Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • April 2012
Zone 8 Autocross In Santa Barbara R.U.F. Visits Carriage Museum Porsche Tires & Alignment
Contents Features
R.U.F. At S.B. Carriage Museum .................11 Rusnak Porsche Westlake’s New Digs .......13 Autocross In Santa Barbara ........................16 Complete Autocross Results .......................19 Modern Porsche Tires & Alignment ............21
Monthly Reports
President’s Column ........................................4 From The Editor’s Desk..................................4 Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ........................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24
SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 California Festival of Speed ..........................5 Camarillo Autocross ......................................6 El Camino Real XXIX ...................................12 Memorial Day Double Discovery Drive .......15 Member Appreciation Brunch .....................30 Porsche Parade 2012...................................32
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 The Tech Page .............................................21 Down The Road - Future Events..................26 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31 The Last Word .............................................32
On The Cover SBR’s Rod Hersberger pushes his Cayman S through the Santa Barbara Autocross course. Photo by John Alfenito
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • April 2012
Zone 8 Autocross In Santa Barbara R.U.F. Visits Carriage Museum Porsche Tires & Alignment
Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors
President NICOLAS LIAKAS NicolasLiakas@yahoo.com 818-706-6016
Activities DOREEN PANKOW DPankow@sbcglobal.net TED LIGHTHIZER TLighthizer@sbcglobal.net 805-527-8280
Vice President STEVE KALLER Steve@kallermgmt.com 805-984-2501
Goodie Store BRIAN RUBINO BrianRubino@verizon.net LINDA RUBINO LRRubino@verizon.net 805-498-1053
Treasurer JIM BROWN BrownBearz@verizon.net 805-559-1004
Secretary DICK LANGE LRLange@pacbell.net 818-865-1498
Membership SUE KINSLING Sue_Kin@hotmail.com 805-386-8112
Editor JOHN ALFENITO DerAuspuff@gmail.com 818-436-9204
Past President MICHAEL BROVSKY Michael@samsonig.com 805-453-5456
Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees Advertising
50th Anniversary
Public Relations
dkuckenbaker@aol.com oldhamjames@msn.com dan_byers@mac.com ddouglass356@yahoo.com yabitsu@charter.net nadine356@gmail.com james.f.edwards@hotmail.com klynnturek@hotmail.com
jjmcnair3@verizon.net mkturek1@hotmail.com randy@my964.com
SBR Events Calendar Editor JOHN ALFENITO
DerAuspuff@gmail.com 818-436-9204
Advertising DON KUCKENBAKER Director DKuckenbaker@aol.com 805-984-9406
Yearly Advertising Rates
Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Don Kuckenbaker 805-984-9406 DKuckenbaker@aol.com
PCASBR is online:
www.pcasb.org www.facebook.com/PCASBR www.flickr.com/groups/pcasb
April Saturday
Wednesday Saturday
11 14
Fri-Sun20-22 Saturday
May Saturday
Wednesday Saturday
9 12
Fri.-Weds. 25-30
CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m. SEQUOIA/KINGS CANYON/YOSEMITE dpankow@sbcglobal.net – See page 15
June Saturday
Wednesday Saturday
13 23
CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m. SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SBR MEMBER APPRECIATION DAY dpankow@sbcglobal.net – See page 30 EL CAMINO REAL XXIX THE BOUCHER-SCHNEIDER TSD RALLY dpankow@sbcglobal.net – See page 12
July Saturday
Sun-Sat 8-14 Wednesday 11 Saturday 14 Saturday Saturday
21 28
The President’s Column Nicolas Liakas
ebruary was a very busy month for our region. It included lavish parties sponsored by our three local Porsche dealerships introducing the new 991. The drive to and picnic at Jalama Beach was well attended with a fabulous driving course that kept all participants enthused. All of the above were covered in the March issue of Der Auspuff that was received by our members on March 1 – a fast piece of reporting and delivery of the most anxiously awaited magazine. Kudos to all who take part every month in the publishing and processing of our “newsletter.” Past presidents Bob Roe and Suzi Sheller have taken on a new task. They will be contacting veteran members of our region who reside in the Santa Barbara environs to rejuvenate their participation in club activities. Special attention will be given to providing local activities for those members when the monthly club event is set for the eastern end of our region. I know that Bob and Suzi will spark more interest in our club by the selected audience. If they should contact you, please accept their invitation to join the effort. This is just one more example of how our region strives to serve the needs and interests of all our members at all locations. Speaking of providing services and opportunities to all our members, you will note from the list of monthly activities planned for 2012 that half are to be held in Santa Barbara County while the other half are scheduled for Ventura County. I am delighted that most of our members do not differentiate between the two as attendance at each event includes members from every corner of our region’s territory. Still, the board members and I take extra care in providing equal opportunity to all to share in the fun and excitement.
From The Editor’s Desk
John Alfenito
hile I am always very pleased to hear from members how much they enjoy receiving and reading Der Auspuff each month, please know that this publication is not a one-man operation...in fact, far from it. While published contributions come with attributions, let me direct your attention to a group of wonderful people who operate behind-the-scenes to make Der Auspuff look its best each month. I refer to them as “Team Der Auspuff ” because they go over every square inch of every issue before it goes off to the printer. As
Fast approaching is one of the best Porsche events in the southwest: the California Festival of Speed on April 20-22 at the Auto Club Speedway in Fontana. This is a fabulous weekend for Porsche Enthusiasts as it features PCA Club Racing and a Zone 8 TimeTrial. The first Zone 8 Concours of the 2012 season and a vendors’ row that will include cars of historic significance as well as the very new 911 are on Saturday. There will be a Porsche corral and a Festival Goodie Store. The lunchtime Track Tours allow everyone an opportunity to drive the actual track (at parade lap speed). There is no admission fee and the daily parking rate is just $10.00. The Festival is a Zone 8 event, and relies on volunteer workers to make the weekend a success. It is a small jump from attending to volunteering to work a four-hour shift. Volunteers get free parking, plus our region receives a modest financial consideration from the national office. Contact Mike Hodson at aitchpm@gmail.com or Carolyn Ewbank at bcewbank1@verizon. net to volunteer or to register for the event. The biennial Membership Appreciation Day is scheduled for June 24; see details on page 30. This event is intended to recognize and promote participation by our newest members, those who have joined during the period June 2010 to June 2012. The hospitable and festive gathering warmly welcomes and introduces them to some of our veterans. Whether you are new or an oldtimer, I will enjoy greeting and socializing with you on that day. Come and see how camaraderie is formed, how friendships develop, and how life-long relations are bonded. I would like to have your input. What can the Board members and I do to further enrich your experience with our club? What are we doing right? what are we doing wrong? Please note that we have developed a “Suggestion Box” on our website, www.pcasb. org and ask that you provide us with comments and suggestions. In addition, feel free to contact any one of the Board members directly (they are listed on page two of each issue of Der Auspuff) to offer your advice and counsel. I only ask that you not tell me to get lost; all other comments will be sincerely appreciated. I look forward to sharing more good times with you. Join in on the fun. shocking as it may be to hear, occasional mistakes are made as the various contributions to Auspuff ’s monthly content are compiled. Not everyone is a great speller, if you know what I mean. (That last statement is funnier if you’ve ever proofed something I’ve written.) Susan Stone, Jeanne McNair, and Birgitta Baker proofread every word in every issue. Together with President Nick Liakas and Activities Co-Chair Doreen Pankow, Susan, Jeanne, and Birgitta truly allow Der Auspuff to be its best. Their knowledge of grammar and spelling (oh, and punctuation, let’s not forget that!) keeps this newsletter looking good (or, is that well?). Seriously, I want to publicly thank “Team Der Auspuff ” for its continued, dedicated work. Hopefully, the next time you see one of them, you’ll say thank you, too. They deserve it...and more.
Largest Porsche Event in the West April 20-22, 2012 ̐ ˨ Free Admission / $10 Parking ˪ Time Trial ˺ ̌
˪ ˫ ˫ ˪ ̳ ˫
Zone 8 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region
SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2012 w
Entry Fee: $85.00 per driver, includes lunch.
Make checks payable to PCA/SBR for $85
Camarillo Breakfast March 3, 2012
A Beautiful But Blustery Day STORY & PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO
he unpredictable winter weather continued in March as our Camarillo Breakfast was once again met with strong breezes. A somewhat smaller than usual crowd of 84 members and six guests attended, parking 54 Porsches, covering all eras, on the Way-Point Café’s lawn. President Nicolas Liakas called the business portion of the meeting to order, and Membership Chair Sue Kinsling introduced Georges Geller from Thousand Oaks and new member Tau Urapa from Agoura Hills. Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer presented the roster of upcoming SBR activities, reminding everyone to sign up early for events, as most of our weekend gatherings have been selling out. As always, check our website or page 3 of Der Auspuff for specific information on future club fun. The Porsche Mademoiselle Society (P.M.S.) was represented by Linda Kuckenbaker, who in support of P.M.S.’s upcoming visit to Santa Anita Racetrack, held a drawing for some very fancy ladies’ hats. (See the photo below.)
Georges Geller from Thousand Oaks, who drives a 1982 SC.
All in all, it was another great get-together of friends and family, and a fun way to give the weekend a flying start. =
Be sure to say hello to new SBR member Tau Urapa of Agoura Hills. Tau has a 2003 Carrera.
Oscar Briones “models” the beautiful hat he won in the P.M.S. drawing. Actually, his wife Toni was the name drawn, but as she was not present, Oscar couldn’t resist.
Santa Barbara Breakfast March 10, 2012
he private dining room of Moby Dick’s quickly filled with members and guests on a perfect Southern California morning as our March Santa Barbara Breakfast came to order. President Nicolas Liakas greeted everyone, and introduced Colleen Stein, Los Angeles Region Board Member, who joined us for breakfast. Colleen was in town “car shopping,” and quickly struck up a conversation with SBR member (and SBAG sales person) Walt Branscome. Nick then introduced Delores Johnson and Tara Stoker from the Santa Barbara chapter of the Special Olympics. Delores spoke to us briefly about the charitable opportunities their organization provides, and solicited our help in an upcoming car show the SB Special Olympics group is sponsoring as a fund-raising activity. More details to come on that. Linda Kuckenbaker spoke on behalf of the Porsche Mademoiselle Society (P.M.S.) and their outing to Santa Anita Park scheduled for the end of March. Sue Kinsling, SBR Membership Chair, presented the day’s numbers: 59 members and guests present, driving 34 Porsches.
Delores Johnson and Tara Stoker from the Santa Barbara Chapter of the Special Olympics
Activities Co-Chair Doreen Pankow promoted the slate of upcoming region activities and events. Mike Hodson spoke about the Porsche Poker Run in Camarillo and the California Festival of Speed in Fontana. It was another fine meeting of our region, made even more enjoyable by the wonderful weather and the presence of friends. =
Visiting Los Angeles Region Board Member Colleen Stein
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The R.U.F. Report
Tour of Santa Barbara’s Carriage & Western Art Museum STORY BY JEANNE MCNAIR PHOTOS BY MIKE TUREK
n February 23, 2012, fourteen members of R.U.F. visited the Carriage & Western Art Museum located in an adobe brick building in Santa Barbara’s Pershing Park. The building and the western town façade inside create a great venue for the 70-plus antique carriages, saddle collections, and western art in this tiny gem of a museum. Our group was greeted by museum President Peter Georgi, who was to be our guide for the next hour. Mr. Georgi’s encyclopedic knowledge about the museum’s artifacts and art, coupled with his enthusiasm for the history of Santa Barbara and the museum itself, made for an entertaining and educational tour. Of primary importance, we learned how all of the museum collections tie into the colorful past of Santa Barbara. Following a group picture in the bar, which is located in the western town façade, we began our tour in the main
carriage room. Most of the carriages were used locally, including a grocery wagon that travelled State Street as late as the 1930s. Several of the large wagons were used for public transportation, including a wagon which moved people between Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez. This trip took eight and a half hours, and at some points on inclines, the passengers had to get out and walk. There were different costs, depending on where one was seated; if you wanted real luxury with a backrest, the fare was 35 cents! We saw some particularly rare carriages, including a 1901 Steam Pumper from Hyde Park and a tour carriage used in the 1860s by the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite. Many of these carriages can be seen in the Santa Barbara Fiesta Days parade, and can be rented, so long as the renter has an appropriate team of horses. The museum also houses hundreds of exquisite hand-made saddles, several with ornate silver decoration. Many of the saddles are used in the Rose Parade as well as the Santa Barbara Fiesta Parade. Saddles once owned by Ronald Reagan, Jimmy
Stewart, Clark Gable and Leo Carrillo are on display. Located just above the saddle display, and extending for 84 feet around the front room of the museum, is a running western art mural done on airplane spruce by famed Santa Barbara artist Edward Borein. This mural was created by Mr. Borein at the height of his popularity. It was done for a local citizen who had it in his tack room. This unique mural has been valued at two million dollars. Following our tour, which we all agreed was both fascinating and informative, 11 members traveled south to Mussels Shoals on the Rincon for lunch at the Cliff House Hotel restaurant. We enjoyed the beautiful warm weather while seated on the outside patio, both pool side and ocean side. Several people commented that they had passed the hotel “a thousand times,” but this was their first visit. All of us were delighted with the beautiful setting and the delicious food. =
R.U.F.ians at the Santa Barbara Carriage & Western Art Museum (l-r): John & Jeanne McNair, Kris & Don Galloway, Donn Shipley, Karen Turek, Pete Georgi, Bob Brown, Tom Duck, Corwin Toyama, Suzi Sheller, Bob Roe, and Susan Brown. (Kathleen Shipley is partially blocked behind Don Galloway.)
Grand Opening Scheduled For This July
Rusnak’s New Porsche Palace Underway STORY BY NICOLAS LIAKAS
fter many years of cramped and sometimes temporary quarters, big changes are coming to Rusnak Porsche Westlake. From famine to feast – what does one do when presented with six magnificent acres of land on Auto Mall Drive facing the 101 freeway? One builds a palace! And that is exactly what Rusnak is about to debut, as I learned during a recent tour of the acreage with General Manager Keith Goldberg and Director of Parts and Service Sam Abergel. The new Porsche facility is scheduled to open in July. Eye-popping design is driven by the needs of Porschephiles, and their comfort. To start, the customer lounge will be equipped with huge flat screen televisions. (Imagine having our SBR members gathered together to watch Super Bowl XLVII in February 2013.) Refreshments, hot and cold, will always be available, and can be enjoyed while lounging on plush and comfortable couches and easy chairs. Connect with the outside world via complimentary wi-fi, telephone land lines, or access the computers that will be available, and updates on your Porsche’s service needs will be forthcoming. Of course, the customer lounge will be
adjacent to the magnificent showroom where eight to ten brand new Porsches will be on display. Plenty of room to roam around and examine the product, sit in the one that strikes your fancy, and contemplate how to tell your spouse that you just made a financial decision. Imagine positioning yourself at the showroom’s “fitting lounge” where you can design your very own Porsche by selecting from an endless list of options to make your baby unique! See the end product of your research on the computer terminal, and do all this without interruption or pressure. What can be easier? The structure that will house the lounge and showroom will be the highlight of the facility, of course. It will face the 101 freeway with the entrance to the lot off Auto Mall Drive. The focal point of the building will be enclosed with “seamless glass” creating the optical illusion that visitors are inside Malibu beach house architecture. Internal and external lighting will produce a pleasant ambience intended to remove the stress of the auto buying experience. Take time to stroll into the mammoth parts department and the adjacent Porsche Design Store, both located in yet another new building on the lot behind the showroom. The two-story
structure will contain one of the most exhaustive inventories of Porsche parts, thus diminishing return trips sometimes required when parts must be summoned from the factory. The “goodie store” will entice everyone to adore and purchase everything from key chains to clothes to things all Porsche. Service needs will be addressed in a third structure with 15 bays. Yes, 15! Each will be stocked with the most modern and up-to-date diagnostic and repair equipment. There will also be a “Detail and Reconditioning” operation which will concentrate on making the appearance of your Porsche pop. SBR’s membership will be invited to the grand opening, but more important is the dealership’s desire to host more events on its premises. The physical expansion will permit the scheduling of additional service clinics, celebrations of new model introductions, and social events such as coffee get-togethers. It has been reported that 30% of Porsche sales are made to members of PCA, and these developments in Westlake Village will certainly strengthen that relationship. Watch for the invitations to the grand opening! =
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Sequoia National Park - The Watchtower
ome join us for a fun-filled trip over the 2012 Memorial Day weekend where we’ll visit the Land of Giants in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks. If you want to double your pleasure and double your fun, you can extend your trip through mid-week, and tour the breathtaking sights of Yosemite National Park. We’ll start out by touring Sequoia National Park’s amazing Crystal Cave on Friday afternoon, before checking in at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Three Rivers. Saturday, we’ll explore the beauty of Sequoia National Park including Moro Rock and the General Sherman tree. After having lunch at Waksuchi Lodge, we’ll do a two-mile hike along the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River to Tokopah Falls. On Sunday, we’ll enjoy a beautiful drive to
Kings Canyon National Park - The General Grant Tree
Yosemite National Park - Half Dome
King’s Canyon, and tour both the Grant Grove and Cedar Grove areas, where we’ll enjoy panoramic views of the canyon and river below. This glaciated valley features towering granite cliffs, tumbling waterfalls, and the powerful Kings River. On Monday, participants may choose to return home, or join others for the optional second part of our adventure. One of the most spectacular places on earth is in our backyard: Yosemite National Park. Join us during the less crowded midweek as we explore and marvel at the park’s majestic sights, including Vernal, Nevada, Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls, Mirror Lake, and the views of Half Dome from Glacier Point. On our way home on Wednesday, we’ll take a side trip to Forestiere Underground Gardens in Fresno as well as a tour of
Kingsbury Historical Park, or a drive along the Fresno Fruit Trail. The club fee for the Sequoia and Kings Canyon part of the trip is $115 per person, which includes the cave tour, two lunches, two dinners, meal tax and gratuities, and activity fee. There is no additional fee for the Yosemite portion of our trip. All Yosemite meals are “on your own” with restaurant suggestions freely made by our in-house eatery expert. If you’re interested in going on this fun-filled trip, please R.S.V.P. to Doreen Pankow to reserve your spot. Please indicate on which dates you plan to participate. You will receive further detail on the itinerary, hotel registration, meals and schedule once you R.S.V.P.
Payment and registration form must be received no later than May 4, 2012. Make checks payable to PCA/SBR. Mail to: Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063. Names: ___________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Cell Phone:___________________________________ Plan to do the Yosemite Trip also: Yes______ No______ Check enclosed for the amount of: ________ $115/person (not including hotel charges) Cancellations after May 18 will not receive a refund.
Sunday, March 11, 2012 Earl Warren Showgrounds
SANTA BAR Chris Andropoulos
arch 11 marked the opening of the autocross season at Earl Warren Show Grounds in Santa Barbara, and it was a great day to hold an autocross. Of course, any day is a great day to drive our Porsches around a road course made up of little orange cones, but the first event is always special. With a solid field of 49 drivers, plus a volunteer crew of members and friends to help with everything from course set-up to event clean up, we had another successful opener. Once again this year, many of the drivers were new to autocross and were very interested in exactly just what an autocross is. I’ve had this same question from many members, so I have been able to craft my answer into to this simple statement: An autocross is a car control event that allows the participants to develop their skills behind the wheel. It rewards proper technique over horsepower, all in a safe, competitive, fun environment. One of the best things about our autocrosses is that we always have a variety of cars and drivers on hand to make the day exciting. At this event we had everything from an AC Cobra to a Lotus Super 7, from a Mercedes C350 to a Toyota Corolla, with drivers
Steve Bachman ranging all age brackets and skill levels. We also had Santa Barbara City College’s Automotive Department join us with four students driving a BMW 325 that did not seem to turn its engine off all day. Setting up and running an autocross is not an easy task, but it’s a rewarding one. Being able to provide a venue, for not only our club members, but the community we live in, to exercise their cars is a worthwhile endeavor. It also takes quite a few volunteers to make the day run smoothly and seamlessly. The first order of business is the course set-up, and we started at 5:00 a.m. creating a course that was 3500 feet long with 42 turns and a “lollypop” in the beginning. By 6:00 a.m., volunteers and drivers began arriving to help put all the participating cars through the all-important tech process. By 8:00 a.m., everyone was checked in, the course was set, and we gathered everyone together for the drivers’ meeting. By 8:40 a.m., the sounds of staging were clearly audible, and we started our first run group of the day. With only about 12 cars in a run group, we were able to keep the sessions moving, allowing the maximum number of practice laps possible. By the time we broke for lunch, most drivers had enjoyed a solid nine laps to refine and practice their techniques.
RBARA AUTOCROSS Autocross Chair Dan Byers
Jeffrey Merrick
Jeff Parker
Rod Hersberger
William Griswold
Mike Turek and Jim Brown
Lunch is always a treat at our events as we use Q-Time Barbecue. Aaron of Q-Time always makes sure we get fed like kings and queens. Without fail, everyone will compliment us on the event, but will rave about the barbecue lunch. During our meal break, we were visited by the local firemen from Station 5, and were able to offer them some of the fantastic food. On their way out, Captain Hoose and his crew thanked us for our hospitality, and gave the “green light” for us to run the afternoon timed sessions. Following another quick drivers’ meeting after lunch, we started the official timed runs. With all the practice in the morning, the drivers had gotten a good feel for the course, and we knew that it was going to be a close contest for top time of the day. During the timed runs, each cone hit is a two-second penalty, so smooth, clean, mistake-free driving is the key to achieving a fast time. For this event, our top time of the day went to Jim King, who drove his X-Class Toyota MR2 through a mistake-free lap of 63.400 seconds. Congratulations to Jim. Our “Cone Killer” award was passed onto Chris Andropoulos, but unfortunately he was not around to accept his prize. I will have to track him down at one of our breakfast meetings. Full results, including class winners, are on page 19.
The Chrome Cobra I would like to say a huge thank-you to all the volunteers that were on hand and worked hard all day long: Doreen Pankow, Ted Lighthizer, William Griswold, Jim Brown, Jeffrey Merrick, Jeff Parker, Rod Hersberger, Frank Donahue, Bob Roe, Mike Turek, Martin Keller, Art Grimmitt, Dale Byers, Ethel Byers and Shane Byers (yes, I recruited my family!). Thanks, too, to Henry Hinck, Chris Andropoulos, and Nick Rettie from Schneider Autohaus, who were on hand to tech inspect all the cars. Without these volunteers, events like this would be impossible. Thank you for all you do for the club! And thanks to everyone who signed up and participated. Our autocross events are truly for everyone, regardless of skill level or type of vehicle, so why not plan to join us for our next one on April 28 at Camarillo Airport? It can help you become a better driver. See you at the track soon. =
Bruce Pence
Steve Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neil
Robert Freed
Ted Lighthizer
Mike Furnish
Frank Donahue
Martin Keller
Bob Green
Sunday, March 11, 2012 • Earl Warren Showgrounds • Santa Barbara, California
The Tech Page Keeping In Touch With The Only Part of Your Porsche That Actually Touches The Road
ires are an often overlooked aspect in the performance equation of the modern Porsche automobile. While many enthusiasts fret about the latest suspension modifications or big brake kit, the tires are in fact the only part of the vehicle that actually touch the road, and therefore can arguably be the most important factor in making your Porsche drive as intended. However, tires and tire choice are often misunderstood, and they can be downright frustrating considering the frequency that modern Porsches are capable of wearing them out, especially the rear tires. In this month’s article I will explain the importance of tire choice, and clarify the nuances of correct tire pressures and maintenance. I’ll also explain some of the basics of wheel alignment and its role in ensuring that the tires last as long as possible, while still maintaining the geometry that was designed by Porsche to maximize the handling performance and the driver’s enjoyment of the marque’s legendary machines.
Tires Porsche spends thousands of hours evaluating the latest performance rubber for each new car that they design. The latest innovation in suspension engineering could be rendered useless if not coupled with a commensurate performance tire to maximize available grip. The relentless pursuit of traction is tempered by the fact that the original equipment tires are also required to be durable, reasonably comfortable and quiet, and they also must exhibit outstanding wet traction. While the tires that are factory installed on modern Porsches will never be confused with those found on a plush luxury sedan, they still are expected to provide a modicum of practicality for those who do not
The N-ratiing is clearly visible on the sidewall of your Porsche’s tires. necessarily push the limits of their Teutonic missile every day. Porsche began applying their factoryapproved “N” rating system in the 1980s. N-rated tires are subjected to the aforementioned rigorous testing regimen by Porsche, and consequently there are usually only a handful of N-rated tires available in any given size. N-rated tires are unsurprisingly priced at a premium over their non N-rated cousins. (There is often a choice between N-rated and non N-rated versions of the same brand and model of tire). These factory-approved tires can also be more difficult to locate and order than
Given the price of N-rated tires, especially in the large sizes found on modern Porsches, it can be tempting to settle for a more budget-oriented set of tires when the existing tires are worn. However, Porsches tend to be very sensitive to tire choice, and the difference in the feel and handling of the exact same car wearing N-rated tires, versus a cheaper alternative, is palpable, and can often be dramatic. Nonetheless, there are also some perfectly acceptable tires that are not necessarily N-rated, but still provide much of the traction and road feel expected of a Porsche-worthy tire at a reasonable price. A trusted Porsche specialist or tire shop can provide guidance
Despite the apparent barriers of price and availability, it is strongly recommended to purchase N-rated replacement tires whenever possible... “lesser” tires. Despite the apparent barriers of price and availability, it is strongly recommended to purchase N-rated replacement tires whenever possible to guarantee that Porsche’s intended performance parameters are retained.
if N-rated tires prove to be unavailable or unaffordable. Members of your very own Porsche club can also be a valuable resource for tire recommendations. No matter which replacement tire you end up choosing, the cardinal rule for Continued on page 22
all mid- and rear-engined Porsches (this means Boxsters, Caymans, and all 911s) is to avoid mixing brands/types of tire front and rear. The rear weight bias, and requisite difference in wheel and tire tread width front to rear, means that Porsche’s sports cars are extremely sensitive to the rubber compound and age of the tires front and rear. I have personally driven a multitude of Porsches (mostly 911s) where I was convinced that one or both of the rear tires was flat, such was the amount of squirming at the rear. But after the test drive, I found that the rear tires were properly inflated “no-name” brand budget tires paired with quality tires in front. While it may be tempting or convenient to replace a set of worn rear tires with something that the local tire shop happens to have in stock, it is recommended to replace them with the same model of tire, or if they are completely unavailable, consider replacing all four tires to ensure balanced handling and feel. Maintaining proper tire pressures is the simplest and most effective way to ensure long tread life of the tires and to guarantee the proper ride and handling characteristics of your Porsche. The manufacturers’ recommended tire pressures are based on the weight distribution and intended use of each vehicle, and it is always recommended to use Porsche’s specified tire pressures in normal driving situations. Any printed tire pressure information is only relevant to cold tires, which means that tires should be set to these pressures when they are at ambient temperature only. If the car has been driven for more than a few miles or at freeway speeds, the heat generated by the rolling contact with the road raises the pressure of the air inside the tire, and 3-4 PSI of pressure should be added to the cold pressure specification to reach the optimal inflation pressure of the tires. Tire pressures should also be checked once a month, as the air molecules inside the tire normally slowly leak out over time. Since the leading cause of tire blowouts is under inflation, manufacturers are obliged to err on the side of caution and recommend conservatively high tire pressures. Chronically low tire pressure
also promotes uneven tire wear and can negatively affect fuel economy. It is also possible to over inflate tires, which leads to excessive wear in the center of the tire’s tread and poor traction, and in extreme cases can strain the capabilities of the tire’s construction and lead to failure. The maximum tire inflation pressure rating that is noted on the sidewall of all tires sold in the U.S. is indicative of the maximum tire pressure that can be safely
of tires on the front. This is compounded by the fact that the rear tires typically wear out the inner edges of the tire tread first. In fact, the inner edges of the rear tires can be completely worn down to the cords that are underneath the rubber tire tread, while the outer edges of the tires still show acceptable tread depth. This often occurs unbeknownst to the owner, as the inner edges of the wide rear tires of a sports car cannot be easily seen unless the car is on a lift, or if you are down on your hands and
Why do the tires of most Porsches wear out so quickly, particularly the rear tires of 911s and Boxster/Caymans? supported by the tire. This specification is an absolute limit and should not be used as a guide for inflation pressures under normal circumstances. Non N-rated tires are often not rated to handle the speed and performance that is possible in the larger and heavier members of the Porsche family, the Cayenne and Panamera. Close attention should be paid to the maximum pressure and load ratings of replacement tires compared to those originally specified by Porsche for its four-door models. As a general rule of thumb, tires should be replaced every 7-8 years regardless of tread wear. The rubber compound of any tire hardens and degrades during this period and does not provide the same performance as new. The aging of the rubber combined with heat cycling and UV exposure can often become visible at this interval by showing cracks in the tire sidewalls and in the surface of the tread itself. Tires that are more than 10 years old should certainly be replaced for safety reasons.
Alignment All of this inevitably leads to the question, why do the tires of most Porsches wear out so quickly, particularly the rear tires of 911s and Boxsters/Caymans? The answer lies in the aforementioned rear weight bias of Porsche’s sports cars. The rear tires bear the twin burdens of propelling the car forward and carrying approximately 60% of the vehicle’s weight, which causes the rear tires to wear out at almost twice the rate
knees peering underneath the car! This seemingly insidious wear can be dangerous, and it initially seems outrageous that a prestigious manufacturer such as Porsche would specify suspension geometry and wheel alignment settings that would result in such uneven tire wear after typical driving conditions. The reason is that Porsche must balance the theoretical handling capabilities of its thoroughbred sports cars with the realities of the commuting use that many Porsches experience, coupled with the limited driving skills of the typical buyer. The rear engine configuration endows the Porsche with surefooted traction and nimble handling, but can also manifest itself in the form of a sudden loss of traction of the rear tires if the throttle or brakes are abruptly applied (or un-applied) in the middle of a turn. This inherent tendency to snap oversteer has been drastically reduced in modern Porsches due to modern tires and more sophisticated suspension geometry. Porsche’s recommended wheel alignment settings call for significantly more negative camber of the rear wheels than in the front. Camber refers to the amount in degrees that the tire leans in or out from vertical, when viewed directly from the front or rear of the car. Negative camber means that the top of the wheel is tilted towards the center of the car relative to the bottom of the wheel. This ensures that when the car goes through a turn, and the weight shifts to tires on the outside of the turn, the suspension compresses and causes the tire contact Continued on next page
patch to remain perpendicular to the road surface to enhance traction in turns. The vast majority of passenger vehicles specify at least a small amount of negative camber, but usually only a few tenths of a degree from vertical. Porsche generally specifies less than a half of a degree of negative camber for the front wheels, but often close to 2 degrees in the rear. This is because the end of the car with more negative camber will have more grip in turns. With Porsche’s factory alignment settings, the front end of the car will generally lose grip first, causing the car to safely push wide of the driver’s intended
the wheel alignment is carefully set to the more conservative end of factory specifications. Many discount alignment and tire shops simply set the alignment so that it’s “in the green,” or in the ballpark of the manufacturer specs. However, these specifications often have a wide range, so the settings should be as close from sideto-side as possible to guarantee even tire wear, and that the vehicle tracks straight and true down the road. Another often overlooked aspect of alignments is that Porsche’s specifications dictate that the wheel alignment be set with the weight of a full tank of fuel and
Alignment adjustment on a modern Porsche is definitely not a D.I.Y. project. Most professional alignment shops will have the proper equipment to accomplish the task. path in extreme cornering situations, versus the perilous alternative of the rear end snapping around. The resultant alignment settings allow for safe cornering for the average driver, but can exacerbate premature wear of the inner edges of the rear tires during normal driving, as most driving is done in a straight line, even in Porsches. Porsche sports cars can often completely wear out the rear tires in the 10-15,000 mile range. If your daily commute does not include mountain roads and racetracks, your Porsche’s tires can last longer if
passengers on board, since this is the realworld configuration that most cars will actually encounter. A fully weighted car compresses the suspension springs slightly and lowers the ride height, thus changing the baseline alignment settings. If the alignment is set when the car is empty, the settings will be different when the car is driven with the real-world weight of the driver, passengers, luggage, and fuel. This will cause the tires to wear out more quickly and differently than intended. Certain Porsches also call for special procedures and tools in order to maintain
the factory specified suspension geometry. The last of the air-cooled 911s, the 993 of the 1995 to 1998 model years, introduced a sophisticated multi-link rear suspension that requires a special kinematic toe setting that should be checked during alignment. Specialized tools and knowledge are required to accurately measure and adjust this setting. Erratic handling and tire wear can result from the rear wheel kinematic toe setting being out of range or uneven side to side on 993s. Cayennes and Panameras have more even weight distribution than their sports car cousins, but present their own unique alignment scenarios. Porsche’s front engined, four-door vehicles both share a similarly sophisticated multi-link front and rear suspension design. Each of the suspension arms has a rubber bushing on each end to prevent harsh metal to metal contact, and the entire front and rear suspensions are isolated from the body of the car by subframes to ensure a smooth ride and to prevent resonance from the road. Many Cayennes and Panameras are also equipped with height-adjustable air springs. It is important that the alignment is set at the “Normal” ride height setting and with the suspension fully settled. So, visually inspect your tires on a regular basis. Know the proper inflation numbers for your tires, and check them at least monthly, adjusting the fill when the tires are cold. And pay attention to your car’s alignment, remembering that it is vital to your tires’ effectiveness and longevity, as well as your Porsche’s overall handling performance. =
Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his dailydriven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.
Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries 32 Years
Alois & Estonia Ruf 29 Years
Bob Roe & Suzi Sheller 23 Years
Jay & Jean Midgley 20 Years
Christopher & Elizabeth Campbell 17 Years
Joe & Sarah Wigert 15 Years
Michael & Rene Hohls 11 Years
Walt & Rebecca Branscome 10 Years
Robert Hilding & Madeleine Gillibrand Jeffrey & Jane Kagan 9 Years
Bryan & Mary Clabeaux Edward & Nanette Martin Kenneth & Lynn Merideth 7 Years
Steven & Janet Kaller
Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers
6 Years
New Members
5 Years
Michael & Christine Brooks Santa Barbara 2009 Carrera
Stephen Rose Beverly Hills 1956 356
JR & Patricia De Veer La Crescenta 2008 Turbo 997
Susan Schwefel & Robert Weindorf Santa Barbara 2006 Cayenne
Susan & Roy Bernard Jacob & Rody Castroll Eric & Deonna Bernocco Oscar & Toni Briones Chuck & Kathleen Michel Stephen Murray Brad & Debbie Schultz 4 Years
Rob Brandt Shahram & Afshan Fatemi Carol Dienstbier & Charles Hefner John & Kate Lawrence Kevin & Bonnie Ryan James Sieminski Markus & Justine Wienken 3 Years
John Foster Thousand Oaks 2010 Carrera 4S Brian Kelly Goleta 2008 Turbo Brian & Fiona Kircher Thousand Oaks 1984 911
Howard Babus William A. Fletcher
Tom Krause Ojai 2012 Panamera
2 Years
Craig Morgan Ventura 1967 912
Larry Gray Linda Kollar Karen Nissim Scot J. & Sandra Richardson
Transfer Members
Liam & Joan Murphy Westlake Village 2011 Carrera S from Los Angeles Edward Rosen Santa Barbara 2009 911 C4S from Northern New Jersey Richard & Jill Rosenberg Tarzana 1989 911 from Los Angeles
Down The Road
Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest April 13-15 April 20-22 April 28 May 25-30 June 23 June 30 July 14-15 July 21 July 28 August 17-19 August 25 September 8 September 22 September 29 October 14 October 27-28 November 17 December 2 December 16
Long Beach Grand Prix Zone 8 Festival of Speed Zone 8 Autocross in Camarillo Sequoia & Kings Canyon/Yosemite Trip SBR Member Appreciation Brunch El Camino Real XXIX - Boucher/Schneider Z8 Rally Ventura Motorsports Gathering 16th Annual Chili Cook-Off Autocross in Camarillo Monterey Motorsports Reunion, Laguna Seca SBR Progressive Dinner Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Autocross in Camarillo The Gimmick Rally 36th Annual Concours dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Elegance Wine Country Harvest Tour A Visit to The Malamut Collection Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR Annual Holiday Party
Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website
Zone 8 Staff Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org
Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com
Club Race Coordinator Chief Driving Instructor Vince Knauf Scott Mann vvvince@aol.com scott@renegadehybrids.com Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org
Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com
Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8 www.zone8.org
Los Angeles www.pcala.com
Arizona az.pca.org
Orange County pcaocr.org
CA Central Coast ccc.pca.org
Riverside www.riversidepca.org
California Inland cai.pca.org
Santa Barbara www.pcasb.org
Golden Empire gem.pca.org
San Diego www.pcasdr.org
Grand Prix gpx.pca.org Las Vegas www.lvrpca.org
San Gabriel vista.pca.org/sgb Southern Arizona saz.pca.org
SBR Board of Directors Meeting
March 14, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. – Four Points Sheraton Hotel MINUTES RECORDED BY DICK LANGE
The March dinner board meeting was held at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura. Present were: Nick Liakas, Steve Kaller, John Alfenito, Sue & Randy Kinsling, Mike & Karen Turek, Michael Brovsky, James Oldham, James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Brian Rubino, Don Kuckenbaker, Randy Fishwick, Joan Yabitsu, Becky Lundberg, Jeff Parker, and Dick Lange. The following reports and discussions were presented: Secretary: The February 2012 board meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Vice President: No report. Treasurer: Jim Brown’s submitted report contained the following financial statements for the month of February: (1) monthly income statement, (2) statement of cash flows and (3) ending balance sheet. Bank reconciliations and bank statements were forwarded to Steve Kaller for his review. Membership: During the month of February, 12 new members joined our region, and total membership stood at 682 at month’s end. February’s membership stands the same as last month. Activities: The following events were still open and available for participation at the time of our meeting – Poker Run (March 24); California Festival of Speed (April 20-22); Camarillo Autocross (April 28); Memorial Day Weekend Double Discovery Drive Sequoia & King Canyon Park (May 25-28) & Yosemite National Park (May28-30); Member Appreciation Day (June 23); and El Camino Real XXIX Boucher/Schneider Rally (June 30). Fliers were posted in the March 2012 Der Auspuff and will also appear in April’s issue. Editor: The November and December 2011 issues of Der Auspuff were entered in the National Newsletter Contest.
Distribution: The March issue was mailed out on February 29th at a cost of $316.76 for 708 copies. The renewal of the annual postal permit fee of $190 was paid from previously approved postal funds.
R.U.F.: No report.
Advertising: Sponsorship status was discussed including our newest advertiser, Courtesy Body Shop.
Past President: No report.
Goodie Store: March Goodie Store sales at the events and breakfasts totaled $782. A reimbursement request for $295.85 was approved. Insurance: We are current on all certificates. Rally: No report. Concours: Dick Douglass attended the Zone 8 Judging School where a decision was made to no longer inspect under the dash. Autocross: The recent event was successful with approximately 50 drivers participating. Archives: No report. Webmaster: Calendar updates were made, and Randy Fishwick is working on an on-line suggestion form. Safety: No report. P.M.S.: No report.
50th Anniversary: No report. Public Relations: No report.
President: Arrangements have been made at the Camarillo breakfast meeting for the club to have exclusive use of the outside patio so as to free up the inside for the Way-Point Café’s regular customers. The June 23 Member Appreciation Day venue has been changed from the La Cumbre Country Club to the Whale’s Tail Restaurant in Oxnard. Old Business: The Board approved the selection of the Santa Barbara and Ventura chapters of the Special Olympics as our sole charity for 2012. The club will sponsor certain activities, with the net proceeds going in equal shares to the two organizations. New Business: Becky Lundberg, Jeff Parker, Doreen Pankow, and Joan Yabitsu made a presentation to the Board recommending that we sponsor the “Street Survival Program for Teens.” The Board has given tentative approval based upon the successful completion of their fact finding activity. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Support The Club. Shop The Goodie Store!
Saturday, June 23 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
The Whale’s Tail Seafood House 3950 Bluefin Circle Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard
Chile Rellenos Cheese Enchiladas Red Potatoes O’Brien Spanish Rice Chicken & Beef Fajitas Chicken & Shrimp Pasta Salmon in Cream Dill Sauce Sausage & Bacon Omelet Station Prime Roast Beef Carving Station Salad Boat Cold Tortellini Pasta Imitation Crab Meat Cilantro Corn Oysters Peel-’N-Eat Shrimp KID’S STATION Mac ‘N Cheese Grilled Cheese PB&J Sandwiches Hot Dogs ASSORTMENT OF DESSERTS Bananas Foster & Ice Cream Sundaes
Every two years, the Santa Barbara Region conducts a very special Member Appreciation Day in celebration of the camaraderie and friendship among our members, and to also welcome our new members. Please join us this year to enjoy a delicious, all you can eat, Champagne Brunch! The price is only $30 per person including tax and gratuity – children 12 and under only $15. A no-host bar also will be available. Please register and mail your checks before June 19, 2012. Make checks payable to PCA/SBR and send to: Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93063. No refunds after June 19, 2012. No activity fee will be charged for this special Member Appreciation event. Names: ________________________________________________________ Email address: __________________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________________________________ Amount enclosed: _______________________________________________
Sponsored by our friends at Rusnak Porsche Westlake
ADVERTISER DIRECTORY American Global Standards ...........31 Andy’s Detail ................................29 Aswell Trophy ...............................26 Auto Gallery .................................25 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................20 Gary Betz Enterprises ....................26 Walt Branscome, SBAG ...................8 California Tire Company .................20 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........14 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .......24 Coachcraft ....................................20 Courtesy Body Shop ........................8 Dent Experts .................................24 DSR Audio ....................................26 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ..................8 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .......8 Los Angeles Dismantler...................9 Neil McAuliffe ..............................14 North Hollywood Speedometer ......29 RS Enterprises ..............................29 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ......................10 Anthony Strauss .............................8 TC’s Garage ..................................20
PCA/SBR Classifieds
Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.
BILSTEIN SPORT FRONT STRUT INSERTS – FOR SALE Pat # 34-050507. Fits 911 to 1989. List price new: $222.60 each. Used, 300 miles. $200/pair. Contact Joe Schneider (805) 962-8015 or joe@schneiderautohaus.com (04/12) 2006 CAYMAN S – FOR SALE White with full leather terracotta interior. Tiptronic transmission, sport package. Only 9500 miles. Shows new, runs new. Always garaged. Price is $33,500. Contact Steve at (805) 682-8581. (04/12) TUBE FRAME BOXSTER RACE CAR – FOR SALE Beautiful full tube fram Boxster race car, 2000 pounds. No expense spared. $187K invested (with $38K in 3.4L Motec motor). Asking $65,000. Email Hari at caretta7777@gmail.com for photos and information packet. Hari Matsuda, Sacramento Region (04/12) 2001 BOXSTER SUSPENSION – FOR SALE Original used shocks, springs and sway bars from 2001 Boxster. Everything is in very good condition. I replaced my original Porsche suspension with the ROW 030 suspension several years ago, and finally came to the realization I’m tired of seeing these parts in my garage! Price $350 or make me an offer. Call Geoff Walsh (310) 457-2629 or geoffwalsh@gmail.com (02/12) EZ CAR LIFT – FOR SALE EZ Car Lift in new condition (used only 5 times). Includes two sets of cross spacers (the part the car rests on) so it will fit all Porsche sports cars. Original cost $2105. $1700 or trade for? Visit the EZ Car See lift website at http://www.ezcarlift.com/ Jim Gude jimgude@prodigy.net (661) 821-3805. (02/12) 1989 PORSCHE 928-S4 – FOR SALE Automatic transmission. White leather interior. Always garaged. 59,000 miles. $16,000. Contact Larry Young at (805) 482-0132 or larryandbj@msn.com (01/12) 18-INCH PORSCHE CAYMAN S WHEELS – FOR SALE 2007 OEM Porsche Cayman S rims (no tires) in very good condition. Asking $300 for the set of four, plus shipping costs (if any). Call Bela at (805) 937-9307 or email at belabacsi@msn.com (01/12) FOUR HRE WHEELS FOR 996 – FOR SALE Two 19-inch by 8.5-inch, two 19-inch by 12-inch (offset four inches). Three-piece aluminum. Original price $7900. Please make offer. Call Lloyd Wright at (310)457-0107 or email at lloydhcvfree@earthlink.net (01/12) 2002 PORSCHE 911 TURBO X50 PACKAGE – FOR SALE Original owner selling white 2002 Porsche 911 Turbo with X50 Package. Perfect condition. Black interior. Six speed transmission. All service done at Rusnak Porsche. 77,000 miles. Original price $170,000. For sale at $55,500. Call Lloyd Wright at (310) 457-0107 or email at lloydhcvfree@earthlink.net (01/12) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at DerAuspuff@gmail.com
Next Month In
Porsche Poker Run
...the last word
This Takes The Cake... ...or more accurately “tops” it! When SBR member Dr. Frank Rayas married his fiancée Jacqueline in February, the wedding “cake topper” reflected their mutual love of Porsche. Custom made in Germany, this special decoration shows the couple in their Speed Yellow Boxster, a car they plan on driving to many future SBR events. Congratulations to Frank & Jacqueline on their wedding and their very creative wedding cake topper!
Porsche Santa Barbara
805-682-2000 â&#x20AC;˘ 402 South Hope Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 www.santabarbara.porschedealer.com