Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • April 2013
Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train R.U.F. At Will Rogers State Park Getting “Road Trip” Ready
AUSPUFF Contents Features
R.U.F at Will Rogers State Park ..................11 Boutique at Rusnak Westlake Porsche .......13 Fillmore Murder Mystery Train ...................15 Rusnak Service Clinic ..................................21 Rusnak Porsche Premier Dealer ..................21 Road Tripping-Porsche Style .......................23
Monthly Reports
15 21
President’s Column ........................................4 Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ........................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24 SBR Board of Directors Meeting.................28
SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 Camarillo Autocross ......................................5 Santa Barbara Region Rally School ..............6 El Camino Real XXX Rally .............................8 32 Hours 7 Minutes.....................................12 Central California Coast Weekend Tour .....19 Poker Run & Picnic Lunch............................25
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 Membership Gallery....................................22 The Tech Page .............................................23 Down the Road............................................26 SBR Breakfast Maps ...................................26 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 The Goodie Store ........................................29 Ordering SBR Name Badges .......................29 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31 The Last Word .............................................32
On The Cover Porsche’s latest iteration of the 991, the GT3. Photo courtesy PCNA. DER
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • April 2013
22 23
Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train R.U.F. At Will Rogers State Park Getting “Road Trip” Ready
Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors
President DOREEN PANKOW 805-527-8280
Activities BARRY WEINSTEIN 805-241-5641
Vice President JOHN McNAIR 805-494-1527
Treasurer STEVE KALLER 818-489-4225
Past President NICOLAS LIAKAS 818-706-6016 Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees
Secretary DICK LANGE 818-865-1498
Membership SUE KINSLING 805-386-8112
Editor MIKE POMERANTZ 805-341-3192
SBR Events Calendar
Editor MIKE POMERANTZ 805-341-3192
Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER Director 805-527-8280
Yearly Advertising Rates
Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Ted Lighthizer 805-527-8280
PCASBR is online:
The President’s Column Doreen Pankow
would like to encourage you to participate in one or more of our upcoming motor sports events in April and May. If you’ve never done one of these events, you don’t know what you’re missing!! I have worked as a volunteer at our Autocross events for the past three years; but last year, I decided to drive in one for the first time. I was fortunate to have Mike Furnish, who won first place in the 2012 Zone 8 Autocross SS05 Division, provide me instruction throughout the morning. With his helpful coaching tips about when to accelerate and identifying the best course through all the cones, I was able to improve my time significantly. It was a lot of fun and helped me learn more about how fast I can go and still maintain control of my car in tight turns, and also how fast my car will stop. Our Region will be hosting a Zone 8 Autocross open to all licensed drivers 18 and older in street legal vehicles on Saturday April 13, 2013 at the Camarillo Airport. Maximum of 65 cars, so all drivers will get at least four practice runs in the morning and a minimum of three timed runs in the afternoon. The course is on a closed section of the runway with plenty of run-off room with nothing to hit. The course will have chalked lanes with cones, length half mile with one or more slaloms, a decreasing radius
lollypop turnaround and other turns and braking challenges. New this year, we plan to put the same make and model vehicles in the same run group whenever possible to make for a better driver experience. We also have a Rally School scheduled on April 20th at Schneider Autohaus’ shop in Santa Barbara. This is a great opportunity to learn from the masters, Joe Boucher and Joe Schneider, who provide us about an hour of classroom instruction, after which we get a test drive on a short rally route. We end up at a restaurant for lunch and discuss how we did. This class is great preparation for our Time/Speed/Distance El Camino Real Rally scheduled on May 11th. Ted and I decided to participate in a Rally three years ago, since we were the Activities Co-Chairs and wanted to be involved in all events. We found that driving in a Rally is challenging but also a lot of fun. Now I’m hooked on them and look forward to the event every year. The key is to find a partner you can communicate with and then interpret and follow the written instructions. You get to drive on a lot of back roads, some that you may not have driven before, and you are likely to win an award when you enter in the Novice class. You compete with drivers and navigators of similar experience, so all the less experienced drivers compete within the Class E – Novice class. The experts use computers and other equipment, but those of us in the Novice class just use the odometer, our watch and follow the instructions. You’ll find the Autocross and Rally event fliers on our website Just click on the event and the flier will open that provides instructions on how to register and more information about the event. I hope you’ll participate in at least one of these events this year and test your wings on something new. It’s another opportunity to drive your beloved Porsche!!
Creative Change
‘Helping people help themselves’
Nola D. Force Nola Force & Associates
Advisor and Advocate Santa Barbara, CA
530.966.0916 805.687.6226 fax
Zone 8 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region
SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2013 w
Entry Fee: $85.00 per driver, includes lunch.
Make checks payable to PCA/SBR for $85
Saturday, April 20, 2013 • 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at Schneider Autohaus 2703 De La Vina St., Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Join us for an introduction to rallying designed to prepare drivers and navigators for participation in Time-Speed-Distance (TSD) Road Rallies, the type of rally run throughout PCA Zone 8 and at Porsche Parades. We’ll begin with a classroom session for an hour or so followed by a short practice rally. We will end up at Max’s Restaurant in Santa Barbara for lunch and a critique. Participants will need note-taking materials and a watch that can be synchronized with a master timepiece. All participants must pre-register - contact Joe Schneider at Event cost only $5.00 per team.
Camarillo Breakfast March 2, 2013
fter suffering Southern California’s winter plagues of rain, cold weather, heavy snows, freeway closures, and huge Santa Anas over the past few weeks, our March Camarillo breakfast meeting was free of all these . Seventy-four Porsches carrying 113 members and guests were welcomed by an early Spring. The immortal Porsche Gods smiled down on us and graced us with an absolutely perfect sky full of heavenly weather. President Doreen Pankow opened the meeting and talked about our current and upcoming activities. She went on to thank the waitresses and staff at the Way-Point Cafe for working so diligently to take care of our large crowd as well as Randy Fishwick, our Webmaster, for handling the gate duties that day. Doreen talked about the upcoming three-day Festival of Speed on April 5th – 7th and the need for volunteers. Contact Mike Hodson if you would like to partici- Give a warm welcome to Rommel Andan from Oceanside, driving a 2007 Carrera S pate. who joined at the morning breakfast.
Brian Rubino, who with his wife, Linda, has been running our Goodie Store for the past three years, announced that this will be their final year. Thanks from all of us in the club to the Rubinos for all their time and effort. Please contact Brian or Linda for more information if you’d be willing to help out with the Goodie Store in 2014. =
Be sure to say hello to new SBR member Jim Sterling from Calabasas driving a 2013 911 S.
Sue Kinsling, our Membership Chair, welcomed Jim Sterling, a new member from Calabasas, to his first PCA/SBR breakfast meeting. Rommel Andan, from Oceanside, and Maury Barth, from Beverly Hills, also attended their first meeting and joined our club right on the spot. Welcome to all three of you. We’re delighted to have you with us. Barry Weinstein, our Activities Chair, briefly talked about the Activity schedule, and then Ted Lighthizer went into detail about the PCA/SBR Zone 8 Autocross on April 13th.
Say hello to new SBR member Maury Barth from Beverly Hills, who joined us at the morning breakfast driving his 2013 Boxster.
Santa Barbara Breakfast March 9, 2013
o our surprise we started out the weekend with magnificent spring-like weather, thereby breaking the winter weather pattern of wind, rain, and cold once again on the morning of our breakfast meeting. Twenty-four Porsches carried 34 members on this beautiful day. Doreen welcomed our sponsor, Walt Branscome from SBAG, and Walt suggested we take some time and attend the Santa Barbara Porsche Cayman launch event that SBAG is having on April 27th from 10 am - 5 pm. Doreen also spoke about the new advertisers’ page at our SBR website ( ) listing contact information including phone number and hot links to each advertiser’s website and/or email address. She then reminded everyone present that those women interested in going on the P.M.S. Huntington Gardens tour this month should contact Nola Force. Her information is on the flyer in the current Der Auspuff.
Randy & Sue Kinsling’s beautiful 997 Turbo.
Please welcome new member transferees, John & Kendall Martina from Oxnard with their beautiful 1963 356B and 2011 997 Cab.
Membership Chair Sue Kinsling Membership Chair Sue Kinsling welcomed three new members from Oxnard who each drove the scenic 35+ miles along the ocean front to Santa Barbara. These are Jim McCulley in his 2005 997 C2 and transferees from Sierra Nevada, John & Kendall Martina in their 356 B & 2011 Cabriolet Finally Activities Chair Barry Weinstein announced that he would do whatever he could to make this beautiful day in Santa Barbara even more pleasant by keeping his speech short. In helping him to fulfill this promise, he asked Ted Lighthizer to talk about April’s events including the Festival of Speed and the Autocross, which Ted did so aptly. Then everyone was off to enjoy driving their Porsches on one of the most delightful days of the year. =
Say hi to Jim McCulley of Oxnard driving his 2005 997 C2.
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The R.U.F. Report
n February 21, 2013, 25 members of R.U.F. met for our monthly adventure, this time for a tour of Will Rogers’ home in Pacific Palisades. To get to our destination we eschewed the highways and went over the beautiful Santa Monica Mountains to the coast. Our route took us along Piuma Road, where we climbed along the twisty road to great heights affording spectacular views of the canyons and newly blooming wildflowers. At this time of year the landscape is beautifully green offset against the bright blue sky. When we reached the top of Piuma we turned on Las Flores Canyon Road and that took us on a curvy and rapid descent to the Coast Highway where we headed south towards our destination. The Will Rogers home is situated in Will Rogers State Park. The home is a rambling, twostory, thirty-one room ranch house with furnishings that are very reminiscent of the California west. There are priceless Navajo rugs and many paintings of western scenes done by famous painters. Our docent pointed out that the more casual and “ranchy” rooms were decorated by Will, while the more formal areas were done by his wife Betty. We also learned that Will was into technology, as it existed in that era, installing all of the latest gadgets in his house. We toured the upstairs and saw Will’s den where he composed his famous newspaper columns on his Remington typewriter. This typewriter was retrieved from the plane in which he died in a crash in Alaska in 1935.
The house is surrounded by beautiful grounds including a polo field, corrals, riding ring, roping arena and golf course. The polo field is across from the front of the house that allowed easy viewing from the long, covered veranda. Currently there are polo matches held there on the weekends. We enjoyed our tour of the house and learned much about Will Rogers, his down-to-earth personality and warm, open approach to life.
After our tour we traveled north on PCH to Duke’s restaurant in Malibu. There we enjoyed a group lunch while taking in the beautiful ocean views and lively conversation. All agreed this was a very enjoyable outing, affording us time to enjoy a lovely drive, view beautiful scenery and learn more about the many interesting historical locations in Southern California. =
After a decade in the making, the risky, underground documentary, “32 Hours 7 Minutes,” is now in worldwide release. Produced and directed by Cory Welles, the film chronicles the secretive, cross-country races, known as the U.S. Express, that took place in the late 70s and early 80s after the official Cannonball races had ended and also weaves in the story of a suspenseful, modern-day attempt to break the old record of 32:07, a record time embroiled in controversy. Featuring historic footage from the early races and recent interviews with the organizer and its participants, “32 Hours 7 Minutes” reveals the motivations and methods used by the outlaws who were crazy enough to compete in one of the toughest tests of human and mechanical endurance. But what could have been a mild tale of a time gone past, turns into a tense, epic road adventure as Welles finds herself in the backseat of a BMW M5 going flat-out across the country to prove 32:07 is legit or beatable. “I wanted to take audiences on the 1983 ride,” said Welles, “I figured I could dig up enough of the past to relay this experience but I never expected I would actually have to take them on a physical run; and now, looking back, I don’t see how there was any other way of telling this story without getting in the car and doing it.” Welles used six in-car cameras and a few surprises to capture every second of their day-and-a-half journey across 13 states and 4 times zones. At the core, this is an auto enthusiast’s dream but also appeals to anyone with a sense of adventure. Where most car films lack a meaningful storyline and credibility, the true-to-life adventures in “32 Hours 7 Minutes” have both in spades. Ms. Welles will lead a discussion on this marvelous adventure and show her documentary on the evening of May 11, 2013 exclusively for SBR members at Rusnak Westlake Porsche. The screening will be accompanied by questions and answers from our members. Details on the evening’s event, that will include a buffet dinner at Rusnak Westlake Porsche, will be forwarded to those registering for the event. It is anticipated that the cost for the evening will be $25.00 per person, including the meal, tax, gratuity and SBR activity fee.To register for this special screening, contact Nicolas Liakas at or 818/706-6016. This special presentation will surely sell out fast, so register now!
orsche enthusiasts now have a new destination spot to see, feel and try on their favorite Driver’s Selection shirts, hoodies, caps, jackets, eyewear, luggage sets, die cast Porsche cars in scales 1:43, 1:24 and 1:18 and so much more. Family items like a Porsche child’s car seat and roof racks specifically designed by Porsche are examples of the high quality and unique Porsche products available to own today, and you thought they only made cars. The Boutique at Rusnak Westlake Porsche was designed to have a different feel from the showroom and service areas; more so a place that welcomes your curiosity in all things Porsche, and I believe they have succeeded. With hundreds of different products available and sizing for men, women and children, there really is something for everyone. The Boutique is the place to find that perfect gift for your Porsche buddy or maybe something special just for you or your grandchildren.
Say hello to Kelly Kissman, Brand Specialist, when you visit. The Boutique is managed by Kelly Kissman, Brand Specialist, who welcomes your interest in her hand-picked inventory of everything Porsche. Kelly finds the typical customer, once inside the shop, is like a child in a toy store for the first time. The most memorable customer experience at The Boutique involved a father and son. The eight-year-old boy wanted a pair of the Martini Team Racing sunglasses, although when he found out their cost, it started a dialogue between father and son on the need for an allowance and saving for such a purchase. Then eight months later, the father and son returned and the boy purchased his beloved sunglasses. Yes, the love of all things Porsche starts early for some of us and never ends for most of us.
Now for the really good news. Thanks to the generosity of Rusnak Westlake Porsche, SBR members will be able to save 20% on all purchases at The Boutique through the month of April 2013. SBR members wanting the exclusive PCA/ SBR 20% discount will need to show their current PCA/ SBR membership card when making their purchase. Let the buying begin! I would recommend stopping by soon for best selection. Sorry, the exclusive discount won’t work on a new Porsche vehicle sale or lease. The Boutique is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5 pm where parking is never an issue. =
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Saturday, March 16, 2013
ne hundred twelve SBR members and guests boarded our first ever Murder Mystery Train ride and luncheon. Over 60 Porsches and a few alternate vehicles made the drive to Fillmore, California and parked alongside the train tracks of the Fillmore and Western Railway. The F and W Railway, also known as the “Fillmore Movie Train” was our rolling theater as we enjoyed a four-hour lunch, a comedic murder mystery, and a train excursion in and around the scenic cities, ranches and orchards of the communities of Fillmore and Santa Paula in the picturesque Heritage Valley. Our group filled two 1930’s railroad dining cars. Along the way we enjoyed a Murder Mystery show, a three-course lunch, a “sloooooow” train ride and great camaraderie and socializing with our fellow SBR travelers. Hundreds of motion picture, television and commercial train sequences have been shot at the station complex and along the tracks of the Fillmore & Western Railroad. Some of the sequences which used F & W trains include segments of Unstoppable, Water for Elephants, Race to Witch Mountain, and Seabiscuit. Current TV series such as Mad Men, Criminal Minds, CSI, and many others have also had railroad scenes produced here. Prior to boarding we visited some of the historic buildings at the station that were opened early for our group, as well as patronizing Sandi Ward’s Train Shop (inside a parked caboose) to purchase souvenirs of the day. Thanks to all those who volunteered their time and helped in getting waivers signed, handing out meal tickets, etc. These included our President, Doreen Pankow, Nick Liakas, my wife Valerie, and Gary and Phyllis Weaver. Also we appreciate the fine job done by Mike and Diane Macdonell, David Stone and Bob Bassett in overseeing and organizing the parking of over 60 vehicles alongside the station. Our photographer, who took the majority of the shots accompanying this story, was the supremely artistic Ron Williams. Also a very special thank you to our perennially late, late comers, Debra and Gary Laird, whom our PCA members always good
naturedly tease about their clock watching inabilities, for helping us stage the “Last Word” shot on page 32 Actually, Nick Liakas, myself, and the Lairds went out there a month before the train ride. I ran them mercilessly ragged trying to get the shot just right. Thanks again, Debra and Gary. You are great sports and wonderful members of our club. Also, special thanks to Nick, a very talented photographer, for capturing that perfect moment. After boarding, the beginning of a three-course lunch was served. We departed the station, and the murder mystery began. Entitled “Viva Lost Vegas,” the play is set in the Vegas Days of the “Rat Pack.” We met and interacted with a number of the “celebrities” we all grew up with while trying to sleuth out who actually committed the murder. That’s all I can tell you about the show. Remember this is a private SBR adventure. “What happens on the murder mystery train stays on the murder mystery train!!” Two-thirds of the way through the train excursion, in the middle of farm and ranch country, we disembarked for intermission at the “Loose Caboose” where we had a half hour to stretch our legs and browse their garden center stocked with fresh vegetables, various flavors of local honey, a koi pond filled with up to 18” koi, an aviary, “upside-down” gardens, and a shop stocked with railroad memorabilia before reboarding and continuing our journey. On the train again, we rolled along back to Fillmore, were served dessert, and did our best to solve the Murder Mystery. Upon reviewing the answers, the production troupe announced that we had only one winner in our car. That was Detective Olga Liakas. However, it was reported to me that the other PCA/SBR dining car had a number of sharp policewomen which included Kathie Schneider, Linda Rubino, Lonette Pope, Martie Thiese and one lone policeman, Oscar Briones. If I missed anyone, I apologize, but that was all the information the authorities would release to me. Everyone agreed they had a truly entertaining and delightfully fun-filled eight hours. It was certainly a different kind of excursion for our group of Porschophiles, but one we’ll repeat again in the not too distant future. =
Memorial Day Weekend May 24-27, 2013 Explore Morro Bay & California’s Central Coast
ome join us for a fun-filled trip to Morro Bay and the Central Coast over the 2013 Memorial Day weekend.
We’ll depart Friday May 24th from Santa Barbara and drive north to Morro Bay to enjoy lunch at the Embarcadero Grill. Then, take a scenic back-roads drive to the Tolosa Winery & Vineyard and indulge in tasting some of the finest Central Coast wines before checking into the Inn at Morro Bay, our home for the weekend. That evening, we’ll enjoy cocktails and a gourmet dinner at the Windows On The Water restaurant while watching the sunset.
Morro Rock
On Saturday morning, you’ll be free to explore the Central Coast area on your own before meeting for an early afternoon tour of the Piedras Blancas Light Station in San Simeon. You can tour the town of Morro Bay, drive to San Simeon to tour the Hearst Castle, or drive to Cambria, a magical seaside village tucked
Hearst Castle
Payment and registration must be received no later than April 24, 2013. Make checks payable to PCA/SBR. Mail to Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063 Names: _____________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________________________________ Amount enclosed: ___________ ($145/person) Cancellations after May 17th will not receive a refund.
amongst towering pines. There you will find art galleries, excellent restaurants, an old-fashioned saloon, boutiques and a great boardwalk along Moonstone Beach. Dinner will be on your own. Sunday morning, we’ll drive to the Montaña de Oro (Mountain of Gold) State Park and take an easy 2 ½ mile roundtrip hike. You’ll enjoy spectacular views of the bluffs overlooking the ocean, and experience the beauty of the spring flowers in bloom along the trail. Then, take a fun drive to Avila Beach via Perfumo Canyon Road, which takes us up over the top of the mountain and winds its way down to the ocean. Following lunch you can spend the rest of the day exploring Avila Beach and Pismo Beach or return to Morro Bay for shopping, hiking or golfing. Cocktails and a group dinner will be held that evening in the Orchid Room of our hotel, so you can just relax at the end of the day and enjoy the company of your fellow club members. The fee for this trip is $145 per person, which includes a lunch and two dinners (gratuities and tax), a wine tour, a light station tour, and the activity fee. Call the Inn at Morro Bay Inn at 805-772-5651 prior to April 24th to reserve your room. Porsche Club Group Rates: Garden View $139, Partial Bay View $149, Full Bay View $159, per night. You will receive further detail on the itinerary, meals and schedule once you RSVP to Doreen Pankow at
AUGUST 1-3, 2013
Matt Malamut Car Specialist 805.231.6410 AUCTIONSAMERICA.COM
Saturday, February 23, 2013
bout 70 PCA members from our Club, including 15 guests from Central Coast Porsche in San Luis Obispo, attended a service clinic offered to all of our PCA members. The clinic was sponsored and held at Rusnak Porsche in Westlake Village, CA. Service Manager Sam Abergel was our host for a day of complimentary Porsche inspections, fresh food from morning breakfast tidbits to luncheon items freshly served all day for all participants, 2013 Porsches to test drive, and a Brian Rubino looking confused. departing gift from Sam to those who participated from Rusnak’s Porsche Boutique. His crew of Certified Porsche Technicians had their service bays and lifts going nonstop from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Everyone left with a written checklist of their car’s “vital signs.” The weather was spectacular, the camaraderie and socializing, always much of the reason why our activities are so much fun, with our brother and sister SBR Porsche members , the Central Coast Region attendees, and the genial Rusnak service and sales personnel, combined to make this a wonderful and fulfilling day. On top of that, Sam has offered anyone who decides to have the services or repairs recommended by their technicians, a 15% discount on all work performed within the next month. Again thanks from all of us at PCA to everyone at Rusnak Porsche for the delightful day they gave us. And, from all of us, PCA members, who have decided to follow your suggestions, a big THANK YOU for the additional service savings you have extended. =
Rusnak Technicians - Mark Leach and Mark Jacobs
Rusnak Westlake Named Porsche Premier Dealer STORY BY NICK LIAKAS
he Porsche Premier Dealer Program identifies the top 25 Porsche Dealers in the United States. It recognizes and rewards those Porsche Dealerships that achieve the highest service and sales performance among their peers. In order to be one of the select few, a Porsche dealership must achieve the highest level of operational performance among its peers and display a passionate commitment to excellence. It is paramount that, in order to win the “Premier Dealer” award, a dealership must go far above and beyond its competition in both its representation of the Porsche brand and in the delivery of the Porsche experience Last year was a banner year for Rusnak Porsche Westlake, for at the end of the year it moved into its fabulous new facility in the Thousand Oaks Auto Mall. This year has started with a national victory for Rusnak, recently receiving the official news that it has been awarded by Porsche, “Premier Dealer” status. With over 190 Porsche dealerships in the United States, only the top 25 are recognized as recipients of this award. Even more exciting, Rusnak Porsche finished in the top three in the nation! Rusnak Porsche is only one of two dealerships in Southern California to earn such recognition. Since earning Porsche Premier Dealer status requires a total team effort within a dealership, please join us in congratulating the entire Porsche team at Rusnak Porsche Westlake — a Porsche Premier Dealer. =
SBR Membership Gallery <<<
Nick & Olga Liakas’ 997 Turbo Cab at Joshua Tree National Park.
Ben Coats’ 2007 Cayman S on the corkscrew at Laguna Seca in Jan. 2007 with Chris Breuner (Golden Gate Region) chasing him in his beautiful 1988 Targa.
Please submit your high resolution photos and captions to for inclusion in SBR’s monthly membership gallery.
The Tech Page
Road Tripping - Porsche Style BY CHRIS ANDROPOULOS
ne of the greatest attributes of Porsche automobiles is the fact that they are eminently drivable and relatively comfortable despite their high-performance capabilities. Porsches are not temperamental beasts; old or new, you can hop in and drive across the country, if you so desire. In the spirit of the uniquely American notion of the road trip, this month’s column will feature tips for preparing your German thoroughbred for a long trip on the open road. The fact that I was recently preparing my own 944 Turbo for an excursion to the Grand Canyon and New Mexico makes this subject especially timely. The first and most obvious step in preparing for a road trip is to have your Porsche inspected by a knowledgeable technician, whether it is yourself or a local Porsche specialist. This will identify any potential issues that could affect a long trip. Tire condition and pressure is one of the most important aspects of the inspection. At the same time, ensure that the car’s maintenance is up to date, and all of the fluid levels are topped up. Make sure that all exterior lights work; it would be a shame to embark on a trip only to discover that a headlight is out, or to get pulled over by a law enforcement vehicle for a nonfunctional license plate light! It is also a good idea to check the aim of the headlights with the planned passenger and luggage load on board so you can see down the road during nighttime driving. Once your Porsche has been given the green light, and all systems are go for the trip, it is time to check and gather essential emergency supplies. If your Porsche is pre2005 and blessed by the factory with a spare tire, ensure that the spare tire is properly inflated and that the emergency jack and all of the components of the factory tool kit are functional and present. Locate the wheel lock key in case a wheel needs to be changed. If your Porsche is 2005 or newer and does not have a spare, check that the factory provided fix-a-flat kit is present.
Older Porsches with a collapsible spare tire should have the tire and air compressor checked for integrity and function. It is also wise to have an up-to-date AAA membership, or a tow service through your insurance company should the worst case scenario arise. My list of road trip essentials includes a set of quality battery jumper cables or a jumper box; tire pressure gauge; spare fan belt(s) for the air-cooled cars; an extra container of each fluid that the car uses (engine oil, power steering/hydraulic fluid, and distilled water for water-cooled engines); a flashlight; mobile phone with charger; maps and/or a GPS unit; blankets and warm clothing; sunscreen; and plenty of water and snacks for driver and passenger.
Some of you may be wondering about my own early springtime road trip that was the impetus for this article. It turned out that my 944’s original 28-year-old radiator decided to give up the ghost and spring a leak the night before my intended departure date, despite a thorough cooling system check several days prior! This, combined with the fact that snowstorms were in the forecast for the northern Arizona and New Mexico regions during the time of the trip, caused a reevaluation of vehicle choice for the trip. A lowered sports car on sticky race track-oriented tires was not the ideal choice for the trip, so my girlfriend’s Lexus SUV ended up being the mode of transport. It was the safe and comfortable choice, but not quite as fun as the Porsche. Oh, well! =
It may be sacrilegious to some for any food or beverage to be consumed inside their Porsche, but I have found that my favorite go-to road trip snacks of trail mix and beef jerky to be perfectly acceptable and non-threatening to the cleanliness of the upholstery and carpets. One of the last steps before departing is to check the road and weather conditions of the area in which you will be driving. Most states have up-to-the-minute road condition and closure information available online that will help in planning exact routes for your trip. Many of the more Porsche-worthy roads also tend to be the roads less traveled, and thus more likely to be subject to closures and delays, especially in the colder months.
Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.
Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries
33 Years
16 Years
30 Years
12 Years
24 Years
11 Years
Alois & Estonia Ruf Susan Sheller & Bob Roe Jay & Jean Midgley
21 Years
Christopher & Elizabeth Campbell
18 Years
Joe & Sarah Wigert
SBR DURABLE MAGNETIC MEMBER NAME BADGE Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is only a click away.
Visit our website,, and click on PCASB Name Badge in the left-hand column. Fill out the order form, send it in with your check, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re good to go!
Michael & Rene Hohls Walt & Rebecca Branscome Robert Hilding & Madeleine Gullibrand Jeffrey & Jane Kagan
10 Years
Bryan & Mary Clabeaux Edward & Nanette Martin Kenneth & Lynn Merideth
8 Years
Steven & Janet Kaller
7 Years
Susan & Roy Bernard Jacob & Rody Castroll Barry Murante
6 Years
Eric & Deonna Bernocco Oscar & Toni Briones Chuck & Kathleen Michel Stephen Murray Brad & Debbie Schultz
5 Years
John & Kate Lawrence Kevin & Bonnie Ryan James Sieminski Markus & Justine Wienken
4 Years
Howard Babus William A Fletcher Donald Earl
3 Years
Linda Kollar Karen Nissim Scot J. & Sandra Richardson
1 Year
Mike & Sally Bishop Paul & Patricia Crissman Anthony & Linsie Gentile Cesar G. Hernandez Richard Jimenez John & Gale Machin Ray Messenger Tau & Mucha Murapa Alex Newman & Dianna Nolan Robert & Nancy Trainor Thomas & Emmy Vonderahe
Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers
New Members
Transfer In Members
Richard & Aaron Apodaca Camarillo 2003 Boxster S
Robert Olson Santa Barbara 2013 Boxster
John & Linda Edison Ventura 1999 996
William Popok Camarillo 2012 Carrera S
Michael Fingert Camarillo 2013 Carrera S
Frank & Rose Ramirez Ventura 2013 Boxster
Warner Hall Thousand Oaks 1973 911T
John Spinks & Dianne Ward Moorpark 2013 911 S
Lawrence & Deloris Jackson Port Hueneme 2009 Carrera
Joby & Mari Zavala Yobe Ventura 2000 996 C4
Nerces & Robyn Eykjian Ventura 2008 997 Turbo From California Central Coast (CCC) Jon Seghi Simi Valley 2011 Boxster From Cal Inland (CAI) James & Carol Sterling Calabasas 2013 911 From Los Angeles (LA)
Down The Road
SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest April 5-7 April 13 April 19-21 April 20 May 11 May 11 May 24-27 June 22 July 4 July 13-14 July 20 August 17-19 August 24 September 14 September 21 September 28 October 13 October 26 November 16 December 1 December 15
Santa Barbara
Zone 8 Festival of Speed Camarillo Autocross **DATE CHANGE!** Long Beach Grand Prix SBR Rally School El Camino Real XXX, Boucher/Schneider Rally “32 Hours 7 Minutes” Screening Central California Coast Weekend Tour Santa Barbara Poker Run & Picnic Lunch City of Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade Ventura Motorsports Gathering 17th Annual SBR Chili Cook-Off Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion at Laguna Seca Progressive Dinner Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Camarillo Autocross Tour & Lunch at The Getty Museum 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance Van Nuys Airport Tour of Firefighting Air Fleet Solvang Event TBA Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR Annual Holiday Brunch
SBR Breakfast Locations Camarillo
Moby Dick Restaurant
Way-Point Café
The Zone 8 Page
Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website
Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown
Zone 8 Staff
Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett Webmaster Ken Short Rules Chair Russell Shon
Rally Chair Revere Jones Secretary Skip Carter Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias
Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8
Los Angeles
Orange County
CA Central Coast
California Inland
Santa Barbara
Golden Empire
San Diego
Grand Prix Las Vegas
San Gabriel Southern Arizona
805.252.2190 License # 01441498
SBR Board of Directors Meeting
March 13, 2013 - 6:30 p.m. Ameci’s Restaurant, Thousand Oaks MINUTES RECORDED BY DICK LANGE The March dinner board meeting was held at Ameci’s Pizza and Pasta Restaurant in Thousand Oaks. Present were: Nick Liakas, Ted Lighthizer, Steve Kaller, John Alfenito, James Oldham, James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Brian & Linda Rubino, Mike Pomerantz, Barry Weinstein, Chet & Joan Yabitsu, John & Jeanne McNair, Sue Kinsling, Randy Fishwick and Dick Lange. The following reports and discussions were presented: Secretary: The January 2013 board meeting (there was no February 2013 meeting) minutes were approved as submitted. Vice President: No report. Treasurer: Steve Kaller reported on the following financial statements for January & February 2013: (1) ending balance sheet, (2) balance sheet previous year comparison, (3) profit & loss, and (4) profit & loss previous year comparison. In addition he prepared a new report showing profit and loss by event. Membership: During the month of February, 12 new members joined our region and membership stood at 714 at month end. February’s membership is up 2 from last month’s. Activities: Fillmore Murder Mystery Train and Lunch ride scheduled for March 16 is sold out. The following events are still open and available for participation – Zone 8 Festival of Speed (April 5 - 7); SBR Autocross-Camarillo Airport (April 13); SBR Rally School (April 20); El Camino Real XXX Boucher/Schneider Rally (May 11); Morro Bay & California’s Central Coast Tour (May 24 – 27). Fliers were posted in the March 2013 Der Auspuff. Editor: No report. Distribution: The March 2013 issue was mailed out on 28 February 2013 at a cost of
$340 for 733 copies. This left a balance of $217 in the postage account. .Funding was approved to bring the postage account up to $1400. Advertising: Three new advertisers were added this month bringing our total paid advertisers for Der Auspuff to 27. New business efforts with 3 additional prospects are being worked for future advertising business. The Board approved the use of 3 and 6 month short-term ads for ½ page and full page ads at a 30% increase in rate. They also approved no pro-ration of regular new accounts. Goodie Store: The March breakfast meetings resulted in sales of $955. Board approved $287 reimbursement for previous purchases. Insurance: Certificates of Liability have been requested, filed and sent out to event coordinators for March events. Rally: No report. Concours: Meeting was held with representatives of Fess Parker to arrange for this year’s event. The Board approved the use of this site for our 2013 Concours in October and a $750 deposit to reserve the date. Autocross: The Board approved a $360 payment for the rental of portable toilets for the event. Our Safety Chair will take care of getting the fire extinguishers retested and filled as needed. Archives: No report. Webmaster: The club’s website has been enhanced to allow for viewers to directly access advertisers ads and/or the advertisers own information (hot links to websites, and email address or phone number). Safety: No report.
P.M.S.: The Board approved a $290 payment for the Huntington Garden tour. R.U.F.: There are four activities planned thru June: March – Galpin Car Collection; April – tour of Thacher School and grounds in Ojai; May – Camarillo Bird Museum; and June – Santa Monica mountains drive organized by Joe Niederst. 50th Anniversary: The 50th Anniversary SBR logo has been designed by John Alfenito. Further, an ad hoc group met to discuss and develop plans to publish a souvenir journal containing historic information re our club, in text and photos. Public Relations: No report. Past President: The current and past president met with representatives of the Fess Parker Hotel in Santa Barbara and negotiated 2013 contract items for the Concours. Arrangements have been made with Cory Wells to screen her documentary on the Cannonball Express races of the 1970s and early 1980s. President: Zone 8 has lowered the 2013 subsidy to $2 per PCA member who participates in Zone 8 designated events. We are required to self-report PCA member participation. Old Business: The following Chairperson appointment was approved by the Board: P.M.S. – Nola Force New Business: The Board approved the deposit of $500 to be used to secure the restaurant for the Morro Bay Trip. The Board approved the purchase of special badges to be worn by the Board members at all events for the purpose of encouraging new members to approach them with questions about the club. The next Board meeting is scheduled May 8th. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. =
Support The Club. Shop The Goodie Store!
Aswell Trophy ...............................20 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................27 Gary Betz Enterprises ....................14 Walt Branscome, SBAG .................14 California Tire Company .................14 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........14 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .........4 Coachcraft ....................................20 Stephen F. Doll, NAI Capital............20 DSR Audio ....................................10 Nola Force ......................................4 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................20 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .......4 Kundersport ....................................6 Los Angeles Dismantler.................20 Matt Malamut, Auctions America...20 Neil McAuliffe ..............................30 MKS Performance.........................27 North Hollywood Speedometer ......10 RS Enterprises ..............................20 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC George Rasher, Morgan Stanley .....10 Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ......................10 Strauss Law Group........................14 TC’s Garage ..................................20 Robert Watt, Village Properties ......27 Rick White, Mini of Camarillo ..........4
PCA/SBR Classifieds
Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.
1971 PORSCHE 914-4 – FOR SALE Owned for over past 10 years, Ruby Red Metallic, Black interior, 5-speed, good project car, runs good, daily driver, lots & lots of extra 914 parts are included. $4,000 takes it all. Call Pete (805) 479-3647 (03/13) 2008 PORSCHE CARRERA S – FOR SALE One owner, always garaged at home and at work, never raced or tracked. Fantastic condition! 6-speed manual, Carrara White, black leather interior, Power/Heated seat packages, BOSE high-end audio package, 19” wheels with brand new Michelins, 50K miles driven and service up-to-date to 60K. Price: $49,900. Jeff Parkhurst 805-479-1304 (01/13) 996 SHORT SHIFTER KIT – FOR SALE Factory short shifter lever and console assembly, part number 986.424.010.03. $250 + shipping. Contact David at or (805) 963-5848. (12/12) 1997 CARRERA 4S – FOR SALE Red with Black interior. Engine rebuilt top and bottom by Jason Duarte (805-643-1041). Very clean. Beautiful. Runs great. New front tires. New battery. 141,000 miles. $41,000. PCA member. Dave (805) 338-0508 or (11/12) PORSCHE PARTS – FOR SALE 996/Boxster/+ (4)black floor mats, 996 “Schnell” silicon cold air intake, 996 plastic radiator fan surround, std. late model tool kit & car jack with foam surround, 912E rear deck H20/rain deflector, bra for late model 356. For info, pics, price, contact Rich at (818) 324-3457 or (10/12) WHEELS, AND MORE – FOR SALE Four used 996 Turbo rims (8/18 front, 11/18 rear) hollow spoke. $1400, or best offer. Two used 997S rear rims (11/19). $400, or best offer. Also, new 997 Turbo lip spoiler, black $100. Call Bobby at (805) 708-3855 or (10/12) WANT TO BUY – USED SPORT SEAT Looking for a used, driver’s-side Sport Seat to use in early Porsche 911/912. Contact Peter Raftery at (805) 339-0441 or (10/12)
Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at
Next month in
Camarillo Autocross
...the last word
Better Late Than Never...
Perennial latecomers, Gary and Debra Laird, doing what they do best â&#x20AC;&#x201C; arriving at the last minute for a PCA event. The Lairds are a delightful couple who have been members of PCA/SBR for over 12 years. They have the singular distinction of never showing up for an event on time, except once! That once-only record came when they were so focused on getting there on time, paying so close attention to their watches, they forgot to look at their calendar and drove to the SBR event a day early! See Fillmore Train story on page 15.