimbursement. A motion was made and passed to allow the Goodie Store to purchase new merchandise, up to $1500.00, to restock the store and to get reimbursed for these purchases. Insurance: Jim reported that all certificates are filed through year’s end. Concours: The concours went very smoothly and fun was had by all. Thank you Rusnak for sponsoring this event. We had several Zone 8 regions represented both in judged cars and in the judging staff. Thank you Karen & Mike Turek for your hard work making the raffle and silent auction happen. Thanks, also, to all those who donated items. The effort raised $1275.00. Autocross: Dan and Martin reported that the Autocross dates for 2012 at the Camarillo Airport will be April 27th and 28th, July 27th and 28th, and September 21st and 22nd. Santa Barbara Autocross will be held at Earl Warren Showgrounds on March 11, 2012. A motion was made and passed to give the Autocross chair $1440.00 to lock in the 2012 dates at the Camarillo Airport. A motion was made and passed to try and sell our old autocross timing equipment for $500.00. Archives: No report. Webmaster: Activity for October consisted of uploading current event fliers and updating the event calendars. Our PCASB Flicker group at http://www.flickr. com/groups/pcasb/ was updated by several PCASB members, resulting in their photos

being displayed at the bottom of our http:// pcasb.org website. Randy reported that John Alfenito discovered a free site for publishing our newsletter. Though this particular site may not be ideal for our uses, we may eventually need to move to a strictly online distribution system as publishing and mailing costs continue to escalate. Safety: Mike thanked both Martin and Dan for their efforts in putting on flawless autocrosses. All safety measures are in place. P.M.S.: No report. R.U.F.: The September event was cancelled. October 20th finds the group visiting the facilities of Guide Dogs of America in Sylmar. A special tour has been arranged that will give the group access to areas not normally open to the public. There will be a presentation on how puppies are bred and trained for their special mission, and how they are placed with compatible human partners. On November 17th the group visits St. Thomas Aquinas College for a special tour of the campus with emphasis on the architecture of the former Doheny residence and the chapel heritage site known across the U.S. They will share lunch with students at the cafeteria. Nick was pleased to report that three members are expressing an interest in assuming some of the responsibilities for R.U.F. for calendar year 2012. Past President: No report. Old Business: John Alfenito presented a new proposal to the board for distributing ballots to the membership via the magazine that will hopefully encourage more members to vote. A motion was made and passed to pay Sir Speedy Printing $248.88 to print ballots and insert them into the November issue. New Business: A motion was made and passed to appoint Janice Herndon as our club’s Public Relations Director for 2012. Congratulations Janice. The board discussed appropriate recognition for Joe Schneider and Joe Boucher for their years of service to the club as Rally Chairs. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. The November board meeting will be held at The Four Points Sheraton in Oxnard.


Support The Club. Shop The New Goodie Store!




The Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors and Nominating Committee offer the following slate of candidates to serve as officers for 2012:

The Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors and Nominating Committee offer the following slate of candidates to serve as officers for 2012:



[ ] Nicolas Liakas [ ] Write-In ____________________

Vice President: [ ] Michael Brovsky

[ ] Write-In ____________________ Vice President: [ ] Michael Brovsky

[ ] Write-In ____________________ Secretary:

[ ] Dick Lange

[ ] Write-In ____________________ Secretary:

[ ] Write-In ____________________ Treasurer:

[ ] Nicolas Liakas

[ ] Jim Brown

[ ] Dick Lange [ ] Write-In ____________________


[ ] Jim Brown

[ ] Write-In ____________________

[ ] Write-In ____________________

Activity Chairs: [ ] Ted Lighthizer & Doreen Pankow

Activity Chairs: [ ] Ted Lighthizer & Doreen Pankow

[ ] Write-In ____________________

[ ] Write-In ____________________



SBR Man of The Year:

SBR Man of The Year:

Please submit the name of your favorite candidate for:

Write-In ________________________

Please submit the name of your favorite candidate for:

Write-In ________________________ SBR Woman of The Year:

SBR Woman of The Year: Write-In ________________________

Write-In ________________________



Please print your name clearly. Ballots with illegible names will NOT be counted.

Please print your name clearly. Ballots with illegible names will NOT be counted.

Signature required per SBR By-Laws. Only the Member and Family/Affiliate Member are eligible to vote.

Signature required per SBR By-Laws. Only the Member and Family/Affiliate Member are eligible to vote.

Please Print Your Name

Please Print Your Name

Member’s Signature


Member’s Signature



ADVERTISER DIRECTORY American Global Standards ....................... 20 Andy’s Detail .............................................. 8 Aswell Trophy ........................................... 22 Auto Gallery ............................................. 14 Autobahn West......................................... 20 Automotion ............................................. IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing................................ 19 Gary Betz Enterprises .................................. 6 Boykin Automotive.................................... 10 Walt Branscome, SBAG ............................. 22 California Cars Sportscar Collection .............. 7 California Tire Company ............................... 6 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services .................... 19 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. ..................... 6 Coachcraft ................................................ 22 David L. Cunningham................................. 20 Dent Experts ............................................... 9 DSR Audio ................................................ 10 ETF Portfolio Management .......................... 6 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA .............................. 8 GermanWax.com ...................................... 10 Hooper Custom RVs .................................. 10 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate ................. 19 Lavaggio .................................................... 2 Leland West Insurance .............................. 22 Los Angeles Dismantler............................... 7 Monaco Motors .......................................... 6 Neil McAuliffe .......................................... 20 North Hollywood Speedometer .................... 8 RS Enterprises .......................................... 22 Rusnak Westlake Porsche .........................IFC Bill Sampson ............................................ 19 Santa Barbara Auto Group ......................... BC Schneider Autohaus .................................... 8 Mark Stratmeyer, Rusnak........................... 19 TC’s Garage .............................................. 20

PCA/SBR Classifieds

Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.

996 OR ??? PARTS – FOR SALE Front pair of all four black OEM car mats. 3.4L Fabspeed headers, silicon intake. OEM car jack with foam surround & tool kit. Front radiator plastic fan surround. Two button key (needs your program & blade). 4 wheel lug bolts with locks. Please call for pics, information, and prices. Rich (805) 583-8504 or titleitrich@yahoo.com (08/11) 2008 PORSCHE TURBO CABRIOLET – FOR SALE Black/Black. 4,200 miles. Like new! Tiptonic S, Sport Chrono Package, Turbo, Ceramic Composite Brakes-PCCB, Full leather interior, Porsche insignia in leather seats, Adaptive Sport Seats, Heated Seats, Carbon Fiber Interior Package, Carbon Fiber Multi-functionSteering Wheel. $115,000.00 Contact: Wayne (805) 563-7558 (08/11) 356 & VW PARTS – FOR SALE Off my 1964 SC and 1966 Split-Window Bus: 356 Rear USA red lens, both L&R very good shape, black headrest $40. VW-010 Distributor and VDO 12-volt Temperature gauge $20. Call Dan (805) 482-7003 (08/11) 1962 356 KARMANN NOTCHBACK – FOR SALE Bali Blue with recently rebuilt engine and restored to original with factory certificate. Asking $89,000. Wesley Minear (805) 660-9708 (07/11) 1983 911 SC SUNROOF COUPE – FOR SALE 1983 911 SC Sunroof Coupe, gold with brown interior, 96K miles, excellent condition, $17K. Call John at (805) 494-1527 (05/11) 1973 911 GT CLASS RACE CAR – FOR SALE Professionally engineered and built. 335bhp / 2150 lbs. Twice the fun of Stock, Half the price of Cups. Always competitive and many podium wins. Details and photos at http://porsche911gtclass.blogspot.com/ Asking $43,200. Make an offer. (847) 894-5473 ray.racecar911@gmail.com (04/11)

Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at DerAuspuff@gmail.com

For everything SBR - event updates, activity fliers, membership information, name badge order forms, ‘Der Auspuff’ online, event photos, and much more, visit our website...


Next Month In

...the last word

Controlled Mayhem - From our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance, just a snapshot of the judging process in progress, as Chet & Joan Yatibsu’s 2002 911 Turbo receives a thorough “going over” by multiple judges. (Photo by Randy Fishwick)


Porsche Santa Barbara

805-682-2000 • 402 South Hope Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 www.santabarbara.porschedealer.com

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