MAR Der Auspuff

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Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • March 2012

Porsche Picnic Run To Jalama Beach Tech Night At Rusnak Westlake R.U.F. Rides To Malibou Lake 991 Launch Events Photos

Contents Features

R.U.F. Picnic at Malibou Lake ......................11 Tech Night at Rusnak Porsche Westlake ....13 991 Launch Galas ........................................15 Porsche Picnic Run To Jalama Beach .........16 The Modern Porsche Electrical System ......21

Monthly Reports

President’s Column ........................................4 From The Editor’s Desk..................................4 Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ........................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24



SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 Santa Barbara Autocross ..............................5 Auto Gallery Tech Event ................................6 Porsche Poker Run.........................................8 California Festival of Speed ........................14 Memorial Day Double Discovery Drive .......19 Camarillo Autocross ....................................20 Porsche Parade 2012...................................30



Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 The Tech Page .............................................21 Down The Road - Future Events..................26 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31 The Last Word .............................................32


On The Cover The new Carrera 991’s Porsche Dynamic Light System (PDLS) captured on The Auto Gallery’s showroom floor. Photo by John Alfenito

Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • March 2012


Porsche Picnic Run To Jalama Beach Tech Night At Rusnak Westlake R.U.F. Rides To Malibou Lake 991 Launch Events Photos

Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

President NICOLAS LIAKAS 818-706-6016

Activities DOREEN PANKOW TED LIGHTHIZER 805-527-8280

Vice President STEVE KALLER 805-984-2501

Goodie Store BRIAN RUBINO LINDA RUBINO 805-498-1053

Treasurer JIM BROWN 805-559-1004

Secretary DICK LANGE 818-865-1498

Membership SUE KINSLING 805-386-8112

Editor JOHN ALFENITO 818-436-9204

Past President MICHAEL BROVSKY 805-453-5456

Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees Advertising










50th Anniversary






Public Relations








SBR Events Calendar March

Editor JOHN ALFENITO 818-436-9204

Advertising DON KUCKENBAKER Director 805-984-9406


Yearly Advertising Rates

Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Don Kuckenbaker 805-984-9406

PCASBR is online:







Wednesday Saturday

14 17






April Saturday


Wednesday Saturday

11 14

Fri-Sun20-22 Saturday



May Saturday


Wednesday Saturday

9 14

Fri.-Weds. 25-30


June Saturday




Wednesday Sunday

13 24




The President’s Column Nicolas Liakas


s the Santa Barbara Region the greatest and best in all of PCA? Of course it is! And I have the proof to support this grand declaration. Continue reading,

and I know you will agree. At the Zone 8 Presidents Meeting and Banquet held on January 21, 2012, our region swept the awards for the major competitive events held in 2011. Phil Reese was the Zone 8 champ in TSD Rally; Mike Furnish in Autocross; Dick Douglass in Concours. Congratulations to these three representatives of SBR. But wait, there’s more. The national staff has recognized John Alfenito for his superb efforts in producing our beloved Der Auspuff. John has been recruited to serve as a judge for the 2012 Heinmiller Trophy that is awarded to the best PCA newsletter for the previous year. John won’t tell, but I will. Quietly, he has supported and assisted many other newsletter editors within PCA by providing to them technical and editorial substantive input. It comes as no surprise to us – we have the best editor! Our magazine (not merely a newsletter) is the envy of all PCA regions. But wait, there is more. It is with great pride that I have submitted to national our applications to be named PCA Region of the Year and for the Public Service and Enthusiast of the Year Awards. Regardless of the outcome, I know we deserve all three! The recipients will be announced at the 2012 Parade in Salt Lake City this July. But wait, there is more. Take a close look at the January 2012 issue of Panorama. The road test of the new 991 described in the cover story occurred in Santa Barbara! The From The Regions column contains an article written by Carolyn Ewbank discussing our 2011 Concours. The report on 2011 submissions to that column indicates that our region had eight entries, the most of any region in PCA! And, did you read the great write-up and gorgeous photography on the

From The Editor’s Desk

John Alfenito


ny time Porsche debuts a new model, it’s an exciting time for car lovers. With the public release of the new Carrera, the 991, SBR members were fortunate enough to be among the first to sample Stuttgart’s newest generation of the venerable 911 platform. All three of our supporting Porsche dealers welcomed us to their showrooms, launch parties, and even brought 991s to our February breakfast events. Test drives were available to those with patience; it was no surprise how popular a spin in the new Porsche would be.

Stargazing article submitted by SBR member Hal Jandorf? Simply put, it was spectacular. I felt as if the entire January Panorama was a marketing tool for our region. But wait, there is more. Our Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend jaunt to Palm Springs coupled excellent driving adventures with non-ending fun and camaraderie for the almost five dozen members that participated. John and Jeanne McNair planned, organized and executed a fantastic weekend, and they are already hard at work planning the 2013 MLK weekend escape! I have a solid idea of what the destination will be, and it will knock your socks off! Thanks a million, John and Jeanne. But wait, there is more. Speaking of weekend escapes, within days of the announcement that was made regarding our 2012 Memorial Day Weekend adventure to Sequoia-Kings Canyon and Yosemite National Parks, 46 members registered with Ted Lighthizer and Doreen Pankow. What’s more, 36 of them will participate in the extended optional three-day program in Yosemite. The response required the addition of 20 available rooms at the Oakhust, CA hotel! The willingness to participate in longer (and possibly one week long) durations opens new horizons for our region as adventures may be programmed for farther destinations. I know that this Memorial Day adventure will be a sell-out, so take a look at the flier on page 18 and register ASAP. I am not done yet. Yes, there is more. Rusnak Porsche Westlake, The Santa Barbara Auto Group and The Auto Gallery have expanded their support of our club by offering service clinics, tech sessions and open houses (for new model introductions). See the article on page 13 discussing the tech session on January 18 held at Rusnak. The number and frequency of these programs will substantially increase during the year. Watch for announcements via the mass e-mailer from the national office and for those included in our monthly magazine. I cannot think of another PCA region that benefits as much as ours does from the support of three dealerships! It is a testament to our members’ involvement and participation, as well as to the enthusiasm projected by our members. Still, one more item. This year’s holiday party will take on a new theme and venue. I will keep you informed as time approaches, but I know you will be pleasantly surprised. Now can you understand why I am bursting with pride for our region and its entire membership?

Thank you to The Auto Gallery, Rusnak Porsche Westlake, and Santa Barbara Auto Group for inviting us to be a part of your 991 introduction activities, and for allowing so many of us the opportunity to get behind the wheel of the new Carrera. Thanks to David Lang at The Auto Group, I eagerly took a test drive the morning before the Camarillo Breakfast in February. I was favorably impressed with every improvement on the new car. The 991 is much more than “the new 911,” however. I feel the dynamic changes from the 997 to the 991 truly make the 991 “the next 911.” It’s that different. As always, your actual mileage may vary, but I’d encourage you to find out for yourself, if you can find one to try out at one of our three local dealers. That may be easier said than done. Until next month...




Camarillo Breakfast

New 991 Carreras Breeze Into Camarillo STORY & PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO


chilly breeze (okay, it was windy!) couldn’t cool off the excitement at our February Camarillo Breakfast, when, not one, but two new 991 Carrera S cars arrived for our inspection. David Lang, Internet/Fleet Manager of The Auto Gallery in Woodland Hills, brought a Carrara White PDKequipped beauty, and was graciously offering test drives throughout the morning. Santa Barbara Auto Group’s Walt Branscome arrived in an Agate Grey Metallic S, also with PDK transmission, and he, too, allowed several members a chance to take it for a spin. Everyone seemed very impressed with the new Porsches, and several members caravanned back to Woodland Hills after breakfast for the 991 Launch Event held at The Auto Gallery (picture coverage on page 15).

The new 991 Carrera S from The Auto Gallery.

President Nick Liakas called the business portion of the meeting to order and announced that three members of our region took the top spots in Zone 8 competitive events for 2011, and were honored at the January Zone 8 Banquet. Nick presented the Zone 8 Rally Championship Award to Phil Reese, and the Zone 8 Concours top honors to Dick Douglass. Additionally, Mike Furnish won the Zone 8 Autocross competition. Our region did extremely well! Membership Chair Sue Kinsling announced that 117 members and guests were in attendance at our breakfast, and that 71 Porsches (including the two brand new 991s) were displayed on the lawn. Sue introduced new SBR members Gary Keck and John Edison, both attending their first club meeting. Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer promoted the busy, upcoming events on our calendar, urging members to get signed up early! =

Please say hello to new SBR member John Edison.

Phil Reese (L) accepts the Zone 8 Rally Championship from President Nick Liakas.

Dick Douglass (L) picks up his Zone 8 Concours Championship award from Nick.


saturday, march 24, 2012

Santa Barbara Breakfast

Another Great Gathering On Stearns Wharf STORY AND PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO


nce again, the weather forecast was threatening, but the morning was mostly sunny on the wharf in Santa Barbara as 67 members and guests, driving 41 Porsches, gathered for our February 11th meeting.

Chris Andropoulos

President Nicolas Liakas recognized two of our Zone 8 Award winners: Dick Douglass, who took home the Concours prize; and our Autocross champ Mike Furnish. Nick also saluted a couple of “birthday boys,” Joe Schneider and James Oldham. Our new technical writer for Der Auspuff, Schneider Autohaus’ Chris Andropoulos was also introduced.

SBR Member Jack Price, whose architectural firm is working on the museum to be built at Barber Motorsports Park in Alabama (home of the Porsche Sport Driving School), has been asked to make a presentation at a future club meeting. It will be very interesting to hear more about this prestigious project from one of the principals.

A good crowd at our February Santa Barbara breakfast.

Nick also welcomed Santa Barbara Auto Group’s General Manager Ben Schroeder, who brought along Brian Cunningham, a race car driver and instructor at PSDS. Walt Branscome parked one of SBAG’s new 991s with our cars outside Moby Dick’s, and it generated a predictable amount of attention. Following our breakfast, Santa Barbara Auto Group hosted a 911 Test Drive event, offering drives in the new 991 accompanied by Brian Cunningham. Several members took advantage of this offer. Membership Chair Sue Kinsling introduced first time S.B. Breakfast attendee John Scoraros from Santa Barbara, and new member Christian Marx. Guests joining us included James McCully plus, Jeff Waxman’s son, Jeremy; Jack Price’s stepson, Darin Milgrim; and Sue & Randy Kinsling’s son, Todd, with his wife and daughter, Ashley and Addison. =

Ashley, Addison & Todd Kinsling visited our breakfast with Todd’s proud parents Randy & Sue Kinsling.


The R.U.F. Report



ick Liakas put in his request for perfect January weather for R.U.F.’s first event of the New Year. Many thanks to Nick, as the weather was absolutely perfect. Thirty-two R.U.F.ians attended, driving 18 vehicles from late model 911s, Caymans, Boxsters and a Panamera, to a MINI Cooper S. Our route was very picturesque, yet demanded the drivers’ full attention to the numerous twisties winding through Hidden Valley. As we turned up Westlake Blvd. (Highway 23), the pace quickened. Heart rates began to increase, steering wheel grips tightened, and smiles began to broaden on the faces of most as we exercised our beloved Porsches. A left turn on Mulholland Highway bought us out to Kanan Road. We traversed to Latigo Canyon, and again began a spirited, very attention-demanding segment of our drive. Hill and dale, and away we went. Up over various ridges and down into and through challenging switchbacks. As the blue Pacific emerged, our senses began to soften. A casual drive through scenic Malibu Canyon and back to Mulholland Highway, where we found yet more curves to carve. Finally, we arrived at our intended destination, Malibou Lake. Picnic lunches were unloaded and devoured as conversation prevailed. Hal Jandorf set

up a telescope so those of us who wanted could view solar flares (prominences) on the sun. We all agreed that it was very interesting. Thanks, Hal. John & Jeanne McNair reviewed the upcoming R.U.F. events for the next few months. Other than a few queasy passengers, our group came away unscathed from the challenge of the drive. Plus, our appetites were sated after our repast adjacent to beautiful Malibou Lake. A special thanks to Bruce & Jeanette Clemens for arranging the use of the picnic area at the Malibou Lake Mountain Club. If you are not on the email list of R.U.F.ians, please contact John & Jeanne McNair, R.U.F. Directors, to be added to the roster. I encourage you to come out and join us on the next one. =

(L-R) Hal Jandorf, Mike & Karen Turek, as Mike takes a close-up look at the sun.

The R.U.F.ians occupy the picnic area at beautiful Malibou Lake after a great drive.

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Rusnak Service & Parts Director Sam Abergel (far right) presents the evening’s agenda.

Larry Tewner (center) holds the gadget that manages the VAL (vehicle analysis log) which reports any service needs.

Diagnostic Lessons At Rusnak Tech Session STORY & PHOTOS BY NICOLAS LIAKAS


hat darn “Check Engine Light!” What do I do now?” Oops, now it’s flashing! What does it all mean? The service and technical support team at Rusnak Porsche Westlake sponsored a clinic for Santa Barbara Region members on the evening of January 18, 2012, instructing our 20 members on how master mechanics diagnose and repair problems that occasionally spring up in our Porsches. It was a fascinating lesson on how things are done right – the first time! Under the direction of Sam Abergel, Director of Service & Parts, two exceptional technicians (Mark Leach and Larry Tewner) led the seminar and discussion on the tools of the trade. Two Porsches, a 997 and a 996, were disabled prior to our

arrival. The 997 was subjected to misfiring at one cylinder, while the 996 suffered from Secondary Air Injection System problems. Mark and Larry expertly described how the diagnostic equipment (mandated by the factory) operates, and displayed how quickly the causes of the disabling of the two vehicles were disclosed. The system also provides a listing of steps to be taken by the technician to perform the necessary repairs. The Air Injection System report, for example, takes seven pages of text and diagrams for use by the technician. It was immensely interesting to witness the entire process. The computers quickly and efficiently displayed the necessary information, so the repair process was flawless. What’s more, if repairs are covered by the factory warranty, the diagnostic equipment prepares a VAL – Vehicle

Master Tech Mark Leach (third from right) explains how the subject car was disabled and how it would be fixed.

Analysis Log – that basically determines how much the factory will have to pay for the labor and materials. As this was an evening program, Sam supplied us with food and drinks at the start of the evening and kept it available throughout the seminar. Other members of the technical staff were also on hand, and Keith Goldberg (General Manager) visited with us for the second half of the event. Everyone at Rusnak expressed their support of and appreciation for our members, and the offer was made to conduct additional tech sessions during the balance of 2012. Further, the new Porsche facilities, now under construction, will be extraordinary, and we will be invited to participate in the grand opening. =

Doug Anderson (foreground) listens to Larry Tewner’s explanation of repairs.

Largest Porsche Event in the West April 20-22, 2012 ̐ ˨ Free Admission / $10 Parking ˪ Time Trial ˺ ̌

˪ ˫ ˫ ˪ ̳ ˫



n Saturday, February 4, David Lang, Internet/Fleet Manager for The Auto Gallery, brought a beautiful, new Carrara White 991 to our Camarillo Breakfast at the Way-Point Café. Test drives of the new Carrera S were available throughout the morning. Following breakfast, a large group of SBR members caravanned from Camarillo to The Auto Gallery showroom in Woodland Hills for the dealership’s “991 Launch Celebration.” The AG facilities were decorated with balloons, and a delicious breakfast buffet was available for everyone to enjoy. Sales Manager Eric Schwartz greeted the SBR members, inviting all to stay for lunch, as a gourmet food truck from “The Habit” set up just outside the showroom. More test drives were available, and everyone seemed to have a great time enjoying The Auto Gallery’s generous hospitality and, of course, the new Porsche 991. =

(L-R) Sue & Randy Kinsling, Michael Brovsky, and Steve Kaller in The Auto Gallery’s showroom for the 991 Launch Event.

A breakfast buffet and decorated tables greeted SBR members as we were welcomed into The Auto Gallery.

The “guest of honor” was an Agate Grey Metallic Carrera S. It was thoroughly inspected by a very interested crowd.


aturday evening, February 4, the three Rusnak auto centers of Los Angeles County invited their Porsche customers to a lavish extravaganza at the Taglyan Cultural Center in the heart of Hollywood. The 991 was on display inside a fabulous conference center, and the invitees were able to inspect every sensuous line and the heartthumping technical specifications. The entertainment included professional dancers, an extensive fashion show and an appearance by the recently crowned Miss California USA, Natalie Pack. Liz Rusnak was the hostess, plus greetings were extended by Rusnak Porsche Westlake General Manager Keith Goldberg. After the unveiling of the new 911, the buffet was opened and guests enjoyed a feast emphasizing Middle Eastern delicacies. =

Rusnak Porsche Westlake General Manager Keith Goldberg with three of the professional dancers who entertained. More 991 Launch Event coverage on page 16

Terry & Doug Anderson watch as a Rusnak associate works up a quote on his iPad.

Porsche Cars North America Western Region Manager John Koehler and his wife Janice at the Rusnak Launch Event.

Miss California USA Natalie Pack liked this Black Turbo Cab.

Brad & Judy Hunt examine a new Cabriolet.


n emotional conflict of Dickensian proportions challenged SBR members to decide which moment possessed the greater emotional pull: the sun setting on the Pacific, or the unveiling of the new 991 at the Fess Parker Doubletree Hotel in Santa Barbara. It was the best of times on the evening of February 9 as dozens of SBR members witnessed a kaleidoscope of colors over the ocean and were treated like royalty by Ben Schroeder, General Manager, Porsche Santa Barbara at the official introduction by the dealership of the latest 911 model. =

As the cameras flashed, the new 991 was unveiled.

Jim & Wendy Brown, Kent Bodin, and Jeanette Bassett

Jack Price and Alan Grant




group of 76 members departed from the Santa Barbara La Cumbre Plaza parking lot driving 42 Porsches and headed up Hwy 154 to enjoy another beautiful day, driving the back roads of Santa Barbara County. Ted Lighthizer led the group into the outskirts of Solvang and then took us down Alisal Road on a route past Nojoqui Falls. From there we took the 101 North for a short stretch before heading west on Santa Rosa Road in the Buellton area. After over an hour of driving, the members were ready for their first stop at Lafond Winery & Vineyards, where we stretched our legs and walked through the winery. Some members enjoyed the wine tasting and purchased wine for their picnic lunch. The owner, Pierre Lafond, founded the first post-prohibition commercial winery in Santa Barbara County in 1962. At that time, he had to purchase grapes from the Napa Valley as none were grown in Santa Barbara County. When the supply up north began diminishing, Pierre purchased and planted 65 acres of vineyards in 1971 in the Santa Rita Hills at the western tip of the Santa Ynez Valley. In 1996, he purchased another 30 acres of Pinot Noir and Syrah vineyards. Bruce McGuire became their

winemaker in 1981 and was one of the pioneers in the development of Pinot Noir and Syrah in Santa Barbara County and in the entire state of California. After leaving the winery, we continued driving west on Santa Rosa Road for another eleven miles and then turned south onto the CA-1 for a short distance before heading west on Jalama Road for another 14 miles of fun-filled Porsche roads. Near the end of the drive, we were able to see miles of pristine coastline and

enjoy breathtaking views as we came down the hill into the Jalama Beach County Park. Land near Jalama Creek was once a Chumash Indian settlement named “Halama�. In 1943, 23.5 acres of privately owned land was donated to the County of Santa Barbara, and thus, our park was formed. Jalama Beach is a respite from typically bustling seaside parks, yet offers many conveniences including the Jalama Beach store and Grill, which is home to Continued on page 18

Mike Jacobs leads the parade of Porsches into the Lafond Winery grounds.

RUN TO JALAMA BEACH...Continued from page 17 the world famous Jalama burger. Ted & Doreen got a chance to try out this tasty treat when they checked out the park the weekend before this event. We set up our picnic lunches in the dayuse area, and fortunately, many members had brought tablecloths to cover the tables. It was a slightly overcast and windy day, but the sun did peek out a few times. The cool weather didn’t deter our members from enjoying their lunches and good conversation with their friends. Wine and other treats were shared amongst members, and some new acquaintances were made. John & Adrienne Demboski from Santa Barbara and John & Linda Edison of Ventura were our newest members on the trip. They joined PCA in January 2012, so this was their first road trip with the club. Other members who attended and joined the club this past year were: Eric Carrier of Santa Ynez, John & Mary Kirk from Thousand Oaks, and Patrick Cable of Camarillo.

The invasion of so many Porsches was quite a sight at the Lafond Winery.

After everyone had their fill of walking on the beach and enjoying the magnificent views, we departed for home. =

New members Adrienne & John Demboski from Santa Barbara on their first club outing.

We quickly filled the picnic area and enjoyed our lunches.

(L-R) Walt & Rebecca Branscome, Mark Smith, Mike Jacobs, Jeanette Smith, Debra & Gary Laird huddled together to keep warm.

Sequoia National Park - The Watchtower


ome join us for a fun-filled trip over the 2012 Memorial Day weekend where we’ll visit the Land of Giants in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks. If you want to double your pleasure and double your fun, you can extend your trip through mid-week, and tour the breathtaking sights of Yosemite National Park. We’ll start out by touring Sequoia National Park’s amazing Crystal Cave on Friday afternoon, before checking in at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Three Rivers. Saturday, we’ll explore the beauty of Sequoia National Park including Moro Rock and the General Sherman tree. After having lunch at Waksuchi Lodge, we’ll do a two-mile hike along the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River to Tokopah Falls. On Sunday, we’ll enjoy a beautiful drive to

Kings Canyon National Park - The General Grant Tree

Yosemite National Park - Half Dome

King’s Canyon, and tour both the Grant Grove and Cedar Grove areas, where we’ll enjoy panoramic views of the canyon and river below. This glaciated valley features towering granite cliffs, tumbling waterfalls, and the powerful Kings River. On Monday, participants may choose to return home, or join others for the optional second part of our adventure. One of the most spectacular places on earth is in our backyard: Yosemite National Park. Join us during the less crowded midweek as we explore and marvel at the park’s majestic sights, including Vernal, Nevada, Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls, Mirror Lake, and the views of Half Dome from Glacier Point. On our way home on Wednesday, we’ll take a side trip to Forestiere Underground Gardens in Fresno as well as a tour of

Kingsbury Historical Park, or a drive along the Fresno Fruit Trail. The club fee for the Sequoia and Kings Canyon part of the trip is $115 per person, which includes the cave tour, two lunches, two dinners, meal tax and gratuities, and activity fee. There is no additional fee for the Yosemite portion of our trip. All Yosemite meals are “on your own” with restaurant suggestions freely made by our in-house eatery expert. If you’re interested in going on this fun-filled trip, please R.S.V.P. to Doreen Pankow to reserve your spot. Please indicate on which dates you plan to participate. You will receive further detail on the itinerary, hotel registration, meals and schedule once you R.S.V.P.

Payment and registration form must be received no later than May 4, 2012. Make checks payable to PCA/SBR. Mail to: Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063. Names: ___________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell Phone:___________________________________ Plan to do the Yosemite Trip also: Yes______ No______ Check enclosed for the amount of: ________ $115/person (not including hotel charges) Cancellations after May 18 will not receive a refund.

Zone 8 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region


SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2012 w




Entry Fee: $85.00 per driver, includes lunch.


Make checks payable to PCA/SBR for $85

The Tech Page

THE MODERN PORSCHE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Before You Reach For Those Jumper Cables, You’d Better Read This BY CHRIS ANDROPOULOS


lectrical systems have evolved more than perhaps any other aspect of modern automobiles. And Porsches are no exception. Porsche has come a long way from the days of the 6-volt 356 electrical system, comprised of a single, poster-sized page to display the wiring diagram of the entire vehicle. Today’s Porsche wiring diagrams require multiple phone book-sized volumes with fold-out pages to display the plethora of electrical systems that are on board in a single vehicle.

A typical 356 wiring diagram, back when things were much simpler. While modern Porsches are wonderful when everything is working as it should, they can be very frustrating when electrical glitches occur, leading one to wonder why they need to be so complicated. Since electrical systems are not widely understood, and their issues can be insidious in nature, this article will provide an overview of the necessity of complex electronics in today’s Porsches. More specifically, it will outline what to do in the case of perhaps the most common electrical issue experienced – a dead battery. The reasons for the electrical complexity of a modern Porsche are manifold. Government regulation of fuel economy and engine efficiency demand increasingly sophisticated engine management systems. Active and passive onboard safety systems, like stability control and multiple airbags, necessitate high speed data networks capable of rapid data transfer between

sensors and control modules. Finally, consumer demand for comfort and convenience features have turned modern cars into virtual rolling entertainment centers. As a result, the modern Porsche has dozens of control modules on board, each of which is a miniature computer in its own right. Each control module is linked to one of several onboard high speed data transfer networks. These high speed networks are necessary for the various control modules to communicate with each other. The engine control module (also known as the DME control unit) is in constant communication with the Tiptronic or PDK control units in Porsches thus equipped, providing optimum shift points for every driving situation. The control unit for the anti-lock braking system (ABS) and stability control system (PSM) receives data from wheel speed sensors for each wheel, as well as steering angle and lateral acceleration sensors, and is therefore able to calculate the driver’s intended path, and it can brake individual wheels or even cut engine power to keep the car on the road! The audio systems on 2003 and up Porsches even have their own dedicated fiber optic networks for rapid data transfer of audio signals and navigation data.

for even a short amount of time can rapidly drain the battery. In fact, even leaving the key in the ignition switched all the way off will still drain the battery, as the various control modules onboard remain “awake,” waiting to respond if the ignition is switched on. In short, do not leave the key in the ignition slot in your modern Porsche (’99 and up 911, or any Boxster, Cayman or Cayenne), as it can drain the battery in as little as a few hours. Low voltage situations can result in some strange symptoms and warning messages in the newer Porsches. If you ever experience a battery warning message or any other unusual warning messages with the engine running, or if erratic function of electrical equipment occurs, it is recommended to visit a Porsche specialist for diagnosis. If you find that your battery is dead for any reason, special precaution must be taken to avoid damaging sensitive electrical equipment. If you have a 996/997 or Boxster/Cayman that has an electric front hood release, you may need to follow the emergency front trunk release procedure outlined in the owner’s manual to gain access to the battery. This procedure involves applying power to the emergency power terminal in the fuse panel, located to the left of the driver’s footwell. Do NOT

Once you have access to the battery, avoid jump starting, if at all possible, as damage to expensive electrical components can occur if care is not taken. Batteries All of these complex onboard electronics still rely on a 12-volt battery and generator (more commonly known as an alternator) for power. While advances in battery and alternator technology have taken place, they can still experience the same failure modes as in older cars. The increase in the amount of onboard electronics in modern Porsches means that leaving the ignition switched on without the engine running

attempt to jump start the engine with a battery or booster pack connected to the emergency terminal. Only use it to open the front trunk lid. In Cayennes, the main starter battery is located under the driver’s seat, so the battery should be charged or jump started via the remote posts located in the engine compartment. This is also the case in Panameras; the battery is located under the floor in the rear luggage compartment, but Continued on page 22


the battery should only be charged or jump started via the remote battery terminals in the engine compartment. The newest 991 series 911 joins the 2011-up Cayenne and the 2010 and newer Panamera in its electrical complexity. Like its larger siblings, the 991 features an intelligent charging system that only charges the battery during light load and deceleration conditions to save fuel. There is a battery charging sensor built into the negative battery cable that constantly monitors that battery’s state of charge. This cable can easily be damaged if the battery is charged or jump started directly from the battery cables, and premature battery failure and a multitude of other electrical issues can result. Once you have access to the battery, avoid jump starting, if at all possible, as damage to expensive electrical components can occur if care is not taken. The safest bet is to either trickle charge the battery, or to have your Porsche towed with a flatbed truck to your Porsche specialist.

The CTek is one of many brands that will safely trickle charge your battery. It is recommended to trickle charge the battery only with a modern digital battery charger. These are readily available at most auto parts stores. If your battery charger is old and large and makes a loud buzzing noise when it is operating, it is not suitable for charging a battery that is connected to a modern Porsche. The electricity generated by older style analog battery chargers is “dirty,” meaning that the charging voltage is not well regulated and can possibly cause damage. If it is an emergency or you are stuck and the only way to get your Porsche going is with a jump start, it is recommended to use a portable booster pack to jump start in lieu

of jumper cables hooked up to a second vehicle with the engine running. However, if the only way available to jump start is with a second vehicle and jumper cables, try to avoid running the engine on the second car if at all possible. Running the engine on the second vehicle does increase the available voltage to start the dead vehicle, but there is a chance of damaging the electrical systems of both vehicles due to the high current surge when the car with the dead battery is started.

the tow truck, as large trucks often have higher voltage systems that can damage the sensitive electronics in your Porsche. Once your engine is running, leave the jumper cables connected for several minutes to allow the voltage to stabilize. Turn on the headlights of the car that was jump started, as this will help absorb the voltage surge that occurs when the cables are disconnected. Carefully disconnect the cables one at a time in the opposite order that you connected them. First

Once your engine is running, leave the jumper cables connected for several minutes to allow the voltage to stabilize. Wear eye protection if possible, and be CERTAIN that the jumper cables are connected correctly. Connecting jumper cables backwards can cause expensive damage to a car’s electrical system! If you are not sure which is positive or negative, it is best to try to find someone who can help. First connect the positive jumper cable to the “donor” vehicle’s positive battery post; then connect the other end of the positive cable to the positive post of the dead battery. Next, connect the negative jumper cable to the donor vehicle’s negative battery post, and connect the other end to a good ground point on the vehicle with the dead battery (if the cable is connected to the negative post of the dead battery, it can cause sparks which can in some cases cause the battery to explode!). Sometimes the second “donor” vehicle’s battery does not have enough available capacity to jump start a second vehicle without its engine running. If it is necessary to run the engine of the donor vehicle to provide adequate voltage for jump starting, turn on several electrical accessories within the donor vehicle such as the headlights, wipers, and rear defrost to help absorb the large current spike from the Porsche’s starter motor when its engine is started. If you call AAA or another service for a tow truck to assist you in starting your Porsche, insist that they bring a portable 12-volt booster pack to jump start your car. Do NOT let the tow truck driver jump start your car directly from the battery of

disconnect the negative cable from the engine compartment of the car that was jump started, then disconnect the negative cable from the second car’s battery. Lastly, disconnect the positive cables. If the engine of the car that was jump started stops running after the jumper cables are disconnected, there may be a problem with the car’s charging system, and it is best to call a tow truck. It is a good idea after jump starting a car with a dead battery to drive it or let it run for at least 30 minutes to help charge the battery. But it is an even better idea to connect the battery to a trickle charger, as it can be detrimental to the life of the alternator to recharge a completely dead battery in addition to its normal electrical demands. If the battery on your modern Porsche (any Cayenne, 2005-and-up Boxsters/ Caymans and 911s) goes completely dead or is disconnected, several of the vehicle’s electronic control modules lose their onboard memory, and need to be re-initialized. A factory-level Porsche scan tool such as the PIWIS is required to perform some of the reset procedures. The steering angle sensor for the aforementioned PSM stability management system needs to be recalibrated with a scan tool (a “PSM failure” message will appear in the instrument cluster display and the PSM system will not function properly until this reset procedure is performed). Continued on next page

Sometimes the electronic throttle body will need re-initialization, indicated by an erratic idle. This is as simple as switching the ignition on to position 2 for 30 seconds without the engine running and without touching the accelerator pedal. The one-touch function for the power windows and sunroof will not work until the systems re-learn the opening and closing limits of the windows and sunroof. To reset the power window onetouch feature, close all doors and for each window, raise it fully with the switch until it stops. Then, toggle the window switch to “close” once more. Then, lower the window completely by holding down the switch to the “open” position, and after it stops, toggle the switch to “open” once more. Repeat this procedure for each window. Now, the system has learned where the window opening and closing limits are, and the one-touch feature should work again. In some occasions, if the battery goes completely dead on a modern Porsche, certain functions such as seat heaters,

foglamps, headlight washers, or even the radio or climate controls may not function. This is because it is possible for the vehicle to revert to “transport mode” as a result of a low voltage situation. The only remedy is to have a Porsche specialist perform a “vehicle handover” procedure A Boxster/Cayman battery is located in the front trunk. with a scan tool and/or perform a battery reset procedure to restore We have come a long way indeed from full function of the electrical system. checking the electrolyte level in your 356’s 6-volt battery! = The latest Cayennes (2011 and later) and Panameras require a new battery Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and registration procedure with a scan tool a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa if the battery needs replacement, as the Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a alternator’s charging strategy changes lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and based on the age and condition of the knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to battery. Failure to perform the battery the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his dailyregistration will greatly shorten the life of driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he the new battery. can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.

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Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers

47 Years

10 Years

New Members

Transfers In

Ed Yates

Daniel J. & Jeanine Byers

37 Years

7 Years

Michael & Cathy Nunn

Pat Devaney Santa Barbara 1994 968 from CA Central Coast

Ron & Laurie Yttri

Earl & Celes Buck R David & Toni Fox Kenneth Just Michael Mcguire

Christopher J. Clarke Newbury Park, 2009 Carrera S

24 Years

5 Years

Gene Yoshida

Erick Bech Rick & Suzanne Principe

29 Years

Michaela D. Reid Oak Park 1983 911SC John Vasi Santa Barbara 2004 Carrera

21 Years

Douglas & Suzy Garrett

4 Years

Sun Ae Lee & David Dablaing Mary Christine Vujea & Martin Keller

Neil & Fancine Afromsky John Cliff Alfred Harman Donald & Linda Kuckenbaker Glen & Joanne Macdonald Paul & Tina Mcenroe

18 Years

3 Years

Carol Bishop & Stephen Barber Greg & Tricia Braun Paul & Patti Eisenberg

Peter & Mathew Bower Joe Fike Michael & Hogan Ganschow Lisa Yan & Alan Grant Frank & Amy Richter

19 Years

Chad & Esther White Santa Barbara 1960 718 RS 61

John M. Edison Ventura 1974 911 from CA Central Coast Jay & Pamela Freedman Agoura Hills 1972 911 from Gold Coast

16 Years

George & Marge Vorgitch 2 Years Jose Arevalo 15 Years Syed Faruque John Kraus Debbie Hilton & Jon & Betsy Lutz Geoffrey Gallant Graham J.Gurney 14 Years Dennis & Debi Howarth J Barry Combes Steve Venetis 13 Years

1 Year

Jesse Alexander

Pat Aoyama Marty Blumenthal Roger Durling John Gerngross Bradley & Karen Gray David & Melissa Kornblatt

12 Years

Jerry B. & Harriet C. Goldman Brian & Lori Payne 11 Years

Michael & Joy Felix

Down The Road

Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest

March 11 March 24 March 31 April 13-15 April 20-22 April 28 May 25-30 June 24 June 30 July 14-15 July 21 July 28 August 17-19 August 25 September 8 September 22 September 29 October 14 October 27-28 November 17 December 2 December 16

Zone 8 Autocross in Santa Barbara SBR Poker Run P.M.S. At Santa Anita Park Long Beach Grand Prix Zone 8 Festival of Speed Zone 8 Autocross in Camarillo Sequoia & Kings Canyon/Yosemite Trip SBR Member Appreciation Day El Camino Real XXIX - Boucher/Schneider Z8 Rally Ventura Motorsports Gathering 16th Annual Chili Cook-Off Autocross in Camarillo Monterey Motorsports Reunion, Laguna Seca SBR Progressive Dinner Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Autocross in Camarillo The Gimmick Rally 36th Annual Concours d’Elegance Wine Country Harvest Tour A Visit to The Malamut Collection Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR Annual Holiday Party

Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Staff Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown

Autocross Chair David Witteried

Club Race Coordinator Chief Driving Instructor Vince Knauf Scott Mann Concours Chair Joe Nedza Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett Webmaster Ken Short

Rally Chair Revere Jones Secretary Skip Carter Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias

Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8

Los Angeles


Orange County

CA Central Coast


California Inland

Santa Barbara

Golden Empire

San Diego

Grand Prix Las Vegas

San Gabriel Southern Arizona

SBR Board of Directors Meeting

February 8, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. – Santa Barbara Auto Group MINUTES RECORDED BY DICK LANGE

991 Intro Events from all three of our supporting Porsche dealerships.

The February dinner board meeting was held at the Santa Barbara Auto Group in Santa Barbara. Present were: Nick Liakas, Steve Kaller, John Alfenito, Sue & Randy Kinsling, Nadine Tracy, Mike Turek, Michael Brovsky, Janice Herndon, James Oldham, James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Brian Rubino, Jim Brown, Joseph Carastro, Bob Roe, Susan Sheller and Dick Lange.

Distribution: The February issue was mailed out on 27 January at a cost of $333.01 for 732 copies. The Board approved additional funding of $1000 for the next three months of distribution expense.

The following reports and discussions were presented: Secretary: The January 2012 board meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Vice President: No report. Treasurer: Jim Brown reported on the following financial statements for the month of January: (1) monthly income statement, (2) statement of cash flows and (3) ending balance sheet. A motion was made and approved to have the Vice President review on a monthly basis the bank statements and cash balance reconciliation. Membership: During the month of January, seven new members joined our region and membership stood at 682 at month’s end. January’s membership is 13 less than last month. Activities: The following events are still open and available for participation – Porsche Picnic at Jalama Beach (February 18); Santa Barbara Autocross (March 11); Poker Run (March 24); Camarillo Autocross (April 28); and Memorial Day Weekend – Double Discovery Drive (May 25-28) Sequoia & Kings Canyon Park (May 28-30) Yosemite National Park. Fliers were posted in the January and February 2012 Der Auspuff. Editor: The March Der Auspuff will feature articles on the Jalama Beach Picnic, Rusnak’s Tech Night, R.U.F.’s Drive to Malibou Lake, and photos from the

Advertising: Sponsorship status was discussed including several new prospects. Goodie Store: February Goodie Store sales at the Camarillo breakfast totaled $667. A reimbursement request for $1746.03 was approved. Insurance: Certificates of Liability have been requested, filed and received for the January Malibou Lake Mountain Club event and February’s trip to the Auto Gallery and Jalama Beach County Park in Lompoc. Rally: The rally has been scheduled for June 30 in Santa Barbara. Concours: No report. Autocross: A PayPal account has been established for those who wish to pay via credit card. Archives: No report. Webmaster: Updates to the region’s website have been made. In addition, a new 2012 Der Auspuff web page has been deployed displaying the upcoming year’s issues. A suggestion box will be added to our web page with all suggestions being forwarded to Public Relations Chair Janice Herndon for consideration and disposition. Safety: No report. P.M.S.: Work is going forward on the upcoming Santa Anita race track event scheduled for March 31. R.U.F.: The schedule for the next five months is as follows: February 23 – Carriage and Western Museum in Santa Barbara

March 15 – Docent tour of Corriganville April 19 – Tour of NOAA facility in Oxnard May 17 – Tour of the Gamble house in Pasadena June 14 – Tour of the “Bird Museum” in Camarillo 50th Anniversary: No report. Public Relations: The January Santa Barbara Region Palm Springs trip has been submitted to “Panorama” magazine for consideration in the March edition. Past President: Michael Brovsky shared with us his research and recommendations on a portable sound system for use at the Camarillo breakfast. President: The region has submitted to the national office three nominations for awards: Region of the Year, Enthusiast of the Year, and Community Service. Commitments from our Porsche Dealers have been obtained for 2012 support as well as support for our 50th Anniversary celebration. Our Zone 8 representative has made us aware of the 50th Anniversary date conflict with the 2014 National Parade. Ted, Doreen, and Nick met with the catering manager at La Cumbre Country Club regarding the 2012 Holiday Party and our Member Appreciation Day. A $500 deposit for each event was approved by the board. Old Business: Discussions on charity sponsorship were rescheduled for the March board meeting. New Business: A motion was made and approved to appoint a subcommittee of Bob Roe and Susan Sheller to explore ways to increase the participation of the Santa Barbara residents in the club. They are to inform the board of their recommendations. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.


Support The Club. Shop The Goodie Store!

ADVERTISER DIRECTORY American Global Standards ...........25 Andy’s Detail ..................................9 Aswell Trophy ...............................29 Auto Gallery .................................10 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................26 Gary Betz Enterprises ....................29 Walt Branscome, SBAG .................32 California Tire Company .................24 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........23 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .......32 Coachcraft ....................................25 Courtesy Body Shop ......................30 Dent Experts .................................29 DSR Audio ....................................12 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................25 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .....25 Lavaggio ........................................6 Leland West Insurance ..................12 Los Angeles Dismantler.................24 Neil McAuliffe ..............................27 North Hollywood Speedometer ......12 RS Enterprises ................................9 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ......................32 Anthony Strauss ...........................26 TC’s Garage ..................................29

PCA/SBR Classifieds

Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.

2001 BOXSTER SUSPENSION – FOR SALE Original used shocks, springs and sway bars from 2001 Boxster. Everything is in very good condition. I replaced my original Porsche suspension with the ROW 030 suspension several years ago, and finally came to the realization I’m tired of seeing these parts in my garage! Price $350 or make me an offer. Call Geoff Walsh (310) 457-2629 or (02/12) 2006 CAYMAN S – FOR SALE Seal Grey, Black Partial Leather. 295 HP, 6-Speed Manual Trans. Original Owner. 16,800 Miles. Preferred Package Plus. Bi-Xenon Headlamps, Bose Surround Sound with 6-CD Changer, 14-Way Electric and Heated Comfort Seats, Self-Dimming Mirrors, Rain Sensor Wipers, Wheel Caps with Colored Crests, Floor Mats in Interior Color. Extras include: 3-M Clear Bra, Porsche Design Chrome Exhaust Tips, Das Shield Trunk Lid Protector, Indoor Car Cover, Certificate of Authenticity. PCA-SBR Concours W/S Class & Division Winner. Always garaged and dealer serviced with Amsoil products. All books and records. Excellent condition. $36,500 OBO. Contact Dave Stone at (805) 389-8999 or (02/12) EZ CAR LIFT – FOR SALE EZ Car Lift in new condition (used only 5 times). Includes two sets of cross spacers (the part the car rests on) so it will fit all Porsche sports cars. Original cost $2105. $1700 or trade for? Visit the EZ Car See lift website at Jim Gude (661) 821-3805. (02/12) 1989 PORSCHE 928-S4 – FOR SALE Automatic transmission. White leather interior. Always garaged. 59,000 miles. $16,000. Contact Larry Young at (805) 482-0132 or (01/12) 2005 997 PORSCHE CARRERA COUPE – FOR SALE Exceptional, one-owner, garaged, non-smoker, all records, complete dealer services, loaded. Grey Metallic, Tiptronic S, Bi-Xenon headlight package, power seat package, all leather. 19-inch S Wheels, Sports Exhaust, Sports Chrono Plus, Navigation for PCM, Bose high-end with 6-disc CD. 79,300 miles. Price now $37,900. Call Scott (818) 482-0540 or email (01/12) 18-INCH PORSCHE CAYMAN S WHEELS – FOR SALE 2007 OEM Porsche Cayman S rims (no tires) in very good condition. Asking $300 for the set of four, plus shipping costs (if any). Call Bela at (805) 937-9307 or email at (01/12) FOUR HRE WHEELS FOR 996 – FOR SALE Two 19-inch by 8.5-inch, two 19-inch by 12-inch (offset four inches). Three-piece aluminum. Original price $7900. Please make offer. Call Lloyd Wright at (310)457-0107 or email at (01/12) 2002 PORSCHE 911 TURBO X50 PACKAGE – FOR SALE Original owner selling white 2002 Porsche 911 Turbo with X50 Package. Perfect condition. Black interior. Six speed transmission. All service done at Rusnak Porsche. 77,000 miles. Original price $170,000. For sale at $55,500. Call Lloyd Wright at (310) 457-0107 or email at (01/12) MICHELIN PILOT SPORT TIRES – FOR SALE Four used Michelin Pilot Sport tires. Two 225/40/ZR 18, and two 295/30/ZR 18. Approximately one-third of tread remaining. Price $200. Call Lloyd Wright (310) 457-0107 or (12/11) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at

Next Month In

...the last word

Can You Hear Me Now? Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer has solved the “communications problem� of trying to get everyone’s attention when speaking to a large group of club members. At the February Jalama Beach Run, Ted broke out his new, handy-dandy, baby bullhorn (complete with siren sound!) and it worked like a charm!

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