OCT 2013 Der Auspuff

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Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2013

SBR’s Hawaiian Luau Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Porsche Automatic Transmissions


AUSPUFF Contents Features

Pre-Concours Detail Clinic At Lavaggio ......11 1st Annual Hawaiian Luau ..........................15 Porsche Automatic Transmissions ..............20 In Memory of Joe Boucher..........................32

Monthly Reports

President’s Column ........................................4 Editor’s Column .............................................4 Channel Islands Breakfast Meeting..............7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24


20 15

SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance ................8 Air Operations Tour, Van Nuys Airport ........12 Autumn Grape Harvest Tour........................14 Holiday Brunch ............................................25 Caravan To Carlsbad ...................................30


Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 Membership Gallery....................................18 The Tech Page .............................................20 Down the Road............................................26 SBR Breakfast Maps ...................................26 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 The Goodie Store ........................................29 Ordering Name Badges ...............................29 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31

On The Cover

The 1957 Outlaw Speedster of Joe Mehn of Simi Valley...shot at The Whale’s Tail in Channel Islands Harbor. Photo by Don Earl DER


Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2013


SBR’s Hawaiian Luau Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Porsche Automatic Transmissions

Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

President DOREEN PANKOW DPankow@sbcglobal.net 805-527-8280

Activities BARRY WEINSTEIN BarryNVal@gmail.com 805-241-5641

Vice President JOHN McNAIR JJMcNair3@verizon.net 805-494-1527

Goodie Store BRIAN RUBINO BrianRubino@verizon.net LINDA RUBINO LRRubino@verizon.net

Treasurer STEVE KALLER Steve@kallermgmt.com 818-489-4225

Past President NICOLAS LIAKAS NicolasLiakas@yahoo.com 818-706-6016 Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees

Secretary DICK LANGE LRLange@pacbell.net 818-865-1498

Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net Archives JAMES OLDHAM oldhamjames@msn.com Autocross TED LIGHTHIZER tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net Concours ROBERT WATT fineartphotoz@yahoo.com Distribution CHET & JOAN YABITSU yabitsu@charter.net

Membership SUE KINSLING Sue_Kin@hotmail.com 805-386-8112

50th Anniversary NADINE TRACY nadine356@gmail.com Insurance JAMES EDWARDS james.f.edwards@hotmail.com Porsche Women NOLA FORCE nolaforce@gmail.com Public Relations NICOLAS LIAKAS nicolasliakas@yahoo.com Rally DOREEN PANKOW dpankow@sbcglobal.net R.U.F. JOHN & JEANNE MCNAIR jjmcnair3@verizon.net Safety WILLIAM GRISWOLD wngriswold2@hotmail.com

Editor MIKE POMERANTZ DerAuspuff@gmail.com 805-341-3192

Webmaster RANDY FISHWICK randy@my964.com



SBR Events Calendar



DerAuspuff@gmail.com 805-341-3192

Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER Director tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net


5 12 13








Yearly Advertising Rates

Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Ted Lighthizer 805-527-8280 tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net

PCASBR is online:

www.pcasb.org www.facebook.com/PCASBR www.flickr.com/groups/pcasb

November 2 Saturday 9 Wednesday 13 Saturday 16 Saturday 23 Saturday

December Sunday Saturday Saturday Sunday

1 7 14 15

The President’s Column Doreen Pankow


t’s not too late to enter your car in our 37th annual Concours d’Elegance on Sunday, October 13th at the beautiful grounds of the Fess Parker Doubletree on Cabrillo Blvd. in Santa Barbara. We had a wonderful turn-out last year and hope to have even higher participation this year. All judged and displayonly entries also include a delightful lunch on the plaza overlooking the ocean. There are six divisions in the judged competition ranging from Full Concours to Wash & Shine. You are competing with cars in similar classifications within the various divisions. If you don‘t want to enter the judged competition, you can still park your Porsche on the beautiful lawns in the Display Only category. It is a special treat to see your own car on display amidst a beautiful array of other Porsches in a broad range of models, years and colors. I am definitely going to enter my 1990 911 Carrera (964 Series) for judging in the Unrestored Division again this year. Don’t miss this opportunity to display your favorite Porsche(s). We are also holding a 50/50 Raffle at the Concours to raise funds for our selected charity, the Gold Coast Veterans Foundation. This is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that has chapters in Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties. Many members of their board of directors are veterans from the Vietnam War who want to ensure our current veterans get the support they need to reintegrate back into society and reach their full potential. 100% of funds donated to the foundation go to support veterans and veterans’ programs. The foundation has recently opened a Veterans Service Center in Camarillo where veterans can get assistance with obtaining

From The Editor’s Desk Mike Pomerantz


was very sad to hear about Joe Boucher passing recently. I have fond memories of Joe from before even joining the PCA. I first met Joe in the early 90’s, when I was competing in the First Friday Niter, an SCCA sanctioned Navigational T/S/D Rally. I was attending every month with some guys from work. I was just starting to look for my first Porsche at that time. I was looking at some 944’s and then met Joe, who had a beautiful white 1989 944 Turbo S. I learned that this was the ultimate 944 and

education and finding jobs and get connected with the various military collaborative programs that provide job training, legal assistance and medical care to veterans. 30% of veterans returning from active duty suffer from PTSD. They support communitybased veterans’ programs such as Monty Roberts and Reins of H.O.P.E. that provide equine therapy for those suffering from PTSD. They also provide support and funding for a 60-bed veterans home in Saticoy. Their advocacy was instrumental in supporting our Veterans Court in both Ventura and Santa Barbara. This is a forward-thinking program that gives our current veterans who have difficulty transitioning back into society an opportunity to be reintegrated rather than incarcerated. You will be able to purchase raffle tickets at the Concours, and members of the Foundation will be in attendance to answer any questions you might have about the services they provide to our veterans. If you’d like to make a separate donation, bring your checkbook or cash, and you will be sent a tax exemption letter for your donation. Don’t miss the 2013 National PCA Escape to LA from October 24th – 27th, which is being held at the Sheraton Fairplex Hotel and Conference Center in Pomona. The Grand Prix and San Gabriel Regions are the hosts for this event, and they have organized a large variety of tours for members to enjoy. On Thursday evening of the Escape, join in for some 50’s drivein movies, hamburgers and your favorite malts at the Drive-In Movie Car Show Opening Ceremony. You’ll also get to enjoy the Escape car show in conjunction with the drive-in theater and car hop, so come early and be ready for some old-fashioned fun. On Saturday evening, the reception will be held at the NHRA Motorsports Museum where there will also be a special Porsche display of race cars and unique Porsches. The Saturday night Gala dinner will be held directly after the reception in the newly constructed Sheraton Fairplex Convention Center. Register early to participate in these memorable events where you’ll be able to meet other Porsche enthusiasts from all across the country. Volunteers are needed! There are a variety of areas where you can help: Banquet Decorations, Car Show, Check-In, Goodie Store, Hospitality, Tours; Car Washes, etc. If you are interested, please contact Connie Somers at Connie747@aol.com. once I saw his, I knew that would be my next car. Shortly after that day, I found my 1989 944 Turbo S in black. Joe was a super guy. I always enjoyed talking to him and sharing car stories. He always had unique cars that I admired. Not only his 944 Turbo S, but also his beautiful red 968. That was a great car too, but I remember him saying he missed the punch of the 944 Turbo and wound up replacing that 968 for another 944 Turbo. I have to vouch for him, the 944 Turbo is a great car with lots of bang for the buck. Another unique car he had was a metallic orange Audi S4 he called “Marmalade.” This special Audi was originally driven by J Mays, Audi’s design director, and a colleague of Freeman Thomas. Later, J moved on to Ford Motor Company. We will deeply miss Joe and all of his Rally expertise. Please see a tribute to him on page 32. His memories will live on. Until next time, see you down the road!

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Channel Islands Breakfast September 7, 2013

he meeting opened with greetings to Der Auspuff advertiser Michael Schatz from MKS Performance in Camarillo and our sponsors, Sam Abergel from Rusnak/Westlake Porsche and Walt Branscome from Santa Barbara Auto Group. Also, we welcomed back PCA/SBR members Claus and Iris Eisenbach, who spend part of the year in Germany and part in the US. The Eisenbachs have just returned to California and plan to be on this side of the Atlantic for the next six months. They offered to show any of their friends from the club around if they happen to be in Germany when the Eisenbachs are there. Doreen also discussed some of the upcoming events she and Ted are working on, including the Detail Clinic, Concours, Autocross and Street Survival School. “Leilani” Sue Kinsling, our Membership Chair and the hostess for our very successful Hawaiian Luau and dinner show, took the dais and suggested that any members not receiving their biweekly emails from the President send Sue their current email address so she can update it in the national PCA membership system. She told us that 76 attendees in 44 Porsches ate breakfast together at the Whale’s Tail. New members who attended for the first time included: Helen & Ron Tanabe from Simi Valley in their 2008 Boxster, George & Sylvia Paul with their son Nico from Ventura, and Oxnard resident Christopher Scofield in his 2009 Porsche. Guest and hopefully soon-to-be-member “Joe” Mehn, a neighbor of Doreen’s from Simi Valley, drove his 1957 Speedster to the Whale’s Tail. Sue ended her turn at the lectern with offering congratulations to Tara Brundrett on the purchase of her new Carrera 2013. SBR member Howard Rubinstein also joined us, driving in his new 2013 Carrera White 911 S (even the wheels are painted Carrera white). Complementing his paint job is a bright red interior.

Your Activities Chair talked about the next few months of tours, including the Getty Museum last month and the upcoming visit to the Firefighter Air Operation Unit at Van Nuys Airport in the next few weeks. We will tour the facility, lunch with the firemen and be shown the planes and helicopters currently being used during this, the height of the fire season. They’ll even do a helicopter flyby and water drop for our club. This should be quite a display, and we expect it will be sold out by the time you read this article. As I reiterate at virtually every meeting, I again noted that practically every tour and event we do sells out completely well before the final reservation date. Often we are filled up a month or two in advance of the activity. Anyone interested in attending anything the club puts on should sign up early, as I and the coordinators working with me hate to turn anyone down but have to do so if the venue Please give a warm welcome won’t support the large crowd to Oxnard resident Christopher Scofield in his 2009 Porsche 911. who wants to go. Also, for my final “plea” of the meeting, I asked the members to consider volunteering to help out with our events and activities and if they’d like, perhaps even go so far as to plan, coordinate and lead a drive of up to 50 Porsches or more for the club. It’s a great way to meet and make new friends and is certainly necessary to keep fresh ideas, talent and fun infusing our events. We put on well over 50 activities per year, and it takes a large group of talented members to keep it going. This year we are looking for members to offer to host one of the stops of our Progressive dinner. This too is a lot of fun, wellappreciated by those who attend and a great way to get to know and be known by your fellow members. Anyone interested in discussing this, please email me at barrynval@gmail.com or call me at 805-241-5641 for more information. =

Please welcome new members Helen & Ron Tanabe from Simi Valley in their 2008 Boxster

Please say hello to new members Sylvia & George Paul (with their son Nico) from Ventura.



Porsche Club of America – Santa Barbara Region And Porsche of Santa Barbara Proudly Present

Our 37th Annual

Concours d’Elegance By The Sea Sunday, October 13, 2013 On the beautiful grounds of the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort 633 East Cabrillo Boulevard in Santa Barbara

FULL CONCOURS DIVISION C-1 All Closed 356 C-2 All Open 356 C-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) C-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) C-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) C-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) C-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 1999-2011) C-8 914-4, 914-6 C-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 STREET DIVISION S-1 All Closed 356 S-2 All Open 356 S-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) S-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) S-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) S-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) S-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 1999-2011) S-8 914-4, 914-6 S-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 UNRESTORED STOCK DIVISION UR-1 All Closed 356 UR-2 All Open 356 UR-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) UR-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) UR-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984 -1989) UR-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) UR-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996,1999 -Y-10) UR-8 914-4, 914-6 UR-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 UBERGANG DIVISION UG-1 Boxster UG-2 Cayman UG-3 911 Carrera (991, 2012-On) UG-4 Cayenne UG-5 Panamera WASH & SHINE DIVISION W&S-1 All 356 W&S-2 911, 912 (1965-1973) 911, 911Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983), 914-4, 914-6 W&S-3 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) 911 Carrera & Turbo, (964, 993, 1989-1998) W&S-4 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 991 1999-On) W&S-5 All Boxster, Cayman W&S-6 All 924, 928, 944, 968 W&S-7 Cayenne, Panamera SPECIAL CATEGORIES DIVISION SC-1 Special Interest SC-2 Current Competition SC-3 Limited Production Complete rules at Zone 8 website: http://zone8.pca.org/rules/2012/2012Z8Rules.pdf


Pre-registration $80 - includes one plated lunch ($100 day of event)

Display Only

Pre-registration $60 - includes one plated lunch ($70 day of event)


Plated Lunch $40 (if not registered)


Car placement 7:00 a.m. Judging begins 10:00 a.m. Awards presentation 2:15 p.m.

PCA/SBR 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance Registration Form Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________ City/ST/Zip: __________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email: ________________________________________ Concours Class Entered: ________ Porsche Model: __________________________ Model Year: __________ Body Type: _______________ Color: ___________________ Are you a PCA Member? Check one. Yes:__________ No: ____________ Additional Lunches: __________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: _____________ Lunch Menu (enter number of each selection) Slider Duet (BBQ Pulled Pork & Bacon Cheese Burger w/Fries) _________ Chicken Cobb Salad _________ Stuffed Ravioli w/Mushroom, Ricotta & Spinach (Veg) ______

Concours Questions? - Robert Watt at FineArtPhotoz@yahoo.com To register: Fill out the registration form (also available at pcasb.org), make check payable to PCA/SBR and mail to: Sue Kinsling, 5182 Kingsgrove Drive, Somis, CA 93066 Cancellations within 48 hours of this event will not receive a refund.

Santa Barbara Breakfast September 14, 2013

Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting In Honor Of Joe Boucher STORY BY DOREEN PANKOW AND PHOTOS BY NICK LIAKAS


e honored Joe Boucher today at the start of the meeting since he passed away on August 27th. Joe used to reside in Santa Barbara and then moved to Nipomo when he retired. Joe was very active in our region for 47 years and an avid Porsche enthusiast. He served in a variety of roles, including SBR’s President. Joe also served as our Rally Master for over 40 years and is well known for his skills at writing Time-Speed Distance Rallies not only for the SB Region, but also for National PCA. We will miss you, Joe! Doreen Pankow, our President, talked about the National PCA Escape to LA from Oct. 24th-27th. Home base for the event will be in Pomona , so this is an opportunity for you to participate in a variety of driving tours along with other PCA members from across the nation. On behalf of our Porsche Women Chair, Nola Force, Karen Kahn announced that Nola is planning one more women’s event this year. So watch for an email about this event. Doreen also talked about the other upcoming activities, since our Activities Chair, Barry Weinstein, was unable to attend the meeting.

Tourists admiring the beautiful line-up on the wharf!

Sue Kinsling, Membership Chair, welcomed Jonathan Ziegler, who resides in Santa Barbara and is a returning member. Jonathan has a 2014 Boxster S on order. Wow! We can hardly wait to see it. Sue also reported that we had 21 attendees and 13 Porsches. Our attendance was light today due to Joe Boucher’s funeral services and we also held a Detail Clinic at Lavaggio’s beautiful facility in Agoura Hills this morning. So it was a busy day for our members. =

Karen Kahn discussing future meetings of the Porsche Women’s Group. Please say hello to returning member Jonathan Ziegler of Santa Barbara who has a 2014 Boxster S on order.

President Doreen Pankow addressing the group.

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his year’s detail clinic was another successful event! The event was held September 14th, 2013, on a beautiful Saturday morning at a gorgeous location, Lavaggio – The Art of Auto Detailing, in Agoura Hills, where more than 30 participants gathered to hear the detailing secrets of the pros. We had veteran experts ready to share their knowledge. Dick Douglass from the Santa Barbara Region, Colleen Stein from the Los Angeles Region, plus representatives from Schnell Autosports, Lem and Marge Libunao, and Ray Rodriguez with Aero Products were on hand for the Pre-Concours Detail Clinic. Amongst the participants, it was nice to see several members from other Zone 8 regions attending, getting tips and how to’s for prepping their Porsches to be Concours-ready.

Dustin Troyan (Left) and Lydia Derian (Right) of Lavaggio presentation was interactive with members sharing their tips and tricks. Dick also discussed the Zone 8 Concours Rules, using the actual concours judging sheets as reference on what would be judged. This direct knowledge was of great value for the upcoming 37th Annual Santa Barbara Region Concours d’Elegance, scheduled on October 13, 2013 at the Fess Parker resort in Santa Barbara. Following was a live demonstration given by Colleen, who went over headlight restoration techniques to obtain the best results for refinishing dull headlight lenses to look their best again with products provided by SmartWax. Both Dick and Colleen answered many questions from the participants, which helped in understanding what the judges would be looking for. They talked about products and materials you should stay away from and also explained the proper types of cloths to use, and how to keep them in optimum condition so as not to damage your car’s finish.

John Kraus and Dick Douglass discussing detailing techniques. Representing Lavaggio was General Manager Lydia Derian and Marketing Director Dustin Troyan. After welcoming us and providing an overview of the detailing available services at Lavaggio, they gave each participant a discount coupon for a future visit.

An appetite for detailing and prepping beautiful cars led up to a wonderful lunch with a delicious assortment of sandwiches, chips, cookies and beverages catered by Lavaggio’s own Bistro that everyone enjoyed. Finishing up the time together, those who attended received sample products to start using while the event concluded with Q&A and the opportunity to admire Porsches surrounding the area. Our special thanks to Lavaggio for hosting our detail clinic once again and for providing such an accommodating location. We hope to see you all at this year’s Concours in Santa Barbara. =

Nice line-up in the Lavaggio parking lot! Next up, Robert Watt, Santa Barbara Region Concours Chair for 2013, introduced Dick Douglass, who shared the many detailing tools and accessories necessary to obtain the best possible results when detailing and maintaining the cars’ appearance. The

Necessary tools of the trade!

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2013 TOUR THE LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT’S AIR OPERATIONS CENTER AT VAN NUYS AIRPORT We’ll meet at Rusnak Porsche Westlake at 8:00 a.m. for an 8:30 a.m. departure. It’s a half-hour drive to Van Nuys Airport, the busiest general aviation airport in the world, where we’ll regroup at the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Air Operations Center. We will tour the LAFD’s aerial firefighting fleet of helicopters and crash rescue apparatus that protects the airport. We’ll see the Sikorsky Air Crane and the Canadian Super Scoopers. We can talk with the men and women who operate these amazing aircraft, and we’ll sit down to lunch with the firefighters in the fire station. There will be a flyby with the helicopter and a demonstration water drop so don’t forget your camera. PER-PERSON COST IS $30 (INCLUDES LUNCH & ACTIVITY FEE). Please have your reservations in by October 12. No refunds after that date. Please try to time your reservations to arrive before August 20 or after September 26. (Rubinos on vacation.)

Send reservations, along with your check payable to PCA/SBR, to BRIAN RUBINO, 1002 LA GRANGE, NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 805-498-1053 or BrianRubino@verizon.net Or contact Activities Chair BARRY WEINSTEIN 805-241-5641 or BarryNVal@gmail.com

Drive the wild and rarely driven roads of Santa Barbara’s North County and indulge all your sensory challenges. Experience the magnificence of your Porsche as we navigate along Drum Canyon, Palmer Road, Alisal and Ballard Canyons and other fascinating by-ways. Along the way we will visit a couple of very well known wineries and sample (in minute amounts) their offerings. Our day will start at The Santa Barbara Auto Group at 9:00 a.m. for a continental breakfast. It will include a stop at the renowned Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort for a mid-afternoon extravagant deli buffet lunch at its River Café. Feed on salads, then make your own sandwiches with a variety of meats, cheeses, fixings, assorted fresh baked breads, dessert, and partake all the coffee, tea or lemonade you can consume. We will have exclusive use of the huge patio overlooking the River Golf Course and its pastoral surroundings. The conclusion of this adventure will be a self-directed tour of and shopping in Solvang. Visit one of its Danish bakeries and take home mouth-watering pastries! Stay as long as you like, and return home on your own schedule. Register early as this annual event sells out quickly. The cost per person is $37.50 and that includes the continental breakfast, the buffet lunch (inclusive of tax and gratuities) and the SBR Activity Fee. To reserve your spot, send in your payment ASAP as indicated in the registration coupon below. Make your check payable to PCA/SBR. Full details and driving directions will be forwarded to those who register for the event. Mail to Nicolas Liakas, 5910 Grey Rock Road, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (818-706-6016) Name(s) ____________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________ Phone (home or office) _________________________________ Cell ________________________________________________ Payment Enclosed (@ $37.50 per person*) __________________ *No refunds after 11/05/2013 Net proceeds from this event will benefit SBR’s 2013 charity, Gold Coast Veterans Foundation.



ahalo (thank you) to Sue “Leilani” Kinsling and Randy “the Big Kahuna” Kinsling for the wonderful job you did hosting our 1st annual PCA/SBR Hawaiian Luau and dinner show at your beautiful home. Also, thanks to my wife, Valerie “Pineapple” Weinstein, for planning and arranging for all the Hawaiian food we enjoyed. Over 100 members in 50+ Porsches parked along the two-lane country road fronting the Kinslings’ home in picturesque Somis, California. Two cruises/drives, each leaving from different ports of embarkation, was organized to Leilani Sue’s and the Big Kahuna’s island oasis. Half of the partygoers met their cruise captain on the western end of the SBR region, and the others met theirs on the Atlantic side of the region. Michael “KonTiki” Brovsky and Dick “Christopher Columbus” Lange were the two who captained and navigated each scenic cruise to the party. To start off the festivities, everyone got “lei’d” as they entered the home. Both the caterers and entertainers mentioned that out in the beautiful farming and ranch community of Somis, there was no mistaking where the party was. Neither had ever seen as many Porsches in one place before, other than if they had visited one of the larger Porsche dealerships! We enjoyed an authentic Hawaiian menu. The group feasted on coconut shrimp, Kahlua pork, Hawaiian barbecue chicken, rice,

salad and, of course, the Hawaiian staple, macaroni salad. No one complained that Spam wasn’t offered. For you “Haoles” (foreigners to the islands), since the military supplied it to our troops in World War II, Spam has been one of the favorite foods of the Hawaiian people. To this day, more Spam is consumed in Hawaii than anywhere else in the world. Towards the end of our meal, the “Na Hoaloha O Polynesia” dancers and musicians took the stage and entertained us for about an hour. A number of us agreed that the entertainment was as good as what many of us had enjoyed in Hawaii. Genny Santellano, its leader and emcee, remarked that she actually felt from the views overlooking Somis along with the beautifully decorated Kinsling home, that she was, once again, in Hawaii. A special thank-you goes out to Oscar Briones for providing comic relief to the evening. Prior to the event, he warned, “You’ll never get me to go up on stage and do the hula.” I answered, “I can’t imagine you turning down one of the young, pretty dancers.” Sure enough, it took him all but a second and a half to accept one of the entertainers’ invitations and jump on stage. Oscar hula’ed so hard he almost needed a hip replacement. Finally, “Mahalo” to our pastry chefs, Janet Kaller, Susan Stone, and Phyllis Weaver and her daughter, Stacey, for their delicious pineapple upside-down cupcakes. =


Our hosts, Sue & Randy Kinsling - Thank you!!!


SBR Membership Gallery

A pristine 1959 356A driven by David Green of Santa Barbara.

A beautiful1984 Carrera Targa in Slate Blue Metallic driven by Allan DelosSantos.

The Tech Page

Porsche Automatic Transmissions BY CHRIS ANDROPOULOS Santa Barbara Region Tech Editor


he Porsche world is currently abuzz with debate over the wisdom of Zuffenhausen’s finest opting not to offer the latest 991 version of its coveted GT3 model with a traditional three-pedal manual transmission. Despite passionate arguments of Porsche traditionalists yearning for a direct mechanical connection between human and machine, it is not difficult to see the writing on the wall: the manual transmission is an endangered species. Porsche itself cannot shoulder the blame entirely: the amazing PDK transmission has an almost 90% take rate among buyers of new Porsche sports cars. It is likely that some of the same enthusiasts who have waxed poetically in letters to automotive magazines and on internet forums about the Zen of executing their own perfectly rev-matched heel-toe downshifts are having a moment of pause when ordering a new Porsche (“I often drive in LA traffic,” or “my spouse will need to be able to drive it”). Thus, the box for the two-pedal version is often checked.

Cutaway view of Torque Converter “flex plate”), a torque converter is usually much thinner than a traditional engine flywheel and flexes slightly with axial load. The transmission input shaft is splined to the inner part of the “donut hole,” otherwise known as the turbine. The turbine is able to rotate separately from the outer half

It is not difficult to see the writing on the wall; the manual transmission is an endangered species. This month marks the third and final installment of the series on Porsche transmissions. Porsche’s unique versions of the two-pedal transmission will be discussed, from the unique Sportomatic to the revolutionary Tiptronic and, of course, the awesome PDK box. In order to quantify Porsche’s unique take on the automatic transmission, a description of traditional automatic transmission function is instructive. The key distinguishing feature between a typical automatic transmission and comparable manual gearbox is that the automatic features a fluid coupling between the engine and transmission versus a dry clutch plate. This fluid coupling is known as a torque converter. Shaped like a hollow donut and bolted to the engine flywheel (known as a

(known as the impeller) that is attached to the engine. This allows the engine to be able to idle freely in gear without stalling when the vehicle is stationary. The impeller also drives a pump that sends pressurized fluid throughout the transmission. Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) functions as a hydraulic fluid to initiate shifts, in addition to lubricating internal parts. The torque converter is filled with ATF, and when the vehicle is accelerated from rest, curved vanes on the interior of the engine-driven impeller throw fluid outward towards complementary vanes on the inside of the turbine. When the impeller reaches a certain speed (usually under 2000 RPM), it is able to move enough fluid to drive the turbine and transmission, moving the

vehicle from rest. The specific curvature of the vanes inside the torque converter allow for engine torque to be multiplied when it reaches the impeller. Once the vehicle is in motion, there will still be a certain amount of slippage between the impeller and turbine. The slippage between the engine and transmission is one of the primary drawbacks of an automatic transmission when compared to the direct drive of a comparable manual transmission, and fuel economy and acceleration usually suffer slightly. Modern automatics use a lockup clutch that physically locks the engine and transmission halves of the torque converter together in higher gears for increased efficiency and fuel economy. Automatic transmissions usually feature compact planetary gear sets in place of a manual transmission’s shaft-mounted gear stacks. A planetary gear set features a central sun gear, around which four smaller planetary gears rotate. An internally toothed ring gear surrounds the planetary gears. By alternately holding one portion of the planetary gear set stationary and driving another, multiple gear ratios can be achieved. For example, by turning the inner sun gear while holding the outermost ring gear, maximum torque multiplication

more spirited operation is desired, one can row through the gears and heel-toe downshift as in a traditional manual transmission. The Sportomatic was not an overwhelming success, and its popularity waned through the 1970s, becoming special-order only by the latter part of that decade.

Planetary Gear Set

Today, Sportomatic replacement parts are increasingly difficult to find. The microswitch for the shifter is a common failure item (if there is grinding during shifts or it is impossible to shift gears, check this first), and the slightest leak in the vacuum system for the clutch servo can also cause difficult shifting. Oil leaks from the torque converter and other seals are also a known issue.

Tiptronic is achieved for first, or low gear. Most automatic transmissions use multi-disc clutch packs and/or brake bands to hold and release various portions of the gear sets when fluid pressure is applied or released. Older automatics use mechanical governors and vacuum modulators to detect engine load and road speed to determine when to shift gears. A unit known as the valve body is attached to the transmission case. The valve body contains fluid-actuated spool valves for shifting and a complex labyrinth of fluid passages to direct the transmission fluid to the various clutch packs inside the transmission. Even the earliest automatic transmissions are relatively complex in that the internal fluid passages are intricately designed to control fluid movement and flow for optimal shifting. The exact shape and size of the shift valves and fluid passages have a dramatic effect on shift firmness and speed. By the later 1980s, most automatics featured electronically operated solenoids to precisely control fluid flow and shifting versus the purely mechanical means of earlier transmissions. These solenoids respond to electronic engine speed and load inputs from the engine control unit (known as the DME control unit in Porsche-speak). Modern five, six, seven, and eight-speed automatic transmissions

use multiple planetary gear sets to achieve a large number of possible gear ratios versus older three and four-speed designs

The Sportomatic Porsche’s first stab at a two-pedal transmission was an amalgamation of automatic and manual transmission features. Introduced for the 1968 model year 911, the Sportomatic features a torque converter to allow the engine to idle in gear while at rest, yet it retains a traditional four-speed manually shifted gearbox, with a small clutch disc to decouple the engine and transmission while shifting gears. The shift lever operates the same as in a fully manual gearbox, but when the gear shift lever is moved, a microswitch at the shifter base operates a vacuum servo that disengages the clutch to allow for smooth shifting. The torque converter uses engine oil for fluid coupling versus the thinner ATF used in most automatics. A small oil pump driven from the rear of the left side camshaft of the engine provides oil pressure to fill the torque converter. The Sportomatic imparts a unique driving experience. The torque multiplication factor of the torque converter and tall gearing allow for lazy one-footed operation in traffic without the need to shift. When

After the demise of the Sportomatic semi-automatic gearbox, Porsche did not offer a two-pedal version of its iconic rear-engine sports car for almost a decade. Conventional automatic transaxles were available for the front-engine 924/944/928 cars, but many traditionalists felt that the Porsche 911 should only be available with a manual gearbox. Nonetheless, Porsche knew it could sell more cars stateside if they indulged American drivers’ affinity for “slush boxes.” Enter the Tiptronic of 1990. During the previous year, Porsche had introduced the 964 Carrera 4, its most comprehensive redesign of the 911 to date. When the rear-wheel drive Carrera 2 bowed, it could be ordered with an optional automatic transmission for the first time. This was a traditional four-speed automatic transmission with a torque converter and planetary gear sets, but with a twist. Porsche teamed up with German transmission and drivetrain specialist ZF to create an automatic transmission that could be manually shifted when desired. Of course, virtually all automatics can be manually shifted into a lower gear for ascending or descending steep hills (sadly, almost nobody uses this feature, choosing instead to ride the brakes all the way down a long hill!), but the idea of sequentially shifting gears was new at the time. Continued on page 22

Continued from page 21

With the Tiptronic, Porsche allowed for sequential manual gearshifts by moving the shift lever into a separate shift gate to the right of the “Drive” position. Tipping the lever forward shifts up a gear, and pulling the lever back allows for downshifts. This may not seem like news today when the lowliest minivan sports shift paddles, but it was revolutionary at the time. The Tiptronic was also the first automatic transmission to offer adaptable shift logic, in which the electronic control unit for the transmission has the ability to revise shift points based on driving style when in fully automatic mode. An aggressive driving style will cause the transmission to upshift

imperative to service these transmissions at 60K-mile intervals. This includes completely draining the transmission fluid and removing the transmission oil pan to access and replace the fluid filter before refilling with fresh ATF of the correct type. The multi plate clutch discs used throughout the transmission shed wear material with use, and this debris can clog tiny fluid passages with potentially harmful results, if the transmission is not serviced regularly. Any fluid leaks should be repaired as soon as possible, as a low fluid level can cause transmission slippage and excessively worn parts. If a Tiptronic does wear out or fail, it is rebuildable as the basic

The Tiptronic was also the first automatic transmission to offer adaptable shift logic... later and downshift sooner, and will hold lower gears longer to enable optimal corner exit speeds. The Tiptronic was optional on the 968 of 1992, and the next generation 993 debuted the Tiptronic S transmission for the 1995 model year. The “S” added shifter buttons to the steering wheel in addition to the existing lever arrangement, and offered improved shift mapping and logic. The Boxster of 1997 and the 996 series 911 of the following year increased the gear ratio count from four to five. The fivespeed Tiptronic eliminated the ability to shift manually with the gear lever, so manual shifting is accomplished exclusively via the “+” and “-” buttons on the steering wheel. An additional feature of the later Tiptronic is the ability to temporarily override the transmission controls when in full automatic mode by activating one of the shift buttons. The transmission control unit will hold this gear for 10 seconds before reverting to automatic mode, unless another ratio is selected. The ZF-built Tiptronic transmissions have proven to be largely reliable over the years, despite the vast increase in complexity and moving parts versus a traditional manual gearbox. It is

core of the transmission is shared with that of several other European automakers, and several ZF specialist companies exist with parts readily available. For the 2002 model year, the 996 switched to a Mercedes-built Tiptronic to handle the increased power and torque of the 3.6 liter VarioCam Plus engine. This was used though 2008 in the 997 series, though the Boxster and Cayman models soldiered on with the ZF-built unit. The Mercedes transmission is robust, but is prone to fluid leaks between the main transmission body and the front transfer case. (A transfer c a s e with a short driveshaft to the differential is a

common feature of all Porsche sports car Tiptronics.) Porsche does not offer any replacement parts for this transmission, so the only factory solution is to replace the entire transmission! My shop has successfully made a custom gasket on several occasions to provide a much more cost-effective repair. The first-generation Cayenne offered up an improved six-speed version of the ZF-built Tiptronic. This is another solid transmission with good performance, plagued only by faulty valve bodies in some units that exhibit excessively harsh shifts when they fail. A new valve body and upgraded electronic control is the prescribed repair. The 8-speed ZF transmission in the 2011-and-up Cayenne is superb. If offers closely spaced lower gear ratios for rapid acceleration, along with tall upper ratios for good fuel economy. The torque converter clutch locks up almost immediately after takeoff for minimal slippage and maximum response and efficiency. A modern performance automatic such as the ZF 8HP does not suffer in terms of fuel economy and performance versus a manual gearbox, as in years past. In Sport mode, this transmission will downshift a full four ratios at once if the throttle pedal is buried, and it even matches engine revs during downshifts! This is not your Grandpa’s slushbox!

Porsche 7-Speed PDK

Enter the PDK While the torque converter-equipped Tiptronic was greatly improved over the years, Porsche was well aware that it was still no substitute for a proper manual gearbox in the mind of a performance-oriented driver. The engineers at Zuffenhausen have been tinkering with dual clutch automated manual transmissions since the 1980s in the form of the PorscheDoppelKupplung, or Porsche dual-clutch transmission. Porsche developed the PDK using its 956 endurance race car, and installed it in a number of prototype road cars, but it was very bulky and the engineers did not consider it ready for prime time given the limited electronics technology of the day. In the last decade, the necessary technical advances have come to fruition, and Porsche finally released the production version of the PDK for the 2009 model year 911 and Boxster/Cayman models. The PDK transmission consists of two separate transmission input shafts, each with its own multi-plate clutch pack. The odd numbered gears 1, 3, 5, and 7 are driven via the outer clutch and input shaft, while the even numbered gears 2, 4, and 6 have their own dedicated clutch pack, with a hollow input shaft through which the other input shaft runs. Each clutch pack mates to a dual-mass flywheel when engaged hydraulically. The gear sets are arranged as in a conventional manual transmission, with synchronizers and shift forks as outlined in last month’s column. Previously available single-clutch automated manuals such as Ferrari’s F1 transmission and BMW’s SMG offer lighting-fast full-throttle upshifts, but part throttle shift smoothness could be compared to that of a 15-year-old learning to drive a manual transmission! The key advantage of the PDK dual clutch setup is that when one gear is selected, the gear ratios above and below it are already preselected, meaning that an up- or downshift requires the transmission to merely switch clutches, enabling shifts that take place in milliseconds with minimal interruption of power flow and maximum shift smoothness. The PDK transmission uses pressurized

hydraulic fluid to activate and cool the two clutch packs and to actuate the shift rods for preselecting gear ratios. The gears themselves reside in a separate chamber and are lubricated by conventional gear

service intervals are 56,000 miles for the hydraulic fluid and about twice that for the gear oil. Clutch pack life is yet to be determined, and time will tell if Porsche’s long-term development of the PDK has

My first experience with PDK...was eye-opening: the electronic controls in full automatic Sport mode were far more aggressive yet more precise than this PCA driving instructor will ever be! oil. The PDK has a valve body like that of a conventional automatic transmission containing electronic shift solenoids that actuate mechanical spool valves for directing hydraulic fluid flow to the clutches and shift rods. An electronic control unit orchestrates PDK operation, and it is in constant communication with the engine control unit and the ABS/PSM control unit to optimize shift strategy and perfectly match engine revs during shifts. The driver can control shifts via buttons or paddles on the steering wheel or through the shift lever. There is also a fully automatic mode, with the normal shift setting oriented towards smooth shifting and optimum fuel economy. The clutch packs are programmed to mimic the slippage of a torque converter when moving from rest, and they almost succeed in this. Porsche considers the PDK good enough in this regard to offer it as the exclusive transmission available in its Panamera luxury/sports sedan (with the exception of exceedingly rare manual 6-cylinder models, and the newest plug-in hybrid uses the aforementioned 8-speed Tiptronic). “Sport” or “Sport Plus” modes completely transform the shift strategy, providing firm and lightning-fast shifts at far more precise intervals than most mortals can muster. My first experience with PDK at a PCNAsponsored autocross event shortly after its debut was eye-opening: the electronic controls in full automatic Sport mode were far more aggressive yet more precise than this PCA driving instructor will ever be! The PDK seems to be as reliable as its Tiptronic forebears thus far, with only a handful of factory technical service bulletins present. Porsche’s prescribed

paid dividends in long-term reliability. What is certain at this time is that a twopedal transmission in a modern Porsche is certainly not a compromise from a performance standpoint, and the PDK in fact outperforms most of us. Hopefully, the purity of a true manual transmission will still be available in Porsche cars in years to come for those of us who still yearn for that direct mechanical linkage between man and machine. =



is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.

Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries

46 Years Anita Banke

42 Years

Matthias & Roswitha Hauck

34 Years John Shutt

28 Years

Steve Brown


Robert & Lorie Lyons

24 Years

9 Years

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers

New Members

David & Toni Barr Michael Jacobs Kimberly Leonard Ron Polanski & Betsy Bourne Arlene & Joseph Scavone

Pam Mortensen Oxnard, 1988 911

8 Years

Ezio Van Horst Simi Valley, 1977 911S

David Cunningham & Lela Henke Raphi & Peggy Hanessian Marty & Pamela Harris Morrey & Mitchell Wasserman

Angela Toyama Goleta, 2010 Cayenne

7 Years

Paul & Uraiwan Hodges

15 Years

Mike & Darrell Malamut Scott & Stacey Marshall

14 Years

David & Mindy Tennen

13 Years

Juan E Alva Charles & Pam Will

12 Years

Gary & Debra Laird Richard & Anne Llewellyn William Luehm & Helen Scheffler Jeff Pierson William Vaughan

11 Years

John & Pam Alfenito Paul Porteous Anthony & Michelle Strauss

10 Years

Scott Nelson

6 Years

Bruce & Ann Bartlett Robert & Daria Fenton David Pierce Jack Price

5 Years

Brian Adlawan Steven Casey Steve & Ilene Freeman Philip Henius William & Alisa Kling Richard & Linda Lange Fritz & Gretchen Olenberger Bela Racz Robert Sadler Desmond Warren Greg West

4 Years

Richard Buckner & Robin Liebes Randy Foster Dustin Gelbard Georges & Brendan Geller Eric Iwafuchi Joe & Jane Niederst Greg Schafer Janice & Donald Wilson

Kirk & Cathy Gerbracht La Canada Flintridge 2003 996/911 from San Gabriel Valley

Randall Lioz Santa Barbara, 2002 911 from California Central Coast Christopher & Sheryl Scofield Oxnard, 2009 911 from Florida Crown Jeffrey Srinivasan La Canada, 2008 Cayman S from San Gabriel Valley

Gerald & Andres Malovos Norman Russell & Janet Benner George & Kim Rasher David & Meghan Shrontz 23 Years Nadine Tracy George & Mara Eglajs

20 Years

Transfer In Members

Thank you for renewing your membership and continuing to choose to be a part of the Santa Barbara Region. Please remember that you can log-on to the PCA.org website to change your membership information in order to continue to receive your event emails and Der Auspuff. We hope to see you at a breakfast meeting or an event soon. Sue Kinsling, Membership Chair

3 Years

Creighton Carver Lawrence Coelho & Lisa Amos John & Timothy Sands

2 Years

John & Mary Kirk John McClelland Andrew & Amparo Wulf Larry M. Young

1 Year

Trevor & Terri Baker Richard Bongiorno Ron Dreher & Natalie Dobkowski Frank & Sonia Dreissen Anthony Napoli Tom Orlando Richard Wyckoff

HOLIDAY PARTY BRUNCH MENU La Cumbre Country Club Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Danish & Pastries on the brunch tables Limitless Champagne and Orange Juice COLD BUFFET INCLUDES Assorted Cheeses, Breads, etc. Assorted Salads per chef Seafood Fresh Fruit Lavosh HOT BUFFET INCLUDES Prime Rib Eggs Benedict Grilled Salmon Bacon, Sausage, Ham Roasted Red Potatoes French Toast Omelet Station Waffle Station Dessert Table Assorted Petits Fours DRESS CODE REQUIREMENTS Ladies: Dresses, skirts, pant suits, or coordinated ensembles. Men: Suits or sport coats and trousers. Shorts, denim or designer jeans are not allowed in any area of the club. Cellular phone use is prohibited in all areas except outside in the front parking lot.

Down The Road SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest

October 13 October 26 November 16 November 23 December 1 December 15 January 17-20 February 15 March 16

37th Annual Concours d’Elegance Van Nuys Airport Tour of Firefighting Air Fleet Annual Autumn Grape Harvest Tour SBR Street Survival School for Teenage Drivers Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR Annual Holiday Brunch Caravan To Carlsbad The Private Pindler Collection to the Palms Restaurant Convoy to Country Western Country

The Zone 8 Page

Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org

Zone 8 Staff

Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann dwitteried@hotmail.com scott@renegadehybrids.com Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza vvvince@aol.com jcnedza@aol.com Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org Rules Chair Russell Shon rules@zone8.org

Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com


AUGUST 1-3, 2013



Matt Malamut Car Specialist 805.231.6410 AUCTIONSAMERICA.COM

Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8 www.zone8.org

Los Angeles www.pcala.com

Arizona az.pca.org

Orange County pcaocr.org

CA Central Coast ccc.pca.org

Riverside www.riversidepca.org

California Inland cai.pca.org

Santa Barbara www.pcasb.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

San Diego www.pcasdr.org

Grand Prix gpx.pca.org Las Vegas lasvegaspca.com

San Gabriel vista.pca.org/sgb Southern Arizona saz.pca.org

SBR Board of Directors Meeting

September 11, 2013 - 6:30 p.m. Ameci’s Restaurant, Thousand Oaks MINUTES RECORDED BY DICK LANGE The September bi-monthly dinner board meeting was held at Ameci’s Pizza and Pasta Restaurant in Thousand Oaks. Present were: Nick Liakas, James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Mike Pomerantz, Barry Weinstein, Chet & Joan Yabitsu, William Griswold, Sue Kinsling, John Alfenito, and Dick Lange. The following reports and discussions were presented: Secretary: The July 2013 bi-monthly board meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Vice President: No report. Treasurer: Steve Kaller reported on the following financial statements for August 2013: (1) ending balance sheet, (2) profit & loss. In addition he prepared a report showing profit and loss by event. Membership: During the month of August, 7 new members joined our region and membership stood at 722 at month end. August’s membership is up 3 from last month’s. Activities: The Hawaiian Luau was well received with over 100 members in attendance. Moving forward, next year’s activities schedule is 75% complete with a lot of the leg work in progress on the identified events. The Driver Education Track committee, under the CoChairmanship of Chris Andropolous and Christian Marx, will be holding a meeting shortly to discuss their plans for 2014. Editor: No report. Distribution: The September 2013 issue was mailed out on 26 August 2013 at a cost of $341 for 737 copies. This left a balance of $618 in the postage account which will carry us thru for one more month. Additional funding of $750 was authorized to cover distribution cost thru the end of the year.

Advertising: No changes in advertiser count and all advertisers are current on their payments. Goodie Store: No report. Insurance: All scheduled events, that event coordinators have requested certificates of liability insurance for, have been completed. Rally: No report. Concours: Twenty members have signed up for the Pre-Concours Detail Clinic. The Concours awards have been selected and the funding approved for their purchase. In addition Joe Nedza has agreed to be our Head Judge at this year’s Concours. Autocross: To date 38 entrants, of which 30 are Porsches, have signed up for the autocross in September. Trophies have been ordered as well as replacement for some hardware to support the automated timing system. Archives: No report. Webmaster: The PCASB.org website has been updated with known calendar events through December of this year. September’s Der Auspuff has been published to the site along with the President’s Column. Funding was approved to pay for 5 years of domain ownership of PCASB.ORT. Safety: No report. Porsche Women: No report. R.U.F.: Thursday’s event to the Rose Bowl has 24 signups. 50th Anniversary: Photos have been scanned and digitized for inclusion in the proposed journal. Chapter introductions have been written by Anita Banke, Phil Riese, Bob Roe, Suzi Sheller and David Stone. Raffle prizes have been identified and a budget of $2500 has been approved

by the Board for the Production of the 50th Anniversary Journal. Public Relations: No report. Past President: No report. President: We are saddened by the loss of Joe Boucher who has been a member since 1969 and served the Santa Barbara Region in a variety of roles, including 28 years as our Rally Chair. Our Street Survival School is already at capacity with 32 registered students. The request to National PCA for the Public Service subsidy of $450 was approved to help cover expenses for this event. Some of our Board Members participated in the Gold Coast Veteran Foundation’s (GCVF) Service Center tour in Camarillo on September 4th. The GCVF will have board members in attendance at our fund raising event at the Concours in October. The Foundation has also been invited to attend our two breakfast meetings in October to talk about their programs and services. Old Business: - Charities. A 50/50 raffle to be held at the Concours has been approved by the Board. In addition the Board approved that the net proceeds from the January event be contributed to our charity. New Business: - Editor Position will be filled by John Alfenito in 2014. - November Board meeting location will remain the same. - The next Board meeting is scheduled for November 13th. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. =


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Auctions America, Matt Malamut ..27 Aswell Trophy ...............................19 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................19 Gary Betz Enterprises ....................10 Walt Branscome, SBAG .................13 California Tire Company .................10 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........10 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .......19 Coachcraft ....................................19 DSR Audio ......................................6 Nola D, Force & Associates ..............6 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................27 Kundersport ..................................13 Lavaggio ........................................5 Los Angeles Dismantler.................13 McAuliffe Financial Services .........13 MKS Performance.........................19 Mini of Camarillo, Rick White ........10 Morgan Stanley, George Rasher .....19 NAI Capital, Stephen F. Doll............27 North Hollywood Speedometer ......19 RS Enterprises ..............................27 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ........................6 Strauss Law Group..........................6 TC’s Garage ..................................29 Troop Real Estate,Lynn Kuchera .....10 Village Properties, Robert Watt ......29

PCA/SBR Classifieds

Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.

PORSCHE PARTS - FOR SALE Parts for sale: 996 or ?? silicon air intake ‘pipe’, 996 or ?? jack w foam surround & std. tool kit, plastic dr. side fan surround, early 356 bra, Elfrink’s “ Porsche. Tech Manual” , Clymers “Porsche service/repair handbook”‘65-’76. call for pics/prices. Rich (805) 583-8504 or titleitrich@yahoo.com (10/13)

PORSCHE TIRES - FOR SALE Michelin, Bridgestone, Pirelli used Porsche Tires, Garage is full! 997, 991, Panamera, 305/30/19, 295/30/19, 295/35/20, 295/30/20, 235/35/19, some 18’s too. 80-90% Tread, $200 for a rear, $100 for a front. Text or call 805-500-6636 (9/13) PORSCHE CAR COVER – FOR SALE New water-resistant outdoor cover in silver fabric with colored Porsche Crest logo. Tailored to the contours of the Cayman, it offers excellent protection against a wide range of weather elements. Cover will fit the 2006-2008 Cayman and Cayman S models. MSRP $316 – will sell for $200.Contact Dick at lrlange@pacbell.net or (818) 865-1498. (8/13) 1973 1914 2.0 - FOR SALE Yellow. Seldom driven last few years. PCA/SB documented history (prior Doug Partridge car) engine rebuilt locally 30K miles ago [with Webers] less than 100K on car. Needs little. $10K. Car is in Nipomo. Some pictures available. Joe Boucher 805-931-0990. (8/13) 2003 CARRERA 4S - FOR SALE Excellent condition concours award winning car, seal grey with black & grey leather interior, 23,400 original miles always garaged and dealer serviced, never raced. Many options Asking $41,500 Must See! Contact Robert at 805-252-2190 or email rwwatt@sbcglobal.net (5/13) 1962 356B CABRIOLET Signal Red, Converted to Disk Brakes, Well maintained have owned this car for 15 years and have all records since my ownership. A real head turner! $125,000.00 obo, (805) 488-6929 - Ken Hower (5/13)

Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at DerAuspuff@gmail.com

Next month in







he PCA-SB family lost one of its long-time members and friends when Joe Boucher passed away on August 27th. Joe had suffered a massive stroke a month earlier. He fought the good fight for a month afterwards, but in the end his body had enough, and he slipped peacefully away. Joe was born on March 27, 1936 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Avery and Nellie Blanche Boucher. Joe was raised in Tulsa where he was active in the Boy Scouts, and played clarinet in the high school band. He graduated from O.S.U. and was a pioneer in the computer programming field. Over the years he worked for Lockheed, Control Data, and General Research. He moved to Santa Barbara in 1964. Joe was an avid Porsche enthusiast and was active in our Santa Barbara Region for 47 years. After retirement he moved to Nipomo where he played bridge with the Arroyo Grande Bridge Club. Joe was also a member of the Nipomo Presbyterian Church, where he loved serving and being a part of the church community and choir. Joe leaves behind two children, Craig Boucher and Linda B. Boyer (Matthew) and grandchildren Craig, Phillip, Sean, Shayna, Nick, and Cameron.

Joe had a variety of Porsches over the years ranging from 356 Speedsters to Cayennes and everything in between. He was especially fond of the earlier cars. Among his favorite rally cars were a selection of nice 914s and 944 Turbos. Joe was our region President in 1974 and again in 1991. He was chosen as “Man of the Year” in 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1996. Joe loved the challenge of rallying, both as a competitor and as a Rallymaster. His expertise was respected not only within the California rally community but nationwide as well. He and Tom Gould put together an amazing string of overall victories in Porsche Parade rallies all across the country. His skill as a Rallymaster was no less well known. His rallies were always technically accurate and challenging for the “hard core” competitors, while he also went to great effort to make sure the “novices” could enjoy the day as well. Joe Boucher lived his life by the axiom “Do the best you can with what you’ve been given.” He did that well and challenges us to do the same. Thank you, Joe. =


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