AUG Der Auspuff

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AUSPUFF Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • August 2012

SBR’s Member Appreciation Brunch 4th of July Parade in Santa Barbara El Camino Real XXIX T/S/D Rally R.U.F. At Cold Spring Tavern

AUSPUFF Contents Features

On The Road To Cold Spring Tavern ............11 Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade ...............13 SBR Member Appreciation Brunch .............16 El Camino Real XXIX T/S/D Rally................19 Porsche Brake Systems ...............................22

Monthly Reports


President’s Column ........................................4 From The Editor’s Desk..................................4 Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ........................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24 SBR Board of Directors Meeting.................28


SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 September Autocross In Camarillo ...............6 Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio.........8 Tire Rack Street Survival School® .............12 Wine Country Harvest Tour .........................15 36th Annual Concours d’Elegance ..............18 SBR’s Progressive Dinner ............................25 The Gimmick Rally.......................................30



Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 The Tech Page .............................................22 Down The Road - Future Events..................26 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31 The Last Word .............................................32

On The Cover The new 2013 Cayenne GTS is ready for American roads. Photo courtesy PCNA DER

AUSPUFF Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • August 2012


SBR’s Member Appreciation Brunch 4th of July Parade in Santa Barbara El Camino Real XXIX T/S/D Rally R.U.F. At Cold Spring Tavern

Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

President NICOLAS LIAKAS 818-706-6016

Activities DOREEN PANKOW TED LIGHTHIZER 805-527-8280

Vice President STEVE KALLER 805-984-2501

Goodie Store BRIAN RUBINO LINDA RUBINO 805-498-1053

Treasurer JIM BROWN 805-559-1004

Past President MICHAEL BROVSKY 805-453-5456 Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees

Secretary DICK LANGE 818-865-1498


Membership SUE KINSLING 805-386-8112


Editor JOHN ALFENITO 818-436-9204



AUSPUFF Editor JOHN ALFENITO 818-436-9204

SBR Events Calendar August

Advertising DON KUCKENBAKER Director 805-984-9406



Printing MIKE POMERANTZ MICHAEL DUNWELL Sir Speedy Printing 1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 805-484-7999

Yearly Advertising Rates

Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Don Kuckenbaker 805-984-9406

PCASBR is online:


The President’s Column Nicolas Liakas


he July cover shot on our beloved, exceptional, phenomenal and highly literate Der Auspuff featured the American experience: a replica of the Statue of Liberty with Jeff Parker’s GT3. You will find in this issue coverage of the 2012 Independence Day parade in Santa Barbara in which our region participated for the first time. Those of us who took part had a great time, and we know that next year our attendance will double. Thanks to Janice Herndon for spearheading our efforts! Why so many adjectives regarding our feelings for Der Auspuff? Please see John Alfenito’s column immediately following. Our editor has professionally managed and contributed mightily to our monthly publication during the past four years, and he deserves our never-ending gratitude, appreciation and sincere thanks. Further, as an appointed and voting member of our board of directors, John has fully participated and assisted in all aspects of the management of our club. Also important, he has made it relatively easy for the next editor as all the necessary formats and procedures are now in place to insure a smooth and seamless transition. Congratulations John on a job very well done indeed! Several other board positions will expire at the end of this calendar year. Ted Lighthizer and Doreen Pankow are completing their third year as Activities Directors. Our by-laws limit service in an elected position to three years. Their dedication and efforts greatly expanded the nature and number of events, so much so that when all club events, meetings and breakfasts are counted,

our region sponsors about 80 gatherings each year! Thanks, Ted and Doreen, for being such a big part of our lives! The third position I want to discuss is the easiest of all. This post requires hardly any time commitment, does not favor one type of personality over another, is mostly a pacific and leisurely engagement, and provides limitless opportunities to socialize with a great group of people. Best of all, it allows all others to do the hard work while it takes credit for their successes. The current presidency will terminate at this year’s Holiday Party. All right, you can stop cheering now! I know that there are so many of you who are interested in becoming more involved in the management of our club. Please do not hesitate to speak to me or any other board member about how that can be accomplished. Also, if you are contacted on this topic, please give serious consideration to taking some responsibility. Keep in mind that we have a very strong board, and the numerous continuing members will always be available to assist and direct. You will be joining an energetic group of great people! Contribute what you can. All of our events are fun and exciting, but the month of October is shaping up to be truly exceptional. Three highly anticipated events will truly showcase our region’s prominence in the world of PCA! Ted and Doreen will chair the inaugural session of the Tire Rack Street Survival School® hosted by PCA/SBR in conjunction with the Los Angeles BMW CCA. This instructional effort will provide a great service to our community. The 36th annual Concours d’Elegance will be presented at the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort in Santa Barbara. Dick Douglass will be hosting an elegant, dazzling showcase of all things Porsche on the lawn in front of the hotel, coupled with a buffet luncheon in the hotel’s outdoor rotunda. Later in the month, Michael Brovsky and Steve Kaller will lead a large group of our members on our annual wine exploration and tasting challenge which this year will be based in Paso Robles. I am very excited about all the happenings. Full details on all these events are in this edition. What a great club we have!

DER AUSPUFF TAKES FIRST PLACE, CLASS IV, AT 2012 PORSCHE PARADE – As we went to press, word came from Salt Lake City that Der Auspuff had been awarded First Place in the Class IV division of the national newsletter competition. All of us in the Santa Barbara Region can be very proud that our magazine was recognized as best among similarly sized regions nationwide.

From The Editor’s Desk John Alfenito



fter four years, I have decided to retire as newsletter editor. While I’ve sincerely enjoyed every minute of my tenure, it’s time for a fresh perspective here, which only a new editor can bring. So, we are actively seeking a volunteer. The qualifications are not rigorous. Some computer literacy would be important, and organizational skills couldn’t hurt. However, the editor’s job is far from a solitary one. Ideas and contributions come from all quarters of our club. A newly established cadre of photographers stands by to document every event. What you, as our new editor,

must do is keep it all organized and on schedule. As past editor, I promise to help you in every way I can. Naturally, the sooner a new editor steps up, the more on-the-job training will be available as the last issues of 2012 are put together. It may look like a lot of work, and I’m not saying it doesn’t take some time, but being editor is a fun assignment. As editor, I have gotten to know so many SBR members I might not have had contact with otherwise. It has broadened my appreciation for this wonderful club. That alone makes the position a desirable one. So, how about it? If you’ve ever thought about heading a team of volunteer journalists and photographers, and putting together a monthly publication for an eager and appreciative audience, then the editor’s job is waiting for you. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Contact me or our President, Nick Liakas, and all your questions will be answered. Der Auspuff has had a long line of excellent stewardship. Let’s start a new era in 2013 with you!

Camarillo Breakfast July 7, 2012



good-sized crowd of 99 members and guests (driving 67 Porsches) gathered at the Way-Point Café for our July Breakfast meeting. President Nick Liakas welcomed everyone, introducing first-time breakfast goer Joyce Christopher of Simi Valley. Also joining us for the first time at breakfast were Jeff & Julie Affronti, who joined SBR back in 1999! New members attending included Josh English and Flo Oelke, who arrived in their new 2013 Boxster S from Rusnak (pictured at right), and Tom Punch in his Cayman S. Some of the visitors joining us were Chris Furia from the Los Angeles Region and Ron & Terri Beale from the Grand Prix Region in Long Beach. It’s always great to have our Zone 8 friends with us. Membership Chair Sue Kinsling gave us the stats, and Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer promoted the packed calendar of upcoming events on the SBR schedule. There is virtually something for everyone in the next three months, so be sure to check the events listings here in Der Auspuff or online at our website, and get signed-up early.

Gary Laird (left) was the first winner of a $50 gift certificate for Lavaggio. Concours Chair Dick Douglass made the presentation.

Concours Chair Dick Douglass held a drawing for two $50 gift cards to Lavaggio in Agoura Hills. Every attendee received a free raffle ticket upon arrival. The two winners were Gary Laird and Mark Smith, who will now both have very clean cars! It was another great get-together in Camarillo. If you haven’t joined us for one of our two monthly breakfasts lately, you really should make some plans to enjoy the group! =

This all new 2013 Boxster S made its first SBR event appearance courtesy of new members Josh English and Flo Oelke.

Mark Smith (left) scored the second Lavaggio prize from Dick Douglass.

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Santa Barbara Breakfast July 14, 2012

A Beautiful Day For Breakfast By The Sea STORY AND PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO


he weather could not have been more perfect as 38 members and guests convened on Stearns Wharf for our July Santa Barbara Breakfast. Twenty-three Porsches, along with a few “other cars,” were neatly parked on the pier as region Vice President Steve Kaller, filling in for President Nick Liakas, called the group to order. Steve introduced our Der Auspuff editor, yours truly, to explain that our magazine took a first place award at the just completed Porsche Parade in Salt Lake City. Judged to be the best in Class IV (regions sized 499-800 members), Der Auspuff had its best showing in the national competition in several years. James Oldham spoke about the next day’s Ventura Motorsports Car Show. Michael Brovsky invited everyone to the 2013 Boxster introduction, which would happen immediately after breakfast at Santa Barbara Auto Group. Sue Kinsling, our Membership Chair, introduced relatively new members but first-time breakfast attendees James & Cathy Pacino from Santa Barbara. Our newest member, who signed up at breakfast, was also recognized. He is Doug Brown from Agoura Hills. Activities Co-Chair Doreen Pankow reminded everyone about the upcoming events on the SBR schedule. The next few months will be especially full with several competitive and social opportunities for members to get together. As always, it’s important to sign up early for activities so as not to be left out. Doreen also presented a special thank-you award to Schneider Autohaus’s Henry Hinck. The recently completed El Camino Real XXIX/Boucher-Schneider/Time-Speed-Distance Rally was generously sponsored by Schneider Autohaus. Finally, two more drawings were held for goodie bags filled with car care products from TCs Garage, as each person arriving at breakfast had received a free raffle ticket. The two winners were Peg Jarrett and Cathy Pacino. =

James & Cathy Pacino from Santa Barbara attending their first SBR event in their new Carrera Turbo S.

Signing up as our newest member was Doug Brown from Agoura Hills. Doug has a classic 1978 911 SC.

Since 1972

Bob Campbell’s



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The R.U.F. Report

On The Road To Cold Spring Tavern



n a cloudy and somewhat chilly June 21st morning, 27 members of the Retired & Unemployed Folks (R.U.F.) gathered in Ventura and engaged in warm conversation. There were 15 beautiful Porsches ranging from a red 1965 356C, a Panamera, an early 911 coupe and a 911 Targa, to Caymans, late model 911 coupes, turbo coupes and cabriolets. One might say there was “a dog off every block.” Well, maybe not. Our goal was to take the back roads from Ventura to the Cold Spring Tavern off of Highway 154. What a wonderful sight it was to look back and see our fellow R.U.F.ians plying the twisting and undulating back roads through Casitas Springs, and emerging adjacent to Lake Casitas Dam. The lake looked inviting, but cold. The

surrounding peaks were shrouded in clouds emitting a light mist. The weather did not dampen our spirits as we grabbed that downshift and pushed through the next turn. Our route took us around the lake, offering great vistas and turns, both uphill and downhill. We then transited Highway 192 through Carpinteria, Montecito, and Santa Barbara. As I was concentrating on the road and the next turn, Karen was remarking on the beautiful estates we were passing. Very impressive. Our next turn took us up Highway 154 which on this day was lightly traveled. As we approached our final turn at Stage Coach Road, we finally broke into blessed sunlight and warmth. (We are so spoiled here in California.) The Cold Spring Tavern was

ready for our weary group. They already had our tables set as we filed in. The menu was quite varied. One could order anything from venison, buffalo, rabbit, pork, or beef. A few of our group did step “outside the box” to order Buffalo burgers and such. For some of our members, this was their first exposure to the Cold Spring Tavern fare. For others, they had eaten there many times. Our group members, now full from a satisfying lunch and excellent conversation, were now ready to get on with the rest of their day. Some planned on visiting family in the area. Others were bound for the local winery. Some planned on hitting the road for home. It was a good day. =

A gathering of the “Retired & Unemployed Folks” group (R.U.F.) just before our journey to The Cold Spring Tavern for lunch.



us enjoyed a wonderful lunch at a Greek restaurant. (So, we had owners of German cars dining at a Greek eatery while participating in the quintessential American celebration of individual freedoms!) The collection of Porsches included variants from the 356C to the 991 and was a sight to see as it proceeded along State Street in downtown Santa Barbara.

This may be the only time that the Porsches will ever be seen in anything other than their pristine, squeaky-clean form. After decorating and performing last-minute light detail work on our vehicles, we had time to chat with each other and members of the public who were wandering around viewing the parade entries before the parade began. Prior to the start of the parade, many of

The American-made cars of the Corvette Club of Santa Barbara provided much needed guidance to the German-made Porsche cars’ first Santa Barbara parade. The two groups joined the military vehicles, horses, bands, and others in the drive down State Street with bystanders cheering and waving as we corkscrewed down the street. The children were especially delighted when we waved to them and we were rewarded with big smiles. It was great fun looking at all the bystanders dressed in their red, white and blue attire looking at us. = More parade photos on page 14

STORY BY JANICE HERNDON, EVENT PHOTOS BY DICK LANGE AND FRITZ OLENBERGER ecorated in various forms of red, white, and blue to show their patriotic spirit, 20 Porsches of the Santa Barbara Region participated in the City of Santa Barbara’s 50th Annual 4th of July Parade. Arriving early, region members took out their car-friendly decals, streamers, bows and flags to ensure that the German cars’ decorations reflected the all-American theme of this year’s parade: “The Gift of Individual Liberty.” Each participant wore an outfit (some of which were quite outlandish) in the glorious colors of the American flag.


Debbie & Mark Blankenship

Nadine Tracy

The SBR crew ready to hit the parade route.

Arthea & Tom Hermann

Stephan Karolyi’s 356 being tailed by the Hermann’s 356.

Santa Barbara Region Wine Country Harvest Tour

Paso Robles, October 27-28, 2012 Join us for the 2012 Wine Country Harvest Tour!

Experience some of the greatest Porsche roads on the Central Coast - with soaring vistas and vineyards in their fall splendor. Taste award-winning wines and a special winemaker s luncheon at Calcareous Winery & Vineyards located at the pinnacle of Peachy Canyon Road above the town of Paso Robles. Stay in the historic Paso Robles Inn on the town square of Paso Robles for a reception and Harvest Tour Dinner Saturday evening in the original ballroom built in 1891. We ll gather Saturday morning, October 27th, 9:00 a.m. at Santa Barbara Auto Group for coee and pastries prior to our 9:30 a.m. departure. Joining us will be Porsche s newest and best oerings, including the fabulous new Boxster and the new Cayenne Diesel. All the new Porsches will be available to drive during our weekend!

Space is limited to 35 rooms, so sign up early, and call the Paso Robles Inn (800-676-1713) before September 18th for reservations. Be sure to mention you re with the Porsche Club Santa Barbara Region for the special deluxe room rate of $170.00. Restaurants, wine tasting rooms, boutiques, and unique emporiums are all within easy walking distance of the historic inn. Cost for the entire weekend is $75 per person, including activity fee. Send your check, payable to PCA/SBR, to Michael & Beverly Brovsky, 1237 S. Victoria Ave., PMB 440, Oxnard, CA 93035. Questions? Email Cancellations after October 10, 2012 will not receive a refund.

Dawn & David Bloom

LaVella & Ron Consiglio

Patricia & Paul Crissman

Jan & Lloyd Loomis

Tom & Audi Marshall

Jim & Chris Miller




ur Santa Barbara Region celebrated on June 23, 2012 its biennial Member Appreciation Day at the Whale’s Tail Restaurant in Channel Islands. One hundred-ten members, one-third of whom were new members, participated and enjoyed the brunch feast, the presentation of awards, the raffle drawings and the 50/50 lottery. More important was the available opportunity to meet and greet new and old friends alike. At the outset, each new member in attendance was introduced to the

Don Kuckenbaker, Granddaughter Caroline and President Nicolas Liakas

gathering. Special greetings were extended to Anthony Restivo (our newest of the new, joining this past May) and to Ron Wagner and Anita Berthold (the “oldest” of the new, joining in November 2010). The individual with the longest membership in PCA was Anita Banke, who joined PCA 45 years ago. The new member introductions were followed immediately by the diverse brunch offerings beautifully presented on rows of service tables, including a model of a fishing vessel. The offerings were so plentiful that the dessert tables had to be placed in another section of the restaurant.

Service staff endlessly circulated the room with champagne and orange juice in hand. We won’t name names, but some of our participants were seen returning to the buffet tables four times! Prior to launching into the aforesaid drawings and lottery, SBR member Alan Grant, who along with his business partners, is the chief and lead architect for the planned Barber Automotive and Motorcycle Museum in Alabama, gave us a brief presentation. Alan shared his personal insight on the constantly changing renderings and drawings, and provided

(L-R) Becky Lundberg, Doreen Pankow, Teri Koski, Phyliss Weaver, and Claudia Earl

Anthony & Linsie Gentile

Michael King & Lisa Jordan

Bruce & Gaye Pence

Andrea Quintelo & Anthony Restivo

Diane & William Griswold

details on certain unique design elements that are sure to make the project a worldclass destination for auto enthusiasts. Our archivist, James Oldham, prepared a small table to exhibit numerous scrapbooks from years gone by. It was fascinating to glimpse back in time and witness the activities and friendships prominent throughout the 48year history of our region.

Service). There were many winners, but Michael Jacobson won two Black Magic wheel and tire cleaning sprays while Jeffrey Merrick won two Zymol detail sprays. They quickly got together and exchanged to balance the bounty. New members David and Dawn Bloom, who signed up late and arrived late, nonetheless won several door prizes, invalidating the long-held belief that the early bird gets the worm!

she liked it so much! When the drawing was held, the winner of the bracelet was Jane Neiderst, who just happened to be sitting at the same table as Don and Caroline. Jane instinctively turned to Caroline and presented her with the bracelet, forever impressing the young lady! Caroline will never forget Jane, and her day with the Porsche Club of America, Santa Barbara Region. The second extraordinary gesture further proved the motto when the winner of the 50/50 raffle waived the award and directed that the entire amount collected be earmarked for our region’s 2012 charity, the Special Olympics of Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.

A long table, about 12 feet long, was reserved for display of the two-dozen door prizes. Guests were each given five tickets and were instructed to deposit them in the little brown bags located next to each prize. The prizes ranged from car washing accessories to a free oil service at Rusnak Westlake Porsche (sponsors of the event; thanks to Keith Goldberg, general manager, and Sam Abergel, Director of Parts and

Two acts of kindness stand out as proof of our club’s motto that it’s not just the cars, it’s the people. His beautiful granddaughter, Caroline Carbajal, accompanied our advertising manager Don Kuckenbaker. She had seen at the door prize table a bracelet with the Porsche logo emblazoned on it. Caroline whispered to Don that she really, really hoped they could win the bracelet –

(L-R) Oscar Briones, Beverly & Michael Brovsky, and Vice President Steve Kaller

It was a great, and heartwarming, sunny day among gracious friends. =

Joan Yabitsu and Anita Banke

Porsche Club of America – Santa Barbara Region And Porsche of Santa Barbara Proudly Present

Our 36th Annual

Concours d’Elegance By The Sea Sunday, October 14, 2012 On the beautiful grounds of the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort 633 East Cabrillo Boulevard in Santa Barbara

FULL CONCOURS DIVISION C-1 All Closed 356 C-2 All Open 356 C-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) C-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) C-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) C-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) C-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 1999-2011) C-8 914-4, 914-6 C-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 STREET DIVISION S-1 All Closed 356 S-2 All Open 356 S-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) S-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) S-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) S-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) S-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 1999-2011) S-8 914-4, 914-6 S-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 UNRESTORED STOCK DIVISION UR-1 All Closed 356 UR-2 All Open 356 UR-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) UR-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) UR-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984 -1989) UR-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) UR-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996,1999 -Y-10) UR-8 914-4, 914-6 UR-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 UBERGANG DIVISION UG-1 Boxster UG-2 Cayman UG-3 911 Carrera (991, 2012-On) UG-4 Cayenne UG-5 Panamera WASH & SHINE DIVISION W&S-1 All 356 W&S-2 911, 912 (1965-1973) 911, 911Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983), 914-4, 914-6 W&S-3 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) 911 Carrera & Turbo, (964, 993, 1989-1998) W&S-4 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 991 1999-On) W&S-5 All Boxster, Cayman W&S-6 All 924, 928, 944, 968 W&S-7 Cayenne, Panamera SPECIAL CATEGORIES DIVISION SC-1 Special Interest SC-2 Current Competition SC-3 Limited Production Complete rules at Zone 8 website:


Pre-registration $80.00 - includes one buffet lunch ($90.00 day of event)

Display Only Pre-registration $60.00 - includes one buffet lunch ($70.00 day of event) Lunch

Buffet Lunch $35.00 (if not registered)


Car placement 7:00 a.m. Judging begins 10:00 a.m. Awards presentation 2:15 p.m.

PCA/SBR 36th Annual Concours d’Elegance Registration Form Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________ City/ST/Zip: ______________________ Phone: ______________________ Email: _________________________________ Concours Class Entered: ______ Porsche Model: ____________________ Model Year: _______ Body Type: _____________ Color: ________________ Additional Lunches: _______ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ________ Concours Questions? - Dick Douglass at To register: Fill out the registration form (also available at, make check payable to PCA/SBR and mail to: Sue Kinsling, 5182 Kingsgrove Drive, Somis, CA 93066 Cancellations within 48 hours of this event will not receive a refund.

El Camino Real XXIX The Boucher/Schneider Zone 8 T/S/D Rally STORY & EVENT PHOTOS BY DOREEN PANKOW Ethan & Joe Akerman, Class A champions.

Kelly & Lance Lyon, the winners in Class C.

Rallymaster Revere Jones (left) awards top honors in Class D to Janice Herndon (center) and Doreen Pankow (right).

Mary Hoover and Gerry Grembos were best in Class E.


aturday, June 30th was a picture perfect day for the 29th running of The El Camino Real, Santa Barbara Region’s Zone 8 time/speed/distance rally. Dave & Susan Stone greeted and registered the 14 participants and gave them a copy of the route along with the PCA Rally rules and a few delay forms, just in case. The drivers and navigators hastily retreated to their cars to study the route and try to discern all the tricky nuances before the start of the rally. Good luck with that! Revere Jones, PCA Zone 8’s Rally Chair, wrote the rally route for our event in conjunction with Tom Gould from the San Diego Region. Revere and five rally co-workers were there to man the various checkpoints the cars and crews were destined to find along the route. These checkpoints are easy to miss if you aren’t paying attention, and the penalty in points is steep. The workers don’t exactly wear bright orange clothes, and they often park their cars where they’re not easily noticed. So seven cars left the Sears parking lot in Santa Barbara, one minute apart, with high hopes of achieving perfection. This means you don’t get lost or take any wrong turns, you find all the checkpoints, not knowing how many there will be, and you arrive within hundredths of minutes accuracy at each checkpoint at the “true time.” Did I mention these locations are not known ahead of time? The competitors’ job is to stay on time and on course by following the cryptic clues in the route instructions. Of course this means you have to estimate how long you sat at the stop sign or stoplight, how long you spent getting up to that average speed, and then estimate how much faster you have to drive for the next few seconds or minutes to make up lost time. The driver is usually trying to figure out all these “seat of the pants” estimates while the navigator is reading and calling out the next course of action designated on the rally route, looking for road signs and trying not to get car sick while reading and calculating along windy canyon roads. What could be more fun? To give you an example of the trouble you can get into…during Leg 1, Car #1 (Janice Herndon and Doreen Pankow) missed the Baseline Road turn and ended up being the last car to check in at the first checkpoint. Not a good way to start the rally. Being totally bummed out at this turn of events, we pulled ourselves together and said “the blondes can do better,” and we did! Leg 2 was completed within 29 hundredths of a minute of the “true time,” and Leg 3 within 10 hundredths of a minute. We drove too fast on the last two legs, so we ended up with an error of 9.89 minutes for the entire route. This paled in comparison to the accuracy of Continued on page 20

El Camino Real XXIX - Continued from page 19 Car #2 (Joe and Ethan Akerman), who only had an error of 10 hundredths of a minute for the entire route. The next closest to perfection was Car #3 (Lance and Kelly Lyon) with a total error of 1.69 minutes. We can only dream of such accuracy!

course. We covered 130 miles of predominately back roads over a period of just under four hours, and ended at Max’s Restaurant on State Street in Santa Barbara for lunch and the presentation of the awards.

So where did we go? The odometer calibration portion of the run took us on San Marcos Pass Road/CA-154 toward Solvang with a few tricky back roads along the way, and then over to Foxen Canyon and Los Alisos Canyon toward Los Alamos. We then headed down even tighter curves on Drum Canyon, then west to Lompoc. The course eventually took us to Santa Rosa Road, where we enjoyed picturesque views in wine country and fields of golden marigolds as we drove towards Buellton and a few more back roads over to Solvang. We ended up back on San Marcos Pass Road, where we also drove Stage Coach Road, Cathedral Oaks and Via Chaparral roads to the last checkpoint. Three novice cars (drivers and navigators) and four more experienced cars ran the same

In Class E, Mary Hoover and Gerry Grembos finished first, followed by John Grusd and Jim Kirk in second, and Mike Bailey and Genny Hulbrock third. In Class D, Janice Herndon & Doreen Pankow took first, and Janis Jones and Dikk Jones were second. In Class C, Lance & Kelly Lyon were the winners. And in Class A Joe & Ethan Akerman were the undisputed overall champions.

John Grusd and Jim Kirk finished 2nd in Class E.

Genny Hulbrock and Mike Bailey took third in Class E.

Official registrars David & Susan Stone.

The event’s namesakes: Joe Boucher and Joe Schneider.

Many thanks to our excellent checkpoint workers: Joe Boucher, Joe Schneider, Jim Paden, David Budlong and Ron Yttri. Thanks also to David & Susan Stone, our registrars, and special thanks to Revere Jones and Tom Gould for creating the great rally route and organizing all the checkpoint activities. =

The Tech Page



orsche has been installing alarm systems from the factory since the 1980s, but the progenitor of today’s immobilizer-equipped alarm systems appeared in 1994 with the 993-series 911 line. Porsche’s “Drive Block System,” as it was called, consists of a separate alarm control unit that communicates with the DME (the Digital Motor Electronics or engine) control unit. A remote key fob with a single button not only unlocks the doors and disables the alarm system, but the button has to be pressed again in order to start the engine. When the button is pressed, the remote transmits a unique, coded, radio frequency signal to the immobilizer control unit. This in turn releases the DME control unit to activate the starter motor and the ignition, plus the fuel injection circuits, so that the engine can start. This system provides an extra measure of security against theft in the event that the starter circuit is “hot wired,” and the steering lock is defeated. As an aside, it must be pointed out that most of the quick and subtle hotwiring to steal a car that is commonly seen in movies and TV shows is not easily or quickly possible on any modern car. The ignition circuit wires are normally well protected, and the steering column on most cars has a locking device that must be defeated as well (by not-so-subtle drilling and/or breaking) in order for the car to be able to steer.

The 993 series key The 987 Boxster and 997 911 starting in 2005 use a similar alarm/immobilizer system to the earlier cars, with the exception of an electronic steering lock that acts directly on the steering rack, as opposed to the traditional mechanical steering column lock on the 986/996 and earlier models. When a properly coded key is inserted into the ignition slot, the steering lock is released with the clicking sound familiar to owners of these cars. The Cayennes use a very similar steering lock and immobilizer system to the sports cars, with the exception of an optional keyless entry and drive system that uses proximity sensors and remote antennas to determine if a properly coded key is present. It must be stressed that on any of the post-993 systems, the battery will drain rapidly if the key is left in the ignition, as most of the control modules in the car will remain “awake” and ready to start the engine if necessary.

Porsche’s alarm and immobilizer systems are welcome theft deterrents when all is functioning properly, but can be downright frustrating if a malfunction occurs. The most common issue with the 996/997 sports cars is with the keys themselves. The switches and/or the circuit boards for the remotes commonly break or fail with repeated use, causing the remote keyless entry to stop working. While it is sometimes possible for those handy with a soldering iron to replace the microswitches on the circuit boards, the only proper repair is to replace the entire key head. The same is true for the rubberized buttons that commonly break on the 986/996

The 2005-2006 987/997 series key keys; the plastic housing that contains the buttons is not available separately from the key electronics unit and the entire key head should be replaced. These key circuit boards also do not respond kindly to water damage from going through a laundry

It must be stressed that on any of the post-993 systems, the battery will drain rapidly if the key is left in the ignition, as most of the control modules in the car will remain “awake” and ready to start the engine if necessary.

Porsche eliminated the requisite button-pushing of the 993 with the introduction of the 986 Boxster and 996 series of 911 sports cars. The ignition switch in these models contains an integral inductive sensor ring that communicates with a transponder pill (built into the key fob) each time the key is inserted in the ignition slot. If the key transmits the correct code to the alarm control unit, the engine will be allowed to start.

The latest Cayennes, Panameras, and the 991/981 series of 911 and Boxster cars dispense with the traditional cut key blade altogether (except for emergency access via the key slot in the driver’ door) in favor of a car-shaped “block” key that is inserted into an ignition slot. If the proper key is inserted, the familiar remote unlocking of the steering gear and release of the DME control unit take place.

cycle or being dropped in swimming pools or other bodies of water! The key blade can thankfully be removed from the damaged key head and snapped into a new unit, however. The early 2005-2006 987/997 use a different key head design (grey plastic) from the earlier cars that is easily broken with repeated turning cycles of the key

in the ignition switch. There is a repair kit available to replace the plastic remote buttons, which can also break and pop out, but if the plastic housing breaks, the only repair, besides clever reinforcement with electrical or duct tape, is again replacement of the key head. Porsche introduced a heavier, much more substantial key head design (all black with a metal reinforcement ring) for the 2007 model year of sports cars, and this is recommended as a replacement for the fragile earlier key heads. The main issue with key head replacement, besides the cost, is the fact that each universal key head needs to be programmed to the individual car with factory-level scan equipment. A “key learning code” needs to be obtained from Porsche in order to properly diagnose the alarm/immobilizer system and to program new key remotes and transponders. The transponder that transmits the signal to the immobilizer unit to allow the engine to start is programmed separately from the remote control system that operates the door locks and alarm system. Each new key head comes with a tag on which a unique 24-digit key remote code is printed. This code must be entered via the scan tool during programming. This key tag

The 2007-2012 987/997 series key should be retained for future use in case the key remote in question is accidentally overwritten in the future. Each car can have up to four unique key remotes and transponders programmed to it. If one of the vehicle’s keys is stolen, it is prudent to have a Porsche specialist determine the unique remote and transponder codes of any remaining keys and delete the codes of the stolen key, thus rendering said key inoperable. As mentioned in my May article on water drains, the alarm/immobilizer control unit on Porsche sports cars from 993 to 997 resides under the driver’s seat, and is

susceptible to water damage. A waterlogged alarm control unit usually results in a nocrank, no -start condition and a subsequent tow to a Porsche specialist for repair. These control units can also occasionally fail internally with age and heat. In the 993 series cars, a warning light with a pictogram of a key fob remote illuminates in the clock gauge between the three and four digits, if it is necessary for the immobilizer to be disabled with the key remote button to start the engine. It is possible for a malfunction in the clock gauge circuit to cause no-crank, no-start issues in 993s. The key battery is the first item that should be checked if the remote unlocking function does not work, or if the immobilizer does not disable on the 993 models. The red LED light in the key fob should flash rapidly when the remote button is pressed. If the light does not illuminate at all, check the key remove battery. If it stays on solidly with no flashing, the key electronics are likely at fault. If you ever happen to turn the key of your Porsche and nothing happens, and the battery is known to be fully charged and in working order, there are several steps that you can take before a tow truck is called. On manual transmission cars, ensure that the clutch pedal interlock switch is being activated fully with the clutch pedal depressed. One should hear an audible “click” when the clutch pedal is pressed to the floor. If not, check that the floor mat or other obstructions are not blocking the clutch pedal from full travel. In another slightly comical aside, I must mention that more than one manual transmissionequipped Porsche has been towed into my shop for a no-start complaint, only for us to discover that the female owner happened to be wearing tall, high-heeled shoes that did not allow the clutch pedal to be fully depressed! In Tiptronic or PDK equipped vehicles, the shift selector needs to be in “Park” or “Neutral” for the engine to start. If the engine still does not crank, try another key if available, as the transponder in the key can sometimes fail. If the engine does not crank or start with any of the keys, and the battery is fully charged, then it can be safe to conclude that a tow to a Porsche specialist is necessary to determine if the

alarm system or the starter system is at fault. In closing, it must be noted that this article is timely in accordance with a recent change in Porsche’s official policy concerning the release of vehicle learning codes. In light of reported incidents of vehicles being stolen using key learning codes obtained through unscrupulous means, the owner of the vehicle in question is now required to sign a release in person

The Panamera key fob at an authorized Porsche dealership, with a copy of a driver’s license and vehicle registration present. This is necessary for the learning codes to be released, whether to a dealership technician or to a properly equipped independent Porsche repair facility. Previously, a faxed copy of the owner’s driver license and vehicle registration was sufficient. These codes are necessary to properly diagnose any alarm system issues and to program new keys. While this additional security measure is an additional inconvenience, Porsche has deemed it necessary in order to thwart and stay one step ahead of car thieves. =

Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.

Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries 48 Years

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers

7 Years

New Members

William Wilson & Mark Viehman Houston, TX 2001 Boxster

Burt & Marge Misevic

Mark T. Armstrong David & Kendra Barley Robert & Cindy Chapek Ray & Judy Liu

6 Years

Transfer Members

22 Years

Shawn Bayer Simi Valley 2006 997

Joe & Katharine Schneider

45 Years

Greg & Lisa Posner

20 Years

Dr. Steven Mascagno & Nicholas Mascagno

19 Years

George Primbs

18 Years

Nicolas & Olga Liakas

17 Years

Bruce & Jeanette Clemens Gary & Leo Jurich

Charles & Bonnie Carter Roger J. & Kathy Forse Kendra Duncan & Christopher O’Connor Ian & Julia Smith Wayne Veca Ronald & Charlotte Williams Patricia & Wade Zimmerman

Charles & Samantha Allen Gary & Debra Harbour Collin Kruschke Milton & Christine Lee

4 Years

Jack & Jennifer Palm David & Susan Stone

14 Years

3 Years

John & Mei Ling Devietti Susan & Kevin Grecian

13 Years

Tom & Ken Egidi

11 Years

Daniel M. Bleskey William Wilson

10 Years

Robert & Lynn Cummings Charles A. Danek L. Alan & Andrew Goodman Stephen Karolyi Michael & Diane MacDonell Mark & Jeannette Smith Harold & Melissa Van Deinse

9 Years

Carla Korda

Mark A. Coronado Ventura 2007 997 Patricia A. Somers Westlake Village 1996 911

Kay Sumner Malibu 2001 Boxster From California Central Coast George Valois Santa Barbara 2002 996 From California Central Coast

5 Years

Gloria & John Cellucci Tim Jackson Robert & Lynn Koegel Becky Lundberg

15 Years

Sam & Lacy Abergel Simi Valley 1986 Carrera

Thank you for renewing your membership and continuing to choose to be a part of the Santa Barbara Region. Please remember that you can log-on to the website to change your membership information in order to continue to receive your event emails and Der Auspuff. We hope to see you at a breakfast meeting or an event soon. Sue Kinsling, Membership Chair

John Achterhof William & Judy Byrd Claus D. Eisenbach Hal & Terry Jandorf

2 Years

Agustin & Denise Carrero Bryan J. Geremia Tim Martin Christopher & Martha Pomeras Michael J. Rosenberg

1 Year

Scott Anderson Margaret Baker Hugh James Darcey Julia Hoppe Joe Macphee Chip Nichols James R Puccino John & Mary Sramek


1 2 3

Down The Road

SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest

August 17-19 August 25 September 8 September 15 September 16 September 22 September 29 October 14 October 20 October 27-28 November 17 December 2 December 16

Monterey Motorsports Reunion, Laguna Seca SBR Progressive Dinner Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Porsche Mademoiselle Society to Lotusland Special Olympics Car Show - Montecito Autocross in Camarillo The Gimmick Rally 36th Annual Concours d’Elegance Tire Rack/SBR Street Survival School For Teens Wine Country Harvest Tour A Visit to The Malamut Collection Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR Annual Holiday Party

The Zone 8 Page Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown

Zone 8 Staff

Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett Webmaster Ken Short Rules Chair Russell Shon

Rally Chair Revere Jones Secretary Skip Carter Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias

Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8

Los Angeles


Orange County

CA Central Coast


California Inland

Santa Barbara

Golden Empire

San Diego

Grand Prix Las Vegas

San Gabriel Southern Arizona


SBR Board of Directors Meeting

July 11, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. – Four Points Sheraton Hotel MINUTES RECORDED BY DICK LANGE

The July dinner board meeting was held at Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura. Present were: Nick Liakas, Steve Kaller, John Alfenito, Sue Kinsling, Brian Rubino, James Oldham, James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Don Kuckenbaker, Jim Brown, Janice Herndon, and Dick Lange. The following reports and discussions were presented: Secretary: The June 2012 board meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Vice President: No report. Treasurer: Jim reported on the following financial statements for the month of June: (1) monthly income statement, (2) statement of cash flows and (3) ending balance sheet. Bank reconciliations and bank statements were forwarded to Steve Kaller for his review. The budget for the October Concours was presented. Membership: During the month of June, seven new members joined our region and membership totaled 696 at month’s end. June’s membership is down three from last month. Activities: The following events are still open and available for participation - 16th Annual Chili Cook-Off (July 21); Camarillo Autocross (July 28 and September 22); Progressive Dinner (August 25); Detail Clinic at Lavaggio’s (September 8) and the Gimmick Rally (September 29). Flyers were posted in the July Der Auspuff. Approval was given for a reimbursement of $497 for incurred activity expenses. Editor: The August Der Auspuff contains coverage of the recently completed R.U.F.’s visit to Cold Spring Tavern, the Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade, the El Camino Real Rally and the Member Appreciation Brunch. New fliers have been created for

our up and coming events. The August issue marks the first time a Cayenne has appeared on the cover: a 2013 Cayenne GTS. Distribution: The July issue was mailed out on June 27 at a cost of $329 for 724 copies. Advertising: Sponsorship status was discussed including our latest renewal, Coachcraft. Goodie Store: The most recent Goodie Store sales at the events and breakfasts totaled $576. Board approved a request for up to $1750 in additional purchases, as well as a reimbursement request for $256 for incurred expenses. Insurance: We are current on all certificates. Rally: No report. Concours: Preparations are underway for the October event. Autocross: No report. Archives: No report. Webmaster: Website has been updated and work is proceeding on better ways to organize and display our photos.

Safety: No report. P.M.S.: No report. R.U.F.: No report. 50th Anniversary: On going contract discussions with the venue operator. Public Relations: The Membership Brunch article was submitted to Panorama for publication in the July issue. Our club’s inaugural participation in Santa Barbara’s annual 4th of July parade was a huge success. An article and photos were sent in for consideration in the August Panorama. Past President: No report. President: Contract discussions with the 50th Anniversary venue operator have been finalized and a deposit request of $1000 has been approved. It was agreed that a further review of the status would be required before 19 July 2013. Several of our members are attending the Porsche Parade in Salt Lake City. Our region was nominated for several awards. Old Business: None. New Business: None. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

SBR MEMBER NAME BADGE Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is only a click away. Go to our website,, and click on PCASB Name Badge in the lefthand column. Fill out the order form, send it in with your check, and you’re good to go!


Support The Club. Shop The Goodie Store!


SBR Breakfast Locations Camarillo

Moby Dick Restaurant


Way-Point CafĂŠ


The first Saturday of each month in Camarillo... The second Saturday of each month in Santa Barbara.

you mean we should have been counting stop signs?!?


We’ll begin at Agoura High School, in Agoura, CA. Meet at 9:30 a.m. (don’t be tardy) in the student parking lot at 28545 W. Driver Avenue 91301. We will leave at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Our ride will take us through one of the only truly urban mountain ranges in the country, and part of the National Parks System. The rally will take somewhat over two hours of fun driving and beautiful scenery. No racing here. Only careful powers of observation and clever thinking will put you in the winner’s circle. The top three teams, as determined by the highest number of correct answers, will be our winners and receive prizes. You will need a driver in a Porsche, a navigator (not in a Lincoln), and a clipboard with pen or pencil. Water, sunglasses, and sunscreen may come in handy, too. Our drive will end at Conejo Creek Park North at Creekside in Thousand Oaks, located behind the T.O. Library. There, we’ll be treated to a great BBQ lunch by Q-Time Barbecue. The cost is $25 per person, including lunch, drinks, and SBR activity fee. This is always a popular event, so don’t be left out. Please R.S.V.P. by filling out the form below.

American Global Standards ...........27 Andy’s Detail ................................24 Aswell Trophy ...............................27 Auto Gallery ...................................5 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................26 Gary Betz Enterprises ....................24 Walt Branscome, SBAG ...................9 California Tire Company .................14 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........10 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .........9 Coachcraft ....................................31 Courtesy Body Shop ......................32 DSR Audio ....................................10 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................27 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .....26 Los Angeles Dismantler.................14 Neil McAuliffe ..............................21 MKS Performance...........................7 North Hollywood Speedometer ......10 RS Enterprises ..............................26 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ........................8 Anthony Strauss ...........................26 TC’s Garage ....................................7

PCA/SBR Classifieds

Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.

2005 BOXSTER S – FOR SALE Midnight Blue Metallic, Metropol Blue top, Gray interior. 19” Carrera Sport Wheels. Tiptronic transmission. Red “S” badge. Round Cayman S exhaust tips. Low mileage (27,000), well cared-for 987S in excellent condition. Never hit or repaired, non-smoker, always garaged. Asking $28,000. Car is in San Fernando Valley. Contact John at 818-436-9204, or (08/12) 1979 911SC TARGA – FOR SALE White exterior with black interior. Seats were covered for protection. Upgraded A/C, upgraded chain tensioners, added oil cooler under right fender for additional cooling. Original paint, clean, no rust, excellent condition. Runs great. 147,000 miles. $23,000. Call Merle (760) 952-1108. (06/12) 2001 BOXSTER S – FOR SALE 51,000 miles. White with tan top. Good condition. For sale at $16,000. Must sell due to overseas travel arrangements. Contact Carolann Wolfgang at (805)448-2751 or with any questions. (05/12) USED PORSCHE TIRES – FOR SALE Michelin and Bridgestone used Porsche tires for sale. Garage is full! 305/30/19, 295/30/19, 265/35/19, 235/35/19, some 18s, too. 80-90% of tread left. $125 for a front. $225 for a rear. I can meet or ship. Contact or text me your tire size at (805) 500-6636. (05/12) WANT TO BUY – ‘65-’73 911 Looking for a coupe or Targa for a reasonable price. Nice example or a “project” considered. Call Jay at (909) 583-1894 (05/12) BILSTEIN SPORT FRONT STRUT INSERTS – FOR SALE Pat # 34-050507. Fits 911 to 1989. List price new: $222.60 each. Used, 300 miles. $200/pair. Contact Joe Schneider (805) 962-8015 or (04/12) TUBE FRAME BOXSTER RACE CAR – FOR SALE Beautiful full tube fram Boxster race car, 2000 pounds. No expense spared. $187K invested (with $38K in 3.4L Motec motor). Asking $65,000. Email Hari at for photos and info packet. Hari Matsuda, Sacramento Region (04/12) 2001 BOXSTER SUSPENSION – FOR SALE Original used shocks, springs and sway bars from 2001 Boxster. Everything is in very good condition. I replaced my original Porsche suspension with the ROW 030 suspension several years ago, and finally came to the realization I’m tired of seeing these parts in my garage! Price $350 or make me an offer. Call Geoff Walsh (310) 457-2629 or (02/12) EZ CAR LIFT – FOR SALE EZ Car Lift in new condition (used only 5 times). Includes two sets of cross spacers (the part the car rests on) so it will fit all Porsche sports cars. Original cost $2105. $1700 or trade for? Visit the EZ Car See lift website at Jim Gude (661) 821-3805. (02/12) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at

Next Month In DER





...the last word

SBR CARS SCORE AT LAR Five Santa Barbara Region members and their Porsches scored first place finishes at last month’s Los Angeles Region Concours d’Elegance held at the beautiful Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. Carolyn Ewbank won first place in W&S-6 with her 1986 928S Coupe. Dick Douglass took first in S-2 with his 1965 356-C Cabriolet. Birgitta Baker and Richard Donahue (pictured near left) finished first in UR-9 with their 1987 928S. And John Kraus’s 1988 Carrera (pictured at far left) drove away with top honors in UR-5 and was voted best car in the entire unrestored division! Congratulations to all our wonderful Santa Barbara region winners.


Porsche Santa Barbara

805-682-2000 • 402 South Hope Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93105

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