JUNE Der Auspuff

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Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • June 2013

El Camino Real XXX Rally 32 Hours, 7 Minutes Screening Porsche Emission Systems: Old & New

AUSPUFF Contents Features

R.U.F. trip to Galpin Auto Sports .................11 Cayman Launch at Rusnak and SBAG.........13 El Camino Real XXX Rally ...........................16 Porsche Emission Systems..........................20 An “Outlaw” Night at the Movies ..............25

Monthly Reports

President’s Column ........................................4 Channel Islands Breakfast Meeting..............7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24 SBR Board of Directors Meeting.................28



SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 Poker Run & Picnic Lunch..............................5 Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade .................8 Chili Cook-Off ..............................................12 Hawaiian Luau ............................................19 P.M.S. Broth Experience ..............................30



Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 Membership Gallery...........................15 & 18 The Tech Page .............................................20 Down the Road............................................26 SBR Breakfast Maps ...................................26 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 The Goodie Store ........................................29 Ordering SBR Name Badges .......................29 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31 The Last Word .............................................32

On The Cover The new 991 Turbo S Photo courtesy PCNA. DER


Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • June 2013


El Camino Real XXX Rally 32 Hours, 7 Minutes Screening Porsche Emission Systems: Old & New

Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

President DOREEN PANKOW DPankow@sbcglobal.net 805-527-8280

Activities BARRY WEINSTEIN BarryNVal@gmail.com 805-241-5641

Vice President JOHN McNAIR JJMcNair3@verizon.net 805-494-1527

Goodie Store BRIAN RUBINO BrianRubino@verizon.net LINDA RUBINO LRRubino@verizon.net

Treasurer STEVE KALLER Steve@kallermgmt.com 818-489-4225

Past President NICOLAS LIAKAS NicolasLiakas@yahoo.com 818-706-6016 Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees

Secretary DICK LANGE LRLange@pacbell.net 818-865-1498

Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net Archives JAMES OLDHAM oldhamjames@msn.com Autocross DAN BYERS dan_byers@mac.com STEVE DOLL sdoll@naicapital.com Concours ROBERT WATT fineartphotoz@yahoo.com Distribution CHET & JOAN YABITSU yabitsu@charter.net

Membership SUE KINSLING Sue_Kin@hotmail.com 805-386-8112

50th Anniversary NADINE TRACY nadine356@gmail.com Insurance JAMES EDWARDS james.f.edwards@hotmail.com P.M.S. NOLA FORCE nolaforce@gmail.com Public Relations NICOLAS LIAKAS nicolasliakas@yahoo.com Rally DOREEN PANKOW dpankow@sbcglobal.net R.U.F. JOHN & JEANNE MCNAIR jjmcnair3@verizon.net

Editor MIKE POMERANTZ DerAuspuff@gmail.com 805-341-3192

Safety WILLIAM GRISWOLD wngriswold2@hotmail.com Webmaster RANDY FISHWICK randy@my964.com



SBR Events Calendar


DerAuspuff@gmail.com 805-341-3192

Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER Director tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net





Printing MICHAEL DUNWELL Sir Speedy Printing 1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 805-484-7999

Yearly Advertising Rates

Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Ted Lighthizer 805-527-8280 tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net

PCASBR is online:

www.pcasb.org www.facebook.com/PCASBR www.flickr.com/groups/pcasb


The President’s Column Doreen Pankow


he month of May was filled with a variety of fun and interesting events as well as some unexpected ones. We had a good turn-out for the El Camino Real Rally, and it was great to see so many new entrants in the Novice Class and a renewed interest in the Time-Speed-Distance Rally. Over 80 members attended the “32 Hours 7 Minutes” documentary that was held at Rusnak Westlake Porsche. Cory Welles was a delightful young lady, filmed the documentary while riding in the back seat of the car with the two drivers who broke the record driving from New York to LA. The documentary film was awesome, to say the least!! Our Memorial Day weekend event proved to be another fun outing for 44 members as we enjoyed the varied activities ranging from wine tasting, hiking along the ocean bluffs, touring a light station, driving on lots of back roads, and enjoying the camaraderie of our friends. Unfortunately, due to the fire in Camarillo Springs and across the foothills to PCH and the fact that it was literally snowing ashes in Camarillo on Friday, we cancelled our Saturday breakfast meeting at the Camarillo Airport as we were concerned about the air quality. As it turned out, the air was relatively clear by Saturday morning, so seventeen members did venture out for breakfast.

The disappointing news in May was that we no longer have access to drive onto the tarmac area or access to park on the lawn at the Way-Point Café. Due to FAA involvement, airport management will no longer allow us to drive out and park behind the Café because of liability issues for both the airport and the Way-Point Café. So we will no longer hold our first Saturday breakfast meetings at this location. The Way-Point Café provided us an opportunity to display our Porsches in a unique environment at the airport. However, the down-side was that there was never enough room for all or even half of our members to have breakfast, as we’d outgrown the capacity of their kitchen and patio seating area. We have found another location to hold our first-Saturday-ofthe-month breakfast meetings. The Whale’s Tail in the Channel Islands Harbor area, which normally doesn’t open until 11A.M., is going to open their restaurant early so we can have our breakfast meeting there every month. Thus, we will be the only patrons being served breakfast, and we’ll have the parking lot to ourselves. Everyone can sit down and eat at the same time, and we can hold our meeting inside the restaurant, like we do at the Santa Barbara breakfast meeting. We can still walk around and enjoy viewing the Porsches before and after breakfast, as they will all be grouped together in the parking lot. We no longer have to park on wet grass or have to stand or eat outside on a cold day, and we also get to enjoy views of all the beautiful yachts in the Channel Islands Harbor. So there are a lot of positives about this change in location. I hope all of you will continue to come out for the breakfast meetings on the first Saturday of every month and enjoy the positive aspects of this new location at the Whale’s Tail Restaurant located at 3950 Bluefin Circle in Oxnard, just off Harbor Boulevard and the Channel Islands Harbor.

Creative Change

‘Helping people help themselves’

Nola D. Force Nola Force & Associates

Advisor and Advocate Santa Barbara, CA nolaforce@gmail.com

530.966.0916 805.687.6226 fax www.NolaForceandAssociates.com

Channel Islands Breakfast Starting June 1, 2013

Camarillo Breakfast Location Changes To Whale’s Tail in Channel Islands Harbor


wing to circumstances beyond our control, The WayPoint Café at Camarillo Airport is no longer available for our first-Saturday-of-the-month gatherings. The F.A.A. has mandated that cars no longer enter the tarmac and apron area of the field. So, no more display parking at The Way-Point...always a prime attraction of our breakfasts there. On Saturday, June 1, 2013, we will begin meeting at The Whale’s Tail restaurant just off South Harbor Boulevard in the Channel Islands Harbor (see map below). Since the restaurant normally does not open until 11:00 a.m., club members will be the only patrons for Saturday breakfast. Plus, we’ll enjoy exclusive use of the spacious parking lot in front of the Whale’s Tail for mutual Porsche admiration! The Whale’s Tail will open at 7:30 a.m. for our 8:00 a.m. breakfast, and we’ll have our usual, short business meeting at 9:00 a.m. We look forward to seeing everyone at our new Channel Islands breakfast location beginning on Saturday, June 1st. =

Santa Barbara Breakfast May 11, 2013



ith no meeting last week at the Way-Point Café due to the Camarillo Springs Fire, the PCA/SBR 30th annual Boucher/Schneider Rally being held this morning, dinner and a private showing of the movie “32 Hours and 7 Minutes” for PCA/SBR members at Rusnak this evening as well as a very foggy morning in Santa Barbara, it became anyone’s guess how many members would attend the breakfast meeting at Stearns Wharf. With all this going on and over 100 paid signups for the full day’s worth of events, we still enjoyed a nice showing of 28 attendees in 21 Porsches. Doreen was at the rally, so Vice-President John McNair chaired the meeting in her absence. He presented the group with one MAJOR announcement. Beginning next month, we will no longer hold our monthly first Saturday breakfast meeting at the WayPoint Café. Our monthly breakfast meeting on June 1st will be held at the Whale’s Tail restaurant at the Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard and will continue there the first Saturday of every month.

Karen Kahn in her beautiful brand new 991. as the majority of the places we visit cannot handle all the members who want to attend. Nola Force from our Porsche Mademoiselle Society announced an upcoming “P.M.S.” cooking class to take place on June 15th at Sue Kinsling’s home. Contact Nola ASAP if you would like to attend as they can only accept a very small group to this activity. Before we ended the meeting, James Oldham invited everyone to the Ventura Sports & Race Car Club’s 6th Annual motorsports gathering on Sunday, July 21, 2013, to be held at the Saticoy Country Club in Somis. =

Please welcome new member Bob Gates from Santa Barbara driving a 1998 993 Cabriolet. John then introduced Membership Chair Sue Kinsling, who presented her monthly membership report to the group. In addition to the attendee numbers above, Sue greeted new member Bob Gates from Santa Barbara who came to the meeting in his 1998 993 Cabriolet. After Sue spoke, I took the dais and talked about all the events coming up in the next few months. I reiterated to our group that when an activity is first announced that they get their registrations and money in early if they are planning on attending that event. We are continually forced to turn down participants,

Returning member Ray Jordan with his new 2009 997 Turbo

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The R.U.F. Report



eventeen R.U.F.ians in ten Porsches left the Waypoint Cafe on April 18, 2013, to caravan our way over backcountry roads in Ventura County to the Thacher School in Ojai. It was a route many in the club had ridden before but one that no one seems to tire of because of its twisties, elevation changes and great beauty. We went directly to Balcom Canyon Road in Somis and from there to South Mountain Road in Santa Paula and finally onto the OjaiSanta Paula Road into the east end of Ojai.

participate in the program, which provides that the student have full responsibility for his or her own horse. This includes mucking stalls, grooming, feeding and regularly riding and exercising the horse. Students learn to ride and also learn all manner of horsemanship. This is considered an important part of the overall curriculum and has been found to be very effective in developing a sense of responsibility and consistent follow-through on the part of the young teenagers. We learned from Head of School, Michael Mulligan, who met with us at the conclusion of the tour, that Thacher has very high standards for its students and operates on an honor code. The school seeks to provide carefully calibrated challenges to each student such that growth and learning will occur without the need for so much stress as often is the case in many teenage school environments. The students cannot have cars and are offered numerous extracurricular activities both on and off campus. Virtually all of Thacher graduates go on to a four-year college or university. The school is beloved by its alumni, and there are fourth and fifth generation Thacher students. After thanking our guides and Mr. Mulligan for our educational and enjoyable tour, we left Thacher and went into the village of Ojai for a group lunch at the Sea Fresh restaurant. There we sat outside in the warm weather visiting with friends and talking about all that we’d learned about a very interesting venue in Ventura County. =

We were met at the Thacher School by senior students, Nan and Bradley, who took us on a fascinating walking tour of the oldest coed preparatory school in California. The campus is on more than 250 acres below the Topa Topa bluffs and is graciously spread out over rolling topography, which gave us all a good walk and beautiful views. The setting is very lovely with lots of oak trees and a mix of old and new architecture which blended in nicely with the natural setting. Thacher School was founded by easterner Sherman Thacher in 1887 as an all-boys prep school; it became coed in the mid 1970’s. There are about 240 students, the vast majority of whom board at the school. They come from all over the U.S. and from numerous foreign countries. The student body is diverse and the tuition expensive; however, we were surprised to learn that with its endowment, Thacher is able to offer financial assistance for fees to one in three students. The school is known for its academic rigor as well as the plethora of sporting and outdoor activities available to the students year-round because of the mild Ojai climate. Of particular note is the Thacher horse program started by Sherman Thacher at the school’s inception. Every freshman must

Barry Weinstein and Dick Lange with an Older Woman.






he official launch of the brand new Cayman was on April 26, 2013, and our two local dealerships celebrated in style! The first celebration of what is certain to be a highly successful facelift was held on that evening at Rusnak Westlake Porsche. The new showroom was festive and crowded, and the showpiece was on display in the center of the hall. Snacks and refreshments were substantial and eagerly consumed by the attendees. Elizabeth Rusnak Arizamendi and Keith Goldberg represented The Rusnak Autogroup, and it was Keith with the honors of unveiling the star attraction. A second copy of the Cayman was on the lawn, just by the front entrance. Both received lots of praise and admiring comments. The Santa Barbara Auto Group showcased its launch on Saturday, April 27, with the official unveiling at 11 a.m. Attendance and excitement were high, with many of those in attendance taking an extra long time inspecting and experiencing the beautiful Caymans on display. Here too the refreshments and morning snacks were plentiful and much appreciated. The gracious hosts and SBR supporters Duane Sanders, Roger Jackson, Bill Fogg and Walt Branscome made certain that all in attendance had sufficient opportunity to “kick the tires� (as we used to say in the old days) to fully appreciate the marvelous and elegant revised edition Cayman. Judging from those in attendance at both locations, along with the unanimous praise the Cayman has received in the automotive press, this newly released version from Porsche will be a huge success. =

From L to R: Elizabeth Rusnak Arizamendi, Olga Liakas, Susan Stone, Joan Yabitsu, Valerie Weinstein, Sue Kinsling.

SBR Membership Gallery

John & Pam Alfenito’s 2011 Carrera GTS ordered from fellow SBR member Walt Branscome at Santa Barbara Auto Group in September 2010 and delivered in December 2010. Reportedly, it was the first Carrera GTS to arrive in California. In order to make the delivery before the end of the year, the car was taken off the transport ship in New York Harbor and put on a cross-country train to California, avoiding the delay of the ship’s other stops and journey through the Panama Canal. Needless to say, it was a Happy New Year for the Alfenitos!

Greg & Lisa Posner’s highly modified 2002 911 turbo with 2007 997 front end fenders, hood, lights and modified front bumper for increased air flow. Engine is stage 3 575 HP with larger turbos, ECU modification, B &B exhaust polished headers GT 2 clutch, tech art rear wing, with Rennworx RXX wheels. Driving on Mullhulland Hwy through the snake. Please submit your high resolution photos and captions to derauspuff@gmail.com for inclusion in SBR’s monthly membership gallery.

El Camino Real XXX The Boucher/Schneider Zone 8 T/S/D Rally



t was a picture perfect day for the 30th running of El Camino Real, Santa Barbara Region’s Zone 8 rally, on Saturday, May 13th. Dave and Susan Stone greeted and registered the 20 rallyists and gave them the coveted route instructions along with PCA Rally rules and a few delay forms in case they ran into time delays. The drivers and navigators hastily retreated to their cars to study the route and try to discern all the tricky nuances before the start of the rally. Those who attended the Rally School in April were hoping their extra preparation would pay off. Revere Jones and Tom Gould, PCA Zone 8’s Rally Co-Chairs, wrote the rally route for our event. They called the group together for a route briefing meeting about twenty minutes before our departure. The checkpoint workers left early to “man” the various checkpoints which the rallyists are expected to find throughout their route. These checkpoints are easy to miss if you aren’t paying attention, and the penalty in points is steep. The checkpoint workers don’t exactly wear bright orange clothes, and they often park their cars where they’re not easily seen. Ten cars left the Sears parking lot in Santa Barbara, one minute apart, with high hopes of achieving perfection, which means you don’t get lost or take any wrong turns, you find all the checkpoints, not knowing how many there will be, and you arrive within hundredths of minutes accuracy at each checkpoint at the “true time.” The rallyist’s job is to stay on time and on course, by following the cryptic clues in the route instructions. Of course this means you have to estimate how long you sat at the stop sign or stoplight, how long you spent getting up to that average speed and then estimate how much faster you have to drive for the next few seconds or minutes to make up lost time. The driver is usually trying to figure out all these “seat of the pants” estimates while the navigator is reading and calling out the next course of action designated on the rally route, looking for road signs and trying not

Rally school courtesy of Schneider Autohaus.

to get carsick while reading and calculating along windy canyon roads. What could be more fun? So where did we go? The odometer calibration portion of the course took us on San Marcos Pass Road/CA-154, and then we headed up and over a very windy E. Camino Cielo Rd. for almost 18 miles and enjoyed incredible views of the California Condor Preserve and the coastline. Of course, the navigators were all getting carsick as they were trying to read the route instructions on this windy road. We then traveled through Santa Barbara on Foothill Rd. (the CA-192) and a variety of other roads until we finally came out onto the 101 South for a few miles. We enjoyed a side tour exiting onto CA-1 at Seacliff for about six miles along the coastline and then back onto the 101 south to the CA-126 East. We got off at Victoria and toured many side roads along Foothill Rd. including Wheeler Canyon Rd. Then we headed east on Foothill Rd. towards Santa Paula. Near the end of the rally, we traversed Acacia on the south side of the CA-126 to find our last checkpoint. Five novice cars (drivers and navigators) and five more experienced cars ran the same course. We covered about 80 miles of predominantly back roads over a period of three and a half hours, and ended at the Familia Diaz Restaurant in Santa Paula for a late lunch and the presentation of the awards. (Results listed below) I want to thank all our excellent checkpoint workers: Burt and Marge Misevic, Jim Paden, Jared Leadbetter, Joe Boucher and Tom Brown, PCA Zone 8’s Representative. I’d also like to thank Dave & Susan Stone for handling the day-of-event registration. And a BIG “thank you” to Revere Jones and Tom Gould for creating the great rally route and organizing all the checkpoint activities. Schneider Autohaus was our event sponsor, and everyone wants to thank them for their support and for purchasing all of the award plaques. =

Tom Gould and Revere Jones - PCA Zone 8 Rally Co-Chairs and Rally Masters.


Joe Boucher (left) and Joe Schneider (right) - Previous SBR Rally Masters

SBR Membership Gallery

Sam & Lacy Abergel’s gorgeous 1986 Carrera in Santa Susana Pass. What beautiful photos!

PCA/SBR invites you to a Hawaiian Luau at the Somis home of “Leilani” Sue & Randy “The Big Kahuna” Kinsling Saturday August 24th at 4:00 p.m. Feast at a Hawaiian Luau. Laugh and socialize the evening away with your Porsche friends. Enjoy a show presented by a troupe of Polynesian dancers and musicians. If you prefer, feel free to simply relax and enjoy the warm sun and cool trade winds emanating from Leilani Sue’s and the Big Kahuna’s pool. The Kinslings live high above Somis. On a clear day their hilltop locale affords a gorgeous, albeit distant, view of the pristine beach at Diamond Head, a mere 2550 miles from their grass hut in Somis. There will be two scenic and spirited “cruises” to the Kinsling’s Island oasis. From the Western End of mainland PCA/SBR territory (Oxnard to Santa Barbara), meet in the parking lot at the Golden China Restaurant at 760 S. Seaward Ave. in Ventura. Arrive there by 2:30 p.m. From the Atlantic side (East of Oxnard), gather at the Westlake Hyatt located at 880 South Westlake Bl., Westlake Village in the parking lot across from the hotel’s entrance at 2:30 p.m. Send your reservation and money in early as seating on the lanai is limited to 75 people. Bottled water and Polynesian punch will be provided. Beer, wine, and mixers (for your punch) are on your own. Total cost of this Luau, including food, entertainment, and activity fee, is only $30.00 per person! Send this completed registration form, with your check, made out to PCASBR, to arrive no later than August 10, 2013. No refunds will be issued after August 14. Mail to: Leilani Sue Kinsling, 5182 Kingsrove Drive, Somis, CA 93066. Phone: 805-386-8112. Name(s):________________________________________________________________________ _______ @ $30.00 each $__________ Email:____________________ Home Phone ________________ Cell Phone __________________

The Tech Page

Porsche Emission Systems: Past & Present BY CHRIS ANDROPOULOS

Santa Barbara Region Tech Editor


his month we will take a closer look at Porsche’s efforts over the years to minimize harmful exhaust emissions from its U.S.-bound automobiles. As discussed in last month’s column, both the U.S. federal and California state government agencies have long required automakers to meet exhaust emission standards and install various smog control devices in an attempt to do so. Though Porsche would have been considered a small, boutique automaker in its early days, it was held to the same standards as giants like GM or Ford. This article will provide a brief history of Porsche emission controls and explain that while early devices were crude and detrimental to engine power output, subsequent advances in technology have made engines more efficient and powerful than ever. I will also discuss the secondary air injection system, which is a pollution control system installed on many modern Porsches.

As late as the 1970s, it wasn’t uncommon to see downtown Los Angeles enveloped in a bronze cloud of choking pollution. Emission standards have changed that for good. from 1974 and earlier vehicles, but it must remain as installed by the factory in 1975 and later vehicles. The U.S. market was given a brief respite from the smog pump the very next year, as carburetors were replaced by Bosch mechanical fuel injection (MFI) in the upmarket 911E and 911S models (the base 911T continued to use

The 914 of 1970 was the first Porsche to feature electronically controlled fuel injection. Porsche’s first attempts at emission controls in the late 1960s were as crude as those of most automakers of the time. Many automotive purists will recoil in horror at the sight of engine bays dominated by smog pumps, vacuum-limiting valves and rat’s nests of vacuum hoses, but that was the reality of the time. Porsche first installed smog pumps in U.S.-bound 911s and 912s in 1968. The smog pump is a belt-driven mechanical air pump that injects air into the exhaust to dilute the air/fuel mixture. Enthusiasts derided these devices because they sapped engine power, added weight, and limited access to the engine bay, but they were necessary to meet the emissions standards of the time. It should be noted that it is now permissible in California to remove such emission control equipment

carburetors until 1972). The MFI system was originally developed for racing, and offered carburetor-like throttle response and actually increased engine output, while offering precision metering of the amount of fuel injected into the engine. This improved fuel economy and reduced emissions, but ever tightening emission standards and the oil crises of the 1970s meant that the MFI system’s days were numbered. Porsche continued to use MFI systems in its racing engines into the 1980s, but introduced another Bosch mechanical injection system on the 1973.5 911T. The Continuous Injection System, or CIS, remained in use on 911s through 1983 (911 Turbo models used a version of CIS through 1994), and was also used on the contemporary 924 and 928, along with

many other European cars of the era. It is a very solid and reliable system, though much more oriented towards emissions control and fuel economy than performance. The 914 of 1970 was the first Porsche to feature electronically controlled fuel injection. An electronic unit provided precise control of the amount of fuel injected by the injectors, though the ignition system was still a traditional breaker point system with manually adjustable ignition timing. The dreaded smog pump returned to 911 engine bays in 1975, along with restrictive thermal reactors in the exhaust and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) systems to reduce emissions. The model year 1980 range of U.S.-bound Porsches saw the introduction of an oxygen sensor in the exhaust system to monitor the air/fuel ratio of the engine and provide feedback of such to an electronic control unit. This system was “piggybacked” onto the contemporary CIS mechanical fuel injection system installed in the 911 (allowing for re-elimination of the smog pump), 924, and 928, and with the aid of an electronic control unit, it adjusts the fuel mixture (within a limited range) if necessary to compensate for engine wear, air leaks, incorrect fuel pressure, or any other condition that deviates from the ideal mixture of 14.7 parts of air to each part of fuel to provide efficient combustion and maximize catalytic converter function.

The 944 of 1983 saw Porsche’s first use of the Digital Motor Electronics or DME control unit that integrated fuel injection control and precise electronic ignition timing adjustment in the same unit. The 911 followed suit in 1984. The DME system represented a quantum leap in electronic engine controls and allowed for easier engine startup when cold and increased engine performance while reducing emissions and fuel consumption. The original DME system is basic compared to the supercomputers that control modern engines, but when introduced it presented a diagnostic challenge to mechanics who were used to repairing traditional mechanical systems. A thorough understanding of electronic circuits and an array of electrical meters and scopes is required to fully and accurately diagnose a problem with the system. The requisite probing of the individual circuits of the DME system can be time consuming. As mentioned in last month’s article, by the mid-1980s both automakers and government regulators realized the need for engine electronics to be capable of a basic level of self-diagnosis. In 1988, Porsche equipped the 944S and 928S4 with engine management systems capable of storing fault memory. A special Porsche System Tester (PST) scan tool is required to access and read this memory, and the subsequent 964 and 993 series 911s are also compatible with this early Porsche scan tool, as is the 968. The 1996 model year was the deadline for Porsche and all other automakers to be compliant with the universal On-Board Diagnostic II (OBDII) architecture for its electronic engine controls (see last month’s tech article for more details on OBDII). The 993 series 911s were the first Porsche automobiles to feature OBDII capability, and its implication could be considered an afterthought. The required engine misfire detection system can be inaccurate on the 993 engine, as improperly adjusted fan or alternator belts or a faulty dual-mass flywheel can cause “phantom” misfire

Even the engine bay of this 1985 Carrera features a lot of “plumbing.” fault codes and set a “check engine” light. The OBDII emission monitors are also notoriously difficult to set on a 993. The electronic controls for the watercooled engine that powered the nextgeneration Boxster and 996 series 911 was designed with OBDII architecture from the start. The M96 engine is a thoroughly modern design with dual overhead camshafts, individual ignition coils for each cylinder, and variable intake camshaft timing. Porsche first introduced its VarioCam system on the four cylinder 968 of 1992. VarioCam features a solenoid that uses oil pressure to vary tension on the timing chain of the intake camshaft based on engine RPM and load. The timing of the opening and closing of the intake valves varies accordingly, allowing for a smooth idle and reduced emissions at low RPM, and better breathing for more power at high RPM. The VarioCam Plus system, introduced for the 2001 996 Turbo and all 2002 996s, adds variable intake camshaft lift and an improved camshaft timing control mechanism for even greater high-RPM performance, while still idling smoothly and meeting strict emission control standards. These clean and modern water cooled engines were finally able to eclipse the 1960s 911S in terms of horsepowerper-liter of engine displacement. An emission control system common to many Porsches is the secondary air injection system. Introduced on the 993 series 911 in 1994, the system consists of

an electronic air pump that injects air into the exhaust system for 30-60 seconds after cold startup. The extra oxygen allows for rapid catalytic converter warmup, thus dramatically reducing cold-start emissions. Secondary air injection was carried over to the Boxster and 996, and was also used on 997 series 911s through 2008 and on the first generation Cayennes through 2006. The vacuum cleaner-like sound of the secondary air pump can often be heard after cold engine startup. The system is only operational during the cold start engine warmup phase, and otherwise has no effect on engine performance or reliability. With the introduction of OBDII engine controls on the 1996 993 and all subsequent Porsches, the secondary air injection system is monitored by the DME control unit. The secondary air system is monitored by the oxygen sensors, and if they do not sense extra air being injected into the exhaust system after cold engine startup, fault codes are logged, and a “check engine” light will soon illuminate. Sometimes the electronic and vacuum operated control valves that allow airflow to the exhaust system can fail, or a vacuum leak can cause the system to be non-functional. The 993s equipped with this system are prone to carbon blockage of the secondary air passages cast into the cylinder heads and camshaft housings. The carbon originates from oil seeping past worn exhaust valve guides, and the combustion of this oil over time causes buildup of a hard carbon residue inside the secondary air passages. The only permanent fix for Continued on page 22

Continued from page 21

this issue is complete disassembly of the top end of the engine to fully clean out the secondary air passages and replacement of the original valve guides with versions made of a more durable material. There are chemical “flushes” available to attempt to clean out the passages, but these have a limited success rate and do not address the root problem of the soft original valve guides.

20% and allowing for higher compression ratios and even greater efficiency and power output. Injecting fuel directly into the intense heat and pressure of the combustion chamber requires extremely high fuel pressures of almost 2,000 PSI for the fuel to be able to atomize, compared to 40-60 PSI for traditional port fuel injection. Therefore, the normal electric fuel pump in the fuel tank is supplemented by a high

Today’s Porsche engines feature Direct Fuel Injection (DFI), in which the fuel is injected directly into the combustion chambers... It is a shame that a minor emission control system can cause smog and registration issues on what is an otherwise awesome iteration of the 911. Luckily, my shop has a quick test procedure to check for blockage of the secondary air passages of a 993. It must be noted that the secondary air passages of the later Boxster and 996 engines sometimes clog with carbon as well, but the passages on these engines are short and direct in comparison with those of the 993 and can be cleaned relatively easily after removal of the exhaust manifolds. Today’s Porsche engines feature Direct Fuel Injection (DFI), in which the fuel is injected directly into the combustion chambers, as opposed to being injected behind the intake valve in previous designs. This allows for extremely precise control of the fuel injection quantity and spray pattern, improving fuel economy by 15-

cycle if necessary depending on engine running conditions. This capability allows for a special fuel injection strategy for cold engine warmup that rapidly heats the catalytic converters, allowing for complete elimination of the aforementioned secondary air injection system. The DFI electronic control unit possesses far greater computing power than the traditional DME units in order to calculate the plethora of complex injection strategies. Thus it generates enough heat to warrant being mounted on a heat sink to stay cool!

With automatic engine stop and start systems and electronic power steering systems now a reality in the latest Porsche models, the amount and sophistication pressure mechanical fuel pump driven of emission-reduction and fuel-saving from one of the camshafts. controls is increasing in lockstep with the stringency of U.S. and European The DFI fuel injectors are very Union regulations. Porsche even offers sophisticated devices, and are able to inject hybrid-electric and diesel versions of its multiple pulses of fuel per combustion Panamera and Cayenne models to reduce the average fuel consumption of its portfolio of vehicles. While this may dismay some traditionalists, it allows Porsche to move forward in this brave new world and still produce the world-class sports cars that fans of the marque know We can all agree that less of this is a good thing. and love. =

Reach out to one of the largest and most motivated groups of Porsche owners in Southern California. Advertise in DER AUSPUFF. Contact Ted Lighthizer today.


Chris Andropoulos

is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.

AUGUST 1-3, 2013



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Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries

29 Years

Robert & Laura Brickley

28 Years

Lee & Susan Hughes

25 Years

James & Ann Sly

24 Years

11 Years

Dennis & Katharine Jorgensen Ray Seider

10 Years

Kenneth & Robin Hower Richard & Corey Shaw

9 Years

Chuck Miller

Michael & Beverly Brovsky Michael Schatz

21 Years

8 Years

Jeffrey Parker

19 Years

Richard Douglass

18 Years

Mike & Kathy Furnish

14 Years

Mark L. Banda Stephen & Karen Eikenberry Will & Judy Hoag

13 Years

Craig & Michele Adney Henry & Paula Hinck

Richard & Valerie Milianni Barry & Valerie Weinstein

6 Years

Michael Benson & Judi Boscardin Robert & Beverly Charbonneau Steve & Caroline Doll Richard & Kim Donner Art & Phillip Grimmitt Tony & Laureen Hart Barbara Hill Gary & Janitta Keck Michael Mcconnell Joseph Pesce Gotthilf Weniger

12 Years

Gerald & Kathy England


5 Years

Edward & Barbara Billig Michael & Julie Klein John & Shannon La Spada Ian Mcduffie Dan & Lori Steuer

4 Years

Michael Albanese Phillip & Lillian Skeen Michael & Laura Whittington Mike Zahigian

3 Years

Roger Drue Afshin & Giti Fatholahi Brian Hillyer Joseph J. Kishel Richard & Lonette Pope John A Scoredos Chris J. Tubbs

Doug Brekke Patrick Cable Chris Carrera Victor & Oria Castroll Roderick & Camille Conde Kimberly Larkins Randall Leffingwell Lloyd & Jan Loomis Thomas & Audi Marshall Dennis & Leslie Power

1 Year

Angel & Lucas Martinez John & Marcia Cohen Karmyn & Chris Conk Bill & Dian Gabriel Andy Grant Raymond & Julia Maria Hartman Vikki Hayashi Rouzbeh Jahansouz David Johny Thomas & Debbie Punch Anthony Restivo Steven Saldo Doris & Marty Skov Dan Waldman

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers

New Members Robert & Mary Gates Montecito, 1998 911

John Newcomb Simi Valley, 1985 911 Fred & Barbara Nigro Agoura Hills, 2011 Boxster George Paul & Sylvia Zachert Ventura, 1996 911 Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is only a click away. Visit our website, pcasb.org, and click on PCASB Name Badge in the lefthand column. Fill out the order form, send it in with your check, and you’re good to go!

2 Years

Weyman Robinson Playa Del Rey

Transfers In

Wayne Bartlett Topanga, 1976 911 S From Los Angeles (LA) Donnell Cameron Glendale, 2011 GT2 From Los Angeles (LA) James & Karen Degnan Castaic, 1959 356 From San Gabriel valley (SGB)



o one thought it was possible! The claim that in 1982 a team of drivers raced from New York to Santa Monica in “32 Hours 7 Minutes” was applauded by many, and derided by a few. Doubt was followed by accusations of cheating. Proving that it could be done was a challenge that Cory Welles was eager to take on. The story of how she did so is chronicled in a movie she produced and directed that bears the title “32 Hours 7 Minutes.” So what’s the story Cory? Was the claim legit? Eighty-two SBR members attended a private screening of the movie on the evening of May 11 at Rusnak Westlake Porsche. (Our thanks to Keith Goldberg for making this possible.) The parking lot at the new facility was transformed into a restaurant serving a buffet dinner (served by Chef Marcus of N’Awlinz Bistro of Newbury Park), and then reorganized into an outdoor theater under the stars with a large screen and superb audio/video equipment (donated for the evening by SBR member Desmond Warren of DSR Audio) that provided a magnificent viewing experience. By 8:15 p.m. it was sufficiently dark to start the show. The film we were about to see traced the secretive, cross-country races that were known as the U.S. Express that took place in the late 1970s and early 1980s after the official Cannonball races had ended. Interviews with participants in those races were highlighted and provided plenty of comic relief from the anxiety of the archival

race scenes Cory used to weave together a piece of American auto racing history. The goal of the races was simple: who could drive the fastest in the shortest amount of time crosscountry. The challenges were many, and for most “outlaws” success was fleeting.

Cory Welles, Director of “32 Hours 7 Minutes” Cory put together a team of exceptional (but somewhat crazy) drivers to test the validity of the claim. She settled on a BMW M5 outfitted with extraordinary equipment that would monitor police radios and included night vision goggles, flashing emergency lights, etc. The first attempt to prove the claim ended in failure near St. Louis, but the second attempt (that also employed scout airplanes to warn of traffic hazards up ahead) made it from one end of the country to the other. Did it succeed in proving the claim? To find out, you should have attended the screening! Thanks to Keith, Chef Marcus and Desmond for making this event memorable and so successful. Who knows? Maybe we will have another “Night at the Movies” in the near future. =

From L to R: Tom Brown, John & Jeanne McNair, Doreen Pankow

Cory Welles addressing the crowd.

From L to R: Gary Weaver, Luz, Larry & Dave Mosesson

A beautiful night enjoyed by all.

Down The Road

SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest

June 22 July 4 July 20 July 21 August 16-18 August 24 September 7 September 21 September 28 October 13 October 26 November 16 December 1 December 15

Santa Barbara Poker Run & Picnic Lunch City of Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade 17th Annual SBR Chili Cook-Off Ventura Motorsports Gathering Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion at Laguna Seca Hawaiian Luau Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Camarillo Autocross Tour & Lunch at The Getty Museum 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance Van Nuys Airport Tour of Firefighting Air Fleet Solvang Event TBA Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR Annual Holiday Brunch

The Zone 8 Page

Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org

Zone 8 Staff

Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann dwitteried@hotmail.com scott@renegadehybrids.com Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza vvvince@aol.com jcnedza@aol.com Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org Rules Chair Russell Shon rules@zone8.org

Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com

Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8 www.zone8.org

Los Angeles www.pcala.com

Arizona az.pca.org

Orange County pcaocr.org

CA Central Coast ccc.pca.org

Riverside www.riversidepca.org

California Inland cai.pca.org

Santa Barbara www.pcasb.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

San Diego www.pcasdr.org

Grand Prix gpx.pca.org Las Vegas www.lvrpca.org

San Gabriel vista.pca.org/sgb Southern Arizona saz.pca.org

805.252.2190 rwestates@villagesite.com www.rwestates.com License # 01441498


SBR Board of Directors Meeting

May 8, 2013 - 6:30 p.m. Ameci’s Restaurant, Thousand Oaks MINUTES RECORDED BY DICK LANGE The May bi-monthly dinner board meeting was held at Ameci’s Pizza and Pasta Restaurant in Thousand Oaks. Present were: Nick Liakas, Ted Lighthizer, James Oldham, James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Mike Pomerantz, Barry Weinstein, Chet & Joan Yabitsu, John & Jeanne McNair, Sue Kinsling, Randy Fishwick, and Dick Lange. The following reports and discussions were presented: Secretary: The March 2013 bi-monthly board meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Vice President: No report. Treasurer: Steve Kaller reported on the following financial statements for April 2013: (1) ending balance sheet, (2) profit & loss. In addition he prepared a new report showing profit and loss by event. Membership: During the month of April, 8 new members joined our region and membership stood at 723 at month end. April’s membership is up 7 from last month’s. Activities: The “32 Hours 7 Minutes” Underground Cross-Country Documentary is sold out. The following events are still open and available for participation – El Camino Real XXX Boucher/Schneider Rally (May 11); Morro Bay & California’s Central Coast Tour (May 24 – 27); Santa Barbara Poker Run & Picnic Lunch (June 22). Fliers were posted in the May 2013 Der Auspuff. Editor: There has been a slight increase ($5) in our monthly mailing costs because of Post Office changes.

Distribution: The May 2013 issue was mailed out on 1 May 2013 at a cost of $346 for 747 copies. This left a balance of $893 in the postage account. Advertising: The advertiser count is unchanged for May and all customers are current on their ad costs to the club. The Board approved the QuickBooks software license renewal of $215. The software is used to invoice our advertisers. Goodie Store: The May 4 breakfast meeting was cancelled and therefore there were no sales to report. Board approved $21 reimbursement for previous purchases. Insurance: Certificates of Liability have been requested, filed and sent out to event coordinators for May events. Rally: We have 12 cars pre-registered for the Rally on May 11th. Concours: No report. Autocross: We had 45 drivers at the Autocross on April 13th. Archives: The 50th Anniversary Journal Committee had their first meeting. Archives brought all the available yearbooks, and the committee went through them, identifying photos and events to include in the 50th Anniversary Journal. Webmaster: The PCASB.org website has been updated with new SBR club content, including links to May’s Der Auspuff, upcoming events, event results, news items, and the President’s Column. Additionally, links to slideshows of recent events under PCASB Archives. Safety: The April Autocross was a great success. In addition, there were no accidents or injuries to report.

P.M.S.: the Power of Yum Cooking class is scheduled for June 15th at Sue Kinsling’s home. R.U.F.: The May and June events are– Camarillo Bird Museum and Santa Monica mountains drive organized by Joe Niederst. 50th Anniversary: No report. Public Relations: No report. Past President: We have 80 members registered to attend the May 11 screening of “32 Hours 7 Minutes”. In attendance will be a feature articles editor for Excellence Magazine. President: We have sent PCA Zone 8 a check for $40 to pay the Zone 8 dues for the 20 PCA members who participated in our Zone 8 SBR Autocross on April 13th. There were a total of 45 drivers at this event. Desmond Warren, DSR Audio, has been very generous in loaning to us the speakers we use at our Camarillo Breakfast meeting and another set of speakers for use at our Autocrosses and other large events. He is providing the audio/visual support for our upcoming “32 Hours 7 Minutes” screening event on May 11th. Old Business: None. New Business: Starting in June we will move our first Saturday Camarillo breakfast to The Whale’s Tail located in Oxnard. The Board has selected the Tire Track Street Survival School for Teen Drivers and the Gold Coast Veterans Foundation as our Community Service and Charity for this year. The next Board meeting is scheduled for July 10th. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. =


Support The Club. Shop The Goodie Store!

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The Power of Yum Cooking Class

Let’s Cook Our Way To Better Health...Together Welcome To The June 15th P.M.S. Broth Experience “If you do not take care of your body, where are you going to live?” – unknown mystic Spend a Saturday morning cooking together with Broth-for-Healing cook and advocate, Nola Force, and you may learn new cooking/healing techniques. Learn the flavor secrets of Chef Rebecca Katz’s “Fass Principle,” the use of the sea vegetable kombu and a mineral-balancing broth using four available vegetables for clarity, weight loss, and juice fasting programs. On Saturday morning, June 15 at 10:30 a.m. bring your favorite chopping knife, cutting board, and $10.00 for food cost to the Somis kitchen of Sue Kinsling. A broth-based lunch is included. Nola will share her 20-plus years of creating broths for better health. The event is limited to 16 persons due to kitchen size, so reserve your space early by contacting Nola at nolaforce@gmail.com or 530-966-0916. As owner/chef of the Wellspring Catering Company and Co-Director of the Windrise Retreat Center in Metamora, MI, Nola Force teamed up with nutritionists in the University of Michigan’s Complementary Medicine Nutritional Grant Program in 2003-4 to teach heart patients better living skills. The response was heart-warming, and the Beano after day one of five was discarded. On her return to California in 2005, Nola volunteered with the TLC and Hospice programs offering her broths. In Nola’s experience they are gentle and energy-giving. Add your intention and they are healers.

ADVERTISER DIRECTORY Aswell Trophy ...............................23 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................27 Gary Betz Enterprises ......................4 Walt Branscome, SBAG ...................4 California Tire Company ...................4 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........30 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .........6 Coachcraft ....................................23 Stephen F. Doll, NAI Capital............23 DSR Audio ....................................10 Nola Force ......................................6 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................23 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .......6 Kundersport ....................................6 Los Angeles Dismantler.................23 Matt Malamut, Auctions America...23 Neil McAuliffe ..............................14 MKS Performance.........................27 North Hollywood Speedometer ......10 RS Enterprises ..............................23 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC George Rasher, Morgan Stanley .....10 Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ......................10 Strauss Law Group..........................4 Matt Stone ...................................32 TC’s Garage ..................................23 Robert Watt, Village Properties ......27 Rick White, Mini of Camarillo ..........6

PCA/SBR Classifieds

Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.

2002 911 TURBO-FOR SALE Silver with black leather 6 speed. Concours condition! Highly modified 996 TT stage 3 power kit 575 HP, headers, GT2 clutch. 997 TT front factory body fenders, hood, head lamps & LED lights. 997 SG front bumper, 997 tech art rear wing. 47k miles. Greg Posner (818) 590-7517. (6/13) See bottom photo on page 15. 2003 CARRERA 4S - FOR SALE Excellent condition concours award winning car, seal grey with black & grey leather interior, 23,400 original miles always garaged and dealer serviced, never raced. Many options Asking $41,500 Must See! Contact Robert at 805-252-2190 or email rwwatt@sbcglobal.net (5/13) 1962 356B CABRIOLET Signal Red, Converted to Disk Brakes, Well maintained have owned this car for 15 years and have all records since my ownership. A real head turner! $125,000.00 obo, (805) 488-6929 - Ken Hower (5/13) PORSCHE MEN’S LEATHER JACKET - FOR SALE 75 years , limited edition. Two lateral french style pockets and diverse inside pockets. Elaborately designed lining with 75 years F.A. Porsche print. 75 years F.A. Porsche emblem on left sleeve. 100% nappa lambskin. Black, Med., $900.00 Debi @ 805-217-577 or email, foxfirepch56@gmail.com (5/13) PORSCHE WOMEN’S LEATHER JACKET - FOR SALE With double patch pockets and a removable knit collar. Intricately designed lining with various pockets. Jacket: 100% nappa lambskin. Lining: 68% viscose, 32% polyester. Collar: 100% cotton. Black, Small, $700 new w/tags Debi @ 805-217-577 or email, foxfirepch56@gmail.com (5/13) 1971 PORSCHE 914-4 – FOR SALE Owned for over past 10 years, Ruby Red Metallic, Black interior, 5-speed, good project car, runs good, daily driver, lots & lots of extra 914 parts are included. $4,000 takes it all. Call Pete (805) 479-3647 (03/13) TIRES -FOR SALE Michelin, Bridgestone, Pirelli used Porsche Tires, Garage is full! 997, 991, Panamera 305/30/19, 295/30/19, 295/35/20, 295/30/20, 235/35/19, some 18’s too. 80-90% tread left. $125 for a front, $225 for a rear. I can meet or ship, contact alm4neo@gmail.com or text me your size 805-500-6636 (5/13) 2008 PORSCHE CARRERA S – FOR SALE One owner, always garaged at home and at work, never raced or tracked. Fantastic condition! 6-speed manual, Carrara White, black leather interior, Power/Heated seat packages, BOSE high-end audio package, 19” wheels with brand new Michelins, 50K miles driven and service up-to-date to 60K. Price: $49,900. Jeff Parkhurst 805-479-1304 (01/13) 996 SHORT SHIFTER KIT – FOR SALE Factory short shifter lever and console assembly, part number 986.424.010.03. $250 + shipping. Contact David at dcverde@cox.net or (805) 963-5848. (12/12) 1997 CARRERA 4S – FOR SALE Red with Black interior. Engine rebuilt top and bottom by Jason Duarte (805-643-1041). Very clean. Beautiful. Runs great. New front tires. New battery. 141,000 miles. $41,000. PCA member. Dave (805) 338-0508 or dlcunningham1@adelphia.net (11/12) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at DerAuspuff@gmail.com


Next month in


Memorial Day Weekend on California Central Coast

...the last word

Thank you to the Way-Point Café for so many years of wonderful “First Saturday Breakfasts”!!! You will surely be missed!!!


The new Porsche Cayman. Dealer Launch Event: “Live By The Code Of The Curve”

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